The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 22, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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    * m
Brownies Win the Lnst Before
Their Trip ,
Gnlnskn Drops Fifteen Strike Outs ,
nnd Does Not Give n Hit In Five In
nings Team Work Entirely Satis
factory Score 12 to 3.
From Pnturdny' * Dnllyi
Witli Httoon Btriku outs to the credit
of Galivskn nml but three safely located
liortto hides ngninst that same , the
UrownlcH onslly took the Bocond from
Columbus yesterday afternoon on n very
wet ground with n Html chalk nmrk of
1'J to 1) ) .
Kvon If .loo hadn't won hlH game in
the box , the WilkiiiB1 hunch would have
tiikon it at the toil. They wore right
and ponndod out an even dozen that
wore too hard to Hold. Nearly everyone
found the cover. Agnu Binoahod for
two sacks nnd Johnson and Kennedy
each got a couple. Until the sixth the
visitors went out Inono-two-throo order ,
nnd nine of thorn had been Imndily
dropped in their trucks ,
In the Hovonth Hukor of the Blues
throw his nnkloout and was replaced by
Papa Vnublo , jovial malinger of the
foreigners. Ho did his stunt well , too.
Out. of twice up ho got a third of all the
hits nmdo nnd ns big n fraction of the
BcoreH. When ho got * ° < lrst "L < would
walk oil' to talk to the Imsoman. Thuu
GnliiHkn'w arm would swing , the mlt
would chug nnd Papa Fnublo , nt full
length on the ground , would grab the
bug. Time nftcr time this little comedy
was repeated , and time nftcr tlino the
old uinu took n fall at the buso , came
bobbing up serenely and was safe.
Kennedy came to the Hold Into , with
n largo , red , juicy npplo in his coat
pocket. Whou ho cnmo to look for it
later , the silly thing had disappeared
nnd ho wondered whoro. As n general
thing with Kennedy the joke is on the
other follow , but yesterday the tables
wore turned.
By innings- :
Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 a 1 0 0 11
Norfolk a o a i a o o 5 * ia
Batteries , Galnskn and Wilklns , Lohr
nudJndlviiio. Buses on balls : oil Galaskn
1) ) , off Lohr a. Struck out by Galaska
15 , by Lohr a.
Off the Bat.
Woodie will not join the crowd nt
Columbus ns had boon expected. Ho
writes that ho has n critically bad log ,
received in n gaiuo against Creighton.
It wns lanced before ho loft , but does
not improve.
Out of 10 games played , Norfolk has
lost M and won 2(5. ( This makes n per
coutago of 050 , which is larger thnu any
Western League team. Oroightou is the
only team in north Nebraska which
boats it , vlth 855.
The Brownies will leave tomorrow
morning over the Union Pacific for n
two weeks' trip west. Their first stop
will bo nt Columbus , They will go ns
far as Ohoyonuo. Grand Island has been
eliminated from the list because their
mtumgor is n scab in the labor troubles
The boys played good ball as they
have all through the season. They are
n good , cleim bunch of fellows nud on
their trip will unquestionably be n
credit to Norfolk. Wilkius always
makes friouds for himself nud the team
wherever ho goes. Johnson , the fast
little third basemnu , is a jollier who
can't bo boat and puts ginger into the
team all the while. Many n game has
been won by that very thing , at a criti
col moment. Agan on first base is do
ing excellent work and will be a favor
ite. Ho has also boon hitting niftily.
Kennedy , of home ran fame , is another
coacher who is needed in the business.
Ho lauds on the ball nnd pulls in everything -
thing that comes his way. Jack Davoy ,
the olevor little short stop , always has
been n fnvorito with the fans. His
modest manner and his ability to play
gilt edged boll always give him the glad
hand. Wilkinson is an old timer and
well known to Norfolk. He is playing
mighty good ball. Byers nnd Graves
are a pair of fielders who can't bo bent.
They are simply superb in their catches
and will show up well. Galaska and
Buckliu , the two star twirlers , ought to
make a great tear. They have done fine
work. Galaska is steady nud reliable ,
ns his 15 of yesterday show. Bncklin
has any kind of a carve you want to
order nud will surprise some of them.
Stops the Cough and Works off the
Laxative Brome Qninino Tablets cure
ncold in ono day. No cure , no pay ,
Frico 25 cents.
Better Than Medicine.
Let loose all your giggles.wear dimples ,
sweetness , and light. Yoa'll catch more
llies with saccharine paper than you will
with n threshing machine. Don't ba
disgruntled old procaplne or a bat or a
weeping jackal or n howling hyena. Be
a daisy and every body will like yon and
bless you. You'll bo better than a doctor
around. People with bad spoils on them
nnd the dismals will cheer up , be chirk
nnd got well. They'll think they have
paid ten dollars to a scientist healer to
make thorn believe there never was such
a thing on earth as rheamatiz or cricks
or Htitch in the Hide or nooralgy. You'll
drive away the hypos nnd the grippe.
A merry heart dooth good llko n patent
medicine nt n dollar n bottle. Your muno
will go thundering down the ages , Vic
tor Hugo wrote ngrent novel on "Tho
Man Who Laughs. " May his tribe In-
OIIHO. Thu Dluo Laws nro no longer
In force. Let ns therefore paint the
whole bottom and all existence brilliant
cerulean. Kxohango.
Gnrdnor & Seller deal in improved
nnd unimproved lands. Hunches nn
town property for snlu in Pierce , Cedar ,
Knox , Wnyno nnd Holt counties , nlso
lands nnd ranches in North nud South
Columbus Trounced In Three Straight
Columbus , Aug. 18 Special to Tun
NKWH : The Norfolk BrowiiloB trounced
the locals in nn unmerciful contest hero
yostordny nftornoon , pounding out 17
runs against two. Gnlaskn was on the
slab nnd pitched n beautiful gamo. The
stick work of the Wilklns' bnuoh was
good to soo. Agnn fllnmmod out three
homo runs and throe triples , Kennedy
took three throe-baggers , Davoy got n
home run nnd n three snokor , Gnlnskn
got n couple of the latter nud they wore
nil in nil.
By innings :
Norfolk 0 1 B ! 1 U 0 0-17
Columbus 001000100 2
Bntterlos , Gnlaska nnd WilklnsDolnu
nnd Lohr.
Off the Bat.
The team is nt Central City today.
Glouu Wilklns joined the team yes
Woodlo was unable to go on the trip
on account of his bad leg.
"Thoy will eat up everything on tholr
trip , " said the Columbus mnungor yes-
tordny. *
The wet weather nnd the Into start
has made the financial oud of the busi
ness lag.
The Wilklus brothers will take charge
of the Hlght bowling alloys September 1.
They will opou the ball season early In
Norfolk next year.
It wns not Galaska's day to work , but
a big crowd of his Humphrey townsmen
took in the game , so Joe lot the Pole
pitch. And ho did it well.
In a great , big , flaring , red hand bill ,
the Minden club announces that "Thoy
Cornel The Norfolk Lenguo , the
strongest team to bo seen on the diamond
this year , will bo hero for Friday nud
Saturday. "
Card of Thanks.
Wo desire to express our heartfelt ap
preciation of the sympathy evidenced
by Norfolk friends during the last rites
for Mrs. Stubbs ; nlso to return thanks
for the beautiful llowora contributed
for the o'ccasiou.
Notice of Dissolution.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between E.
A. Bullock and II. II. Patterson is here
by dissolved by mutual consent.
Dated July 22 , 11)02. )
A Good Thing.
German Syrup is the special persorip-
tion of Dr. A. Boschep , a celebrated
German physician , nnd is nckuowledgod
to bo one of the most fortunate discov
eries in medicine. It quickly cures
coughs , colds and all lung troubles of
the severest nature , removing ns it does ,
the cause of the affection and leaving
tbo ports in a strong and healthy con
dition. It Is not an experimental med
icine , bat has stood the test of years ,
giving satisfaction in every case , which
its rapidly increasing sale every season
confirms. Two million bottles sold
annually. Boschee's German Syrup
was introduced in the United States in
1SC8 , and is now Bold in every town and
village in the civilized world. Throe
doses will relieve any ordinary cough.
Price 75 cents. Get Green's special
almanac. Asa. K. Leonard.
No Substitute Wanted.
No I I did not ask for a bottle any
cheaper , or twice as large , or ono made
by yourselves. I did ask for and will
not have any substitute for Perry Davis'
Painkiller ; I have used it , my father
ased it and I would not be surprised if
my grandparents did so too ; there is
no imitation that can equal it. That I
am sure of for stomach ache. A. II.
Good Advice.
The most miserable beings in the
world are those suffering from dyspepsia
and liver complaint. More than seventy-
five per cent of the people in tbo United
States are afflicted with these two dis
eases and their effects : such as sour
stomach , sick headache , habitual costiveness -
tiveness , palpitation of the heart , heart
burn , water-brash , gnawing and burn
ing pains at the pit of the stomach ,
yellow skin , coated tongue and dis
agreeable taste In the mouth , coming up
of food after eating , low spirits , eto.
Go to your druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower for 76 cents. Two
doses will relieve you. Try it. Get
Green's special almanac. Asa. K.
No Longer Than Your Hand
is the spot in your back directly affected
by lumbago. But it Is big enough to
prostrate you until a kiud friend rubs
Perry Davis' Painkiller into your aching
flesh. Then the throbbing pain , which
hu been as bad as toothache , dies away.
Painkiller is equally good in relieving
sciatica and the various forms of rheu
mutism. 25 and SOo. bottles. A. H. Kie
Three Days of Entertainment
in September.
Appropriations Made to Ench Com
mittee Proposition of Collins Car
nival Company , Involving n Change
of Dates Was Declined.
The executive committee of the com
ing street carnival hold n mooting and
elected G. A. Lniknrt president and W.
N. Huso secretary.
The proposition of the Collins Carni
val company to furnish n number of at
tractions provided the date wns changed
from September 22 , 21 ! nud 21 , to Sep
tember 11 , 12 nud 1. ) , wns considered
and declined.
The committee appointed chairman
of the subcommittees ns follows , onoh
being allowed to choose his own oom-
mittoomon :
On decorntiouB , seating streets , rest
booths nud banner , 11. B. Wollor.
Oil music , G. A. Lulknrt.
On sports , 0. D. .Tonkins.
On concessions , J. 0. Stitt.
On advertising , II. A. Pnsownlk.
An allowance was made to each com
mittee for the purpose of carrying out
its part of the program of the race moot ,
street cnrulval and Woodmen picnic ,
nud each is expected to keep its expenses
within the amount appropriated.
An allowance of $75 was made to the
Woodmen for the purpose of paying the
expenses of ono of the lending men of
the order who will bo invited hero to
It wns moved as the souse of the com
mittee that the cnudidates for governor
nud for congress bo invited hero to make
addresses during the three dnys of the
Representatives to County and Pre
cinct Convcntious Chosen.
The republicans of Norfolk precinct
held their caucuses Saturday afternoon
nud evening nud elected delegates to the
republican county convention to be held
at Battle Crook Saturday nftoruoou ,
whou cnudidntes for representative to the
state legislature , county attorney and
commissioner of the First district will bo
named , nud other business of the party
transacted. Delegations were also nam
ed to ntteud the republican precinct con
vention , to bo cnlled lnternt which can
didates for assessor , justice of the peace
and constable will bo named.
The first meeting was of the ontsid
precinct republicans who met at the city
hall at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and
chose the following delegates who wore
authorized to cast the full vote of the
voting district :
Delegates to the county convention :
A. Osboruo , G. D. Smith , A. L. Carter ,
J. W. Boveo , L. 0. Hepporly , Sam Parks
T. E. Odloruo nnd A. N. Thomas.
Delegates to precinct convention : A.
Osboruo , A. L. Carter , 0. P. Byorly , G.
D. Smith , M. Brubaker , Tom Hight ,
Hiram Strong nud Alviu Low.
The ropublicnus of the First ward met
in the city hall nt 8 o'clockJSaturday )
evening nud nominated the following
delegates :
County : W. II. Widamnu , O.F. Else
ley , W. A. Homlobou , E. J. Sohorrcggeo
and 0. P. Parish.
To the product convention the seme
dolegntiou wns chosen with the exoep
tion thnt the name of Win. Hemphill
was substituted for that of 0. P. Parish
The Second ward caucus was hold in
the city hall at 8 o'clock and the dele
gates attending wore empowered to cast
the full vote of the delegation. The fol
lowing delegates were elected to attend
the two couveutlous :
County : H. M. Roberts , S. R. Mo-
Farland , J. E. Ransom , G. N. Beels , L.
M. Gaylord , F. F. Miller and W. L.
Precinct : II. G. Braggemaun , R. W.
Mills , W. H. Lowe , D. D. Bruusou , W.
M. Robertson , F. K. Fulton and 0. E.
The Third ward republicans like
wise met in the city hall at 8 o'clock
and named the following delegates :
County : M. C. Walker , M. D. Tyler ,
J. E. Simpson , P. H. Salter , J.R.Hays ,
0. 0. Gow , S. 'L. Gardener , W. H.
Bucholz , J. B. Maylard , Storrs Math-
ewson , R. H. Reynolds , W. R. Hofl >
man , W. N. Huso , W. P. Dixou and
W. H. King.
Precinct : M. O. Hazen , J. B.
Elseffer , G. B. Salter , E. A. Bullock ,
Ray Hayes , II. L. Spauldiug , H. L.
Snyder , Guy Barnes , O. J. Johnson , E.
H. Traoy , Isaac Powers , O. E. Green
O. H. Tappert nnd S. W. Hayes.
Northern \VI cou lu Hallway Farm Laud
.For Sale.
The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha railway has for sale in North
ern Wisconsin , at low prices and easy
terms of payment , about 850,000 acres
of choice farm lands.
Early buyers will secure the advan
tage of locations on the many beautiful
streams and lakes , which abound with
fish and furnish a never ending and
most excellent water supply , both for
family use and for stock.
Land is generally well timbered , the
soil fertile and easy of cultivation and
this is rapidly developing into one of
the greatest sheep and cattle raising
regions in the northwest.
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minn
eapolis , Dtiluth , Superior , Ashlaud nud
other towns on "Tho Northwestern
Lino" furnish good markets for stock
nud farm produce.
For further particulars address :
Land Commissioner , Hudson Wis , , or
Asst. Gou'lPass. Ag't.St. Paul , Minn.
Big Injun Wanted His Shoos Blacked
Civilization , crnol , uumorciful nnd
iudiscriminatiug , without regard to
former environment and no respecter of
persons , has with serpent-like silence
and with the stealth of a fox , crept in
through eoiiio unguarded spot upon this
wild nud wiordly wooly west of ours
nud clenched for itself a home for all
time to come.
An Indian , tall , muscular and shy ,
long-haired , browu-skluuod and bearIng -
Ing the murks of a touted existence ,
walked into a Norfolk b arbor shop this
moruiug with all the characteristic
courogp of his warrior ancestors , stop
ped up to the colored individual who
polishes boots and boldly asked for n
shine. Half dazed nt the very thought
of the thing , the Africnu instinctively
opened wide his gront , round eyes with
sheer amazement ; then , gradually con
vinced that his lint-footed customer
meant business , drew forth his brashes
nud rags nnd boxes of paste , spread
aronud a little of this and n little of
thnt , struck up n rng-timo ditty nnd
produced n patent-leather polish upon
the cow-hide kicks of his aboriginal
patron. Moauwhilo the rover of the
prairies smoked n choice Havana nnd
gnzod nbout the room with reuiarknblo
unconcern , while his squaw , dignified
nud disinclined to talk , sat out on the
front walk with two of the outest little
brownies thnt wore over reeked in n
blnnket , nud wnited for her brave. No
wonder ho won hor. Many n white
lacks as much of pride.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postoffice August 10 , 1002.
Mr. Paul Atkin , Mrs. W. A. Olarks ,
Mr. Jacob Hnrtung , N. F. Howe , H. H.
Mngee , J. K. Nolnn , S. Secord (2) ( ) , J. M.
Smith , M. D. , P. M. Spencer , Mr. W.T.
Wnggoner (4)Mr. ( ) G. Z.Whittmnn.
If not called for in 15 days will be
sent to the dead letter ofllce.
Parties calling for any of the above
please say advertised.
Gets Verdict After Seventeen Rounds
of Fast Fighting.
Salt Lake , Aug. 19. George Gard
ner of Lowell , Mass. , last night de
cisively defeated Jnck Root of Chicago
cage , who defeated him several
months ago In San Francisco , by
knocking him out In the seventeenth
round of a flght remarkable for Its
speed nnd gauiencsB under punish
ment shown by both men.
Gardner showed a knowledge of
Root's weak spot , his stomach , and
disregarding Root's punishing left
jabs , which found his face time and
again , devoted his entire nttentlou to
Hoot's stomach. Gardner was very
tired nt times , but catno up in the
fifteenth and utterly disregarding
Root's jabs on hla cut and bleeding
face , put his head between his suoul- .
ders , like Terry McGovern , and bored
in. Root was in distress in an instant
The end came in the seventeenth
round. Gardner rushed his man to
the ropes , planted his left and right
to the stomach and the latter went
down , gasping for breath. Root getup
up , only to go down again. The third
time ho struggled to his feet Gardner
was on him like a flash. Working his
right and his left like piston rods ,
Gardner fairly caved In Root's ribs
and the latter sank slowly to bis knees
and rolled over on his back. Ho was
not out , but plainly utterly unable to
President of Steel Trust to Retire
From All Business.
Loretta , Pa. , Aug. 19. President
Charles M. Schwab of the United
States Steel corporation has accepted
the advice of his physicians and de
cided to retire indefinitely from an
active business life. He will leave
America to seek some quiet nook In a
foreign clime , where not an echo of
the strenuous life he has led can reach
him. This information Is authentic.
Dr. Golden never leaves the Schwab
homo and the exact nature of his pa
tient's Illness cannot bo learned
through him.
Mr , . Schwab is not confined to bis
bpd , but spends much of his time on
th6 wld veranda , which affords fresh
air and a sweeping view of the moun
tain slope. He Is always with hia
wife or his physichm. The strange
part of Mr. Schwab's Illness Is that
ho IB always \rttnin vierw of those who
call at his houio , yet he will not allow
aay pcreon to approach him.
Y. M. C. A. World's Congress.
Christiana , Norway , Aug. 19.
About 1,000 foreign delegates , repre
senting thirty-one nations , are hereto
to attend the Young Men's Christian
association congress , which opens to
day and lasts until Aug. 24. The
United States sent thirty-eight official
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets
All druggists refund tbo money if it
falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
ia on each box. 25o.
Former Followers of the -Sport
. Will Contest ,
Those Who Have Played This Season
are Barred Brownlos Win Another
from Columbus , Making It Four
Straight Play Central City Today.
From Tuosilny'e Unity ,
A tennis tournament of the "hus
beous" is to bo hold In Norfolk. Among
a number of the old time tennis on.
thnsiasts who got together this morniug
it wns decided thnt it would bo good fun
to pull off a tournament in which everyone
ono could stand an equal show nud in
which all lovers of the game could bo
In order to inaiutnin n more perfectly
oveu standard of piny , it was determined
that nil persons who have played tennis
this season will bo barred from the
tonruoy. Every ouo else is eligible to
enter. The games will bo plnyed ou the
court nt the corner of Norfolk avenue
nud Tenth streets nnd will begin ns soon
as drawing can bo made. All names of
contestants should bo handed to J. 0
Stitt , secretary of the tournament , before
noon on Satruday , August 23. Au en
trance fee of BO cents per player will bo
charged to defray expenses. This must
accompany the name. Drawings will be
made by n committee consisting of J. O.
Stitt , Burt Mapoa and Sol G. Mayor.
Teams in doubles will bo selected by
drawing. The names will be shaken
up in a hat and drawn out by pairs to
decide who shnll piny together.
Matches in both singles nnd doubles
will be made by lot.
Another rnle of the meet is that no
participant shall play nny practice
games , whatsoever , before his first
match is called.
Tennis shoes mast be worn ou the
courts. Fifteen minutes' grace will be
given each player after his match is
called , at the end of which n nonappearance
pearance will mean default.
Trophy cups will bo presented to the
winners in both singles'and doubles.
With the lag in base ball during the
trip of the team , this tourney will make
something doing. Everyone who has
ever played tennis is urged .to enter nnd
those who are at nil timid should re
member thnt no one who has played
this year will be in the play. The time
has been that excellent tennis was
dished np by such men as J. 0. Stitt , M.
O. Hazen , Sol Mayor , W. H. Bncholz ,
E. H. Traoy , O. H. Reynolds , P. H.
Salter , O. S. Parker , A. J. Durland , A.
J. Koenigstein , R. B. Weller , Storrs
Mathowson , Carroll Powers.Oarl Daven
port , Bnrt Mapes , M. 0. Walker , F. G.
Salter , J. B. Barnes , Wnrren Sisson , J.
N. Bnndick nnd others , and they are nil
permitted by the rules to enter.
All true sportsmeu should come to the
nid of this tennis revival in Norfolk.
Already Stitt , Mapes , Mayer , Parker ,
Bucholz and Salter have entered and
many more have signified their good
Made it Four Straight.
Oolumbns , Ang. 19. Special to THE
NEWS : The one-time invincible Mr.
Duffey , who struck out 15 of Nor
folk's best batters in one game and
handed them a buuoh of horse collars ,
was batted into defeat here yesterday
afternoon by Wilkins' Brownies in nu
exciting 5 to 2 performance. The
Sugar City crowd made it four straight.
Bucklin did the twirling stunt for
the visitors and was quite superior.
His support wns excellent , while that of
Dnffoy was rather ragged in spots.
Kennedy made a phenomenal one
handed stop and Jack Davey played a
beautiful game.
Norfolk 00 1 008 1 0 0 5
Columbus 1 0000000 1 2
Off the Bat.
Agaii is still hitting the ball.
Central City today and Kearney to
Johnson and Wilkinson played with
St. Edwards yesterday. And they
came mighty near being needed with
; heir own gang.
It wns Duffy who threw for Randolph
n their 1 to 0 game against the locals.
All of which goes to show that some
pitchers are just as apt to lose as others ,
or a little more so.
Special Excursions East.
Daring Jane , July , August and Sep
tember the Union Pacific will sell
tickets from Oozad , Nebraska , Peuokie
and Wakeeney , Kansas , and points east
thereof to nil points in Iowa , Minnesota
and Wisconsin at greatly redncod rates.
Information regarding rates and dates
of sale will be obeerfnly furnished on
application to J. B. Elseffer , agent.
I Then the baby is most like5
1 ly nervous , and fretful , and 5
3 doesn't gain In weight. I
J Scott's Emulsion I
\ is the best food and medicine p
! , for teething babies. They J
2 gain from the start. 0
Send for a free sample. A
} SCOTT & BOWNK , Chemists , 5
5 ojms rcarl Street , New York. V
J joe. and f I.QOJ all druggUts. IB
She Has Cured Thousands
Given up to Die.
Practicing Aleonathy , Home
opath ) ' , Electric and Gen
eral Medicine.
Will , by roqnoit , vlilt professionally
returning ovary four wools Consult her Inhllo
the opportunity IB at hand ,
DR. CALDWKL.L limits her proct CD to tbo
apodal troatmout of clineHBos of the ore , ear.
uoie. throat , IUURR , female * tlltoaeos , dleeiteoa of
chllilroa nud all chronic , uorvoui and tmrgical
diseases of n curable nature Early consump
tion , bronchitis , bronchial catarrh , chronic
catarrh , hoadnolio , constipation , stomach and
bowel troubles , rheumatism , nonralgla , sci
atica , Hright's ( lleeaeokliuoy diseases , diseases
of the liver ami bladder , dizziness , nervousness ,
indigestion , obesity , Interrupted rutritlou ,
glow growth in children , and all wasting dis
eases in adults , deformities clnb-feot curva
ture of the ipino , diseases of the brain , paraly
sis , heart diseato , dropsy , swelling of the limbs ,
stricture , opou sores , imin in the bones , granu
lar enlargements and all long-standing dis
eases properly treated.
ninnd and Skin
Pimples , blotches , eruptions , liver spots , fall
ing of the hair , had complexion , eczema , throat
ulcers , bone pains , bladder tioubles , weak
hack , burning urine , parsing urine too often ,
The effects of constitutional sick-noes or the
taking of too much Injurious medicine receives
searching treatment , prompt relief and a euro
for life.
Diseases of women , irregular menstruation ,
falling of the womb , bearing down pains ,
fun run displacements , lack of sexual tone.
I.oncnrrhea. sterility or barrenness , consult
Dr. Caldwell and she will ( how them the cause
of their trouble and the way to become cured ,
Cancer * , Goiter , FiHtuln , Piles
and enlarged glands treated with the subcu
taneous injection method , absolutely without
pain and without the loss "f a drop of blood ,
is ono of her own discoveries and is really the
most scientific method of this advanced age ,
Dr. Caldwell has practiced her profession ia
some of the largest hospitals throughout the
country. She has no superior in the treating
and diagnosing diseases , do'ormlties , etc. She
has lately opened an ollico in Omaha , Nebraska ,
where she will spend a portion of each week
treating her many patients. No incurable
cases accepted for treatment. Consultation ,
examination and advice , one dollar to thoao in
terested. DK. ORA CALDWELL & Co .
Omaha , Neb. Chicago , 111.
If so , before making any plans for
your Summer fishing trip , you should
tvrite or call on us for information per-
: ainiug to the Lakes of Minnesota.
There are ten thousand , lakes in the
State of Minnesota , which are filled
, vith Bass , Pickerel , Crappie , Muska-
onge , eto.
Remarkably low round trip tickets
with long limits , will bo on sale all
ummer ,
Information regarding fishing resorts ,
lotel rates , and round trip tickers will
be cheerfully furnished by
Dist. Pass. Aent , 111. Cent. R. R.
No. 1402 Farnnm St. Omnha.
To Chicago , Milwaukee , Racine ,
Rockford , Lacrosse , Dnbnqne , Elgin ,
Freeport , Madison , Jnnesville
and other important points East , North
east and Southeast , via
An Electric Light in Every Berth.
The Milwaukee is the only Elootrio
-Lighted Train that runs in and out of
Omaha. All cars are supplied with incandescent -
candescent lights.
Palace Sleepers and the1 finest Dining
Cars in the world are run on the O. M.
& St. P. Ry. Write and get full in-
F. A. NASH ,
General Western Agent ,
H. W. HOWELL , 1504 Fnrnam St. ,
Trav. Frt. & Pass. Agt. Omaha.