The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 24, 1902, Page 16, Image 16

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Fusion Sham Reform as Found
on the Records.
ITho Republican Stnto Offlccro Show
Good Records Institutions Cnre-
j fully and Economically Mannyed.
\ The State Treasury In Comparison.
Lincoln , Oct. Jl. ! NoliniHUii. wllli
her free schools and foil Ho Mill , ono
Of UlO lllOHt ItlUlllU'tlVO HtlltOH III I III )
union , notwd for ImvliiK Hio HinuHonl
l > or ci'iit of Illltcnu-y of any Htato In
the union. IH i-ompollcd to cany a bur
den of $2,000,001) ) of dobt. In their
JlllUfOlllI UlO fllBlOlllHtH rlllll'gO tlllH
debt to llpnubllcan inlHriilo. l < ot UH
rofcr to tbo lucordtt and place lliu In-
dolitcdnoRB of Ibu Htato wbc'iv It Jtmtly
uolonps. From Jan. 1 , ISlt'.l ' , to Jan.
1 , IflOl. or the liuit two yoaiM of fiuilon
inlo In NoliniHlw U' ' ° ( lollL WIIH ' "
croasi'd over $ 135,6:11 : UH , or within
565.00(1 ( of huliiKono fouitbof thoontlrti
IndohtadnoBH of the Htato. A platfonn
jiromlso of revenue lofonn ,
from a puity noted for Itti
oMniviiKiuifo of inonoy nhonld luivn
but little Inllui'iirotth the vott'iH of
NuhniHlca. TUo record of the picHi-nt
Btflto olllclals , noted for economy.
HtnndH out In bold luintniHt with the
record of oxtravagunco made by the
fuslonlsts. Under tbo fusion rule nl-
moat every dopnrlinont WIIH con
front oil \\lth a larno dufldnnry IOIIR
before the commlsalonH of the tri'aH'
ury lootorH expired.
It IH yonra Hlnco NebranUa tins had
ptich an able , honest and btiHlneHH lIKe
iHliulnlstintlon of Its affairs an It IIIIH
bud for the pant two yearn by the
piL'HOiit Republican oIllclulH , who are
nsliluK ro election. In fact , In not a
single olllco IB tboro a dullclonuy and
in many of thorn money appropilatod
will bo turned back Into tbo treasury
Avhon the now approprlatlonn become
nvallublo. Such a record waa never
before board of In Nebraska , Biich econ
omy waH never before prnctlcod. Thla
record for economy nhould meet a
rousing IndorBoment at the polio.
The State Institutions.
At the state Institutions there ban
teen absolutely no friction. The Inmates -
mates have been cared for with the
oamo kindness and patlenco aH though
they were directly In charge of pa
rents. No father or inothor boa felt
called upon to malto complaint to high
er authority than thoao directly lit
charge of the InstltutlonB , but on the
contrary letters of commendation are
being conattuiUy received. The In
mates are fed the same wholCRomo
food that Is provided for the otllclals
nnd employes , and evorythlng possible-
is done that will promote the health
nnd happiness of the Inmates the unfortunate -
fortunate wards of the state. Such a
record stands out In marltod contrast
to the extravagant management and
shameful mistreatment of the Inmates
by the lost fusion administration when
the Institutions Boomed always In a
state of turmoil and whoie the In
mates of many of thorn wcio com
pelled to eat food absolutely until for
the human body , while the olllclals ,
their tamllles and the employes were
living on the best that money could
buy nnd at the expense of the state.
The State Treasury.
The taxpajers have come to regard
the state tieasury as the exponent
of the party In power , they have been
taught b > experience to look with
consldeiable Interest after the man
ner In which tholr funds iuo being
handled. State Treasurer Mcscrvo
was the fusion Ideal , but heie la a
comparison of the locords made by
Meservo and the present state treas
urer. Which has best guarded your
interest , the fuslonlsts with Mosorvo
or the Republicans with Stuotor ?
Note the comparison :
Cnllprtlmis Stuofer more tlmn
Mi'Hi'iM- $ 1,1 (10,3(5J ( ( 5.1
Disbursements Stuofcr inorv
tlmn Mt > Hi r\i 1,007,021 1)3 )
Intoro-it nilhctril Stui'ftT mure
tlmn Mt > t > r\u 1,027 Ib
Amo. . rooolpts Stuefer more
tlmn MO TM < ( H.3S7 CO
Av. mo. illHlnirsemrnts Stuefor
mou > tlmn Mrit > n > TiT.TIlS trv
Av. mo. linlnni'o Stnofrr loss
than Mi'Hi < r\i > 31aifl 31
CollectIon * . Investment fuiul.
Stui'fi'r morn than Mi-serve I.IO'-.SM < U
Iiucstiiunity Sttiefor uioro than
MPMT\C 1.0J0.207 ft.
Monthly itMVlptd , Investment
funds. Stuofor more than Me
m-no fll.202 71
Monthly Iinestmi'iits , liuost-
input fund * Sturfer more
than Meser\ 5,1,090 &
AveniKO monthly lialanco , In-
M > Htnii'iit fund , Stuofor lph
than Mofcpr\p 113,312 8J
Mickey on Record.
J. H. Mickey delivered the following
address at the State university last
week , which speaks for Itself. Mr.
Mickey spoke as follows ;
"Dean Davis. Members of the Fac
ulty and Students of the University
of Nebraska. ; I am truly glad to be
with you at thla convocation hour. I
am grateful to Chancellor Andrews for
his very kind Invitation to meet with
you and nddreas you , the faculty and
students of this great university.
"The work of this university Is of
the greatest Importance to the devel
opment of this commonwealth Thir
ty-four years ago It was my privilege
to become a citizen of our state. My
homestead entry waa the first business
transacted In the Lincoln United
States land office. Thirty-four years
ago , our state was admitted Into the
union. I am gratflcd to be In touch
with and to share with others the ben
efits and blessings of the high stand
ard of education we have reached In
the thirty-five years of statehood.
"Nebraska has been liberal In her
appropriations for this university
Her liberality in these appropriations
must continue commensurate with
twiMillnth century domnnds , Nobran
Un , ini'iiHurod by her llnanrlal re-
iioiirct'H , IH excelled by no other nU'to
In the liberality of her appropriating
for higher education. Thla splendid
recoid muni bo malr.talncd. The
money appropriated and with pru
dence expended for thin university IH
not oxtiavagnnco. It la coinmoiiHi'nac
economy for the general wolfaio of
the people. Thin also applloa with
equal force to the Htato normal uchool
at 1'oru , JIB well aa to every public
liiBtltullon In the Htato. While the
Htato miiHt be wl ely liberal In Ita np-
ptoprlatloiiH and prudent In Itn ox-
pcmllturcH for public liifltltutloiiH , It
nuiitt not dlHcouiago private enter-
pi 1,40 fraught with public good , Tboro
are ptlvate and parochial schools ,
academics , eollegoH and mil vomit Inq
In thin great commonwealth , which
the Htato Bhoitld encourage , not by
public taxation or appropriations , but
by the good will of the public In wishIng -
Ing them Mod npced. I am quite tniro
I voice the Hontlmont * and views of
your honorable and woithy chancellor
and thin great unlvorilty , when I Hay
all thorn ) are esHentlal to the iood ; clt-
t/eimhlp of our great and gt owing
"Having lived the greater part ot
my life on the farm , permit me to say
that I regaid the work of the agtcul [
tural department of thin and other
Btato universities of equal Importance
with oilier depaitmenls. The farm
nnd Ilio Interests connected therewith
food the world. The rapid Increase
of population will In the future make
greater demands for food to sustain
life and the comfort of the teeming
millions than the past has over 10
qulted What could methods and skill
In farming used fifty years ago do
now to supply the needs of the In
creased population ? They would fall
The demand of our day IH for an much
bnilti power and Intelligence on the
farm , the raising of stock and the
handling of those vant IntorestH na In
any other avocation of life. "
Hold Them to Their Record.
No matter how hard the fiialoulsta
may try to veer away from the IHSUCS
of the campaign on the state ticket ,
( hey will bo tried at the ballot box on
these Issues
It ao happens that ono of the princi
pal Issues Is the record of the last
fusion administration , That Is some
thing the fuslonlsts would like very
much to turn their backs on , and for
the roiBon that It IB a record of Incom-
potency , dishonesty and nepotism
such as would make the expert plun-
dororH of Tammany Hall turn pale
with anger.
Hero IH the rocc.,1 In part and It lane
no wonder that fusion politicians
should want to keep the people's at
tention from It :
Two hundred and twenty-seven rola
tlven and friends of fusion officials nnd
loaders given bed and board nnd oftoi
clothing In the state Institutions at
the Btato's expense.
The entire appropriation expended
and unpaid bills amounting to $119.000
Pigs bought from "Your Uncle
Jako" Wolfe by the fusion superln
tendent of the hospital for the Insane
at Lincoln out of state funds at $12
per pig.
A substitute hired for an Incompetent
ent physician at the Boldlers' homo a
Clinnd Ishml nnd money paid bin
clandestinely from the drug fund.
Lnccs , linens and fancy undorwea
purchased for the daughters am
daughters-in-law of the commandant
of the aoldlois1 homo at Mllford nnd
charged na groceries to the state.
Moro than fl.fiOO worth of timber
cut from the atato la-nd at Mllford nnd
the money embezzled
Private house rent nnd ofllco rent
paid In groceries stolen from the state
by n fusion physician at the soldiers'
A fusion newspaper occupying three
rooms and furnished light , power ,
fuel nnd rent free In the normal school
at Porn at the expense of the state.
The record destroyed , the funds
plundered and much state property
stolen In the Institute of feeble
minded youth at Beatrice.
nogus clothing and butter deals In
the asylum for the Insane nt Hast
ings , which robbed the state treasury
of more than $15,000.
Chemicals purchased for experi
mental purposes In the laboratory of
the Institute for the blind at Nebras
ka City with that department closed.
Text books changed with the sea
sons of the year In the Peru normal
and largo commissions filched from
the students.
Drugs , cattle , hogs , nnd favm prod
ucts belonging to the state sold at the
nstltuto at Reatrlco nnd the money
\ man npoolnted superintendent of
he tlsh hatchery at South Bend who
accentuated his Incompetoncy and lit
er untltness by evicting the llnny In-
mbltants of the aquarium through
the medium of exotic vegetation.
Thla la only part of the very bad
and very vulnerable records of the fu
sion administration , but it is enough
to cause oven fuslonlsts to stop and
reflect before they undertake to vote
this same element of treasury looters
back Into power.
The last fusion administration went
Into ofllco on the promise of honesty
end economy. If they didn't keep the
promise it was because It was not
worth keeping. They kept everything
else they got their hands on and If
they let that promise go it was be
cause It was a liability instead of an
asset. Seriously speaking , the return of
the fuslonlsts to power would be a
public misfortune. To again place
them in position where they could
loot the treasury , prey upon public
Interests and make lodging houses out
of state institutions for a multitude of
political hangers-on , to the shameful
neglect of the unfortunate Inmates ,
would bo to exercise the right of
franchise to public detriment.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
CIlli'flKO , "it ' - ' ' ' A Rood I'nnli iiml ex
port ili'inniiil , tnisi'tlicrvllh primped * nl
nnfnvornlitii Mi-nlliiT. < nu cil n llrm luni1 to
wlii'iil tnilny nml IM mlirr rlmcil 'V ' lilKh
IT. Drteinlii-r corn UIIH ! % < IMwln'r , while
un IBM'IO uiicliniiKi'il Jiiiiuui } tirovlHlotii
cliMoil fioin 'Vit' ' " to lc hlulier. Cloning
Whi'nt-Oi-t. . 7IU' * : DPI7J % . Mny ,
Corn Orl . r.7e , Dec. 51V. M .T.
( MlN-Ool . 31W.O. . HPItl ! % ' ' . Ml'Vii - .
I'orUOi I , JIH NO , .Un , 15.77 , Mny. 11 87. , tit < XI ; Jan. . $ ! 'JO M jr , $ H M.
niliA-Ort , * M MiJiin. ) _ , * sni ) . May , $7.8- .
Chicago Live Stock ,
( 'Illrntn , Oct. ill ! - I'ultlc Itcielpln , S.fiOO ,
InelnillliK 3,000 nriterriN. nlow , nlrailyi
Kooil In prime Mofr * , $7 l.VfHUO. ! | poor to
medium , $ : t 7.V < ( tl 1)0 , Mtoekrrrt HIM ! fenlern ,
fi.Vl.7S ! | , < iW , $1.IK ( < N IV ) , lirlfcrii , $1'-M
ft < n < > 0 ; niniirr * , JUO'dJ.oO , bullx , $ -'J. ( ? |
4 7. > , 1-alvcn , $ : i 7n < i(7'J.V Tens * frd Mccm ,
i'i ! , umti'lM nlrer , J.'l " .Vijtl W ) .
Hi'celplH toila.r , IH.OiK ) , lomorrow ,
liH ! ( ) ( ) ; left'ii\er , ll.l > 0 < ) , openeil lO'i/'JOe hlxh
er , eloneil ulth aihamr lost , mlxeil mill
hlltelielH , flllVJ7 ( 10 , K'ooil to Hiolnt lieavy ,
5lllKI'il7 W ; liniu'h heiur , $ lHIVit7 10. llchl ,
jll : iKilMH ( , ) . hull , of Miilex , $ ll7.Vi)7IX ) ) SliOfji
- ItereiptM , IH.tKMI , xheep anil lamliH Nteaily ,
KI M | to I'holie wi'lliiTH , $ : i.WHM ) , fair to
( holeo mlxeil , t..fiiKii.'iriD. westein Hlieep ,
I'.MXWt.'l n , natUe lamliK , $3 Wi'i CU ; west-
era luinlix , | 3 7.V/1B IXI. _
Kansas City Live Stock.
KmiHiiM City. Oct. 'J.I Cattle Iterelptu ,
lO.INM ) , iipeneil Nteinly to I0 ( hlKliei , vloseil
veal. , ihnlee lierf Ntt'eix , $7 ( MI1(711'j ( ; falc
to Kimil , fl O0'/llll.i ( , HtixkeiH ami fceihT.i ,
J'J.WKM " > , enlern feil Hteern. $3.WW.-i IX ) ;
I'exaH ami Imllan nteein ,'fUI - . * > , Texai
CHUM , $1 T.Vn.t'jr. , inilhe COUHMYi4.IX \ \ ) ,
niithe helfeirt , $ ' . > .IMKii3 T.O ; eanneix , 0 7.V.J
. ' l.'i. ImllH , fJ..VKii.'l II ) , ealxeH , $ : t no'ijtl 00.
UIIRH UeeelptH , IJMH ( ) , a\piaK < Ml lOe high
er , Nome Lite UlKliPi. top , * tl IH ) , ImlU o (
HiiloH , $ H7.VilH.1. ( ( heivy. JH7.illlHi ( ( , mixed
paekern , $ U 7.flll.lH ( > , llKht , $ H'l.'VjfKI ' S3 ;
jollier , $1) ) NMill H.plKH , UOtKaOiri .Slif.ep
- leielitx | , 10..VM ) , Hteiuly to NlroiiR , liimln
lower , imtlxe lninl > i. $4 lKi. ( } I. , wrutoin
lamliH , $ INKMIH ( ) , feil ewes $ : t Oiv3.70. ( { im-
the \\i-theix. ? : iWu.1. | > , \ \ cHternilIHTM. .
Jf.'l ( NKi/.I.D. / , HtoekiTH anil feeleia.1.7yd3.50.
South Omaha Llvo Stock.
Smith Omaha , Ool. 1J CuttluKecelptH ,
( I..tNl , Hteiuly , eominon feeilpm lower ; im-
the xteeix , jI.7.it7."i0 ( , eowM nml lieifem ,
$ : iHKj4 ( | | "i , westein Hteem , lILdOjiri 7,1 ,
Texan HteerH , fll.Kfn ( Ml. nuiRfiM , ? U.73f ( (
I in ) , ciilineM , $1.7V-7 ( , " ; stoekeiM ami
feeilero , $ 'J.7ofii-l.7ri ; ealxen , ! fl ( xY < / < IOO ;
ImllM , MtilKM. ete , J'Xij . ' . ' . ' ) IloKM-He-
lelptn , : iIOO , Mdlle hlKhei. heaSO 7M ( (
117.- . . mixed , $ tl7Knl7r. ( ( , llKht , Jfd 7.Vr l.hf ) ;
plKH , T'lOOffllluO ' , Imlk of HiileH , $1) ) ( M'fMI. ) ' , ' , : > .
Sheep-llecelplH , 15.100 , 10tt1.1e loweri
vpnilliiK'4. T37IMJ/400. wethers , % ( \ : iXf3.r.O | ;
ewi" < , if'7Vil ( ? ! Ifi , eommon nnd stockers ,
St. Joseph Llvo Stock.
St. JoMeph , Oct. LM.-Cattle-lteeelpts , 2-
fill I , steady to Ke ) higher , imtlvuM1,00(3 (
7 N'I , eows unit helferH , $ l."iOCfri ( ( loenls ,
l.'jr , , ( mils ami MtiiKi * . $ 'J.OlTiri ( ( 7i > ;
s nml feeileiH , f'J.OO H 75. IloKi
, a.738 ; 10fMr.e ( hluher. llRht ana
mliHil. tIt.HKUtlHJW , medium ami
he ivy. $ ( l.77Wflfl,85 ; plBi , $37300-73 ; bulk ,
French oneer uarnc 01 noosevcit.
Paris , Oct. 24. President Reese
velt's name was enthusiastically
cheered In the chamber of deputies
yesterday , when M. Jauros , socialist ,
urged the government to follow the
example of the American president's
conciliatory attitude In dealing with
Two Vessels Lost.
Seattle , Wash. , Oct. 24. The steam
er Centennial , from Alaska , loports
the loss of two vessels , the schooner
Courtney Ford nnd the ship Louis
Walsh , both of San Francisco , and the
death of four men.
Ho Ilild n roiiNf
"Wonderful fellow , that llerlock
Solme.s , " remarked the captain a few
evenings ago In the HinoUeroom. "I
lemembei1 the occasion when I was In
troduced to him. It was nt a crush nt
Jht Van AstorbllLs. There wab an aw
ful crowd , aii'l ' wo were standing up
In a corner talking , when all at once I
mlbbctl my watch.
" 'What's the matter1 Inquired the
detective when he noticed that I was
upset , nnil'I told him.
"Looking at the time , he observed ,
speaking so as to bo beard for n yard
or two around , 'Gentlemen , my friend
here has lost his watch , but fortunate
ly It Is n striking repeater , iiiuljis It Is
now tlfty-clght minutes to 10 when It
strikes the hour we shall be sure to
hear It and can so detect the thief if
you will kindly listen for it'
"Two or three fellows laughed , but
nil took It good nnturedly except tin
ugly looking foreigner , who colored up
under his dirt ami tried to shulllu
" 'That's our man , ' said Solmes.
"And so It was , for my watch wa
found on him.
"Was It n repeater ? Oh , no ! There's
where the talent came in- : Philadel
phia Hulletln.
mill Hurled nml I.lvpil.
It Is not given to many men to -3
hanged nnd burled ami yet be able to
tell the tale , but such was the experi
ence of one John Hartcndalo , who wad
executed nt York In 1KJ4. ( for felony ,
After his body had hung for nearly
an hour It was burled. A gcntlemnn
passing by the grave , which had not
been lllled up , thought ho saw the
earth move , and with the help of h'.s
servant ho disinterred the convict , who
was still alive.
It was tbo custom in those days to
bury suicides nnd executed criminals
without any cotlln. Tbo man was care
fully treated and entirely recovered.
Ho became hostler at the coaching
bouse In York and lived a most ex
emplary life. When asked what he
could tell In relation to hanging , as
having experienced it , he replied , "That
when I was turned off Hashes of flro
seemed to dart from my eyes , from
which I fell Into n state of darkness
and insensibility. "
Mot SniieratltlouH , lint
"No , 1 nm not a believer In the super
natural , " sold the hard bended woman.
Nevertheless , she went on to tell how
some oriental personage she had met
had declared that if you lost anything
it is no good to look about for it , but to
visualize it. Last week tills woman lost
a valuable hatpin. She searched high
and low for it In vain. Then all of a
midden she remembered the words of
the n.ithe mid win1 nut down and closed
II.T . PJCH tlKhtlj nnd thought of noth
ing but her IOHH. A few minutes pass
ed , 'iiul upon n dlHk ( if darknesH there
nppimied tlio bright outline of n hat
pin won thiough the folds of a blanket.
liiiiin'illately afterwitid my friend was
stilt tied by her maid's voice : "I have
found the pin , imi'iiiit. It WIIH lying In
the foIdH of n blanket on your bedl"
New Yoik Coinmeiclnl Advertiser.
It I MM ; Slehm-N * .
Unfortunate piiHsenger.s aboard
Bteamei-H are not the only onea to en
dure the ng'inlcH of miiiHca. Any cir
cus man will tell you that It IH a most
dlllleult thing to overcome the misera
ble HiMisiitlon caimed by constantly cir
cling round u mimll ring. Clowns even
and ringmasters mitTcr from It , merely
from m-olng the horses go round nnd
round and < > m > well known ringmaster ,
oven nfter years of experience , still
llndH that If a horse bulks n little or
gets behind time , compelling him to
follow close upon It , be will probably
undergo a painful lit of sickness after
leaving the ring.
AVoiiirn In Co in in nml.
In several villages of Finland the
woman has nuthotlty , for a religious
Hect exists there whose disciples are
forced to marry nnd to take n vow to
submit to the wife In nil things. The
women choose one of their number for
governing bend , whose duty It Is to suu
that the men behave themselves and to
punish them If they transgress. Sim
ilar are the "Purltlcnnts" of Liberia ,
who also recognize the supremacy of
The following proponed iiiiiiuiiliiient to
IhoC'oiiHtttutluii of the .Suite of MlirunUn ,
UN heruluufiur set foitli Iu full , l suliinlt-
trd to the electors of thoSti > t ol Nehnuiku ,
to ho voted upon lit the Kuiierul election to
lie held TueHilny , November I , A. I > . 1003
A Joint Resolution proposing to amend
section oiiu of Article fifteen , of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska ,
relative to the manner of submitting
and adopting amendments to the Con
stitution of the State of Nebraska.
Bo it Resolved and Enacted by the Leg
islature of tbu Scute of Nebraska :
SECTION 1. That section one of Ar-
tie o iitteuu of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska benmeuded to read as
follows :
Soutiou 1. Either branch of the leg
islature may propose amendments to this
Ooufetitution , and if the same be agreed
to by three-fiftnaof the members elected
to each house , such proposed amend
ments shall be entered on the Journals
with the yeas and nays , and published
at least once each week in at least one
newspaper in each county where a news
paper is published , for thirty days
immediately preceding the next election
of senators and representatives , at which
election the same shall bo submitted to
the electors for approval or rejec
tion , nud if a majority of the electors
voting at such olectiou on buch proposed
amendment , shall vote to adopt such
amendment , the sauio shall become a
prut of this Constitution. When more
than one amendment is submitted at
the sumo olectiou , .they shall bo so sub
mitted as to enable the eleorora to vote
on each amendment separately.
All ballots used nt such election on
such amendment or nmendmoutH shall
have written or printed thereon the fol
lowing : For proposed amendment to
the Constitution relating to ( hero insert
the subject of the amendment ) and ,
ngamst proposed amend nieut to the
Constitution relating to ( here insert the
subject of tno amendment ) nud the vote
of each elector voting on such amend
ment or amendments shall bo designated
by the elector by making u cross with n
pen or pencil m a circle or tquare to be
placed nt the tight of the lines the
words "For or Against" the proposed
amendments , as he shall desire to vote
thereon , or by indicating his preference
on a voting machine when such machine
is iu use.
I , Geo. W. Marsh , secretary of state
of the state of Nebraska , do hereby
certify that the foregoing proposed
amendment to the constitution of the
State of Nebraska is a true nnd correct
copy of the original enrolled and en
grossed bill , as passed by the Twenty-
povonth session of the legislature of the
State of Nebraska , as appears from said
original bill on file in this ofllco , and
that said proposed amendment is sub
mitted to the qualified voters of the
State of Nebraska for their adoption or
rejection at the general election to be
held on Tuesday , the 4th day of Novem
ber , A. D. 1902.
In testimony whereof , I have here
unto pet my hand and affixed the great
seal of the state of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this 22d day of July ,
in the year of our Lord One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Two , of the Inde
pendence of the United States * the Ono
Hundred nnd Twenty-seventh , and of
this state the Thirty-sixth.
[ Seal.l Secretary of State.
A Typical South African Store.
O. R. Larson , of Bay Villa , Sundays
River , Cape Colony , conducts a store
typical of South Africa , at which can
bo purchased anything from the prover
bial "needle to an anchor. " This store
is situated in a valley nine miles from
the nearest railway station and about
twenty-five miles from the nearest
town. Mr. Larson says : "I am
favored with the custom of farmers
within a radius of thirty miles , to many
of whom I have supplied Chamberlain's
remedies. All testify to their value in
n household where a doctor's advice is
almost out of the question. Within one
mile of my store the population is per
haps sixty. Of these , within the past
twelve months , no less than fourteen
have been absolutely cured by Chant-
berlain'B Cough Remedy. This must
surely be record. " For sale by Kiesau
Durg Co.
A Word to Travelers ,
The excitement incident to traveling
and change of food and water often
brings on diarrhoea , and for this reason
no ono should leave home without a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colio , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sole by
Kiesau Drag Co.
Oor * Mkn Hot Cukei.
"The faHtost nulling article I have in
my store , " writes Druggist 0 T
Smith , of Davis , Ky , " 1H , Dr. King's
Now DiHoovoiy for connumptlou , coughs
and colds , beciiuflo it always curts. In
my six years of sales it lias never fulled.
I have known it lo uavo snfiVrerfl from
throat and lung dUensos , who could get
no help from doctors or any other
remedy. " Mothers rely on it , bout pby.
sloiauB prescribe it , and the Kiosau
Drug Co. guaroutoo satisfaction or re-
fnnd price. Trial bottles free. Regular
si/.oB , CO cents and $1.
Nntural Anxiety.
Mothers regard approaching winter
with nuoaalnoBS , children tnko cold so
easily. No dlsonso costs more little
lives than croup. It's attack is to sud
den that the Bufferor is often beyond
human aid before the doctor arrives.
Such caflBB yield readily to Ono Minute
Cough Cure. Liquifies the mucua , nl-
laya inflammation , removes danger.
Absolutely safe. Acts immediately.
Cures coughs , colds , grip , bronchitis , '
all throat nnd lung trouble. F S. Ma-
lion , Humptou , Gu. : "A bad cold ren
dered mo voiceless just before an orator
ical contest. I intended to withdraw
but took Ono Minute Cough Cure. It
restored my voice iu time to win the
medal. " A. H.
If it isn't popular , if it wasn't loved
by the people , why do dealers Bay :
"We have something just as good aa the
Madison Medicine Go's Rocky Mountain
Tea. " Think it over , accents.
The Worst Form.
Multitudes are Hinging the praises of
Kodol , the new discovery which is mak
ing ao many sick people well nud weak
people atroug by digesting what they
ent , by demising nud sweotoniug the
stomach nud by transforming their food
into the kind of pure , rich , red blood
that makes you fonl good all over. Mrs.
Crnufill , of Troy , I T. , writes : For a
number of years I was troubled with
indigestion nud dyspepsia which grow
Into the worst form. Finally I was
induced to use Kodol and after using
four bottles I ant entirely cured. I
heartily recommend Kodol to all suf
ferers from indigestion and dyspepsia.
Take n dose after meals. It digests
whr.t you eat. A H Kiesau.
Nasal Cutarrh quickly yields to troat-
mout by Ely's ( Jrcnm Dalnt , which it ngrco-
nbly nromntic. It is received through the
uostrilb , cleanses and heals the uholo surface -
face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists
sell the 50c. size ; Trial eize by man , 10
cents. Test it and you are Euro to continue
thu treatment.
To ftcconuuodato those who are partial
to the use of atomizers iu applying liquids
into the nasal passages for catarr/tnl trouble -
ble $ , the proprietors prepare Cream lialm iu
liquid form , -which will bo known as Ely's
liiquKl Cream Uulm. Price including the
spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by
mail. The liquid form embodies the med
icinal properties of tbo solid preparation.
It fills the arteries with rich , red
blood , makes new flesh , makes sick people
ple well. ThatV what Rocky Mountain
Tea does. 155 COMB. A. H. Kiesau.
Strlckeu With 1'nrulyslH.
Henderson Grimett , of this place , was
stricken with partial paralysis and
completely lo t the use of one arm nnd
side. After being treated by an eminent
physician for quite n while without re
lief , my wife recouimeuded Chamber
lain's Pain Balm , and after using two
bottles of it ho is almost entirely cured.
Goo. R McDonald , Man , Logan
county , W. Va. Several other remarkable -
able cures of partial paralysis have
buon effected by the use of this liniment.
It is most widely known , however , as a
cute for rhumatism , sprains and bruises.
Sold by Kiesau Drug Co.
Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs
and colds nud prevents pneumonia.
Take uosubstitutes. A. II. Kiesau.
"Wutcli the Kidneys. "
"When they are affected life is in
dauger , " says Dr. Abernethy , the great
English physician. Foley's Kidney
Cnro makes sound kidneys. A. H.
She is a fine girl.quito brilliant I hoar.
I understand she has just completed n
course of Rooky Mountain Tea. That
accounts for her brilliancy. A. H. Kio-
Look Out For Fever.
Biliousness and liver disorders at this
season may be prevented by cleansing
the system with Do Witt's Little Early
Risers. These famous littla pills do not
gripe. They move the bowels gently
but copiously , and by reason of the
tonio proprieties , give tone and strongtl
to the glands. A. H. Kiesau.
Forty Years Torture.
To be relieved from a torturing dis
ease after 40 years' torture might well ,
cause the gratitude of anyone. This is
what Da Witt's Witch Hazel salve did
for 0. Haney , Geneva , O. He says :
"DoWitt's Witch Hazel salve cured me
of piles nfter I had suffered 40 years. "
Cures outs , burns , wounds , skin diseases
Be ware of counterfeits. A. H. Kiesau
Amerlcu'i ) THIIIOUS Iteuutles.
Look with horror on skin eruptions ,
blotches , sores , pimples. They don't
have them , nor will any ono , who use ,
Bucklou's Arnica salve. It glorifies the
face. Eczema or salt rhonut vanish
before it. It cures sore lips , chapped
hands , chilblains. Infallible for piless
25 cents at Kiesau's drug store.
Got a free sample of Chamberlain's
Stomach aud Liver Tablets at A. H.
Kiesau's drug store They are easier to
take and more pleasant iu effect than
pills. Then their use is not followed by
constipation as is often the case with
pills. Regular size , 25 cents per box.
Dancer In Fall Colds
Fall colds are liable to hang on all
iwnter leaving the seeds of pneumonia ,
bronchitis or consumption. Foley's
Honey and Tar cures quickly aud pre
vents serious results. It is old and te
llable , tried and tested , safe and sure ,
contains no ophiatea aud will not con
stipate , A. H Kiesuu.
When you wake up with a bad taste
in your month , go at once to A. H ,
Kiesau'a drug store and get a free
sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. One or , two dosoi will
make you well. They also cure bilious
ness , sick headache and constipation.
No danger of consumption if you use
Foley'a Honey and Tar to cure tha
stubborn cough. A. H. Kiesau.
IlroiictiltU For JiO Venrs.
Mrs. Minerva Smith , of Danville , 111. ,
writes : "I bad bronchitis for twenty
.Tt-arfl and never got relief until I used
Foley's Houoy nnd Tar which ia n auro
euro. " Coutuiiios no opiates. A. II.
Never A k Ailvlco.
When you have a cough or cold don't
nfik what is good for it rud get souio
medicine with little or no merit and
perhaps dangerous. Ask for Foley'a
Honey nud Tar , the greatest throat and
long remedy. It cures coughs and colds
quickly. A. H. Klesnu.
.Spent More linn $1OOO.
W. W. Baker of Plaiuviow , Nob. ,
writesMy : wife suffered from lunir
trouble for ilfteou years. She tried n
number of doctors and spent over $1 000
without re iof. She became very low
nnd lost all hopo. A friend recom
mended Foley'a Honey and Tar and
thanks to this great remedy , it saved
her life. She onjoyw better health than
she lias known in ten years. " Refuse
substitutes A. H. Kiesau.
Ills Mf. . iu I'erll.
"I just Boomed to have gone all to
pieces , " writes Alfred Boo , of Welfare ,
Texas , "biliousness and a Intno back
had made life n burden. I couldn't eater
or sleep and felt almost too worn out to
work when I began to use Elootrio
Bitters , but they worked wonders.
Now I sleep like n top , can eat any
thing , have gained iu strength and en
joy hard work. " They give vigorous
health and new life to weak , sickly ,
run-down people. Try them. Only 50 .
cents at Kiesan's drug store.
A Io7 u Tlmen H Nlgnt.
Mr. Owen Dunn , of Benton Ferry ,
W. Vo , writes ; "I have had kidney
nnd bladder trouble for years , and it
became so bad that I was obliged to
get np at least a do/on times a night.
I never received any permanent benefit I
from any medicine until I took Foley's
Sidney Onro. After using two bottles
, am cured. A. H. Kiosau.
The ChUrtren'n Friend.
There is no use trying to porsua do
American mothers that a substitute ex-
sts for Perry Davis' Painkiller. They
cnpw how it relieves the troubles of
childhood , from sprained arms and legs
to stomachache. Other preparptions
may do good , Painkiller is certain to.
A big difference , and one that has been
recognized for sixty years. There is but
one Painkiller , Perry Davis' .
Out of Death's JHWH
"When death seemed very near from
a severe stomach and liver trouble , that
! had suffered with for years , " writes
? . Muse Durham , N. 0. , "Dr. King's
New Life pills saved my life and gave
perfect health. " Best pills on earth
nnd only 25 cents at Kiesau'sdragster
Worse Tlmn A Blow
from a hard fist is the buffet of cold wind
upon a pair of improperly protected
uugs. A few minutes exposure to cold
be the beginning of consumption.
Lose neither time nor courage. Fortify
yourself against pulmonary troubles , in
cluding consumption , with Allen's Lung
Balsam. A fnw dose's will loosen the
cough and enable you to get rid of the
phlegm that produces it. Cure EOOD
fell owe.
yiJJv I
Made a
Well Man
:1. : of Me.
produces tlio nbovo results In 30 days. It actt
powerfully and quickly , Curcc when nil others IM.
1'ounR men will regain tbelr lobt manhood , and old
men \vlll reco\cr their youthful vigor by using
UEVIVO. It .jv.tckly and surely restores Nervous-
UCES , Lost Vitillty , Impotency , Nightly Emissions.
Lost Tower , rallies Memory , Wattlnn Diseases , And
all effects ot Eol'-abur.o or excess end indiscretion.
Vhlch unOts ono for study , buelnesit or marriage. II
not only cures by stilting at tbo ecat of dlBeue , but
Is a great nerve tonlo and blood builder , bxlng <
Ing back the pink Blow to palo clieelis and reStoring
Storing the flro of youth. It wards off Insanity
* nd Consumption. loplst on having HCVIVO , ne
other. It can be carried in vest rocket. By mail
81.00 perpaifeage or elx for SS.OO , with a poiV
tlvowritten jmarnnteo to core or re fond
the money. Book and adrlso free. Address
For sale in Norfolk , Nebraska , by
Geo. B. Ohristoph. druKtrist.
Iu all Its stages there
should be cleaallneis.
Ely's Cream Balm
c'cau-es.iootlicsanilheala '
the diseased membrane.
11 cures catarrh and drh cs
nvtay a cold In the head
Cream Bnlm is placed Into the nostrils , spreads
over the membrane and Is absorbed. Ite'lefUIm
mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying does
not produce ente/Ini ; . Large SUe , CO cent ) at Drug *
gists nr by mall ; Trial blzc , 10 cents by mall.
KLY HUOTUEUS. 58 Warren Street , New York.
are the most fatal of all dis
0 Guaranteed Riiedy
or money refunded. Contain *
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best fo
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICH 50c. and $1.00.
Take the genuine , original
Made only by MudUon Medj
cine Co. . AUdlsun , WIs. It
kecpj you well. Our trade
murk cut on each package.
Price. 33 cent * . N vtr ol < )
_ In bulk. Accept no lubntl.
, TIB > . . tute A k .your