The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 31, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Man Injnrcd Last Sunday is
Has Doon In Old Rene Darn Slnco
Sunday Morning With no Cure and
NothliiR to Ent Hns n Bruised
Dnck and n Frncturod Skull.
SVomThumUy'ii Dally t
The mystery spoken of the ether day
by TUB Nitws is solved , or nt least n
portion of it.
John A. Irwin lies on n bed in thu
city jail in n serious physical condition
with n badly bruised buck nnd n oon-
tnsiou ut thu base of the hrnln below
the loft oar , tlmt wnn probably caused
liy n blow front n slung Rhot or some
lioavy iiifltrnniont , nnd it in thought
probable tlmt his skull is frnctnrod. lie
ww found yestordny in the old Hone
hotel barn , nt tlio pronont used by
Mlllnrd Qroon , the drayman , having
lain there aiuco Sunday morning without -
out any thing to ont or any ouo to oaro
for him. Circumstances are such tlmt
it IH bollovod thitt the inotivo of his its-
eailants was robbery.
Irwin in n nmu about 40 years of ago
and la wall known in Norfolk , having
looa in the employ of Mlllard Green
and Fred Kloutz its n dntymnn for n
number of yoitrfl , nud boardqg nt 717
Norfolk uvonno for ooino tlmo. Ho lion
not TOcontly lived in the city , but
claims to have como down front Plnroo
Saturday night. Ho was out with someone -
one , during the night , but ( loon not
know or refuses to tell who hiH com-
pauionB/voro. Two or three of thorn ,
ho says , wont to the Armstrong house
in NOUOW'H addition , where ho claims
there were two or three women. Ho
claims tlmt the assault took place after
ho had loft the house on the streets and
also claims that ho had $00 on his person
\vhon ho oamo to the city , but only n
few centH romaluod when ho wna dls-
Millard Qroon , the drayman , found
him in the barn Monday , but thought it
was Romoouo in there stooping oil' the ef
fects of a drunk nnd paid no utoro at
tention to him until ho found him there
ngain yesterday nnd notified Policeman
Koch who took him to thn city jnil ,
where ho has boon cnrod for and given
medical attendance.
Irwiu's face is covered with a stubby
hoard that iscf several days' growth
and goes to boar out the story that ho
has been incapacitated for BOUIO days.
Dr. Munson made an examination of
his injuries nud found that ho had n
terrible brulso across the b.tck , nnd
where ho was struck nt the base of the
l > raiu near the loft oar the doctor is of
the opinion that his Bkull IH fractured.
The loft ear is cut and bruised nnd some
clots of coagulated blood are gathered
about it. Ho has some fever this morn
ing , but appears to bo recovering ,
slowly. Yesterday ho was unable to toll
much of his experience but this morning
the officers were successful in securing
from him what of his story ho desired
to tell or of which ho could toll.
Go'iunlssiouor II. W. Winter is iu-
vostigttting the case with n view to de
termining whoso duty it will be to care
for the injured man until ho recovers.
If ho has boon making his homo in
Pierce it is probnblo that the commiss
ioners of that county will bocallodupou
to provide for his care , if not the ox-
POURO may fall on Madison county.
The officers are also endeavoring to
find ont who Irwiu's assailants might
bo but find themselves handicapped by
his refusal or inability to tell who his
companions were on the night iu the
It is as yet impossible to toll how ser
ious his condition may bo but it is likely
that ho will have quite n siege owing to
the length of time ho was helpless iu
the barn without caro. His appetite ,
owing to his prolonged fast , is good , nnd
this is tnkou as a favorable indication of
his ultimate recovery.
Irwiu stntcs that ho found his way to
the Reno barn by himself , hut iu view
of his condition this is doubted.
Whether ho does not know or refuses to
toll who assisted him to that place is not
This is the mysterious case of which
rumors wore heard Monday nud Tues
day , but the ofllcors were unable to lo
cate the injured man nor were dodnito
clues obtainable nnd it was finally be
lieved to bo a hoax or that the injured
man \vas being cared for by friends who
refused to tell of his whereabouts. The
fact that ho was said to be in the Daw-
BOU barn , near South Norfolk , is evident
that those who informed the police
knew something of the case but got tan
gled up on directions.
It is believed by some that his as-
eailante became alarmed at Irwin's con
dition and endeavored to get informa
tion to the officers without revealing
their identity while they made good
their escape , but the information was
vague and indefinite that the injured
I' ' t
man wan not found until he was located
by accident.
TUrs. Frank Scott of Stnutou was in
the city yesterday.
Dan Kuhnly is moving Ills family
from the Sidler house on South Ninth
street to the Win. Koonlnntoln oottago
on North Kighth.
The ulty has laid n Hubitantial brick
walk in front of the Wust Hide hose
Mr. and MM. Harvey Barnes of Hattie -
tie Oreok were shopping in the city yes
Mm , II. L. MoOormiok and children
returned thin morning from n visit
with her Hlstor nt Pierce.
The team of nome farmer indulged in
n spirited runaway yesterday afternoon
and seriously smashed the buggy to
whlah they were attached.
J , M , Long has boon successful in tak
ing many pickerel out of the Northfork
tills Reason , but perhaps none of his
Reason's catch lias boon n finer specimen
than the six-pounder ho landed yester
Dan Graven , proprietor of the Nor
folk steam laundry , wan agreeably our-
prisod this morning by being presented
with an elegant chair by the laundry
employes , the presentation being in re
membrance of his birthday anniversary.
Mm. Morris of Seattle , Wash. , nnd
Mrs. AugUHt Qauio of Marcollino , Mo. ,
nro expected in the city tomorrow hav
ing boon Rummonod because of the sor-
IOUH illness of their mother , Mrs. Fred
erick Wilde , whoso homo is north of the
J ndgo Fiilos , chairman of the repub
lican congressional central committee ,
returned last night from a trip to
Omaha. Ho expresses himself sa well
pleased with the situation iu this dis
trict nnd confidently believes that lion.
J. J. McCarthy will bo elected to con
gress , beyond n doubt.
The trains over the Union Pacific ,
which have boon running quite irreg
ularly for Homo time , nro improving on
time and It is hoped that they will soon
bo run on their regular hours. The
Irregularity hits boon more pronounced
regarding the freight than the passen
ger service , and has boon largely owing
to the largo amount of freight handled
which hits boon honvior over the Nor
folk bmnoh this fnll thnn for mnny
seasons. Other circumstances have nlso
had Rome effect in causing the trains to
run on off time.
The audience that assembled nt the
First Congregational church last night
to hrnr Ilov. A. J. Wheeler talk on pro
hibition was not largo but they were
ngroonbly entertained with a lecture
that wits of high grndo. The reverend
gentleman's theme was , "Why I am n
Prohibitionist , " and ho handled the sub
ject entertainingly and exhaustively.
He is n smooth nud fluent orntor nnd hold
the interest of his andionco from beginn
ing to end. Some of the interested ad
mirers of the speaker state that it was
the best lectuco they have had the
pleasure of listening to and regret is ex
pressed that there was not a larger audi
ence out to hoar Mr. Whoolor. The
lecture was under the auspices of
the prohibitionists nnd not of the W. O.
T. U. , which is non-partisan.
The republican meeting that is to beheld
hold tonight in the vacant store room
nt the corner of Main nnd Third streets
is but the third political mooting that
it has been attempted to hold in Nor
folk during this cninpnigu nnd the
voters should improve the opportunity
of learning the truth concerning the is
sues of the campaign which is so near
to a close , The speaker , Hon. Norris
Brown of Kearney , is deputy nttorney
general of the state and comes highly
recommended ns n pleasing and enter
taining orator , Ho is well informed on
the issues of the campaign nud his
address will be worth listening to. 'Ho
domes to Norfolk from Hartiugton ,
where ho spoke yesterday. A male
quartet of colored singers will furnish
musio nud those who attend will find
good entertainment. The committee
having the mooting in charge have ex
tended a special iuvitntlou to the Indies
of the city to bo present.
The nll-ulght feature of the service by
the Norfolk Electric Light nnd Power
companv is to bo constnut horenftor to
these patrons who desire it , in fact the
company is now prepared to give almost
any kind of electric service wanted at
any time of the night. The all night
service will bo given the year around.
There are to bo two circuits. All the
lights on the IS o'clock circuit will bo
switched olV at midnight nnd the
ether circuit will furnish service
all night or at any hour of the night.
The all night circuit will furnish
onrroul to all users of meters who
desire it nud to llnt-rnto consumers
who make nu all-night contrnct. Per
sons wanting the nil night , service cau
makb a contract on that basis or cau
continue on the 13 o'clock circuit , as
they desire. The street lights will not
be run nil night unless there is n new
contract with the city , but the company
is now ready to make an all night con
tract if desired.
The sheep ranch of A. J. Knolliu &
Co. , below South Norfolk , received its
first shipment of sheep yesterday
They came over the Union Paclllo from
the west iu ton cars and were unloaded
nt the union yards nud driven to the
Junction. As they passed south 01
Fourth street they made n pretty sight
almost filling the street for nbont n
block in length They appeared to b
in first class condition , indicating tha
theirfeod * 'on the western range thi
summer has been good , They will be
fed hero and fattened for market , being
placed on Halo Hometlmo during
next spring. This is the first install
ment to bo received nt the ranch nnd it
Is understood tlmt the bunch Is about u
third of what will bo fed hero during
the winter , other shipments of the littla
animals being expected nt an early data.
The yards hero nro proving of vnluo to
the farmers in the vicinity of Norfolk ,
giving them n ready cash market foi
their grain at the host of prices , the
company frequently olToriug slightly
more thnn the market price as nn In
ducement for the farmers to haul their
grain nud hay to the ranch. The resi
dent manager of the company's business
la 15. A. Lowe and the food yards have
boon maintained hero for several years ,
with good rcHults to the company. The
sheep will soon bo submitted to that in
teresting process known as "dipping , "
for which n plant has boon established
nt the yards. This process is to prevent
and cure diseases to which the animal is
Jury has Been Secured nnd Wit
nesses are Being Examined.
'Joru Tliurndnr'a Dally :
The Niogonflud murder trial before
ndgo J. F. Boyd of the district bench
at Pierce is procoodiug apace and the
ourt room is taxed to accommodate
hose who doslro to follow the caso. All
onts have boon occupied during the
rial aud.standiug room is at a premium ,
'ho jury of 13 u on was secured yostor-
ay morning , the defense having ox-
mustod its 10 challenges nud the prose-
ution leaving its last challenge go by
default. The jurymen nro all farmers ,
hosou from the vnrlous precincts of the
ounty nud their residences are far apart.
The entire jury , nt the request of Attor
ney Kelley for the defense , hns boon
ilacod in charge of Marshal Gaff nnd
will remain in his charge throughout
.ho trial. The trial opened yesterday
afternoon with statements of the cnso
nud what they hoped to prove by the
iroseoution nnd the defense. About 00
vltuoBsos have hood subpoenaed by the
> rosecutlou and 40 by the defense. *
Mrs. Broyer was the first witness
ailed. She is the wife of the murdered
man nud the mother of the murdered
woman. She told of the tragedy on the
arm , stating that she heard shooting in
ho yard nud ran around the barn to
iclp her husband. She stated that
Vnun Peters canto to where she was and
old Niogoufiud not to shoot her father
whereupon ho turned nnd shot her.
She became greatly oxoltod during her
ocital of the case nnd wits quieted by
ho nttoruoy for the prosecution nt one
line but it was not long until showns
vorcomo again and had to bo taken ont
f the room without completing her
Lena Broyor , the 17-year-old daughter
f Mr. and Mrs. Broyor , wns-n good wit-
oss for the stato. She said she heard
hots and ran ont of the house to the
arnyard and there , on the south side of
iio barn , she saw Niegenflnd loading n
ovolver and then she saw him shoot her
ather. She then ran over to Ed. Wich-
nnu's for help , but found no one at
onto. She then catno back to the barn-
ard nnd there saw her sister Anna ,
Peters , lying on the ( jrouud north ofjtho
vnter tank , snot iu the right side of the
load near the tomplo.
Henry Oarstous , the bachelor with
vhoin Noigoufiud stopped the night of
ho shooting , was called , but proved nu
unwilling witness for the state. Ho ro
used to iudoutify the hat ho traded to
Niogoufiud the morning nf tor the mur
Legal Notice.
The west half of the southeast
quarter of section thirty (110) ( ) , in town-
hip twenty-two (22) ( ) , north range four
4) ) , west of the (1th ( p. in. , in Madison
county , , Nebraska , the hoirs-at-lnw of
klary J. Brown , deceased ( whoso names
ire unknown ) nud Henry M. Brown
iefondants , will take notice that on the
10th dny of October , 1902 , Knndt Pedersen -
dorson , plaintiff heroin , filed his peti
tion and affidavit iu the district court
of Madison county , Nebraska , , against
said defendants , the object nud prnyer
of which nro to quiet plaintiff's title to
; ho nbovo described land nud. to correct
ho journal of said court in the case of
Samuel H. Rico against Mary J. Brown
by entering thereon the order of said
jourt confirming n sheriff's sale made
jy virtue of said proceedings.
The plaiutitY nllogos iu snid petition
that ho and his grantor , Samuel II. Rico ,
nave owned and occupied said premises
[ or more than ten years lust past , notor
iously , coutinously nnd adversely , aur
that the defendants have no interest
whatever in said promises as ngniust the
plaintiff. That Mary J. Brown , who
nt one time hold title to said land has
since died and that the names and resi
dences of her hoirs-at-lnw are unknown
to the plaintiff.
Plaintiff prays for a decree quieting
and confirming his tltte to said premisei
nnd for an order directing the clerk of
said court to correct the journal entry
in the case of Samuel H. Rico agnins
Mary J. Brown by entering thereon the
order of said court confirming the shor
iff's sale made in said action.
You nro required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 17th dny of December
cember , 1003.
Dnted October 18th , 1002.
KNUDT PKDEUSON , Plaintiff ,
James Nichols nud Mopes & Hnzon , At
ICeep Tip n llrlsk Attack
upon that bnd cold , nud do not wnit fo
it to "wenr itself out. " Perry Davis
Painkiller is n powerful nlly. Use it in
terunlly , with warm , sweetened wnter
Rub it well into the inflamed throa
and sore chest , and when the fee has
taken flight yon will understand wh
time nnd spasmodic competition mak
no difference iu the popularity of th
ouo painkiller.
Vlombors of the Order Enjoy n Big
Meeting and Initiate Candidates ,
'roin TlinrwliDully. .
Last night wan n gain ovout for the
loyal Highlanders of Norfolk nud snr-
onudlng vicinage and was nu occasion
hat will loug bo remembered by these
vho participated In the meeting. It ia
n marker in the history of the order In
.hla . vicinity for although the local lodge
ins boon orgaui/.od for the past five
yonrs , the members have not witnessed
any tiling to equal last night's event iu
ntorost nud enthusiasm.
The primal reason for the rally was
the initiation of a class of about 62
novitiates from Norfolk and two from
Wisuor , consisting of both men and
vomou , as the two sexes moot on terms
entuof equnlity iu this order. The degree
rom Bonnie Doon castle No. liOO was
n attendance to confer the degrees and
gave an exhibition drill for the benefit
of these who are not members of the
order. This team is composed of ton
gentlemen and ton ladies who made a
harming npponrnuco in their Scottish
ilghland costumes of plaids , highland
ops , largo buckled shoes nud ether
rtiolos of wearing apparel to accord
with the scheme of the order.
The mooting was hold in Marqnardt's
mil nnd it was estimated that there
wore almost 400 people present. The
onforrlug of the degrees was the first
justness undertaken and after this was
one the doors of the hall wore thrown
pen and the public invited to enter.
After the crowd had assembled the
earn gave their exhibition drill. Al-
tiough the large crowd present cramped
lie team for room and some of the
gores were interfered with by the
> osts in the hall , their evolutions were
rncoful withal and the team nccom-
) llshod them with a unity of purpose
lat was most pleasing. The team was
ccompauiod by Most Illustrious Pro-
octor W. E. Sharp and wife , and was
aptaiuod by II. G. Gildorsloove. The
earn is composed of the following
ndios nud gentlemen : Messrs. Mickey ,
Tauohor , Turner , Lewis , Linn , Whitod ,
loWillinms , Wostcott , Walker , Spo-
oil , Mesdnnios Fnncher , nnd Gilder-
loovo nud Misses Walters , 'Kirk , Schu-
innker , Alien , Whltt nnd Hnll.
Following the drill.Mr. Slrarpe gnve a
> riof but entertaining talk'on the order ,
s plans , nohiovernea-1s ; nnd history , nnd
his was followed by the serving of
unch that had boon prepared by the
ocal members of the order.
After the lunch , the room was clonred
nd a dnuco followed that was enjoyed
y the younger members of the nndi-
nco until the woo smar hours of the
A largo number of members of snr-
ouudiug towns were ia ntten-lnnco
mviug boon induced to come by reduced
ailroad rates. The class of candidates
vas secured through the efforts of Spec-
tl Deputies Goo. Stevenson of Madi-
on , J. II. Whitt of Lincoln and Jl 0.
liggius who has recently been making
lis1 city his headquarters.
Owing to the late nrrivnl of the train
earing the team the street drill that
was to have beou given before the meet-
ng wna dispensed with. It was-planned
o give a public drill this morning but
ho report cnme that the visitors were to
> o taken to the sugar factory nnd. when
his proved erroneous it wns too late to
ive the drill nud the members- the
enm spent the time in seeing the town.
The next rogulnr mooting of the local
edge will be held in G. A. R. hall No-
ember G , when officers are to bo elected.
Department Summoned to Fern Mc
Donald's at an Early Hour ,
'rom Thursday's Dally.
A strenuous fire alarm was sounded
his morning about 2 o'clock ami the
? irst word was indicated , the cornbina-
ion proving enough to thoroughly
arouse everyone having interests in the
business parts of the city. Thosejwho
ospondod to the alarm were informed
hat it was turned in from Fern
McDonald's house in the "Row , " and the
look and ladder truck wns taken across
ho crook iu short order but , when the
lestiuntiou wns ronchedi the firemen
were notified that there was no fire
nud returned to the city.
It is explained that some of the inmates -
mates of the resort were having trouble
and that the mistress told ouo of thorn
to go to the telephone and summon the
"Give mo the station , quick ! " was
the message received at central and the
operator , judging that sort of a sum
mons meant a fire , responded by turn
ing in a general alarm. Policeman
Koch accompanied the firemen across
but whoa he arrived the trouble was ol
oyer. Some of the firemen who left
cozy beds were not in the best of humor
about the mistake , but were not inolinec
to blame anyone in particular , though
they are of the opinion that the one
wishing to summon the police migh
have beou more definite.
None of the hose carts were taken
over , ns the district is beyond the read
of the city waterworks system.
Save money on your harness repair
by having Paul Nordwig do your work
FOR SALE 2 tracts of 10 acres each iu
edge of town. GARDNEII & SEILEK.
THE NEWS keeps its job depaiimou
up-to-date with the latest faces of typ
and does its work iu approved style.
Wants Higher Cash Payment
for Isthmian Canal.
Suggetta Hundred Yenrs' Contract In
stead of Outright Sale of Property.
Proposed Plan Opens Up New Top
ics for Argument.
Washington , Oct. 28. The long ex-
toctcd response of the Colombian
; ovornuient , made to the proposition
of the state department for the nego-
latlon of a canal treaty on the lines
f the Spoonor act , has reached Wash-
ngton and was passed to the state do-
> arttnont by Secretary Horran of the
Colombian location. It Is difficult to
earn the exact nature of this commu
nication , but it is known that It is not
altogether an unqualified acceptance
f the state department's propositions ,
t ia , however , friendly and dignified
n tone and does not close the nogotla-
Ions by any means , though it unquos-
.lonably delays the date of the final
groement , by opening up now topics
or argument. For ono thing , the Co-
omblan government la now entirely
Issatisfled with the small amount of
ho payment to bo made to it by the
United States under the terms of the
protocol , which It is proposed to use
is the basis for the treaty. This sum
s $7,000,000. Colombia wants at
east $10.000,000. Moreover , the orlg-
nal proposal looked to a wait for four-
oen years before beginning the pay
ment of annual rental , the amount of
vhlch was to bo then fixed by mutual
grcement. Colombia now asks the
United States to agree at once on the
roarly payment of a lump sum of
600,000. The Colombian government
lings to its contention that It hns no
onstltutlonal authority to alienate
ny Colombian territory and reiterates
hat the best It can do to meet the
angungo of the Spoonor act , which
ooks to perpetual control by the
United States over the canal , is to
make a 100-year lease , with a distinct
tlpulatlon that the same shall be re
newable by the United States at the
xpiration of the first century.
Both Sides Lose Heavily In Battle
Near Santa Marta.
Colon , Oct. 28. The revolutionary
brco under General Urlbe-Urlbo and
General Castillo , which attacked La
Clenaga , Oct. 14 , consisted of 1,300
men and four pieces of artillery. The
government forces lost Colonel Pen-
alver amon'g the killed , while General
Alfredo Fernandez and many other
ofllcers were wounded. The losses of
ho revolutionists are reported to
lave been heavy. According to news
ecclved at Cartagena yesterday ,
orces of the government were then
ittacklng Generals Uribo-Urlbo and
Castillo , who were holding a position
on the River Frlo , near Santa Marta.
General Marjarres has proceeded with
nil speed from La Cienaga to the rebel
msltlon on the River Frlo. His com-
nand consists of 2,000 men. Ho is
iclleveu" to have engaged the enemy
and It Is reported in Cartagena that
; ho fight was most sanguinary.
Wu Ting Fang Recalled to China.
Washington , Oct. 28. Wu Ting
Tang , who has been the minister of
he Chinese empire to the United
States since May 1 , 1897 , has been re
called to China by an edict of the cm-
> eror , cabled to Minister Wu yestcr-
lay by the Chinese foreign ofilce.
[ "he edict is peremptory , Mr. Wu bo
ng directed to return to China at as
early a date as possible. The edict
nforms Mr. Wu that he has been ap
pointed minister of commerce In asso
ciation with Chang Chi Tung.
Melville Files Minority Report.
Washington , Oct. 28. The differ
ences in the naval board of construe-
Ion over the question as to whether
speed or power Is to predominate In
: ho big armored cruisers authorized by
the last congress took official form
yesterday , when Admirals O'Neill ,
Bradford and Bowles nnd Captain
Slgsbeo submitted a majority report
favorable to power in the new cruis
ers and Englnoer-In-Chlcf Molvlllo a
minority report , contemplating less
power and more speed.
All Quiet at San Domingo.
Washington , Oct. 28. A cablegram
was received at the navy department
yesterday from Commnnd Patch of
the United States cruiser Montgom
ery , which Is on its way from Colon to
San Juan , stating that ho had found
everything quiet at San Domingo city ,
\vhoro It was reported last week that
a rebellion had broken out.
Fatality at a Ball Game.
Bellcfontalno , O. , Oct. 28. A pe
culiar fatality occurred at a ball game
here yesterday. Thomas Walker was
passing an open knife to a companion
when a foul ball struck his hand and
drove the blade into his side , severing
en artery. Walker died almost In
Roosevelt Is Forty-Four.
Washington , Oct. 28. President
Roosevelt yesterday quietly celebrated
the forty-fourth anniversary of his
birth. Many messages of congratula
tion were received and numerous re-
membrancea arrived during the day.
Among the latter were many flowers.
Floods In Italy.
Rome. Oct. 27. There have been
floods In the province of Calabra , in
which several persons were drowned
There have also boon renewed earth
quake shocks at Rlotl , Umbrla.
People Are Anxious Over Falling Cln
ders and Reported Eruption.
Mexico City , Oct. 28. There la no
little consternation felt by the Inhab
itants of many towns In the remote
south country on account of showers
of ashes falling In the extensive region
from San Juan Beautlsta , capital of
the state of Tabasco , as far north as
Slllna Cruz. It Is believed that a
hill near Palcnquo , where there is a
great prehistoric city In ruins , has
suddenly been transformed Into an ac
tive volcano. The ashes falling at
Palonqne have hidden the Run and a
great fear has como on the people.
Palonque Is the center of the disturb-
once , ns the burning mountain is said i
to be near thoro. Indians arriving at
San Cristobal , say a hill In the Guada-
loupe Sierra Is vomiting flro and
omoko. Scientific opinion Is that all
of this Is part of the general awaken
ing of volcanic forces In the West la
dles and Central Amorlca.
Day for Irish Debate.
London , Oct. 28 The Nationalist
members of the house of commons are _
jubilant over what they claim to bo v T
Premier Balfour's Backdown from
his refusal to grant a day for the con
sideration of the crimes act. Blocking
plans to prevent such discussions were
set up last week by Unionists , but
through government influences these
were voted down. According to the /
Standard , this arrangement was the S
result of a friendly understanding be
tween the government and the Irish
party. Whether this Is correct or not ,
it is qulto apparent that the govern
ment lias concluded that it would bo
a saving of time to permit the Irish
Moras Preparing to Resist Americans.
Manila , Oct. 28. It is expected that
the expedition against the sultan of
Bacolod will leave Camp Vicars , Min
danao , about Nov. G. It will consist
of detachments of artillery , Infantry ,
cavalry and engineers nnd friendly na
tives. A report Is current that the
sultan of Caraca , whose stronghold is
to the north of Lake Lanno , is prepar
ing to resist the Americans. He is
strengthening his forts. Hostile
Mores are again blocking the trail to
the Maciu forts.
Bullet Ends Soldier's Romance.
Sullivan , Ind. , Oct. 28. Newton B.
Staugh , postmaster of Rlverton , ten
miles west of this city , shot and killed
Herbert McCannon yesterday. Me-
Cannon was the sweetheart of Sadlo
Staugh , daughter of the postmaster ,
and had just returned from service in
.ho regular army. Miss Staugh and
icr mother witnessed the shooting.
It is claimed that McCannon threatened
ened to kill the entire family before
10 was slain. Staugh surrendered.
Renounce Allegiance to Pope.
Manila , Oct. 28. The Catholic
church of the Philippines was inau
gurated hero yesterday. Mass was
celebrated and Bishop Agllpay , the
cnder of the movement , delivered an
address , In which he renounced alle
giance to the papal authority. Ho
said the now church would maintain
practically all the religious forms of
: he Roman Catholic church. Aguin-
aldo has been named as a lay official
of the church of the Philippines.
Must Answer for Murder.
London , Oct. 28. George Chapman ,
who came from America in 1893 , and
who la now the landlord of a South-
wark saloon , was arraigned at a police
court yesterday , charged with having
poisoned a young woman who had
lived with him ns his wife. It trans
pired that this was the third woman
who had died within five years ia
houses owned by the prisoner.
Boer Commanders Mobbed.
London , Oct. 28. The Boer com
manders , Kritzinger , Fouche and Jou-
bert , after addressing a meeting at
Cambridge last night , had a narrow
escape from the angry crowd of people
ple that bad listened to their speeches.
Kritzinger was obliged to scale a wall
to get away , while the others were es
corted to their hotel by the police.
Former Detective Sentenced.
Minneapolis , Oct. 28. Christopher
Norbeck , formerly a member of the
detective force , was sentenced yester
day to three years In the state peni
tentiary for bribery. The sentence
was made light In view of the fact
that Norbeck made a full confession
nnd gave evidence for the state In the
recent bribery trial.
' Found With Bullet in Head.
Chicago , Oct. 28. The body of Ncls
Anderson , said to have been one of
the most wldefy known steamship
men In the country , was found on the
Washington park golf links by a po
liceman. Considerable mystery sur
rounds the case , as there was a bullet
hole in the man's head , but no trace
of any weapon.
Volcano Alarms the People.
Managua , Nicaragua , Oct. 28. Slnca
Saturday morning , the volcano oC
Santa Maria , in the department of
QuezaltenaugoT' northwestern part of
Guatemala , has been in eruption.
Shocks fire felt all over Nicaragua ,
Salvador and Costa Rica. No damage
has been done here , but there Is great
Lowrey Arrested In Iowa.
Onawa , la. , Oct. 28. Welsh Lowrey ,
who is wanted for kidnapping , crimi
nal assault and burglary at Stanton ,
Neb. , was arrested yesterday by Miles
Strain , sheriff of this county , and
lodged in Monona county jail.
Stratton Will Contest.
Colorado Springs , Colo. , Oct. 28.
At 11 o'clock last night Judge Seeds
took the Stratton will controversy un
der advisement and requested the at
torneys to be In court today to listen
to his decision in the matter.