The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 29, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Name Attorney Representative
and Commissioner.
All Nominations nro by Acclnmntlon.
Precincts nil Represented but
Throe and no Contests Candidates
Thank the Convention.
Battle Crock , Nt-b. , Aug. Sil-Speolnl
to Tin : NKWSJ At the republican
county convention hold hoto thin afternoon -
noon Hurt Mapos of Norfolk wan nomi
nated for county uttornoy , V. L , Putney
of JnHVrfon for roproHontatlvo uuil
Chris Sohmitt of Madttion for county
rommlKHionor from tint First dlhtilut ,
till bo acclamation.
The convuntlon called to order
itt 1:1C : by J , 13. Simpson of Norfolk ,
olmlrman of the county central commit-
UM > , and the c'all was read by H. H.
McFarland of Norfolk , Hocrotnry of the
A. J. Thittob ofMiuliHon ) wan named for
temporary chairman and 8. H. MoFar-
Iniul for temporary secretary A commit-
tceof flvoonorcdcn Hals was appointed
an follows : lluso of Norfolk , Hluyof Mod *
Icon , llogrofo of Battle Crook , Burnham
of Jefferson and llaskliis of Falrvlow.
After n tthort recess the oommUtoo re
port oil. They found no contests and
that nil prcolnotH expect three were rep
The temporary "organization was nmilo
permanent and the convention at once
proceeded to the confederation of the
business before it by adopting a motion
that the nominating of candidates un
der the call bo taken up.
Hurt MnpCH of Norfolk , the present
county attorney , watt placed In nomin
ation for that ofllce and as no other
caudidatcH were presented the rules
were , on motion , suspended and Mr.
Mapes waa tendered the nomination by
acclamation , Ho was called on for n
Hpoech and in n few woids thanked the
convention for the honor that had been
conferred upon him and promised his
earnest support to every other candidate
on the ticket.
The name of F. L. Putney of JolVor-
BOU was presented as n candidate for
representative to the legislature from
this district and no other names be
ing presented the mien were suspended
and Sir. . Putney was urndo the unani
mous choice of the convention by ao-
olamation. The candidate was called
upon for a speech and in n few befitting
words thanked the convention on his
own. behalf and on behalf of the re
publicans of Jefferson precinct for the
honors conferred.
Delegates from the First commis
sioner's district wont into caucus and
after a short conference presented the
name of the present commissonor from
the district , Chris Sohmltt , to the con
sideration of the convention. Mr.
Schmitt was made the choice of the con
vention by acclamation.
It was the impression of some that
dolomites were to bo chosen to attend
the approaching senatorial convention ,
but investigation revealed the fact that
such delegates had been chosen at the
county convention hold May 7 , so that
no action was required from this meet
Coney Island on Tappert's Lawn Last
A lawn festival of unique arrange
ment was given by the ladies of Trinity
church at the homo of Otto Tapport on
tbo corner of Madison avenue and
Twelfth street last night. A net clear
ance of $815.00 was mado.
The largo lawn in which Oonoy Island
in all its glory was presented , was
everywhere dotted with pretty Japanese
lanterns , colored illuminations and loco
motive headlights. Touts of various
typos and sixes were pitched upon the
grass , to cover the different attractions.
In ouo largo canvas a continual vaude
ville performance , replete with nu over
changing bill , hold the boards. At an
other a Gypsy fortune teller , the wlzori
of the Platte , dealt out the past , preson
and future in three different ways , A
n dozen little tables under the trees
ices of various sorts wore served while
within hot coft'eo was obtainable. Gen
nine spoolers , with magaphouo voices
were stationed at the tout entrance
and no worthy feature of the midwa >
was omitted. A portion of the outer
tainmeut was dampened by the rain
in spite of which the ladies were emi
nently successful and without which
much bettor results might have been
realized from their efforts.
Northern Wisconsin ItHllWHjr Kuriii I-iux
Far Snip.
The Chicago , St. Paul , Mlnneapoli
& Omaha railway has for sale in North
oru Wisconsin , at low prices and easy
terms of payment , about 1)50,000 ) acre
of choice farm lauds.
Early buyers will secure the advai
tago of locations on the many beautifu
streams and lakes , which abound wit'
fish and furnish a never ending and
most excellent water supply , both for
family use and for stock.
Laud is generally well timbered , the
soil fertile and easy of cultivation and
thia is ropidly developing into one of
tin greatest nhoop and cattle raising
regions In the iiorthwbHt.
Chlcnun , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minn
eapolis , Duluth , Superior , AHhland and
ether towns on "Tho Northwestern
jlno" furnish good iimrlcotH for stock
ind farm produce.
For further particulars address !
Gito. W , BKU , ,
Land Commissioner , Hudson Wis. , or
G.1I MAClUn ,
Aflst. don'lPuM. Au't.St , Paul , Minn.
Twelve Players Entered , Will Begin
Matches Monday.
ftim fc'iitmilny'n Dnll ) i
Entries to the tennis tourney were
loHod this noon and drawings were
mclo at 1 o'clock as follows :
The meet will open at it o'clock Mon-
ay with a matoh between H. S.
Jnntols and S G. Mayor. AtI 0. A.
loKlm will play W. II. Bunholz , nt 5
\ Baker will play W Slsson , ntul at 0
match in doubles will bo pulled off
) otwoon Daniels and Siason against
Veller and MuKim.
At ! 1 o.olook Tuesday J. 0. Stltt will
lay O.H. Reynolds , nt1 0. R. Powers
nd Hurt Mapos will play Reynolds and
Buoholz , doubles , at G O. S. Parker will
lay Bart Mapos and nt ( I Wollor and
'owor.s are matched.
Wednesday at 15 Ilakor nnd Parker
will play Stitt and Mayor.
At hours not taken the second round
vlll bo begun , time to be arranged by
) lnyors to suit their own convenience.
The winner of the MoKlm-Buoholz
natch will play the winner of the Parker
Mapos match. The winner of the
Wollor'Powors matoh will play the
vinnor of the Oakor-Sisson match.
The winner of the Stltt-Royuolds
natch will play the winner of the Dan-
els-Mayor match.
In doubles the three winners of the
irst round will draw for n bye in the
Play will boglu on the court at the
oruor of Norfolk nvonuo and Tenth
treot Monday afternoon and will con-
inuo uutll all matches nro played.
? robably three days will bring the
Inals. Mutches In singles will bo given
ho first opportunity. Doubles will
ollow. Cups will bo given the winners.
According to the provision of the
ouruainont none of these entered have
truck a ball this year and many of them
mvo not worn touuis shoos for several
ummors. Greater Interest is attached
o the moot on account of this fact ,
nnuuor worthy the naiuo of professional
sin. She was qunllifled for her part by
uaturo and training , being n graduate of
ho Columbia school of oratory of Chi-
ago. Rev. Mr. Baker who assumes the
role of "John Storm" Is thoroughly qual-
( led to haudlo the character. Ho has
md three years drill at dramatic work
and was the leading man lu the Uuiver-
ity of Kansas dramatic club , lu fact his
Iramatlo ability was the source of his
ollogo course as by and through it ho
was enabled to bear the expense of an
ducation. His interpretation of the
horaoter of "John Storm" will bo
vorth seeing.
The Norfolk Brownies Shut Out
At Minden. '
. Miudou , Aug. 28 Special to THE
NKWS : After a 22 milo drive through
the sand hills yesterday morning , the
Norfolk Brownies were beaten by the
Miudon club 4 to 0. The game was
> radically lost In the first iuulug when
the locals took three. After that but
ono sooro was made through eight
exciting times up. It was Bucklln's
lay and he was found hardest on the
first few balls over. Thou ho settled
down to business and twisted the horse
hide around their necks in n way that
was good to son. But the game was
gone and the visitors' inability to bunch
their hits kept them in the hole.
Wllklns feels absolutely confident of
winning today's game nud after a good
nights rest they will unquestionably
make a better showing.
By innings :
Norfolk 00000000 0 0
Mludeu U 00000 10 0 t
Batteries , Buoklln nud Wilkius.
Bliss and Moore.
Off the Bat.
One of the scores was n home run.
A bet on Norfolk for today is pretty
Miudou has the south Platte champion ,
ship. Norfolk has the north.
Bnckliu wns found for seven , Bliss
for six hits. Bucklin struck out four
Bliss three.
Bucklin gave free transportation to
three in the very first inning yesterday
This was the fatal amount. After tha
only ono man saw the plate.
Stricken In Pulpit.
Washington , Aug. 25. Hov. Robert
Nourse , Congregational minister am
lecturer , was stricken with heart fall
ure while In the pulpit of the Firs
Congregational church yesterday
Heart stimulants were admlnlstorei
and Dr. Noursa is somewhat improved
Ho is about sixty-two years of nee
Dr. Nonreo will be remembered n
having delivered n lecture in this city
a few seasons since.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablet
All druggists refund the money If 1
falls to cure , E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25o.
Brownies Won From Giltner
After a Long Contest ,
The Contest Yesterday Ono or the
Most , Interesting That Has Been
Played This Season Rain Spoils
Tennis for Today.
Giltnor.Ang. 25 SpcoialtoTni : NKWS :
\fter 15 long Innlnt'H of as exciting base
mil as has been seen in southern No-
misku this srnson , the toFHorsof GlHuor
Inally succumbed to the terrific pound-
ng of the Norfolk Brownies and went
lown to a M to 1) ) defeat. The diamond
vas almost enshrouded In darkness when
ho fifth brown shadow llitted across
ho plate in the fifteenth and clinched
ho victory for the Wilklns' family.
It was n great gnmo. The score was
led in the eighth , I ) to 0. After that not
n infill wns nblo to got around. Tluio nf-
or time the hardest hitters would come
o bat with blood in their eyes , nud time
nftor time these very same would bo re-
Ircd in ouo-two-throo order. Then now
iltchors were substituted by both teams
aud the battle renewed with intense
igor. Wilkinson had started things for
ho Sugar City crowd and ho was ro-
loved after the ninth by Glen Wilkinson ,
who kept them down without n score.
Svory mnu plnyod ball for nil there wns
u him. A score wonld menu the gnmo
nnd n score they couldn't got. The
hlrtqonth passed without misfortune ,
ho fourteenth found the daylight far-
tier gone aud still there wna nothing do-
ng. Thou in the fifteenth Wilkius said
'Hit the first ball that comes along. "
Couuedy came to bat nnd spnt on his
hnuds. The httlo sphere shot over the
plate and ho lauded. Ho landed uninor-
Ifully. Up , up , up the horse hide
louted Into the air nud lit fnr out in the
deep field. Johnson , Dnvey , Wilkius
Xgan nil followed aud thou the others
id thosauio. Everyone took something
f they couldn't swing out n high fly ,
hey scloutiflcnlly bunted and with Ken-
uudy nud Johnson on the Hues , coach-
ug with characteristic energy , the runs
ontinnod to pile up until they led safely
with five aud the game was their's.
By innings :
Norfolk 01 fi 00 102000000 5 14
Giltnor 001040 ! ) 10000000 9.
Batteries , Wilkinson , Wilkius nnd
Villeins , Wnnick , Thomas nnd Ohonls.
Minden Takes Second Also.
Miudon , August 23 Special : Miu-
on made it n pair ngniust the Brownies
his nftornoon in n decisive victory of 7
o 4. As in the first , the gnmo wns
von in the very first hnlf of the open-
ng inning. In that time up the locals
bunched hits fortunately nud made five.
After this the Brownies outplayed
hem at every turn. Eight errors by
Norfolk helped in their defeat.
Score :
Norfolk 00200020 0 1
Minden 50101000 0 7
Batteries , Galaska aud Wilkius ,
Yhhuo nud Bouder.
Home run , Wilkius. Two-base hit ,
Cups are Here.
The heavy rain of this morning prevented -
vented the tennis tourney's start today
as planned. The exceediugly heavy
all of water will probably make the
event two days later.
Meanwhile , however , interest does
not lag. Many of those in the list are
u "training" , with a diet of raw eggs
and tea. Others nro batting the ball
against the barn door to develop wrist
movement. The drawing of Saturday
resulted in some unusually strong
earns nnd nearly every match promises
o bo very close.
Different styles of play nro being se
eded by different contestants and some
great "form" may be expected. Dr.
Parker has decided to employ the Dr.
Joshua Pirn method while Stitt will
adopt the Sanderson tactics of n slow
game , getting the ball over the net and
wearing out his man.
The cups which will be given as
prizes nro now on exhibition in the win
dow of Hoffman & Smith's furniture
store. The prize in singles is the gift of
the firm. They are handsome souvenirs
aud well worth trying for.
Off the Bat.
Aurora today.
Miuden has played 48 games nud lost
i ) . Standing 812.
Bender , catcher for Mludeu , is the
star back stop nt the University of Ne
The team will return for games hero
Saturday , Sunday and Monday with the
Omaha Crescents.
"Where is Giltner ? " was a frequent
query last night. It's hard to find , but
it is on the map. It is n station on the
B. & M. , has a baukthreo elevators and
office. One-sixth of the
n post - popula
tion play ball. They're the crowd that
nearly did us yestordny. The other 45
took tickets nt the gate , sold lemonade
aud rooted.
The Kearney Hub starts its base bnl
with , "Hats off to right fielder Ken
nedy of Norfolk. He is u gentleman nnt
n ball player. Though but one-ninth o
the Hue up , he Is fully eight-ninths of
the playing ability of the team. " Fur
thor It states that the Wilkins' outfit arc
footers nnd bulldo/.ers and kick without
cnuso. They made the umpire reverse
i decision. Ho did It to Have trouble.
When Wilkltirt kicks , you can bet on it
there in Homothiug wrong.
Those Who Will Assist the Executive
Committee ,
from Bftturdnr'n Dully !
At n meeting of the executive committee -
too of the race moot , Woodmen's picnic
and street carnival to bo given in Norfolk
September 22 , 28 and 24 , hold yesterday
the bubordlunte committees were named
us follows :
Street Boating R. B. Wollor , chair
man ; R. L. HrnaBoh , 0. C. Gow.
Rest Booths R. B. Wollor , chairman !
Al Dognor , Frank Davenport.
Tent R. B. Wollor , chairman ; R. R.
Smith , L. M. Booler.
Street Decorations R. B. Wollor ,
chairman ; Dr. Frank Salter , 0. P. Par
Street Sports 0. D. Jenkins' chair ,
nan ; L. M. Beoler , M. 0. Walker , 0. E.
Hartford , W. B. Vail , L. L Rombo , R.
Races G. A. Luikart , chairman ; A.
T. Darland , W. II. Johnson , Goo. W.
Transportation W. N. Huso , chair
man ; W. H. Buoholz , H. 0. Sattlor , Burt
Concessions J. 0. Stltt , chairman jG.
A. Luikart , P. A. Shurtz.
Advertising H. A. Pasewalk , chair
man ; W. N. Huso , G. E. Moore.
Affairs are progressing most satisfac
torily and the promise is that the people
of Norfolk nud vicinity will have three
days of the best tiino they have expor-
onccd in years. There will bo an nbund.
unco of outertainmeut for the guests
of Norfolk on that occasion and it is con
fidently expected that there will be large
crowds of people hero to enjoy it. The
committees have already commenced
; ho work sot out for them to do and are
maViug substantial progress. It is ex
pected that some of the best horses in the
state will bo entered for the races as an
open date has been chosen that will ad
mit of horeo owners , bringing their nu-
mnls hero nnd entering. The street nt-
: ractions and other sports will bo of the
best obtainable and the entire program
will bo on a high plane of excellence.
As on the Fourth of July , special atten
tion will bo given to the comfort of the
city's guests with nn nbundnnce of sent-
.ng . capacity to admit of their resting at
nuy time , day or night.
The race committee has not definitely
decided on the division of purses. There
will benbont $000 nud seven eventsthree ,
the first day nud four the second. The
prizes will bo hung on the wire nud the
winners will take down their money as
hey come In.
Precipitation of Last Night Was Not
A rnin storm , lasting the greater part
of last night , was an unnecessary and
unwelcome feature of the weather dur
ing the past 24 hours. The rain pro-
cipated energetically and this morning
the government gauge shows that til-
most two inches ( l.S < > ) of wntor fell ,
bringing the total precipitation for the
month , usually n dry one , up to 5.13
inches. The ground had been thoroughly
soaked by previous rains nud when thnt
of last night happened , most of it rnu
off , cnusiug .another overflow of the
gulch and consequent disorder and in
convenience in various parts of the
city. Some cellars nre flooded and the
ditches are filled to the top , but the pro-
cipitatlon was not quite sufficient to
loat sidewalks nnd destroy lawns to the
extent that has been done earlier in the
eneon. The work that has been no-
complished on the streets may have had
some effect in provontiug this but much
remains to be done before the city can
be free from damage by high water pro
duced by excessive precipitation.
Another storm like thnt of last night
would undoubtedly show thnt condl-
ions have not been materially romied.
Another feature of the weather
was the autumn chill that prevailed
yesterday. There was n range of but
six degrees in the temperature during
the 24 hours. The maximum being 09
and the minimum G3.
The maturing of the corn and other
growing crops has been interfered with
aud the small grain that is yet in the
shock and rotting is damaged to a
greater degree than it fans yet been. The
farmers find it difficult to save the grain
by stacking or threshing owing to their
inability to get help nud much of it will
no doubt be n total loss.
A Good Thing.
German Syrup is the special perscrip-
tiou of Dr. A. Boscheo , a celebrated
Germnu physician , aud is acknowledged
to bo one of the most fortunate discov
eries in medicine. It quickly cures
coughs , colds and all lung troubles of
the severest nature , removing as it does ,
the cnuso of the affection nnd leaving
the ports in n strong nnd healthy con
dition. It is not an experimental med
icine , but has stood the test of years ,
giving satisfaction in every case , whlol
its rapidly increasing sale every season
confirms. Two million bottles sole ]
annually. Bosoheo's German Syrup
was introduced in the United States in
18CS , and is now sold in every town nnc
village in the civilized world. Throe
doses will relieve nuy ordinary cough
Price 75 cents. Get Green's specia
almanac. Asa. K. Leonard.
Feu SALE 3 tracts of 10 acres each in
edge of town. GARDNER & SEILEU ,
Woodmen Committee Takes
Head Consul Northcott is to Speak ,
About $200 in Prizes Will bo Given.
New Schedule of Hours for Tennis
Arrangements for the Norfolk race
neot , Woodmen's picnic and street car
ilvnl to bo given September 22 , 28 and
24 are proceeding satisfactorily nud the
irospects nro that in the throe days will
jo concentrated inoro pleasure , greater
ittraotions nud Inrger crowds partio-
patlug than any three consecutive Jays
the city and country tributary have evtr
mown. The committees in charge of
he entertainment nre composed of busi
ness men who hnvo the best welfare of
Norfolk nt heart nud their effort will bo
directed townrd providing entertain
ment thnt will be appreciated by these
vho will visit the city aud induce theme
o come again. Both the committees of
the Commercial club nud of the Wood-
lion's lodge nre euergotionud nre taking
told of the matter In a manner thnt
augars well for its success. It is hoped
nnd believed thnt the weather , which
hns boon so unsatisfactory during the
summer , will have settled down by the
time the dntes for the carnival arrive
nnd thnt all will bo encouraged to enter
nto the spirit of the occasion in n man
ner that will be pleasing aud profitable.
The committee from the Woodmen
edge , composed of 0. E. Hnrtford , M
0. Walker , L. L. Rembo , L. M. Beeler
and W. B. Vnll , held a mooting last
night and it was decided to offer prizes
approximating $200 for the events to be
given under their supervision. Among
the features planned aud for which
prizes will bo offered nre the following :
The best nnd most attractive float in
the parade.
The largest camp delegation In parade.
The largest delegation of the Wood
men auxiliary , Royal Neighbors , in
The best drill team.
Best uniformed Foresters.
Tug of war between teams from
visiting camps , foot races and other
There will be n speech by Head Coun-
sul Northcott of the M. W. A.aud
speeches by leading candidates for state
and district offices.
It is expected that features planned
by the Modern Woodmen of America
will be of the best during the three-days'
series and thnt there will be n large at
tendance of members of that order and
its auxiliary ns well ns of other people
not nfliliatiug with the order but who
will enjoy as thoroughly the events
; hey are planning.
A Doleful Prospect.
The people of Niobrara have not been
improving the opportunities for the
development of the- town presented by
the building of a railroad ns the Pioneer
thought they ought and that paper re
cently rend them the following delicate
lecture which has been having some
effect :
" 'Niobrara business has profited this
summer on the building of the rail
road , ' said n prominent merchant who
las been ono of the most benefited ,
but its extension up Ponca valley will
take away onr best trade nud leave
Niobrara a dull town with no future. '
That is certainly a doleful outlook , and
The Pioneer suggests an exodus with
the railroad. This is the sentiment of
nearly every man In business here today ,
reinforced by every movement thnt is.
made. The Pioneer wants to agree with
ihia sentiment and help it along to the
town's final death. It is what the
merchants want , what the property
owners crave and the town board
sanctions. It is needless for spirited
citizens to try anything more because
; hey will only be made monkeys of.
Let's all bold up our hands and say we're
ready for the pawnshop. Look disaster
n the face nud throw all onr hopes into
the Missouri river. Don't spare nny
more time nttoudlng to public meetings ,
for you'll lose a nickel or be persuaded
to drop the nickel in some paint or a
sidewalk. Such things wouldn't do ,
for it would leave too favorable an
impression on the many strnnpers , who
might conclude to stop nnd share in our
"These nro the reflections that must
appeal to the strangers ns they are wel
comed to this town. These reflections
could bo extended , but this is only the
first of n series which The Pioneer hopes
will not be continued beyond the year. "
Boys Coming Back.
Aurora , Aug. 27. Special : The lost
game on their trip wns taken by the
Norfolk Brownies here yesterday nnd
the team left this morning for homo.
They will arrive over the Union Pacific
at 0 o'clock tonight.
The closing victory for Wilkius nud
his family was something awful for
Aurora , 11) ) runs being pounded out by
the visitors and a sickly looking pair by
the home club. It was too one sided to
be Interesting. Galaska was in the box
for his crowd aud dropped strike outs at
will. Two twlrlers were used by
Aurora in the hope of at least keeping
the total down , but they were discovered
* * ,
to glaze his coffee with
would you cat that kind of
cggi ? Then why drink them ?
Lion Coffee
has no coatlne of storage eggs ,
It's coffee pure ,
unadulterated , Iresn , strong
and of delightful flavor
nud hit for singles nnd doubles nnd
triples until it looked ns though the
Sugar City tourists hnd not oven hnlf
tri cl on the dny before.
Score :
Norfolk 10202095 0 19
Aurorn 0100100 0,0 2
Batteries , Gnlaska nud Wilkius ,
Krambig nnd Jefferies.
Off the Bat.
South Nebraska recognizes Norfolk as
the champion team of the north. On
the strength of that Miudcu claims the
state championship
There was only one town on the trip
which Wilklns failed to brenk even wither
or better. Thnt was Minden , where both
games were lost in the first innings.
With four good pitchers , Glen Wil
kius , Bncklin , Gnlaska and Wilkinson ,
there ought to bo no reason why Nor
folk can't beat anything around.
Especially Creightou.
Ten games have been played on the
trip and six of them won. The trip per
centnge Is therefore .UOO , which isn't so
bad when it is remembered thnt the
visiting tenin is nlwnys nt a dis-
ndvnntnge. .
The boys will return tonight over the
Union- Pacific nt 9 o'clock and should
be given a rousing reception nt the
station. They have played good ball ,
advertised Norfolk , made a good im
pression nnd should be shown that they
are npprecinted.
In all there hnvo been 50 games played ,
82 won aud 18 lost , making n standing
of 040. This is surpassed in the Na
tional league by one team nnd in the
Americnu nssociation by two teams.
The other 29 teams of the four big
leagues nre below it.
Winside has a team of ball players
under n dozen years old , who are will
ing to challenge anything of their age
in the state. Norfolk has a team of
about the same physical architecture
thnt hns about as much confidence in its
tossing skill nud is always there with
the goods. The two bunches will meet
h > re Friday afternoon for n battle
r > ynl. It is the second of a three game
series to bo pulled off. The Third
Brownies , as they title themselves , won
the first nt Winside. They hope to
make it n pair. They nre the fnstesfc
diminutives in the city and it will bo
good sport to watch the fun. A ten
cent admission , grand stand thrown in ,
will be charged to defray expenses. A
number of the Wiuside fans will be on
deck to back their boys , who ware crip
pled in the first nttempt. F. Spnuld-
iug will umpire and see that everything
is on the dead level. Game called nt
8:30. :
Special Excursions East.
During Juno , July , August nud Sep
tember the Union Pacific will sell
tickets from Coznd , Nebraska , Peuokio
and Wnkeeuoy , Kansas , and points east
thereof to nil points in Iowa , Minnesota
and Wisconsin nt grently reduced rntes.
Information regarding rntes nud dntes
of sale will bo cheorfuly furnished on
npplicntiou to J. B. Elsoffer , agent.
If you knew how SCOTT'S
bR'iULSlON would build you
up , increase your weight ,
.it-engthen your weak throat
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