Visitors Carry Home the Hon ors of the Game. COLUMBUS AGAINST NORFOLK , Score Was 17 to 0 Out the Locals Were In the Qnmo All the Tlmo nnd Vigorously Contested Each Point. Although the ithy was lowering , the Hold wet and slippery and the route to the field n panto of mud , thono who braved the conditions iind wont out to BOO the first football game of the Reason , between the Columbus aud Norfolk high school teams Saturday afternoon wore morn than repaid for the interest they had taken , Although the ncoro re- wilted In 17 to 0 Iu favor of the visitors , it was about as evenly contested and ex citing n game as has boon given iu Nor folk thiH pennon. The sooro does not In- dionto a wnlk-nway for the visitors by any moans , ns it would if the game had boon base ball. Norfolk wnw in the gnmo nil the tlmo , nnd every point wnfl contested with vigor. The sooros of the lending gnmcs of the snmo dny between oollogo teams ranged from 0 to 0 to moro than NO to 0. It can therefore bo judged that the Norfolk gnmo was nn average ono iu interest nnd the game does not depend on cloudless skies nnd n dry field ns does base ball , so that there should have boon n orowd of spectators , and there would Imvo boon if the people who ndmiro good nthlotio contests had real ized what they were missing. The OolumbuH tonm averaged some thing like 10 pounds npioco honvlerthnn the Norfolk tonm and had n bolt triok that made their ndvnntngo still greater. Four or five of their heaviest mou had a loop on the back of their bolts and when a rush was to bo made they would connect up in snoh n manner that it took the combined strength of the Nor folk team to stop them , nud if ono of the combination got the boll the bahvuoo would manage to drag him through the Norfolk line , and at least ono of their touch-downs was duo to this trick alone. The Norfolk boys protested against the harness being used but there WHB noth ing in the rules to prevent nnd they were compelled to take their modioluo The small boy soou saw the injustice of the sohomo which npponrs to hnvo boon unjust only bocnuso the local team was uot similarly cqnlppodand they bothoro ( the visitors with cries of "harness Imrnofml" through the gamo. In spite of these distinct advantage the visitors found that the locals wore not feeble opponents and they were compelled polled to work nnd work hard for every point. Frank Perry was the main strength of the Norfolk liuo but every ether member played n good game nnd whether the tenm wns the aggressor , or the defender of honors it was there with nil its strength and scionco. For n tiuio it looked as though the first half would result iu n stand off. The opposing teams kept crashing iuto each other without gaining much ad vantage and it was uot until nearly the end of the half that the visitors sue- oeodcd in making n touchdown nud n goal that mnko the result 7 to 0 In their favor. It gave them encouragement nud the pocond half was devoted to piling up the score in their favor. They met with such sturdy opposition , how- .evor.that two moro touchdowns nud two more goals were all they were able to ouako. Much time wns taken out in both "halves , principally by Norfolk , nud the hut half of 20 minutes wns moro than nn hour In playing. The tenms wore penalized several times , bnt the visitors were placed back moro frequently than the locals. They took these decisions without much protest , however , nud the result iudioated that they could well afford to ns they hnd nn advantage which penalties could not overcome. About a score of men , a trio of ladles nnd a half hundred yelling kids com posed the attendance at the game nud finances suffered nccordingly. If next Saturdny is nt all favorable the crowd nt- tondlug the return gnmo with Randolph should bo n large ono. It promises to bo equal or bettor iu interest than the one of last Saturday nud those who ou joy n good game will have cause to regret if they do not see it. F. L. PUTNEY. Republican Candidate for Represent alive Makes a Statement. To the voters of Madison county : I IB by no menus pleasant to lay bare the condition of one's household bnt a souse of honor and a duty I owe the voters prompts nnd requires this statement. The nominee of any party for so impor tant au office ns representative should not fall to do his duty to the party that has nominated him. His party should not be mndo to suffer through failure on his part to make nn honorable canvass. Honesty and fair dealing is required at nil times. This being true and the fact ithat I will be unable to assist in secur ing my own election by the nsnnl methods , forces mo to reveal the follow ing conditions : Mrs. Putney died in February , of pneumonia , leaving with me four child- ion , the eldest not yet ten years old , am Attempting to keep together. Lust Sunday the youngeitt wnfl at limited with ponrlot fever nnd the homo quar- nntlnrd by the board of health. Thus nin forced to dooldo between duly to mrty nud duty to my children , nnd I luoldu that my first duty is to my ivnilly. I nm nwnro that In BOIIIO OROH disinfectants are uswl and temporary ary almonco Indulged in by businoRH non , but In these eases children nro mdor the watchful eye of n mother. MiyHloians are agreed that thin disease s peculiarly treacherous and mislead- tig , nnd that the great danger lies iu exposure nftor the nubsidonco of the fovor. Under these conditions I con clude my plnoo is plainly with my children nnd I would not abandon thorn f by HO doing I could represent Madison county for the next twenty yearn nt Lincoln. I would not imperil the future of a child for nny polltlcnl honor , regret the Hltuntlon , regret the nooufl- sity of this oxplnnntion , bnt justice to the convention requires it. Under thooo circumstances I am wili ng to surrender my nomluationjto the county central couimlttoo if such u course is doomed advisable. AH to my nttltudo on legislation if olootod , I hnvo nlrcndy Hpokon favorably to the rehabilitation of the asylum at Norfolk. Concerning other legislation that may bo attempted I Hhnll not con sistent with good conscience nnd on- lonvor to bo just nnd fair In nil matters affecting the wolfnre nud honor of the Btnto , holding no ouo pnrtionlnr in tercut above another. The next session will bo devoted purely to legislation trobnbly mostly of n remedial nature , nud no ouo onu state his position ou nn ssuo that ban not yet boon raised. I CRU Bay this , however , thnt before giv ing my vote to nny uioiumro , I shall nt leant bo firmly rooted in the Idea thnt I am right. I do not coucolvo that nny legislation can bo attempted iu n state legislature affecting the Industrial con ditions of the people in its popular souse. Should suoh opportunity present itself , shall most certainly support pnrty measures , booauso I believe in the pol icies embodied in the national platform , am persuaded to this Idon because since 181)7 ) under such policies wo have gone from ouo climax to another iu the magnitude of our industrial expansion. In this time the "crown of thorns" bos boon lifted from the "brow of labor" aud industrial paralysis haa boon "crucified upon a cross of gold. " The dollar is chasing the wage earner instead of the wage earner chasing the dollar. In stead of limited nnd restricted domestic aud foreign commerce , our business hns ronohod snoh n volume nnd value that figures almost fail to measure it. I think the latter condition preferable. Possibly this state of affairs hns como through good luck ; If so , it is bettor to mvo good luck nud plenty than have nisory nud want ns the horitngo of n rhoory. It is bettor to hnvo n domnud or the products of the farm thnn n glutted market. In fnot I think it > ettor for nil thnt things go long about as they are now. Certainly the farmer can never expect to improve ou the iricos ho has received for so loug a wriod , by any change. F. L. PUTNEY. DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. Electors of that Party Nominate a Precinct Ticket Saturday. The democratic electors of Norfolk ireoiuct mot nt the oity hall Saturday oveuing for the purpose of placiug a precinct ticket before the people. Mayor D. J. Koouigstoiu officiated ns chairman of the mooting nnd H. W. Winter nctod ns secrotnry. For assessor Fred L. Deguor wns placed iu nomination. For justice of the ponce to fill va- cnnoy , the imino of J. H. Couley , nt present serving ns justice , wns placed on the ticket. For rend overseer of district No. 1 0. F. Haaso was nominated , nnd Win. Brnnimoud wns named for rend over seer iu district No. 8. The populists have not yet endorsed the ticket nor has n canons of thnt pnrty boon called. Whether nny notion on their part Is contemplated is not known. Woods Cones Married. Our worthy and popular townsman , Woods Cones , and Miss Ida Ulrich were married at the residouco of J. T. Evans , 2102 Oass street , Omaha , nt 1:80 : Tues day nftornoon by Rev. Clyde Clay Cis- sell , pastor of the llanscom rnrk ai. rJ. church. Mr. aud Mrs. Cones came on the afternoon trniu the snmo day to Norfolk aud drove np in the evening , going at ouco to the elegant new home which Mr. Cones recently built ou his farm just north of town. There bos been much speculation among our people as to why ho built the house on his farm and the marriage is the happy solution to the whole problem. Mr. Cones ns cashier of the Pierce Oounty bank , is widely known and ono of the most popular business men of this section of the country. Miss Ulriohis the accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ohns. Ulrich of east of town nud is well nud favorably known , having resided hero since childhood. The Loader nnd its many readers extend congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cones and wish thorn much happiness. Pierce Lender. THE NEWS keeps its job department up-to-date with the latest faces of type and does its work In approved style. T11K NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , OCTOBER 17 , 1902 Sheriff Clements is Short Two Prisoners. ESCAPED AT SUPPER TIME. Sent Mrs. Clements for Hot Water and Rushed Past Her When She Returned Mills , the Former , and Howell , the Burglar , Now at Largo , Sheriff J. , T. Olomontfl of MiullHon is shy two prisoners who were coiifluod in the county Jail nwaltlngjjtho fnlllltorm. of difltrlot court. They nro F. 13. MtllB , nlinfl L. L.Vlnn , nwnltingtrinl ; ou the ohurgo of having forged flohool warrants - rants , Homo of which ho cashed iu Nor- folk. The ether prlsonorl wasj "Win. Howell , hold on olmrgo of having burg larized the liouao of Mr. nud Mrs. Otto Euckormauu in this cltyjon the 2lil ! of lust May. They mndo their escape last evening when , in thojjabsouco of the HhorilT , who was iu Norfolk , Mrs. Olom- onts was givingJthomJtholr ] ] ; Emippor. She had taken thnlr "ovoning meal into the jail and the prisoners ] requested Homo warm water. Mrs. Olotnouts wont and Hoourod thojwator | aud wheu she rotnruod both men niado a rush past her for liberty. They were evidently successful ns np to the present Jtlino , al though measures were put iu "operation to overtake thorn , tlioy Imvo uot boon apprehended. Sheriff Olomouts waa ou Kids way homo from Norfolk ou the ] evening freight aud whonjho reached there nnd learned of the escapoj of J thoJ'prisoners ho was HO prostrated by the intelligence that it waa found nocossnryjto take him homo aud put him to bod. The sheriff ] know fitlmt | Mills had planned au CHcapo , | bnt considered that hisplau8 | had boon overcome aud the pris oner has boon kept looked iu one of the stool cages for about n week. Howell broke the look , howoverand whou Mrs. Olomouts appeared withjtho hot water both prisoners were together iu the jail corridor and succeeded In' rnshlug past her and through the door to , freedom before she was uwaro what was taking place. At a rocout sitting of the court both men were givou the privilege of pleading guilty and receiving such a sentence that such a plea would ordin- airly outitlo them. to. Thoy' refused , however , aud were hold to await the regular sitting of the court. Bloodhounds have beeu sent for aud an effort will bo made to 'overtake the prisoners in that manner. Sheriff Olomouts unearthed a desperate plan which Millsjhad laidfor ; ] offectiug au escape about n week ago. Thisplau was to have boon put iu execution a week ago Monday , but its discovery by the sheriff provoutod the effort being made. Mills is cousidorod oue of the smoothest as well as'one of thojfniost desperate mou with whomjthejofllcials of Madisou county have had to deal. Ho was apparently satisfied with his couuty jail lifo , but ns the time approached preached when the district court was to sit ou his case with the probability that ho would bo sent to the penitentiary for a term of years , ho conmieuced to grow restless aud sigh for the freedom of which ho had beeu deprived , ns well as plan to secure it. The forger had a lady friend iu Ohio with whom ho was iu correspondence. Ho told her that his fellow prisoner had refused to engage with him iu a plan of escape and wished for a dope of mor phine with which to flx him. The woman , believing that Mills was being persecuted by ouemies , agreed to help him and ho rocolved a suspicious look ing letter ou the first of the mouth which the sheriff opened and found to contain the morphine. With this he was to dope Howell and summon the sheriff to care for him. While the sheriff was thus engaged ho was to throw pepper iu the officer's eyes and make his escape during the confusion. A paper containing the pepper was con cealed iu Mills' bnuk. While the sheriff was exposing to Mills what he had learned of his plans of escape that geutlemau wore the unconcerned , unfathomable expres sion that was his while ho was hold in Norfolk nwniting his prelimi nary hearing. When ho was escorted to the steel cngo nud locked iu ho took it as a matter of course bnt it is now appoaraut that ho had been n long way from relinquishing all plans of oscapo. It is evident either that Howell had expected to escape with him all the time orjthat his assistance had boon secured since Mills was confined iu the cage as it is cou elusive that Mills had Howoll's assistance iu breaking from the cage. During the absence of the sheriff the prisoner had before endeavored to get concessions from Mrs. Olemouts. He tried to persuade her once to permit him to take a little fresh air and milk the cow for her , bnt Mrs. Olemeuts in formed him that she liked to milk the cow pretty well herself and he found that ho could not persuade her to assist hla escape so planned to take it regard less. less.After After the commission of his crime iu Norfolk , Mills disclosed the fact that ho was an adopt at evasion , concealment aud escaping. Ho endeavored to make n run from President Bucholz of the Norfolk National bank who had ono- cnodod in apprehending him , nud hln Htolld indifference during Ills confine ment hero and his preliminary hearing established him OH an exceedingly slip pery prisoner , BO that all nro not en tirely surprised that ho should at last have succeeded in effecting nu escape. FLOWER AND TREE , 8a.lplRlos.iln is n pretty , showy an * Dual , cany to raise and worthy a place In the gnrden. The birch grows farther north than any other tree. Next comes the Si berian larch nnd then the fir. The dark spot iu the center of n bcnn blossom Is the nearest approach to black that occurs in any flower. Sunflowers may bo transplanted quite cnslly if the work la done on n rainy day or In the cool of the evening. Preserve n green lawn in the center of the garden , however small. This Is needed to sot off the flowers and for purpoHcs of relief. Mignonette In HO unobtrusive that its prcHuuco Is often betrayed by its sweet Bocnt merely , but a largo bed of ml- gnonetto should bo in every garden. Dissolve fresh llmo in water , allow sediment to nettle nnd saturate earth in which fiiuall , white worms have boon noticed with the clour solution thus nnfde. That "it is never too late to set out roses" is n true word about gardening. But "tho earlier the better , BO long as the frost is out of the ground , " IB n maxim no loss worthy of dependence. "Star * " and "Ooain" at We t Paint. In the early days of the United States Military academy at West Point the men who stood high in the graduating class were called "stars , " and the first five namcR on the list of graduates have always been made conspicuous by having a star placed after them. The men who are less fortunate and who stand nonreet the other end of the class are known as "goats. " The des ignation "gout" la a comparatively new one nnd took the place of "immortal. " Some years ago a member of the graduating class learned that he would bo in the "Immortal" section , and , wishing to spare his parents the cha grin of seeh g him among the "low men , " he telegraphed to his father , "Chances are I shall be an immortal , " thinking that the term would be under stood at home. In reply he received a letter congrat ulating him , conveying the assurance that his parents would be present at commencement and as a reward for his "Immortality" a substantial check. "The beet part of the story is , " said n classmate , "the Immortal' cadet dis tinguished himself after he left the academy and earned the title Immor tal' In the service of ! his country. " Now York Tribune. Flcnn n * Draft Horse * . Latrlella mentions a flea which drag ged n silver cannon of twenty-four times Its own weight and showed no fear when the tiny piece was charged with gunpowder and fired off. Reno also says that once ho saw three fleas drag nn omnibus and a pair dragging n chariot and a single oue pulling a brass cannon mounted ou wheels. Expenie. A prince received from the house steward his monthly statement of ac counts , Iu which occurred the item of 1.50 lire for the keep of a cat in the palace. The prince immediately wrote in the margin , "If there nro no rats in the house , it is no good keeping a cat ; if there are any rats , the charge for the keep of the cat Is superfluous. " And he struck out the item. A Success. "Mrs. Bllklue learned to play poker BO she could keep her husband In at night" "And does he stay in now ? " "I should say BO. She wins so much of his spending allowance that ho hnnn't the price of a drink. " Philadel phia Record. Prlma Facie Evidence. The late Lord Morris ou ono occasion gave a characteristic illustration of the meaning of "jtrlma facie evidence. " "If , " ho said to the Jury , "you saw a man coming out of a public house wiping his mouth , that would be prlma facie evidence that he had been having a drink. " Ontmaneavered. The Lady Did any one call whllo I was out ? The Mold No , ma'am. The Lady That's very strange. I wonder what people think I have a day "nt home" for anyway. Indian apolis News. SfUtmderitood. "And wo have ono baby , " said th meek man who was applying for board. "Will you mind it ? " "Mind it ? " snapped the thin faced landlady. "Of course not Do you think I'm a nurse ? " Chicago News. A Mean Reflection. Bugglns See her , porter. This mir ror IB so dusty I can't see myself In It Hotel Porter ( who baa not been tip ped by Buggins ) Strikes mo yo * ought to bo mighty thankful 'slid o' makln' a fuss about it London Tlt-Blta. Women and Bablei. Did you ever notice that when a' baby , an old woman and a young wom an are together the baby , which be longs to the young woman , Is always carried by the old woman ? AtchLson Qlobc. Retort PhotoBTfiphlo. The photographer was dryinghla plates in the warm sunlight "What are you doing there ? " asked a friend. "Oh , " vran the reply , "Jnat airing my views. " DOWN IN A SALT MINE , kn Ocrnnlon When One' * Dignity Blunt lie Set Aihlc. II Is only the elect among travelers who find their way to BerehtoHgndcn , in Bavaria , not very far from Salz burg , writes u correspondent of the London Tntlor. If jxu drive In a car riage from thence by road , you are stopped midway at a customs house and llnd yourself leaving Austrian ter ritory for Bavarian. Berchtcsgadcn is beautifully situated , and It has two noteworthy attractions , ono of them the Koulgscc , thought by many the most beautiful lake in the world , and the otluvr the salt mines. A visit to the sail mines gives ono au exciting hour. Many tourists take tickets at the top , but many of the fair sex are deterred from using them when they sec the costume that is rendered essential to the visit. In other words , they have to abandon skirts nnd adopt a special "rig out. " Quo may frequently observe that ladles , torn between what they consider modesty and curiosity , go two or three times to the mines bcforo they screw up their courage sufilclcnUy to don the attlro aud pay the visit. The necessity for women to abandon the usual garment arises from the fact that a portion of the mine can only bo visited through the medium of a kind of slide. This slide Is , however , the best thing in the whole visit. It is a great deal better than tobogganing , and , as one is In the dark and with only a candle fastened to one's dress , It is not a little exciting. The strangest Incident in the trip is that of the illumination of what la called "the salt lake. " You are rowed across this lake In almost absolute darkness , the illumination being pro vided by a number of miners' lamps round the lake , and the journey has a very considerable welrducss. The next best experience In the trip Is the final rldo into daylight on the trucks. This is a Journey through absolute darkness for a very considerable way until final ly one sees n little gleam of light in the distance. Altogether , ns I have said , between the toboggan slide , the car ride and the boat Journey across the salt lake the visitor to the Bcrch- tesgaden salt mine has plenty for his money. But , curiously enough , ho sees very HtUe salt At any rate , the prepared - pared salt that ono uses on one's break * fast table is not at all in evidence. Shifting the Responsibility. An Irishman who traded in small wares kept a donkey cart , with which he visited the different villages. On one occasion ho came to a bridge whcro a toll was levied. Ho found to his disappointment ho had not enough money to pay It A bright thought struck him. Ho UE harnessed the donkey and put it into the cart. Then , getting between the shafts himself , he pulled the cart with the donkey standing in it on to the bridge. In duo course ho was balled by the toll collector. "Hey , maul" cried the latter. "Wbauris your toll ? " "Begorra , " said the Irishman , "Just ask the drolver. " Ted nud Iho Text. The golden text for a certain Sunday school was , "And the child grew and waxed strong In spirit" ( Luke 11 , 40) ) . Little Ted's hand went up like a flash when the superintendent asked : "Can any of these bright , smiling llttlo boys or girls repent the golden text for today ? Ah how felad it makes my heart to see so many little hands go up ! Teddy , my boy , you may repeat it , and speak good and loud that all may bear. " And they nil heard this : "And the child grew und waxed strong In spirit like 2:40. " A Well Satisfied Girl. At an old fashioned revival meeting the minister approached Minnie , who was only ten years old , and urged her to go forward to the "mourners' bench" for prayers , as many of her young friends had done. "No , thank you , " said Minnie , holdIng - Ing back. 'T ut why ? " questioned the minister. "Don't you want to bo born again ? " "No , " replied Minnie. "I'm afraid I might be born a boy next timer' Brooklyn Life. The Giant Squid. Undoubtedly the giant squid has fre quently been mistaken for a sea ser pent In at1 qualities which can ren der a marine monster horrible this huge and frightful mollusk may bo Bald to compare favorably with anj creature of fact or fiction. When full crown. It welchs 10.000 pounds , having a body fifty fet long and two arms each 100 feet Iu length , as well as eight smaller tentacles. Enough to Settle If. A wag after having witnessed an un usually villainous performance of "Hamlet" remarked : "Now is the time to settle the Shakespeare-Bacon con troversy. Let the graves of both bo dug up and see which of the two turned It Went Ofl. Mrs. 0. I wonder where fn the world the alarm dock has gene ? I saw it on the table yesterday. Mr. 0. It was there yesterday , but I beard it going off this morning. ajrmpntnetlc. Playwright From the nature of my piny you see it ought to close with some line or significant act from the hero In perfect accord with the feelings of the audience. * Critic Why not let him heave a sigh of relief , then ? Tit-Bltfl. The ono tlmo In a man's life when ho U satisfied to take a back seat Is when ho gooa to church. Philadelphia Rec ord. BONE FOOD Soft and crooked bones mean bad feeding. Call the disease rickets if you want to. The growing child must eat the right food for growth. Bones must have bone food , blood must have blood food and so on through the list. Scott's Emulsion is the right treatment for soft bones in children. Littledoses every day give the stiffness and shape that healthy bones should have. Bow legs become straighter , loose joints grow stronger and firmrfess comes to the soft heads. Wrong food caused the trouble. Right food will cure it. In thousands of cases Scott's Emulsion has proven to be the right food for soft bones in childhood. . Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE , Chemists , " 3-4-15 Pearl Street , New York. SQC. nud Ji.oo all druggists. Northern Wisconsin ( Hallway Farm Land Far Sale. The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway has for Bale in North ern Wisconsin , nt low prices and easy terms of payment , about 850,000 acres of ohoice farm lands. Early buyers will secure the advau tago of locations on the many beautiful streams and lakes , which abound with fish aud furnish n never ending and most excellent wnter supply , both for . family use and for stock. ' Land is generally well timbered , the > soil fertile and easy of cultivation and this is rapidly developing into one of the greatest sheep and cattle raising regions in the northwest. Chicago , Milwnnkee , St. Paul , Minn eapolis , Duluth , Superior , Ashland nnd x other towns on "Tho Northwestern Line" furnish good markets for stock and farm produce. For further particulars nddress : GEO. W. BELL , Land Commissioner , Hudson Wis. , or G. H. MACRAE , Asst. Gen'IPass. Ag't.St. Paul , Minn. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS. On November 5th , and 19th , and December 3rd , and 17th , the Missouri Pacific Railway will sell tickets to cer tain points in the South , Southeast , and Southwest , at thejjrato of one fare for the round trip , plus $2.00. Final re turn limit 21 days from date of sale. Fast Time nnd Superior Through Ser vice. Reclining Chair Cnrs ( seats free ) . Pullman Buffet Sleeping Oars. | ( For further information or land pam phlets , nddress , r WT O. BARNES T. P. A. , Omaha , Neb. H. C. TOWNSEND , C. E. STYLES. O. P. ft T. A. A. Q. P. & T A. St. Louis , Mo. Kansas City , Me. A SWELL TRAIN , THE ELECTRIC LIGHTED LIMITED "SHORTLINE. " To Ghicngo , Milwnukee , Racine , Rockford , Lncrosso , Dubuque , Elgin , Freeport , Mndisou , Jnnesville nnd pther importnut points East , Northeast - east and Southeast , via An Electric Light in Every Berth. The Milwaukee is the only Electric Lighted Train that runs in and out of Omaha. All cars are supplied with in candescent lights. Palace Sleepers and the finest Dining Oars in the world are run on the O. M. & St. P. Ry. Write and got full In- formation. F. A. NABH , General Western Agent , H. W. HOWELL , 1604Farnnm St. , Trav. Frt. & Pass. Agt. Omaha. When the Chimney is choked with soot , the fire languishes nnd goes out. When the bronchial tubes are clogged witn phlegm , the flame of life flickers. Intelligent treat ment with Allen's Lung Balsam brings np the phlegm , allays inflammation , stops the oough nnd pain in the chest nnd , in a word , overcomes those terrible oolds which if neglected soon become consumption.