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About The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1902)
THE NOllFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , OCTOBER 10,1902. Local Unions Arc Unanimous for Continuing the Fight. MITCHELL GOE3 TO NEW YORK. Miners' President Has n Private Con ference With Senators Quoy and Penrose Sends Reply to Reese velt's Request Strikers Are Firm. VVIlkosbarre , Oct. 9. Unlonn Prosl- dent Mitchell's hurried visit to Now , York boars fruit , the end of the inluo workers' strike seems u long way oft anil the jirospact of sufficient coul beIng - Ing wined to oullHfy the public do- nuuid IH extremely jioor. Every local union of the miners' oreunlzntlon throughout the hurd coal bolt hold special meetings yesterday and resolved - solved to ronmin on strike until the snlno owners grant thorn some con cessions. And while the reports ot thcso inoetlngB came pouring Into WllkoBbarro , President Mitchell die- tntcd a letter to the president of the United States , In which ho cave his answer to the proposition that the Htrlkors return to work and trust to liavu their condition Improved through an Investigating commission. What the answer of the minors' chlof Is ho refused to dlvulgo , but It Is dllllcult to concelvo that with the replies of the local unions piled around him he could do otherwise than respectfully de cline the president's proposition. Mr. Mitchell , ai/compnnlod / by the throe district presidents , left for Now York. His mission there Is also a se cret. As Now York Is the headquar ters of the coal operators , a rumor 1m- fnedlatcly spread that a settlement wus In prospect , but Mr. Mitchell and his colk'ngucB would not sny whom they expected to meet. Strikers Are Firm. All day the returns from the meetIngs - Ings of the local unions came pouring into the union headquarters and the corps of newspaper correspondents stationed hero wore Invited to exam ine the reports. Not ono was found that was not couched In firm language. Briefly stated , the resolutions In those reports afllnn the confidence of the men In the Integrity and judgment of their president , praise President Roosevelt for his efforts to end the Btrlke , denounce the presidents of the coal carrying roads for their alleged abuse of the chief executive at the conference In Washington , denounce the employment of the coal and Iron police , thank all organizations and citizens throughout the country for the financial assistance given and de nounce Governor Stone for sending troops hero. Nearly all the resolutions contained a sentence to the effect thtit the men will remain out , thpugh nil the troops In the United States were sent nero , until tnoy arc grnnteu come concessions. The general strlko situation re mains unchanged. There Is no In crease In the shipment of conl , very little of which Is belne produced. ENTIRE STATE ARMY AT MINES. Perfect Order Prevails Throughout Anthracite Region. Philadelphia , Oct. 9. The entire National Guard of Pennsylvania la encamped - camped In the anthracite coal regions , the last regiment from the western part of the state having arrived late yesterday afternoon. Contrary to expectation , the troops were well received and there was no Imposition on the part of the strikers to annoy the soldiers. There was only no Instance during the day of any how of feeling , and this was mani fested at Bethlehem , when some boys stoned the second section of the train bearing the First regiment from Phil adelphia. Universal quiet reigns throughout the entire region. Briga dier General Schall , at Tamaqua , tele graphed to Major General Miller thai there was no disturbance of any klm ! In the district. The soldiers who ar rived yesterday were all scattered throughout Schuylklll , Luzerne , Car ton and Northumberland counties. The fact that all of the locals throughout the anthracite region have voted unanimously to continue the Btrlko would Indicate that the presence enco of the troops will have but little effect upon forcing the men to return to work , and from present Indications it would seem that the settlement o the strike is no nearer a solution than It has been for many weeks. OPERATORS REFUSE TO CONFER Manufacturers' Committee Has Trip to Philadelphia for Nothing. Philadelphia , Oct. 9. The visit to this city of the committee represent ing the National Association of Man ufacturers for the purpose of confer ring with , the presidents of the anthra cite coal carrying roads , who las week met President Roosevelt and the officials of the miners' union at Wash ington , appears to have been fruitless The committee aVrived here yesterday and spent the greater part of the da ; at the Manufacturers' club , awaiting the appearance of the presidents , bu none of the latter answered , in per Eon , at least , the request of the com ttlttee for a conference. The com xnlttee will meet again Oct. 14. Mitchell Is Reticent. New York , Oct. 9. President Mitch ell's conference with Senators Pen rose and Quay last night lasted for an hour and three-quarters. At Its con elusion Mr. Mitchell returned to the Ashland house. Ho declined to say a word as to his talk with the senators and the latter left word with the clerk at the Fifth Avenue hotel that they would not see any one. RIOT IN NEW ORLEAN3 , Number of Persons Wounded and Troops Are Cnled. | Now Orloniu , Oct. 0. The attempt yesterday of the Now Orleans Street Hallway company to start car on Its lines , which hiivo been completely tied up for cloven days , precipitated a long Impending conflict butwnen the Btrlkors and those who attempted to 111 thulr placuH. Although n hundred hols were llrod , nohody was killed , but the following persona were hurt : Policeman John Fordyco , ribs frac- urcd and scalp wound ; Policeman llouln. log fractured ; Policeman lieu- sol , hit In eye with brick ; Policeman Schlusslnger , hit In neck with brick ; 'ollceman llattler , scalp wound from a brick ; Patrol Driver Drown , arm > rokon ; Peter Jensen , Chicago , strlko ircakcr contractor , jaw broken by a brkk ; Louis Christiansen , Chicago , mdly bruised by bricks ; Thoman Johns , Chicago , badly brulned bj bricks ; M. I , . Kennedy , Chicago , con- luctor of car , shot In foot ; A. M. Cl rk , Chicago , assistant to Juuiion , hit n eye with a brick ; Charles Ferguson , Chicago , elbow brokenlluil Lynn , ntrlkor , shot In arm ; Fred KlchlliiR , switch boy , shot In leg ; Alexander nation , strike sympathizer , shot In leg ; unknown striker , shot In head. Mayor Capdovlllo , who requested Governor Heard to order out the militia , has been advised that Major General Lynn , In command of the first military district , will report to the mayor today. The street railway company announces Its determination to run Its cars. The strikers are as determined as ovfcr , while the citi zens , who have been walking and rid ing In all manner of convayancos fet four days more than a week , confident ly expect trouble. All the mllltla in the city was or dered under arms and corporal guards are out rounding up the men. Ono company , company O , of the First regiment , wants to evade service be cause of sympathy with the strikers and all officers and men resigned in a body. It Is understood the resigna tions will not bo accepted. FIND THIRTY DEAD BODIES. Gruesome Discovery In a Cold Stor age Plant at Louisville. Louisville , Oct. 0. Thirty dead bodies ies ware found last night In a cold storage plant In the roar of an ice cream factory on Eighth street. The name pipes which were used in con gcallng the cream for table use were connected up with a small plant in n shed in the rear , where they kept the bodies cool. It was at first thought that the cadavers had been brought here from Indianapolis , but the heads of the several colleges interested in the establishment asserted that the bodies wore obtained legitimately by them from * the ntato Institutions ol Kentucky. WISCONSIN TOWNS BURNING. Koss and Fisher Are Surrounded by Forest Fires. Marluotte , WIs. , Oct. 0. Mayor Campbell received a telegram from Fisher asking for assistance. The town Is surrounded by forest ttres and In danger of being wiped out. Fires nro burning at a great many points j north of here , and there is considerable - , able loss to owners of standing tim ber. The village of Koss Is burning , sur rounding forest fires being the cause. The Marlnette tire department has sent assistance. There has been no rain for weeks and everything Is dry. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. The Kosmos line steamer Kambyses Is a wreck on Gulnos Point , on the cast of Costa Rica. At Garzke , N. D. , John E. Martin , In * nt of anger , struck George Miller with his fist and killed him. The men had quarreled over a threshing bill. Samuel Arnold , seventy-two years old , who was convicted In 18C5 of pan tlclpatlon in the assassination of Abra ham Lincoln , is dead at his home at Masonvllle , Md. Earl Bush and Frank Anspaugh were torn to pieces by an explosion of nitroglycerine at a. factory near Limn , O. , Wednesday. Considerable damage was done by the explosion. Edward S. Bragg , consul general at Havana , has been transferred to the post of United States consul general at Hong Kong , taknlg the place of W. A. Rublee * who has been transferred to the consulate at Havana. M. Combos , la his capacity of min ister of the interior , has signed a de cree for the expulsion of several Americans who were concerned in the recent turf scandals at Paris. C. P. Adams of the Central Railroad j of Now Jersey system has been ap-1 pointed superintendent of telegraph for the entire Rock Island system , vice A. R. Swift of Chicago , resigned. The schooner Anna Marie of Al- pena , Mich. , loaded with coal , was wrecked at Kincardine , Ont. Captain Gordon and three of the crow , with Mr. Ferguson of the rescue party , were drowned. An automobile containing Harry Ted , John Ted and Charles Stltt was run down by an Erie train at Youngstown - town Wednesday. Harry Ted was in stantly killed and Charles Stltt re ceived slight Injuries. At Johnstown , Pa. , Wednesday n fast mall train ran Into a wagon on which a number of children had climbed , killing John Lazar and mor tally injurlna Hugh Greenwood , Frank McCoy and Samuel Caldwell. John Kenslt , tko anti-ritualistic crusader , who was seriously injured at I Blrkenhead , near Liverpool , by be ing struck with a chisel thrown at him after ho had addressed a meeting , died of pneumonia , supervening from , the wound. Twenty-five Thousand in Line at Washington. REVIEWED BY THE PRESIDENT Roosevelt Driven Along Column of Veterans Amid Cheers Kansas and Iowa Contingents Carry Umbrellas and Earo of Corn. Washington , Oct. 0. For moro than six hours yusterdity the people in Washington hummed the chorus of the civil war song , "Tramp , Tramp , Tramp , the Doys Are Marching , " and for un uquiil time the vutcraus con stituting the Grand Army of the Republic - public made good thu claim. The pa rade was the climax of the thlrty-ulxth encampment of tholr order. The oc casion was In ov ry way worthy of the Grand Army , and the parade did not fall appropriately to delineate tne spirit of the war and the memory of the glorious achlevumentB the army seeks to keep green In the minds of the American people. Beginning at a few minutes past 10 o'clock , when the head of the column moved from its station at the capital , It was almost 5 o'clock when the last squad In the line had passed the place of dlsbaudment west of the white house. None of the soldiers were marching any great part of the time , for the entire , line of march did not exceed two and a half mlles In Icngtn , but those who composed the rear de tachments were on their feet practlc- ally aill day , much of the time being consumed In waiting to take their places In the lino. Route of Parade. The route of the parade was down historic Pennsylvania avenue , along which many of them marched as raw recruits In going to the war in 1861 and 18G2 and many others on the occa sion of the grand review after the close of thwar in 1865. The partic ipants In the Imposing pageant en tered with life -and vigor into the spirit of the occasion. Each counte nance bore ovldcnco of the joy the experience brought to the individual , but it wan plainly evident that there was in the occasion much of the res toration of youth for most of them. The "old boys" evidently wore liv ing the days of their youth. Not many1 of them exhibited traces of ago in their marching. Almost without exception they walked along with alacrity and kept stop with precision. If the veterans had needed any spur to tholr enjoyment they would have found It easily in the crowds who thronged tholr pathway and In the smile which provldonco bestowed upon them , for the weather was par- feet. The spectators were limited In Tiiirvtlmt ti rtrtli * l\ s fViA stnTitlfiltv r\f t Vl O UlttllUUl a UUJJ wj nvi * /tv < i vj w * . IAAU broad sidewalks , the stands , the parks , the windows and the house tops along the line of march to hold them. The government departments and the schools were closed for the day , and practically tha entire popula tlon of Washington turned out to do honor to the veterans along with the hundred thousand visitors to the city President Reviews Grand Army. The crowd was enthusiastic and out spoken In admiration , greeting every division of the procession with cheers and dismissing It with a "God speed' that had in It both praise and feeling The president of the United States also lent his energies to the enter talnmeat of thecapital's guests. Una be ) to endure the strain of reviewing the column from a stand , he rose from his reclining chair and had hlmsel driven up and down the line. The unusual Interest thus manifested was appreciated by the old soldiers and the president was everywhere re ceived by them with loud applause. Moro than five hours' time was con sumed by the procession in passing the reviewing stand in front of the white house. There were at least 25 , 000 men in line and the estimate o Commandor-ln-Chief Torrance ran as high as 30,000. Every Kansan in the parade , ana there were several hundred of them there , carried an umbrella painted on the outsldo to represent a huge sun flower. This probably was the mos unique display made by any state though It was only little moro so than that of Iowa , whose members one ! carried a big ear of native corn on the side , where formerly canteens were borne , these ears being suspended from bright , broad , new yellow rib bons. They passed the reviewing stand shouting ; In unison "Hurrah Hurrah , for Corn and Hay , Wo Are the Boys from loway. " South Dakota. ' Eons carried long sticks bearing on the point long ears of corn. Last night the veterans held camp fires in the big tents In the White lot Colonel W. W. Dudley presided eve the Army of the Potomac reunion and the principal speakers were Gen eral Daniel E. Sickles , General B. G Warner , Corporal James Tanner and Colonel J. P. Nicholson. At Sherman tent , General Greene B Raum , ex-commissioner of pensions who presided , Bald the time had com when every survivor of the civil wa Bhould be given a pension. Governor A. T. Bliss of Michigan was thrown from his horse during th parade and suffered severe bruise about the head. Confederate Monument Unveiled. Danville , Ky. , Oct. 9. The stat monument to the memory of the Con federate soldiers who fell during th battle of Perryvlllo and who ar burled there , was unveiled at Perry vllle yesterday In the presence of a vast multitude , estimated at 10,000 , ANNAPOL5S MEN ON BOGOTA , j American Crew Mans Colombian Gun * boat on Way to Panama. Sun Francisco , Oct , U. The Colom- iliin gunboat Bogota Is now on Its wagr o Panama to encounter the Insur gents' war vessel , the Padllln. The ; Jogota made a ( lying start about 2 o'clock , but came to grief fifteen min utes later , when two gas Jets blew out , stopped the machinery and loft ho vessel helpless on the tide. I The damage done was not sorlous , > ut It effectively crippled the Bogoi. or the time being. Signals for u tug vero responded to and the gunboat was towed to an anchorage for re pairs , whore It remained until repairs vero effected. The boat went to sea at night. I The Bogota has an all American crew and both ofllcers and man havo. 'pasts" In which fighting has been the dominating characteristic. . The officers have been trained in the set- j ence of modern warfare and the sail ors nearly all hold discharges from tha United States navy. DEED OF AN INSANE TEACHER , Takes Revolver From Desk and Kills Three and Wounds Three Pupils. London , Oct. 9. A dispatch from Vienna announces that a fearful trag edy was enacted at Droysslg , Bohe mia. A village schoolmaster , forty years of ago , while talking to his class suddenly became insane , rushed o hie desk , drew a revolver from it and ran amuck , shooting right and left among the terrified children. Threa scholars wora killed and throe wore dangerously wounded. On hearing the shots and screams the villagers quickly arrived at the school and , In furiated at the sight which met them , lynched the schoolmaster. Butchers In the Tolls. Norfolk , Va. , Oct. 9. Aaron Marx ; Louis Wasserman and J. A. Codd , ' prominent butchers of this city , were arrested on a charge of conspiracy to defraud the government by jointly operating fictitious bids for supplying the Norfolk navy yard with 100,000 pounds of fresh meat and 100,000 pounds of fresh vegetables. Richard Eastwood , of the firm of Eastwood & Jordan , also is charged with the same offense , but has not been apprehended The bids submitted by the accused were as follows : Eastwood , $16,250 ; Codd , $18,000 ; Wasserman , $10,000 , and Marx , $15,400. Railroad Graders In Fatal Fight Fremont , Neb. , Oct. 9. In a flghl last night among Union Pacific rail road graders at Mercer , a station sis miles east of here , ono man was killed and another fatally wounded. Theli names are unknown. Their slayer , T. G. Rich , an Italian , escaped by boarding a freight train and came to this place , but Jumped from the train as it entered" the yards. The sheriff is searching for him. Pcorla Delegation Restrained. Peorla , Oct. 9. Alderman Stephen Wolschlng yesterday applied for and was granted an Injunction restraining Mayor Bryan and Comptroller Pillsbury - bury from paying out money for the expense of an aldermanic committee to attend the conference called for Detroit today. Mayor Bryan , upon being - ing served with the injunction , wired Detroit that ho would not bo present ' Queen Drags Creates a Scene. Vienna , Oct 9. A dispatch from Belgrade says that to revenge hersell upon King Alexander for stopping her "pin money" Queen Draga created scandalous scenes before the courtiers , The king reproached the queen with being the curse of his life. Draga retorted - torted with coarse abuse , accusing tha king of a liason with her sister , Helen , and even boxed the king's ears. Shot by Indian Poachers. | Denver , Oct. 9. A special from Frutta , Colo. , says that State Game Commissioner C. W. Harris , while searching for Indian poachers two miles west of Rangely last Monday , was fired upon from ambush by five Indians and wounded. His horse was killed. He reached Frulta last night and took the train for Denver. Glens Falls Under Martial Law. Glens Falls , N. Y. , Oct. 9. This city is still under semi-martial law be cause of the strlko of the motormen of the Hudson Valley Electric railway , the mllltla patrollng the road after dark. Henry L. Ramsey , president of the Central Trades assembly , was ar rested yesterday , charged with rioting. Speedy Ratification Urged. I Copenhagen , Oct. 9. In the lands- thing yesterday Foreign Minister Duntzer submitted a- bill ratifying the cession of the Danish West Indies to the United States and urged a speedy settlement of the matter. The first reading of the bill is for Oct. 15 , the second reading occurring on Oct. 22. Henry M. Thomas Dead. Kansas City , Oct. 9. Henry M. Thomas , a wealthy stockman of Thomasville , la. , which town waa named for him , died at a hospital hero yesterday , aged forty-nlno years. Ho came here to buy stock , and while at the stock yards was taken suddenly ill and fell and fractured his skull. Blaze at Burlington , WIs. Burlington , WIs. , Oct. 9. The Bur lington Malt company's plant was de stroyed by fire yesterday , entailing a loss of $90,000 , Insurance $75,000. Fif ty thousand bushels of barley and malt were destroyed. Indian Murders Teaoher. Stuart , Neb. , Oct. 9. Mr. Taloe , teacher of the Indian school at the Ponca issue station on the reservation eight miles west of Napcr , waa shot and killed by an Indian named Bear last evening. Irrigation Congress Not in Fa vor of Consolidation. MERGER SCHEME IS DEFEATED. Delegates to Colorado Springs Con * ventlon Listen to Speeches From Three Conorctemcn Newell and Meade Deliver Addresses. Colorado Springs , Oct. 9. The Na tional Irrigation congress will retain Us Identity as nn Independent organi zation , R [ least for another year. This was decided by a vote of 113 to 91 last night. A fierce parliamentary battle had been waged yesterday afternoon over the report of the committee on permanent organization , which was signed by fourtcon out of the sixteen members of the committee , that the National Irrigation congress merge with the Trans-Mississippi congress , the former to constitute ono of the branches of the organization to bo created by the proposed merger. After this matter was disposed of F. R. Newell , chief hydrographer of the government , and Elwood Meade of Wyoming , head of the Irrigation de partment of agriculture , addressed the congress. Addresses were made yesterday by Congressmen Tawnsy , Morris and Stevens of Minnesota , all of whom took the Irrigation legislation and Its history and possibilities for a theme. Ex-Senator Carey of Wyoming , Wes ley A. Stuart of South Dakota and Thomas Holland , representing Com mander Booth-Tucker of the Salvation army , also epoko during the morning session. The afternoon session was opened with reports of the progress of Irriga tion In the entire irrigation belt , given by state engineers or other prominent delegates from the differ ent states. SECRETARY SHAW IN BOSTON. Attends Annual Dinner of Massachu setts Republican Club. Boston , Oct. 9. Moro than ordinary Interest was attached to the annual dinner of the Republican club of Mas sachusetts at Symphony ball last nlgnt from the fact that the club had for its guest Leslie M. Shaw , the sec retary of the treasury , whose recent measures as the head of the treasury department have given him such a conspicuous position. Seven hundred men occupied seats at the dining ta bles and the two large balconies were filled with spectators. The occasion was marked by many scenes of enthu slaam and by a spirit of real enjoy ment for all. This was in the main duo to Mr. Shaw's happy personality , which showed itself in a pleasant con versational way of speaking , lighted up often by brilliant witticisms. BRYAN BEGINS NEBRASKA TOUR. Opens Month's Campaign in the State at Falls City. Falls City , Neb. , Oct. 9. William J , Bryan yesterday began a campaign on behalf of the fusion ticket of Nebraska that will continue with little interrup tion until November. It is Mr. Bry > an's plan to visit nearly every county in the state. He made three speeches yesterday , at Pawnee City , Table Rock and Falls City , speaking to large crowds at each place. Trusts' and im perlalism were dwelt upon In his hours' speech at this place , with inci dental reference to the coal minors trlkc and the financial question. Mr Bryan was accompanied by H. H Hanks , fusion candidate for congress In the First district. Plans for Detroit Conference. Detroit , Oct. 9. Delegates to to day's interstate conference on the coal situation , called by Mayor May bury , are arriving on almost every train. No plan of aotlon for the con ference will be presented by the loca ! committee. This matter was dls cussed and it was decided to leave aL plans and propositions to originate In the conference. It is expected there will be 500 delegates present. Meets Death In Wreck. Peorla , Oct. 9. Morris McGrew o Springfield , la. , a showman headed for the Peorla Corn exposition , waa killed and several Injured In a wreck at Manlt * yesterday. Two frolgh trains crashed , a regular and a special on the Chicago , Peorla and St. Louis line. Eight freight ears loaded with grain were demolished. * Death of Alonzo Wellman. Bradsbaw , Neb. , Oct. 9. Alonzo Wellman , a pioneer of York county and a veteran of the civil war , diet at his homo here yesterday , after an illness of two months. He was ono of the most prominent men of the /county. Ono of his sons was Walter Wollmnn , the newspaper correspond cnt. Fugitive Cuts His Throat. Davenport , la. , Oct. 9. Benjamin Porter , a fugitive from justice , wantec for the attempted murder of his wife cut his throat at Wheatland , la. , las night and died In a Rock Island (111 ( , ; hospital early this morning. Shot by Drunken Husband. Alton , la. , Oct. 9. John Hansen , llv lag near hero , while intoxicated , demanded manded money of kls wife yesterday and when ab _ refused.shot h c T.IIA woman will die. Hansen is under ar rest. Transport Sherman Arrives. San Francisco , Oct. 9. The trans port Sherman arrived from Manila bringing 93 sick , 109 casuals and 7 ; discharged soldiers. TWO NEGROES LYNCHED. Strung Up tc Telephone Pole by Mob at fsewberne , Tenn. NowUeniH. Tenn. , Oct , 9. Garfield Burley and Curtis Browne , negroes , were lynched hero last night by a mob ot 500 persons. Burley on Saturday aat shot and killed D. Flatt , a young farmer , near Uyorsburg , In a quarrel over a horse trade. A pease had been juntlng the man all night. While being brought to Dycrsburg , Burley confessed to the killing , Impli cating Curtis Browne as an accom plice Both men were lodged In Jail it Dyorsburg yesterday. A mob soon appeared and demanded possession of the prisoners. Judge Maiden made a strong plea that the law be allowed to deal with the case. The mob would not listen to this and forcibly took possession of the two men and took them to Nowbcrne. The two men were taken to a telephone pole and tied face to face. At ai given word they were strung up. FIVE DIE IN TRAIN WRECK. Freight Side-Wipes Extra Carrying Y Gang of Workmen. Washington , Pa. , Oct. 9. One of tha most destructive wrecks In the his tory of the Washington branch of the Panhandle railroad occurred last night at Van Emen's station. The wreck resulted in five lives being lost , and a number injured , one fatal ly. The killed were all foreigners and their names could not bo ascer tained. Tha bodies were horribly mangled and they will bo hard to identify. The wreck occurred at a siding. An eastbound train sldo-wiped the engine and ono car of a construction train at the opening of the switch. The en gine of the coal train wae turned ovei and completely wrecked. The engln of the gravel train was turned com pletely around and after the collision , was facing directly east. The car be hind the engine was loaded with Ital ian laborers. CRASHES INTO SWITCH ENGINE. Four Trainmen Injured In Wreck Neai Kansas City. Kansas City , Oct. 9. The west bound Rock Island passenger train , No. 15 , while running at the rate oi sixty miles an hour , collided with a a * . Hannibal and St. Joseph switch en gine one mile east of this city , as a result of which four trainmen wer badly hurt , the passengers wera shaken up and both engines were de molished. The Injured : Mandoll Gustafson of Kansas City , engineer oi the switch engine , injured internally , will die ; Fred Miller of Trenton , Mo. , fireman , seriously bruised ; M. F. Hough of Kansas City , Rock Island conductor , cut about arms and face ; J. C. Farris of Kansas City , negro porter , badly bruised. None of the passengers was injured. Soldiers Expelled From Unions. Schenectady , N. Y. , Oct. 9. Tha trades assembly decided that all mem bers of the military companies en duty at Glens Falls should be expelled from their respective unions. The Sea Trout. The gnmest of salt water fish , after the striped bnss , is the wenkflsli , or sea trout. The sport of angling for them is generally enhanced because , feeding ns they generally do near the surface , it is possible to fish for them with light tackle. The best places to find them in the vicinity of New York are Ja maica bay , the southwestern shore of Stntcn Island and the mouth of the Shrewsbury river. While they have been caught weighing upward of twen ty pounds , n six or ten pounder is a good size , and the average will only run from one to two and u half. There Is never jany doubt when n weakflsh bites. He does not nibble around the book , but takes the bait at one fair swoop and then starts off with it llko a limited , express with time to make up. Ho is a shy fish , and the man who uses a small line , light leaders and snclls to his hook and keeps quiet while fishing is the one who is apt to have the best luck. Country Life In America. When Jnckion Dined ! While the dinner hour still clings to the noontime among country people it bus advanced in the cities until now It occurs at any time between noon and midnight. And that reminds us , says the Montgomery ( Ala. ) Advertiser , of one of the many stories nbout Colonel. Davy Crockett. While he was a member - ber of congress and was at his home In Tennessee some one asked him nbout the dinner hour In Washington. Ho said the common people ate dinner nt 12 , the next above them at 1 , the mer chants nt 2 , the representatives at 3 , the senators nt 4 , members of the cabi net nt 5 and the vice president at 0. "But when docs the president dine ? " "What ! Old HickoryV said Crockett , nnxlous to fix n time that would suit bis Idea of Jackson's greatness. "Well , ho don't eat till next day ! " UnlmpreNNcil. "What kind of ducks are these ? " nsk- ed the visitor In the ornithological dc- partment nt the museum. "Labrador , " said the attendant. "Wo paid $1,000 for those two specimens. " "Gosh ! " exclaimed the visitor , turnIng - Ing to his wife. "He says they paid $1,000 for 'em. I've bought finer ducks for half n dollar many a time. What have you got 'em In that glass case for ? " be Inquired , addressing the guide again. "Because they are nbout the most notable exhibit we have. Those birds were shot In 1850. Labrador ducks nro now extinct. " "lie says , " exclaimed the visitor , turning to his wife once more , "they put 'em In that glass cnso because they haven't a pleasant odor. And I don't wonder nt It. They were shot in 18CO. " Culcato Tribune.