NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY. AUGUST 8.1902. The September Fair is Favor ably Considered. WOODMEN ARE ENTHUSIASTIC At n Mooting of Camp Last Evonlng It Was.Docldcd to Hold District Picnic. The Soliciting Committee Has Good Success In Securing Subscriptions. From BntnnUy' * Unlly : The committee on flnanco , consisting of M. O. Walker , W. B. Vnll ruid 0. K. Hartford , Interviewed business mou you- tordixy in regard to raising money for tlio purpose of giving n Mr and Woodmen's district plonlo in September. Much encouragement was rooolvod at the hands of those BOOH and by evening $101,00 ] hud boun subscribed. It IB figured that it will bo necessary to raise $500.00 by popular subscription to give n three days' fair that will bo a credit to the olty , besides the money that will bo collected for concessions. At the spoolal mooting of Norfolk ciimp No.103 , Modern Woodmen of America , hold lust evening , it WOH de cided to accept the invitation of the business mou to hold the dlfltrlot plonio of the frntoniity hero , provlUod the re quired amount of fuudH can bo ralsod. There aromany Woodmen In this section of thoHtato and It is figured that a district plonio with good attractions would in duce n largo crowd of people to como and stay through the throe days. It was deoidod as BOOH as , the event becomes - comes assured to extend an luvittatlon to 0. W. Hawos , bond consul of the order , to bo present. Ho Is said to bo a fluoiit speaker and many members of tlio order would came for the solo purpose of making his acquaintance. It is expected that ono day of the fair would bo ospoolally given up to the "Woodmen , who would have a parade and have charge of the whole program for that day. A plot of shaded ground would bo provided whore those who do eire to camp out could pitch their touts. The attractions of the other dayH would bo ball games , horse and blovolo races , and kiudorod events. The soliciting couimittoo will do no more until n inootlug of the Commercial olub Is hold , which will bo some time early next week , when It will bo finally determined whether the fair shall bo undertaken. Earthquakes In Nebraska. A tract of country about 200 miles square , ly ing iu central aud northeastern Nebraska , western Iowa aud southeast ern South Dakota , was shaken by what Omaha calls "a " severe earthquake" a little after noon on Monday. The in habitants of about 150 small towns mostly contiguous to the Missouri river felt the shock , but no loss of life or property orty is reported. Although this is prououucod in the dispatches the first real earthquake over felt in the state of Nebraska , it is by no menus the first earthquake in the Mis souri valley. In 18G7 a slesmio tremor was felt for many miles along both sides of the river , and caused something akin to a momentary panic in Atohisou * Kan. tit. Joseph , Mo. , and Council Bluffs , la In those days the work of building the Union Pacific railroad w s under way from Omaha westward , George Francis Train and the Credit Mobilior were in the blush and bloom of youth Oolonol Edward Rose waiter was just beginning ginning to make borings along the river bank to determine whether or not the earth was firm enough to support him and altogether Omaha was so busy get ting ready to become the gateway to the Golden Orient that if this earthquake crossed the river from the "Bluffs" it was taken for a rock blast out toward Kearney - noy , and no attention was paid to it. Since then there has been several shocks in Nebraska , but they have boor of a financial , industrial , political aud journalistic character. The disturbances at times wore severe enough to bo felon on Pennsylvania avenue , Washington and Wall street , New York. The golden spike was driven in thi last rail of the highway which was t < reach from Omaha to the Golden Orion and the gateway stood ajar and iu readiness to receive the treasures which were expected to flow through it , bu they did not flow not until most o those who had bought Omaha real estate tate at boom prices hod passed to a better and happier world. It cannot be said that Nebraska has suffered any permanent loss from such shocks. As a territory and as a state , it had to shako now and then so as to settle down to a safe level. Lost Mon day's tremor was nothing , in fact , to that which psssed over the populistio belt between 1803 and 1800 , for it wrecked no enterprises , it paralyzed no industries , it blighted no crops , it fore closed no mortgages. la short , it im poverished nobody. It was not a circumstance to the dis turbance that throw up William Jen- . nlngs Bryan and it Is not to be mentioned in the same breath with the one that shook him off the earth again. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Letter List. List of letters remaining uncalled for at the postofilco August 5 , 1003. Lowrey Armstrong , T. 13. Daniels , Ed , Daulcl/i / , Mr , Henry Katon , Miss Olara Hansam , Mr , Jonof , ) ares , Mr. Knml Klubor , Mr. 0 , Land , Mrs. Harry Mao Loughlln , JamoR MoOloud , Mr. Herman Nelson , J , G , Nicholas , K , O. Nooly , Mis * Eva Plorcou. If not called for in 1C days will bo sent to the dead letter olllco , Parties calling for any of the above please say advertised. JOHN ft , HAYS. P. M. HIQH SCHOOL STRUCK , Lightning Damages Roof and Chim ney of Building. The fltorm of last night , taking place sometime before midnight , was distin guished by several of the most terrific thunderclaps that have boon experienced In thin season of strenuous weather. One of the most severe ( mocks was pro duced by n bolt of lightning that took oiToot on the east chimney of the high school building and it is possible that a portion of the charge entered the roof. The heavy stouo'copiug on the west side of the chimney woa hurled from its position by the force of the shock , bumped down over the roof and lauded on the plank sidewalk loading to the east ontraoo aud boring a hole through the plank as though the platform had boon ot pasteboard. The ploco of stouo which is about six foot long aud about six by eight inches in other dlraousou- sioim aud must weigh close to COO pounds , was not even damaged by its rough descent , but the metal ridge was torn off for some distance and the slate shingles were jarred loose and broken win rover it lauded. The" brickwork below - low the top of the chimney is somewhat damaged and there is a split from the top to the roof. A portion of the plaster ing is off In two of the rooms , but whether this was occasioned by the fall of the coping or a portion of the bolt entered the building aud accomplished the damage is not clearly shown. There are no buruod places inside tholbulldlng and it is therefore supposed that the bolt Id not [ pouotrato the roof , The dam- go to the building is not largo aud can o repaired at a cost of perhaps less than 300. Directly below the chimney that was struck , and on the highest point of ho roof flutters the remnant of the ophonioro flag that was placed there during the contest at the oloso of the lohool year with the assertion that it would remain there until the elements oiuoved it. Some of the Juniors are uoliuod to bollovod that the elements \ro on their side and that a strenuous ( Tort was made last night to remove the jnmll remnant of the despised emblem. The building Is Insured for $10,000 and t Is presumed that the insurance com pauy will stand the cost of repairing it. Even a Stoic Groans under the torment of neuralgia , when every nerve in face or limb throbs and jumps. Philosophy cannot ouduro this iigouy but Perry Davis1 Painkiller re 'loves it. Bathe the affected parts freely , keep them warm aud do not expose yourself to cold and dampness. Medical science marches right along , but it has : iot found the equal of Painkiller In the roatmout of neuralgia. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets euro a cold in ouo day. No cure , no pay Prlco 25 cents. Rex Stock Food pleases everyone. Low Round Trip Rates via Union Pa cific , from Missouri River. 115.00 to Denver , Colorado Springs and Pueblo , Colorado , August 1 to 14 , 23 o 34 , and SO to 81 , inclusive. $10.00 to Douver.1 Colorado Springs aud Pueblo , Colorado , July 14 to SI , In clusive , August 13 to 23 aud 20 , inclusive. 135.00 to Salt Lake City and Ogdeu , Utah , August 1 to 14 , inclusive. 135.00 to Glonwood Springs , Colorado , August 1 to 14 , 23 to 34 and 30 to 31 in clusive. $30.00 to Salt Lake City and Ogden , Utah , August 23 to 24 , aud 30 to 31 , in clusive. $31.00 to Glenwood Springs , Colorado July 14 to 31 , inclusive , August 15 to 33 and 15 to 20 , inclusive. $33.00 to Salt Lake City and Ogden , Utah , July 14 to 31 , Inclusive , August 15 to 23 and 25 to 29 , inclusive. * $45.00 to San Francisco , Los Angeles , California , July 20 and August 2 to 10 , inclusive. Full information cheerfully furnished on application to J. B. Elseffer , agent. Northern WUcounlu lUllwny Farm Laud For Sale. The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway has for solo in Northern - orn Wisconsin , at low prices and easy terms of payment , about 350,000 acres of choice farm lands. Early buyers will secure the advau tago of locations on the many beautiful streams and lakes , which abound with fish and furnish a never ending and most excellent water supply , both for family use aud for stock. Land is generally well timbered , the soil fertile and easy of cultivation and this is rapidly developing into one of the greatest sheep and cattle raising regions in the northwest. Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minn- eapolls , Duluth , Superior , Ashland and other towns on "Tho Northwestern Line" furnish good markets for stock aud farm produce , For further particulars address : GKO. W. BELL , Laud Commissioner , Hudson Wis. , 01 G. H. MACRAE , Asst. Gen'lPas3.Ag'tSt. , Paul , Minn , Norfolk Will Entertain News paper Men August 16. WOODMEN PICNIC PROBABLE. If Sufficient Funds Can bo Ralsod to Assure Good Attractions the Wood men District Picnic Will bo Hold Hero During September * . Prom Wednnmlar' * Dull/ Two distinct propositions were con sldorod by the Commercial club at its mooting last ] evening. Arrangements were made to entertain the editors when they visited this city on August 10 , aud it was decided to hold the Woodmen's picnic and fair during the latter part of September provided sufficient funds can bo raised to Insure a success. The mooting was called to order by President Luikart and W. N. Huso acted as secretary pro torn. The first matter up for discussion was the visit of the editors. The Nebraska Press assooia tion will go on excursion * to the Black Hills , leaving Lincoln on the morning of Saturday , August 10 , and arriving in Norfolk at noon. After considerable discussion of the matter , it was de cided to entertain the excursionists at both dinner and supper , give them a carriage ride about the city , take them to the sugar factory , with the manage ment of which arrangements have boon made to explain the process of making sugar from boots. Leaving there the plan is to give them a short drive up the magnificent Norfolk valley aud If there bo time to return by the way of the Nor folk hospital for insane , that ouco ele gant structure that was abandoned by Governor Savage. It was concluded that the editors would be Interested iu knowing what a power for evil the gov ernor really is , and if the time can bo so arranged they will bo given an oppor tnuity to see the result of his consum mate skill as a wrecker. Motion prevailed that the executive couimittoo of the Commercial club , act lug In conjunction with W. N. Huso , bo authorized to rnako arrangements and appropriate snllloieut funds from the treasury of the olub to entertain the visiting newspaper people along the lines mentioned , subject to such changes as the committee and Mr. Huse may doom advisable. A portion of the money necessary for this expense has already boon subscribed , so that tbo full amount will not como out of the Commercial club treasury. The Woodmen picnic was then taken up for consideration. M. 0. Walker , on behalf of the Woodmen camp , reported that the camp had decided to hold a dis triot picnic here if sufficient funds can bo raised to give a good entertainment to visitors. The camp at its meeting last week appointed as a committee to confer with the Commercial club , M. 0. Walker , 0. E. Hartford , L. M. Booler , L. L. Rembo aud W. B. Vail. Objection was made to the plan of only having ouo day of Woodmen picnic and two days of racing , as it was argued that this would mean only ouo big day , whereas if the Woodmen would dlS' tribute their program through three days all would offer attractions that would induce people to como early and remain until the finish. The commit tee from the Woodmen lodge [ agreed to this point , and if the picnic is held i will be along those lines. A member of the committee waa in strncted to communicated at once witl : O. W. Haws , head consul of the order , and see if he can give one day to the picnic. Thou there was talk that other men prominent in the order might be invited to address the picnic on the other two days , or perhaps an invitation will bo extended to Hon. J. H. Mickey and Hon. W. H. Thompson , republican aud democratic candidates for governor each to moke an address on ouo of the forenoons. As laid out lost evening if the ploni is held , the forenoons of the three dayi will bo given to the Woodmen and th afternoons will bo occupied with bars racing , base ball , bicycle races and streo games and amusements. It was though that ] rest booths and other conven iouces should bo provided , similar those hero on the Fourth of July. After hearing the report of the Wood men committee and the outline of th plan , it was decided to place the matte1 In the bauds of the executive commltte of tbo Commercial club to act in con junction with the Woodmen couimitto in making general arrangements , solicit funds to meet expenses , appoint sub committees , etc. While it was thought best to hold the entertainment during the latter part of September , the date was left to be fixed by the committees. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the partnership - norship heretofore existing between E. A. Bullock and H. H. Patterson is here by dissolved by mutual consent , Dated July 23 , 1902. E. A. BULLOCK. H. H. PATTKRSOK. A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special persorip- tion of Dr. A. Boschee , a celebrated German physician , and is acknowledged to bo one of the most fortunate discov eries in medicine. It quickly cures coughs , colds and all lung troubles of the severest nature , removing aa it does , . the cause of tbe affection aud leaving the parts in a strong and healthy con dition. It is not an experimental med icine , but has stood the test , of years , giving satisfaction In ovury caao , which its rapidly Increasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottlcH Bold annually. Bosohoo's Gorman Syrup was introduced iu the United States in 18 < W , and is now sold iu every town and village in the civilized world. Three doses will rollovo any ordinary cough. Price 75 cents. Got Green's special almanac , Asa. K. Leonard. TAKE AN EASY ON E. Norfolk Brownies Win From Wayne With a Score oflO to I. Wayne , Aug. 0. Spoolal : The now salaried team at this place got into alto gether too fast company when they wont up against the Norfolk Brownies yester day afternoon. The Wllkins' bunch pouudod out ulnotoon nifty runs and could have had as many more , while the locals wore lucky to got the ono score with which Galaska generously pre sented them , The Sugar City crowd played fast , snappy ball iu the field and landed at will upon the leather , When tired of scoring , they would amble along be tween basosjin an effort to bo tagged. Galaska's fielding of his position was noteworthy. Off the Bat. Oroighton beat Coleridge at Coleridge yesterday afternoon by a score of 23 to 0 , Morrison , Mann , Collins , Diamond and Woltzer were all tried in the box for Ooleridga. Wbon there Is no base ball game Nor folk puts on her usual summer quiet and there is little doing. If that lodge picnic scheme Is a go , however , that usual quiet will receive a rude shock from which it is not likely to recover for several days. Baseball Scores Yesterday. National League Boston , 5 ; St Louis , 4. Philadelphia , 1 ; Chicago 11. Plttsburg , 3 ; Now York , 0. Brook lyn , 4 ; Cincinnati , 6. American League St. Louis , 8 Baltimore , 7. Detroit , 5 ; Boston , 2 Chicago , 3 ; Philadelphia , 4. Cleveland land , 7 ; Washington , 6. American Association Mlnneapo Us , 4 ; Toledo , 3. Milwaukee , 2 ; Louis- vlllo , 12. Kansas City , C ; Indlanapo Us , 2. St. Paul , 9 ; Columbus , 2. Western League Dos Molncs , 1 Omaha , 5. St. Joseph , 3 ; Milwaukee , 0 Impure Drinking Water is always a source of danger ; dysentery aud bowel troubles follow its use , every person should have handy a bottle of Painkiller ( Perry Davis' ) , which will quickly cure these distressing ailments. Be careful aud see that the storekeeper does not pawn off some worthless sub stitute upon yon as is sometimes done Largo bottles 25 and 50 cents. Cheap Excursions Via Illinois Centra Railroad from Omaha. St. Paul , Minn $ 9 CO Minneapolis , Minn 9 60 Lake Mlnuetouka 10 25 Madison Lake 7 CO Watervillo , Minn. ( Lake Tetonka ) 7 GO Woseca , Minn 7 GO Dnluth , Minn 13 CO Wluuepeg , Manitoba 32 10 Clear Lake , la 8 00 Spirit Lake , la 8 00 Dates of sale for above , August 1 to 15 , inclusive , September 1 to 10 Inclusive. Return October 31. On other days , rate will bo ono fare , plus $2.00. Waupaca , Wis $20 95 Milwaukee , Wis 18 75 Osbkosh , Wis 19 75 > ort Huron , Mich 23 05 Buffalo , N. Y 41 50 Dates of sale for above , August 1 to September 30. Return October 1. Dnbnque , la $10 10 Dates of sale for above , August 3 to inclusive. Rates named above , are for round rip tiokots. Also circuit tours via Dnlnth or Chi- iago and steamer via the Great lakes. Special excursion rates to many points n Minnesota , Wisconsin , North Dakota ml eastern points. Write us where you are going and wo tvill be glad to Jgivo full information. iet us make your sleeping car or steamer reservations in advance. Call at Illinois Central city ticket of- fie , No. 1403 Faruam street , or address W. H. BRILL , Dist. Pass. Agt. , 111. Cent. R. R. , Omaha , Neb. Special Excursions East. During June , July , August and Sep : ember the Union Pacific will sell tickets from Oozad , Nebraska , Penokie and Wakeeuey , Kansas , and points east thereof to all points in Iowa , Minnesota and Wisconsin at greatly reduced rates. Information regarding rates and dates of sale will be oheorfnly furnished on application to J. B. Elsoffer , agent. Real Estate Agents A Word to Yon Do you want to know where tbo next great land boom will bo , and where you can make plenty of money ? If so , write the undersigned for a circular telling "All about It. " J. F. Merry assistant general passenger agent Ill inois Central railroad , Dubuvue , la. H. A. Pasewalk exclusive seller Rex goods. Summer Complaint. Is not always brought about by change of air and water. The "stay-at-homes" are just are susceptible to diarrhoea ; duo , generally , to over eating , as un ripe fruits , etc , ; and drinking ice water ; all accompanied by painful bowel discharges ; and , if not checked , result seriously. Perry Davis' Pain killer is the only purely reliable remedy. 25 aud CO cents. Norfolk High School Opened to Pupils of County. MAY ATTEND , TUITION FREE. State Superintendent Fowler States That School Is Properly Equipped Under New Law and Board Votes That it bo Opened. From Tuosdnjr'g Dally , The regular meeting of the board of education waa hold last evening , with Salter , Dean , Bear and Matrau present. The meeting was called to order by President Salter. Treasurer's report for the month of July showed balance cash in general fund of $3,079.83 , with unpaid outstand ing warrants amounting to $3,334.77. The committee on supplies waa in structed to got proposals for stationery and supplies and given authority to purchase such supplies as may bo needed by the time for opening of schools. The committee on grounds and build ings wait instructed to have such uooos sary repairs made to buildings , walks and grounds as may be needed. Com munication was received from W. W. Roberts , insurance agent , makiutr offer to write insurance on Washington building in place of policy expinng on August 10 , and on motion the secretary was instructed to have him write $3,000 insurance on that building. The following bills were read and ordered paid. Klesau Drug company , supplies , $18.45. Norfolk Electric Light and Power company , electric lights , $13.25. Albert Dogner , repairs , $5.11. W. J. White , oil , 15 cents. Carl Wilde , salary as treasurer , $25. Carl Wilde , postage , 75 cents. Central School Supply company , sup plies , $49. S. G. Dean , wall paper for house , $2.34. A communication was read from Hon. ' W. K. Fowler , state superintend ent , officially recognizing Norfolk high school as being properly equipped to bo opened to the attendance of any person of school age residing outside the dis trict and resident of the adjunct dis trict of Madison county , and on motion it was ordered that the Norfolk high school bo opened for the attendance of pupils from Madison county as provided by the school law of 1901. The first Monday in September being Labor day and a legal holiday , it was ordered that our schools open for the fall term on Tuesday , September 2,1902. The board then adjourned. Rex Poultry Food matures the fowl aud is an egg producer. Off the Bat. Randolph beat Oreighton yesterday 0 to 4. Creighton imported Welch from Omaha to pitch. From the } umpire 'thoro is no appeal , and when Dad Turner said the man could run , the man could run whether he could or not. Wllklns and his pleasure party left at noon today for a two [ game series at Wayne. On Thursday and Friday they will be .at Wausa and will return for games here Saturday and Sunday against Wausa. A set of uniforms costing $70 has been ordered and will be here within the next two weeks. Cheaper material could have been bought , but Norfolk was con sidered worthy of something good , and better stuff will last longer. They will bo dork brown and have "Norfolk Brownies" printed across the front. They will be left here at the end of the leason. Rex Conditioner expels worms from all stock. Notice of Dissolution of Copartner ship. Notice Is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore existing between John Humphrey and Davenport Bros under the name and style of Norfolk Tailoring Co. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business heretofore concuoted by said copartnership will hereafter be con ducted by John Humphrey. All credits due said firm will bo collected by John Humphrey and all debts of said firm will bo paldiby him. Dated this 14th day of July , 1902. DAVENPORT BROS. J. W , HUMPHREY. Signed in the presence of M. D. Tyler , Good Advice. The most miserable beings In the world are those suffering from dyspepsia and liver complaint. More than seventy- five per cent of the people In the United States are afflicted with these two dis eases and their effects : such as sour stomach , sick headache , habitual costiveness - tiveness , palpitation of tbe heart , heart burn , water-brash , gnawing and burn ing pains at the pit of the stomach , yellow skin , coated tongue and dis agreeable taste in the mouth , coming up of food after eating , low spirits , oto. Go to your druggist and get a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve you. Try it. Get Green's special almanac. Asa. K. Leonard. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tbe money if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 35o. She Has Cured Thousands Given up to Dio. DR. CALDWELL OF CHICAGO Practicing Aleopafchy , Home opathy , Electric and Gen eral Medicine. Will , by reqnoit , vlilt profssslonallj NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , PACIFIC HOTEL , FRIDAY , AUG. 15 , ONE DAY ONLY. returning ovary four week * . Consult bar | whllo tba opportunity la at baud. DB. CALDWELL limits bor pmct'ca to tlio ipeoial treatment of diseases of tbe eye , oar , nose , throat. laugB , femalu diseases , dUeatoa of chililrou and all chronic. nonoin and surgical dlsonaes of a curable uaturo Early consump tion , bronchitis , bronrbtal catarrh , cbroulo catarrh , boadaobe , conitipatlou , stomach and bowel troubles , rheumatism , neuralgia , sci atica , Rrialit'8 diseasekidney diseasesdleoaeea of tbo liver and bladder , dizziness , uortousneas , iudigoitlon , obesity. Interrupted rntrition , slow growth iu cbildron , and nil wartlng diseases - oases in adults , doformitioi. club-foot , cnrva- tare of tbe tpino , diioasos of tbo brain , paralysis - sis , heartllaoaeo , dropsy , swelling of tbe limba , atrlotnre , open sores , pain in tbo bones , granu lar enlargements and all long-standing dis eases properly treated. Ulood and Skin Diseases , Pimples , blotches , eruptions , liver spots , fall ing of tba hair , bad complexion , eczema , tbroat ulcare , bono paine , bladder troubles , uoak back , burning nrino , parsing nrine too often. Tbe effects of constitntional sicknota or tbo taking of too much injurious medicine receives searching tieatmeut , prompt relief and a care for life. Diseases of women , irregular menstruation , falling of the womb , bearing down pains , female replacements , lack of seznal tone. Leucorrbea. sterility or barrenness , couanlt Dr. Caldwell and she will show tbem tbe causa of their trouble and tbo way to become cared , Cancers , Goiter , Fistula , Piles and enlarged glands treated with tbo subcu taneous injection method , absolutely without pain and without tbe loss of a drop of blood , is one of her own discoveries and is really tbo most scientific method of tbia advanced age , Dr. Caldwell has practiced bor profession in some of tbe largest hospitals throughout the country. She has no superior in tbe treating and diagnosing diseases , deformities , etc. She baa lately opened an ofllco inOmaha , Nebraska , whore she will apond a portion of each week treating her many patients. No incurable cases accepted for treatment. Consultation , examination and advice , one dollar to thoao in terested. DB. DBA CALDWELL & Co. Omaha , Neb , Chicago , 111 , Are You a Fisherman If so , before making any plans for your Summer fishing trip , you should write or call on us for information per- tuning to the Lakes of Minnesota. There are ten thousand lakes in the State of Minnesota , which are filled with Bass , Pickerel , Grapple , Muska- ongo , etc. Remarkably low round trip tickets with long limits , will bo on sale all summer , Information regarding fishing resorts , hotel rates , and round trip tickers will be cheerfully furnished by W. H. BRILL , Dist. Pass. Agent , 111. Cent. R. R. No. 1402 Faruam St. Omaha. A SWELL TRAIN , THE ELECTRIC LIGHTED LIMITED "SHORTLINE. " To Chicago , Milwaukee , Racine , Rockford , Lacrosse , Dnbnque , Elgin , Freeport , Madison , Janesville aud other important points East , North east and Southeast , via An Electric Light in Every Berth. The Milwaukee is the only Electric Lighted Train that runs in and out of Omaha. All cars are supplied with in. candescent lights. Palace Sleepers and the finest Dining Cars in the world are run on the 0. M. & St. P. Ry. Write and get full in- formation. F. A. NASH , General Western Agent , H. W. HOWELL , 1504 Faruam St. , Truv. Frt. & Pass. Agt. Omaha.