The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 31, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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wo r pair every year , speak
for the kind of watch re
pairing wo do. Wo not
only have the experience ,
but have the facilities for
doing nil kinds of work in
our lino.
whether largo or small , re
ceives prompt and ciuefnl
attention. WE GUARAN
If yon wantitobny or build a house ,
the Elkhoru B. & S. Association will
make you a loon on favorable terms.
T. E. ODIOBNE , Secretary.
For Your
you had better bother yourself
about what yon eat. Will it be
pure and unadulterated , or some
thing mndo impure by an admix
ture ? We are
Food Sellers.
Did you see our Dried Fruit
Window ?
"What yon can save money on :
Ohiokering pianos ,
Cheaper pianos ,
Chamber suits ,
China closets , , ,
Dining tables ,
, \ Center tables ,
Easy rockers ,
Dinner sets ,
Toilet sets ,
Dressers ,
Conches ,
China ,
Lamps ,
Carpets ,
Book cases ,
Chiffoniers ,
Velvet rugs ,
Brussels rugs ,
Axmiuster rugs.
Bring in your catalogues nnd see how
much cheaper yon can buy at homo as
well as saving yourself the annoyance
of unpacking , breakage , repairing , fit
ting and cleaning incident to all outside
shipments. CHAS. H. JOHNSON.
Additional local on last pago.
Dave Signer had a wagon load of fish
cn the streets today for salo. They
* WQro taken out of the Missouri river.
'This portion of Nebraska bus boon pass
Ing through a wet streak of weather to
day that has not been highly appreciated
by the numerous admirers of the Italian
It is not unlikely that Nebraska pro-
dncero will find n ready market for their
surplus potatoes in other parts of the
country where the crop was not so
generous. Several cars of the vegetable
voro loaded hero the first of 'the ' week ,
nnd shipped to Pittsbnrg , Pennsylvania
vlioro thorn is understood to bo quite a
ively demand for them.
Residents in the vicinity of Madison
avonno and Ninth street very much regret -
grot that , the light which has been main-
ainod as a sample at the street intersec
tion for some time by the Norfolk Elec-
, rlo Light and Power company has boon
removed. The company has boon main
taining it without expense for some time
but it was decided that it had remained
oug enough to provo what snob a lamp
wonld do toward illuminating an allot
ted space.
People with loose articles about the
place will probably take the precaution
to nail thorn fast today aa tonight is
Hallowe'en. The weather and the
police may combine , however , to pro-
vout the usual number of pranks played.
Chief Kane states that ho will ondeav *
or to have 25 extra police on duty to
night nnd anyone detected in the not
of doing malicious mischief will bo ar
rested and prosecuted. Innocent fun
will not be stopped but it must bo under
stood where fun censes and harm be
There should bo a largo attondauco
at the Auditorium Tuesday night. In
addition to the Ed. Redmond's presenta
tion of "Davy Crockett , " which has
played to good houses in St. Joe and
Sioux City and is stopping hero on its
way between the two towns , Manager
Spear has arranged to give the full
general election retnrnos , this to con
tinue as long after the show as the people
plo may desire , as the Auditorium is on
the all-night circuit and the lights will
burn for the accomodntion of those who
will stay.
McOann & Humphrey have purchased
the granite and marble works , formerly
known as the Alderman Granite Works.
The members Of the new firm are from
Iowa , A. T. McOann from Bloomfield ,
where ho has boon in in the business all
his life , having succeeded to that of his
father , which was established in 1844
and was the oldest marble business in
the state. Mr. McCann's family is nowhere
hero nnd they will reside for the present
in the second story of the Eiseley block.
Mr. Humphrey , the other partner , is
from Diagonal , Iowa , nnd ho will not
remove to this place until about the
first of the year. J. 0. Lnrkins , who
has been foreman of the works since
they were started , and Abner Bale , a
marble cutter , will remain with the new
| | About 100 people , skaters nnd spec
tators , attended the contest at the skat
ing link last night nnd enjoyed a de
lightful evening. The prize for the
most graceful couple on the floor was
awarded to John Stafford and Miss
Hattie Linerodo. The judges were A.
L. Briggs and Jas. Wolfkiol , chosen by
the management , and they selected
Duard Stafford to act with them.
Music was furnished by the Norfolk
orchestra and A. L. Briggs of Missouri
Valley , Iowa , the champion roller skater
of Iowa , gave some expert nnd grace
ful exhibitions of the art. Mr. Briggs
has been induced to remain for this
afternoon and evening. He gave
instructions to lady patrons this { after
noon , nnd this evening , in addition to
the instructions , he will give another
exhibition. Spectators will bo admitted
this evening for 15 cents , and admission
and use of skates will be 25 cents. The
next contest to be arranged for will ba
for individual skating. Hereafter , until
furthcrnotice [ , the management has de
cided to give a dance every Thursday
night. Up to 10 o'clock the hall will
be used for skating and after 10 , until
midnight there will be dancing , for
which orchestra music will be provided.
Special Sale at the Bee Hive Novem
ber I.
Five dozen children's and misses'white
ribbed , fleece lined underwear that sold
at 25 cents and 35 cents will go at 18
For Sale or Trade for City Property.
820 acres in Wallowa county , Oregon ,
in the best valley in the state , in the
timber belt. Located on the Grand
Round river. Will trade for land or
city property , ahd pay the difference.
Title perfect , and property clear. Price
$12.50 per aero.
On Sunday afternoon at ! o'clock
there will bo a meeting for men only at
the Methodist church. Admission will
bo by ticket.
The Bee Hive
Will put on sale tomorrow , November
1 , 0 dozen children's union suits , that
sold nt 25 cents and 25coutsallono price
18 cents. Size from 8 to 10.
WANTED. A good girl "for general
housework nt 201 South Fourth street.
Mita. H. E. AUSTIN.
Storage for potatoes , onions , apples ,
etc , in basement Olney building. Room
82 by 128 , 10 feet deep. Outside en
trance. A. J. DUULANP.
Dr. F. G. Walters , succeeds to tbo
practice of Dr. F. W. Kiesan. Office
Cotton block.
A good attendance at Saturday's foot
ball game will encourage the boys to
Furnished room for rent on Philip
Avonno between 4th and 5th street.
Apply to H. G. BnuaaciinN ,
Horn Norris Brown of Kearney
Talks Republicanism.
Judge Barnes Presided and W. M.
Robertson Told How Ho Know
Mickey Was Not a Railroad Candi
date Music by Colored Quartet ,
The republican rally last night wes
iold in the Roes building , the building
at the corner of Main nnd Third'etroets
having Leon put to use for apple storage
and sales room. The room had boon
seated with chairs , lighted and was
made very oomfortablo by the commit-
too. A largo flag was hnug over the
roar cud of the room and pictures of
McKinley , Roosevelt , Mickey and
McCarthy wore displayed.
Singing by a colored quartet opened
the program of the evening , after which
Chairman Simpson of the republican
central committee nominated Judge J.
B. Barnes as chairman ] of the mooting ,
and ho was chosen. Mr. Barnes with a
few words of introduction presented
Judge W. M. Robertson who has boon
campaigning with Mr. Mickey. Mr.
Robertson began by congratulating the
people on the audiouoo present , ex
plaining himself by saying that not in
his experience in politics , covering rnoro
than a quarter of a century , had there
boon such n lack of interest in political
meetings. Ho explained the situation
with the assertion that everyone is busy
and that ho does not believe there is an
idle man in the country who cares to
work. Another reason for the general
apathy is that people have confidence
iu their president and are satisfied with
his administration. He took occasion
to state that ho know that Mr. Mickey
was not a candidate of the railroads.
He attended the convention that nom
inated him , in nn interested capacity ,
and was in a position to know how the
nomination came about. Mr. Robert
son came oloso to being nominated at
the same convention and it could be
scon that his statement had great
weight with his auditors.
The quartet gnvo an original song
with Thompson as a theme and Judge
Barnes introduced the speaker of the
evening , Hon. Norris Brown of Kear
ney , deputy attorney general and atone
ono time candidate for congress in his
Mr. Brown prefaced his nmnikswith
the statement that while this section of
the state was not successful in securing
the [ nominee for governor nt the late
convention , it mightjbo successful next
year in naming the candidate for supreme
premo judge. Ho referred to the chair
man of the meeting , Judge Barnes , and
his statement was . greeted with ap
Mr. Brown proved to be a most elo
quent and entertaining speaker nnd
hold the close attention of the audience
for more than an hour , during which
time ho reviewed men nnd issues be
fore the people in a thorough manner ,
being careful not to abuse or malign
any of the opposition party. It was
generally conceded that his speech was
a vote maker and ho left a good impres
sion with all who hoard him. Ho was
interrupted by questions once or twice ,
but answered in a manner that brought
out the applause , even of the questioner.
Fine chickens at Karo's.
W. H. Johnson went to Chicago at
noon today.
H. Mundorf was a city visitor yester
day from Birch , this state.
S. F. Overton made a business trip
to Battle Creek yesterday.
Miss Bergetto of Sioux City is the
guest of Mrs. F. A. Boeler.
Mr. and Mrs. GeorgoConley were
down from Battle Crook yesterday.
Mrs. Frank Russell of South Norfolk
has returned from a visit to Exeter , this
Chief of Police Kane has returned
from a visit to Wisner. During his
absence Night Police Koch has been at
tending to his duties.
0. S. Hayes loft this morning for a
business trip to Chicago nnd will visit
relatives at Cedar Rapids , Iowa , en-
route. Mrs. Hayes accompanied him
as far as Omaha.
Dr. C. E. Green , superintendent of
the Lincoln hospital for insane , was in
the city this morning with Dr. J. M.
Alden. Dr. Green says the Lincoln
hospital is overcrowded with patients
nnd ho will welcome the time when the
congestion nt his institution may bo re
lieved by the reopening of the Norfolk
T. A. Huston , who with his father
formerly conducted a dry goods store in
the building now occupied by the Moore
hardware , was in the city last night.
Mr. Huston is now traveling for a
wholesale firm. This is the first visll
I ho has paid Norfolk for two years and
j ho was impressed with the improve
ments the city has been making since
that timo.
Dr. R. A. Mittlostadt , dentist , Bishop
block. Telephone 147 A.
My first car of apples has been dis-
pdsml of but there will bo another our
m the track tomorrow nnd tlio IIIH ( for
which I have made arrangements.
'ooplo desiring a choice of varieties
should mnko tliuir wants known early
vhilo there IH a boleution ,
Farm and city loans.
Dr. F. G. Walton ) . Olllco over
Bros. ' store. Ulllco telephone 18 Roti-
lenco 175.
Foil SAI.K. At less than half price
n largo cook stove with a reservoir. In
good condition. WM , LKAVJTT.
m South Thirteenth street.
Opinion That Ho May Not bo a Vic
tim of Assault.
There in no longer any question but
that John Irwin , the man found in the
old Reno barn in n helpless condition ,
lias sustained a fracture of the base of
the skull. His physician says that all
symptomB are to that effect. The frac
ture is about an inch or an inch and a
half in length and extends across the
opening loading to the drum of the oar.
EIo experienced profuse bleeding from
the HOBO and the fluid that surrounds
the brain has boon oozing from the ear ,
damaging the ear drum. Last night ho
was dollriouH and had it not boon that
George Thtolo had been appointed to
watch him , there is no telling what ho
wonld have done. Ho jumped out of
bed several times during the night , and
other times , instead of sleeping , ho ap
peared to bo iu a stupor. It is thought
that inasmuch as ho has survived thus
far , ho stands a good chauco of com
plete recovery , with proper core.
Commissioner Winter has put in con
siderable time with the man. He vis
ited him four times yesterday in an en
deavor to find out from him something
of how ho came to bo injured and where
he has recently made his homo. Irwin
appeared to answer readily enough ,
until important questions were asked ,
and then ho evaded or refused to
answer. Whether ho was capable of
giving all the information desired is a
subject of doubt , but it is known that
ho could have told moro than ho did.
The commissioner finally decided that
ho should bo taken to the poor farm and
cared for there , but his condition this
morning wonld not admit of that move
being made , and ho will bo taken care
of in the city.boing taken to the Wognor
house this morning.
Some doubt is expressed about thugs
being responsible for his condition and
the motive robbery. His injuries may
have resulted from n fall , or a blow on
top of the head may have produced the
fracture of the base of the brain. It IB
reported that ho was under the influ
ence of intoxicants Saturday , but ho
steadfastly denies that ho had boon
drinking. Whatever may have boon
the cause for his condition will probably
not bo known until ho has fully re
covered the UBO of his mental faculties ,
and even then it will all depend on
whether or not ho would recall all the
events that transpired from the time ho
came to town until ho was discovered in
the Reno barn.
Money to loan on city property.
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather ns recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. to
day :
Maximum temperature GG
Minimum temperature 41
Average 53
Precipitation 00
Total precipitation for month 70
Barometer 20.00
Forecast for Nebraska : Showers
this afternoon and east portion tonight ,
followed by fair Saturday. Cooler.
Sturgeon is the piano man.
ICO acres thrco and ono half miles
from Norfolk , price $2500 , y2 cash.
320 acres 8 miles from Norfolk , $22 per
acre , well improved.
ICO acres G miles from Norfolk.bottom
land , well improved , flO per aero.
1400 bnys house and lot at Junction.
$550 bnys a largo lot with 8-room bouse
two blocks from government building.
$250 buys two lots on South 10th street
three blocks from Congregational church.
8"jO bnys 7-room house six blocks from
business center of town.
The monthly examinations were held
Roy Carpenter is acting manager of
the football team for the Randolph
Mr. Sims is author of a new spoiling
of "Randolph , " Phonetically ho may
be right.
The football boys are worried for fear
they will "go in the hole" regarding
finances on the game with Randolph.
J. W. Humphrey has promised to give
a sweater to the person who makes the
first score in the Randolph-Norfolk foot
ball game ,
The two eighth grades have been in
vited to observe Hallowe'en tonight nt
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boveo
northwest of the city.
The pupils were quick to notice a
beautiful picture that adorned one o
the boards Monday morning , exooutec
by some artist in or about the school.
There is talk of organizing two liter
"toe jHllinery !
CSrO "tO
Miss E. J. Bender
nry societies in the imnr future , ono to
)0 conipOBod of two of the clnssoH in the
ilgh Hohool and the other will bu coin-
) OHod of the remaining two classes.
There wan n mooting of the junior
class hold Tuesday to inuko arrange-
nonts for n class party to bo given in
the near fntnro. OonnnlttooH were up-
lointod nnd other uucuBHary arrange
ments were mado.
Oholco veal nt Knro'H.
Prioonor Attempts Justification on a
Pica of Self Defense.
Interest in the Nlogonllnd trial at
Pierce yesterday centered in the tvHti-
mony of the prisoner , who attempted to
justify the shooting in l > oth uaHOH on the
ilea of Bolf-dofonHO. Ho claimed that
joth Broyor and hit ) daughter attempted
to aBsanlt him with a pitchfork and that
10 had killed thorn bocanso of this , The
wonnd sustained by Mrs. Broyor wan
received while she was attempting to
assist her hiiBband. Ho nlEO claimed
that the POBBO at WiiiBido fired first and
that ho shot in solf-dofoiiBO at that tlmo
HO. The clefeiiBO will attempt to prove
through export testimony that Niegon-
find is not in his right mind.
The proBocntion concluded its testimony -
mony yesterday forenoon. Shorill
Jones was on the stand , also the two
children of Mrs. Potent , AngnBt and
Esther , theirs being coiiBiderod good
evidence for the state.
F. , T. Miller , proprietor of the Pierce
meat market , was on the stand to testify
to the fact that the shooting by Niogen-
find was premeditated , ho having made
throats against the family in Miller's
Order your Sunday roabt at Karo's
and got the bust.
Four Personally Conducted Excur
sions From Omaha To California
With Choice Of Routes.
These excursions leave Omaha every
Wednesday , Thursday , Friday nnd Sat
urday at 4:25 : p. in. , in Pullman Tourist
Bleeping Cars. The cars are accom
panied all the way by conductors skilled
in the service of excursion paitloa. The
Union Pacific is the only line from
Omaha running four excursions to Cali
fornia every week.
These excursions can bo joined at any
point enronto.
For full information call on or address
Graceful girls and winsome , worthy
women get ease , comfort nnd satisfac
tion in the stylish , flexible , perfect fit
ting sheos on display in our salesroom.
Why buy an inferior grade ol shoes
when a better kind the bebt kind can
bo had so cheaply here ?
The Palace Shoe Store
< S > I
Styles for
We Have the
of onr ouHtninors bocanno wo
explain exactly what the
effects of our IOIIHOH will bo
in oaoh individual case , and
Results as
if you follow our directions.
Wo do nothing by olianoo.
luuln't you bettor BOO us ?
Eye Specialist ,
Without Investigating one
Price and Quality.
C. E.
VSM KtSSXK3ftFtlFI ! 1 ! " " " 'lll"l1ffiiti | | | | |
jfys " ' '
fwi1 IK i
As White as Snow ,
but far more nutritive that's what they
say about the Bon Ton brand of flour.
Why not ? It's "flakn white ; " it con
tains the bent elements of the wheat
kernel ; it "raises" beautifully , nnd
browns to perfection on the top of the
loaf. Bon Ton flour is the housekeep
er's delight.
Sugar Ci
Our Styles are not broken.
We still have the latest for
Late Buyers. $ }
get them of J. & E.
DURLAISD . . . 1
As they are the only Norfolk < ?
Milliners that visit the Chicago markets. <