The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, October 03, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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It's no trouble for us to
show you our line Hno of
Watches , Clocks Silver
ware , and the many now
thing * in the ilowelry
Wo huvo junt rccolvoil
n new line of Souvenir
Spoons in Sterling with
Beet Sugar Factory
Imnd ouRraved Inside of
bowl. Prompt attention
given to our Repair Do-
G. F. . .
If you want to buy or build a house ,
the Elkhoru B , & S. Asssociation will
make yon a loan oil favorable terms.
T. E. ODIORNE , Secretary.
is the
to get your German
Prunes for Preserv
ing. Just Received ,
an extra fine lot.
The Weather.
Forecast for Nebraska : Generally
fair tonight and .Saturday.except rain
and cooler in southeast portion tonight.
Warmer Saturday.
Sessions & Bell are having a cement
walk laid in front of their brick block on
East Norfolk avenue.
A girl was born this morning to Mr.
and Mrs. Anton Beukenar. "Tony" is
the right hand man at the Karo meat
market. '
The funeral for the infant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sellenz was held
this afternoon and attended by a large
number of friends of the family.
Mrs. Gus Werner of South Fifth
street , who has been sick for several
weeks with typhoid fever , is now im
proving very satisfactorily.
Mr. Arthur Sims , who taught in the
high school hero laat year , but now re
sides in Lincoln , was married on Sep
tember 24. Miss Ella May Thompson
of Lincoln is the bride.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Lockwood wel
comed a baby boy to their homo this
morning , and "Lock" is superintending
affairs at the sugar factory with an
pomosity that is the common result of
such evouts.
Otto Zuolow , who was badly injured
several Sundays ago by being run down
by a team while riding his bicycle homo
from church , has so far recovered that
ho was able to bo down town today for
the first time since the accident.
II. L. McCormick has sold bis house
in Edgowater park to Emma Kell , con
sideration $050. Mr. McCormick is to
give possession on the Kith and will
move into the now house ho has built
at the corner of Madison avenue and
Ninth street , which is about completed.
The company presenting "Sandy
Bottom" arrived in the city this noon
with a largo amount of special scenery
and will entertain the thoatro-goiug
people of Norfolk at the Auditorium
this evening. The demand for seats
has been good and a large attendance is
in protpcct.
Invitations have been issued by Mr.
and Mrs. L. Heutter of ITilo North Third I
street , St. Joseph , Mo. , to the wedding
of their daughter Horn to Rudolph Mar- '
quardt , which is to take place Tuesday
evening , October 14 , in the First Pres
byterian church of tlm * city. They
will bo at home at 121tU North Seventh
street , St. Joseph , after October 20.
The groom is a son of 0. F.V. . Mar-
qnardt of this city aud has many friends
in Norfolk to wish hint well in his now
The Northwestern railway system
has found business on its main line and
branches so rushing that the oflloials of
the road have just placed an order with
eastern engine firms for ninoty-ono now
locomotives , of which the Elkhoru road
will receive ton largo ones of ton drive
wheels each. The Omaha road is to
receive 15 freight aud five passenger
engines. The Northwestern proper
will receive the remainder , six switch
engines , 14 Um-whoolor freight engines
and 05 fast passenger locomotives.
Thirty-six of the ladies who have
been attending the session of the Pres
byterian Missionary society in this city
during the past two days wore taken
to the sugar factory this morning in a
special car by the switch engine through
the courtesy of Superintendent Reyn
olds and were shown over the factory ,
and its workings explained , by Man
ager Buudick. The trip was very in
teresting to many of thorn who had
little idea of the magnitude of the in
dustry previous to their visit. Those
who enjoyed the trip were profuse in
their expressions of appreciation to the
ofllcers responsible for the courtesy.
Neigenflnd was arraigned in court at
Pierce yesterday , being represented by
Attorney Geo. F. Kelley of Plainviow ,
while County Attorney H. F. Earnhardt
appeared for the state. The prelimi
nary hearing will be before County
Judge Williams on Monday. Neigon-
flnd will probably endeavor to escape
the severe penalty by entering a plea ol
self defense. In conversation with a
visitor ho said he shot Broyer when ho
had been driven into a corner and stuck
three or four times with a pitchfork ii
Breyer's hands. He shot his former
wife because she was about to stab hin
with a pitchfork and Mrs. Broyer was
shot because she got in the way of one
of his bullets. It is considered at Pierce
that there is no danger of a lynching
and that the law will be left to deal ou
the punishment merited.
Bert Doers , who attends the Oxnari
bar aud Charley Marquardt , jr. , ibar
tender for his father , O. F. A Mar
quardt , participated in a game of pee
at the Oxnard last night that had quit
a serious ending. Young Marquard
was winning when a dispute arose eve
the number of counts with which h
should be credited , aud the game ended
then and there , but not the trouble
Marquardt made to leave the building
and his going in some way did no
suit Deers.who picked up one of the
cues aud struck Marquardt a swingini
blow across the left side of his necl
with the heavy end. Marqnardt drop
ped to the floor and it was thought tha
he had been killed but he recovered
covered his senses in about 20 minute
and is able to be about today
although his neck was badly swollen
this morning. Deers was arrested and
this morning pleaded guilty to the
charge against him in Justice Eiseley'
court and was assessed a fine of $25 and
about ? G costs. He was quite peuiten
this morning and was willing to take
most of the blame on himself for his los
of temper , which he acknowledged to be
On his recent visit here Ex-Governo
Jackson of Des Moines , Iowa , who i
part owner of the Auditorium , made an
inspection of the building and recom
mended to Manager Spear a number o
changes and improvements that are now
being made , for the comfort and convenience
venienco of patrons. The first room to
the right of the main entrance in the
foyer is to bo fitted up for1 a check room
in which patrons may have their gar
ments checked and cared for during on
tortaiumonts. A storm shed is beinj
built over the main entrance with one
door for outranco and two for exit. A
property room will bo built on the stage
where the various small accessories o
the theatre may bo stored. The fur
naces will bo overhauled , the extreme
wet weather necessitating the almos
entire rebuilding of ono of thorn. Anew
now roof will bo put ou the building ii
a few days. The box office will bo en
larged for the purpose of accommodat
ing Manager Spear and his advertising
business. The north entrance to th
building will bo the entrance to thi
ofllco , but may still be used as an oxi
from the Auditorium proper. All thi
involves a largo outlay of money , indi
cating that the owners of the building
are willing to expend moro than their
profits for the benefit of their patrons.
WANTED. Fifteen chicken pickets
Apply to Armour & Co.Norfolk branch
house , East Norfolk avenue.
Will pay highest market price in
North Nebraska for old scrap iron.
Write your insurance with W. W.
Roberts. Ofllco , Mast block.
Ladies of Nebraska Synod
Leave for Their Homes.
Adrossosof Dr. McKonnaml Miss Noll-
son Wore Features of the MeotlnR.
Adopt Resolutions Expressing Ap
The Ladies Presbyterian Synodlcal
Missionary meeting wbloh has boon hold
ho past two days In the Methodist
hurch of this city closed last evening.
There wore 4fi delegates from a distance
n attendance and the program as
published was in great part carried out.
Dr. J. W. McKoan , a returned medical
nisslouary of the Presbyterian church ,
n Ohioug Mai , Leas , gave a most in-
ore-sting address on the missionary
vork in that country. Ho stated that
this mission was the only ono for the
0,000,000 people in that country and
that great good was being done in glv-
ng thorn the gospel light and all the
blessings that follow therefrom.
Miss Serena Noilfion , a missionary
cachor from Utah , presented the mis
sionary work among the Mormons , and
showed that polygamy , which the Mor
HOUH of Utah profess to have given up ,
nit was still practiced among them , was
not the only evil of that heathen organ
zatiou , but that there were tenets of
their faith which wore a menace to the
safety and peace of our national govern
ment. -
The delegates wore taken out to the
sugar factory this morning on a special
train , and left for their homes on the
various trains leaving the city this noon.
The delegates expressed their pleasure
of the stay in the city by the unanimous
adoption of resolutions following :
The visiting ladies of the Nebrahka
Syuodical society , wish to extend their
thanks to the press for the kindly notice
which has boon given of their iiteotings
the past two days and take the oppor
tunity to speak in grateful terms of the
kiuduess of the F. E & M. V. railroad
for reduced fares to this meeting aud
transportation to aud from the Norfolk
beet sugar factory. We leave Norfolk
witli a very sweet taste in our mem
ories of the favors shown us by Mana
ger Buudick aud the many thought
ful and kind attentions of our
hosts aud hostesses in Norfolk , and
Niobrara Presbytery.
Mus. D. R. KEUU ,
Chairman Resolution Committee.
Dr. F. G. Walters , succeeds to the
practice of Dr. F. W. Kiesau. Oflloe
Cotton block.
Sturgeon is the piano man.
Rev. W. J. Turner of the First
church will preach in the Second Con
gregational church , South Norfolk , Sun
day evening at 8 o'clock. All are in
vited to attend the services.
Republican Precinct Convention.
Notice is hereby given that a republi
can delegate convention of the electors
of Norfolk precinct , Madison couuty.Ne-
brafeka.will bo hold in the city hall in Nor
folk , Neb , on Saturday , October 4,1)02 ! ) ,
at 8 o'clock p. m.for the purpose of plac
ing in nomination one candidate for
assessor and ono candidate for justice
of the peace to fill vacancy and to trans
act such other business as may come
before the convention. The several
wards are entitled to the following
representation :
First ward . . . . C Fourth ward 4
Second ward. . . 7 Outside precinct. . 8
Third ward. . . . 14
8. R. McFARLANl ) ,
Farms rented for nonresidents. Col
lections made. Insurance written by
Gardner & Seller.
Dr. H. O. Munson , room 10 , over the
Fair store. Office and residence telephone -
phone 150.
The Moler Barber college , Omaha
Nebraska , wants men to learn barber
trade , steady practice , qualified teachers ,
demonstrationsetc. , are the advantages.
Complete outfit of tools given graduates.
Board included. Catalogue explain
ing all mailed free.
New York City and Return $41.05
Via the Union Pacific.
In connection with the G. A. R. en
campment rates to Washington , D. 0. ,
the Union Pacific will also sell roundtrip -
trip tickets to Now York City at above
greatly reduced rates from' Norfolk
October 2d and 5th inclusive.
For full information apply to J. B.
Elsoffor , agent.
Ou and after October 1 , 1002 , the coal
dealers of Norfolk will charge 2 > cents
per hundred pounds for carrying coal ,
for the reason that man and team are
hold too long where coal is carried.
Attraction Guaranteed.
I wish to sta o to the patrons of the
Norfolk Auditorium that the company
presenting "Sandy Bottom" hero to
morrow night is strictly first class in
every particular and that they will present -
sent an entertainment worthy of the
patronage of everybody. They will xise
all their own scenery and for the first
time since the Auditorium was opened
the stage has been ordered cleared of
all stock scenery. I give my personal
guarantee that those who attend the
entertainment will he satlHHed.
GKO. H. Si'iiAit ,
Manager Auditorium.
Dr. F. G. Walters. Ollieo over Damn
UroH. ' Htore. OIlK-e telephone 18 Hinl- ?
deuce 175.
Mr. and Mrs. K. K Adanm are Omaha
visitors today.
Mrs. J. O Aid was a passenger for
Omaha yoHtordny.
O. ClilTord of Huomor was a business
visitor in Norfolk yestorduv.
W. H. Hnird is in the olty from
Grand Island on beet sugar bimlncsH.
Landlord Knox Tipple of Stanton was
frequenting old haunts in Norfolk to
Miss Mabel Cooley of Lynch Is spend
ing a few days with Miss Mabel Harrison
risen ,
Mrs. Herman Harwell and daughter of
Stanton were shopping in Norfolk yes
Mrs. Geo. Acker was a paRRongor on
the afternoon train yesterday for
Dr. I-1. M. Sisson will go to Fremont
tomorrow and occupy his old pulpit in
that city Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Blakoman are
taking in the Ak-Sar-Bon festivities at
Omaha this week.
Dr. R. A. Mittolstadt went to Omaha
yesterday to visit the festival and renew
acquaintance with old-time friends.
Sheriff J. J. UlomentH of Madison
was a city visitor yesterday on official
business and meeting old friends and
T. 0. and John Van Horn and their
families loft this morning for Hay ward ,
Wis. , where they have purchased a large
amount of laud and will make their
home in the future. They came to Nor
folk Borne 15 years ago and have boon
among the most respected citizens of
thocommuulty. John has grown from
boyhood hero and now stands at the
the head of a family of his own. The
best wishes of many friends will follow
them to their now homo.
Dr. R. A. Mittlestadt , dentist , Bishop
block. Telephone 147 A.
Annual Convention.
National Creamery Butter Makers as
sociation , Milwaukee , Wis. , October 21-
24 , 1002. For the above occasion the
0. , St. P.M. & O. railway will sell
tickets to Milwaukee and return Octo
ber 20 at $10.25. Return limit , October
27. J. B. ELSI-.KKKU ,
Mrs. F. 0. Gibbs has gone to Erie ,
Mich. , to visit relatives.
Mrs. D. W. Darlington was hero
from Brown county the first of the
week renewing acquaintance with old
The Omaha Elevator company shipped
a carload of hogs to South Omaha
Mrs. Fred Terry returned Saturday
from a trip to Wlntewood and other
points in the Black Hills.
Mrs. Win. Lovell and children wont
to Boyd county Wednesday to visit
A. N. McGiunis wont to Washington
D. C. , Thursday to attend the G. A. R.
The friends and neighbors of Ernest
Louebcke , to the number of fifty , gave
him a genuine surprise party Tuesday
The republican voters of this precinct
mot in caucus Wednesday evening and
made the following nominations : As
sessor , W. P. Rowlett ; justice of the
peace , B. B. McGinnis ; constable , H.
R. iHerrington ; road overseers , H. J.
Morris and Israel Miller.
The monthly examinations were
held today.
The girls basket ball team is progress
ing nicely in practice.
Hugh Gardner and Gone Huso have
become modest concerning the develop
ment of their extremities and are hav
ing their pantaloons cut long.
Indications are that if a lunch
counter and candy and fruit stand was
established in school it would enjoy a
profitable patronage between hours
from the girls of the junior and senior
The football team will play its first
matched game of the season at Ran
dolph tomorrow and it is likely that As
sistant Principal P. 0. McCoy will ac
company them. Columbus is scheduled
for a game here next week.
The line up of the foot ball team as
now organized is : Miller.coutor ; Boveo
aud Stafford , guards ; Elseifor and
Hyde , tackles ; Simms and Dingtnau ,
ends ; Utter , quarter ; Session and
Carpenter , half backs ; Perry full back.
National G.'A. R. Encampment ,
For the above occasion the O. , St. P. ,
M. & O. will sell excursion tickets from
Norfolk to Washintgon , D. O. , and re
turn , at rate of $81.05. Date of sale :
October 2 , 3 , 4 and 5. Good for return
to October 14 , HX)3. For further partic
ulars call ou or write to :
J , B. ELSKKFEK , Agent.
Fall and Winter Underwear.
We can give yon the best goods for
the money that is rntulo for ladies and
Children's Hats
children , flight or heavy weight , In
cotton , ( looeo lined , part wool or all
wool , Hilk and wool , or all Bilk. Lowes !
prieo guaranteed.
Remember wo are cole ngontH for Dr.
Jaegor'n ci'k'hrated sanitary nntU'rwcar.
Black tightH for ladies or children ,
Send for catalogue.
3SIus. J BP.NSON ,
South Sixteenth street ,
Omaha Nub.
Ak-Sar-Bon Rntos.
F. E , & M. V. oxoursioUH to Omaha
account street carnival , President Hooso-
vclt'H visit and Ak-8ir-Uun : fontival.
Excursion tickets will bo Hold UH fol
lows to Omaha and return Soptumbor 25
and 20 at ono and one-third faro , return
limit September 21) ) .
On September 27 at ono faro good to
return until September 21) ) .
On October 1 , 2 and II at ono faro re
turn limit October ( t.
Biennial Convention Repub
lican League , Chicago , III. ,
October 2-3 , 1002.
For the above oc'casou the O. St. P. M
& O. will Bt-11 tlekiits to Chicago and re
turn at $17.20 September ! IO and Oc
tober 1. Return Limit October 7 , 1JK)2 )
and little feet receive equal attention
nero same as big men and little inon.
Wo have on sale shoes of all accepted
varities to milt anybody and everybody.
Oau you ask 111010 of a shoe dealer ?
Yea ; you have a right to expect good
leather , as well as a good fit. You get
both here.
The Palace Shoe Store
in great variety big
ones , little ones for
hard or soft coal. A
few bargains in second
hand heaters.
C. E.
are more sensitive to tint
otfei'lM of ey Hlrain than
men This in heeansn
their nervous or ani/.a-
llon is of a morn dehcatu
and ( ' ( implicated make up.
Many women Hiill'er Irom
agonl'/.ing attieltHol'head-
mihii , dl'//.ineHH , nervous-
WCH , and many oilier ills
that might be entirely re
lieved by a pair of glasses
proper y lilted ami worn
as directed.
I guarantee roHiiltH in
all eases where patients
will follow my directions.
EIJB Specialist ,
| Money lo Loan ? I
If you have , wo can oiler you
good FARM LOANS In this sec
tion to net you Irom 5 TO ( I PER
CENT JNTHHHST. We have hud
many years experience in this
field and have never yet taken a
farm on any of our loans. Wo
collect and remit interest promptly
to yon every six months.
j fl DiM M Go
Prices Right.
Room 4 , Bishop Block , Norfolk , Neb
J. E. BRUINTY , Manager ,
120 Norfolk Avenue.
If you want the correct
style in . . .
get them of J. & E.
As they are the only Norfolk
Milliners that visit the Chicago markets.