The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 24, 1902, Page 13, Image 13

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We Are
to do Flue Repair Work on
WatchcH , Clocks , Diamond
Jewclrr , and In fact anything
iu onr line.
We Assure
prompt and satisfactory work.
Our prictfl ) are right. Try
If you want to buy or build n house ,
the Elkhorn B. & S. Asssociatiou will
make you n loau ou favorable terms.
T. E. ODIORNE , Secretary.
What yon can save money on :
Ghickering pianos ,
Cheaper pianos ,
Chamber suits ,
China closets ,
Dining tables ,
Center tables ,
Easy rockers ,
Dinner sets ,
Toilet sets ,
Dressers ,
Couches ,
China ,
Lamps ,
Carpets ,
Book cases ,
Chiffoniers ,
Velvet rugd ,
Brussels rugs ,
Axuiiuster rugs.
Bring iu your catalogues and see how
much cheaper yon can buy at home as
well as saving yourself the annoyance
of unpacking , breakage , repairing , fit
ting and cleaning incident to all outside
shipments. CHA.S. II. JOHNSON.
The Davenport shoo store has been
connected with the city sewer.
Mrs. G. A. Werner , who has been sick
for several weeks past , is able to bo up
and around once more.
Tne West Side Whist club spout a
pleasant evening ac the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. John 11. Hays last night.
A football team from the School of
Mines of Rapid City , S. D. , arrived
from the west in a special car this noon
and transferred to the M. & O. for
Sioux City where they go to engage in
n game.
The young frien Is of Miss Emma
Wot/.cl surprised her last night at her
homo just north of the city and the
time was most enjoyably spout by these
who attended.
Burlington Hawk-Eye : At Loon ,
Kas. , the other day , a hot uweot potato
c.xpi clod , seriously Injuring a woman
who sat at the table. Kanpas people will
tiereafter blow down the nozzle of the
liot sweet potatoes to see if they arc
loado 1.
The chimneys on the city building
are being repaired with the hope that
the stoves in the building will bo given
a better draught and prevent them from
smoking up the wall paper and driving
the occupants out of doors for a breath
of fresh air.
The store burglarized at Pilgcr Wed
nesday night , was that of E. W. Kru-
gor. The wife was completely wrecked
by the use of nitre-glycerine. Between
$35 uud10 was taken. A posse of cit
izens has been searching the neighbor
hood for the robbers.
Three safes wore cracked at Belgrade
Wednefdajnight. . The robbers secured
about $ ' . . ' 00 from the one cracked at thu
railway station , $1'J3 was taken from
the postofllco safe and from the
one at the lumber yard about $10 ( !
svas the amount taken.
James Coylc , a former Norfolk grocer ,
who recently moved to O'Neill , expects
: > make that his homo during the
winter , but in the spring will remove to
Boiiosteol , S. D , the terminus of the
F. E. & M. V. extension , whore ho has
been investing quite extensively in prop-
o ty.
Fremont is after one of the starch
plants that are soon to be established
ly a company independent of the
packers combine , recently orgaui/ed iu
Chicago. Nebraska City people are
likewise after another starch factory
that will be independent of the starch
Harry Hammond lost his life at. Nel
son in a thrashing machine accident
Wednesday. He stepped on the plat
form over the revolving cylinder when
the boards gave away , precipitating
him into the machinery. His legs were
ground off by the teeth of the machine
and he died in a short time.
Five suspicious characters are under
arrest at York , and it is the opinion that
are a portion of the gaiiir'that has been
working through the state committing
burglaries and other depredations. Sev
eral members of the gang wore well
dressed and in their possession were
found a number of weapons and a sup
ply of burglar tools.
Warren McClary writes from Logan ,
Utah , that ho and Sam are getting along
very nicely and that they are having a
very successful sugar campaign. They
sent a sample of sugar , which was of
very fine quality. Warren remembered
his grandfather , S. W. Hayes , with a
handsome , long-stemmed pipe , which
has been added to his collection.
Some Crete men object to the politeness -
ness of an acquaintance who in greet
ing them recently bowed so low that ho
came in contact with the trigger of a
gun ho was carrying. The gun was
discharged and the men greeted were
shot. The men who received the full
force of the greeting have entered com
plaint of malcious shooting against the
fellow who had the gun.
August Karo had a carload of west
ern cattle which he started to take to
Madison yesterday with r number of
assistants. When the river was reached
the animals refused to cross the bridge
and broke away , breaking through
fences and scattering out over the
country generally. Several men have
been at work endeavoring to ronnd up
the herd but they have not thus far
been successful.
The Randolph team will play their
return game of football with the Nor
folk eleven a week from Saturday.
The ability of that team to put up a
good game is evidenced by the score
made in their favor during the previous
game. The Norfolk team has had
some good experience and valuable
practice since then and they are confi
dent that they can hold them pretty
level when they visit the city a week
from Saturday.
Atlanta Constitution : Wedding Bolls
but no Ring. A rural exchange is
"pained to chronicle" the following
item : "A most unforuuato accident
happened at the wedding last evening.
The groom had placed the wedding ring
in his mouth for safe keeping , as ho was
fearful of letting it fall and losing it ,
being quite nervous at the time , and as
ho faced the preacher , end gulped down
a lump in his throat , the ring went with
it he had swallowed it. " v
A Leigh special to the Bee under date
of the Slid , contains this account of an
accident to a young lady well known in
Norfolk : "Miss Nettie Dortch. a. court
stenographer of Norfolk who is a guest
at the Young ranch northwest of Leigh ,
met with a severe accident last evening.
Together with a carriage load of young
people she was coining to town , when
the team became unmanageable. Miss
Dortch jumped and sustained n partial
dislocation of the knee joint , which is
considered worse than a break. "
Members of a cla s in the Fremont
normalin nu endeavor to aus-.ver aqu.s-
tlon propounded wrote to iv rullw y
i headquarter * in Onmha to ascertain how
'a ' person t'juld travel and how much it
would cost to talco a trip from Fremont
to ( . 'nbiv. A iravi'ling passenger agunt ,
with the imprt'Hsion Unit ho was about
to sell tickctH to n whole colony of emi
grants , made u hurry trip from Omaha
to Fremont and when ho learned thu
uaturo of the inquires , ho started bank
homo with every lineament of IIH !
countenance expressing Ida extreme dis
The flro department responded to nn
alarm about 'J o'clock yesterday after
noon and niado a hurried ttip to the
western part of the city where they
learned that the occasion of the alarm
was that someone was burning weeds
from several vacant lotH. The firemen
reported on their return that the 1 ts
were saved but the woods were a total
IOKS. Somuono had evidently Mten the
clouds of Miioko rolling up in tlrat di
rection and had turned in an alarm
without taking the trouble to ascertain
the cause. As a consequence the tiro-
men made an nniu'ccssivry run and the
city was put to an unnrcosHary
Applus from 55 to 75 cents a bushel at
the Fair Stoio.
Skating Contest.
On Thursday evening , Oct. 110th , we
will give free to the most graceful
couple skating , one pair each gents' and
Indies' pkatoH. Tno judges for this
event to bo chosen from ninong the
An admisson fee of 10 cents will IIP
charged mid anyone wanting the use ot
skates for the evening can have them
by paying an additional lf > cents.
Hoi.Lixoswoimi it Si'KAU.
Dr. F. G.Valters , succeeds to UK-
practice of Dr. F. W. Kiesau. OllKo :
Cotton block.
Money to loau 011 city property.
E. P.
Julius Haasoof Norfolk visited friends
heie Sunday.
Henry Halsoy of Tilden was visiting
here Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rsoker drove to
Norfolk Monday-
Miss Lena Glaus of Pierce visited her
parents hero Sunday.
Chas. Fry of Tildon was a Battle
Creek visitor Tuesday.
There are but throe unfortunates at
the county poor farm.
Joseph Miles went to Tildeu Monday
for a visit with relatives.
Otto 11. Maas transacted business at
Meadow Grove Tuesday.
Otto Borchers is building a largo barn
on his farm two miles east.
Geo. W. Losey is building some ox-
toii-'ive corn cribs on his place.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Connelly are visit
ing relatives at Alliance this week.
Mrs. J. II. Allen returned Tuesday
from a four-days' vh > it iu Omaha.
Some of the corn will go CO bushels to
the acre in this part of the country.
Loreuz Thompson and daughter of
Tilden were visiting here Tuesday.
Attorney Fred II. Davis of Madison
was here Tuesday on legal business.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Seslor cf Norfolk
visited here the fore part of the week.
Mrs. M. L. Carrbiue is vititing with
her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wade ,
of Norfolk.
Mrs. R. D. Scott went to Fremont
Monday to attend the funeral of W.
Wall , a relative.
County Superintendent Crnm of
Madison was in Battle Creek Wednes-
dap on official business.
J. W. Risk and J. D. Preece started
Tuesday on a business trip to Sionx City
and South Dakota.
Herman Hogrofo , Howard Miller and
L. B. Baker were shelling old corn the
latter part of last week.
Mrs. Henry Jest went to Plainview
Monday for a visit with her daughter ,
Mrs Buddie , who is very sick.
Rev. J. Hofman of Battle Creek and
Rev. E. Denningor of Green Garden ,
went to Scribnor Monday.
J L. Kuesel , who expects to move to
California , has sold his five acres adjoin
ing town to Leo Branu for $3,000.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sesler and son re
turned Thursday from a seven months'
visit at their old home iu Virginia.
The roof of the house at the poor farm
has been reshingled this week. Carl
Zuelow of Norfolk has been doing the
The dance given in the Valley bank
hall Friday night by the Young Ladies'
Good Time club was attended by a largo
company and was greatly enjoyed.
Mrs Ron. Flowers , who has been
visiting here for a month with her par-
j ents , Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Cunningham ,
j returned to her homo in Bayard , Chey-
i enno county , Tuesday.
I Miss Belle Dufphey and brother , .Tohi
j went to Omalm Monday to visit their
father , Joseph Dufphey , who is in a
hospital there and being treated fcr
burns he received hero about six mouths
ago. They were accompanied by Join
Dr. II. O. Muuson , room 10 , over the
Falretoro. Office and residence tele
phone 150.
Yocum , piano tuner. 'Phono 58.
Shctlff.l ,1 ( .Mtmiuntw is over fr un
MiuHnoii agiiin today.
iMi-n. MOUN of HauctoftIIH shopping
n Norfolk yuMonlay.
Uov. ThomiiH W.ilsh watt a visitor to
httlo dock this tuoining.
Mitm Ella yornbcrgiT of Pl.thivit'W Is
visitor in thu city today.
Postmaster , John It Hays mturni'd '
t noon from a trip to Nellgh.
Mrn F. J. Hale and ( laughter weio
own from Hattlu Crock yesterday.
Mrs. May Higher vinllcd in the Sugar
City yesterday ( rein Meadow ( Uovc.
Miss Mury HorUk' y wont to Omaha
oday to visit with friends a few days
O. A. Harshman camn up from Hum-
ihrcy yesterday to visit with his family.
Dr. O A. Mi Kim and J. W. Humph-
ov made a biiiiiciM trip to Hattlu
Mrs. T. A. Waddull and daughter
ciinlu and Mrs. Long were in the city
eMerday from lloskins.
Mli-H Idcllo Taylor and MK Martin of
lattlo Uicck were in Norfolk over
Mrs. M. E. Holdcn , who IIMH been a
gui'Ht for Kiiveral weeks at the home of
lor son , Dr. II. fllloldcn , has returned
o Omaha.
John t nick , boiler maker at the V. 10.
K : M. V. shops hum , was a pisnenger
or Lynch on the noon train , going to
hat plmu to attend to some duties for
ho company.
Miss Ettu Durland left today for York
o attend the Y. P. S. O. E. state con-
ention. Mips Stone , the returned mil-
ionary who was held ho lotut for rant-oni
) y Bulgarian bandits , will be there to
ddruKB the convention.
Dr. R. A. MittluHtadt , dentist , Bishop
block. Telephone M7 A.
The physics claps tested the velocity
of a rillo ball Thursday.
Wanted by one of the teachers in
ho high school building a man.
Mr. McCoy objects to spooning in the
physicK class , OH it has not yet been
jivun a place in the curriculum.
The s'oniorH were agreeably amused
by the visit of a small kitten to their
icadquartors Tuocday afternoon.
The football team is putting upahigh
; rado of practice with the hope of re-
nrning the defeat by Randolph with
ntereston the occasion of that teams
etnru game with them a wouk from
The 'Norfolk ' boys who suffered defeat
xt the hands of the Qjlumbus football
earn porno time ago are not shedding
great buck ° tgfnl of tears because they
mve heard that Fin Howard , ono of the
loavy men in the visiting team , had his
collarbone broken recently.
At a meeting of the basket brill and
foot ball teams Monday , the following
were assigned to take parts in the farce
o bo given soon for the benefit of tin-
two organizations : Paul SifiHon , Clyde
Bullock , Loretta Masters , Grace Spear
and Eva Carpenter.
The newest , the leading , the best
commercial . the Omaha Busi'
ness University , Omaha , Nebraska.
Every young man and young woman
who desires a business education should
attend this tchool. Write for full in
Judge Falcs Confident.
Judge Fales , of Pouca , chairman of
: ho republican congressional centra ]
committee , was in Fremont today con
sulting with leaders of the party. The
judge has been active in organizing the
district iu behalf of McCarthy and says
there is a good organization every wheio
and that he expects to see good results
from it.
The campaign headquarters are al
Norfolk , from whence the committee
keeps in touch with workers through
out the district. A great deal of cor
respondence is had with towushii
committeerneii and voters generally.
The judge says he has yet to learn of a
republican who is not in line for the
party. Ho hears of no defection fron
the ranks. On the other hand ho gets
many letters iuwhich numerous instances
are cited of former f usionists who wil
this year support McCarthy. Many of
these last year voted the other way ,
when the republicans carried this dis
trict by a majority of 1,1)00. )
As the campaign draws to a close
public meetings are being held in largo
numbers , especially in the interests o
Mr. McCarthy. Chairman Fales is sanguine
guino of the success of his candidate
though he fully realizes the diiliculties
of the fight and the importance of leav
ing nothing undone to promote the gooc
cause. Fremont Tribune.
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
for the 24 hours ending at 8 a. in. to
lay :
Maximum temperature S
Minimum temperature -U
Average ( ! '
-reoipitutlon 0
Total precipitation for mouth 7
Barometer 211. G
Forecast for Nebraska : Partly
cloudy , and possibly unsettled tonigh
and Saturday.
Skating Rink Open.
We wish to announce that the rolle
bkating rink iu the upper story of th
Oluey block , nt the corner of First an
iT-i/im jifirum u < ui
Given Away willi every
Child's Hat Purchased at
Our Store
Saturday , Oct. 25
IVIiss E. J. Bender 1
> * * V > M * Wy S WrW < V * * s > VV * lV w * i * ) rf v > . < > * i . l * > < i i > * 4
lain streets IH now open to 111" public ,
lid invite Hit" | Mitn > mi | ; of former pu-
IOIIH of the amusement anil all WKI !
Vlhll Id learn.
The hours will lie from i ! to fi in the
fliirnoon mill fnni : Mo II in tint even-
UK of uiicli day.
WedncMlny and Friday afternooim
ho rink will be for thu nno of ladloH
nly , with Wednesday afternoons free .
llou.iNi.s\\ ) [ & SIT.AH.
Will pay highest market , jirico in
North Nebraska for old scrap iron.
15. MKVI'.IIH.
Dr. F. O. Walters. Olllco over liaum
Iron. ' Htoro. OlHcu telephone 18 KL-HJ-
lonco 175.
For Sale.
Two houses on Second street , to lx >
old cheap.
Two houses on South Tenth street ,
niiHt Hull BOOH.
Two cornur lots on South Tenth
treut , sjIKK ) cash.
Two honm-H on North Tunth Htreot ,
ILTiO and $1 : ! ( ) ( ) .
Two IIOUH-JH in Edgowate.r park , ivt n
> arirain.
Eleven IOH ! in Hayes' addition chrap ,
IHO ! largo housu and two lolH at a bar
fct'o Gardner & Keller for nbovo bar
gain H.
Farm and city loaiiH.
TUB Di HIN TarsiC'o
l/Visdom / Walking Abroad
lways wall < R in a pair of our line
with np to-date too , and baud sowed
welts. It's the only wise thing to do to
ircBorve yonr health. Shoos liavo inpro
o do witli pneumonia and consumption
than many are aware of. Wear a pair
of our fine shoes and you will keep
your feet dry and warm.
The Palace Shoe Store
Hang Your
Windows Right !
The old fashioned button is
played out. ( Jossett's Suspen
sion Jlinge is the thing now.
Only costs SI.50 for a dozen
windows. In the spring you
unhook them and hang your
screens on the same attach
ment. Can all be done from
inside of house without a
C. E.
Have the
of our cnstoiniTH because we
exp am ixactly tlin
clleclH df our lenses \\ill bo
in eueli individual case , and
ul ways
Results as
if you follow onr directions
We i o nit'iing by chance ,
lladn'iyon bettor see UN ?
Eye Specialist ,
is now in order , ( lood midiM1-
gannontK sire a .security' to
health , and when tlit'.v lii
comfortably they are a prosit
pleasure ) . \Vo have them in all
sixes , and you know we can
suit you in si/p , quality and
price. ( Jomo and examine
these garments. You will bp
pleased with Ihoin.
J. W. Humphrey
Wide Awake
All Kinds of Gents'
Furnishings = = r
. . . .
.StrIct1yUp-to-Date ;
the hoiso gets the brau you get the
celebrated Bon Ton and Sunshine
brands of unadulterated , properly and
( scientifically ground Hour. We buy the
best wheat to be had in America , wo
HBO the bns& processes of making yet
devised. Uosnltaut : Pure wholesome ,
quick-raising Hour the knowing house-
keeper's delight , the comfort and health
of the entire household.
Sugar GityGemlJIIlls.
3S' <
If you want the correct
style in . . .
get them of J. & E.
As they are the only Norfolk
Milliners that visit the Chicago markets.