The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 26, 1902, Image 1

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, , , , , , .
Villages In Turkestan Wrecked
j [ ' h by Seismic Shocks.
{ Total Number of Lives Lost Is Esti
mated at One Thousand One Town
Is i Completely Destroyed No Euro-
I peans Among the Victims.
I Berlin , Sept. 2G. A dispatch re-
i -calved hero from Tashkent , capital of
] Ilusslan Turkestan , reports a torrlblo
f earthquake , Aug. 22 , the shocks con-
" tlnulng until Sept. 3. One hundred
persons were killed at Kashgar , in
eastern Turkestan , 400 In the village
of Astyn , twenty at Jangl , while the
town of Aksuksltcho was completely
Allahabad , India , Sept. 20. A dis
patch to the Pioneer from Kashgar ,
eastern Turkestan , says that only a
'dozen people were killed there In the
earthquake , but that the disturbances
\vrecked many villages In the northern
part of the province , the total num
ber of persons killed being 1,000.
/There / were no premonitory signs ,
eays the dispatch. The temperature
continued to rise during the subse
quent days , which were attended by a
repetition of slight quakes. The dls-
patch says no Europeans lost their
[ > , lives.
( Kashgar , capital of the province-
Blnkiang , is situated at the conflu
ence of roads leading to Pekln , In
dia , and the Russian empire , and U
of considerable Importance. It has
a population of 50,000.
The gazateers mention the town ol
'Ak Su , In eastern Turkestan , and say
it Is a center of trade , the foreign trad
ers , about 100 In number , being most
ly Russian subjects. The popula
tlon of the circle about Ak Su Is given
at 180,000. . There are 4,600 houses In
the town Itself.
Venezuelan Government Apologizes
, for Act of Discourtesy.
i Port of Spain , Island of Trinidad
ISept. 26. The Venezuelan govern
tuent has been compelled to apologize
to the United States and to formally
ealute the United States llag as a
punishment for the unfriendly action
of the \reuezuelan gunboat Restaura
dor in Hying the Stars and Stripes
{ while bombarding the city of Ciudad
* Uolivar.
u.o Ileniaui'tv.Incident M'as iiau
'died by Herbert W. Bowefl , United
j States minister to Venezuela , nios
puccessfully. His negotiations , wera
brief and to the point and he did no
ji Vait to consult with his governmen
in the matter. He took a firm ant
determined stand and secured slgna
! i and noted reparation from Venezuela
in a manner that left no animosity
against the United States. In Caracas
It was at first believed the Restaura
dor had saluted the American flag as
a result of influence brought to bea
by the American ships of war , where
as the apology was brought about by
Bowen from Caracas. He acted quick
ly In order that the Restaurado
Bhould not leave the port before repa
ration was obtained.
j Marines Are In a Fight.
' Washington , Sept. 26. The navy de
partment has received the following
Cablegram from Commander McLean
Of the Cincinnati :
"Colon , Sept. 25. Three hundred In
curgenta attempted to board the train
leaving Empire station and capture a
Colombian officer , a passenger from
Colon to Panama. A marine knockei
the Insurgent officer down with the
butt of a musket. Guards trained Col
gun on thorn , but did not fire , as they
fled. "
< Roumania Gives Fresh Offense.
Vienna , Sept. 26. The Tageblat
publishes a dispatch from Bucharest
eaylng that Roumania has fount
means of giving a mild answer to the
United States. Nothing has been dente
to improve the condition of the Jew
Bays the Tageblatt , but telegraphic orders
dors have been sent to all local au
thorlties to stop the issue of emigra
tlon passports to the Jews. Many
Intending emigrants have thus been
stopped and a fresh grievance ha
been added to their old wrongs.
( St. Louis Firm Corners Pepper.
St. Louis , Sept. 2C. St. Louis is th
controlling factor in the various brand
of the black pepper market of thl
country , and to a great extent of th
[ Whole world. A local firm has prac
tlcally cornered the staple in th
.United States after two months o
Quiet buying. It is stated that the cor
cor will not affect the retail price , a
there is enough leeway between
. wholesale and retail quotations to a
low for a slight increase without ac
.vanclng the price per pound.
| Mexican War Veterans Meet.
Paris , Ky. , Sept. 26. The thirtieth
annual meeting of the National Asso
elation of Mexican War Survivors wa
held here yesterday. Representative
from ten states , to the number of fifty
Srero present. Many speakers ad
'dressed the body. H. T. Ogden of Cln
clnnatl was elected president of th
organization. Of the 112,000 veteran
\vho made up the association , enl
8,000 survive. Indianapolis was chosen
. as the next place of meeting In 1903
Ha Wrecks the Building With Dyna
mite and Shoots Himself.
Washlnetou , Sept. 26. The Golden
Sagle hotel , on the corner of Jersey
avenue and D street , was dynamited
at 4:30 : a. m. by Frank McKlo , one of
ho guests , who subsequently commit *
ed suicide.
Between twenty and thirty guests
wore thrown from their boils by the
xploslon , but only the proprietor ,
Louis Brandt , and his wife were In-
uroil , the latter seriously. The roof
of the building was blown off and the
'ailing wreckage crashed through to
.ho basement , leaving the structuie
as if wrecked by a tornado. Every
itine of glass In the building and the
adjoining structures was broken.
The affair is involved In some mys-
; ory. The proprietor gave a bunquut
lust night in honor of his wife , who
; iad just returned from Germany , and
McKle was a guest.
McKie had bo ° riled at ? the hotel four
years and had boon treated as a mem
ber of the Brandt family , which in
cludes a daughter , Sophie , with whom
McKlo is said to have boon In love.
\Vhon the wrecked building was
searched enough dynamite was found
in McKle's trunk to blow up a block
of buildings.
Kansas City Man la Held Responsible
for Loss of Money Package.
Kansas City , Sept. 20. A suit filed
in the United States circuit court In
this city against S , F. Scott , former
postmaster , and his son , Samuel , who
was employed as utility clerk In the
Kansas City postofllce , makes charges
fixing upon the former postmaster
and his son the responsibility for the
loss of a package containing $8,000
from the registry mail during May ,
The loss of the package promised to
go on record as one of the unsolved
mysteries of the postofllce. The money
was sent by the National Bank of
Commerce In this city to the bank of
J. O. Brlnkman & Co. at Great Bend ,
Kan. The suit Is brought by the
Bankers' Mutual Casualty company of
Des Molnes , which Insured the Bank
of Commerce against loss and which
subsequently made good the amount ,
Boy Editor Arrested.
St Louis , Sept. 2C. Richard E. Mur
phy of Jefferson City , who , while a
resident of St. Joseph , Mo. , gained
considerable notoriety as "tho boy
editor" and who wont to Washington
and secured personal interviews with
Piesldent McKinley and a number of
other statesmen , which ho published
1 . hl-j own i/oor , was arrested hee
on the charge of forgery. Recently a
money order of the Pacific Express
company was stolen at Campbell , Mo. ,
Murphy acknowledged to detectives
that he had filled out this order for
$48.50 and had it cashed at the Ger-
mania Trust company. The" boy , who
claims his age is thirteen , was ar
rested just as he was boarding a train
for Chicago.
McGuIre Settles Shortage.
Atlanta , Sept. 26. The United
Brotherhood of Carpenters and Join'
ers of America In convention yester
day disposed of the accounts of P. J.
McOuire. It had been stated that dur
ing McGuire's term as general secro'
tarj- and treasurer a shortage had
been discovered and for this reported
discrepancy the order has suspended
him from his office. A resolution was
adopted by the convention accepting
the sum of $10,000 from McGulre as
payment of the alleged shortage and
that no further action of any sort be
made against him. It was decided by
the convention to remove the head
quarters of the brotherhood from Phil
adelphla to Indianapolis.
Kelly Seen In Memphis.
St. Louis , Sept. 26. There are no
developments in the municipal bribery
scandal. Rumors continue to be re
ceived by Circuit Attorney Folk of
the whereabouts.of Charles F. Kelly ,
the fugitive delegate. A message
was received from the authorities at
Memphis that a man believed to be
Kelly had been seen there by the po
lice last night. They gave chase , but
the man , by jumping on a moving
train and then Jumping off into the
darkness , had eluded them.
Elevator Falls to Bottom.
Kansas City , Sept. 26 , An elevator
at the Emery-Blrd-Thayer Dry Goods
company carrying twenty-five young
women employes fell three stories at
noon. A doien girls were injured ,
but with the exception of Emma Par
ish , aged eighteen , who was hurt In
ternally , and who was unconscious
when removed to her home , It IB bo-
lleved that none was seriously hurt.
Several fainted and for a time it was
thought many had been killed.
Two Outlaws Killed.
Muskogae , I. T. , Sept. 26. Deputy
United States Marshal Funk and a
posse killed two outlaws at Henrietta
after a desperate fight and captured
two othors. One of the captured mon
is Jlin Holbrook , a member of Bert
Casey's band. Both men refuse to
divulge the names of the men who
were killed. There were five men in
the gang and the officers surrounded
them. In the fight that followed one
nntlow escaned.
Editor Dies of Wounds.
Winchester , Tenn. Sept. 26. S. E.
Robinson , editor of the News-Journal ,
who was shot yesterday by A. H ,
Banks , died of his wounds. , _
Candidate for Congress to Suc
ceed Henderson Named.
Denies That Dlngley Tariff Breeds
and Shelters Trusts Does Not
Mean Any Abandonment of the
Principle of Protection.
Hampton , la. , Sept. 20. Judge II.
P. Ulrdmvll ot Clarion , la. , was yuatcr-
day nominated tor congtoBS by the
Third district Republican convention.
Tliu nomination was made on the HOC-
end ballot by a vutu of 88 to 26 lor
C. E. Ranslor ot Buchanan. The Third
district Is at proaenl represented by
the speaker of the natloual housu ,
Hon. Uavld B. Henderson , who recent-j
ly declined a renomlnatlon. The ro- |
poit of the committee on resolutions
was adopted by the convention as fol
lows :
"Wo heartily endorse the platform
of principles adopted by the late Re
publican state convention at DOH
Molnos. We deny that the Dlnglcy
taillt breeds and shelters trusts. Wo
interpiot the tailff plank in the Des
Molnes plutfoun of 1&02 to be merely
a reiteration of and to mean no uiora
than the St. Louis plunk of 1896 ,
which recited :
> " 'Wo are not pledged to any partic
ular schedules. The question of rates
is a practical question to be governed
by the conditions of the times and ot
production. The ruling and uncom
promising principle is the protection
and development of American labor
and Industry. '
"We most earnestly regret the decli
nation of the renominatlon which the
Republicans of this district for the
eleventh time unanimously tendered
the Hon. D. B. Henderson. No official
has been more anxious to keep In
touch with and faithfully represent
the well considered Judgment of his
constituents than has Colonel Hender
son during all the long years of his
congressional career. We have faith
in his patriotism and In his personal
and political integrity ; wo are con
scious of his great mental power and
ability ; wo realize his superb leader
ship and commanding influence in gov
ernmental affairs and believe that his
withdrawal means a great loss to the
people. "
Judge Blrdsall is about forty-flvo
years old. The only office he hns over
heldjilb , > he ju > ,0eshlt > of the district
court , which he resigned a year ago
to resunle the practice of law.
Michigan Republicans Approve His
Senatorial Aspirations.
Grand Rapids , Mich. , Sept. 20.
After a long and laborious session , In
which more oratory and enthusiastic
partisan strife were in evidence than
have been seen iu the councils of the
Republican party In this &tato for
many years , the Republican state con
vention indorsed the senatorial candi
dacy of General Russell A. Alger , for
merly secretary of war , and nominated
Judge William L. Carpenter of Detroit
for justice of the supreme court to fill
the vacancy caused by the death of
Justice Charles D. Long. General
Alger's friends won a great victory
over the supporters of Dexter M. Ferry
of Detroit , the test of strength hav
ing been made on a motion to adopt
the minority recommendation of the
committee on resolutions to the effect
that no expression of sentiment of the
convention on the senatorial candi
dacy of any one be taken. The ma
jority report , which endorsed Gen
eral Algor , was adopted without an
opposing vote amid loud and contin
ued cheering from the Alger support
" " "
Death of Justice Ellis.
Topeka. Sept. 20. Justice A. H. El
Us of the Kansas supreme court died
hero very suddenly last night. He
has been In bad health for several
months. Justice Ellis served in a
Michigan regiment during the civil
war. In 1878 he came to Kansas. He
was appointed to the supreme court
by Governor Stanley two years ago
and was nominated by the Republican
state convention for a four-year term.
He was one of the loading Republican
politicians of the state.
League Elects Officers.
St. Paul , Sept. 26 At yesterday's
cession of the American League for
Civil Improvement , Mrs , Louise Merion
rion McCall of St. Louis talked upon
"The Responsibility of Commercial
and Social Organization. " The league
decided to hold its next annual meet
Ing at Chautauqua , N. Y. The follow
ing officers were elected : President ,
Howard B. Heinz , Plttsburg ; treas
urer , Morton D. Hull , Chicago ; corresponding
spending secretary , Charles Zueblln ,
University of Chicago.
Foss Gets the Nomination.
Boston , Sept. 26. Complete returns
from last night's Republican caucuses
In the Eleventh congressional district
give Eugene N. Fosa a total of fifty-
six delegates and Melvln O. Adams
fifty , this apparently Insuring the nom
Inatlon of the former. The conteit
was waged on national issues , Mr
Foss favoring a revision of the tariff
along radical linos. Ainonc his an
nounced principles are free iron , coal
and hides.
To Bo Left Under the Jurisdiction of
Cuba Until Treaty Settles Matter.
WftihliiKton , Sept. 26. With the ex
pectation of buluK ready to prusuut to
congress at the opening of Itu next
Busslon a fabric of ttuatlus botwuon
the United States and Cuba , negotia
tions are pending botwuon Mr Qtiuu-
iida , the Cuban minis tor , and the utitto
department with regard to a commer
cial treaty , an extradition treaty and
a treaty to adjust the titlu to ho lulu
of Phios.
It is the purpose of Minister Quoo-
ada , It Is stated , to draw up the com-
inorclnl treaty on reciprocity Hues.
The fate of such a treaty will depend
naturally on cougronnlonal action on
the subject of Cuban reciprocity.
An extradition treaty between tha
Unltod Status and Cuba already has
been dratted. The provision for the
establishment of civil government in
Cuba omitted the Isle of Pines from
the constitutional boundaries of Cuba
and loft its tltlo to future definition
by treaty. The Unlod States has do-
elded to leave the Islands under tha
Jurisdiction of the Cuban Kovoinmcnl
until such a convention can bo con
Head-On Collision on Bessemer Road
Near Mercer , Pa.
Mercer , Pa. , Sept. 26. The worst
wreck in the history of the Bessemer
road was occasioned by a hoad-ou col
llslon between two freight trains at a
point two miles east of Mercer yester
day , In which four were killed and
three injured.
The dead : Conductor J. K. Mackey ,
Engineer Charles Bllllngton , Fireman
Peter Lofll and Fireman C. H. Kaskoy ,
The injured ; Engineer William
G.ullford , Brakcman John S. Strauss ,
Brakeman H. K. McLaughlin.
Thu wreck was caused by a cross
order Issued for the two freight trains
Throe engines and eight stool cars
are badly wrecked. The Injured will
George Allison , a twelve-year-old
boy , was acquitted of the murder ol
Gus Hlnton , sixteen , a companion ,
whom he stabbed to death at a church
at Birmingham , Ky.
Flour Mill Managers May Yield.
Minneapolis , Sept. 20. Failure ol
the flour mill managers to roach a do
clslon at ( thelr conference yesterday
on the demand of their employes
union for an eight hour day gives
currency to a piedlction that they
will ylold on condition that the inter
national or Ion Just organized fotros r
Bltur concession In all the othoi
mills in the country. The new body ,
entitled the International Union ol
Flour nnd Cereal Mill Employes ,
starts out with a membership of 25-
000. The otl.rers elected are : Presl
dent , J. M. Finely , Minneapolis ; soero
tary and treasurer , A. E. Kplllngton ,
Minneapolis. It is understood th
mill managers indorse the interna
tional organlzr.tion as assuring a uni
formity of operating methods through
out the country.
One Miner Refused to Pay.
Birmingham , Ala. , Sept. 20. Three
hundred miners , employed by the Ten
nessee Coal company , are on a strike
because the company refused to hold
from the pay of one of Its employes
an assessment of $1 a week for the
benefit of the strikers In Pennsylva
nia , which the employe refused to pay.
The local officers of the mine workers
authorized the assessment and all the
men except one agreed to pay it.
President's Leg In Good Condition.
Washington , Sept. 26. In view of
the satisfactory improvement in the
president's condition , no prepared
statement was made , Secretary Cor-
telyou simply saying that Mr. Roosevelt
velt was doing nicely.
Within eighty days messages will
pass over the Pacific cable between
San Francisco and Honolulu.
President Roosevelt has chosen
Charlemagne Tower , ambassador to
Russia , to succeed Mr. White as am
bassador to Germany.
The plant of the American Lock
Washer company at Newark , N. J. ,
was destroyed by fire Thursday night ,
entailing a loss of $25,000.
At Lexington , Ky. , Richard Martin
killed Harry Wood in a fight , resulting
from a quarrel over a trivial mattot
In a saloon. Martin escaped ,
I. Harry Stratton , son of Wlnfleld S ,
Stratton , hns decided to contest his
father's will , which leaves the bulk ol
a $10,000,000 estate to charity.
Superintendent Edwin G. Cooley ol
the Chicago public schools has been
offered the presidency of the Unlvcr >
slty of the state of Washington.
Mission institutes for the benefit ol
friendless Swedish and Finnish Immi
grants soon will be established In
Now York and Chicago , according to
the plans of the Swedish Baptists ol
Bishop H C. Potter , at the New
York Episcopal diocese convention
declared workmen who try to vary
monotonous lives by getting drunk
cannot be blamed and that prohibitory
laws are stupid.
A dispatch from Rome says the vol
cnno on Stromboll Island , off the north
coast of Sicily , has been active for
several days , a fissure at the basis ol
one of the craters Is pouring out lava
and jets of flames to a height of 800
"Just as good a Furnace as
the Round Oak is a Stove"
Hound Ouk Kiirnnrnn urn nn honi'ully untile
AN tli fumou * Hound Ouk Htovn llio muuo
cntuFul imlnMnUltiK ntllliK 'if uxtiry Joint , door
mid draft - HID Hntiii ) dully liin | > ivlloii of inn-
torlul mid lout of llm roiiiplutuil lieutor. t.lko
tlio Hound Ouk HtuVuH tliu
Round Oak
In Bimrnntuoil to | tlva lMoltito mitlnfurllon III *
( ho only furniuo Unit Inirnn nny klml of fuel , I
w ( Mid , liiinl anil ( ion
ooul luid tint
only fnrn iicn
thai liurim nil
the fuel nil ( hi )
gnum unit inonl.of
till ) Ntlloll ) . TIlO
prlco IK ruiuonnlilii
Bund for llio frcnUuuiul
Ouk I'nrniieii book.
Dowaglac , Mich
MoKrri of llrrku llti'i A'nunii
On A the mull fnmimi
itote < n ( Ad uur it
wltli uutur ciwlntf muiurul ,
unil Oak I'uriiucen urn lur Hula In
folk Nobby , Julin Friday , niimi
; W. II. HUHH01YI're M n .
Norfolk ALICXANDKIt HICAlt , Moo 1'ronlilont
1 E. W. BUT'CuBhlor. .
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Does a General Bankin ? Business ,
buys and Sells
Interest Paid on Tlmo Deposits.
Drafts and Money Orders Sold on any Point In EnrojO.
A General Steamship and Foreign Passage iJuslncsa Transacted.
Exclusive agent lor the Celebrated Sweetwater Rock Spring Coal Ihe
best In the market.
Scranton Hard Coal In all sizes. TELEPHONE 01.
I 1 1 I 1 1 I II 1
Get What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care.
Our goods are FIRST-CLASS iu every particular ,
We kuovv precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money.
Sonth side Main St. , between 2d and 3d. Telephone 41.
I-M-H-M-M-H-H-I-M-M I M 'Mi-Mi ' II H-l Ml 'M-M-M-M Mil i l-frfc
The Citizens National Bank.
Capital , $50,000. Surplus ,
flny and toll exchange on this country and alljparta of Europe , ( Farm Loana.
Directors. CABL ABUCB , W H. JOHNSON , CRAB , S. BBIDOK. 0 , W. GBAASOU , t. M.
Ostcopathlc Physician.
Diseases both acate nnd chronic successfully
treated without use of druse or knife.
Phone No. F 51. Ofllce at reildenca ,
109 North 10th Street ,
Norfolk Nebraska
for Ladies and Children
JJ.J. . COLE ,
Ofllce over Citizen' * National Dank ,
one block north nf Congregational church ,
Norfolk , Nebraska
Undertakersnntl ! Emlmlmers ,
Section * Bile. , Norfolk Ave ,
Norfolk , Nebraska
, - ,
For Plumbing , Steam Filling , Pumps , TanVi
And all work la this Una call on
Bittlifaetlon Gnarantaed ,
First door West of Ahlman'a Bicycle Shop.
Leava orders nt Telepbonn B 281 ,
Miss Anna Carberrv
Prices reasonable , satisfaction guaran
Rooms over Durltuid Sisters' Millinery