The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, August 08, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    O THE NOltFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , AUGUST 8 , 1902 ,
W. N , UUSK. Publlrhor.
Ritabllibeil , 1881 ,
Kv nr day axrept Bnui1ay. Ilr carrier per
VMk , 16 r nts. llj mail per year , 16.00 ,
Th N * iMtablltheil , ml.
Th Journal , eitatilltlieil 1817
Kvtry Friday , Hy mall per year , 11,10.
XoUred at tha Poitoniee at Norfolk , Neb. , ai
M oail elasi matter ,
pliooMI Kdltorlnl Department , No. |
oilnMi Ottle * anil Job Rooms. No. S2Z.
For Goternor
JonNlt. MlCKGt . Polk
For Llrutennnt Ooternor
K.l.iUliLTOM . Donglnii
For Kocretarj of Btnte
Q. A , MAKHII . Hlcunrdton
For Auditor
CHARM * WKHTOS . . " . . Blierldnu
ForBnperlntfmlentol Pnlillo Initrnctlon
For Attorney General
For Land Commlnlonrr
) . FOLLMER . Nncholls
Congressional ,
For ConRreummi , Third Dlitrlct
Senatorial Convention ,
Th republican electors rt the Klovcnthleu-
ntorlal illnrlct of Nebraikn nra ro'iucitml to
rntiil dolcantoi to n contention to bo linhl nt
Norfolk , Nebraska , on Tuoeilny , Boptombor 2.
1WC. nt I o'clock i ) . m. , for tlio pnrpoio of
uotnlnntlug a cnndlilnte for itnto senator from
ald dlitrlct , to tclcot a contrnl committed nnil
to tranmc * inch other builunts n * mny prop
erly como before tha convention. Tlio hiitls of
rcpreteutntlon ihnll bo ono ilolcitato for each
county nnd ono dolPKnto for onch 100 vet -n or
major ( rnctlou thereof cnot for \V , W. Young
for ttato ipnator In WO. The roveral comities
are entitled to rcprciontatlou as follows : Maill *
non , 18 ; I'lerco , U ; stnuton , 0 ; Wayuo , 15.
It 1 * recommended thnt county conventions
cm > i > ewer the deleKnlei In atto-Mlauco to cnit
tlio full vote of the county nt the tetmtorlnl
convention , anil thnt no proxies bo ndmlttod ,
1' . K. BruEriicu. A , F. KNOH ,
SocrMnry , thalrmnu ,
Republican County Convention.
To thoicpnbllcan elector * of Madison county ,
Nnbrnska :
Notice li hereby given that a republican dole-
if the republican elector * of
adlson county , Nobrnikn , will be hold at
lluttlo Creek , in taut county nnd state , on Salor-
daj , the ! Sd dny of AoKOit , IPO ! , at 1 o'clock In
tha 'aflernoon , for the purpota of plnolni In
nomination one candidate for the olllce of
conuty nttoruoT , one candidate for ropresootn-
tire to the itnto legislature nnd ouo cnudldate
for county commisilonor fr m the First com
missioner district , nnd for the transaction of
ncli other bnslneisas nn may propnrly come before -
fore the couTentton , The tovenil voting pre
cincts nro outltlod to the following reproeontn-
It li further1 rocommnmleil l > y tbo committee
tlmt the primnrlei for tlia loleotlon of the dolo-
frntci of Uio vnrloni preclude be hold not Utor
Umu Friday , ADputt 21 , 1 ( > 02.
WHuoee oar liniiilt tlilt 20tli ilny of Jnly ,
1P02. J. K , HIMI'SON ,
B. 11. McFABLAXi ) , ClinlrmftD.
Secretary ,
Hon. J. J. McCarthy , of Ponca , repnb-
icon nominee for congress from this dis
trict , was in onr city Wednesday looking
iuiu mo jiumiciu imurubis , lur , . .ui1-
Cftrthy is highly qualified and should ho
bo elected this fall , wo honestly believe
Lo will attend to his duties in a manner
satisfactory to ono and all. Ho is a pleas
ant geutlomnu to meet and we predict
that John S. will have to do n great
deal of training to win the third
hcut in the race for congressional honors
his fall. Pluinview ( Fusion ) News.
Outlaw Tracy of Washington proved
an adept at escaping the officers. He
evaded them in many ways hat his
latest escape has been by far the most
complete and sensational. He took his
body through many hairbreadth adven
tures and when he found it impossible
to escape with that iucambrance he left
it for the officers , but successfully
cheated them out of the life that was in
it. He treated himself to the same futo
that he had dealt out to other victims.
Ho should have considered what ho was
missing in the way of notoriety before
attempting such an end , bat that maybe
bo what he most desired to escape.
Had Mr. Mickey let his cornplows and
Takes and harrows stand out in the
weather and rust the year round ; had
ho let the pigs root np his front yard ;
had he permitted his fences nnd barns to
go to rack and ruin ; had he douo these
and other things and proved himself a
failure ns a farmer nnd been reduced tea
a renter instead of a farm owner with
banking on the side , It is probable the
calamity organs would now view him
with a good deal more admiration and
respect. They insist now that ho is not
n farmer and ho was never in sympathy
with farmers , though he owns some big
farn.8 , which ho.used to cultivate with
his hands. These same calamity
organs declare W. II. Thompson is a suc
cessful lawyer , and they gloat over the
fact. Will they not inform a waiting
people why it is a virtue to succeed as a
lawyer while it is a disgiace to be a suc
cessful farmer ? Fremont Tribune.
The sugar trust argues tlmt the boot
sugar business is so profitable that it
could stand a 60 per cent reduction of the
tariff without inconvenience. That is a
statement that could and should bo
supported by substantial evidence. If
the business is so profitable the refining
magimtes should lose no time in invest
ing > u beet sugar factories , and consider
ing that there is so much country capable
of supporting beet sugar factories they
spring into existence with a
rapidity that would bo
Western states and localities Hlncorely.
hope that thcro is good profit in the
buslnefiH as that will mean its develop
ment , and a great advantage- the com
munities supporting factories , but evi
dence is that this IB another of the sugar
trust storicR , nnd that the industry will
need protection until it can bo developed
into a profitable business , The people are
becoming educated on the nngar indus
try and the number in increasing who
fall to sco why the duty on raw sugar
should l > o removed and that on the
refined article should Buffer uoreduutiou.
The sugar trust may bo shrewd but it has
intelligent people to deal with and they
will not accept any old story that the
trust representatlves sco fit to promul
Governor Savage In aman of resources
when ho wants to bo. IIo can do nnd
direct thing with no money on hand
when ho desires. Ho can also ignore
his reputation as the head of an econom
ical administration when he wishes to
do so. All this is proven by his action
in preparing the wny to send two regi
ments of Nebraska's National Guard to
Kansas for n ton-days' outing. There
is about one-tenth of the sum required
for the purpose on hand but thnt is no
obstacle to the governor. Ho will create
n deficit for the purpose nnd the state
will bo expected to pay it. When the
question of rebuilding the Norfolk
hospital for insane was up it was
different. There was no money and
the governor could figure out no way of
getting it. Perhaps the cause was not
ns just. The crazies didn't know or
care what the governor dirt for or with
them. Their feelings were blunted by
their allllctlons. If .they considered the
hospital hero their homo they would bo
delighted with n change. They would
bo further removed from their relatives
but what of that. Relatives of an in
sane person should bo pleased to have
them as fnr removed ns possible so thnt
they could not learn how they wore
getting along , or how cared for , nnd
therefore could devote their attention to
other matters without giving this
subject consideration ; besides , the
patients could not vote , eo what was the
use of having any consideration for
them. With the guards it is different.
While the money spout for the mobiliz
ation will bo gene nnd nothing to show
for it the boys will have had ngootl time
on salary and if the time over comes
that they can they mny remember the
governor or some of his friends with n
vote. The $30,000 it will cost to trans
port and maintain the troops in Kansas
would have robnilt ono of the wings of
the Norfolk hospital , but that would
not be the Savage way of doing busi
Cniea In AV 111 oil They Arc 1'crccptlbl *
to the Rye.
"It Is not such nn uncommon thing , "
said a physician , "to llnd a person
whoso pulse beats can bo plainly seen ,
nnd yet I suppose there are but few
outside of the profession who realize
the fact. In most persons the beat
of the pulse cannot bo pcrcelvcd > but
the mere fact that the beating Is per
ceptible does not mean that the pulse
ia other than normal. 1 have come
across a number of cases where the
throbbing of the wrist could bo plainly
Been , and yet the persons rarely gave
evidence of abnormality in tempera
ture. They wcro rarely feverish and
.were in good physical condition gen
erally. Pulses of this kind , from this
view , which Is based upon actual ob
servations of cases , do not indicate
anything more than an abnormal phys
ical condition In the formation of the
, wrlst veins.
"I have met with one case which
was possibly a little extraordinary in
that it was plainer and much more dis
tinct than any I had ever seen before.
It could almost be heard. The artery
would rise to a point almost as largo
as the ball of the little finger of a
child nnd would change from the white
of the skin to n blood purple with each
beat of the pulse. I found It easy to
count the pulse beats without touching
the patient's wrist. I could sec plainly
enough to keep the record , and In order
not to err in my calcxilatlon I tested It
in several ways and found it was cor
rect and that there was no mistake In
my counting with the naked eye. "
New Orleans Times-Democrat.
IMensnnt For the Lover.
In Mexico the young men can show
great attention to young ladles and at
very little expense. They arc there
fore qulto eager to luvlto them to
theaters , parties , etc. And no wonder ,
for It is the custom in thnt country -'or
the lady's father to pay for the tickets
and furnish the carriage , supper , etc.
IMiieiuuilo Juice.
The Lancet points out that fresh
plucnpplo juice contains a remarkably
active digestive principle similar to
pepsin. This principle has been termed
"bromclln , " and so powerful Is Its ac
tion upon protelds tlmt It will digest as
much as a thousand times Us weight
within n few hours.
"Tho girl who Jilted a poet and mar
ried n butcher did an eccentric thing. "
"Not at all. She recognized the great
fact that beefsteak is more filling than
blank verse. "
The true test of civilization Is not
the census or the slzo of cities or the
crops no , but the kind of men the
country turns out
Mimolr * mill OrKiiim of the Hoily
Arn SUM WorUliiHT.
If tlio orKfitiN of the body cnnuot Ito
nald to Hlcop. nolthcr can tlio voluntary
muscles. Witness the phenomena of
sleepwalking , the postilions In stagecoach -
coach days who slept In their Buddies
nnd cavalrymen who do It today , In
fantry who have been known to sleep
on forced marches , sentinels who walk
their heats carrying their BHIIB In n
flxctl position while they sleep. For
nil wo know policemen may do It loo.
People who talk In their sleep nro fa
miliar to all of us. Experiments made
by Spclr , ArmstroiiK and Child on 200
college stndentH of both Boxes showed
that -17 per cent of the men and 87
per cent of the women talked In their
sleep. A number of things might bo
proved by these statistics. Of thcso
sleep talkers one-half of the women
and one-third of the men are ttblo to
answer questions while asleep. More
women than men could answer ques
tions on any subject , not alonu that of
which they had been talking. It has
also been found that most sleep talk
ers are under twenty-live years of age.
Evidently , then , with the muscles
nnd organs of the body all worklug , It
IB the brain only that sleeps , and by
no means all of the brain. The senses
of sight , hearing , touch , smell and
taste may bo very much awake while
the subject sleeps. A sleeping person
hears and answers questions , rear
ranges his bedclothlng , covers his eyes
to keep out the light , draws away his
hand when the experimenter tickles It
A child Is broken of tlio habit of suck
ing his thumb while asleep by putting
aloes on It IIo Is conscious of the bit
ter taste nnd dreams of wormwood.
The nerves , then , and the brain cen
ters corresponding to them nro awake.
A busy lawyer , exhausted by over
work , ono ulght went out to supper
with some friends , ntc , talked and
walked with them , and the next day
remembered absolutely nothing of the
occurrence. He had not been drinking.
The man was simply asleep during the
whole evening. Ills conscioua mem
ory that is , consciousness Itself slept
Alnsleo'B Magazine.
Fruit trees nnd fruit require potash
for their best development
With house plants all extreme
changes of temperature should bo
Too many trees prevent rapid growth
nnd extend the Umo when a grove Is
, wcll shaded.
Grapevines like their roots to be near
the surface , and the food for them
should not bo placed at too great a
Small growth and too much small
fruit go together. Thrifty growth fur
nishes a few largo and fine specimens
of fruit
Thcro Is no use * lu growing a trco
very tall. The top limbs are apt to be
come slender and break If fruit Is pro
duced on them.
All members of the poppy family nro
hard to 'transplant By choosing a
rainy day and not exposing the roots
ono can sometimes manage a trans
Avoid straight lines as miich ns possi
ble. Thcro Is no straight line In nature.
It Is for this reason that groups and
masses are BO much better than formal
or Bet beds.
AVlint I'liEzled LnnlH ,
Louis Philippe was a wit. What lie
specially excelled In was the clinching
of an argument , such as , for Instance ,
his final remark on the death of Talley
rand. Ho had paid him a visit the day
before. When the news of the prince's
death was brought to him , he said ,
"Are you sure ho Is dead ? " "Very
sure , Blre , " was the answer. "Why ,
did not your majesty himself notice
yesterday that he was dying ? " "I did ,
but there IB no judging from appear
ances with Talleyrand , and I have
been asking myself for the last four
nnd twenty hours what Interest ho
could possibly have In departing at
this particular moment"
A Queer Library.
A curious collection of books Is con
tained In the , library of Warstenteln ,
near Cassel , in Germany. The books
appear at first sight to be logs of wood ,
but each volume Is really a complete
history of the tree It represents. The
back shows the bark , in which a small
place is cut to write the scientific nnd
common name as n title. Ono sldo
shows the tree trunk In its natural
state , and the other Is polished and
varnished. Inside are shown the leaves ,
fruit , fiber and insect parasites , to
which Is added a full description of the
tree and Its products.
A Mutter of Fnct.
"Do you see the horizon yonder ,
where the sky seems to meet the
earth ? "
"Yes. uncle. "
"Boy , I have journeyed so near thcro
that I couldn't put a sixpence between
my head and the sky ! "
"Why , uncle , what a whopper ! "
"It's a fact , my Intl. I hadn't ono to
put. " London Tit-Bits.
Rxocllout i\iilaiintlon.
"Why Is a woman honest , now
why is a wife cross ? "
"Before marriage she was an I.
After marriage she leaned on nnothei
I , and they formed an X. Of course
she's cross , and so are you , I'll bet"
Now York Times.
Benefit your friends , that they mny
love you more dearly still. Benefit
your enemies , thnt they may nt last become -
como your friends.
A boy is usually ready to eat every
time ho stops playing. Atchlson Globe
ll Hmv I lie Joke.
Hero Is a trim story of a curious per
sonnllty well known to many profes
sional men In London today : IIo Is a
Bcot , whoso business ability Is above
the average , but everything ho does Is
done with the air of n man constantly
wrestling with some problem of the
eoul. Ho rarely Bjieaks unless spoken
to. He never smiles , nnd his eyes have
a fixed but Intense expression. Ono
day ho was returning to London with
several companions. The whole par
ty were Scotch , but the companions
were of genial type. One of them told
n humorous talc , over which the rest
laughed uproariously. Not BO the hu
man problem. lie sat In corner of
the railway carriage glowering nt his
mirthful friends. Half an hour after
ward , however , when all were standing
nt a street corner before separating ho
took one asldo and Bald solemnly and
slowly : "Yo would obsalrve that I did
mi * laugh at yond' story. Well , I Baw
the joke. Yo might not think It , but I
have a keen sense of humor. " London
An Impodnllile TnsU.
The committee -waited upon the suc
cessful man.
"Your fame has preceded you , " they
said as he entered the room. He smiled
serenely. "I am rather well known , "
ho admitted modestly.
"You have given names to sleeping
cars , new cigars , health foods and
games names that have pleased the
public and your patrons ? "
The successful man bowed.
"Well , " said the spokesman , "wo have
a now baby at our house , and wo have
come to you to select a uamo that will
please her parents , sisters and broth
ers , grandparents , cousins , uncles ,
aunts and friends of the family and
herself later on. "
The successful man frowned sternly.
"Sir , " he said. "I do not undertake
the Impossible ! " Cincinnati Commer
cial Tribune.
Corrected Ilia Error.
With the Germans the absentmlnd-
od college professor is a stock source
of witticisms.
One of those deeply absorbed gcntlo-
mon , sitting on a rear seat thought ho
know a person sitting in front and was
about to speak to him when , the stran
ger by chance taming a little , the pro
fessor saw that ho was mistaken.
Nevertheless , touching him on the
shoulder , ho remarked politely :
"You will excuse me , but you are
not the person I thought you were. "
Philadelphia North American.
The Griffon , the first sailing vessel
on the great lakes , passed through De
troit river in 1070.
The following iirojiosoil amendment to
the Coutttltution of the Slate of Kebrneka ,
us hereinafter set forth in full , la submit
ted to the electorg of the State of Nebraska ,
to be voted upon at the ceneral election to
bo held Tuesday , November 4 , A. 1) . 1003.
A Joint Resolution proposing to amend
section one of Article fifteen , of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska ,
relative to the manner of submitting
and adopting amendments to the Con
stitution of the State of Nebraska.
Be it Resolved and Enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska :
SECTION 1. That section one of Ar-
lo.e fifteen of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska beamended to read as
allows :
Section 1. Either branch of the leg-
slature mny propose amendments to this
Constitution , and if the same be agreed
o by three-fifths of the members elected
o each house , such proposed amend
ments shall be entered on the Journals ,
with the yeas and nays , and published
at least once each week in at least one
newspaper in each county where a news-
mper is published , for thirty days
mmediately preceding the next election
of senators and representatives , at which
election the same shall be snbmittedto ;
; he electors for approval or rejec
tion , and if a majority of the electors
voting at such election on such proposed
amendment , shall vote to'adopt such
amendment , the same shall become a
mtt of this Constitution. When more
; hau one amendment is submitted at
; he same election , they shall be so sub
mitted as to enable the electors to vote
on each amendment separately.
All ballots used at such election on
mch amendment or amendments shall
nave written or printed thereon the fol
lowing : For proposed amendment to
the Constitution relating to ( hero insert
the subject of the amendment ) nud ,
ngninst proposed amendment to the
Constitution relating to ( here insert the
subject of the amendment ) and the vote
of each elector voting on such amend
ment or amendments shall be designated
by the elector by making a cross with a
pen or pencil in a circle or fquare to bo
placed at the right of the lines the
words "For or Against" the proposed
amendments , as he shall desire to vote
thereon , or by indicating his preference
on n voting machine when such machine
is In use.
I , Geo. W. Marsh , secretary of state
of the state of Nebraska , do hereby
certify that the foregoing proposed
amendment to the constitution of the
State of Nebraska is a true nnd correct
copy of the original enrolled nnd en
grossed bill , as pnpsert by the Twenty-
heventh session of the legislature of tlio
Stnto of Nebraska , as appears from sair
original bill on file in this office , and
that said proposed amendment is sub
milled to the qualified voters of the
Slate of Nebraska for their adoption or
rejection at the general election to beheld
held on Tuesday , the -llh day of Novem
her , A. D , 1002.
In lestimouy whereof , I have here
unto set my hand and affixed1 the great
eenl of the -tale of Nebraska.
Douo at Lincoln this 22d day of Jnly.
in the year of onr Lord One Thousand
Nine Hundred and Two , of the Indo
peudence of the United States the Ono
Hundred nnd Twouty-sevonth , and o"
this stnto the Thirty-sixth.
[ Seal. ] Secretary of State.
Will not be a new home unless the interior is
graced with new , up-to-date furnishings. Those
who are building or beginning housekeeping
are invited to call. Particular attention is
paid to outfitting houses in their entirety and
with harmonious furnishings. . Everything on
hand kept by first-class furniture dealers.
Number 7 94
drawn on August 4 , was held by
Mrs. Ludwig Koenigstein , to
whom the organ was presented
today , August 5 , 1902.
Larger Sales-Smaller Profits !
The larger we can make our business
the cheaper we can and will sell our
goods. See the point ? That's what
we're driving at.
The Moore Hardware Store.
Railroad and Business Directory.
Cflz CflI
Fremont , Elkhorn & Mo. Valley
Omaha Paateneer 8:08am :
Chicago Express 12:40pm :
Chicago Exproea 7SOp m
Omaha Passenger 12:40pin :
Black HlUs caprees 7:50pm
Verdlgro Passenger 12:40pm :
Yerdigro Accommodation 8:30 a m
Black Hills Express 12:20pm :
Vordigre Paesonger 6:03am :
Verdigre Accommodation 7:10pm :
The Chicago and Black Hille Express arrives
and departs from Junction depot. The Omaha
and Verdlgre trains arrive and depart from city
depot. II. 0. MATBAU , Agent ,
Union Pacific.
Colnmbns Accommodation SKnpm
Omaha , Denver and Pacific Coast ll:00a : m
ColnmbuB Accommodation 11:45 : a m
Omaha , Denver and Pacific coast SKlOpm
Connect * at Norfolk with F. , E & M. V. going
west and north , and with tbo C. Bt. P. M. & O.
for points north and east.
J. B. ELSEFFEB , Agent.
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha.
Sloni City and Omaha Paetengor. . . . 6:30 : am
Bionx CltyPassenger . . . . l:10pm
* 31onx City Passenger , 10:50am :
Biocx City and Omaha Passenger 7:25 : p m
Connects at Norfolk with F. , E. & M. V. going
west and north' and with the D. P. for points
sonth. J. li. ELBEFFElt , Agent.
Daily except Snnday.
. . . . . .
Norfolk Biiiiif ami Loan
will build YOU n
on easy payments. Come and see ns.
C , B. DUELAND , Secretary ,
ontraetor and Bolide *
117 Fourth Street.
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Avenna.
Cheapest and Best.
Norfolk Avenue
! or. Braasch ave and 4th Bt.
Sioux Giiy Florist.
Awarded first premium on
Funeral Designs.
Handsome Roses , Carnations , Palms , Ferns-
Flowers snipped in fresh condition ,
ji. uy > lei : Oir. 9tli 111 Pliroa