The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 31, 1902, Image 1

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Tfe Johnson Dry Goods Company
The Big , Busy Store. A Record Breaker this Season. A Mammoth Stock of Clean Merchandise Bought in Quantities and
on Sale at Our Characteristic Low Prices.
T has been well known that our increasing trade demanded more room to adequately keep pace with our business. Now , the much needed
r room is added , 7650 square feet of floor space in ail-now thejargest store in Northeast Nebraska-ami every department is crowded full of
the best mills productions. Our methods are established. Quality is never sacrificed for effect. Standard , dependable goods always. No
seconds. No old shelfworn goods , the best at the lowest possible price. "One Price. " Our prices need not be hidden by "blind marks. " They
are the lowest. We like posted shoppers , posted in the best stores in the land. Stop and think. A "blind mark" never was nor can be used other
than to "jockey" and deceive the customer. Come to our store. Look freely. Our service is cheerfully at your command to look or to buy.
We Keep Pace with the Newest
5 Features in Silks.
Ask to see Cashmere Taffetas , the
Newest Silk , beautiful colors and black ,
and it will wear. $1.00 per yd.
Ask to be shown our 80-inch Rain
Proof Taffeta , strictly guaranteed and
water proof , § 1.50 per yd.
Water Proof Black India Silk , strik-
iigly'clear lustre aud'6pleudid wearers *
75o per yd.
54-inch Skirting Silk , $2.50. A great
value and quality and essential for the
most effective Tailored Skirt.
We desire to submit samples for com
R parison with any Silk Store in America.
Our silks are bought direct of the best
manufacturers and sold at the manufac
turer's established price.
Canvass Weaves , Camel's Hair , Zibi-
leuos , Coronation cloth , Scotch Flakes ,
Fine Black Goods in all weaves , Me-
talio Velvets for waists , Fine Imported
Waistings , 50o and 7oc.
Special Sale Items , REAL BARGAINS
All best colors , 27-inch All Wool
Waisting Flannel , 25c yd. , usually sold
at 3Sc.
25 pieces Dress Goods Suitings , Skirt
ings , Plaids , etc. , at exactly 1/3 off , S' }
per cent discount. Good staple goods.
A great bargain.
Cloaks. Suits , Skirts.
Norfolk's Greatest Showing Ever
Made in Cloaks and Ready to Wear
To see our mammoth stock and great
assortment of styles is the only way to
comprehend and appreciate it.
fitted backs ; 42 in. coats , the loading
styles manfactured for us by Now
York City's best designer , from $3.00
to $20.00.
Children's Coats from $2.25 to $1 < 5.00.
Big Values in Black Petticoats : 25
dozen jnst received. Beautiful Black
Lustre Sateen , richly designed , Swell
styles , § 1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $2.00 , $2.50 ,
Furs , Scarfs , Jackets , GAPES.
Elootrio Seal , Sable , Issabolla Fox ,
Martin , Blue Fox , Stone Martin , Mink ,
Beaver , eto , $1 00 to $15 00.
A Leader Beautiful Electric Seal
Jacket , Skinner's warranted satin lin
ing , $28 50. Near Seal and Beaver
Collar and Reveres Jackets , fltfi.OO and
$50.00. Good Fur Capos , $8.50 to $ ! )5.00. )
NOTICE Seal Skin , Otter or Beaver
Jackets. Our manufacturer in Now
York makes those garments for the finest
stores in the largo cities. Wo will bo
pleased to submit garments for com
parison with any store in the United
States. Wo will work for lorn profit
and 8U\ > yon money or wo do not ntik
your order.
Great improvement in our Shoo stcok.
Jnst double the space added and stock
enlarged. Yon can't afford to pass our
shoo stock. Look in and get prices.
Throw on the searchlight and compare
quality and ' price and yon cannot fail
to see the'saving to you.
FttHhlon DuoruoH nioro Htrongly thnu
over in favor of Flannel Wnlstn.
Our Hhowing iH Uio boat wo huvo over
niiulo. The now colors mid white , largo
Peiirl Muttons mid Most HtyliHh de.sigiifl ,
1.1 .S5 , ! fl 00 , $1.71) . $2.00 , ! fU.r < ) , $ IJ.OO and
Dressing Sacqties.
Ladies , wo invite your special notice
to our showing in Dressing Sacquon :
Plain Idordown Saequos , 50o to $1.00.
Applique Trimmed , $ | .r > 0 and $ a.OO.
llandsomo , very oll'cotivoly appHqued
on all wool Hippie , $ 'J.r > 0 , $ ! t 00 , .Jlt.fiO.
Essential to Cor
rect Dross is a Cor
rect form Corset.
Our Now Corsets
are the acme of
Perfection. Cor
sets gracefully out
lined to fit and
t , V U 'Vvproeminently for
J UCilM present styles of
dress. .Shapely ,
sy , giving that
! . ( race to the figure
( not attained by
1 the scores of ordi
nary makes usu
ally sold.
Don't fail to try and test the merits
of our Corsets. Many different styles
to suit different figures.
Men's Furnishings.
Shirts , Gloves , Underwear , Collars ,
Neckwear , Hosiery , etc. Now Depart
ment. Now Stock much more complete
moved to west aisle in our store. Look
in this Deportment.
Our immense tnulo in rarpots niiido
morn room necessary. Wo huvu added
room and enlarged stock. Wo are prepared -
pared to furnish any carpotingH , make
them corrootly , and lay them correct Iv
Wo urge any undecided shopper , u -
Having they could
buy carpets cheap
er in any city , to
and comparu them
with ours Wo
will furnish 3011
the Htan ilurd
names and b-atids
upon which there
can be iinmiHtiiko
Wo buy for cani !
of the mills mid
want to do 1 uM-
ness on sheer
merit alone. Compare us with any
city on carpets ,
Bargain Lotto ! 20 best all wool
Ingram remnants , largo enough for o
one room ; very lost soiling putt rim ,
worth TOoayaid , while they I M .DO A
a yard.
Staple Leaders at
Special Prices.
THREAD ! Clark's best Urn-ad J
spools for f > cents.
10 07. . Husking Mitts or ( Jlovos fj
cents iv Pair.
JJAHGAIN ! Lot Men's Work ( .loves
and Mittens HALF PRICK.
Children's Gray Ribbed Underwear
Sizes to 22 , 10 cents.
21 and 'M M/.P.H , l.ri cents.
28 and 'M si/.i'B , 18 cents.
! ! ( ) and It2 si/.es , Sft cnnts.
Boys' Gray Ribbed Drawers , all sxes ,
18 cents.
Standard LLyard wide muslin , K
Extra LL yard wide muslin , ! > o
! ! 0 inch fleeced wrapper llannellt-ttes ,
Heautiful fleeced Waistings , lOc
Beautiful fleeced Twill Waihtings ,
12' c.
Lot Splendid Corsets. Price Cut in
Two. One-Half Price.
Auiana B 3 ( ! inch Indigo Bind Prints ,
sold everywhere 12 ,0 , our Price lOo
Prices you can't duplicate Anywhoto.
Our Mail Order Business reaches into every town in Northern Nebraska and west to the Black Hills. We send samples promptly , pre
pay express on orders ( not on approval packages ) , and at exact same prices as sold in our store always. Send for samples Silks. Our $1.00
Peau De Soie Dress Silk is a Leader and a Big Seller with us. Come to our store if possible ; if not , write for samples.
* /
i „ .
Strike Commission Inspects In
side and Outside Workings.
. Commissioners Spend Busy Day Far
Down In the Earth Fourth and
Fifth Regiments Break Camp and
Return to Their Homes.
Qcranton , Pa. , Oct. 31. The seven
commissioners appointed by President
Roosevelt to adjust the differences ex
isting between the anthracite mine
workers and their employers , made a
lour of the extreme upper coal field ,
and saw every step taken in the pro
duction of coal from the tlmo it is
"blasted from the ground , hundreds of
feet below the surface , up to the point
whore it is sent to market ready for
the use of the consumer.
The arbitrators had an Interesting
flay and returned to their hotel grimy
from coal dust and tired after eight
busy hours of observation and investi
gation. The trip was qulto n novelty
to most of those in the commissioners'
party , BODIO of whqm never havinc
been in the hard coal regions. The
commissioners displayed the greatest
Interest in every feature of coal min
ing ami went about their work in a
manner that was pleasing to both the
mining superintendents and the rep-
rescntatlves of the mine workers who
accompanied the president's commis
sioners. The seven arbitrators had to
endnro many discomforts , making
their way through wet places in the
mines , almost crawling along some of
the gangways in the workings and
passing through clouds of coal dust In
the breakers. Notwithstanding this ,
their eagerness for information was
not diminished and they expect to
put in another hard day's work in this
It would bo unfair to say that one
commissioner displayed more interest
than another , but It can bo truly said
that Bishop Spaldlng asked more
questions than any ono of the others.
Ho was usually In the center of a
group of commissioners and asked
many questions of these who are em
ployed In and about the mines. All
the commissioners were good listeners
but poor talkers when it came down to
getting an expression from them on
any feature of the mining business.
From their actions it is certain that
they have agreed not to-say what they
think of the questions that will come
before them ,
The arbitrators had an Interesting
tlmo at the Colobrook breaker at Car-
bomlalo. They were much Interested
in the men and boys who are employed
in picking slate and "bonoy" from the
coal. It Is hero where ono of the
principal bones of contention between
the employes and employer Is found.
The miners maintain they are often
unjustly decked by the docking bosses
for the amount of alato , bonoy or other
refuse found in the coal. The com
missioners watched the work of the
boas closely and saw him dock several
minors , because , in his Judgment ,
there was too much forolgn matter in
the car of coal. A fovr foot away is
the plaoo where the cars of coal are
weighed. After the seyon arbitrators
had watehod the weighing of coal for
a while , Mr. Clark inquired how many
pounds constituted a ton at this col-
Hory. Superintendent Brydon thought
it was about 2,800 pounds , but District
President Nlcholls said it was a little
ever 3,100 pounds. The two began to
discuss this , each maintaining ho was
right. Mr. Nlcholls said that granting
that 2,800 was correct , these figures
are too high. Ho said when the com
panies fixed 2,800 pounds to constitute
a ton so as to get out of It 2,000 pounds
of pure coal , the operators did not
eell pea coal In the market. Now they
have a market for pea coal and about
three other sizes below . ! $ . and the
minor's ton of 2,800 pounds has not
been decreased. Judge Gray was an
interested listener to the discussion.
Ho stood by with his hands deep In
his overcoat pockets and never ut
tered a word. It was qulto evident
that both Mr. Nlcholls and Mr. Bry-
den tried to make a good Impression
with the commissioner , but what ho
thought ho did not even express in his
Troops Return Home.
Wllkosbarre , Pa. , Oat. 31. The
Fourth and Eighth regiments , which
have been stationed In the Wyoming
valley for some tlmo past , broke camp
yesterday and returned to their homes.
The entire coal region is now peace
ful. The only place where trouble is
looked for Is In the Lehlgh region ,
where the Individual operators and
the miners have failed to come to an
agreement. Some of the troops maybe
bo kept In that section until the min
ers return to work. Yesterday was a
busy day at the mines and the output
of coal was heavy.
Mollneux Casa to Proceed.
New York , Oct. 31. Counsel for the
defense In the Mollneux case moved
that the court direct the jury to ac
quit the defendant on the ground that
tbo evidence was insufficient. Justice
Lambert donlod the motion.
Interests Worth $100,000,000
Said to Plan Merger.
After the Joining of Hands the Same
Firms Will Consolidate Yards To
tal Capitalization Will Run Close
to $600,000,000.
Chicago , Oct. 31. The Reoord-Her-
ald says : Two big ooneoMdatlons are
planned by beef Interest * . The pack
ers will oombino first and then effect a
merger of all the stock yards In the
country. With the exception of the
Chicago stock yards , which are con
trolled In Boston , all the properties In
volved are owned and controlled by
the owners of the principal beef pack
ing interests. The different yards
that will probably bo Included In the
deal asldo from the Chicago yards are
these ut Kansas City , East St. Louis ,
St. Joseph , Fort Worth , South Omaha
and Sioux City.
The plan for consolidating the vari
ous stock yards has not progressed as
yet to a point where the amount of
stock required has been more than
discussed. It would undoubtedly rim
well to $100,000.000 , exclusive of the
amount required for the packing com
panies' combination , which Is said to
bo $500.000.000.
Published Article Saying General Bell
Tried to Steal Public Money.
Manila , Oct. 31. Libel proceedings
have been instituted against the ed
itor and the proprietors of Libertas , a
Spanish newspaper published in Ma
nila , on account of the publication of
an article attacking General J. Frank
lin Bell and his plan of aiding the
people of the provinces of Batangaa
and Laguna , Luzon , and of the island
of Mlndoro. This plan was put Into
effect after the cessation of hostili
ties. It consisted of selling rico and
supplying the people with seeds and
farming implements , and it resulted in
profits amounting to $27,000 gold.
General Boll has recently been ordered
home. Llbortas charged Bell with an
attempt to steal this fund.
Divorce Insane Spouses and Wed.
Ottumwa , la. . Oct. 31. Within two
hours after securing a divorce from
his insane wife , James Dunning mar
ried Mrs. Zelpha Byre , who a few
hours previous had secure I n lesal
separation from an Insane hatband.