The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, September 12, 1902, Image 1

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, . ,
Great Blaze Is Sweeping Spindle
Top District ,
.Threaten to Destroy Property Worth
, Millions of Dollars Fire Runs
I Along Saturated Ground , Communi
cating to Tanks.
1 Beaumont , . Tex. , Sept. 12. The oil
'field Is on lire and Judging by the
great volume of smoke which Is lloat-
Ing in from Spindle Top there Is great
danger that great loss will ho sus
tained , If the field Is not entirely de
stroyed. The fire started early last
evening in some waste oil along the
' .Texas . and Sablne tracks and burned
.about sixty feet of trestle. This was
gotten under control , and It was be
lieved all danger was past , but In the
meanwhile the fire had boon communl-
catod to the field , and a number of
huge soiling tanks , containing thou-
"sands of barrels of petroleum , have
exploded and others arr reported as
being In the direct line of the fire ,
which has spread over a wide area
already. The ground Is saturated with
oil and there Is no ohauce foi stop
ping the progress of the flames. The
flre Is spreading rapidly and It is be-
lloved that the whole field will bo Ig
Kleth-Ward Tract Burned Over.
A telephone message from Gladys ,
which Is the station at the oil field ,
6ays the whole of the Kleth-Ward
tract , embracing several acres and
containing a largo number of wells ,
have been burned over and It Is be
lieved that some of the wells have
caught , though this Is not as yet posi
tively determined , as no one can approach
preach to find out.
The big tanks belonging to the Hlg-
gins company are burning.
The telephone service Is entirely In
adequate to care for the scores of calls
and the streets are filled with people
thousands of them now on the way to
the field In every sort of vehicle and
on foot.
Getting Too Hot for Operator.
The telegraph operator at Gladys
Bays he fears he will be compelled to
leave his post , and alt means of com
munlcatlon will bo cut oft. It Is re
ported that two men have been sorl
ously burned. The workmen on the
hill are standing around unable to do
anything toward protecting that per
tlon of the field which Is not on fire
fThe entire apparatus of the flre de
partment was loaded on cars and sent
to the field.
The tank known as "Hlgglns" nan
blown off Its' top and the burning ol
Is running along the ground and maj
be communicated to other tanks.
A statement Issued yesterday shows
that there are 410 producing wells In
the field , some of which are burled
against earth to secure against flre.
Secretary of Navy Wires Commanders
of Warships to Proceed to Panama.
Washington , Sept. 12. Secretary
Moody telegraphed to the command
ers of the littleshlp Wisconsin , now
at Bremerton , and the cruiser Clncln
natl , at Cape Haytlen , directing them
to proceed as soon as possible to the
Isthmus of Panama , the Wisconsin re
inforclnc the Ranger at Panama and
the Cincinnati taking station at Co
- Itwill take the Wisconsin 'fully
twenty days to make the long trip o
over 4,050'miles down the Pacific coas
to Panama. The navy departmen
had Intended to send the Boston
\yhlch' is now , getting ready for service
.at San < Francisco , to relieve or rein
force the Ranger , but the alarming
situation which has so quickly risen
on the prompted the official
to take more extensive measures to
Increase the naval representation o
the United States In that section.
The Cincinnati -will only consume a
few days in its trip across from Cap
Haytlen , so that by the beginning o
next week It sl\ould have reached th
other terminal of the Panama rallroac
The destruction of Admiral Kllllck"
flagship swept away the entire nava
force of Haytl , and naval officials be
llovo that the Cincinnati can relln
qulsh Its post there with safety.
| Forest Fires Threaten Town.
Tlllamook , Ore. , Sept. 12. Fores
fires here reached the timber nea
this town and the inhabitants ar
panic stricken. The entire population
la out fighting the fire In order t
prevent the destruction of the town
Four farmhouses have been destroyed
Largo quantities of ashes and cinder
borer the town and the smoke Is s
thick that it Is hardly posstblo t
. eee a block away.
' Arrested for Shooting Affray.
Keokuk , la. , Sept. 12. Fred Foste
-ls under arrest at Fort Madison
charged with fatally shooting Free
Robinson on a steamer near Fort Mae
iaon. The killing was the result o
a quarrel over gambling. A ma
named Jones was also Uken in
charged with complicity In the killing
I Snow In Wyoming.
1 Cheyenne , Sept. 12. A cold wav
accompanied by snow swept eve
Wyoming yesterday , the mercury dro ]
.pins to 30 degrees.
Utsbiblicans Omit Mention of
4j . -MI Reciprocity.
OBU .O < SV ' 'opt. 11 ! . Th , 0 Ilcpub-
' %
lean stuu 'o t a ycst | n R jiom
mucd JosepuiSVo * W. fj,0 ) for
congress and Jut.ty \ a yCrthy (
of fclovlor county iv * f ; , . in1Jourt (
tiatlco and adouteu > . > lfl a Cf.A in
vlilch mention of CulaUMy ftoclty
vas omitted. On this point i .u boot
sugar Interests of the state won out
after a somewhat bitter and protract
ed debate in the committee on resolu-
lona. Krlcuils of Congressiiutu Huth-
erland , who was one of the Ilopubllc-
an "Insurgent " on reciprocity
qtiuatlon In the last suasion of congress
gross , wore determined that specific
endorsement of the musldunt's Cuban
jollcy should have no place In thu
platform , and they piuvallud. In this
.hoy were aided by the church people ,
who InfllsliJii that a compromise plat
'orm conllu ly endorulng President
Eloosovell's administration ho adopted ,
jut leaving out direct reference to the
proposed 20 per cent reduction. So
strong was the fooling ever the feature -
uro that had the Dritflnal program as
regards the order of business been
carried out , it is ptutmblc that an un
pleasant Incident wotil 1 have occurred.
Senator Bovorldge of I ml I sum was
scheduled to deliver a upoech In the
evening , marking the formal opunliiR
of the Republican campaign in Utah
This program was " .hanged to have
Senator Beverldgo speak at the close
of the morning session. When tha
beet sugar sympathizers hoard of this
they openly threatened to give him a
hostile reception , believing it a plan
to Influence the convention in favor ot
a Cuban reciprocity plank , the result
being that the program was changed ,
Senator Beverldge speaking In the
evening. Then , with the platform
adopted , the delegates more than
made up for tholr refusal to hoar him
In the morning by greeting him with
wild cheering. An amendment to the
platform , offered by Congressman
Sutherland , declaring it to bo the
sense of the convention that "Presi
dent Roosevelt be nominated for prcnl
dent in 1904 as his own successor"
was carried with a whoop.
Republicans Nominate George P. Bur
kitt for Governor.
Fort Worth , Tex. , Sept. 12. Tha
state Republican convention ad
journed last night after a two days
session. Only two nominations wort
made , as follows : Governor , Qoorga
P. Burkltt ; treasurer , Eugene Nolte.
The convention , which promised to
be one of the most turbulent la tha
history of the party in this state ,
closed In perfect harmony. The Audi
torium was packed to the doors. The
leaders , arm in arm , on the platform
and the delegates , white and black
in the hall , stood , upon the chairs end
cheered for President' Roosevelt and
the Republican party. The last act
of the convention was to give B. H
R. Green full authority to supervise
the campaign in Texas during the
next two years.
Andrews Pronounced Legally Dead
Boston , Sept. 12. Captain W. An
draws , who twice cronsed the Atlantic
In a fifteen-foot cockle shell , has been
pronounced legally dead by the Massa
chusetts courts. Letters of adminlstra
tlon upon his estate.have been granted
to his son. Captain Andrews sailed
Oct. 6 last from Atlantic City with
his bride , to whom he had been mar
ried In the presence of 3.000 people
The boat was sighted only once , aboul
a week after it sailed.
To Keep Out of Politics. .
Detroit , Sept. 12. Nearly iOO dele
gates to the National Firemen's assocl
atlon convention were present at the
first session here .yesterday. Fire
chiefs from all parts of the country
are among the delegates' . One of the
chief objects of this year's convention
will be to devise means to separate ;
politics from the management of the
flre departments of the cities.
Boles IB Nominated.
Dubuque , Sopt. 12. Ex-Governor
Boles of Waterloo was formally nom
Inated for congress by the Third dls
trict convention last night.
Snow fell In the northern part o
the Black Hills Thursday.
Peter Maher knocked out Jim Jef
fords In six seconds at the Broadway
Athletic club , Philadelphia , Thursda ;
At Roft. I. T. , B. Whitlock , a wel
known cattleman , was accidentally
shot and killed by Deputy Marsha
Edgar Wllhelm.
Mrs. Rosa La B. Dauphin of New
Orleans , widow of the Louisiana lottery
tory president , was Indtctod for per
Jury for secreting $254,000 from his
supposed $100,000 estate ,
The executive committee ot the
Western Pas i oncer assocatlon reelected -
elected P. S. EustU , passenger traf
fie manacer of the Burlington , as the
chairman of that committee.
The dressmakers' convention aNew
Now York blamed 111 fitting corset
for the appearance of uely women
Good dressmakers cannot fit town
over bad corsets and good corset
ate a necessity.
The Jackson county (111. ( ) gram
Jury Indlctfd Mrs. Ella Rlley on th
charge of murdering her husband , W
II. Rlley , a dairyman , who was killei
at his home near Murphysboro wit !
a shotgun while he lay asl eu In bed
Combination of All Big Con
cerns Now Assured.
Nearly Three Hundred Millions of
Capitalization Represented Efforts
Vklll De Made to Save Every Dollar
Possible In Cost of Production ,
Chicago , Sept. 12. The Record-Her
ald HJyn ;
" of the
"Thu long-expected merKor
great meat packing Inluiutku of thu
United States will go Into active op
eration Saturday , Sopt. 27 , mtU'as
there should be an unlooKud ior
change In the plans agreed on by
lioae concerned In the deal at a meet-
ng held lieie yusturduy. An Indus
trial combination , second only to thu
steel trust , Is thuruloie practically 1111
accomplished fact.
Details of the Plan.
"Reports conrurulng thu actual
toniiH of the consolidation differ , Thu
most reliable light ilhed upon thu sub-
loot way the pluu outlined by u Bos
on authority , who has purixuHHuil tha
most Insult ! Inlorinatlon about the
di'iil over since Its existence was ru
mored In the early part ot' last spring.
According to this export the now con
cern Is to be capitalized at the rate ot
twenty-five times the last year's eiirn
Ings of the constituent companies.
For example , Cudahy & Co. are said
to have earned about $820,000 In 1901 ,
which would make their share of the
capital stock of the merger , $21,000-
000. A 4 pur cent dividend that tha
new consolidation might be expected
to declare would amount to $840,000
on this lot of stock approximately
Its legitimate earnings.
Armour Will Have Immense Interest
"On this basis of capitalization , Ar
mour & Co. , whose last year's prollta
are supposed to have been about $8-
000.000 , will receive $200,000,000 In tha
new security In exchange for their busl
ness. Swift & Co. will receive $30-
000,000 and the Schwarzchtld & Sulz-
berger Co. would receive $2t,000,000 ;
"It Is said that it is the undoubted
determination of the consolidated
meat Interests to control all the packIng -
Ing houses and stock yards of the
country and to save every possible dollar
lar in the cost of mniiufacturlng and
distribution. In addition to all this ,
by-products will be absolutely con
trolled and efforts made to buy up in
dustrlos that are closely allied to tha
meat business. "
Former Tamblyn U
Brought 'flack From Cleveland.
St. Louts , Sept. 12. The principal
items of interest in connection with
the Investigation being carried on by
Circuit Attorney Folk Into the alleged
boodle combinfs In both branches ol
the municipal assembly were the re
turn of former Delegate William Tain
blyu trorn Cleveland in the custody
of an otiiccr , aud the sessions of the
grand Jury. Before being placed In
a cell Tamblyn asked to see Mr. Folk
His intention was to tell all he knew
about the doings of the combine In
the house of delegates , but he finally
decided not To say anything at this
time , for the circuit attorney told
Tamblyn that If he desired to make
any statements about matters that
.wore being investigated he must do
BO voluntarily , without hope of clem
cncy. Mr. Folk said that hehad all
the evidence neecled to convict the
members of the house combine.
Circuit Attorney Folk said that al
most every brio of the indicted members
bors of the combine'bad offered to
turn state's evidence , ' but he de-
dined to accept more jthan two 01
three , with a promise of clemency.
Before J. K' . Mtjrrell's return and con
fession the members of the combine ,
Mr. Folk said , were so sure of thelt
position that offers of the authorities
to take care of informers were
spurned. Now the situation is different
The grand jury held two sessions
yesterday. At each session a num
her of members of the council that
passed the city lighting bill in 1899
were called on to toll what they knew
of the transactions connected with the
defeat and passage of such measures
Battleship Iowa Is Ashore.
Rio Janeiro , Sept. 12. The United
States battleship Iowa has run
aground near Cape Noiau Senhora Do
Dcsterro. The Iowa hod just finished
target practice and was returning to
Friars Island. Thn Brazilian minister
of marines baa ordered a warship to
go to the aid of the Iowa.
Frightful Epidemic In Egypt.
Cairo , Egypt , Sept. 12. The weekly
cholera returns for Egypt show that
there have been 1,380 fnish cases of
cholera reported , making totals since
July 15 of 20,328 cases and 10,209
Young Colored Woman Is Murdered ,
Ottumwa , Sept. 11. The mining
town of diamond was In a state ol
great excitement as a result of finding
the body of Ella Clark , a young col
ored woman , with n bullet hole In her
head. BIggon Woodson , colored , hag
been arrested.
Iowa Democrats Nominate.
Iowa City , Sept. 11. Judge Martin
I , Wade was nominated for congress
by Democrats of the Second district.
Defending Army in Knlser's War Game
Loses Men and Gunk ,
Franklort-on-Odor , Sopt. 12. Generals -
orals VOUIIK and Wood and tholr allies-
do-camp , LtuutcmintH McKlnlcy niul
McCoy , clmrnod with the cavalry led
by Umporor William yotUunlay. The
Aiuurlcanu did not draw tholr sword * ,
but they rode with the ( Innlw du Corps ,
the umporor'a bodyguard. Thin
charge was the climax of the nmnau-
vors. About 9,000 horauinoii , lancera ,
culrasseurn and dragoons foil upon
the ( limit of the retreating bluoH , de
fending army , capturing thirty of the
lattor's guns and 2,000 of Its Infan
try. When the cavalry were within
100 yards the Infantry quickly formed
into oloso platoon groups , which the
horsemen broke up. galloping between
the groups and thu guns. Several
horses foil dead. The emperor ,
mounted on a whlto Arab horse , di
rected the movements and at the fin
ish galloped ahead QH recklessly as
any trooper. The empress was pren.
out on horseback. General Corjiln ,
Earl Roberta and other foreign guosta
were on u hill , around which thn
charge was made. General Corbln
said It was the finest military specta
cle ho ever saw. Empuror Wllllam'fl
customary salute to the Americana
has been , "Well , 'how's the khaki
brigade. " Ills majesty has aluo boon
disposed to chaff the Americana a lit
tlo. Yesterday they were blue fatlgua
uniforms. The emperor noted the
change and remarked pleasantly upou
Die From Grass Diet.
Winnipeg , Sept. 12. A report from
Yorkton says nihilist agitators liava
been busy among the Doiikhoubura
and many of the latter are turning
their cattle and horses adrift and tha
men and women arc hauling wagons ,
One , NMadlinar Madowle , who pro
fesses to bo a religious leader , tcachca
that all things belong to God and thai
there should bO no government. Ha
says the men shouU have no money ,
and acting on his words several Doulc
houberH offered all the money they
had to the Dominion Immigration au
thorltlcs. There Is an unconfirmed
report that two Doukhouhers died
from the effects of trying to llvo on
Cholera on Transport Sherman.
Washington , Sept. 12. Confirma
tory Information of the prevalence ol
cholera and of several deaths from
that disease on the transport Sherman
man has been received at the quarter
master general's office of the war department -
partment from the depot quartornms-
tor nt Nagasaki. The names of those
who died are not given. It Is believed
that the vessel will bo hold in quaran ,
tine at least five days before being
allowed to proceed on her voyage.
Officials express no apprehension ovei
the appearance of the disease aboard
the ship as the measures taken for Itn
treatment and for the Isolation ol
those aflllcted are regarded as amplo.
Typothetae Elects Officers.
PIttsburg , Sept. 12. With the elec
tlon of officers and the selection ol
Atlantic City as the next mooting
place the three national conventions
of printing trades , which have been
In progress in this city for the past
week , ended their work yesterday
The officers elected by the Typothctaa
are : President , Erwurd Stern , Phila *
dolphin ; first vice president , William
Green , New York , and several other
vice presidents , Including Samuel
Rocs , Omaha ; Secretary , Edwin Free-
gard , St. Louis ; treasurer , Thomas E
Donnelly , Chicago.
Rebels Advancing on Panama.
Ashcvllle , N. C. , Sept. 12. United
States Consul Gudser of Panama , who
Is now here , last night received a ca
blegram from his son , who is vie.9
consul at Panama , who stated that tha
revolutionists arc advancing on Pan
nma. The message says that the outlook /
look appears grave , as only aboul
3,000 government troops are in Pan
ama , while the Insurgents have twlc
that number.
Marconi Solves Problem.
Rome , Sept. 12 Marconi , In an In
tervlow published here , declares ha
has completely solved the problem o
sending wireless messages over a dls
tnnce of more than 1.500 miles. Ho la
confident that communication between
Europe and America will bo estab
llshod In the Immediate future . Ho late
to visit King \Mctor Emmanuel a
Racconlgl , Piedmont , Sept. 4.
To Join Colombian Navy.
San Francisco , Sept. 12. The
steamer Jessie Banning arrived hero
from Seattle , en route south to Join
the Colombian navy. Captain Marina
duke , who was a participant in the
historic Mcrrlmac-Monltor fight , ad
mitted that tke steamer had been con
verted into a man-of-war for the Co
lombian government and that ho
would command her.
Grand Jury Indicts Prince.
London , Sept. 12. The grand Jury
in the Old Bailey returned a true bll
against Prince Francis Joseph o
Braeanza , a lieutenant In the Seventh
Austrian Hussars , and who was a
member of the Austro-Hungarlan
mlKSlon to the coronation of King Ed
ward , charged with misconduct unde
the criminal law amendment.
Dan Patch Falls to Lower Record.
Syracuse , N. Y. , Sept. 12. Dan
Patch failed to beat Star Pointer'
record of 1:591-4. : Joint the mlle in
\Vhntftvor funl In moil rcnlioinlrtil. until ronvo-
nlunl loyour lioiiNn , run Ito IIHIU ! lnii ttouiiil Unit
KurnutHi tiliiinkfl of wood , * till ronl , hurd coal ,
tiolininiytlilni : Hint Urn will COIIHIIIIIII , U'liin
over yon put In It will lvo most lioul , IxtcniiHo
Hoiinil OnU Funiiicim wiihtu Mofni'1 ' ; liiiril nil thu
fucil , tliiiKiint'K , mill liloNt of thn NiuoUo ; Idinp llro
1'J lioiirn with wood , ' 21 IIOIITM with Cdiil. Thn
Round Oak
In millclly coimtriiutud anil la nlrlluhl ( tha
only iilitlKht
fiiniiirc ) , mill H
roiiHiin iihln In
price. Allortlio
In-lit noun Into ( lie
llOIINU - 110VIINtl )
throiiKh MUCH out-
ni'J'or In collur.
H JIMI iMiiil n furimrc ,
\\rHv InrlliiIloiimlOnk
Funmin Ixxik - full of
fiml fui l , hint * mi fur
nuni rriniluUi > iii < ic.
I'llHlK Clf
DntTimliir , Midi.
Aliikrnnt llrrkiitth'i A'nii
( MA t\f mmf ftimoui
ttr \ III ( fttinrlil \
inl OuU
KUIIIK ! O U Kur H < > tr fur inlo In wllli onli'r rnnliiu lnno . | .
Norfolk Nob.'liy John 1'rldnf , nijnnl
1 % T - * M . - f 1 _ x ( W. II. IIUOHOIPrail'tanl. .
l\l f ll Iil I id ALKXANDKUIIUAU , Men l > rwtdan
? . . . , . .
L IUl lUltV K. W. 7.UT7 Cu.UI8r.
National Bank.
Capital , $100,000.00
Surplus , $20,000.00
Does a General Banking Business
and Sells ExobatiKe
IntorcHt Paid on Time DopoBlta.
Drafts and Alonoy Ordora Sold on any Point In
A General Steamahlp and ForolKn Passage Business Transacted.
Exclusive a ent lor the Celebrated Swcctwator Rock Spring Coal the
best In the market.
Scranton Hard Coal in all sizes. TELEPHONE 01.
HfrHHHHHHIHMIHHHMM ' - I-H ! 'I 'I ' I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I I
Get What You Ask for at
ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care.
Our goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular.
We kuow precisely what is wanted by our custom
We aim to Give you the Best Value
for Your Money.
South side Mala St. , between 2d and 3d. Telephone 41.
.I-I-.H I.- ! . ! . . ! . ! . . ! . . . ; . . ! . . ! . . ! . ! . ! , , ! , . ! . . ! , . ! , . ! . . ! . . ! . . ! . . ! , m. . H-H-I-M-H-H-H- -
The Citizens National Bank.
Capital , $50,000. Surplus , $5,000.
Bay ftnit neil exchange on thU country an < l alljports of Knrope. ( Farm Loans.
Director ! . CARL , ABMCS , W H. JOHNSON , CHAB. S. llmDOE. o W. LiBAAbcu , M.
Steam and
Hot Water
First door South of News Office.
Prices Right.
434 , Norfolk Ave.