THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , OCTOBER 2-1 , 1902 , General Sentiment Expressed at Wilkesbarrc Convention. MITCHELL URGES ACCEPTANCE. Firemen and Engineers Favor Hold * | Ing Out Until Former Employes Are I Assured Old Positions , but Are In | Minority Admit Reportero. Wllkcsbrirro , Oct. 21. The anxious ly awaited convention ot the 143,000 striking miners met yesterday , but did not reach a vote on the proposed plan of settlement. It Is expected to do so today. There wore 662 delegates pres ent In the Nosbltt theater , where the convention was hold , and they were empowered by their local unions to cast 8G7 votes for or against President Roosevelt's proposed plan of arbitra tion. The great majority of delegates were unlnstructod , the few being engl- neers , firemen and pumpmen , who fear that the 5,000 strikers of those classes may not get back their old places , now held by nonunion men. This question of the engineers , fire men and pumpmen proved the only stumbling block In the way of almost \ immediate adoption of the president's I Plan , which carries with It declaring ' the strike off and a general resump- tlon of work through the 176-mile strip of the hard coal mining region. At one time It seemed that the conven tion was about to adopt the recom- mendatlon ot President Mitchell to end the strike , but the steam men's plea was too earnest , and the vote wont over until today , when It Is next to certain the vote to declare the Btrlko off will show a big majority for It. . The leaders of the strikers , except \ Mr. Mitchell , were hardly hoard at all In the convention yesterday , the anx ious engineers being allowed to glvo full expression to their feelings. But today the leaders will bo heard , and one of them , a high district officer , eald that there would not bo more than fifteen votes recorded against the plan which the president of the "United States has proposed to them and which oil the highest officials of j the mine workers In this region earn- cstly have recommended. There were two sessions , forenoon and afternoon , yesterday , and the net result as regards the progress of the convention towards Its great object was a permanent organization , with Mr. Mitchell In the chair , his speech laying the president's plan before the delegates , his eloquent impromptu speech advocating its adoption , and the appointment of a committee on resolutions. This committee , as Mr. Mitchell said to the delegates , would prepare a formal statement to the pub lic , telling fully and carefully why the convention decided to continue the strike , If it should so decide , and why the strike was declared off , If that was the outcome of the deliberations. The question before the convention when It adjourned for the day was on the adoption of the resolution embodied ied In President Mitchell's opening speech to call off the strike and leave all questions to the president's com mission. The surprise of the conven tion was the decision to admit newspa per men to all the sessions , open or executive , when even union miners eagerly waiting by the hundred out on the street could not get into the theater. The pleas which won were that the re porters represented the people , that public opinion had helped the strikers and that the best way to get nn accu rate report of this convention was to let the press representatives stay there on the spot. Judge Gray Accepts. Washington , Oct. 21. Judge George Gray , one of the members of the coal Btrlko arbitration commission , took V lunch with the president yesterday. He said ho had called at the white house merely to accept the appoint ment tendered to lilm by Mr. Roosevelt velt and to talk over with him the etrlke situation. Ho added that the president had requested the members of the commission to hold their first meeting In this city. That meeting , ho thought , would be held the first of next week. Judge Gray left In the aft ernoon for his homo In Delaware. Chicago Trades Unionists In Politics. Chicago , Oct. 21. Union labor men have planned to enter the local polit ical arena and elect a mayor of their own and control the city council. They are preparing to enter the conflict next spring. They have a platform based on the foundation of trades unionism. In discussing the possibil ity of success , they point to San Fran cisco , Haverhlll , Mass. , and other cit ies where labor has triumphed. A convention has been called end the preparatory plans laid. Tin Workers Meet Plttsburg , Oct. 21. The special convention of the Amalgamated Asso ciation of Tin , Iron and Steel Plato "Woakers , called by President Shaffer to consider the rate reduction pro posed by the American Tin Plate com pany , was called In this city yester day. The proposition of the tin plato company Is that the men accept a re duction of 25 per cent to allow the manufacturers to fill foreign orders In competition with foreign mills. Mollneux Placed on Trial. New York , Oct. 21. The Jury for the trial of Roland B. Mollneur , charged with the murder of Mrs. Kath- crlne J. Adams , was completed yester day. Assistant District Attorney Os- borne made the opening address for the state , after which the taking of Tldanco commenced. M03 CREMATES NEGRO. Slayer of White Woman IncHoratcd by Infuriated Arkansans. Forest City , Ark. , Oct. 21. Charles Young , the negro charged with as saulting and afterwards murdering Mrs , 12(1 I.cwla , a white woman , was burned by a mob of Infuriated citizens ot this county. About 8'30 o'clock last night a mob marched to the coun ty jail and demanded the koyn. Dep uty Sheriff Murphy undertook to com- munlcato with Sheriff Williams , whereupon members of the mob forci bly took the cell keys from Murphy nnd , brooking In the Jail door with sledge hammers , ilragged the prisoner from his coll. Sheriff Williams had arrived In the meantime , but his pro tests were not heeded. The mob took the negro to a point about half n mlle east of town , bound him , piled wood around him nnd set fire to It. The negro begged plteously for his life , but the mob turned deaf oars. In a short tlmo the flames leaped tip and ho expired In the presence of the several hundred men composing the mob. After Young had been put to death the mob started In quest of another negro , alleged to hive been Implicated In the killing of Mrs. Lewis. KILLS CALIFORNIA VENUS. Discarded Lover Shoots Woman Who Gave Design for Famous Statue. San Francisco , Oct. 21. Marian No lan , a young woman who became fa mous on the Pacific coast In 1893 as "tho California Venus , " was shot and killed last night by Edward Marschutz , who then sent a bullet through his own brain. The man accompanied the woman to her home , and when they reached the steps they were quarrel ing. Miss Nolan ordered him to leave her presence , and ho declared that she should listen to what ho purposed to say. She thereupon struck him with her umbrella and ho drew a revolver and killed her. Marschutz then killed himself. The quarrel was the outcome of a love affair of long duration. Miss Nolan attained western fame just prior to the Chicago World's fair , when she won a beauty contest to de termine the most perfectly formed woman In California , and a statue was modeled according to her figure. KANSAS CRIMINALS CAPTURED. Alleged Murderers of Morrison Now In Jail at Sedalla. Sedalla Mo. , Oct. 21. Sam and John Butcher , brothers , are In Jail hero and Charles Bradshaw , an ex-con vict from Kansas , is hiding in the woods near Windsor , Henry county , badly wounded , as the result of a bat tle with Sedalla and Windsor officers. The Butcher brothers and Bradshaw are charged with robbing the postof- flee at Lamonte , Mo. , a month ago , and It is alleged that the trio killed a storekeeper named Morrison at Paw nee , Kan. , on the night of Oct. 1 , after which they robbed his store of goods worth ? 500. Some razors and knives which were recovered at the homo of the Butcher boys yesterday have been Identified as those taken from the Morrison store. Burglar Raids Girls' Dormitory. Mexico , Mo. , Oct. 21. A burgla ? , who had entered the girls' dormitory at Hardin college last night by way of a fire escape and stolen money and jewelry from the rooms of various students , was finally put to flight by Miss Bertha Pattenglll , a Latin teach er. He escaped before an alarm could bo given. Two of the girls whose room was entered were Intimidated Into keeping quiet by the burglar's threats. Among those whose rooms were robbed was Miss Laldlaw of South Dakota , Louise Lackland of Mexico and Louise Blackmar of Now Frank lin , Mo. Sherwell on Trial at Evansville. Evansvllle , Ind. , Oct. 21. The trial of Wllbor S , Sherwoll , formerly a po liceman , charged with the murder of Lena Ronner , Georgia Ralley and Fan nie Butler , began In the circuit court yesterday. The defendant Is being tried on the Ralley charge flrst. The Btato will attempt to prove that Police man Sherwell was driving with Mrs. Ralley on the night ot Nov. 15 last , when she disappeared. Several wit nesses were examined and told of the finding of the body near the city. Consider General Strike. Paris , Oct. 21. A meeting of rep resentatives of the trades unions of Franco was held hero yesterday for the purpose of considering a general strike for an eight-hour day , old ago pensions , etc. , as demanded by the striking coal miners. The representa tives declared that they were ready to agree to a general strike If the move ment was based upon the common demands - mands of all working classes. The national committee of miners will meet today to consider this offer. Soldier Is Not Taylor. Carrollton , Mo. , Oct. 21. Sheriff Crusen Is satisfied that the soldier under arrest at Atlanta is not George Taylor , who escaped from Jail while awaiting execution for his part in the murder of the Meeks family. An At lanta paper , containing a picture ot George Burrus , who It waa assorted was none other than Taylor , was re ceived today , and Sheriff Crusen de clared It bore no likeness whatever to the escaped murderer. Pitched Battle In Texas. Groesbeck , Tor. , Oct. 21. A pitched battle was fought yesterday afternoon In the country four miles from her * between two Thomasona and two Rutherfords. The trouble is supposed to have grown out of a matter of rent and had been pending for some time. D. Thomason , Robert Rutherford nnd William Rutherford wore killed , Wai- lace Thomason escaping without a scratch. H hu surrendered. United League Holds Its First Session in Boston. LEADERS ARE FULL OF HOPE. Resolutions Are Adopted Arraigning Policy of English Government Dil lon , Davltt and Other Leaders Dis cuss the Irish Cause. lloBton , Oct. 21. A notable gather ing of luadots of International reputa tion , made romarkublo the opening ot the Ih'Ht convention of the United Irlnh league In this city yesterday , Hon. Hourko Cockran was chosen temporary chairman. Addressing the convention , Mr. Cockran suld that on appeal to arms by the Irlch puoplo would be folly rathur than patriotism , but when the truth of the Irish ques tion had become apparent to the world an adjustment of the difficulty would be possible. The convention then organized , with John \ > \ Flnerty of Chicago as permanent chairman. The afternoon session was wildly enthusiastic , especially during the speeches of John Dillon and Michael Davltt , and the resolutions which were Introduced at the close of the session were adopted amid cheers. They pledge the convention to undy ing allegiance to Ireland's cause , to the right of the Irish race to carry on the war against England by moans of honorable weapons ; assort the bollof that the lenders In Ireland are best fitted to direct and carry on this contest , demand the arraignment of England at the bar of public opinion through the dissemination of the facts of nor rule ; declare that the United Irish league Is the only monaco to England's rule In Ireland , and finally urge upon the members of this country to contribute liberally to the cause. John DHlon , one of the Irish en voys , prefaced his remarks by saying that ho was amazed at the strength of the movement in America and the success of the convention , both of which , he said , would glvo courage to the brethren In Ireland and consterna tion to her enemies. Ho said that the league needed assistance In Ireland because the people there were dis armed , because they were not allowed free speech , a free discussion in the press , the liberty of public meeting nnd , lastly , a trial by jury. This , ho said , Is tyranny. Michael Daivltt , who was the next speaker , said there wore organized in Ireland 1,302 branches , with an aver age membership of eighty , which gives a total membership of 110,000. Ho also said there were 100 branches In England , Scotland and Wales. Mr. Daivltt said that General Botha had asked him how many Irishmen came from America to fight for the Boers and Mr. Davltt said ho was ashamed to say that the number was only forty. General Botha said that If after Pardeburg 5,000 had como from America to help the Boors , the power of England would have boon smashed In South Africa. Mr. Davltt said ho believed the brethren In this country at that tlmo deserted the cause of Ireland In not fighting against England. MAKE CHARGES OF PERJURY. Irish Members Raise Trouble In Brit ish House of Commons. London , Oct. 21. The Irish nation alists were much in evidence at ques tion time in the house of commons yesterday. They bombarded the Irish secretary , Wyndham , with all kinds of queries , interruptions and contradictions of his statements auent the Imprisonment of Irish members. Wyndham's replies , though given In a conciliatory tone , evoked storms of derisive cries , mingled with hisses , and the speaker was kept busy sup pressing demonstrations which threat ened to develop into dlsorderliness. William O'Brien's motion for the ad journment of the house In order to discuss questions arising from the case of former Police Sergeant Sulli van , now in America , who is alleged to have obtained the conviction of In nocent persons through perjury , waa rejected. Old Officers Re-Elected. Kansas City Oct. 21. The Woman's Homo Missionary society of the Meth odist Episcopal church yesterday elected officers for the coming year , and listened to reports from the pub lishers and editors of the various mis sion papers. All of the officers of last year and all of the members of the board of managers were re-elected. The officers are : President , Mrs. Clinton B. Flsk , New York ; corresponding spending secretary , Mrs. Delia Lath- rep Williams , Delaware , O. ; recording secretary , Mrs. F. A. Alken. Cincin nati ; treasurer , Mrs. George 3. Thomp son , Cincinnati. Second Day of James Ceremonies. Chicago , Oct. 21. After a day filled with receptions , addresses and proces sions of students , the second day's celebration of the installation of Ed mund Janes James as president ot Northwestern university ended last night with the formal opening of the new law school of the university on the site of the old Tremont house , at Lake and Dearborn streets. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes of the United States supreme court was the guest of boner at the dedicatory exercises. Chicago Council Thanks Loronz. Chicago , Oct. 21. The common council adopted a resolution tendering the thanks of the city to Dr. Adolph Lorenz of Vienna for the charitable work .be had done among poor chil dren In Chicago. OWNER'S NAME NOT CIVULQED. Dupuy Will Vote Ma P oxlca nt Grand Inland Meeting , St. Joseph , Mo. , .let , Sl. ! flur.or\l M 'Miuor Ilnviiumd Uupuy of the HI. Jo.uih | ) and Or.iiiil Ih.iuul rilhvny will attend the annual mooting of Ihn RtockholdorH of the road at Uluwathnt Kan. , today. Mr. Dupuy will vote all proxies for directors except tliroo , which will bo hold by employes of the road In Kansan In ordi r to comply with the ntnto law. Whlto Union Pa cific Interests are hulUved to have bought up a controlling amount of stock , the change In mniwKomunt ot the Grand Island will not trvko plaoo for some tlmo. Just who owns the roud will not bo ren-calod nt the mootIng - Ing today , as It wan exported It would be , for the reason that orders have boon glvon from Now York that In formation on this subject will bo di vulged thoro. COLLIDING TRAINS KILL TWO. Fifteen Others Injured as Result of Wreck In Texas. Hcarno , Tox. , Oct. 21. Two per sons wore killed and fifteen Injured In a wreck nt Lewis. The International and Great Northern branch piiHHonger train WHS crossing the main line when a froticlit train ran into the chair car , cutting It In twain. The dead are : Jasper Howard of Mart , Tox. , and an unidentified man. Every physician of this city has loft here for the scene of the wreck. The Injured will bo taken to Houston. Fifteen Injured In Wreck. Knoxvlllo , Tonn. , Oct. 21. Fifteen people wore Injured In a collision near Coal Crook , Tonn. , last night be tween a Loiilsvlllo-bound train on the Knoxvlllo and Ohio division of the Southern railway and a freight train. The wreck was caused by the crew of the freight overlooking orders. Both engines , < in express car and the baggage car woio moro or loss dam aged. The passengers were badly shaken up , but none was fatally hurt. Engineer S. L. Hiiffmontcr of Knox vlllo was probably fatally hurt. Big Four Train Is Wrecked. Columbus , O. , Oct. 21. Big Four passenger train known as the Twen tieth Century Flyer ran Into an open switch fourteen miles north of Colum bus and the entire train , except thu last sleeper , was wrecked. Engineer Uyder of Cleveland had his leg brok en and head badly cut The other In jured are : Conductor Jerry Lahlff , Cleveland , slightly bruised ; Baggage- master Jerry Hayes , Cleveland , head cut ; Mrs. Mary Myers , Wellington , O. , slightly cut. Torpedo Boat Flotilla Sails. Washington , Oct. 21. The navy de partment Is Informed that the torpedo boat flotilla , commanded by Lieuten ant L. II. Chandler , has left Norfolk for Port Royal , S. C. . on Its way to Culobra Island , to take part In the ex tensive maneuvers of the North and South Atlantic nnd European squad rons early In December. NEW OFFICERS ELECTED. Foreign Christian Missionary Society Selects Leaders for Year. Omaha , , Oct. 21. The Foreign Christian Missionary society began its session at the Coliseum ycHlunlay In the International Christian church convention. After the annual repot la had been read the fotulgu Christian missionaries were introduced to the audience and spoke briefly of their work. The election of officers re- suited as follows : President , A. McLean , Cincinnati ; vice presidents , A. . B. Philputt , In dianapolis ; W. S Dickinson , Cincin nati ; B. C , DeWecse , Lexington , Ky. ; I. J. Spencer , Lexington ; S. M. Jefferson - son , Lexington ; recording secretary , George A. Miller , Covlngton , Ky. ; cor responding secretary , F. M. Rains , Cincinnati ; treasurer , S. M. Cooper , Cincinnati ; auditor , Russell Errett , Cincinnati ; medical oxauilner , Dr. P. T. Kllgour , Cincinnati. GIRL BURIED IN TWO CITIES. Difference In Religion of Relatives Results in Two Funerals. St. Joseph , Mo. , Oct. 21. The body of Zella Short , who waa accidentally ehot and killed at Parsons , Kan. , last week by her uncle , was burled in two cities. Funeral services , conducted by two ministers representing the Chris tian and Methodist denominations , wore held at Parsons Friday and a largo crowd of mourners followed the body to the grave. An hour later the young woman's body was on a north bound train for St. Joseph , the former home of the girl. Funeral services were again conducted yesterday and again a large crowd saw the remains lowered in the grave. The change was made because the relatives of the girl , being of different religious belief than the undo of the girl , were opposed to her being burled by him. In Memory of the Dead. Portland , Me. , Oct. 21. A senrlco in memory of members and friends who have died during the year was a touching feauro of the fourth day's session of the National Women's Christian Temperance union conven tion. Reports of superintendents also were presented. The report of the committee on reso lutions furnished mat6rlal for earnest and Interesting discussion. A declara tlon reaffirming Indorsement of pro hibition was adopted. After discussion , n resolution on home protection was adopted , with nn amendment declaring that woman equally with man , Is hold-responsible for the beauty , the purity , the happl ness and the sanctity ot the homo. Testifies in Suit Against North ern Securities Company. ALL ACTED ON OWN INITIATIVE , Dwells at Length on Statement That Fight for Ocean Control Would Den. eflt by Formation of Holding Con cern , but No One Need Sell. St. I'nul , Oct. 21.tljournod hearing - ing of the KuviMiiiimnt suit iiKiilniit thu HO culled railway inofKor was called to onlor by Hpnclal Examiner Ingoisoll at the clu-ult court In thin city yesterday anil the outlro day WUH given to direct testimony of 1'roH- lilont J. .1. Hill for * thu duromlantn , the CIOHH examination ImvliiK junt ho- gun when the court adjourned for the day. Mr. Hill wuut over much of the ground previously covered by him In hU testimony before the Intonitato commerce coinmlHslon ami Lu otlior uultH Hlmlliir to tlilH , but ho brought out mom hilly that the. oxchaiigo ot Grout Northern stuck for that of llin Norlhorn Sururltlos company was the Individual net of Individual Hharnliolil ern and dwelt at length on hln stato- in out that the purpose of the Northern SoctirlMuH company was for the pie tcctlon of a great commerce with the Orient , which the northern Hnoa IIIM ! ought to develop In competition with the triiiiHportullim companies of the wliolo world. The circular of the Northern Secur ities company to shureholilorH , offer ing to cxchango stock , hud heretofore boon placml In evidence , but yesterday the attorneys , through Mr. Hill , brought In a parnonnl circular loiter Bout by him to numerous Grout North ern sharoholdeiH in answer to In quiries , tolling them that any action of theirs in changing their stock tntmt bo tholr own Individual action and not bo Influenced by him. Mr. Hill will bo again on the stand today , and will bo followed by Colonel W. P. Cloiigh , Frederick WoyorhiuiH r and other defendants - fondants or directors of the defend ant companies. JURY INDICTS EDWARD BUTLER. St. Louis Millionaire Is Charged With Bribery. SU Louis , Oct. 21. The millionaire politician , Edward Butler , was ludtct- cd by the grand Jury yesterday on the charge of paying to Delegate Charles F. Kelly a ? 17.000 bribe for the mom- bora of the house of dolegatea' com bine , who passud the ten-year city lighting bill Nov. 28 , 1899. Butler was arrested , but released In bond of $20- 000 , signed by John A. Ilobb. When Informed that the names of Tamblyn , Helms , Schumacher , John K. Murrell and E. K Murroll , former members of the house of delegates , now under Indictment , were on the In dlctmcnts as witnesses for the state , Butler Raid : "I know that Tamblyn. Helms and Schumacher were going to ttitn state's evidence before they did It I think It Is ptetty tough for them to do such a thing. I've been feeding them ever since they have boon In Jail , and I have spent a good deal of money lor lawyers who have ondcav- . ored to huvo tholr bonds reduced. It looks like they are ungrateful. Still I have no complaint to make. I have nothing to fear from anything thosr men may tell. I know nothing about the lighting bill. I had no Interest In It ono way or the other. " SACRIFICE SPEED TO POWER. Naval Board Approves Designs for New Cruisers. Washington , Oct. 21. The nava.l board on construction yesterday final ly decided on the features of the ar mored cruisers authorized by the last congress. Speed has been sacrliled in a measure to power. By a vote of four against one , Enginoer-ln-Chlef Mel vllle's proposition to give the big ships 25,000 horse power and a speed oi twenty-three knots at a. minimum waa rejected and the horse power will stand at 23,000 , which , he estimates , will actually bring the speed down to about twenty-one and a half knots The new boats therefore will bo three and one-halt knots slower than the four famous English armored cruls era of the Drake class. To offset this lack of speed the Tennessee will have a much more powerful battery. The Tennessee class also will have more armor. The englneer-in-chlef wll make a minority report to Secretary Moody , taking the ground that the in tent of congress has been evaded am that the board has designed actua battleships and not speedy armored cruisers. Asks $80,000 for Breach of Promise Mankato , Minn. , Oct. 21. A sensa tlon was caused hero yesterday , when Mrs. Lizzie H. Phelps , proprietress of a fashionable millinery establishment mont , commenced an action In the dls trlct court against Lester Patterson to recover $80,000 damages for al leged breach of promise of marriage Mr. Pattcrsdn was recently married tea a wealthy widow at Los Angeles. He is a wholesale grocer and one of the wealthiest residents of Mankato. Convention of Spiritualists. Boston , Oct. 21. Nearly 400 spirit ualists from all over the country me at the Hotel Berkeley last night at the reception inaugurating the tenth annual convention of the Natlona Spiritualists' convention of the United States and Canada , to take place here this week. Among the speakers were : Hon. Alonzo Thompson of Nebraska C. E. Prudon of St. Paul and Hon. C R , Flsko of Kcokuk , la. BEAUTY TRIUMPHS , Tim m Pr/aalemm Tramaiiro. knuty is WOIIIIIII'H ircntcHl ; rlinrin. The vvorM nilon-H beautiful women A pretty . 'Oman dread1) ) maternity for fear ( if losinjj Ills power. What can be done in iierpctu- tu the race ami keep women beautiful ? 'here is a Imlm UHed by cnlturcil anil 1111- ultnirtl women In the crisis Iltisbanilt hould investigate this remedy in order o reassure their wives as to thu ease vilh which children can be born ami eauly of form anil d ure retained. Mother's Friend s the name by which llii'i preparation ii Down. It diminishes the p.iin allied to lotherhood I'scd thioiighout pregnancy t relieves imniiinjj mckncss , cures sore reasts , make.s elastic all tendons called pen to hold the expanding 1 > nrdcn. MuscleH soften and relax under its inllit- nee and the patient anticipates favorably lie issue , in the comfort thn.s bestowed. Mother' * Friend is a liniment for ex- crnal application. 11 is gently rubbed n-erthe parts so severely taxed , ami licnifj bsotbed lubricates all the inusc'es DniKHists sell it for ft per bottle You have book "riothcrltooil" ' . may our : ri'c. HE ORADFIEUD flECULATOH CO. . ATUNfA , 0 * . She Has Cured Thousands" Given up to Die. DR. CALDWELL OF CHICAGO I'riiclicin Aleopathy , lloino- onulhy , Electric suul ( ion- em ! Medicine. Will , by roiinoit , visit professionally NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , PACIFIC- HOTEL , FRIDAY , NOVEMHKR7 , ONE DAY ONLY. returning f > vor > four wools Cnntult her vtli lo thnopportu it > IH nt liancl DK. CAMKI.M mils her prxcl < ; q t' tl.o special IriMilini'ijI of IM > IISPH of tlio 0)0 , oar. HOBO , lIllOHt. llllIKH , fomall' lllbOUtUM ( llH'MP'H Of rlnlilrna mill HI ! clinitilr. nonon * unit HiirKlcnl illMMtBHB nl H cimiblo imturo Karl ) conminit- tliui , bronchitis , bronchial ciiturrli , i lire me catiirrh homlualio , cnntlip > ilio , Btomnch mul bowel trouliloH. rlionnmtiHMi minniU-lH , i-ci- ntlcii , Hrlutit'n illmini'o.l.liliiny ( llton of HID liver unit lilmldnr , ( liz/.liioce , i iii < llni > 'U n , uliiwlty liiitiriiptoil n rttlmi , HOW | Krow Hi In chilifrir. mill nil unntliiK ills- OIIMB in itilnlte , il'tfo mltioi clnb-fcot ctirva- nun of thn upliio , ilUoiiHOH of the brain , piirnly- HK , lionrtilinmifo , ilropny , BueHlnir otlm linilw , etrlrtnro , upon norna , pain In the bouo * . Kranu- Inr oulnrKomontH anil all lotig.etanilinK dia- oaBeit propqrly troa'e i , ItloOll UIKl Skill Pimples , b'ntclinti , eruptions , Il\or potg , fall- iiitfnf tin ) lialr , bail complexion , eczi-nm , throat iilcnra , lii'O rains , bliuldur tinnhlra , weak Imck , burning nrlno pn MIIR nrlnn oo ofton. The olToctH of constitutional eicktuis or tlia taking of too much Injurious mnillcluo rocoUea eearcli UK treatment , proTr pi relief and a euro fo'lifo. DlBnntog of women , IrroKulnr menBtriintlon , fnllitiK of the womb , beariuit down pains , foira'o ' ' UplHcnmnnte , luck of eexual toiio. I ono'irrhna. fltorilitr or barrenuera , coninlt Ir Caldwell aii't ghenlll rhow them the causa of their trouble and the way to become CD rod. Cancnrx , Goiter , Klntnl , t'llen nnl enlarged K'ands ' treated with the subcn- tanooUB Inject on methoil , absolutely without pain and without the loss r > f n drop of blood , IB ono of her own discoveries and it really the most scientific method of tills advanced tiga Dr. Caldwell hat practiced her profession la some oi mo largest uospnaig uiroumioui ins country , Sh imt no superior I' ' the treating nnd ( llaKnoslnif ilUoanis. do'ormitloB , p c. She has lately opened an olllco inOmahi Nebrnhk * , whore she will spend a portion of each week treatlrB her many pattertt. No incurable cases accepted for treatment Consultation , examination and advice , one dollar t thoto In- tcroetod. DR. ORA CM.DV.KI \ . .V Co Omaha , Neb , Chicago 111. Men and Women who are In need of the best medlcnl treat ment should not fall to consult Dr. Hatha way at once , as he U recognized as the leading and most suc cessful specialist. You are safe in placing your case in his hands , as he is tha longest established and has the best rep utation. He cures where others fall ; there is no patchwork lor experimenting in . /'his ' treatment. Per- 'isonal attention by Dr. Hathaway , also spe HATHAWAY. cial counsel from his associate physicians when necessary , which no other ofllce has. If you can not call , write for free booklets and question blanks. Mention your trouble. Kv- erything strictly confidential. J. Newton Hathaway , M , D. 51 Commercial block , Fourth nnd Na- brtiskn streets. Oumhn , Nob. Ignature Is cm every box ot ( he genntao Laxative Brorao-Quinlne th * remedy fhat care * a cold la OM