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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1902)
m \ THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL. , , , , NORFOLK NEBRASKA FRIDAY OUTOHKll HI 1002 V. Output of Coal Less Than Half the Normal. ENGINEERS NOT REINSTATED President Mitchell Advises Those Not Taken Back to Be Patient and Await Developments of the Next Few Days Carpenters Also Out In Cold. Wllkesbarre , Oct 24. The resump tion of mining throughout the anthracite - cite region \vaa not as general as was expected. Unlocked 1'or difficulties were encountered In the shape of _ _ water and accumulated gas , and dangerous - > gorous roofs , which threatened to tail and entomb the workers , were also discovered in many of the collieries. The mine superintendents would take no chances and the mining of coal was put off until all parts of the underground - ground workings can bo made safe. This will take a few days and In sonic I cases weeks. In sotno of the col- lleries the machinery connected with the hoisting of coal worked badly and it was found necessary to close down after the miners were ready to go to work. The number of mines reported In operation is a little less than two- thirds of the total number. The out put of coal was less than half the normal. The Delaware , Lackawanna and Western company took the lead In the production. Their collieries arc in hotter shape than the mines oper- ' § nted hy the other largo companies. V * ; Ahout one-half of the mines of the li j | Delaware and Hudson company were A\ working and the output of those In ' operation was light. The mines of the Susquchanna Coal company at Kanticolze were in operation , but only the' upper levels could be worked , as the lower levels held considerable water. In three days , it is said , the output of coal will reach the full . quota. The Lehlgh Valley Coal com- < fi pany operated about one-half of Its mines with a full force of men. The I I ehigh and Wllkesbarre Coal com ' 4 pany mined coal In several of its big mines , but all of its collieries will not be In operation before Monday. The Kingston Coal company started up two of its collieries. The other two will start on Monday. It looks as though the union engl neers were going to have some diffi culty getting back their old places. At nearly every mine where the strik ing engineers made application for work they wore told that there were no vacancies. A large number of car penters .are al&o out In the cold. President Mitchell yesterday advised the men to wait a few days and see If employment would not bo offered them. He believes that when general resumption takes place there will be few mine employes i.lle. The firemen are being taken back in larger number than any of the steam men , because they take the places of men who are not so capable. Great preparations are now under way for the celebration of Mitchell day in this city on Oct. 29. The Reading company has advanced the price of anthracite coal fifty cents per ton. Arbitrators Ready to Begin. Washington , Oct. 24. All the mem- "bors of the arbitration commission up- pointed by the president to Investi gate and report on the conditions in the anthracite coal region of Pennsyl- Tanla are now In the city preparatory to the Initial meeting today. Judge Gray of Delaware , one of the latest arrivals , in an Interview last night , expressed the hope that the commis sion would complete Us duties before Christmas. Two Miners Crushed. Scranton , Pa. , Oct. 24. Thomas TJoran , aged thirty , and Henry Rupp , aged twenty-throe , two returned strik ers , who wore working with a gang of rockmen on the night shift at the "William A. colliery In Lackawanna last night , were burled beneath a fall of roof and badly crushed. Doran died from his Injuries and Rupp Is In a critical condition from Internal hurts and a broken leg. Engineers Threaten Trouble. Chicago , Oct. 24. President Morton of the International Association of Stationary Engineers and Firemen stated that all members of the asso ciation all over the country would bo ordered to refuse to handle any an thracite coal until every member af- .fected by the anthracite strike Is re instated on the basis on which the minors returned to work. Martial Law Is Proclaimed. Paris , Oct. 24. Further serious disturbances occurred at Dunkirk. "Uanlcadea were erected and the cav alry was compelled to charge the riot ers. Some of the latter were killed or wounded. A mob set flre to barrels of oil and other goods on the quays and also sot flre to the house of a mine owner. Martial law has Leon proclaimed at Dunkirk. Troops Escape Mad Mullah. London , Oct. 24. A message re ceived at the foreign office yesterday from General Manning , dated Her- bara , capital of Somallland , announces that the force commanded by Colonel Swayne.whlch was threatened with de struction by the army commanded by tlio Mad Mullah , baa reached Bohottlo in safety. , DC .RS MAY ABANDON TOUR , D'vjj , ted at Financial Result * So * & Far Obtained. $ ' LK 'Q * 24. Lady Cook gave a dinner . . 4/ night In honor of the Door com. /y now in London. The failure L ° - / ' } Dowot , Uotha and Delaroy to * < V.lho dinner la supposed to be u ° fj > with quar rels which have nrls 6on thorn. They were ail slghtse * . In London yesterday and up to the last moment they were expected nt I < ndy Cook's. It is reported that General Dowot wants the tour of the generals , Includ ing the trip to the United States , to bo abandoned , and that all throe are disappointed nt the financial result ! ! so far obtained. General Hotha , however , is said to bo anxious to make a further effort to collect funds. A warm discussion on this point la believed to have occurred between Generals Dewct and Botha. General Delaroy Is said to have remained neu tral In the matter. General Dowot'a presence Is considered nocesiinry for the success of the tour , and If ho pop slsts In returning to South Africa , U Is not unlikely that the whole tour will bo abandoned. SALVADOR VOLCANO ACTIVE. Izalco Is Devastated and Inhabitants Flee for Lives. New Orleans , Oct. 24. Passengers who arrived on the steamer from Puerto Darrols report the volcano ol Izalco , In Salvador , In a state of vlo lent eruption. The eruption began on Sept. 7 , when live large openings or craters formed on the north sida of the volcano , from which largo quan tities of lava and burning stones wera ejected. People living In the town ol Izalco and the neighboring country , toward which the lava poured , fled at Its approach and bellevo that theli houses were completely destroyed , The stream of lava , which was very deep , flowed for a distance of threa miles from the crater. Lake Coate- pequo , which lies at the foot of the volcano , was flooded with boiling sul phur from the principal crater. Feara were entertained of further disaster , The volcano was still In eruption when the passengers left Guatemala. INHABITANTS WANT TO MOVE. Residents of St. Vincent Ask for Aid In Getting Away From Volcano. Kingstown , St. Vincent , Oct. 24. The Soufrlero volcano has been active since Oct. 15 , keeping the people In the Windward district In a state ol continued unrest. The devastated lands now Include all the plantations on the northeastern coast. A deputa tion of distressed inhabitants haa vaited upon- the administrator of the Island for the purpose of Informing the government of the hopeless con dltion of the district in consequence of the last eruption of the volcano. They appealed for food and shelter , especially for their terrified wives and children , and begged to bo removed from the northern quarters of the Isl and to form a new settlement In an other locality , where they could safe ly start life afresh. More Disorder in Commons. London , Oct. 24. Another scone was caused by the Irish nationalists In the hotise of commons on identical lines with those which have almost dally marked the present session. The nationalists bombarded the chlel secretary for Ireland , Wyndham , with all kinds of relevant and irrelevant "questions , and the nationalists moved an adjournment of the house In order to discuss some triviality which hap pened during the last session. When the speaker ruled the motlcui out ol order great disorder followed. Yerkes Wins a Victory. London , Oct. 24. The contention ol counsel for Charles T. Yorkes , before the house of commons railroad com mittee , that the bill providing for the construction of a Piccadilly and city road must bo withdrawn , as the Mor gan "tube" scheme had no legal stat us , through having been presented to parliament as part of the London United plan , which became nonexist ent that day through the withdrawal of its bill , was upheld by the commit tee. Monte Crlsto Recaptured. San Domingo , Oct. 24. The govern ment troops have recaptured Monta Crlsto after a severe flght , during which both sides sustained heavy losses. General Navarro , the former governor , who revolted and took pos session of Monte Chlsto , was captured and brought a prisoner here. Many arrests have been made In connection with the revolt. All la now quiet In Santo Domingo. On Trail of Bank Robbers. Minneapolis , Oct. 24. The three cracksmen who blow open the safe ol the bank of Summit , S. D. , last Sun day night , have been traced to the western part of Minnesota , and twenty detectives in the employ of the Fidel ity company are In pursuit of the cul prits In squads. It developed that the robbers' booty included $ G,139 In cash , $39,000 in notes and $2,000 In other securities. Masonic Temple to Pay Taxes. Chicago , Oct. 24. At a meeting of the Masonic Temple association , held yesterday , It was decided to pay the taxes on the property of the associa tion , amounting to J2G.G70. Captain Edward Williams , manager of the as- soclatlon , Is now on trial In the crim inal court on a charge of conspiring to defraud the county out of taxes due. Makes Sensational Speech at Cincinnati. BRANDS HIM AS A TRAITOR. Cleveland Mayor Also Has Some Bit ter Things to Say of Chairman Ber nard and Reads Them Both Out of the Party. Cincinnati , Oct. 21. Mayor Tom L. Johnson of Cleveland , who is recog nized as the Democratic luador In Ohio this year and OH the probable opponent of Senator llanna next year and a candidate lor the presidency In 1'JOl , created qulto n sensation hero last night by attacking certain ele ments In his own party , especially John R. McLean , both Individually and as the proprietor of the Cincin nati Enquirer , and Lewis G. Bernard , as chairman of the Democratic com mittee of Hamilton county. Mayor Johnson's largo campaign tent , which has a seating capacity of 2,000 , had all standing room taken and many were unable to gain admittance , It was generally expected that Mayor Johnson would devote his time most ly to replying to the recent address of Senator llanna , which was largely devoted to Johnson and bin Issues. While Johnson referred to Senator Hanna's speech In most caustic terms , ho devoted his speech mostly to what he termed "tho local traitors in the Democratic party , " and his refer ences to Mr. McLean and Chairman Bernard wore ns bitter as his fluent language cojild make them. IIo not only read thorn out of the party , but challenged them to meet him In his tent or elsewhere on the charges that ho made politically against them. Hon. Charles W. Haker presided and opened the meeting with eulogies on Johnson and Blgelow. Blgelow was the first speaker and made a bitter attack on Chairman Bernard , in the course of which he said , "Wo cannot ask Republicans to vote against the boss in their party when wo have a worse boss In our party. " HANNA BREAKS DOWN. Ohio Senator Unable to Finish Speech at Indianapolis. Indianapolis , Oct. 24. Senator Hanna - na of Ohio devoted the day to speechmaking - making In Indiana. The senator be gan the day's work at Evansvlllo and between that city and Indianapolis ho made nine stops. At Linton , where the crowd was made up largely of min ers , the senator discussed the iscent anthracite strike. Senator Hanna nearly broke down at the close of the speech In Tomlln- son hall. He was standing some dis tance from the speaker's table , when his strength seemed to fall him and he had to reach for the stand , drag ging his body over to It , whore ho rested his hand. After a moment's hesitation , ho announced that his physical condition would not allow him to say anything more , and was helped to his chair by Senator Fair- I banks and Secretary Whlttaker of the Republican state committee. Spanish Minister Presents Credentials. Washington , Oct. 21. Senor Don Emillo do Ojeda , the recently appoint ed minister of Spain to the United States , formally presented his creden tials to President Roosevelt yester day. After the usual exchange of fe- Ilcltlous addresses , the president and Senor Ojeda chatted pleasantly for a few minutes. Minister Ojeda , in his address , said that the principal ob ject of the Spanish government waste to cultivate those movements of trade and commerce between the two coun tries which would create the mutual solidarity of interest and constitute for the future foundation for the most amicable relations between the two nations. Barnett Letters Ruled Out. Now York , Oct. 24. A strong point was scored by the defense In the trial of Roland B. Mollneux when Justice Lambert ruled out the Barnett letters Justice Lambert decided that as evl dence the letters must bo excluded as Improper , but that he was willing to admit them simply as a standard of comparison in writing. The counse for the defense were highly pleasei with this decision , which is in line o that of the court of appeals , whicl held that the testimony relative to the letters , given at the first trial , was Irrelevant. Justice Harlan Stops Class Fight. Washington , Oct. 24. Justice Har Ian of the supreme court , who Is a member of the faculty of the Columbia university law school , last night In terfercd and prevented a class flgh between the freshmen and sopho mores. Justice Harlan Is a giant in stature and , although sixty-nine years of age , he Is still vigorous and active golf being one of his dully exercises The youngsters were no match for him when ho entered the arena. Fresh Trouble In Haytl. Washington , Oct. 24. According t a dispatch received at the navy de partment from Commander Mason , th cruiser Cincinnati has left Cape Ha > tlen for Port do Palx to investigate report of fresh trouble there. Th Montgomery Is expected to arrive a San Domingo today , and If her presence enco Is not needed' there , she wl proceed At once to Cape Haytien. FUNERAL OF JIM YOUNGER. Long Line of Old Ascoclatco Make Up Cortege to Cemetery , I.oca Summit , Mo. , Oct. 21. The ro- nuliiH ol Jim Younnor. tlio Iminlit , voro Interred In the luinlly lot In the Ittlo I'umulory near town yuttlnrdny. brlof , Hlmplo HorvUo wan hold at ho house of N , S I'Vnton. The hounu van crowded und many worn utmhln to aln admittance. Mrs. Kenton , a niece ? of tlu > Younger boys , led a < | imrtol , vhlrh Hang , "lltwt. Weary llourt. " lev. H. II. Shllller of the Profltytorlun chinch followed In prayer , wpunklng n ow appropriate words , ami then , iil'tor mother HOIIK , the casket was removed o the hunrHU. The pall hoarera were old asuorluten of the YouiiKors , inoinherH of Quiin- roll's bund and among the mournon vero Hovoral who had fought with Quant roll , Price and Sholby. Those , slili thu relatives unil a long lluo of leople from the surrounding country , nude up ( ho rorteio lo the enuintory. Phoro the coliln was lowered Into u srnve beside UIOHO of Younger'n irother and mother. No Horvlcon vere said and when the grr.vo had lually boon covered over a great qiuin- Hy of llowers. HOII ! by friends from icar and far , worn put on the mound. TROOPS TO EVACUATE SHANGHAI rrance , England and Germany Finally Reach an Agreement. Paris , Get. 21. Fiom authoritative sources the conesjiondent of I ho As Bodatcd Pros has luurnod that 'ranee , Great Britain and Germany lave concluded an agreement provld- tig for the military evacuation ol Shanghai by their fan-en. The nogo- .lutlons have also brought about an inportnnt extension uf the open door ; > ollcy , ns urged by Secrotaiy Hay. The agreement affects not only Shanghai , but the entire Yang-tHO- Klang valley , which the powuru are seoklng to develop for commercial purposes. The date of the evacuation Is still open , but a loading official of the for eign office expressed the belief that it will undoubtedly bo accomplished by Jan , 1. About 1,200 troops will partic ipate In the evacuation. TROOPS ARRIVE TOO LATE. Negro Assailant Taken From Jail by Mob and Lynched , Tallapoosa , Ga. , Oct. 24. Ben Brown , a negro , charged with having attempted to criminally assault Mrs , Henry Dees , a white woman , was taken from the county Jail hero yes terday by amob of 300 men and lynched. Troops had been ordered from Atlanta , but did not arrlvo until one hour and"a half after the negro had .joon hanged , ffpon loaning that troops had been tUHpatc-h-id Uio mob stormed the jail und after securing the nCgro , carried him to a spot near Mrs. Docs' house , hanged him to a bridge and filled his body with bullets. When the troops arrived they found the body of the dead negro. Union Pacific Directors Meet. New York , Oct , 24. A meeting of the directors of the Union Pacific com pany was held at the offices of the company here yesterday and the de mands of the trainmen , who have Lhreatencd to strike , were considered. S'othing was made public us lo what , if any , action had boon decided upon. Trainmen Want Higher Wages. Oakland , Cal. . Oct. 24. According to Interviews obtained with heads of railroad unions and union members , a demand will bo made upon the South ern Pacific within the next thirty daya for increased wages , which will affect tnoro than 30,000 employes. Oregon's Goal Bunkers Afire. San Francisco , Oct. 24. The Bul letin says that a fire has been burning In the coal bunkers of the battleship Oregon for three days. A board of survey has been summoned to exam ine the vessel , and It will be some time before she will be able to depart for Manila. TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD. Royal Sandal , a farmer living near Webster , S. D , , was shot and killed by Albert Davidson , a neighbor. Hennessey LoRoyle , a well known actor , died at Vacavllle , Cal. , Thurs day. Death was caused by erysipelas. Gust Olson of Glen , Minn. , killed hla daughter with a butcher knife. His objection to her proposed marriage was the cause of the trouble. Three men stoned the Wabash pas- Bonger train No. 51 at Worden , 111. One of them , William Allen , was fatally - tally shot and was taken to h".s home at Staunton. The Americanist congress , New York , heard a description of Pawnee customs by Dr. G. A. Dorsoy of Chicago cage , who exhibited a "Lansing" skull , which was der'ared ' an Indian's. It Is authorltatlveiy stated that there Is absolutely no foundation for the report Irom Little Rook. Ark. , re garding the engager. ! * nt of Mlas Alice Roosevelt , daughter of the president , to John Grecnway of Hot Springs , Ark. Andrew Carnegie was installed lord rector of St. Andrews university. Gias- gow. In an address ho urged the Gorman empire to form a political and Industrial union as the "United States of Europe" to resist American com mercial invasion. The killing of Caesar O. Harz by Ed ward Coughlln was declared justifiable by a Chicago jury. Coughl'.n was ac quitted on testimony that Harz first attacked him , although Coughlln threatened Harz's life and brought a revolver to the lattor'a offlco. DOEWAH "Just as good a Furnace as the Round Oak is a Stove" UiMinil Oitk Kiirnni-oK nrn MI lioni-nlly iiutiln n * tint fiimnUN Hoiinil Ualc Hlovo - - tlm niiiiin rnntfiil imliiHliikliiK IHtlntf of nviiry Joint , ilmir luiil limit Mm Nittni ) ( lullv limpwlloti of inn * ( orlul mill Innt of Ilin i-ompluloil licmtor. l.lko thu lloiuiil Oiik Hto\i'ti tlio Round Oak Furnace \K \ KimrutiU'i'il to ilvn ; ulmiiliiliKntlnriirtl > in It It tlio only furnace Hint hum * ruiy klnil of fuel , viHiil , Iniril iimtMirt roul und HID only fiiriuii'ii thai litiniH nit tlin fuel nil Hin iivi'M iinil iiiiml uf Hin Ninolii' . Tlio Jirll'l- It ll'HHOIIIlllll1. D frci' Uniiinl Dull riiriiiiro hook. ESTATE or ' ( P. D. DECKWITH , , Mich. ikrinif llf/tulth /'nim.l tlttk , tlif ttuill fitmtntl tlinr fit //if MOI lit Itniitiil Owk . . . with uiitvr cunliitf renmvul. Ituililil Uuk I'uriiuniio nrf liir NUII In No folk Noli , tijr Jo'ui I'rldnyrnKfliit , * ( ; W II. II / / , IVnililant. Norfolk i ANJICU ! IIKAK , Men I'rwililint / K. W. / Uiuhlar. National Bank. OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IN NORTHEAST NEBRASKA rapital , $100,000.00 Surplus , $20,000.00 Does a General Banking Business , Buys and Soils Exchange Interest Paid on Time Dcposlta. DraflH and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Euro e. A Gf naral Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted. i.UKAU , P. P. IUNL.ON. F. J. HALtt , W. II.UUOHOW , WM ZUTZ N.A. UAINBOLT 8.B.COTTON. C. W. BRAASOH , DEALER IN Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Swcctwater Rock Spring Coal hc best In the market. Scranton Hiird Coal In all sizes. TELEPHONIC 61. ONLY TWO NIGHTS After Leaving SKN FRKNCISCO. "The o'priand Limited , ' * Runs Every Day in the Year. ALL COMPETITORS DISTANCED. For full information call on or address J. B. ELSEFFER , Agent , JR. N. J. HOAGLAND , Ostcopathic Physician. Diseases both acota and chronic cnrcetifallj treated without nee of drugs or knife. Phouo No. F it. Ofllca at realdsuca , 109 North 10th Street , Norfolk - Nebraska [ ) R. BERTHA AHLMAN , PHYSICIAN Phone 107. for Ladies and Children . J- COLE , DENTIST. Otllce over Citizen' * National flank. ' Reildeno * oue block uorth of Congregational church , Norfolk , Nebraska J.R. ELDER , Sioux City Florist Awarded first premium on Funeral Designs. Handsome Roses , Carnations , Palms , Fern ? Flowers snipped In froab condition. Ptaoa 400i.Utr ottte * : Cor. 6th and Ptarca