The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 03, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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W. N. UUSK , I'ubllnliiir ,
KvlnhlliliBil , li7.
, Kttrjr ( Uj iroii Bumlny. Hr emrrlnr i > er
| rk , IS otuti , HI mnll l > or ynnr , (0,00 ,
ThtN wiMti\blUlimt , 1WI.
The Jouriml , MtnMUliml 1H17
Krtrr Friday. Mr ni ll i ir jronr , H.W.
Knttrcd nt tlio PoBtotllce nl Norfolk , No ) ) , , ni
jtoond olnil mailer ,
X Uption it Killtorln ) Dniinrtmont , No. 12 1
UnitnMi Olllcd nnd Job Room * . No. S2 ,
For OoTornor
JOHN 11. MlCUKT Polk
For Lleiltonntit Governor
E.G. Mcdii/roN Donglnt
For Boorelnry of Htnto
Q , A. MAURI Hlclinnlnon
For Auditor
ForBnporlntwidontof Pnlillo ludructlon
WlU'IAM K. FOUI.KU WllBlllllKtoll
For Attorney Gonornl
For Land CommUiloniT
GKOEOK I ) . FUM.UKII . v.-Nnclmlle
For CoiiKrfl niaii , Third Dlilrlcl
JOHN J. McCAUTiir Ulion
'Senatorial. '
For Blntn Bnnntor , Klovontli Dlitrlct
Pn , J. M. AI.IIKN. . . IMcreo
For County Attornny
For Hoiirecoiitntlvo Twenty-third District
F. L. PUTNKY JelTorton
For Commliilotior , Klrit DUtrlct
ClinlH. HCIIUITT ( Irooii Gnrdon
The ( loinoorntB are busily branding as
n lie tlio Btntotuout that they nro prepar
ing to ovorloolc tlio name of Populist
John Powers when It comes to marking
their ballots this full. They may deny
it nil right , but from past experience
with domoorntio denials there are many
who will wait for the evidence of the
returns before they nro prepared to bo
ilevo thnt the denials nro sincere.
Chancellor Andrews of the university
is certainly an exception to tlio genera
ran of men. Several mouths ago tlr
regents ottered him an ndvauco of $1,00' '
in salary to begin with the commence
inont of the school year. Recently th
chancellor notified the board that h
would not accept of the prolYorod ad
vance , alleging thnt the finances of th
school would not admit of an iucroasi
in snlnrics. The regents hnvo boo
forced to economize in all other depart
incuts of the university nud Mr. Andrews
drows does not propose to bo nu exco ] :
tion to the gouornl rule. The chnuoollo
is right but there are few men wh
would take the position ho has when an
advance of salary is ottered.
York county farmers nro worrying
not because they have not good crops ,
nor yet because there is no market for
their products at good prices but be
cause they fear that they will not bo
nblo to secure the help necessary to har-
rest their corn. They arc ottering noth
ing less than throe cents a bushel and
board for corn buskers , but oven at this
price they have not been nblo to secure
the help needed nud if the help cannot
be secured FOUIO of the crop will bo loft
in the field at n dead loss to the farmers.
If they will work for a return of Cleve
land times they will hnvo no trouble in
securing help nt n loss price thnn three
cents n bushel , but it cannot be guaran
teed that there would bo any money in
the crop as the price for the cereal would
be as certain to tumble as the price for
That intensely interesting story , the
delinquent tax list , is published this
week , or the first chapters of it. It will
continue to appear during the next three
weeks. The exhibit of delinquents
shows little increase over that of last
year , showing that a reasonable amount
of prosperity still prevails. Many of
the descriptions nre of property whose
owners are abundantly able to pay whnt
is due but have neglected to do so.
Others are held by out of town owners
who await this sort of notification to
learn how much they are owing , and
the number who are unable to pay is
small , so that the tax sale on the first of
November will not consist of any larg
amount of property. The published
list is but n little more than half of
what was shown in the good old Grover
days of IS'JO.
A democrntio exchange gives as the
reason General Prosperity is "stalking
over the state so conspicuously" is thai
the corn cribs and granaries are filled
with plenty. If the writer wonla de
vote some time to a study of condition !
ho would understand that this is no
the sole reason. Last season the corn
cribs and granaries were not filled to
any bursting degree and yet prosperity
"stalked. " Anyone without a failing
memory or who was old enough to
have n reasonable conception of event
will recall the fact that there was nn
ab.iudnnt crop during one or two years
of Grover's reign and yet prosperity did
not "btalk. " With corn at 8 and 10
cents , and other produce in proportion ,
there was no great cheer for the farmers
or the town people either. It takes
something more than good crops to
jnako good times.
Ihe Randall Synthetical Coal com-
jmny of Hofton l chooHiiig a good ttmo I
to Bund out UH prospecttim'H. This com-
pa y proposes to nwnufauturo c nl from
peat , iTiiilo potrollum , lime and a
matrix of bltuiiiliiniiH plum and HtatOH
tlul Mii-h a coal can bo built at a co t
lo allow its lutiiillng at about $ fi a ton.
AnyoneJlmvlng tlio raw material nt
blind and a capital of altout $ ! Ifi.OOO to
Htart on can manufacture thin coal at a
ratoof 100 toim per day and nt a coHt ,
inoludlngall labor and material , of from
$1 'J5 to fJ per ton , HO tlio prospectus
states. Tlio inmit of the prospectus ,
however , IN the tail end , where it is
propoHod to neil stock in tlio company nt
HO much per share. It is a temptation
for anyone to invest in nuch n company ,
but the Judicious investor or speculator
will itivoHtignto the company deeper
thnn thprospectus. \ .
It is announced from Washington
that if the coal strike IH not Hottlod soon
President HooHovolt will convene con
gress in special HOBilou and deal with
the situation in nn effective manner.
Tlio president Is again right. When
any man or Hot of men keep oil' the mar
ket a necessity while they go into n
battlotosottloa ditt'erenoo over wages
or time , oxcord the limit In those modern
liij'H , especially when the people have
ho money and are willing to pay for
ho necessity , it cannot bo denied thnt
the mine owners and the workers have
rights that the people are bound to re
Hpeot , but the people also hnvo rights
that they should bo bound to respect ,
uul the president nnd congress will bo
thanked if they cause them to regard
thoserights. . It should not bo conodood
that the mine owners have any more
right to tie up the fuel of the country HO
the people cannot got , it than nuy sot of
men would hnvo the right to tie up the
( lour , meat or clothing supply , if tlint
wore possible. The government should
bo nblo to prevent it and undoubtedly
will if the people in the controversy c'o
not nt once adjust their dltl'oreucOH.
National Live Stock Association De
cides to Take a Hand.
Denver , Oct. 3. The National Live
Stock assoclntlon , several of the largest -
est western railways and individual
Btockmon throughout the west have
decided to light the proposed merger
now in process of formation of the
great packing industries oC the coun
try. Announcement to thla effect wan
made by President John W. Springer
of the National Live Stock association
yesterday nftor a conference with C.
F. Morse of Kansas City , who Is presi
dent of both the Kansas City and Den
ver Stock Yards companies. Presi
dent Morse said that his yards will
stand by the stockmen and If neces
sary ho will build an Independent
plant In Kansas City ,
Minneapolis Man Strongly Advocates
Free Grain From Canada.
Pcorla , Oct. 3. In the National
Grain Dealers' convention yesterday
llttlo business was attempted , the day
being given over to speech-making.
J. T. McCall of Minneapolis read an
Important paper on the repeal of duty
on Canadian grain and strongly advo
cated the measure. The committee
on nominations recommended the fol-
owing : President , Thomas P. Bax
ter of Taiylorvllle , 111. ; first vlco presi
dent , H. S. Crimes of Ohio ; second
vlco president , H. H. Peters of Chica
go ; director at largo , John W. Snydcr
of Baltimore. Milwaukee and SU
uTy nro prominent candidates for
the convention next year.
Against Midway Dances.
St Louis , Oct 3. At the meeting of
the board of lady managers of the
"World's fair yesterday the resolution
presented by Miss Helen M. Gould , expressing <
pressing Uio sentiment that the IxMiiei-
ana Purchase exposition would favor
a high moral tone throughout and
eliminate from the concessions any
that savors of the dances performed
on the Midway of the Chicago fair ,
was adopted. The board was notified
by President Francis of the Wprld's
fair that a slto had boon granted the
lady managers which they can utilize
as they sco fit
Archbishop Kaln III.
St. Louis , Oct. 3. Archbishop John
J. Kain , who has been In poor health
for the past six months , has expert
enced n marked change for the worse
In the past two days. Yesterday ho
was not able to say mass and denied
himself to all visitors. The archblsh
op's ailment Is closely akin to paraly
sis. and whllo his physicians do no
think there Is immediate danger. It la
known from the nature of his disease
that the end Is likely to come at any
Four Millions for Hospital Fund.
Marshall , Minn. , Oct. 3. A deed waa
filed for record here yesterday where
by John M. Burke conveys to the Win
Held Mastcrson Burke relief fum
? 4,000,000 worth of real and persona
property , to bo used as an endowmen
for a hospital for convalescents. Th
fund was named for Mr. Burke and
Wabash Buys Another Road.
Marietta , O. , Oct. 3. The Wabash
system closed negotiations last nigh
for the Marietta , Columbus and Clcv
land railroad , forty-three miles i
length , Marietta , to llalos , where I
roaches the Toledo and Ohio Centra
The consideration Is $390,000. Th
Wabash , will use the road in conuec
tlon with its seaboard lines.
All affectation Is the attempt of poir
erty to appear rich.
Startli ' & Testimony is Given in
St. Louis Boodle Case.
Two Witnesses Swear That
Sums of Money Were Freely Dis
tributed In Securing Votes for Trac
tion Dill State Rests Its Case.
St. LoulH , Oct. 3. In the trial of
Robert M. Snyder , the banker nnd promoter
meter , charged with bribery In con
nection with the passage of the Cen
tral Traction bill , the state's ct5 was
practically submitted yesterday. Start
ling testimony was elicited , to the ef
fect thnt large sums of money had
been freely distributed In securing
votes for the hill. Probably the most
startling testimony of the day was
from Gcorgo J. Kohusch , president of
the St. Loulfi Car company. Ho said
ho was the man who Interested Sny
dcr In the Central Traction bill , that
ho dealt with councllinon through I2a-
gar A. Mophun and that ho sent money
throimh Mophan and that Mophan
was to bo paid $25,000 for his services.
Ho has nniuod some of the men who
got the money Carroll $17GOO , Gaus
$ 10,000 , Oast $10,000 , or nt the general
rate of $10,000 a head. Frederick O.
UthofT also unbosomed himself with
rather a llttlo confusion , yet ho named
largo sums of money with the same dl
redness and specified who paid and
who wnn paid. Uthoff said that Snyder
dor told him that If ho would Intro
duce a gas bill as a "rider" to the
Central Traction bill and work for Its
passage and vote for the Central Trnc
tlon bill ho would give witness $100 ,
Coal Operators and Strike Leader Wil
Get Together Today.
Wllkesbarre , Oct. 3. Preslden
Mitchell ot the United Mine Workers
accompanied by District Presidents
Nlcholls , Duffy and Pahey , lett here
last evening for Washington. It la
not known what policy the executive
boar.d of the miners' union will pur
sue at the coutereuce today with
President Roosevelt. Mr. Mitchell de
clined to express any opinion. All
ho would say was that he hoped for
the beat. The general feeling Is , how
ever , that President Roosevelt will
succeed in bringing both parties to
gether. The mining town of Plym
outh , which has been free from any
disturbance since the strike began ,
vas the scene of much disorder yes-
erday. Mobs surrounded the Stor
ing and North American washorles
and Sheriff Jacobs , being unable to
disperse them , summoned the mllltla.
Colonel Dougherty sent three com
panies of the Ninth regiment to the
scone and arrested eleven men ,
charged with rioting.
Will Not Treat With Mitchell.
Washington , Oct. 3. The Post says
that the coal presidents at today's
conference will decline to accept any
plan of strike settlement which pro
poses to treat with President Mitchell ,
nit that they have considered a tenta
tive plan , according to which "the
coal presidents will propose that the
men return to work with the under
standing that their grievances , as in
dividuals , shall be submitted to a
board of arbitration and that the coal
presidents will arree to abide by the
decision of this board , the members
of which shall be appointed by the
president. "
Strikers Attack Wrong Train.
Scranton , Pa. , Oct. 3. A crowd of
strikers at Throop were given a rather
unpleasant surprise party. They at-j
tacked a train going to the Pancoast
colliery , which they supposed con
tained nonuulonlsts , but which , in
fact , had aboard two companies of sol
diers. The train was quickly stopped ,
the soldiers piled out and captured
eight of the mob , all foreigners. They
were sent to jail in default of $800
ball each.
Engineers In Secret Session.
Bloomlngton , 111. , Oct. 3. Represen
tatives from the local divisions of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
are In Chicago to attend a secret meet
ing of the engineers of the principal
roads of the west. The object of the
meeting Is to draw up a formal de
mand for a > 10 per cent Increase in pay ,
obeying the instructions of the na
tional convention , recently held in
New Generals for the Army.
Washington , Oct. 3. The president
has appointed the following brigadier
generals in the regular army : Colonel
Amos I. Klmbnll , assistant quartermas
ter general , now stationed at Ne.v
York ; Colonel Chambers McKlbben ,
Twenty-fourth Infantry , stationed at
Fort Harrison , Mont. ; Colonel Charles
C. Hood , Sixteenth infantry , stationed
at Fort McPherson , Ga.
Coal Famine Closes Factories.
Kokomo , Ind. , Oct. 3 A bituminous
coal famine Is closing down on the
factories of this city. The steel works
which requires thirty cars a. day Is
out , as is also the American Strawboard -
board company's plant and three pa
per mills. Unless relief comes three
more factories must shut down next
Courtship by Wire Ends.
Otturuwn , la. , Oct. 3. A courtship
by wire culminated last night In the
marriage of Charles Hancock , a train
dispatcher of the Burlington railroad
office In this city , to Miss Mamie T.
Wist , a telegraph operator of Albany ,
Q , A. R. Encampment ,
F. K AJ M. V. II 11 ( The Northwest
ern Line ) excursion to Washington , D.
3. , account national O. A. 11 encamp-
For this occasion faro of { ! J1 OB has
for the found trip. Ticket * on Milt-
October 2 , ! ! , 4 and fi , good to return by
1'positing tickets In Wa htngton foi
. xtoiiHlon until November II , 11)02. ) Full
mrtiuularH as to routes and connections
cheerfully furninliul.
G. A. R. Encampment , Washington
D. C. , October 0 II.
The Union Paclllo and 0. & N. W.
ines will sell tickets at greatly reduced
rates for the round trip to the G. A. H.
reunion at Washington , D. 0. , October
0-11 , 1002.
For dates of sale , limits on tickets
and full information apply to
"Sandy Bottom. "
The company which is to present
"Sandy Bottom" at the Auditorium
tomorrow night has met with favor
nnd good houses at Kansas Oity , St
Joseph , Lincoln nnd other largo cities ,
nud at each of these places $1 is the
price for the best seats. The advance
agent desired that Manager Spear
should'chargo the same but he would
not consent to charge more than the
usual price , 75 cents , for the best seats
in the house. The St. Joseph Gazette
has this to say of the company's en
gagement in thnt city : "Tho Lyceum
was packed at both matinee and night
performances of 'Sandy Bottom * yes
terday Jand the patrons enjoyed the
change from the shows of last week.
'Sandy Bottom' teems with quips of
human nature and one is brought
very close to humanity without its
civilized frills , without its passions sub
dued by dissimulation , with all it
faults nndjwith some few of its vices.
"Tho sentiments are clean , pure and
wholesome , and a constant reminder of
boyhood aud girlhood days , which at
times brings just n suspicion of mois
tnro to the eyes.
"It is a beautiful story of the couth
in which E. R. French , as Col. Jed Porter
ter , mayor of Sandy Bottom , is ably
supported by a strong company. "
Low Rates Every Day.
Every day during the months of Sep
toinber and October , 1902 , Union Pncifii
will sell one-way settlers tickets at the
following rates , from Missouri river to
Ogden and Salt Lake $20.00
Bntto and Helena 20.00
Spokane ; 22.50
Portland aud Ashland 25.00
Tncorna and Seattle 25.00
San Francisco 25.00
Los Angeles and San Diego 25.00
Correspondingly low rntes from in
termediate points.
For full information call on your near
est agout'or adress
J. B. ELSErrnn.
National Convention of the Christian
ChurchJOmaha , Nebr , ,
October 15-23.
For above convention the Union Pa
cific has made a rate of one fair for the
round trip. Tickets on sale October 15-
10-18. For full information call on
J. B Elpeffer.
Clothes !
And Your Clothes Will
Take Care of You.
Good Clothes have
helped many.
Let mo help yon by
making your Winter
.Merchant . Tailor ,
Piano Moving a Specialty.
Phone 58. Calls Promptly Answered.
. . . . . . . .
. .and Sale
Branscrt Avenue 'DUflMF
and Third St. rnUnC
Huilil a Nc\v Kitchen
Now ! You can buy
one of 11 oilman & ,
jjinith more conven
ient than any you
can build. You can
also see the finest
line of Iron Beds and
Odd Dressers ever
brought to town at
their store. T hey
v tM , - . „ _ are selling for a few
days iJrass Intension oash Hods , three for lOc , nnd
Hods for Lace .Curtains , two for 25c.
Call and look around.
The Citizens National Bank.
Capital , $50,000. Surplus , 810,000.
Bay unit sell exchange on this country nnd all parts of Europe , ( Farm Lootia.
Olrector * . CUni , ABMDB , W H , JOHNSON , CIIAH , S. HETDOK. C. W.
Reclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal the
best in the market.
Jcranton Hard Coal in all sizes. TELEPBONW ttl.
, . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , .M..M . . . .H..M.I.H..I. . | , . | . | u 1 1 n
Get What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and witut care.
Our goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular.
We know precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money.
South side Main St. , between 2d and 3d. Telephone 41 ,
. . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . .
i-i-i-i-i-M"i-i"i-M-H-i"M"i"i"i"t"i"t"i"i"i"i M-t .t..i..Ht..t..M.M..I..M. i-- * .
Wide Awake
All Kinds oflGents'
- =
. . . .
Steam and
Hot Water
First door South of News Office.
ill and Loao
will build yon a
on easy payments. Come and see us.
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary ,
p. H. & M. V. R. I } . , isthft best to and
from the
North Nebraska
GEO. H. SPEAR , Manager.
. . .OCTOBER . . .
Presents a Beautiful Story
of Rural Life HI
A companion play to
"Shore Acres"
The Old Homestead , "
Presented by a Splendid Company.
All of the Scenery nsed in this pro- .
dnction is carried by the company.
is always the kind that rewards the
housewife or cook for U&JUR Bon Toner
or Sunshine Hour. They are always
sure to five tlio utmost satisfaction , ,
and "win golden opinions from all-sorts
of people" for their skill as good bread
makers Our superior flour is unexecelled
for high quality nnd flue lluvor , and is
pure and healthful.
Sugar City Cereal IKills. .
For rimabing , Meanr Filling. . . . . I'omps ' , Tanti
And All work ID this line call on
Shtlefactlou Guaranteed.
Flr t door Wo t ot Alilronn'i Illcyclo Shop.
Leave orders at Telephone I ) 231 ,