12 THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , AUGUST 15 , $02. JOOOQ Old John , The Carrier j ; Dy SCOTT CHALMERS | ' Cojiyrlnlit , 1WI , liy A. B. Hlclmnlwm 1 ttugby ittnrotl out Into the twilight. Tlio outlook wim no IOHH gloomy tluin bin fcclliiKH. "If It had boon any man on Ilio force but old John Cnmnton , 1 wouldn't tnUo the thlntf to heart. Hut to think of old John beliif ? arrested , jiroflocutrd , 1m- prlnoiuMll IJy lienvoim , 1 feel an If It jworo ono of my own llosh nnil Mood. " The young Inspector tliu ; the tot ) of liln hoot vIclouHly Into tlio thick HIR. Ills older companion and follow work er tapped the table nervously. "Tho evidence l overwhelming , nnd yet well , I mipi wo we'll have to call ) dm In. " lliiKhy silently picked up hlH hat and left the room. Thu chief loaned hack in the grout revolving chair and 10- viewed the cane. John Compton was a widower , ronld- Ing with his unmarried daughter , and had been a mall carrier for over twen- " 1 AM AS INNOCENT Afl EirnEK OP TOO. " ty years. The managers of the Nelson department ntoro , which lay on John's route , claimed that their mall had been systematically robbed of money orders nnd cash sent loose in letters. Before lodging any complaint they had con ducted a small detective campaign of their own. Twenty letters containing money had been Bent to as many places to be forwarded to the concern. Only fifteen came to light. It could not bo argued that the missing flve had been lost in the malls. The Nelson people pointed the linger of misplclon at old John. John had pained whlto hair nnd hon or hi the postal service. During the first ton years of his work there was not n single mark against him. In the second term there wart just ono he bad buou marked "late" because of the illness of his daughter. Uugby was detailed on the case and prepared ton decoy letters inclosing marked money. Uo took them to va rious points within a few miles of the city and had them directed by strange hands. lie saw them arrive in the postofilcc , saw thorn placed In the old man's pouch , saw him start out with them. Then ho followed the old car rier with a feeling almost self con demnatory. After covering half of his route Compton popped for ten minutes at his own home , which was in n Hat- house. He came out whistling and , went on his way. Rugby was seated in a dim nook of the Nelson otllco .when Compton reached the little win dow and handed over the mall. In stantly he counted the decoy letters. Only six of the ten had been delivered. These were the facts that Inspector Smith was reviewing as he sat In the dull twilight. When Kugby and Compton - ton entered Smith's olllce there was a look of wonder in the old man's eyes , but no trace of guilt or anxiety. When told of the charge , he smiled almost childishly. When ordered to empty his pockets , he complied without the least hesitation , yet of the ? 12 ho laid on the table no less than ? 10 was in the marked money. When this was pointed out to him , his confiding smile vanished , and he turned pale as ho eald : "Why , I got this money only two hours ago. I gave a ten dollar bill in exchange. " "Then of course you can name the party and clear yourself ? " nsked Smith kindly. "Of course I can. It was was" Th re ho stopped. A queer change came over hla face. His lips quivered like those of n trusting child who had unexpectedly Deceived a blow from the band it loved. Suddenly bo drew him self up and looked from Smith to Rug by."Do "Do cither of you gentlemen believe that I have turned thief in my old age ? ' "We don't want to believe it , " was the reply , "but letters have been stol en , and you have the money that was inclosed in them. " "And yet I am as innocent as cither ' of you. " "I hope BO. Whom did you change the money ? " "I cannot uny , " ho repllod , with tight ly compressed lips , "Do you know who took thosn lot- torH ? " A spasm of pnln crnimcd the old man's face , but ho quickly recovered. " 1 do not know. " .Smith and Itughy looked at each oth er hcjlploRsly. Finally Smith Hpoke. "I'oti know , of courHO , Mr. Compton , the gravity of thin offcnno and the pun- nlty ? " Complon Hhlvered nightly. HlH voice was ( Inn , but BO low that the two In- fipoctorH could hardly catch the words. "I know the penalty , yoH prlaoih It's URoloflH to have any trial. I will plead guilty. The ICHH fimn thoro'H over It the oanlor It will bo for for othcrfl. " Ills volco broke on the hint word. The InnpoctorH ItiHtantly mmpoctcd that ho won HhloldliiK thu real culprit. Smith acted quickly , lie laid his hand cor dially on Compton'H shoulder. "See hero , Compton ! wo can't be- llovo thin of you. H'fi our duty to place you under immediate arrest , but we're Bolng to give you another chance. We're going to Investigate further , and wo iiflk only your word that you won't Jump the town. " The old man seemed terror ntrlckon. Ilo avowed bin guilt in piteous tones and bogged to bo arrested , but Smith nnd HiiKby were firm and Rent him from their presence a tottering , neb bing man. For the next few days , while John went over his route like one in n dream , Rugby Investigated the life of the old carrier's daughter. Ilo quickly dlHoovcrud that oho dressed far above her ntatlon and Income nnd Indulged in EUH'oral uxpcimlve vices. Marked bills wcro traced directly to her , and when taxed by Hugby she broke down and confessed. Every morning when her father stopped Into the kitchen for the cup of coffee which Bcemcd tp strengthen - on him during the remainder of his route she had rilled the mall bag us It hung on the entry rack. Rugby nnd his chief realized that the disgrace of the daughter would bo IIH fatal to the old man na his own arrest , and for once they fulled in their otllclal duty. They forced the woman to sell her Jewels , which were ono of the pas sions of her life. With the proceeds they made good the losses of the Nel son company , She had boon recklessly mad for money , and had neither thought nor cared for the gray haired man who fairly worshiped her and was willing to KO to prison for her sake. Hut now she seemed to dread the Bight of his whlto hair , the loving KUZO in his eyes. She llnally went to Denver , ostensibly to visit friends. She never came back. Old John , who had been Blmply told that the real culprit had been discov ered , lived on the letters he received from Denver. If he realized that the Inspectors know the truth , ho never gave any evidence of the fact. lie died before the daughter , who had plunged into reckless dissipation In the fur west and had sunk too low to write the longed for letter , and he never know that strange hands , the hands of men who worked with him and loved him , would at last lay him to rest nnd rear the shaft above Vila lonely grave. Chinese Cnii Sleep. Generally speaking , the Chinaman Is able to sleep anywhere. None of the trilling disturbances which drive us to despair annoys him. With a brick for a pillow he can He down on his bed of stalks or mud bricks or rattan and sleep the sleep of the Just , with no reference to the rest of creation. lie docs not want his room darkened , nor docs ho require others to be still. The "Infant crying in the night" may con tinue to cry for nil he cares , for it does not disturb him. In some regions the entire population seem to fall nsleep as by a common in stinct , like that of the hibernating bear , during the first two hours of summer1 afternoons , and they do this with regularity , no matter where they may be. At two hours after noon the universe at such seasons is ns still us at two hours after midnight. In the case of most working people at least and also in that of many others position in sleep Is of no sort of cense quence. In would bo easy to raise in China an army of a million men nay , of 10,000- 000 tested by competitive examina tion ns to their capacity to go to sleep across three wheelbarrows , with bend downward , llko a spider , their mouths wide open nnd n fly inside. "Chines * Characteristics. " The Grace of Abhorrence. The duty of abhorring evil is one that is general in its nature. It admits of no exception of favored vices. We are very liable to excuse the sins which we "nro inclined to" while roundly con demning those wo "have no mind to. " It is one of the weaknesses of poor hu man nature that if a sin is agreeable to us we discover or Invent excuses for It It Is not so bad as some other sins ; indeed , in our case , it is not certain that it is a sin at all. We have u cer tain right to do what we would blame others for doing or we even say to our- Bclvcs that it is merely conventional wrong , but is in fact no real wrong. Whatever is wrong without exception In our own favor wo ought to cultivate the grace of abhorring it , for we may be certain that If wo allow ourselves un easy sentiment of allowance for any sin we have taken down the bars to its commission nnd one sin being made easy opens the way to another and another until the conscience is seared as with a hot iron. Pittsburg Press. RUe'tl Deen There Before. Gerald I am afraid I shall forget come parts of the marriage service. Gcraldluo Fear not I shall bo with ypu. NowYorkJPress. , „ _ Ilciiinnlirr ttin linker. At the court of iiRHl7.es In Venice , when Bunluiica of death Is about to bo passed , a man clothed in a long black robe enters the court , nnd advancing to the bench bows profoundly to the JiulttoH , naytng , "Homcinbor the baked" Then ho bows again and retires. Hero is the explanation of the custom : Thr'eo centuries ago n baker was exe cuted at Venice for n crime of which he was not guilty , When his innocence - conco was fully proved , the Judges who condemned htm invested n Hum of money , the interest on which serves to keep a lump perpetually lighted In the palace of the doges , this being called the "lamp of expiation. " In addition , their fatal mistake has for 800 years been held up no n warning to their suc cessors on the bench when they nro nbout to inflict the extreme penalty of the law. An KnirlUli KIIIK'N Dcntli. William Rufus was killed by nn ar row , cither accidental or with murder ous Intent. Ilo died In the Now for- ust , his body wns stripped by tramps and the next dny wns found by n char- con ! burner , who placed the naked corpse on his curt , hoping to receive n reward. On the way to Winchester the cart was upset , nnd the king's body fell In the mire. Covered with filth nnd black with charcoal , It arrived In Winchester , whore It was burled In the cathedral. A fuw years later the tow er fell nnd crushed the tomb , and GOO yen fa after the 1'urltans rifled the grave nnd played football with the Icing's skull. CrulkNlinnk'M "Fiinln. " There Is an Interesting story very littlu known of how Crulkshuuk con ceived his plcturo of Fngln , the Jew. During the time he was Illustrating "Oliver Twist" he spent days travers ing the east end of London In search of n fnco that would correspond with his conception of the character. One dny while standing before n mirror in hid dining room "pulling fnces at him self , " so to speak , for the wnnt of something bettor to do , he accidentally made the features for which ho was looking. The plcturo therefore of Fagln is rcnlly that of Crulkshauk him self. Some people take care of their mon ey and neglect their stomachs. Atchison - son Qlobc. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Chlcneo , Auf. ! . nagged grain markets , thu result of lenewed manipulation , were the rule today. Traders thought that with the end of the Jul7 deals uud with excel- leut harvests hi night , Undo would get buck on a imtmnl busts. But the middle of August lliulH the Uoor la n tumult nguln. Ono Him Is nupponcd to huro all the No. red wheat In Bight and consequently the wheat trude todujr was erratic. Four big houses are moving In the December coru und yotUB of the same people have out long Hues ot outs. The nuw harvests to date have done nothing to relieve the danger of manipulation. Ailven > c wcjithur has worked ugulust the eroding to such an extent that contract stocks ure low. All these conai- tloug had tuuia nt the markets today nnd the rcHiilt was u set-saw ot wide und lu- cotmlsteut lluctuatluut ) . At the close crop llgurou hud some weight with sptculntoiB and ttaptcinbitr wheat uloscd $4 < Jie lowi > r , December ulimt Tic down , Suptcmbcr corn % c lower und September oats Vi < & % c up. l'roIslons closed laiic higher to iMe lower. Clotilng prloes. Wheat St-pt. , C0 % ; Dec. , GO1) ) , ; May , OUH. Corn-Sept. , r.le , Dec. , 41fcj , May , auu. Onto Kent. , JU c ; loe. ) , L'Hftc ; May , Milj. 1'ork-Sept. , ? lft.l)3 ) ; Oct. , Ifl0.03 ; Jan. , l.'urii-Si'pt. , $10.0 : ! ; Oct. , $9.35 ; Jim , $8.'JO. Ulbs-Sept. , IO.CM ; Oct. , fO.15 ; Jan. , $7.10. Chlcugo CiiKh I'rli-es-No. 2 red wheat , 7014c ; No. U led h at , OdJfOTMic ; No. 3 spring wheat , "Oc ; No. 2 hnrd wheat , 70 ® 74o ; No. 3 hnrd wheat , 03 < at)7c ) ; No. 1 ! cunh corn , BX307c ; No. 3 cash corn , 93(337o ( ; No , U yellow coru , COigOOHc ; No. 3 yellow corn , OSWiU'tlc ; No. - cush oats , Mo ; No. 'I white oats , 3lVfr37c ; No. a white oats , 34i35e. ( Chicago Live Stock. Chicago , Aug. H.-Cattle Ilecelpts , 8,500 , Including COO Taxans and 100 uesterns ; steers steady , cows lower ; good to prime stetrs , fS.OO U.OO ; poor to medium , $4.acXQ 7.80 ; stockers and feeders , JZ&OUG.&O ; cows , fl.aOiiO.CiO ; hcltors , { 2.50 0.25 ; can- uvrs. H.bCki .OO ; bulls , ? a.i < a6.00 ; calves , fa.OCKQT.'JS ; Texas ( ad sttera , $ S.OOgO.OO ( ; western steers , $ * .T5$10.50. Uogs-Ue- colpts today , 'JO.OOO ; tomorrow , 15,000 ; left over , 3,000 ; lOQIOc lower ; mixed and butchers , $0.400,7,05 ; good to choice htnvy , $0.lKXilT.15 ; rough heavy , $ a3AQO.bO ; light , $ U.8OU7.00 ; bulk of Hales , $0.503U,83. Sheep Ilecelpts , 13,000 ; vhevp steady ; lambs strndjr to lOo higher ; good to choice wo them , $3.00014. ' ; fair to cholca mixed , $2.0033.75 ; western sheep , ? 2.BOi 4.o , na- the lambs , f3.W > il . & 0 ; western lambs , $0.40 , top. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City , Aug. 14. Cuttle Receipts , 10,500 ; btcacly to lOc lower ; choice beet steers , $7.50018. 5 ; fair to good , $4.115(8 ( T.35 ; stockorti nud feeders ja..VXtfO.OO ; west- tru fed bteers , fj.G04iei.7S ; Texas and In dian utrors , $3.CHX ) 4,70 ; Texas cows , $ 'J.OO(3 ( 2.00 ; uatlvc cow * . $1.30Q4.75 ; native belt- ore , $ : ! .85 < $ i.7G ; cannem. $1.513 .25 ; bulls , $ 'J.U3U3.40 ( ; calves , $2.00 t > .50. llogs-Ue- celpts , 0XX ) ; opened weak to DC lower , closed steady at yesterday's prices ; top , $7.00 ; bulk of enles , $0.7&QU.DO ; heavy , $ a.S7VVil7.00 ; mixed packers , $ U.70 < 3 < ) .S3 ; light , $0.l)0fc0.75 ) ; yorkors. JO.70150.75 ; pigs , $ U.40CO.O.5. Sheep-Receipts , 8,000 ; strong to lOc higher ; native lambs , $3.40@G.75 ; western lambs , $3.10(20.15 ; native wrtbers , (3.COfti.50 ; western wethers , $3.00dtt.OO. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha , Aug. 14.-Cattlo-Rccclpts. 8,000 ; active , steady native steers , $4.7641 S.rO ; cows and htlfori , $3.23 < C.23 ; western steers , $4.00 < ii < l.fX > ; Texas stttrs , $4.23 < &C.40 ; range steers , $2.804s40 ; canncrs , $1.7BO 8.00 ; stockers and feeders , $2.7DQfi.OO ; calves. $3.00 < 3S.50 ; bulls , stags , etc. , $2.50Q 4.50. Hogs Receipts , 7,000 ; slow , lOc low er ; heavy. $0.0000.85 ; mixed. J0.70fte.70 ; light , $0.7&30.00 ; pig * , $ ( UXX&u.60 ; bulk of tales , $0.10(00.75. ( Bbtop-llrcelpti , 3,600 ; weak to lOc lower ; yvarllngs , $ & 03 < tpl.OO ; Wfthsrs , $3.40(28.83 ( ; MVC * . ! .CO < ua.40 ; common and stockers , $ l.7SQa.tX > ; lambs , $3.&OflC.75. St. Joseph Live Stock. Bt. Joseph , Aug. 14.-Cattle Receipt * , 2.- B12 ; dull , but steady ; natives , $4.80 < U .H5 ; cows and hclftrs , $1.5041000 ; veaU , $100 86.25 ; bulls and stags , $2.5030.00 ; stockora tat feeders , $30Q&373. Hogs Receipts , 5,582 ; steady to lOc lower ; light and light mixed , $0.50fi0.82H ; medium and heavy , $0.70. 7.00 ; plgg , $3.7530.70 ; bulk of sales , $0.70(30.00. ( Folev's Kidney Cure Will cure IlrlKht'H dlsonso. Will cure Dlnbetoa. Will cure Htono hi the bladder , Will euro kidney nnd bladder diseases. Sold by Kiesau Drug Go. Quick Relief for Asthma Sufferers. Foloy'rt Ilotioy nnd Tnr nirords 1m- inodinto relief to ( is t hum sufferers in the worst fitiigos and if tnkon in time will effect n euro. Sold by Keisnu Drug Co. A'World Wide Reputation. Olmmborlnln's Gollo.Gholern nud Dlar- rhocn Remedy hns n world wide ropntn- tion for its cures. It never fails nnd is pleasant and nnfo to take. For snle by kiesau Drug Go A Good Thing. Gorman Syrup is the special proscrip tion of Dr. A. Boschoo , a celebrated Gorman physician , nud is nokuowlodgod to bo one of the moat fortunate discov eries in medicine. It quickly cures coughs , colds nud nil lung troubles of the severest nature , removing , ns it does , the cause of the offootiou nnd leav ing the parts in n strong nnd henlthy condition. It is not an experimental medicine , but has stood the test for years , glviJg satisfaction in every case , which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles sold annually. Bosohoe's Gorman Syrup was introduced in the United States in 18 ( > 3 , nnd is now sold in every town nnd village in the civilized world. Throe doses will relieve nny ordinary cough. Price 75 cents. Get Green's spociul almanac. A. H. Kiosan. Income doesn't make prosperity if the espouses are greater. Did you over figure out what sickness costs yon per yenr ; doctor's bills , medicno ! bills , etc. , etc. , to say nothing of the suffering. Rheuma tism strikes like n knife in the backif ] let alone ; with Perry Davis' Painkiller , the terrors of this disease nro headed off. Painkiller relieves mnsculnr cramps , lumbago , neuralgia and sciatica. 25 and 50 cant bottles. "I had diabetes in its worst form , . " writes : Marion Leo of Unnreath , Ind. "I tried eight physicians without relief. Only three bottles of Foloy's Kidney Cure made me a well man. " Sold by Kiesau Drug Co. Road Notice. To all Whom it May Concern : The commissioners appointed to view and locate a road , commencing nt the south west corner of section thirty-three (3U ( ) township twenty-one (21) ) range two (2) ( west of the ( Uh P. M. , nnd running thence east ono milo nud terminating at the southeast corner of said section thirty-three (33) ( ) township twenty-one (31) ( ) range two (2) ( ) west Oth P.M. , has reported in favor of the establishment thereof and all objections thereto , or claims for damages , must be filed in the comity clerk's olllce on or before noon of 'the 20th day of September A. D. , 1002 , or snali road will bo established without reference thereto. Dated nt Madison , Nebraska , this 18th day of Julyr 1902. EMIL WINTER , County Clerk. A Young Lady's Life Saved. At Panama , Colombia , by Chamber- lian's Colic , Oholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy. Dr. Ohas. H. Utter , a prominent phy sician , of Panama , Colombia , in n recent letter states : " Last March I had ns n patient a young lady sixteen years of age , who had a very bad attack of dysentery. Everything I prescribed for her proved ineffectual and she was growing worse every hour. Her parents were sure she would dio. She had become so w ak that she could not turn over in bed. What to do at this critical monent was a study for mo , bnt I thought of Cham berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy nnd ns nlnst resort prescribed it. The most wonderful result wns effected. Within eight hours she was feeling much better ; inside of three days she was upon her foot and nt the end of n week was entirely well. " Fore sale by Kiosaa Drng Go. The best physic Chamberlain's Stomach ach nnd Liver Tablets. Easy to take. Pleasant in effect. For sale by Kiosau Drug Co. Save the Children. Statistics will prove that a large per centage of deaths among children may be traced to complications arising from the early souring of milk by bacteria. Oholera infantum Is the most fatal dis ease of infancy , and common , especially with bottle fed infants. Perry Davis * Painkiller in the emergency is the best remedy and saves many a child's life while the doctor is coming. 25 nnd 50 cent bottles. All Were Saved. "For years Isuffered such untold misery from bronchitis , " writes J. II. Johnston , of Bronghton , Ga. , " that often I was unable to work. Then when overvthlnn else failed , I was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. My wife suffered intensely from Asthma , till it cured her , and all our experience goes to show it is the host croup medi cine In the world. " A trial will con vince you it's unrivaled for throat and and lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 60o nnd $1.00. Trial bottles free at Kiesau Drng Co. To My Friends. It is with joy 1 tell yon what Kodol did for me. I wns troubled with my stomach ach for several mouths. Upon being advised to use Kodol , I did so , nnd words cannot tell the good it has done mo. A neighbor had dyspepsia so that he had tried most everything. I told him to use Kodol. Words of gratitude have come to mo from him because I recommended it Geo. W. Fry , Viola , Iowa. Health and stronth , of mind and body , depend on the stomach , and normal activity of the digestive organsKodol , the great re constructive tonio , cures all stomach and bowel troubles , indigestion , dyspep sia. Kodol digests any good food yon eat. Take n dose after meals. Kiesau Drug Co. A Physician Healed. Dr. Goo. Ewlng , a practicing physi cian of Smith's Grove , Ky. , for over thirty years , writes Ills personal experi ence with Foley'a Kidney Cure : ' "For years I had been greatly bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and en- Will sour the sweetest disposition and AN OLD transform the most even tempered , lov- nble nature into n cross-grained and irritable individual. If impatience or fault-finding are SORE ever excusable it is when the body is tortured by an eating and painful sore. It is truly discouraging to find after . . . . . --previous constitutional or organic trouble , and that the dregs of these diseases remain in the system ; or , it may be that some long hidden poison perhaps Cancer lias come to the surface'and begun its destructive work. . 4 The blood must be purified before the sore will fill up with healthy flesh and the skin regains its natural color. It is through the circulation that the acrid , corroding fluids are carried to the sore or ulcer and keep it irritated and inflamed. S. S. S. will purify and invigorate the stagnant blood when all sediment or - - , , other hurtful materials are washed out , fresh rich bloqd is carried to the diseased parts , new tissues form , and the decaying flesh begins to have a healthy and natural look ; the discharge ceases and the sore heals. \ Several S. S. S. is the only blood purifier years ago , ray wlfo had a BO * voro aero loir and was treated by the that is guaranteed entirely vege belt physicians but received no bonoflt. table. It builds up the blood and Our druggist advised her to try S. 8. S. , tones the general up system as no which she did. Fourteen bottles cured bar and nho has boon well ever since. other medicine does. If you have J. B. MABOLD , 82 Oanal St. , a sore o any kind , write us and get T Oohoes , N. TT. the advice of experienced and skilled physicians for which no charge is made. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases free. THE .SWIFT .SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Ga. Inrgod prostrate gland. I used every thing known to the profession without relief , until I commenced to use Foloy's Kidney Core. After taking three bottles tles I was entirely relieved and cured- I prescribe it now daily in my practice and heartily recommend its use to all physicians for such troubles. I have prescribed it In hundreds of cases with perfect success. " Sold by Kiesau Drug Go. Consumption Threatened. "I was troubled with a hacking cough for a year and I thought I had consump tion , " says 0. Uugor , 211 Maple street , Champaign , 111. "I tried a great many remedies and I was under the care of physicians for several months. I used one bottle of Poloy's Honey and Tor. It cared me and I have not been troubled since. " Sold by Kiesau Drug Co. Foley's Kidney Uuro will cure all diseases arising from disordered kidneys or bladder. Sold by Kiesau Drug Co. A Cure for Cholera Infantum. "Last May , " says Mrs. Curtis Baker , of Bookwater , Ohio , "an infant child of our neighbor's was suffering from cholera infantum. The doctor had given up all hope of recovery. I took a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to the house , telling them that I felt sure it would do good if used ao- cordin gto directions. In two days' time the child had fully recovered , and is now ( nearly a year since ) a vigorous , healthy girl. I have recommended this remedy frequently and have never known it to fail in any single instance. " For sale by Kiesau Drug Co. Many persons in this community are suiYering from kidney complaint who could avoid fatal results by using Foley's Kidney Cure. Sold by Kiesau Drug Co , It adds pleasure to the life beautiful. Doubles up one's allowance of bliss. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea does. 85 cents. A. H. Kiesau. Good Advice. The most miserable beings in the world are those suffering from dyspepsia and liver complaint. More than seventy- five per cent of the people in the United States are afllicted with these two dis- e'ases and their effects : such as sour stomach , sick headache , habitual cos- tiveness , palpitation of the heart , heart burn , water-brash , gnawing and burn ing pains at the pit of the stomach , yellow skin , coated tongue and disagree able taste in the month , coming up of food after eating , low spirits , etc. Go to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve yon. Try it. Get Green's special almanac. , , A. H. Kiohau. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions , which adhere to the membrane and decom pose , causing afar more serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry. ing inhalants , fumes , smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanses , soothes and heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy and will euro catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the 60c. size. Ely Brothers , CC Warren St. , N.Y. The Balm cures without pain , does not irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface , reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Balm you are armed against Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. It Needs A Tonic. There are times when your liver needs a tonic. Don't give purgatives that gripe and weaken. DeWitt's Little Early Risers expel all poison from the system and act as tonio to the liver. W. Scott , 531 Highland ave. , Milton , Fa. , says : "I have carried Dowitt's Little Early Risers with me for several years and would not be without them. " Small and easy to take. Purely vegetable. They never gripe or distress. Kiesan Drug Co. Look Pleasent , Please. Photographer O. 0. Harlan , of Eaton , O. , can do so now , though for years ho couldn't , because ho suffered untold agony from the worst form of indiges tion. All physicians and medicines failed to help him till he tried Electric Bitters which worked such wonders for him hat ho declares they are a godsend to ufferers from dyspepsia and stomach sronbles. Unrivaled for diseases of the tstomach , liver and kidneys , they build up and give new life to the whole system. Try them. Only 50o. Guaranteed by The Keisau Drug. Co. Just Look At Her. Whence came that sprightly step , faultless skin , rich , rosy complexion , smiling face. She looks good , feels good. Hero's her seoret. She uses Dr. King's New Life Pills. Result-all organs active , digestion good , no head * aches , no chance for "blues. " Try them yourself. Only 25o at the -KteBan Drug Co. Genuine Rooky Monntain Tea made by the Madison Medicine Co. , is made of rare and costly herbs not found in any other preparation , therefore get the kind yon read about. 115 cents. A. H. Kiesau. A Necessary Precaution , Don't nogloot a cold. It is worse than unpleasant. It is dangerous. By using Quo Miuuto Cough Onre yon can cure it at once. Allays inflammation , clears the head , soothes and strengthens the mncons membrane. Cures coughs , croup , throat and lung troubles. Abso lutely safe. Acts immediately. Child ren like it. The Kiesau Drug Co. Shatters All Records. Twice in hospital , P. A. Gnlledgo , Ver bena , Ala. , paid < a vast sum to doctors to cure a severe case of piles , causing 24 tumors. When all foiled , Bncklon's Ar nica Salve soon cured him. Subdues Inflammation , conquers aches , kills paius. Best salve in the world. 25o at Ktesau Drug Co. His Sight Threatened. "While picnicking last month my 11- y ear-old , boy was poisoned by some weed or plant , " says W. H. Dibble , of Sioux City , la. "He rubbed the poison off his hands into his eyes and for a while we were afraid he would lose his sight. Finally a neighbor recommended De- Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. The first ap plication helped him and in a few days he was as well as ever. " For skin dis eases , cuts , burns , scalds , wounds , in sect bites , DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a sure cure. Relieves piles at once. Be ware of counterfeits. Kiesau Drug Co. The average age of men and women has been increased 33 per cent during the last decade. People have been tak ing Rocky Mountain Tea. A life pre server. A. H. Kiesnu. Foley's Kidney Cure is a medicine free from poisons and will cure any case of kidney disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. Sold by Kiesau Drug Co. Henry L. Shattuck of Shellsburg , la. , was cured of stomach trouble with which he had been afllicted for years , by four boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. He had previously tried many other remedies and a number of physicians without relief. For sale by Kiesau Drug Co. Nasal GATARRH In all Its stages there should be cleanliness. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses , soothes and henls the ditea-cd membrane. H cnreb catarrh and drh ea an ay a cold In the hiad quickly. Cream Dalin Is placed Into the nostrils , spreads flvor the membrane and Is absorbed. Relief Is Im mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying does not produce sneezing. Large Size , SO cents at Drug gists or by mall ; Trial Size , 10 cents by mall. ELY DHOTUEKS. BO Warren Street , New Y rk. DON'T BE FOOLED ! Take the genuine , original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Mode only by Mndlson Medi cine Co. , Madlton , WIs. It keeps you well. Our trad * mark cut on each package. Price , 35 cents. Never sold tn bulk. Accept no subatl tute Ask .vour drugg-tat * REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man v of Me. produces the above results tn 30 days. It aetl powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others toll VounKaen will regain their lost manhood , and old mon will recover their yontMul vigor by using IlEVIVO. It < Mckly and surely restores Hervo us- ness , Lost Vitality , Impotencr. Nightly Emission * . Lost Tower , Falling Memory , Wutlmr Diseases , and all effects ot self-abuoo or excecsand Indiscretion , which unfits ona ( or study , business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat ot disease , but La a great nerve tonio and blood builder , bring. Ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks nd re- ttorlig the flro of youth. It wards off Insult } and Consumption. Insist on having KEVIVO , no other. It can be carried In vest pocket. Dy malt , 81.00 perpackage. or elx ( or 85.OO , with posi tive written enaranteo to core or rotond the money , nook and advise free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE COV For sale in Norfolk , Nebraska , by Geo. B. Ohristoph. druggist. _ KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. BIDNEK CJBE ] "M " Suarantiid Riiidjf or money refunded. Contain ! remedies recognised by emi nent physicians as the Best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE SOc. and $1.00. SOLD BY A. H. KIESAU