The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 10, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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    Second Fire Within a Month
Causes $100,000 Loss.
fBoventy-flv * Tank * and Score of
I Pumping Plants Destroyed One
I Man Caught In Path of Flames
, and Fatally Burned.
Beaumont , Tox. , Oct. 8. Another
destructive lire , the second In a !
mouth , swept over a portion of the oil
field last night , causing ono fatality ]
and entailing a property loss roughly
estimated at $100,000. Thomas How-
ley , a worker In thu field , was caught
in the path of the flames and sus
tained burns from which ho will die.
.This is belloved to bo the only cas
ualty. The fire started In a peculiar
manner. Shortly before midnight a
workman lifted the top of his lantern
to blow out the light. The atmosphere
% vas heavily laden with gas , and In an
instant there was a flash , followed by
a sheet of flame. The blaze was com
municated to a small settling tank
fiearby , owned by J. S. Corbett.
In an instant a derrick adjoining
the tank was enveloped in fire and
With remarkable rapidity the flames
spread to other derricks in the Hogg-
Swayne tract , which comprises ono of
the largest sections of the oil field.
The flro department and hundreds of
citizens rushed to the scene , but their
efforts to check the flames were un
availing. Excitement ran high and
in the confusion a rumor became cur
rent that twelve or fifteen persons
had perished in the flames. This re
port was reported to many outside
towns , but careful investigation at a
later hour disproved the report. The
damage Is confined to the destruction
of seventy-five derricks and twenty
pumping plants.
Believed Mrs. Houston May Have
Killed Children and Herself.
Keokuk , la. , Oct. 8. Police are
searching this city and the surround
ing country for Mrs. Kate Houston
and nor four little girls. They are
the entire family of William Houston ,
! Who came here with them from LaCrosse -
Crosse one week ago to start a feed
Btore. The family rented a house In
a. good part of the city and seemed
happy. Houston reported to the po
lice yesterday that his wife and call
dron disappeared last Friday night.
Mrs. Ju\la \ Lodge of Mt. Pleasant , la. ,
lister of the missing woman , says Mrs.
Houston recently talked to her about
"something happening" to herself ,
and Mrs. Ledge believes that Mrs.
Houston committed suicide after kill
ing the children. A phase of deeper
mystery Is added to the case by a note
found lying on a table in the deserted
home. This note was conspicuously
placed and contained simply the name
end address of a prominent business
man of Keokuk , who says he never
heard of Mrs. Houston before.
Nellie Jay Wins Kentucky Futurity
i Lexington , Ky. , Oct. 8. The Ken
tucky Breeders' association's thir
teenth meeting began yesterday , the
feature being the Kentucky Futurity ,
for three-year-old trotters , which
again resulted In a surprise. The
Rajah , the heavily backed favorite ,
broke three times In the first heat ,
flnlshed last and was distanced. After
five hard fought heats Nellie Jay , the
ffay-Hawkea fllly , owned by George R.
IWooden of Boston , captured the rich
take. For driving her to victory F.
McKay received $10,000 and half the
. winnings In the betting ring ,
Missing Girl Found In Church Tower.
Atchison , Kan. , Oct. 8. Maggie
Lynch , a seamstress , who disappeared
fifteen days ago , was found in the
tower of Sacred Heart church , In Wesl
lAtchlson , yesterday , where she had
teen without either food or drink for
the past two weeks. She was In a
eeml-consclous condition and too weak
to raise her hands. Miss Lynch had
ohown signs of insanity. She says she
hid In the church tower to elude per
eons who wanted to kill her. It Is
probable that she will recover. Her
groans during mass resulted In her
l Desperate Battle In Saloon.
Scofteld , Utah , Oct. 8. In a genera'
tight lu the saloon of Anton Bartnlck
between a crowd of Slavs and Mar
shal Hugh Hunter and his deputies
Bartnlck was shot and killed , and Dep
uty Marshal Nalley probably fatally
wounded. While Bartnlck , mortally
wounded , lay on the floor , his wife
placed a revolver in his hand. This
was knocked from his grasp and she
gave him a knife , urging him to keep
on fighting , but the wounded man was
too weak.
j Miss Bain Held for Murder.
Bridgeport , O. , Oct. 8. Miss Rodella
Balm , who attempted to commit sul-
cldo yesterday , confessed to Chief of
Police Rico of Wheeling that In a
quarrel Monday with Miss Qay Smith
on a boat over their lover she pushed
Mlse Smith into the Ohio river and
that her attempt at suicide was the
result of remorse. Miss Smith's body
was found yesterday. Miss Balu was
hold for murder.
I Throws Boiler Half Block.
Creston , la. , Oct , 8. The boiler In
Join's laundry exploded yesterday.
All the occupants escaped Injury , but
the boiler was thrown several hundred
feet in the air and lodged in the of
fice of Justice Gould , half a block
away. The cause ol the explosion la
not known. , 1
Alleged Boodler Caught by Polios Af
ter Two Montns * hiulng.
St. l < ouls , Oct. 8. Louis Decker , a I
former member of the house of dolo- '
fifties , and who was indicted on the
charges of perjury and bribery , and
A fugitive from Justice , was arrested
here last night
Two patrolmen peering Into a back
yard In Carondelot , the southern portion
tion of this city , discovered Decker
and placed him under arrest. Decker
disappeared Immediately following the
Indictments by the grand jury and a
reward of $300 was offered for hla ar
rest. He was Indicted on charges of
perjury and bribery in connection with
the city lighting bill.
Owing to the Vollod Prophets'
street pageant last night , the majority
of the police had boon placed down
town. Decker thought that ho would
bo , accordingly , safe from observation ,
and ventured from his home , across
an alloy and Into the back yard of the
residence of his sister-in-law. Ho was
about to enter the back door when ,
Patrolmen Manlon and Ileudy , who
know him , recognized him as the light
from the open door revealed Ills feat
ures. Ho was taken to the Four
Courts and placed In jail.
Decker said that ho has not boon
out of the city since ho was Indicted ,
but has been -vhltlng around among
Ills friends and relatives and a number
of times ho has boon at his own homo.
Ho was a member of the firm of Deck
er & Robertson , which has the con
tract for carrying the malls.
Poses as a Respectable Citizen and
Robs 24 Houses In St. Joseph.
St. Joseph , Oct. 8. Mrs. Charles
Payne , wife of the traveling man hold
here on the charge of robbing twenty-
four houses , arrived hero from Omaha.
Mrs. Payne did not know her husband
was a burglar until Informed of it
yesterday by the chief of police at
Payne has been known as a travelIng -
Ing man and has a respectable appear
ance. He had lived In Omaha only a
short time and the chief of/police
there believes ho has robbed houses
thero. He visited St. Joseph and Kan
sas City often.
Mrs. Payne had Just written a letter
to Chief of Police Frans of this city ,
asking him to look for her husband ,
from whom she had not heard since he
was arrested.
Payne was caught with marked
coins in his pockets which had been
stolen from the houses robbed. He
has a baby four months old.
Hundreds of Graves Robbed by In
diana Ghouls.
Indianapolis , Oct. 8. An effort was
made by the police yesterday to inter
est officials of the gas belt cities In
the operations of the grave robbers ,
whose methods were recently exposed
here. The ghouls have made state
ments that they worked at various
times throughout the gas belt. De
tectives Asch and Manning obtained
another statement from the negroes
under arrest , In which they say that
the cemeteries about Anderson , Alex'
amlria , Elwood , Falrmount and several
oral other places have been robbed of
hundreds of bodies. A cemetery at
Falrmount , they say , has been robbed
so repeatedly that very few bodies re
Arrested on Three Charges.
Sheridan , Wyo. , Oct. 8. Theodora
A. Shope , a Union Pacific brakeman
has been arrested by Sheriff J. A. Ken
nedy of White county , Arkansas , and
will be taken east to answer charges
of attempted murder , bigamy and
grand larceny. Shope was formerly
employed on the Iron Mountain road
in Arkansas , where , it is alleged , he
organized a gang of railroad men and
systematically robbed freight cars on
the road. It is said he married five
different women without getting a di
vorce and attempted to murder the
last one.
Porto Rlcans Are Aliens.
New York , Oct. 8. A decision was
handed down yesterday in the United
States circuit court by Judge Lacombe
in which he holds that a citizen of
Porto Rico Is not a citizen of the Unit
ed States , and as such entitled to land
hero without interference from the
Immigration authorities , but is , the In-
BUlar decision notwithstanding , an
alien within the meaning of the law.
Switch Engine Hits Passenger Train.
Sioux City , Oct. 8. A Chicago and
Northwestern switch engine yester
day struck a Milwaukee passenger
train broadside where the two roads
cross. Four cars were derailed and
the express car rolled fifteen feet
down an embankment , The express
messenger , Harry M. Welslnger , was
badly bruised. No one else was hurt.
Dr. Daykln Acquitted.
Cleveland , Oct. 8. Dr. F. W. Day-
kin , who has been on trlalschurged
with having given City Councilman
Charles A. Kohl $2,000 , a payment on
a $5,000 bribe for his vote on a nat
ural gas ordinance , was declared not
guilty of the charge last night by a
Jury in the criminal court.
Healy Turns State's Evidence.
Chicago , Oct. 8. John J. Healy , Jr. ,
one of the defendants In the Masonic
temple tax case , has turned state's
evidence. The announcement was
made officially in Judge Chetlaln's
court yesterday , when Healy was
granted a separate trial from the other
White to Be Ambassador.
Washington , Oct. 8. Henry Whlto ,
secretary of the United States embas
sy at London is to bo made ombassfr
dor to Romo. The appointment , how
eyor , ia not to be made Immediately.
Soldiers of Civil War Parade
Streets of Washington.
General Smith Moved to Tears by
Root's Tribute to Soldiers In Phil
ippines Sons of Veterans Begin
Their Encampment.
Washington , Oct. 3. The veterans
of the Grand Army of the Republic
and tholr friends were entertained
yesterday by a paradu given In honor
of the naval veterans and by a num
ber of ruunluus hold In the big assem
bly touts at Camp IlooHovolt. The
weather was threatening during the
early morning , but the Him burst
through the clouds about noon , so that ,
with the mild tumporaturo that pre
vailed thcro was no reason for com
plaint on that score. The attendance
has steadily Increased and the city is
crowded as it has been only on very
rare occasions. *
The naval parade of the forenoon
was not as large as many that have
boon seen In Washington , but it was
In every way Interesting. The vet
erans of the navy each appeared to bean
an embodiment of the nation's recent
history and every squad of them was
an object of Interested observation.
They were generally old men and
many bore evidence of wounds re
ceived in battle. In striking contrast
to them were the young men of nil
the branches of the present service ,
who marched with them as an escort
of honor , as It were. This escort In
eluded representatives of both the
land and naval forces and they ollc
Ited as much favorable comment for
tholr fine appearance as men , as they
did for the excellent discipline dls
played by them.
During the day the Sons of Veterans
began their encampment.
A monument to the late General
Horatio Q. Wright , at ono time com
mander of the Sixth army corps , was
unveiled at Arlington.
All day long a constant stream of
visitors and veterans moved by the
temporary white house and looked up
at the window of the room on the second
end floor , which is occupied by the
president. At times hundreds of people
ple were congregated on the sidewalk
opposite. Often veterans ascended the
steps and Inquired of the president's
condition. All expressed their satis
faction when told that the president
might be out today.
Washington Welcomes Veterans.
Washington last night officially extended
tended the freedom of the city to the
members of the Grand Army , speeches
of welcome being delivered by Henry
McFarland , president of the board ol
District commissioners ; B. H. Warner ,
chairman of the citizens' committee ,
and by Secretary of War Root. In
addition to them were on the plat
form Eugene F. Ware , commissioner
of pensions ; John W. Foster , ex-socre-
tary of state ; Commander-ln-Chief
Torrance and many men and women
prominent in O. A. R. circles.
A number of letters and telegrams
wera read from prominent men , ex
pressing their inability to bo present ,
among them being President Roosevelt
velt , General Fitzhugh Lee , General
Alger , General Joseph Wheeler , Ad
miral Schley and ex-Secretary Her
bert. The president expressed the
hope that he would bo able to drive
along the lines of the parade today.
Conspicuous among those on the
platform was General Jacob H. Smith ,
who was moved to tears as Secretary
Root , beside whom ho sat , paid high
tribute to the soldiers In the Philip
Chairman Warner then Introduced
the Modoc club of Topeka , Kan. , who
rendered a number of local selections ,
following which General Torrance was
presented a handsome gold badge.
The Army of the Tennessee held the
principal reunion of the night and
General Grenvllle M. Dodge was the
chief speaker at that meeting. The
meeting was held In the Grant tent
and the attendance was largo. Gen
eral O. O. Howard , who Is the only
survivor of the army's commanders ,
nrasldtul . . „ . ,
Split In Connecticut.
New Haven , Conn. , Oct. 8. The re
fusal of the Democratic state conven
tlon , held In this city recently , to en
dorse the Kansas City platform and
William Jennings Bryan , has brought
a split in the Democratic ranks , and It
Is now the purpose of the dissatisfied
politicians to place an impendent
ticket In the field. It Is the purpose
of the stiver men to defeat the regular
Democratic ticket ai the cost of a Re
publican victory.
Call i uy Do i..ui. w.un , dovornor for
tnu niiniia.
Now Orluunn , Ou. 8. The Htioot
railway company tiluil to ohuy the or-
ilur of the mayor lo run pasHungur
cars yoHlurd.iy , but , with almost the
mitlro force of city polluo concon-
tratud at the acono of action , tha four
varo started got no further than live
squares from thw Canal utroot barn ,
and the attempt was abandoned for
the day.
In a dlsturbanco at Tontl street ,
whuro u car was hold up , F. H.
SeliTTonok of Chicago , a nonunion
conductor , was hit on the head with n
brick and badly hurt , and ho , with
tliroo others were bodily ( alum posson-
Blon of by the strikers. Two were
kept pilsoiiL'rs In union headquarters
all afternoon , carefully guarded , and
not oven moniburu of the union worn
allowed to talk to them. The otlior
two are concoalud at uomo othur point ,
which Is not known except to the
Htrlkurs. A fifth nonunion man , who
had been an Inspector for the com
pany , became frightened and when hla
Bwuuthcart clung to his neck and
dragged him Irom thu car , ho waa
greeted with cheers by the strikers ,
Ho Is to bo married tonight.
Ono policeman \VIIH hit with a brick
and another of the nonunion nion ,
who Is a prisoner , was roughly han
dled , but not badly hurt. The earn
were badly damaged by bricks and
stones and all the glass wan broken.
Four cars were started out with
each carrying eleven policeman , while
100 pollcomon were massed in the
vicinity , but when the first car
reached Tontl street the strikers and
their sympathizers made a rush , got
possession and won the day with ease
The police made no show of resisting
the assault.
The company Informed Mayor Cap
dovlllo that the police protection waa
Inadequate , and the mayor Issued u
call for 1,000 volunteer citizen police
The responses to the call have been
few , and it looks now as through the
militia will bo called out.
Ladronco Active In Leyte.
Manila , Oct. 8. General JUHBO Lcc
telegraphs from Tacloban , Island o
Leyte , that ladrones have twlco at
tacked the town of Carlgara , whort
they killed a number of native con
stabulary and levied contributions
The population of Carlgara withdrew
to the mountains. Ladrones have been
active recently In several parts of the
Island. Governor Taft Is going to
Cavlte shortly for the purpose of meet
ing the municipal prosldentcs of tha
province to discuss with them mcth
ods for the suppression of the la
Democrats Indorse Roosevelt's Policy
Rapid City , S. D. , Oct. 8. The pe
culiar spectacle of a political gather
ing indorsing the policy of the leade
of the opposition party was presontea
here yesterday. Resolutions wor
adopted by the delegates to the Pen
nlngton county Democratic nominal
Ing convention , Indorsing the attltud
of President Roosevelt with relation
to the trusts and heartily commending
his efforts "to suppress unlawful com
binatlons. " Complimentary allusion
was also made to Mr. Roosevelt's en
dcavors to end the coal Htrlko.
Broncho Busting Contest.
Denver , Oct. 8. The annual bron
cho busting contest for the champlon
ship belt , offered by the Festival o
Mountain and Plain association , be
gan yesterday. Forty of the best rotig
riders In the west , Including som
from Nebraska , are In attendance , an
about 100 "outlaw" horses have bee
provided. Ed. Thorpe of Sheridan
Wyo. , had his leg broken by a fall o
his horse.
Horticulturists In Session.
Atlanta , Ga. , Oct. 8. Co-operatlo
of state laws for the control of hort
cultural pests was the chief subject o
discussion at the second session o
the convention of the Association o
Horticultural Inspectors of the Unitei
States and Canada yesterday. Paper
were read by the state entomologist o
Illinois and Dr. Smith , state entomolo
Gaelic League Elects Officers.
Philadelphia , Oct. 8. The Gaell
League convention adjourned las
night after the differences cxlstln
In the organization had been amlcabl
adjusted. The following officers wor
elected : President , P. C. B. O'Dono-
van , Philadelphia ; secretary , P. J.
Holden , Chicago ; treasurer , Major T.
J. Mellott , San Francisco ; librarian ,
Rov. E. O'Gallagher , Alton , 111.
Swept by Fearful Gale.
St. Johns , N. F. , Oct. 8. The steamer -
or Virginia Lake has returned hero
from Labrador and brings reports
that the whole of Labrador has been
swept by a fearful gale. Elchteen
fishing vessels were driven ashore and
wrecked. The Virginia Lake brings
home 139 shipwrecked fishermen , who
composed the crews of the lost ves
Mexican Railroad Tied Up.
Laredo , Tex. , Oct. 8. The strike of
firemen , switch engineers and hostlcra
on the Texas-Mexican and National
railroad systems , Inaugurated Satur
day , Is spreading. Not a wheel his
been moved for three days.
Fast Mall Train Ditched.
Galvn , 111. , Oct. 8. The eastbound
fast mall train on the Burlington ran
Into a coal gate here early this mornIng -
Ing and Is now In the ditch. Fireman
Sands was killed and Engineer C. B.
Johnson Injured.
Gray Jury Cannot Agree.
Butte. Neb. , Oct. 8. The Jury la the
case of William Gray , for killing Sand-
tnon , failed to agree.
Committee of Manufacturers
Pleased With Progress.
Mitchell Likely to Reject Preold nt's
Suggestion That the Strike De
Dropped Pending Congressional Ac
tion on Grievances.
Huffiilo. N. Y. , Oct. 8. The confer-
nco hulwuou tliu conimlttoo appointed
) y tin ) national inamil'auturnru mill
'ruHldfiit Mitch oil mill ItlH llniitunnnln ,
loltl at tlio IruquolH hotel yetUurday
nflurnoon , did nut romill In any dull
nlto plan bolng agreed upon for thu
laitlal iomimpllon of work In tlio an-
hraulto coal floIdH , lull thn ini'inliora
of the mnntifiictiiritrtt' eotnmltU.'o titat-
cd that they were greatly pleaaeA with
ho progn'mi mado. The fact that coin-
nunlciitloiivns ontahllHhiicl with the
oporatorH hy long dlHtanco telephone
and an appointment made to meet a
rommltluo reprosontlnir Uioin In 1'lilln
liilplilu thin aftotnoon , Id luokotl npon
AH fllgnlllciuit , IIH It had hcicn an
louncod hy members of tlio iimiuifiti't
irortt' commlttro that Ihoro oxlntod
no undorMnndliiB with the operators
M'lor to yostorday'H mooting and no
ntop In that direction would ho taken
Mitchell reached a stage where such n
mooting would promise roHiills.
Mr. Mitchell positively declined to
discuss the request made by President
Roosovclt that Mltrholl use hlfl Infill-
once to Induce the miners to rename
work with a promise of the appoint
ment of a eoininlsfilon to Investigate
the miners' grievances.
It was learned from ia rollabla
Bourco , however , that Mr. Mitchell
does not regard the proposition favor
ably and that he will doc-lino to ask
the minors to resume work under the
conditions stipulated.
Real Test In Anthracite Fight li
Yet to Come.
Wllkcsbarro , Pa. , Oct. 8. The two
principal features of the anthracite
coal strike which claimed public at
tention In the coal Holds were : Will
the miners yield to the duslro of the
president of the United States that
they return to work and Investigate
afterwards , and will the operators ba
nbla to carry out their promise to pro
duce enoiiph coal to relieve the situa
tion If given the protection of the full
military power of the atato. After o
most careful Inquiry among the rank
and fllo of the mine workers It was
found that the nontlmont was Btrongly
against accepting the president'
proposition. As to the other , the situ
ation Is divided and will remain so
until the real test comes.
Nonunlonlst's Home Dynamited.
Shenandoah , Pa. , Oct. 8. The home
of Frank Hintz , a nonunion man Hvlnu
on South Chestnut street , was dyna
inlted yesterday. The explosive was
placed on the hack door sill and the
door was splintered and the windows
were shattered by the concussion
Illntz was not at homo. A crowi !
gathered after the explosion , and Mrs
Illntz , In her excitement , wont to the
window and flrod n shot Into the
crowd , but the hullot did not take cf
feet. The family escaped without In
Jury. Provost Marshal Farquhar las
evening served notice on the advisory
hoard of the mine workers that the
members of the board would bo ar
rested if any more dynamiting should
occur in the district.
Getting Out the Troops.
Harrlsburg , Pa. , Oct. 8. General orders
dors , placing the entire Natlona
Guard of Pennsylvania on duty in th
strike region , wore issued yesterday
at division headquarters. The orders
designate the location of the thru' '
brigades , and all of the state troop
will he In the flsld hy tomorrow. Ni
effort Is being made to get the troop
on duty within any special time limit ,
it being the desire of the general ofll
cers to allow the soldiers to arrangi
their private matters before going intc
the field. Colonel Richardson Is d
reeling the shipment of camp equip
age from the state arsenal.
Teamsters' Strike May Be Averted
Chicago , Oct. 8. A conference too
place yesterday between the official
of the express companies and reprc
sentatives of the teamsters' join
council. While no definite conclu
slons wore reached , It Is believed tha
the threatened strike of the rallwa
express drivers will bo averted. Th
committee representing the unio
waived the Ptrongest point made u
them so far recognition of thel
Troops Hissed at Plttaburg.
Plttsburjr , Oct. S. The Eighteen !
regiment , GOO strong , In seventeen pas
senger coaches , was tha first to ge
away from Plttsburg , pulling ; out a
10:10 : last night. As the regimen
marched down Fifth avenue to the
Union station , pedestrians hissed and
hooted the soldiers , and only the cool
ness of the officers prevented a riot.
This regiment will proceed to Mount
Carmel and await instructions.
Fort Worth Carpenters Quit.
Fort Worth , Tox. , Oct. 8. Two hun
dred and fifty carpenters , employed
on the Swift and Armour packing
houses , struck yesterday. They want
$3 for an eight hour day.
Girls Go on a Strike.
Chicago , Oct. 8 , Flvo hundred girls
employed by W. C. Ritchie & Co. , paper -
per box manufacturers , went on a
Rtriko yesterday for higher waaos.
She Has Cured Thousands
Clivun up to Din.
I'ntcticing AicopiiUty , Home
opathy , Mloclric. mid doit-
oral Medici no.
Will , ! > ) rnqunit , vlilt prnfnrMonnllr
HOTEL , Fill DAY , GOT 10 , ONK
roliirtiltiK n > nrj four uonliH ( onmilt Imr wlnlo
i tin iitiii irl it i It. la nt tintul
1)11. rAI.DWKI.Miniltt Imr iirxrt en to tl.o
niiolnl triuiliuniil of < | | H'iinn * of llio u > n , i > ar ,
noun , throat , limit" , fnniali < dUnnBon. dUi'iiima of
rhlldron mid nil chronic nnivon * anil Hiirglcal
illHiiannn of n ciiraliln iiatnii ) Knrly COIIHIIIIIIH
tluii , lironrliltlii , liroinlilnl catnrrli , IIP nio
catarrh , liiiHilaolio , ciintllpiitloi , Motnach anil
IMIWII ! tronhlnn , rliniunatlnin ntmralvla. ncl-
alien , llrluhl'n illnriiHO.kliluny illnmiHm. ditontim
of thii ll\nr anil lil"ildur , dirzliiiinB , nor'uiiHiniPH ,
Indlunttl 'ti , iilinnlty lii'niriiiitnil ' i u rltlon ,
MOW | growth In clilhlrnnnd nil wanting ilia-
iiiiBon In ailiiltt , ( Info mltliicluhfnnt ciirva-
Hiroof thn iiiliui. ilUniiHnn of th brain , paraly-
NH. liourtill piiKi , ilriiiwy , HunlUnir o' tlix Ilinlw ,
Htrlrtnri ) , "pnn Hurnn , pain In thn honn * . Krunii-
Inr onlarunniDiiti ) anil all long nUmllng din.
OIHOH propnrly trnalo I.
llliml mill Nkln DliM-HHitit.
1'Implnn , li'otchiin , ornptloiiH , lh r potn , fall
ing of thn hair , hull comploxlon. ncznnia. throat
ulcnra. l'ti > a inlna , l.liuliliir titinlileH , wnak
hack , liiirnlng nrlnn pa Hlng nrlno too often ,
Thn olToctH of coiiBtltntlonal HlcknoiiR or thn
taking of too mncli InliirloiiN niDiltcInn rncnlv
annrch'ng ' trontinont , proTi pt rollnf and H euro
fo' llfn ,
Dlaonam of womoii , Irrngnlar iiioiiBtnintlnn ,
falling of the viimh , hoiiiliiK Mown palnn ,
fim'ii'i ) ' 'Ikplacnmnnta , li.rk of BOX mil touo ,
I one rrhnn etnrllltT or linrrnnnniia , conaolt
lr Calilwoll au < 1 Htm lll rhow ihnin the cniiao
of tliolr tronhlo anil thn way to hocomi ) ct rod.
CunrnrM , Onllor , Kluliiln , rilim
nn I milnrgnil g nndu trnatod with the Hiibcn-
tanooiiH Injnot on innthol , Hbiolntuly ulthont
lain nnd wltiioul the li MR f n drop of blood ,
{ B otio of hnr own illncoviiriutt and i tnally tha
moat arl'inllllc inotho'l ' ol thin ailvnncnd ago.
Dr. ( 'nldwnll hna practlco't hnr profit-Inn la
norno of the htrgnHt lioapl'HlH ihroiiKliont tha
country. She lui * no niipnrHr l < tlio imatlng
nnd dlnunoHlng dl'i-iiKnn dn'ormitlne , n c. Him
IIIIH lutnly opnnnd un oltlro InUniahn Nnhrnaka ,
where aim will npnnil a portion of oacli week
trnatl'K liar mnuy putlo'-tB. No jnrnralila
CIIBOB ncroptnd for trratinnnt. CoiiBiiltatlon ,
nxainlnntloii nnd advlco. onn dollnr t tliotu In-
Inrnntnil. Du , OKA CAI.D\MI.I : , Co .
Omatin , Nnb , ( 'hlcngo 111.
0 , rnor 17th and Farimm sts. ,
Good Advice.
The most miserable beings In the
world are those suffering from dyspepsia
and liver complaint. More than seventy-
five per cent of the people In the United
States nro nflhcted with these two dis
eases and their effects : such as sour
stomach , sick headache , habitual cos-
tivouess , palpitation of the heart , heart
burn , water-brash , gnawlnR and burn-
iiiK pains at the pit of the stomach ,
yellow skin , coated tongue and dls-
agi-oeablo taste in the mouth , coming up
of food after eating , low spirit ? , oto.
Go to your druggist and got a boitlo of
August Flower for 75 cents. Two
dosoB will relieve yon. Try it. Get
Green's special almanac. ABA. K.