The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 12, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Atrocities Committed by G lom-
bian Revolutionists.
Government Troops Do Not Know
Where to Expect Attack Suffer.
Defeat at Santa Marta Crlols Be-
| Jleved to De at Hand.
Kingston , Jamaica , Sept. 11. The
Britlbii Hiciiuier William Cliff reached
Jieio Horn Uolon. Her olllcers report
ed considerable activity on both sides
cf lliu iHtlinviiB , when the voauol loft
Colon .Monday , and that thu rovolu-
tloniBta had occupied Culebra and
wore advaucliu ; in strength. General
Jicrrora Is said to ho hi command of
the i evolutionary forced , which ucum
to hu conccnti tiling at a polut midway
between I'ananlu and Colon. There
iiro Btiuug government lorccs at each
end of thu railroad. Owing to thu fact
that thu government duua not Unow
whore to expect an attach , It keeps
thu soldiers moving along thu forty
inllub of tallroad. Thu ruvolutlonlBts
gained posBiiSHlon of Culchra without
opposition. Thu government la main
taining nn attitude of defense and n
deupurato engagement la expected
ehortly. Uiittliiutm on the isthmus lu
BUBpunded. One of the olllcers ot the
William Cliff Bald to a rcproHcntntivo
of thu Associated I'rcBB ' that hu had
been Informed by a reliable person at
Colon that the government considered
the situation uurlous and that a crlula
vvas at hand. When thu William Cliff
k'lt the prevailing opinion \vaa that
the i evolutionists would attack Pan-
nnm llrst , because of the support they
would get from their gunboats on the
Pacific sldo In an attack on the llrat
named city. The revolutionists have
110 gunboats on the Atlantic sldo.
It IB believed the revolutionists will
jiush their operations as quickly as
jiosKlble , because of the problem of
provisioning the largo government
Jorco that surrendered to General
llerrcra recently. It IB thought that
some of General Hcrrora's prisoners
\vlll light with his forces.
Rebels Attack Santa Marta.
The German steamer Valencia
"brings news of a victory at Santa
Marta by the Colombian revolution
ists over the government forces.
Captain Gronmoycr of the Valencia
cays that last Friday the revolution
ists made a dcnpcrato attack on the
outskirts of Santa Marta. The gov
ernment forces withdrew , leaving 100
dead. The rebels then started to de-
ctroy the railroad tracks , at the same
time advancing toward Santa Marta.
When the Valencia sailed Monday the
revolutionists were so near the town
thnt Captain Gronmeyer could see the
flashes of their guns. Several build
ings In Santa Marta wcro then
nblazo , having been fired by the evacu
ating troops. The town was expected
to surrender. The olllcers of the
( Valencia say horrible outrages' were
committed during the fighting by the
rebels , who used chiefly machetes.
All the government troops killed were
found along the railroad tracks , their
liodles being terribly mutilated.
New Phase In the Sinking of Hnytlen
Gunboat at Gonalves ,
Gonalves , Haytl , Sept. 11. An In-
TCBtlgatlon made by a correspondent
of the Associated Press Into the sink
ing of the Flrmlnlst gunboat Crete-a-
Pierrot at the entrance of this harbor
Saturday shows that Admiral Kllllck ,
the commander , personally flred the
after magazine of that vessel when
the Gorman gunboat Panther attempt
ed to capture it , and that he appar
ently went down wnth his ship.
The Panther , which had previously
board the Crete-a-Plcr-
attempted to - - -
rot , the latter being moored to the
chore , reversed Us engines when the
magazine exploded , and one hour
afterward flred thirty shots from Its
Euns at the Crote-a-Plerrot In order to
finish the work of sinking the vessel.
The surgeon of the Crete-a-Plerrot ,
who was asleep in his cabin , and two
Bailers , of that vessel also perished.
To Attack Bolivian Troops.
TUo Janeiro , Sept. 11. Dispatches
from Mananoas say that a revolution-
nry junta has been organized there
with the object of attacking the Bo
llvlan troops In the territory of Acre.
Baron de Klo Brancolb accepted the
post of minister of foreign affairs.
The new administration will bo Inau
gurated next November. There has
Lcen some comment because a detach
ment of American sailors from the
cruiser Iowa has disembarked at
Friars Island. United States Minister
Bryan declares that the governor of
Bahta authorized all American vessels
to disembark men on that Island.
Meet Next at Buffalo.
Milwaukee , Sept. 11. The
catenated Order of HooIIoos yesterday
selected Buffalo as the next place of
meeting. Yesterday's sessions were
devoted to reports of committees , the
principal report being that on revision
of the ritual. The committee recom
mended that a special committee bo
recreated , competed of the house of
President at Oyster Bay.
Oyster Bay , N. Y. . Sept. 11. Provi
dent Roosevelt arrived hero yesterday
afternoon aboard the Sylph. Ht win
will make no more appointments before -
fore going on his western trip Sept.
19 , but will devote th Ume between
vow and then la preparing for the
trip and disposing of accumulated
Army Officer * Think Filipino Rellci
Should Be Admitted Free.
Ban Frani'lftco , Hopt. 11. Officers
of thu ICIglith United Stuton Infantry ,
who arrived from the Philippine on
the transport Huford aie at loggerheads -
heads with the local customs olllclals
over thu admission , duty free , of n
trunk full of trophies from the far
All the articles were Intended an n
gift to the museum of thn United
Staten military nradomy at West
Point , but they will novrr reach theli
destination If the tronsury depart
ment tries tn exact duty from the oflV
cers of the Eighth.
Principal among HIP articles con
talned In the trunk nro two religious
images and the robes In which they
were draped. A Filipino ventriloquist ,
it IB said , would apparently cause the
ImaftcH to speak find order the natives
to glvo tln'lr money that the Amor
leans might bo driven from thu Island
Wyoming People Hope by That Meant
to Put a Stop to Timber Fires.
Petition for Forest Reserve.
"Washington , Supt. 11. The Interior
department has received a petition
from a largu number of people In Lan >
der and vicinity , in Fremont county ,
Wyo. , asking that about f 50,000 acres
of land lying on the Continental dl-
vldo , southwest , of Lander , bu made
a fort'Bt reservation. The largest
flro In the history of thu general land
olllcc occurred on this tract and Is
still raging. The citizens contend that
the reservation of the tract Is the best
means to prevent such conflagrations
In the future , In view of thu constant
patrol and vigilance such reservation
would necessitate. The department
will Investigate the question. If the
tract la reserved It will he added tc
the present foroet reserve which the
tract adjoins.
Texas Hangers Ambushed.
Laredo , Tex. , Sept. 11. Newi
reached this city from BrownsvllU
yesterday that while on their way to
camp throe members of the Texas
state rangers were waylaid b'y parties
In ambush , supposed to be friends ol
a man recently killed by the rangers
while being arrested on a charge oi
cattle stealing. Ranger Robuck was
Instantly killed , Ranger Baker was
slightly wounded and Hanger Mlllei i
had his horse shot from under him ,
but escaped unscratched. Right Mexi
cans have been arrested for alleged
participation In the ambush attack
on the rancors.
Not Wanted In Kan&as City.
London , Sept. 11. William Toll , a
lance corporal of the Bedfordshire
regiment , who recently surrendered
to the police of Colchester , charging
himself with the murder of an un
known man at Kansas City , Mo. , has
been discharged from custody in con-
Bcnuenco of the receipt by the author
ities there of a letter from the United
States embassy , announcing that the
mnn's extradition Is not desired , his
story not being believed.
Baseball Scores Yesterday.
National League Boston , 4-2 ; St.
Louis , 6-2. Philadelphia , 1 ; Plttsburg ,
G. New York. 3-6 ; Chicago , 4-0.
Brooklyn. G ; Cincinnati , 0.
American League Detroit , 5-1 ; St.
Louis , C-3. Philadelphia , 9-5 ; Baltl
more , 6-4. Boston , 5-7 ; Washington ,
3-5. Cleveland , 9-12 ; Chicago , C-0.
Western League Omaha , 1 ; Kan
sas City , 2. St. Joseph. 7 ; Des Molnos ,
6. Denver , 4 ; Milwaukee , 3.
Ten Years In Penitentiary.
Albany , Mo. , Sept. 11. George W.
Shoemaker , ex-postmaster and a prom
inent citizen , was.arraigned In court
yesterday on eight separate cases of
forgery of the county school fund and
cntcrod a plea of guilty In case No. 1
and was sentenced to ten years in tha
Mormons Invade Switzerland.
London , Sept. 11. The Daily Ex
press publishes a dispatch from its
Zurich correspondent , saying that for
some time there hag been a great in
crease in the number of Mormon mis
sionaries in both Germany and Switz
erland. Germany has nearly 2.000
such missionaries , while there arc sev
eral hundred In Switzerland. In
Zurich and Berne a systematic mis
sion bureau is In operation and the
propaganda IB being religiously spread
among the simple Swiss.
The Illlnois-Iowa-Imllana baseball
league closed its season Wednesday.
Rockford won the pennant. '
The plant of the Fredericksburg
( Gal. ) Brewing company was de
stroyed by lire Wednesday. Loss ,
No wireless telegraphy system is
yet reliable , according to Admiral
Bradford's report on recent tests , The
equipment of warships Is unlikely as
a result.
Major William D. Wllklns , a well
known accountant of Plttsburg , was
shot and almost instantly killed Wed'
nesday while trying to wrest a re
volver from his wife , Adeline.
The B. H. Gladding Dry Goods con
cern at Providence , capitalized at
$150,000 , "Wednesday made an assign
ment. It li said to be the oldest dry
goods ( tore in the United States.
S. B. Elliott , secretary of a mining
company , Is under arrest at Los An
geles , and will bo hold pending the ar
rival of an officer from Keytesvllle ,
Mo. , where ho IB wanted for alleged
Cremation of living babies in her
kitchen range is a charge made by
Charles Early against Mrs. Paulina
Taeichler , who conducts a private
hospital for women in South May
street ,
Government Report Shows
Crops in Fine Condition.
All the Products of the Soil Will Make
an Abundant Harvest Wheat , Corn
and Oats Batter Than an Aver
age Western Tier In First Rank.
Washington , Sept. 11. The monthly
report of the statistician of the de
partment of agriculture shows the
average condition of corn on Sept. 1
to have beuu 84.3 , as compared with
80.5 on Aug. 1 , 1902 ; 61.7 on Sept. 7 ,
1901 ; 80,0 at the corrcnpondlng date
in 1900 and a ten-year average of 78.8.
Except In Kansas and South Dakota ,
which rupert a decline of 12 points
and 2 polntu during August , no mate
rial change-of condition Is reported
from any of the principal corn states ,
and they again report condition aver
ages In cxct'HB of their respective aver
ages for thu last ten years. Notwith
standing Its marked decline during
August , Kansas reports a condition of
01 , or 25 points above Its ten-year
average , while Nebraska and Missouri
exceed their respective ten-year aver
ages by 35 and 22 polnta respectively ,
and Iowa by 10 points. The crop ,
however , Is BO late that throughout
the entire northern portion of the
belt predictions of inoro than an average -
ago crop are invariably made contin
gent upon the Immediate advent and
continuance for some days of the most
favorable conditions of weather.
The average condition at harvest
of winter and spring wheat combined
was SO , against 82.8 last year.
South Dakota , Nebraska , and Mis
souri report 20 , 25 and 24 poluti re
spectively above their ten-year aver
ages , and Iowa 12 points below.
The average condition of oats when
harvested was 87.2 , against 72.1 last
year. While correspondents report
the harvesting of .in excoptlonably
large crop of oate , there are Indiciv
tlons that thu crop will be very de
ficient In quality.
Of the ten states having 1.000,000
acrea or upward In oats , Iowa alone
reports a condition comparing unfa
vorably w'lth Its ten-year average. Ne
braska reports 86. Its highest since
1897 and 20 points above Its ten-year
There Is a decrease In the number
of the stock hogs now being fattened
as compared with the number a year
ago in ovcry important hog raising
state , except Pennsylvania , where an
incrraso of 1 per cent is noted. Re
ports ns to size and weight of stock
hogs Indicate a condition above the
ten-year average In but four of the
principal states Illinois , Missouri ,
Tennessee and Pennsylvania.
President Does Not Approve of FindIngs -
Ings in Case of Captain Ryan.
OUJH. 11. 11 was an
nounced at the war department that
the president had disapproved the
proceedings and findings in the case
of Captain James A. Hyan , Fifteenth
cavalry , who was tried by a general
court-martial at Manila , i
There were two specifications under
the charge. The first alleged that
Captain Ryan , while commanding a
detachment of troops at Jlmlnez , Min
danao , having In his charge as a pris
oner , Uvaldo Ablng , prestdente of the
pueblo of Jlmlnez , administered the
water cure to him.
The second specification alleged
that Captain Ryan ill-treated Louis
Gernlno , vice presldente of the pueblo
of Jlmlnez , a prisoner in his charge ,
by holding his head in & bucket of
The record shows that Captain
Ryan pleaded "not guilty" and that
the court finds him "not guilty" on the
first specification , "guilty" of the second
end specification , attaching no crim
inality thereto , and "not guilty" of
the charge. The court , therefore , ac
quitted Captain Ryan.
The record of the proceedings of
the court having been submitted to
the president , he indorsed it simply
as follows : "The proceedings and
findings in the foregoing case of
James A. Ryan , Fifteenth regiment of
cavalry , are. disapproved. "
Reunion of Confederate Veterans.
St. Joseph , Sept. 11. The largest
attended reunion ever held by the ex-
Confederates of Missouri opened yes
terday with a parade. Prominent men
from many western states who served
for the lost cause are present. Col
onel Elijah Gates , who organized the
first Confederate cavalry regiment in
the state , and who IB the present state
commander , is entertaining Senator
Cockrell , who commanded a brigade
of Mlssourlans in the southern army.
Five thousand people took part in the
parade and as many flags bearing the
stars and bars were displayed.
Stone and Mitchell to Confer.
Wllkesbarre , Pa. , Sept. 11. Some
Important messages passed between
the executive mansion at Harrlsburg
and President Mitchell last night Mr.
Mitchell has accepted an invitation
from Governor Stone to confer with
him In Harrlsburg on Saturday. He
did not know what matters would be
discussed at the conference.
Big Colliery Resumes.
Scranton , Sept. 11 Work waa re
sumed yesterday at the Brlsbln , one
of the largest collieries belonging to
the Lackawauna No Information is
given out as to the extent of the oper
ations at the colliery , but it is said
sufficient men are at work to enable
the company to ship coal
In the District Court of Madison
County , Nebraska.
Home Miller , pluiutlif , vs.
Duvid I'dtturnoii ,
Mrs David Patterson , wife of defend
ant Duvid FaturHon , but whose first
and real nnino is unknown ,
Clixrn A. Porter ,
Poiter , huHbnud of defendant
Glum A. Porter , bnt whoso first nud
real ammo is unknown ,
Mary 0. Kisii ,
HiBU , her husband , bnt whose
first and real niunu is unknown ,
Henry Wnndoll ,
Borah A. Waudull , wife of defendant
Henry Wnudull ,
William Doutz ,
Mrs. William Bint7- , wife of defend
ant William Uuiitz , bnt whobo llrst
uudreul name is unknown ,
Ur. J. M. Bent/ ,
Mrs. Dr. J. M. Bout/ , wife of defen
dant Dr. J. M. Boutz , but whoso llrst
nud real name is unknown ,
Joseph BoHlor ,
Mrs. Joseph Bosler , wife of defendant
Joseph Bonier , but whoso first and
real uamu is unknown ,
George 11 Palmer ,
MIB. George II Palmer , .wife of de-
foniltiut George H. Palmer , bnt whoao
first and real uutuo is unknown ,
Thomas Doucher ,
Mrs. Thomas Doucher , wife of do'-
fondant Thomas Doucher , but whet > o
first and real name is unknown ,
Lorottu Douohor ,
Doucher , husband of defendant
Lorettu Doucher , but whose first nud
real iiauio is unknown ,
Ellen Douoher ,
Douchor , husband of defendant
Ellen Doucher , but whoso first Mid real
iHtnio IB unknown ,
O H. Mapos ,
Mrs. O. H. Mapos , wife of defendant
O. II. Mnpes , bnt whose first and real
ntuno is unknown ,
Hannah Gray ,
Gray , husband of defendant
Hannah Gray , but whoso first nud real
nnmo is unknown ,
J. M. Richards ,
Mrs. J. M. Richards , wife of defendant
J. M. Richards , but whoso first and
real name is unknown ,
G. H. Gleasou ,
Mrs. G. H. Gleapon , wife of the 6V-
fouduut G. H. Gl-at-on , but whose lust
and real name it unknown ,
.Nicholas G.mlnei ,
You and each of yon will tnko uutii e ,
that on the -1th day ot Sept. , 11)02 ) ,
RomeMillor.uH | plaintiff , fi'ed his petition
in the district euurt ot Madison county ,
Nebraska , ngaiubt you us defendants ,
the object aiitl prayer of which are to
remove the clond tiom the title arts
ing from any leiu or interest churned r
asserted by you udverru to the pliautiil
in or to the following described real
estate , to-wit : the east hull ot the. south
west quarter , the southeast quarter ,
nud the southeast quarter of the northeast -
east quarter of section thirty-four (34) ( ) ,
in township twenty-four (2-1) ( ) , north ol
range one (1) ( ) , west of the sixth principal
meridian in Nebraska.
Thnt you and each of yon sot forth
the nature of your respective claims ,
that it be decreed that yon have no
interest or estate in said lauds uor any
portion thereof , and that you be de
barred and enjoined from asserting any
claim whatever in or to said lands or
any portion thereof adverse to plaintiff.
Yon are requested to answer said
petition on or before Monday , the 20th
day of October , 1902 Dated this Cth
day of September , 1)02.ROME ! )
" 1 Stood in a Draught
with my coat off and caught this
wretched cold , " says the suff-rer. He
need not pay a heavy penalty if lie fol
low his act of folly with an act of
wisdom. Soak the feet in hot water
wtih a few teafipoousful of Perry Davis'
Painkiller in it Take a teaspoonfnl of
Puinkiller in hot sweetened water at
bed time and bo thankful for so simple
and speedy a way to break up a cold.
There is bnt one Painkiller , Perry Davis' .
Volumes have been written concernIng -
Ing the value of the eyes and the un
told misery caused by the loss of sight.
While all this is true and while It is a
greater affliction to be blind than deaf ,
yet the loss of hearing would be an
inestimable misfortune. Let us con
sider for a few moments what we
would miss were we deaf. The voices
of loved ones would be hushed forever
to our ears , the sweet songed birds
would no longer sing for us and there
would be no music in our lives. Thus
we might continue to enumerate in
definitely the pleasures of life which
would not be ours could we not hear.
There are many cases of deafness
which could have been avoided had the
Bufferer received the proper treatment
at the proper time.
A person possessed of all five senses
Is of more use In this world than one
who has only three or four. It. there
fore , behooves n sufferer with some
disease which is slowly bringing on
deafness or blindness to have the best
medical skill attainable in order to
stay the dread calamity , which may
fall before you are aware.
With these facts in mind , Dr. Sey
mour boa spared neither pains nor ex
pense in securing the assistance of an
bo with him on his coming visit , and
those who are Interested should not
fail to tee him. CONSULTATION
People Believe In It.
It has been cynically eaid that any
thing can be sold by advertising now-tx-
days. This is not so. Many liniments
have been ! advertised bnt only one-
Perry Davis' Painkiller has stood the
test of sixty yearn * use. Today its pop
ularity in greater than ever and is based
not upon what anybody says bnt upon
what the remedy does. There is bnt
one Painkiller , Perry Davis' .
Dr. Seymour and assistant , Ear , Nose
and Throat Specialists , coming. CON
This is the time of year when you are disip-
pointoti again in the growth of your cattle for the
summer , either because your own pasture was
too crowded or because you sent them to ft herd
where they were abused and neglected , or because
you put them' in some one else's pasture , and you
find you are losing $5.00 a head in the growth of
your larger cattle. Then why not buy a pasture
and save this , besides getting an investment that
will probably double in value in the next few
1 have three different pastures of a section
each in central and western Pierce County at $10
per acre and les- , two of them with good houses ,
small improvements ; the other with a new four
wire fence , windmill , supply tank and so forth ,
with splendid pasturage. Can buy on your own'
time at G per cent interest/
P. S. You will remember that the chances are
good pastures like these at $10.00 per acre are very
few east of Holt County , and growing less every
I also have rough land at $10.00 an acre in Knox
County that is all good clay soil.
Many readers who are Interested IB
Dr. Seymour's wonderful success as an
eye specialist will be pleased to know
how he successfully conducts such a
large business , giving personal atten
tion to all his patients , even though
their numbers run into thousands.
Dr. Seymour lived for many years
In Chicago before coming to Nebraska ,
and even though he has returned to
Chicago to live , he has in no wise
neglected his Nebraska patients , as he
has a permanent office and hospital in
Omaha , which is constantly in charge
of his assistant , one of the best quali
fied eye , ear , nose and throat special
ists in the west. The doctor spends
much of his time in Omaha and his
offices in the New York Life building
present a busy scene whenever the
doctor makes appointments with his
patients at that address.
Dr. Seymour can in no wise be
classed as a traveling specialist , as his
regular trips through the state of Ne
b rusk a require only a short period fah
and spring , and are over a well estab
lished route , paying regular visits to
the same patients year after year. In
fact , the doctor has not added a new
town to his list for over five yeara.
These regular trips enable hundreds of
people to visit him who could not af
ford the expense of going to Omaha
for that purpose.
He will be accompanied on his coming - j
ing trip by an EXPERT EAR , NOBS :
have direct charge of all medical treat
ments which are supplied from the
Omaha office.
The doctor especially requests that
those wishing to visit him during his
coming trip will drop him a card , room.
307 , N. Y. Life Bldg. , Omaha , as his if
time will be very fully occupied , and
by so doing patients can receive speca !
appointments. CONSULTATION AB
Dr. Seymour will be accompanied on
his coming visit by one of his noted
assistants , who will give special at
tention to the treatment of all troubles
pertaining to eye , car , nose or throat
The doctors are permanently located
in Omaha , which bos been Dr. Sey
mour's home for many years , and those
wishing to consult them on their com
ing visit are requested to write a
postal card to Dr. Seymour , giving
their name and address and a special
appointment will be made them with
out extra charge. Adrdess 307 Now
York Life Bldg. . Omaha , Neb.