The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 26, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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The ftorfolk flecas
No 0110 who enjoys the pleasures and
COinfOltH Of life Will fall tO moot With
Norfolk for three days of fun mid frolic
next week.
You inny have to wnlt long nnd trnvol
far to enjoy the three-days' holldny the
c < iuivl of that to bo Riven by Norfolk
next week. You will ronrot it If you
inisilt. Don't miss it.
Mr. Kosowntor IK perhaps cortnln thnt
Dnvu Mercer wns in Omnha i\t ono tlnio
oven though ho linn not boon thoroughly
convinced thnt ho is n permanent rt'Hl-
dent of thnt city.
Tom Heed muht hnvo hnd n smoother
\\-ny of getting rid of the spenkurHhip
thnn hnd D. B. IlenderHon. No ono
cured to Intinmto thnt there wnH nn
ulterior motive in llced'H withdrnwnl.
The Into rnln does not even IIIHUTO n
corn crop. This year's crop Is ready for
the harvest nnd next yonr'H IH too fur
nwny to receive nny mnterinl benefit
from the generous downpour.
TinO'N'olll Frontier IH of the opinion
thnt free passes for NobniBka fiiHion of-
llclnln , their relatives and frlondH , IH another -
other item thnt should go under the
hend , "Issued under the authority of
the railroads of Nobranka. "
While everything nppenrH to indicate
n sweeping ropnblienn victory in No-
brn kn thiH full , the workers of the pnrty
should not nllow themselves to think HO.
Ovtreonlldonco ln\H proven disastrous
in the past nnd nmy this year. Keep
them going.
It IB proposed to merge the telegraph
companies of the country. Perhaps
such a move is necessary to successfully
combat the telephone companies , which
nro becoming n powerful rivnl for long
distunco communication.
"Tho trusts cnn bo damaged by de
priving them of the bonoiltH of a pro
tective trrlll' only on condition of dnm-
nging nil other Hinnller competitors nud
nil the wage workers employed in the
industry. " President lloosovolt.
The democratic euro for the trust dis-
cnso is much worse than the ailment.
They wnnt the trusts killed by foreign
competition , nud they cannot help but
but BCO thnt such n dose would kill all
other industries in the t > nmo line of
nianufncturo na the trusts.
A fusion pnpor charges that Ilnvo-
iiieyer is becoming Interested in thobeol
Eugnr industry to n largo extent. This
would rend better if ho hnd not made
Mich a bitter fight for Cuban reciprocity
nnd made the statement that ho was
lighting the beet industry.
The people of the west who have boon
noting the terrible destruction being
wrought by the forest flres nro not find
ing fault with these rnins , which are
extinguishing the fires if they are doing
no other good. They are equally suc
cessful in extinguishing fall carnivals.
The common people may at times think
that they hnvo no interest in the indust
ries frequently designated ns trusts , but
there are nmny of thorn whoso very
bread nnd butter depends on the pros
perity of Eomo iudustrinl organization
commonly classed under the title of
'trusts. " They cnunot hope to crlpplo
thnt industry nud not feel the effects
Editor Fry is willing to hnvo himself
thrust to the front ns a political curios
ity and ho gives publicity to his ( lop In
about the same vein thnt might bo nt-
tempted by n contortionist who hnd no-
quired a now font in his double bowknot -
knot twlstings. Any comment on his
flop Is eagerly given space in the Pie
Dave Mercer will undoubtedly receive
the support of tunny republicans who
opposed lain in the primaries , which is
the honorable way for n btrlct partisan
to do. The fight wns wnged ruthlessly
in the primaries , nnd the strongest won.
Meroar Is undonbledly entitled to the
party support nt the polls.
There can bo little doubt thnt "na
Maine goes so goes the country" this
year. The people nro not yet rondy to
turn down the sort of admiuistrntiou
thnt hns brought them the greatest pros
perity they ever experienced. The
demociats will try hard to lend them
nslde on false issues , but they will not
be successful.
Theivnl strike hns been settled by
the city newspapers nt least n dozen
times it started , but with these
cold rains and the approach of winter
such seitleinentshnve lost any character
istic of it joke that they may atone time
have pi.s-essed. There should now bo n
settlement without nny frills on it.
The newest is n carnival trust , which
is now being organized. Forty-three
carnival companies are entering the
combination and it is to bo capitalized
nt 1800,000. Herenftoi , it is therefore
prolab'o thnt the people cannot see the
snnke enter , the Moorish pnlnco , or the
man eating tiger without pntrouizlng n
The.republicaiis may have some dis-
igreomontn over the tnrilT qnoHtlon but
hey have not yut reached the verge of
desperation that hns boon attained by
the democrats , who are Npllt up over
the tar ill' , the money question , trnstH ,
.mperiallmn . , populism , leaders nnd
everything that the party or fractions of
the party represent , on which there
could bo a disagreement.
In Dnwson county the populists would
not premitthe democratH to iiamo n can
didate for county attorney on n fusion
ticket so there nro two tickets in the
Hold. The places whore fiiNlon does not
jo nro incrensing in number nnd Mr ,
Urynn does not appear to bo stirring
lilniHolf as ho should to prevent the
divorce of the fusion parties.
The publishers of the MndiHon Star
nnd the Neligh Lender showed their en
terprise by pnbllnhlng dally editions of
their pnpers during the fairs nt their re
spective towns. Ordlnnrily these chilly
fair editions of weekly papers nro pub
lished exclusively for the advertising
they will bring , but these publications
appear to have been necessitated by the
extra rush of news matter consequent
to the occasions ,
A "Wayne democrat expresses surprise
at the manner in which McCarthy is
cutting Into the campaign nnd gather
ing In votes. Ho says ho wasn't nwnro
thnt McCarthy was such a campaigner
and that ho was becoming so popular
with the people. Ho will learn full par
ticulars of McCarthy's popularity about
the time the votes are counted this tall
and It will not bo grntifylng intelligence
to any largo number of f nsionists.
State Superintendent W. K , Fowler
is , beyond question , the most indefat
igable worker Who has over boon placed
ut the head of Nebraska bchools nnd his
ro-olection is practically conceded. Ho
is an experienced educator , has right
views on educational questions nnd his
energy hns had n good oll'ect in all the
counties nnd the schools of the stato.
Ho is ono of the strong mon 0:1 : the re
publican ticket , nnd nn honor to hia
party. Ilia plurality will accordingly
bo Inrgo.
Former Speaker Thomas IJ. Reed hns
oomo out of his voluntary seclusion long
enough to express his disapproval of any
attempt at tariff revision. IIo snys thnt
ho believes the people nro opposed
to nuy such changes as are contemplated
nnd if they nro not they would certainly
line up against It very shortly after It
has boon tried. They were quickly
cured of nny desire for tarliV revision
after the democrats had had their own
sweet way about it the Inst time rovis-
on was attempted.
The Nebraska Independent is full of
articles nnd comments on money , silver ,
gold , units and value * . It Is having n
merry time with n discarded issue all by
itself and no ono is paying It attention
worthy of the name. Its long-winded
arguments nro unheeded by the opposi
tion and it Is doubtful if the faithful nro
giving it more than passing notice. The
people nro very well satisfied with the
present monetary system and if it wns
thought for n moment thnt there was
nuy opportunity for the Independent
policies winning out there would bo a
protest thnt would bo heard throughout
the length nnd breadth of the land.
That question has boon satisfactorily
disposed of for some time and the paper
is but serving to revive memories of the
time when money wns the paramount
The Pierce murderer Neigenflnd , wns
taken out of the country because of
threats of lynching. These thrents , it
is alleged , were superinduced by the
fact thnt Rush , the Wayne county man
who killed his wife nud children sovernl
years ngo , was eunbled to escape the ex
treme penalty by n plea of insanity , was
confined in the Norfolk hospital for the
insane for several years nnd wns then
given his liberty. Anticipation of n
similar plen nnd like success prompted
some of the Pierce county people to
wish that it might bo prevented in the
case of Noigonfind. It is to be regretted
that the Wnyiio fiend got off so easily ,
but it is confidently predicted thnt if
the court sitting on the Neigonfiud case
is given nu opportunity the brnto will
not be given n similar chance for liberty.
The Pierce people nre advised to give
the law nn opportunity to do justice to
the cnso.
President Roosevelt is looking for n
trust regnlntor nud n trust breaker that
will not injure legitimate industries ,
legitimate wnge-earuers nnd legitimnto
prosperity. Ho does not believe in pun
ishing people becnuso they nro prosper
ous nud if ho did there is no tolling
whore or when he would leave off in
these days of general prosperity. The
president has the right view of the ques
tion nnd the people who do not want to
see generally prosperous conditions
turned into general calamity will stand
by him. The republican administration
will deal with the trust question in a
business-like way nnd it cannot be co
erced into nny other kind of notion by
the routings of the democrats and a few
republicans who have chosen to assist
the democrnts to n standing in national
The democratic admission thnt free
trade with foreign countries would kill
the trusts is fatal to the argument pro-
M'litod by thnt party that free trade
would not prove disastrous to American
ndufitrlcs , A trust l admitted to bo a
strong combination of capital supposed
to bo powerful enough to overcome all
competition. If therefore , foreign com
petition admitted by taking off tariff
duties would bo Hufllclently strong to
overcome the trusts , what would free
trade do to American industries not
strengthened by combination of capital
nnd facilities ns nro the trusts ? It must
Ijo admitted thnt it would bo worse for
Huoh inductrloH thnn for the trusts. And
yet this is the powerful , blighting factor
: lmttho democrats wish to have enter
the country under n free trade policy.
And they ask the nssistnnco of the
American people in accomplishing their
purpose. They will not got it.
While Mr. RoHowator attempts to
make it appear differently , the people
of the state can look upon Congressman
Morcor's victory in securing another
nomination at the hands of the republi
can paity in no light than na n strong
endorsement of his popularity in his
district. The pro-convention opinion on
the part of these who were following
the light wns that Mr. Mercer was being
pounded into the ground unmercifully
by the Bee nnd thnt ho would bo for
tunate if ho received the support of his
own precinct. The evidence of the con
vention Is that the light , was not on the
surface. They know that the Bee was
putting up a hard fight , but hnd no wny
of knowing what Mr. Mercer nnd Ids
friends were doing , The result shows
that the congressmen nnd his friends
werojiu the fight nil the time nnd the
victory won Is distinct. Mr. Rosowntor
given no definite intimation of his policy
during the campaign other than that he
will not recommend Mercer to the voters
of the district. Whether ho will sup
port some other nominee or take no part
in the campaign at all Is left for his
renders to surmise.
President Roosevelt hns taken n busi-
noss-llko stand ngniust tariff revis
ion for the alleged purpose of destroy
ing trusts. As commonly used the tariff
revisionists with such proposed revision
to bo against the largo corporations , and
the president is of the opinion that if
changed it should bo to punish those
corporations thnt do ill , not merely these
tune are prosperous. IIo says that if in
any case it is found that a tariff fosters
only these corporations that do ill no
protectionist would object to a modifi
cation of the tariff sufficient to remedy
the evil. Ho reminds the people thnt
while some of the trust products are
without protection , to remove the tariff
from the products of trusts that are pro
tected would injure all smaller com
panies engaged in the same business as
well as all the wage earners employed
by the industry. The president evi
dently recognizes the fnot that this
gun , loaded to kill trusts by tariff
revision , is likely to go off nt both ends
nud injure these who nro howling the
loudest for such revision.
Those who nssort thnt the circus is
productive of no good should ask the of
ficers of the French army. Some of
thorn , noticing the ease and rapidity
with which the great Barunni & Daily
circus is handled , thought that it offered
valuable suggestions for the rapid nnd
economical movement of nu army. The
general stnff of the army wns present to
watch the proceedings and were con
vinced thnt the crack regiments of nrtil-
lory could not duplicate thnt achieved by
the circus peoplo. In order to test this
finding a regiment of artillery was or
dered out nud nil portions of it were or
dered to entertain nud detrniu. Many
faults were pointed out by the general
superintendent of the circus and Mr.
Bailey. The officers of nny army could
undoubtedly bo benefited by a study of
movements of Inrgo circuses. The circus
people have such things down to as
practical and economical n basis ns it is
possible to attain. In the transporting ,
feeding and housing of men and horses ,
and handling of ponderous parapherna
lia the circus men hnvo mndo it a science.
Newspaper men generally will be
sorry to learn of the death of A. P.
Childs of the Carroll Index. A large
part of Mr. Ohilds" newspaper experience
has been in Nebraska. He wns of the
old school. IIo learned his trade in the
city in the old fashioned way and when
new methods came in vogue ho sought
fields in the country where his knowl
edge of "the art preservative" would
bring patronage. He was a printer be
fore the war and laid down his stick to
respond to his country's cnll. After the
wnr he sought now fields in the west for
the exercise of his ability nud settled in
Nobraskn. He hns scored mnny sue-
cesses in this state and has always been
able to find work in some department of
his trade. Ho was wnnn-henrted and
generous , nud well liked by these who
know him. Ho wns trnitied in the
printer's art nnd knew thnt ns his voca
tion , dying in the harness nt Cnrroll ,
where ho hns.been giving the people n
readable country paper since severing
his connection with the Norfolk Times-
Tribune. He belonged to a class of
newspaper men that is rapidly passing
away nnd being snperceded by the
newer school , with type-writers , ma
chines and other inuovatious and im
provements that were not of the old
newspaper business.
If the young Englishman who has un
dertaken tospotri his fortune of $1,500-
000 in 18 months finds that ho is unable
to accomplish his purpose he knows
where there is someone who will gladly
help him out.
If the people will but give the qnos-
tlon the amount of thonght thnt it re
quires , it IH quite likely that n Inrgo
majority of thvin will nccept President
Roosevelt's wny of dealing with the
trust question as the best.
Mrs. Hanna , wife of the senator , is
something of n strike arbltrationist ,
herself. She has just settled the differ
ences existing between the union and
non-union painters of Cleveland. She
should bo permitted to try her hand at
settling the coal strike.
The trouble with Mickey , viewed
through democratic eyes , is that ho is
too certain of being elected. That
would discredit him in the eyes of any
good fuslonlst without the necessity of
nuy foolish stories of his unpopularity
on the part of the fusion papers.
American wealth is $100,000,000,000
or $1,250 per /Capita and constantlv in-
creasing. lUms proven to bo true that
the greatest additions to the wealth of
the country has been made during re
publican times , and the present admin
istration is proving no exception to the
An ordinary father and daughter who
would show their differences resultant
from n family quarrel nt the death
chamber of wife and mother would be
deservedly censured , and it ia not likely
that because Leopold ia king and hi
daughter n princess will prevent thc >
Belgians from expressing their strong
disapproval of their action nnd espec
ially thnt of the father v ho drove the
dnughterjnwayfrom her mothers , fu
National political interest centers in
the republican state convention of New
xorknow in session , and news from
thnt source will bo read with interest by
ropubllcnus nnd democrats. It is ex
pected that this convention will give an
insight into the policies that will be
adopted by the party in the untiouul
campaign that is approaching , especially
in regard to tariff revision. It is also of
interest to know whether or not his
homo state will endorse in unstinted
terms the policies of President Reese
velt's administration. The speech of
the temporary chairman indicates that
it will bo a Roosevelt love feast and that
any attempt nt tariff revision will bo
frowned upon.
The report comes from n reliable
quarter in New York that Morgan has
decreed that President Roosevelt shall
not bo renomiunted nud that if he is Ex.
President Cleveland must be the demo
cratic nominee. These edicts nro being
given out so early in the game that the
people will have abundant opportunity
to see to it that the money king is de
feated in both instances. His money
may do wonders in a commercial way
but when it conies to dictatingwho * shall
nud who shall not be president the people
ple should endeavor to have their voices
heard. President Roosevelt must have
gone the limit in Morgan's estimation
when he interfered with the financier'
proposed railroad merger.
Tariff revisionists state that they do
not favor an entire reconstruction of
tnriff. They want to take n dnb her
nnd n hitch there without specifying
what particular rate is to bo altered.
Perhaps if they would show just what
tariff is proving burdensome to the
people others might ngree with them ,
but there would hnve to be some extra
ordinary good reasons before nil the
people would fnvor the disturbing of
business conditions bymnkingachnnge.
During the Into sitting of congress but
one tnriff was considered as needing
revision nnd thnt wns on sugar. Many
of the congressmen and senators thought
that the bars might be taken down n
little for Cuban sugar nnd they were
well along with thnt theory when they
were reminded that there wns n grow
ing American industry thnt would be
dnmnged by this concession to Cuba nnd
thnt to the extent of its damngo n grasp
ing American monopoly would bo bene
fited. The protest , especially from the
west , was so strong that the congress
came to adjournment and the revision
contemplated was not made. If this is
the only revision contemplated the re
visionists have reason for not specify ,
ing. If it is not the only one they
are perhaps dodging a similar fight
on the part of friends of other indus
tries by not mentioning the particular
items of the tariff that would be revised.
It will require some telling arguments
to secure the acquiescence of nuy Inrge
number of republicans to n revision
Save money on your harness repairs
by having Paul Nordwig do your work.
Special Excursions East ,
During June , July , August nnd September -
tomber the Union Pacific will sell
tickets from Cozad , Nebraska , Penokie
nud Wnkeeuoy , Kansas , and points east
thereof to all points in Iowa , Minnesota
and Wisconsin at greatly reduced rates.
Information regarding rates and dates
of sale will be cheerfuly furnished on
npplicntion to J. B. Elseffer , agent.
Suspect Held at Derby Recog
nized as Alleged Murderer.
Filled With Blood-Stained Articles Belonging -
longing to Young and His Victim.
Wanted for Killing Woman In Flat
and Hiding Body In Canal.
New York , Sept. 23. The quest for
the supposed murderer of Mrs. Anulo
Pulitzer wns ended lust night , when
news reached police headquarters In
thly city that the man claiming himself -
self to bo Bert Edwards and who was
arrested Sunday night near Derby ,
Conn. , had admitted that ho was Will-
lam Hooper Young after he had been
positively Identified by Mac Levy , pro
fessor of physical culture , in whose es
tablishment In Brooklyn Young wns atone
ono time employed ,
Detectives sent to Derby reported
that they were positive the prisoner
was loung.'but the identification wag
not positively established until Young
was confronted with Levy , who in >
Btantly recognized him. While admit
ting his identity , it is understood that
Young made no admission of guilt. The
police announce that Young will bo
brought to this city today , his counsel
in this city having said thnt he would
waive extradition proceedings , which
might delay his surrender to the New
York authorities for a day or two.
After Young had admitted his iden
tity he was shown a copy of the ca
blegram sent by his father , John W.
Young , from Paris , advising him tc
surrender nnd declaring that his fanv
ily would stand by him. Young read
the message and then for the first
time gave evidence of strong emotion ,
Tears rolled down his cheeks and he
turned to the wall of his cell while
he made a strong effort to suppress hla
Young's Alleged Confession.
Young is reported to have made n
confession , in which he declared an
accomplice really committed the mur
der. Young is said to have told Mac
Levy that one , Charles Simpson Elllng
of Bridgeport , lured the woman to
Young's flat , where Young left them
for a while. On his return Young
says Elllng , who Immediately fled ,
told him that he had killed the woman
by giving her a dose of chloral hyd
rate In a glass of beer. Anxious to
save his friend , Young says he tried
to dismember the body , but his nerve
failed him and he subsequently re
moved It In a trunk. No such man as
Eiling is known In Bridgeport and the
police regard the confession as a
clumsy effort on the part of Young to
shield himself. Elllng Is the name to
which Young addressed the trunk to
Chicago. Young says that ho expected
Elllng to go to Chicago and claim the
The prisoner Is a grandson of Brigham -
ham Young and son of a prominent
broker of this city.
Stiletto Covered With Blood.
The articles of feminine apparel
found In the trunk brought back from
Chicago were positively Identified as
belonging to his wife by Joseph Pulit
zer , who was deeply affected when
shown the little bag of cakes his wife
had bought for him when she wont out
on Tuesday night , a week ago. The
trunk was also positively Identified by
Alfred Dolby , the hall boy , as tha one
which he hnd helped Young to carry
out of his flat. Among the blood
stained articles found in the trunk was
a sword-shaped stiletto , with a blade
e'ght Inches long.
Captain Schmittberger held a con
ference with the Mormon elders who
lived In the house where the murder
was committed. The captain after
wards said he was satisfied the Mor
mon elders were In no way connected
with the crime.
Indianapolis Wins Pennant.
St. Paul , Sept. 23. The American
association season terminated yester
day and at Indianapolis will float tha
championship pennant. In order to
gain the first place , however , the In
dianapolis club was obliged to play
and , win three games yesterday. The
race bstween Indianapolis and Louis
ville was so close that even the fail
ure to play out the full schedule by
either club would turn the scal
acainst it.
Baseball Scores Yesterday.
National League Brooklyn , 2j Phil
adolphla , 1. Boston , 7 ; New York , l ,
American League Washington ,
4-14 ; Baltimore , 0-3. Chicago , 4 : De
troit , 6. Pfilladelphla , 1-0 ; Boston , 5-3.
Western League Omaha , < Mil
waukee , 0. Donror , 2) ) Kansas City. 5.
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach , a digestion , a
bad liver. Ayer's Pills are
liver pills. They cure con
stipation , biliousness , dys
pepsia , sick headache.
25c. Alt drugglit * .
Want jrounnouiUchoor board a beautiful
liniwnor rich black ? lbciiu e _
' DYEMl ?
m ut.N.H. _ _
0ei orD uonnT o" R P Mm A Co >
Transit Across Isthmus of Panama la
Kept Open by Commander McLean.
Washington , Sept. 23. The uavy
dopnrtment Is In receipt of the follow
ing cablegram Irom Commander Mc
Lean of the cruiser Cincinnati :
"Colon , Sept. 20. The United States
guards and guarantees tralllc and the
line of transit. Today permitted the
exchange of Colombian troops from
Panama to Colon , about 1,000 men.
each way ; the troops without aims ,
In train guarded by American naval
force , In the same manner as other
pnssengeis ; arms and ammunition In
separate train guarded also by naval
force In same manner as other forces. "
Officials of the Co'oinblan ' legation
here predict that a storm of disap
proval will arise in Colombia as a re
sult of Commander McLean's action In
disarming the Colombian troops before-
their passage across the Isthmus. It
Is stated here tint Colombia's agree
ment with the Panama Railroad com
pany specifically provides for the
transportation of Colombian soldiers
by the railroad when occasion arises ,
and the commander's action is regard'
ed at the legation here ns a direct In
fringement of Colombia's sovereignty
over the isthmus.
Attorney for Archbishop Riordan Pre
sents His Side of the Case.
The Hague , Sept. 23. On the reas
sembling ot the international arbitra
tion court , in the hearing ot the claim
of the United States against Mexico ,
growing out of the Plus fund of Cali
fornia , Garrett McEneruy , the alleged
adviser of Archbishop Riordan ot San
Francisco , resumed his address.
He contended that the statutes of
limitation deprived the Jesuits of the
control of the Pius fund after Spain ,
Mexico and the bishops of California
had succeeded as administrators.
The decision of the arbitration com
mission of 189G , condemning Mexico
to pay , ought , Mr. McEnerny asserted ,
to be considered as beyond appeal.
Roumanians Flocking to Switzerland.
London , Sept. 23. In a dispatch
from Geneva the correspondent of the
Daily Chronicle says great indignation ,
has been arrested at Basel Switzer
land , by the arrival there of hundreds
of Roumanian refugees , who have
come in the hope of finding refuge.
They are utterly destitute and have no
means of proceeding further on their
Journey. The Swiss authorities will
not allow the refugees to settle In
Switzerland because they are desti
tute. They have been relegated to
one common room In the station and
are receiving temporary aid from
the local authorities. Their Increas
ing numbers are leading to embarrass
ment. Some of them are In terrible
condition and a visiting doctor found
a starving mother holding a naked
baby to her breast.
Hannahan Succeeds Sargent.
Chattanooga , Sept. 23. John J. Han
nahan was elected grand master of tha
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen ,
to succeed F. P. Sargent , recently ap
pointed commissioner of Immigration.
Mr. Hannnhan has been vlco grand
master of the brotherhood for the past
seventeen years.
- t
Good Advice.
The most miserable beings in the
world nre those suffering from dyspepsia
nud liver complaint. More than seventy ,
five per cent of the people in the United
btates are afflicted with these two dis
eases and their effects : such as sorr
stomach , sick headrohe , habitual cos-
tiveuess , palpitation of the heart , herrt-
burn , water brash , gnawing and burn
ing pains nt the pit of the stomach ,
yellow skin , coated tongue and dis
agreeable taste in the mouth , coming up
of food after eating , low spirits , etc.
Go to your druggist and got a bottle of
August Flower for 75 cents. Two
doses will relieve you. Try it. Get
Green's special almanac. Asa. K
Poorly I
For two years I suffered ter
ribly from dyspepsia , with great
depression , and was always feelinc
poorly. I then tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla -
parilla , and In one week I was a
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trying some other kind.
Use the old , tested , tried ,
and true Ayer's Sarsapa-
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