The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 31, 1902, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE NOKFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , OCTOBER : il , 1902. DOEWAH t I JACI White Smoke front Soft Coal Hound Oak I'urnucM have largo feed doors , burn wood or ; but whatever they burn , jjlvc greater heat limn any other ( nrimccs , because all the wises and nearly all Hie Ntnoke h consumed. The mnokc ft white fiom a Round Oak Furnace burning Moft coal ; that means no waste fuel. Tha ptlnciplcirt not newjmt the application to t1i Round Oak is new-in that no holed are cut through the fire pot. Round Oak Furnaces lira differ nut from nil ntliiiri * In iiiitny otlior IhliiKHIn fiolld ronntruntlun , In roiiHouiili I o IIOKH of price. If } ou nru K < > I"K In liny u furnnco , Nonil for our fruo fimuu-o liook oonliiliiH iiHofnl Infor- nmtlon uhotil livulliiKiill * mmmlotm , mrimcfl. regula tion , ventilation , utc. Kfll'AlK OK P. D. OCCKWITH , l > on uli > r , Mlrli. JAiirn of llrfk u llh'l llotmt .i * , Ihf mint fuminii iluvf In HID iiiirM , llnnnil ( Ink I'urnaeo Iluuntl Ok I'larmicri urn fur ! In with outer culug ninorod. Norfolk Noli.lli/ZJolm I'rl.lay . : ut. W. U. IJUCnOL'Preilitant. . Norfolk ALKXANDKU 11KAH , Mco Ptaoldon K , W. ZUTZ , Cuiulor , National Bank. . JLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital , $100,000.00 Surplus , $20,000.00 Does a General Banking Business Buys and Soils Exchange. Intoroat Paid on Time Deposits. Drafta and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Eurot c A General Steamship and Foreign Pasango Business Transacted. A.UEAH , F. P. 1UNLON , P. J. II ALB , W. H.BO01IOLZ , WM ZDT : N.A. 1U1NUOL.T 8.0. COTTON. U. A. L01KABT , FUCHIDKNT. W. H , JOHNBON , OABHIEB , OHAB. 8. imilKUC , Viou I'BISIDENT. LEO PASKWALK , ABS'T OAsnucc , The Citizens National Bank. Capitol , $50,000. Surplus , 810,000. Bny And doll axohnnfro on thin country and nlljpnrts of Europe , | Pnrm Loans , Director * . ( Urn , ABMDB , W II , JOHNSON , CIIAH. S , HIUDOE , 0 , W. BnAABOn , U , M , BWANK , O. A. LUIKAIIT , T. F MKMHINUEn. L. 8KB8IONH , C. W. BRAASOH , DEALER IN Ezolnalvo agent lor the Celebrated Swcetwatcr Bock Spring Coal the best In the market. Sornnton Hard Coal in all sizes. TELEPHONE Gl. I I 1 11"M Mill M 11111 Get What You Ask for at 0 UHLE'S ' GROCERY. ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care. Our goods are FIRST-CLASS iu every particular. We know precisely what is waiited by our custom ers. We aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money. South side Main St. , between 3d and 3d. Telephone 41. H-H-I-M-H-I"I'-1"I"I-I"1"1-I-'I"I-1"I"1"I"1"I-1"I-H"I"I"I- ' ' 'I"I"I-M-I-M-I Mill W .THE. . . . . . . ill and Loan ASSOCIATION will build you a on easy payments. Oome and see us. C. B. DURLAND , Secretary , J.R. ELDER , Sioux City Florist , Awarded first premium on Funeral Designs. Handsome Roses , Carnations'Palms , , Fern ? Flowers shipped in fresh condition. Phone 466L City olEce ; Cor. 6tU and Pierce . THE NORTH WESTERN LINE p. E. & 19. V. S. H. , is tha best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS ofNorth North Nebraska G.R.SEILER , Livery . .and Sale Stable Branch Avenue 'PHflNF ' 4-4 and Third St. - To Be Dedicated on Sunday November 9. THE CHURCH OF ST. PATRICK , A Handsome Edifice Situated on the Slto of the Old Church In the Town of Battle Creek Complete In all Its Appointments , On Sunday , November 0 , the now church of 8t. Patrick at Battle Greek , will bo dedicated with all the imposing coromotiioa of the Oatliollo ritual. The now odlfloo IB situated upon the site formerly occupied by the old church and in the result nf mouths of untiring oil'ort upon the part of its pastor , Rov. ThoH. Walsh , nobly assisted by his par ishioners. Incidentally it may bo added that this Is the fourth church erected during the past two years through the zeal of Father Walsh. The frontage of the now structure Is 87 foot and the depth 70 foot. A mas- nlvo tower rises iu the center of the front and at the roar is an ootogonal shaped apse , with a sacristy on olthor sldo. Those two sacristies are con nected by a passage back of the sanct uary. The exterior is executed In rod brick with Bedford stouo trimmings , and the architectural treatment is modoru Romanosqno. The seating capacity is about 000 , in cluding the gallery , which is also de signed to accommodate a largo pipe organ. Brilliant opalescent art glass windows provide ample light for the interior and loud a rich coloring to the three haud- some altars , as well as to the oak pows and furniture , all of which is now. The lloors are covered witii heavy carpeting and matting , and flno laces and linens comprise the altar furnishings. The building is very complete iu all its appointments , which include an of flciout heating aud ventilating system. BATTLE CREEK. L. B. Baker shipped a carload of hogs Tuesday. M. L. Thomson is confined to his bed this wook. ' 'Mickey-McCarthy " our password next Tuesday. Houry Massmau shipped cattle and hogs to Omaha Monday. Dietrich Franz of Newman Grove was here on business Tuesday. Oliutou Smith of Madison was visit ing with Battle Greek friends Sunday. E. H. Luikart was here from Sioux City Monday and Tuesday attending to business. Owou'O'Noill sold his timber claim , two miles north , to Win. Bionuan Sat urday. John Lonily of the Battle Greek Valley bank transacted business in Nor folk Tuesday. John Wright , Weuzel Koryta and Robert Osboru were visitors to Olear- water Saturday. Mrs. Barney Tyler left for Kansas aud Arkansas Saturday for an extended visit with relatives. Miss Martha Hodman has gene to Anokn , Boyd county , whore she will lerk iu a general store. Willard Barnes , who is working for R. II. Reynolds at Norfolk , was visiting here Sunday with his parents. Robert Pool and family and John R. Halo started Tuesday for California with the intention of locatiug there. Fred Fnerst has purchased the Mnn ger residence near the railroad track. It is at present occupied by Tom Maphow. Mrs. Otto H. Maas celebrated her 35th and her oldest sou , Joseph , his 17th birthday Saturday. Only members of the family participated. "Nigger Joe" Phipps is visiting in Battle Greek this week. Ho wears a silk stove pipe and five yards of linen toweling wrapped around his neck. About 75 packages of liquor were un loaded at the depot hero Saturday for private people in this vicinity , and the question is , "How will election go now. " While Peter Nonwerk was delivering ice Tuesday moruiug a 123- pound piece slipped onto his right hand , in front of Win. Matter's house , and smashed it so badly that ho will bo unable to run his dray for some time. Grandma Zimmerman , who is visit ing with her daughter , Mrs. Geo. Wil liams , at Alcester , S. D. , Is very sick. Her daughter , Mrs. F. E. Martin , went there Monday to bo at her bedside , and her sons , George and Peter F. Zimmer man , started Tuesday morning from Norfolk. Dr. H. O. Mnuson , room 10 , over the Fair store. Ofllce and residence telephone - phone 150. Yooum , piano tuner. 'Phone 53. Will pay highest market price in North Nebraska for old scrap iron. B. MEYEUS. Out of Death' * JIOVH "Wheh death seemed very near from a severe stomach and liver trouble , that I had suffered with for years , " writes P. Muse Durham , N. 0. , "Dr. King's New Life pills saved my life and gave perfect health. " Best pills on oartu aud only 25 cents at Kiesau's drug stor PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT , The following proponed iitnemluient to theCoiutllutlou of the Htiito of Helirualcn , ai hereinafter et forth tn full , I * luuinlt- ted to the elector * of the Stute of Nebraska , to lie voted upon at the getioral election to be held Tueaday , November 4 , A. I > . 1003 , A Joint Resolution proposing to amend Hootion ono of Artlolo ilftcou , of the Constitution of the Btuto of Nebraska , relative to the manner of submitting and adopting amendments to the Con- Btitutiou of the State of Nebraska. Bo it Resolved and Enacted by the Log- ifllaturo of the State of Nebraska : SECTION 1. That section ono of Ar- ticio fifteen of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska boaiuetided to road as follows : Sootion 1. Either branch of the leg islature may propose amendments to this Constitution , and if the Batuo bo agreed to by throo-flf tha of the members oleoted to each house , such proposed amend ments shall bo entered on the Journals , with the yeas and nays , and published at least once each week in at least one newspaper in each county where a news paper in published , for thirty days immediately preceding the next election of senators and representatives , at which election the sixmo shall bo submitted to the electors for approval or rejec tion , and if a majority of the electors voting at such election on such proposed amendment , shall vote to adopt such amendment , the same shall become a patt of this Constitution. When moro than ono amendment is submitted at the same election , they shall bo so sub mitted as to enable the electors to vote on oaoh amendment separately. All ballots used at such election on such amendment or amendments shall have written or printed thereon the fol lowing : For proposed amendment to the Constitution relating to ( here insert the subject of the amendment ) and , against proposed amendment to the Constitution relating to ( hero insert the subject of the amendment ) and the vote of each elector voting on such amend ment or amendments shall bo designated by the doctor by making a cross with a pen or pencil in a circle or square to bo placed at the right of the lines the words "For or Against" the proposed amendments , as he shall desire to vote thoroou , or by indicating his preference on a voting machine when such machine is in use. I , Geo. W. Marsh , secretary of state of the state of Nebraska , do hereby certify that the foregoing proposed amendment to the constitution of the State of Nebraska is a true and correct copy of the original enrolled and en grossed bill , as passed by the Twenty- seventh session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska , as appears from said original bill on file in this office , and that said proposed amendment is sub mitted to the qualified voters of the State of Nebraska for their adoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday , the 4th day of Novem ber , A. D. 1902. In testimony whereof , I have here unto sot my hand and affixed the great seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 22d day of July , in the year of our Lord Ono Thousand Nine Hundred and Two , of the Inde pendence of. the United States * the Ono Hundred and Twenty-seventh , and of this state the Thirty-sixth. GEO. W. MARSH , [ Soal.l Secretary of Stato. A Typical South African Store , O. R. Larson , of Bay Villa , Sundays River , Capo Colony , conducts a store typical of South Africa , at which can bo purchased anything from the prover bial "noodle to an anchor. " This store is situated in a valley nine miles from the nearest railway station and about twenty-five miles from the nearest town. Mr. Larson says : "I am favored with the custom of farmers within a radius of thirty miles , to many of whom I have supplied Chamberlain's remedies. All testify to their value In a household where a doctor's advice is almost out of the question. Within ono mile of my store the population is per haps sixty. Of these , within the past twelve months , no less than fourteen have been absolutely cured by Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. This must surely bo record. " For sale by Kiesan Dnrg Co. No danger of consumption if you use Foley's Honey and Tar to euro tha stubborn cough. A. H. Kiesan. A Word to Travelers , The excitement incident to traveling and change of food and water often brings on diarrhoea , and for this reason no one should leave homo without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Kiesau Drug Co. Forty Years Torture. To bo relieved from a torturing dis ease after 40 years' torture might well , cause the gratitude of anyone. This is what Do Witt's Witch Hazel salvo did for 0. Hauey , Geneva , O. Ho says : "DoWitt's NVitch Hazel salvo cured mo of piles after I had suffered 40 years. " Cures cuts , burns , wounds , skin diseases Beware of counterfeits. A. H. Kiesan AinorlcnV Famous lleiiulles. Look with horror on skin eruptions , blotches , sores , pimples. They don't have them , nor will any ouo , who use. Bucklon's Arnica salve. It glorifies the face. Eczema or salt rheum vanish before it. It cures sere lips , chapped hands , chilblains. Infallible for pilesa 25 cents at Kiosau's drug store. Got a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets at A. H. Kiesau's drug Btoro. They are easier to take and moro pleasant iu effect than pills. Then their use is not followed by constipation as is of ton the case with pills. Regular size , 25 cents per box. A Dozen Times a Nlgnt , Mr. Owen Dunn , of Benton Ferry , W. Va. , writes ; "I have had kidney and bladder trouble for years , and it became BO bad that I was obliged to get up at least a dozen times a night. I never received any permanent benefit from any medicine until I took Foley's Kidney Cure. After using two bottles I am cured. A. II. Kiesau. Look Out For Fever. Biliousness and liver disorders at this season may be prevented by cleansing the system with DoWltt's Little Early Risers. Thcso famous little pills do not gripo. They move the bowels gently , but copiously , and by reason of the tonic proprieties , give tone and strength to the glands. A. II. Kiosau. Experience Convinces * I'roro its vnlno by Inventing 10 cents in trlnl nlzo of Ely's Cream Ilnhn. Druggists supply It ando mail it. Full eizo CO conlfl. ELY DUOS. , CO Wnrron St. , Now York. Clifton , Arizona , Jan. 20 , 1809. Messrs. ELT Unoa. : Plcnso send mo nfiu cent bottle of Cronin Itahn. I find your remedy the quickest , and most porniauont euro for catnrrh and cold in the ftcad. DiciTjM. TOTTER , Gon.Mgr.Ari/.GoldM.Co. Mcfisrs. ELY linos. : I hnvo boon aflllctcd with catnrrh for twenty years. It mndo nio DO wenk I thought I had coufliiinption. I got ono bottle of Ely's Crcnm Jinlin and in three days the < llnchsrgo stopped. It is the bent mcdloluo I have uaed for cr.tarrh. rrobottn , Cal. FJIINK E. Danger In Fall Ooldn Fall colds are liable to hang on all iwntor leaving the seeds of pneumonia , bronchitis or consumption. Foloy's Honey and Tar cures quickly and pre vents serious results. It is old and te llable , triool and tested , safe and sure , contains no ophiatos and will not con stipate. A. II. Kiosun. Never Alk Advice. When you have a cough or cold don't ask what is good for it and get some medicine with little or no merit and perhaps dangerous. Ask for Foloy's Honey and Tar , the greatest throat and lung remedy. It euros coughs and colds quickly. A. H. Kiesau. Stricken With 1'aralyslg , Henderson Grlmott , of this place , was stricken with partial paralysis and completely lost the nso of ono arm and side. After being treated by an eminent physician for quite n while without re lief , my wife recommended Chamber lain's Pain Balm , and after using two bottles of it ho is almost entirely cured. Goo. R. McDonald , Man , Logan county , W. Va. Several other remarkable - able cures of partial paralysis have boon effected by the use of this liniment. It is most widely known , however , as a cure for rhnmatism , sprains and bruises. Sold by Kiesau Drug Go. A Hurry-up Medicine. Every housekeeper recognizes the need of eil'cctivo remedies to bo used in emergencies : when something must bo done right away. Such a remedy is Perry Davis' Painkiller , for sprains and bruises , for strained muscles and for the aches and pains resulting from blows and falls. Its mission of mercy began sixty years ago. It is used in all countries. There is but one painkiller , Perry Davis' . llrouchltlfl For SO Tears. Mrs. Minerva Smith , of Danville , 111. , writes : "I had bronchitis for twenty years and never got relief until I used Foley's Honey and Tar which is a sure cure. " Oontaiues no opiates. A. H. ' Kiesau. The 111 Wind that blows nobody good is bent on er rands of mischief in the fall and winter. Lt produces that most dangerous of com mon complaints , a bad cold. Your cold will not become bronchitis , nor consumption if yon make timely use of Allen's Lung Balsam. Take1 it fre quently until the cough and the stopped- up feeling in the chest are gone. Contains no opium and will not dis turb digestion. Headaches , dizzy spells , bad blood , rheumatism , indigestion , constipation , absolutely cured if you take Rocky Mountain Tea , made by the Madison Medicine Co. 3(5o. ( A lighter aud younger feeling per vades your body. A spirit of happiness creeps into your life after taking Rocky Mountain Tea. 135 cents. Octet ) like Hot Cakes. "The fastest selling article I have in my store , " writes Druggist 0. T. Smith , of Davis , Ky , "is Dr. Kiug's New Discovery for consumption , coughs and colds , because it always cures. In my six years of sales it has never failed. I have known it to save sufferers from throat and lung diseases , who could get no help from doctors or any other remedy. " Mothers rely on it , best phy sicians prescribe it , and the Kiesau Drug Go. gnarontee satisfaction or re fund price. Trial bottles free. Regular sizes , 50 cents and $1. 11 IH Life In 1'erll. "I just Boomed to have gone all to pieces , " writes Alfred Bee , of Welfare , Texas , "biliousness and a lame back had made life a burden. I couldn't eater or sleep and felt almost too worn out to work when I began to use Electric Bitters , but they worked wonders. Now I sleon like a top , can eat any- thing , have gained in strength and en joy hard work. " They give vigorous health and now life to weak , sickly , run-down people. Try them. Only 50 cents at Kiesau's drug store. Note the sleepy , tired look in your eyes. The fire of youth no longer burns. Take Rocky Mountain Tea. Brings back forgotten joys. H5o. Spent More Thau $1,000. W. W. Baker of Plainviow , Neb. , writes : "My wife suffered from lung trouble for fifteen years. She tried a number of doctors and spent over $1,000 without relief. She became very low and lost all hope. A friend recom mended Foley's Honey and Tar and thanks to this great remedy , it saved her life. She enjoys hotter health than she has known in ton years. " Refuse substitutes. A. H. Kiesau. The Worst Form. Multitudes are singing the praises of Kodol , the now discovery which is mak ing so many sick people well and weak people strong by digesting what they eat , by cleansing and sweetening the stomach and by transforming their food into the kind of pure , rich , red blood that makes you f eel good all over. Mrs , Cranfill , of Troy , I. T. , writes : 'For a number of years I was troubled with indigestion and dyspepsia which grow into the worst form. Finally I was induced to use Kodol and after using four bottles I am entirely cured. I heartily recommend Kodol to all suf ferers from indigestion and dyspepsia. Take a dose after meals. It digests what you eat. A , II. Kiesau. RHEUMATISM Tortures , Cripples and Deforms. Rheumatism docs not treat nil alike. Some suffer torture from the very begin ning , the attack being BO sudden , sharp and disastrous that they arc made help less cripples In a few days , while others feel only occasional twitches of pain in the knees , ankles , elbows and wrists , or the muscles of the legs , arms , back or neck ; but this treacherous disease is only traveling by slower stages. The acid poisons are ull the while accumulating in the blood , and muscles and joints are Glling with corroding , acrid matter , and when the disease tightens Its grip and strikes with full force , no constitu THE BLOOD tion is strong enough to withstand its fearful AND ful blows , and its vic tims arc crippled and SYSTEM deformed , or literally worn out by constant RULED pain. Rheumatism is caused by Uric Acid BY ACID. or some other Irri . tating poison in the blood , and this is the cause of every vgjf- riety and form of this dread disease. Ex ternal remedies do not reach the- blood , consequently do no lasting good. S. S. S. goes directly into the circula tion and attacks the disease itself. The- acid poisons that cause the inflammation , soreness and swelling are neutralized and the blood purified and cleansed of all irri- / tatiug matter , and nothing is left in the f circulation to- produce - duce otucr attacks. S.S.S.beingavege- table remedy does not unpair the dlges- tlon or eeneralhealth ; like alkali and potash remedies , but builds up and invigorates the entire system anq at the same time makes a thorough' one ) permanent cure of Rheumatism. \ White for our free book on Rheumatism , THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , , 6s * Nuturnl Anxiety. Mothers regard approaching winter with uneasiness , children take cold , so easily. No disease costs moro little lives than croup. It's attack is so sud den that the sufferer is often beyond human aid before the doctor arrives. Such cases yield readily to Ono Minute Cough Cure. Liquifies the mucus , al lays inflammation , removes danger. Absolutely safe. Acts immediately. Cures coughs , colds , grip , bronchitis ; all throat and lung trouble. F. S. Ma- hon , Hampton , Ga. : "A bad cold ren dered mo voiceless just before an orator ical contest. I intended to withdraw but took Ono Minute Cough Cure. It restored my voice in time to win the medal. " A. H. Kiesau. When you wake up with a bad taste in your mouth , go at once to A. H. Kiesau's drug store and get a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Ono or two dosea will make you well. They also cure bilious ness , sick headache and constipation. "Watcli the Kidneys. " "When they are affected life is in danger , " says Dr. Abernethy , the great English physician. Foley's Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys. A. H. Kiesau. Foloy's Honey and Tar cures coughs and colds and prevents pneumonia. Take no substitutes. A. H. Kiosau. roilCATARRH AND IIKALING cum : roil 's Cream Balm Easy and pleasant to ns . Contains no in- iurioiie drui ; . It U quickly nbaorbccl. Gives Helief at once. It Opens anil Cleanses * Alhys the Nasal Inllammatinn. Passages. COLD HH HEAD Heals and 1'rotccts the Membrane. Kestorcs tha Senses oT Taste and Hindi. Large Size , 60 cents at DrngqlsU or by mull ; Trial Size , 10 cents by mail. ELY BKOTUEHS. 50 Warraa Street. New York. tnmUt , . REVBVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man % . of Me. f : m\V/I J . " " 'T pr6daces the above results In 30 clays , It act ) powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others fall i'ouuB men will regain their lost manhood , and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using REV1VO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous ness , Loet Vitality , Impotency. Nightly Emissions. Lost Power , Falling Memory , Wanting Diseases , and all effects ot eeU-abufio or oiceesand indiscretion , which unfits ono for etudy , business or marrlago. II not only curea by starting at the neat of disease , but IB n great nerve tonlo and blood builder , bring. Ing back the pink glow to palo checks and r - storing the flro of youth. It wards off Ineanlt * and Consumption. Insist on having KEVIVO , no other. It can ba carried in vest pocket. By mall , 31.00 per package , or six for QC.OO , with & posi tive -written jrnarantoe to cure or re fang the money , nook nml rulvlso free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO. , ' r. . aT.UlT1- . For sale in Norfolk , Nebraska , by Geo. B. Ohristoph , druggist. are the most fatal of all dis eases , lULCI ' K1DHEY 0 Buarantesd or money refunded. Contain * remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder trouble * . PRICE 50c. ted $1.00. j SOLD BY A. H. KIESAU. DON'T BE FOOLEDS Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Mode only by Madlion Medi cine Co. , Madlion , WIs , It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each packug * . Price , 35 cents. Never fold In bulk. Accept no lubitl. ieopoi < T Di .i tute Ask .vour drugu\4t. \