The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 17, 1902, Image 1

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We arc going to have a Grand Special Sale , beginning
And Lasting Until Friday , October 31.
During this sale you will Find Great Bargains in All Departments , as we carry everything.
The Boo Hive will not wait until after the Holidays to cut the price of goods , but will give the people the advantage of that now , when they need the goods.
As our room is limited and we have bought a big stock we must slaughter the goods to make room for now ones coming in every day.Vo have not room to quote
prices on everything , but will give you a few items to show you what wo sell our goods at , and you can compare them with others. Wo guarantee to save you from 20 to 25
per cent all through the house.
Every yard of Outing Flannel that sold at 9 , 10
and 12 c , will go in this sale at 8c.
All our Imitation French Flannel and velvet
finished Flannelettes that sold at 18 , 20 and 25c , will
go in this sale at 15c per yard.
Crepe de Chines , Mummy Cloths , Granite weaves ,
all wool and silk stripes. The newest and most stylish
thing of the season for waists. Worth 85c and $1.00 ,
at 65 and 75c.
We have a heavy Beaver Cloth for skirts and suits ,
to be made up without lining , worth $1.50 , at $1.00.
If you intend to buy a dress or waist this winter ,
come and see us now.
10 doz. Men's best all wool Shirts , worth $1.25 and
$1.50 , will go at 85c.
We have a full line of the heaviest Fleece Lined
Men's Underwear at 90c suit.
We have left from Baum Bros' , stock some of the
best all wool Ladies' , Misses' and Children's underwear
that wo will close out at about half price.
We have a full line of Ladies' underwear from 25c
up ; union suits from 50c up.
You must remember that wo have ready made
Skirts , also a big line of Coats and Jackets and wo can
convince you that the prices are right.
We have some elegant Furs that wo must sell , and
to sell them quick we have marked them way down.
All wool Double Shawls at a bargain.
The largest line of Men's and Children's Caps that
ever reached the city. 1 lot , your choice 25c , just
the thing for cold weather.
We can save you 25 per cent on Men's , Ladies' or
Children's Mittens.
One lot , all sizes , Men's Fancy Bosom Laundered
Shirts , will go in this sale at 25c each.
One lot Men's Mackintoshes , worth $2.00 to $2.25 ,
at $1.00.
Boys' Knco Pants from 25c up.
Men's Duck and Fur Coats at a great reduction.
Blankets and Comforters from 50c up.
Wo have the XXXX Live Picked , Steam Purified ,
Goose Feathers at 08c lb.
Hero are a few extraordinary bargains :
One lot all wool Eiderdown Dressing Sacques , worth
$1.50 , at49c.
One lot Children's Outing Night Dresses , worth 70c
and $1.00 , at 49c.
One lot Children's Silk Hoods worth as high as
$1.50 , your choice 60c.
Wo bought out the entire stock of Gorman Socks
and Leggings from Gate City Hat Co. of Omaha , and wo
can sell these at about 50c on the dollar.
Our Grocery Department is in first-class condition , and goods are sold as cheap as anywhere in the city. Come in and give us a trial
and look at our goods. No trouble to show them. Yours for business ,
"The Bee Hive. " S. M. ROSENTHAL.
Strike Leaders Recommend
That Terms Be Accepted.
General Resumption of Mining
i Throughout the Anthracite Coal
| Fields la Expected to Begin Next
| Thursday Congratulations Pour In.
' Wllkesbarre , Pa. , Oct. 17. The
executive board of the three anthra-
clto districts of the United Mine Work-
crs of America , In joint session yester
day , unanimously decided to recommend -
mend to a delegate convention of
etriklng miners the acceptance of the
Arbitration proposition submitted by
the president of the United States ,
fend It Is reasonably certain that the
advice will be followed and the great
struggle brought to ai close. The con
tention will ba convened in this city
Monday morning , and It is the hope and
the belief of the officers of the union
that the mining of coal will be re-
Burned before the close of next week ,
after a suspension of more than five
months. The citizens of the entire
region are much elated that the strife
Is almost over , because/ business in the
coal fields has been practically para
lyzed since the strike began.
If the plans of the strike leaders
are not disarranged , a general re-
Gumption of mining will take place
about next Thursday. It Is expected
ttho convention will last two days and
that there will be an Interval of one
Say from the time the convention ad
journs until the tlmo set for the men
to go back to the mines. If the con
tention should be In session on Wed-
rosday , it Is probable resumption
( would not take place until Friday.
.There will not be enough work at first
for all the strikers , as It Is the Inten
tion of the companies not to dismiss
nonunion men , who have stood by
Ihem during the strike. The organiza
tion will take care of such other men
as arc unable to find work until two 01
three months have elapsed. This la
'duo to the condition of the mines.
Borne of them are wholly or partially
flooded and others need repairs.
I It was a lively day around strike
headquarters. From early In the
morning until after the announcement
. was made that a convention would bo
called a crowd was congregated at
the place. Mr. Mitchell spent an ex
i tremely busy day. In the morning ha
fcad many callers , who oamo to con
gratulate him , and in the afternoon
he was engaged with the three district
boards ! Telegrams of congratulations
from all parts of the country came to
the miners' leader during the day.
There was some opposition mani
fested in the meeting against certain
features of the plan , but after a full
discussion of the objectionable partE
a unanimous vote was taken to recom
mend to the convention the accept
ance of the proposition. It Is expect
ed that some objections will be raised
on the floor of the convention , but ths
officers are confident that the opposi
tion will disappear when President
Mitchell explains all the features of
the modified proposition to the dele
A question was raised yesterday aa
to whether Commissioner Wright , who
will be the recorder of the commis
sion , shall have the right to Vote in
case the six other members of the
board are equally divided on any ques
tion In connection with a settlement.
Mr. Mitchell , when asked , appeared to
be sure that ho had not , and other offi
cials of the union were also uncertain
of Mr. Wright's status The matter ol
the term of years that the agreement
shall be In force was also a source of
much Inquiry. The union was strong
ly opposed to the operators fixing the
term of years.
The coal companies , anticipating
the ending of the strike next week ,
are busily engaged In preparing for
resumption. Tons of thousands of
coal cars are In the regions ready for
loading and extra efforts will be made
In moving them to the large dlstrlbut *
Ing centers once mining Is resumed.
It Is estimated that more than 200 of
the 350 collieries will ho in operation
by the end of next week , and will pro
duce enough coal to relieve the situa
tion. There Is considerable talk heard
that the withdrawal of the troops will
begin In a day or two , but this can
not be confirmed. Soldiers are spend
ing their tlmo quietly In the camps.
Telegram From Mitchell.
Washington , Oct. 17. There was re
ceived at the white house quite a long
telegram from Mr. Mitchell of the
mine workers' union , In reply to u
message the president had wired him ,
giving the final result of the strike
agreement , with certain suggestions
from the president that had been ac
complished. It was the president's
wish to have a speedy resumption of
mining. Mr. Mitchell's response gave
what had been done In Wllkesbarre
toward declaring the strike off. Ac
ceptance of places on the commission
Imye been received from Mr. Parker
and some other members of the com
The work of the commission will be
exhaustive and will take considerable
time. It is the president's desire that
the Inquiry bo very thorough and that
the commission perform the labors set
before it so completely as to secure
not only a final adjustment of the pres
ent troubles , but also to furnish a
basis upon which similar great labor
troubles may be averted in the future.
Its first step will be to organize and
select a chairman to pi tMldo over its
deliberations. Who this will be , ol
course , Is not settled , but depends or
the Individual members of the body
General Wilson , formerly chief of the
engineer corps of the army , however ,
heads the list of members and may be
chosen aa chairman of the commis
British Press Comment.
London , Oct. 17. "The president's
triumph , " Is the subject of long dis
patches and editorial articles In all
the morning newspapers , and in some
cases congratulations are also extend
ed to J. Plerpont Morgan. The opin
ions expressed are a measure of the
relief felt In England. The Dally
Telegraph says : "American trades
unionism , by securing a reference to
arbitration , has achieved a precedent
which may be far-reaching , for It sug
gests unmistakably that the spread of
labor organization across the Atlantic
may prove to bo a more rapid and
powerful check upon the trusts than
either tariff reform or federal amend
ment. "
Pleased With Commission.
New York , Oct. 17. During the aft
ernoon Presidents Tmesdalo , Fowlei
and Underwood and Chairman Thomas
called at J. Plorpont Morgan's office.
President Underwood was asked what
he thought of the commission appoint
ed by President Roosevelt : "It Is a
good commission , " ho said. "No
body could have appointed a better
one. "
No News From Valencia.
Wlllemstod , Oct. 17. The Vone >
ruolan government has had no nowa
from Valencia for throe days. It finds
It Impossible to communicate with
that city oven by way of Puerto Ca-
belle , as the telegraph lines have been
cut. Valencia wno attacked Monday
and Tuesday of this week by Insur
gents under General Riern.
Three Lost in Shipwreck.
St. Johns , N. F. Oct. 17. The
schooner Lillian \vas l-lvcn ashore at
Grate's Point las' nljht. and Is a total
wreck. One woman and two men
lost their lives. The schooner Rose
bud rescued the remainder of the
crew , The nchoonor Pretoria , with o
crew of seven , Is missing. It Is fearoa
that she has foundered.
Osteopnthlc Physician.
DIfonsoB bntli ncnto nnil chronic § nccofifnlj !
treated without ueo of drugs or knlfo ,
Phone No. V 54. Olllco at residence
109 North 10th Street ,
Norfolk - Nebraska
Phone 107. for Ladles and Children
H.J. . OOLE ,
Ofllce over Citizen's National Dank. Ilealdenci
one block north of Congregational church.
Norfolk , Nebrankr
Agent for Glove Fittinp Dross System.
128 South 4th Street ,
Second door north of Madison Avo.
Undertakers and Embalmers ,
Boeelone Hlk. , Norfolk Avo.
Norfolk , Nebraska
Sioux City Florist ,
Awarded first premium on
Funeral Designs.
Handsome Roses , Carnations , Palms , Fern ?
Flowers snipped in fresh condition.
Phone jobu witroKce ; Cor. 6th and Tierce
[ W H. 1IUCHO//A I'mlilant.
Norfolk 1 ALKXANOKK HKAIt , \ Ice Presidonl
K. W. Kim , Cuehlor.
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Does a General Banking Business ,
Buys and Sells Exchange
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In Eurot e.
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage Business Transacted.
Exclusive- agent lor the Celebrated Swcctwatcr Rook Spring Coal the
best In the market.
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes. TELEPHONE Ol ,
I-l-H-M I'H-I-H-H-M-M ' M 1 M'M M-M M I-H 1'I ' 1 I 11 I 1 1 I M
Get What You Ask for at 11
0 i
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care. (
Our goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular. S
Wo know precisely what is wanted by our cnstom-
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money.
South side Main St. , between 2d and 3d. Telephone 41. 1
H-H-M-M M-1-M-M-H-1 1 I 1 M'H-M-Ml ' Ml M-H I MM I-H 111 If