The JSiottf oik fleuus W. N. 11OHU ! , I'ubllnhor. DAILY. KfUblliliml , 1K17. Xrtrf l j timiit Hnuilnr * Hr r rrl r r r WMR , IS otntv , II ; wall far jenr , t ,00. WJHCKbY MKW8.JOUIINAL , ThtN w , M hll b < l , ISM , Tli * Joarnt ) , labll hed 1H77 KT rj PrldK } , 1)7 ) mall per i r , f l.W , flat rd at Hit PoitoQleA at Norfolk , Neb. , ai coed clam matter , oDMt IWItorlnl D r > nrtmirol , No. 22 | luMi OdlcB nnd Job Rooms , No. an. . REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. For OoTcrnor JOHN II. UICKBT . Talk For Llonteunnt Goteroor B.O. McQiLTON TICTKB MOBTKNHON . V 1 ley For Bocr tnrj of Htixte- 0. A. MAHHII . lllcbnrdron For Auditor CrusLEB WLBTON . Bhertdan Tor Bnperintwidout of Public Injunction WILLIAM K. . Washington For Attorney Uenornl FHANK N , 1'uouT . OIIRO For Laud Commlnlonrr U&ouonl ) . KOLI.UKH . . .Nncbolls Congressional. For CoiiRroMmaii , TlilrU District JOHN J. MCCARTHY . Dlion Sonatorinl Convention. Tim rcnnbllcnii nice tori rf the Klavonth ten- nlorlhl district of Nebraska are roauwtnd to nnd rielrarntoi to n contention to bo hula at Norfolk , NebrarliD , ou Tnenlnjr , Boptemb r 2. IKS , nt 1 o'clock ii. m. , for the pnrpoio of notnlnntiuff a cniidldntfl for itato toiintor from vald dlitrlct , to telnet a coutral cnmmlttco and to trauinct inch cither builiiflM HH mny prop * rrly rome before tlio convention. The bnili of representation ibnll bo one doleK'ite ' for otcu rxjunty and ODD < lol rnta for ouch 100 votes or innjor frnctlou thereof cert for W. W. Yonng fortitnto senator In M > 00 , The several comities am entitled to representation us follows : Maill- eon , 18 ; I'larce , U | Mnnton , 9 ; Wayne , 15. It IB rocnmmoQdod tbnt county conventions nmpower the ileltKntes In attendance to cnit tlm full volii of tbe conuty nt the ituatorlnl convention , and tluit no proxies bo admitted , 1' . F , HiMiKCHKH. A , F. KNOB , Hocrptnry. Cbalrman , Republican County Convention. To tlio republican elector * of Madliou county , Nebranlca : Notice IB boreby Riven tbat a repabllcau delo- irntn couveutlou i f tbe republican electors of Madison conuty , Nebraska , will be bald at Battle Crook , In laid conuty and stnU , on Satnr- < l j. the23d ilny of AnKdit , UK ) ) , nt 1 o'clock In Uie.'nftnrtioon. for tbe purpoie of plnclug in Donilnntlou one candidate for the olllco of onnuty attorney , oue caudldato for representa tive to the Btnte ! ( > RlBlnture nod one candidate fpr county commissioner fr m tha First com missioner district , and for tbe transictlon of neb other huslusrtnti an may property come bo- fora the convention The tmernl voting pro- clncte are entitled to tbo following reptononta- Ion , a 12i 3 13S 2 3J 3S It ii further recommended bj tlio committee thnt tbe pr mnriet for the ( election of tlio dele- vattM of the Miricmt preclucti be liclilnot later thau Friday , Aociut U , 19(12. WltDots onr ImuU thU ZOth day of July , 100 ! . J. K , BiMi'SON , B , H , McFAKLAND , Chairman , Secretary. The movement undertaken nt South Norfolk to provide n flue largo club house for the railroad men should re ceive the hearty and unqualified sup port of the people of Norfolk. For years there has been n need of just suoh rsn building , furnished nud fitted up to afford comfort nud nmusomeut to heat milrond boys whoso runs require that the.y ho in or near division headquarters the greater portion of their spare time. They have lacked amusement nnd recrea tion during theKo years and it is scarcely to bo wonderdnt thnt the young men without families should seek entertain * meut at questionable resorts. Tbo club house should have been there to supply this need. It will be in line with the stricter rules that have recently been put in effect by the company , nnd will make it easier to comply with such re gulations , therefore the company should and undoubtedly will lend its encourage ment to the movement. The , business men of Norfolk have no better patrons than the railroad men and they can well afford to show their appreciation of snoh patronage by contributing to the : club bouse nnd assisting in other wny § toward its establishment . , Pnsh > nnd talk for the South Norfolk club house. There are "bolters" from a certain plank in the Iowa republican platform , also , but there it wns different. All knew that n flght was on nnd were per- .mltted to have a say on the question , therefore they have less excuse for their after convention objections than Ne braska republicans who did not realize what significance wonld be put upon n very simple statement which the commit tee incorpornted into the platform. The question wns similar , though presented in different ehnpe. The intention of the platform mnkers nppenrs to be a tariff reform or "tinkering" under the plea thnt the tariff law should not afford shelter or protection to trusts. If the f Iowa idea is carried out nnd the beet sugar industry is interpreted as one of the trusts it is just ns certain thnt in order to be consistent the duty on refined - fined sugar will be lowered so that the question presents quite a different as pect ; nevertheless it is interpreted ns n rebuke to the lown delegation nnd one of the members of the delegation , Con gressman "Bob" Cousins of the Fifth district , is quoted n repudiating it in the followiug language : "This plat form is n dirty , lousy lie. Fnbricnted by a lot of truckling , temporizing hypo crites , nnd I'll be preaching the doc trines of true republicanism when the pansy is growing over their groves , I'll support the ticket nnd mnko BOHIO BpeuchpH , hut I want everyone to know where I stand. " Tun Ni\V8 : wns nttturod thnt when it undertook n movement calculated to improve the drninngo of Norfolk , there were other cnrnoRt supporters of the im- provoniont ready to step in and do their full shnro toward the nccompliflhmont of the plan , Tnr. NKWB ban upont a number of days and devoted confildernblo of its npnoo toward the agitation of the question but none of that energetic backing hnn yet boon hoard from. This paper has always been ready to agitate public enterprise ! } nnd public reforms , either nt the suggestion of others or of HH own volition , but hoe found much discouragement in the supine indif ference of thoflo who should have moro or nil equal Interest in such improve- rnont or reform. , If every person inter- in tbo drninngo qnontion had spent ns innch tlmo and hud boon at as innch expense on- donToring to improve the drainage of tbo city OB Tim NICWB , the question wonld hrxvo hoon uonr a holntiou ere thin. The ozprepflion was strongly in fnror of Bnch iinprovomont nnd nil that appeared to bo lacking was for BOUIO cnorgotio cnthnfllastB to take hold of the mutter nnd bring it to n BncocHsful termination. The time IB propitious for the question to bo taken np nnd handled through Borne sort of orgnnization , either of nn independent nature or through the Com mercial olnb , by committee or otherwico. Snch organization could determine the legal aspects of the question , learn what could bo douo and through petition erin in some other manner take the necessary stops to bring the improvement about. It appcnrn to bo np to those the most deeply interested to do something nnd the sooner they begin the earlier will the question bo settled. If something is not done it may bo taken to nppear tbnt many of the kickers merely had n grievance ngniust some person or per sons that they wanted to nir and since TUR NEWS had done its stnnt they were satisfied , but thafc was not the purpose of this paper. The question was opened that it might bo settled , with credit to the city. It was not intended to save the unmo ground for complaint for next year , and the next , nnd that oyery time it happened those same people might bo expected to roar , nnd there lot it end. It should be disposed of. Per.- haps there will bo something else to en gage the ntteution of the critics next year. Montana Mlnero Quit Work. Livingston , Mont. , Aug. 1. The mines and evens of the Montana Coal and Coke company nt Herr nnd Aid- ridge were closed by a strike yester day. ( The men demanded nn increnso in the wage scnlo , which was refused by the company. It was also asked that all nonunion men employed by the company bo discharged. The coal mines are among the largest of the state. About BOO mon are affected. Duelist Granted a Pardon. Berlin , Aug. 1. Emperor William has pardoned Lieutenant Hlldebrand , who was sentenced to two years' Im prisonment ip 01 fortress for the kill ing of Lieutenant Dlaskowitz In a duel last Novembar. There was consider able criticism of the sentence of two y ori' imprisonment imposed on Lieu tenant Hlldebrand by a court-martial on the ground that it was inadequate. Boy Shoots Robber. Varck , Kan. , Aug. 1. Orvlllo Os- borne , nineteen years of age , shot a robtor here .yoiterday. Three rob bers entered tbe store of S. B. Os- borae and ordered young Osborne- threw up his hands , Instead , the lad opened fire and the men fled. One of thotQ was shot in tbe thigh and was so badly wounded that ho had to be No Increase In Wages. Topeka , Kan. , Aug. 1. At the of. flee of tbe general manager of the Santa Fe railway hero It was denied that an increase in wages of the 6,000 trainmen of the system bad been granted , effective today. It was stat ed tbat no requoet for an increase had been made recently by the train men. Wtvarly Woman Shoots Herself. Waveriy , Isu , Aug. 1. Mrs. Bell * Aborsu aged thirty , committed sulcido yesterday by going out to Arlington cemetery and snootlni herself through the heart. She was found on the grave of her first husband. She was a wid ow and said the man she loved would not marry her. A Simple Matter. "John , I'd llko you to wako mo nt 5 o'clock tomorrow morning. I wont to catch the early train. " "All right , sir ; nil right , " replied the nblo servitor expressively ; "all you gel to do , sir , IB to ring. " Philadelphia North American. A Drlffbt Student. Among the reminiscences of the class of ' 02 at Yale Is the story of a stout and healthy looking member who was told by his tutor that "he was better fed than taught" "You teach me. feed myself , " was the retort. HU necreU. Judge Tour innocence Is proved. You are acquitted. Prisoner ( to the Jury ) Very sorry Indeed , gentlemen , to have given you all this trouble for nothing. - . , , ' * * " Couiollnff Thought Ho Darling , I have lost iny position She Never mind , dear. Think of hoy/ jnnall your Balnry was. Bjrooklyn Life. Escaped Oregon Convict Makes His Appearance Once More. COME8 OUT OF THE CASCADES Makes Demand for Food and Horses MaiB' at ' a Ranch and Then Goes South , Fugitive. Is Wounded In the Head. Unwelcome Quest at Cabins. Elleimburc , Wash. , Aug. 4. Sam Eynnn , who live * Ofteea miles north ofmw here , reports that last Monday a mw cam * to his cabin and saJd tbat ho wan Tracy. He had a Winchester tnd two 'revolvers. ' He compelled Evans to furnish him with food , The stranger ohowed Evans a wound in the back of bio head and said tbat ho WfU shot by a member of a posse on j the west Bide. thoA A Wenachoo special says : Yester day Harry Traoy was an unwelcoaaed gu < nt the ranch of W. A. Sanders am 8. J , McUTldownay , six miles down the Columbia river. Tracy came out of the Cascades , riding one horsa , packing another and leading a third in reserve. He carried a Winchester and two revolvers. He took dinner and supper at the ranch , having the men covered with his rifle. Toward evening he forced McBldowney to bring two fresh horses and turned loose his jaded animals. Hewent south. DELIBERATELY PLANS MURDER. Teamster at Kansas City Kills Wife and Shoots Himself. Kansas City , Aug. 1. Fred Fulkin- bcrg , n teamster , shot nnd killed bis wlfo as she lay asleep at their homo at West Argentine , a suburb , some tlmo during the night , and then shot himself. Ho cannot recover. Jeal ousy was the cause. The tragedy had boon planned deliberately , for In ono of Fulkinbwg's pockets was found a telegram written yesterday and ad dressed | to his father , Jobe Fulkin berg , at Montaiuma , la , , requesting the latter to come to Argentine and take the two bodies to the old homo at Montezuma , The couple's two grown daughters slept in a room ad- joining that of their parents. Negro Hanged by a Mob. Camden , Ark. , Aug. 1. Reports have reached hero of the lynching of Lee Newton , n negro , by n mob of twenty-five men in the Cornio bottoms toms , Columbia county. The negro was found in the room of two young vriW Women , daughters of a prominent fam lly : , to the eastern part of the county , about a month ago. Their screams frightened him away. Twice he es c&ped from custody. Newton was in the hands of officers and was being taken to Magnolia when the mob aj > pearsd ' and took tno negro awy. Later the body was cut down by Sher iff ! Warren of Columbia county. Murderer Anxious to Die. Norfolk , Vn. , Aug. 1. Convicted by n jury of murdering his wife , William Treadwell will not sanction the appli cation of his counsel for a new trial. He declares that he purchased the pistol with which he killed his wife with the Intention of killing himself s well. He desires that no new trial requested and that sentence upon ilm be executed as soon as possible , e man appears to have no desire to ive whatever. Traffic Resumed In Texas. Dallas , Tex. , Aug. 1. The two days' cssation of rain throughout the great- r portion of the state has given the railroads time to repair their road- jedB , and with hardly an exception egtilar traffic is being resumed. Ad- ices from Hillaloro are that the 500 Mexican wood choppers who were cut iff in the Rlchland creek bottoms have escaped. President Disposes of Much Business. Oyster Bay , Aug. 1. President Roosevelt disposed of a large amount of public business yesterday with tbe assistance of Secretary Loeb. Tbe president had as guests at luncheon Adolph S. Ochs and Stanford Newell , "United States minister at The Hague. BATTLE CREEK. Fred Willis returned from tbe "Wayne normal school Saturday. Ohas. Wiohman nnd family of Pierce isited relatives here Sunday , Julius Olnndt of Meadow Grove wns transacting business here Tuesday. A little son , the first ono , was born to Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Thomson Mondny Einniet Hale nnd Olios. Hnivoy were business visitors here from Tilden Mon day. day.The The Howard Miller Lumber company paid over $400 for freight one day las week. week.Willie Willie Barnes , who is working in n printing office at O'Neill , came honn Saturday. Miss Sue Leedoin went to Albion Monday for on extended visit with rein lives nud friends. Little Misses Mae and Esther Dnghe of Wisuer are visiting here with rel atives nnd friends. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Deuel and littl' ' daughter of Mendow Grove visifed her Frfday with Thos. Morris. The bowling nlley opened Saturday and ns it is n new thing to our boys i bad an extra rushing business. K. I. Niles was threshing his winte wheat from 25 acres last week nnd th nverago was 26 bushels per acre. Monday at 12:45 p. m. n good manj of our people noticed the "earth qnnko. " The shock lasted about four seconds. Little Miss Helen Gallon of Wort Point is visiting hero thlH week with her undo nnd nunt , Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A , Dam CM. Sunday Thou. Wade came homo from St. Louis for n visit with his family. Mr. Wnde is employed with the World's fair association. Mrs. M. J , Niles , who has been visit * ing hero about n year with her eon , K , I. NileB , loft on Thursday for her homo in Snndy Hill , N. Y. Howard Miller and Joseph Severn have arranged to put down brick walks in front of their J property on the south side of Main street. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. Witzigman and little eon , Albert , of Meadow Grove , wore visiting hero Tuesday with Thos. Wndo nnd Thos. Morris. 0 , JO. Allberry wns overcome with hent Tnesdny afternoon nt about 8 'clock. After receiving medical nid ho recovered in about half nn hour. Mrs. 0. H. Maas nnd children returned Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hans Monday , from Hot Springs , S. D. Mr. Maas will have to Btayn couple of weeks et. et.W. W. 0. Day went to Jefferson , Iowa , Friday , where ho woa called to the sick bed of his father , G. W. Day. Ho re- nrned Monday and reports his father's condition very critical. Henry Miller , who hns been assisting nt the railroad station since he came back from the Philippine islands , went to Norfolk Monday nnd hns tnken a posi tion in the express cilice. Geo. Lowe returned Inet week from Dendwood , S. D. , where he hns been working since last November on the B & M. In company with his brother Thomas he will ran n threshing ma hine. The ball game between Battle Greek and Tilden didn't come off Sunday be cause the JTilden boys wore warned by a minister that if they came they would bo arrested for violnting the Sundny Inw , BO they stayed nt home. 0. 0. Allberry moved into the house he recently bought of Rev. G. Damon in East Battle Creek , and John Maguerwill take possession of thehons in Highland park vacated by Mr. All berry. Herbert Staveley's big New Found land , Carlo , in company with anothe dog , killed n fat hog belonging to Fre Fnerst , two miles east of town. Abou two weeks ago the dog was owned by J. E. Sanders , when he was killing hog worth | 25 , belonging to Bntche Frank Busick. How much is the do worth now ? August 1 to 14 , inclusive , the F. E. & . , [ . V. railroad will sell excursion tickets , Norfolk to Hot Springs , S. D. , nnd re- ; urn nt $11.20 for the ronnd trip and re- urn limit until October 31. On An- ; nst 1 a personally conducted excursion 'ill be rnn with extra sleeping cars on rain , leaving Norfolk Junction nt7GO : m. Parties wishing berths reserved or that date should notify me at once. H. 0. MATUAU , Agent. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT , Tbe following proponed amendment to : he Constitution of the State of Xcbraakn , as hereinafter net forth In full , 1 § submit ted to the electors of the State of Nebraska , : o be voted upon at the general election to be held Tuesday , Kovember 4 , A. D. 1003. A Joint Resolution proposing to amend section one of Article fifteen , of the Constitution of tbe State of Nebraska , relative to the manner of submitting nnd ndopting amendments to the Con stitution of tbe State of Nebraska. Be it Resolved nnd Enacted by the Leg islature of the State of Nebraska : SKCTIOK 1. That section one of Ar- cio fifteen of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska benmended to read ns follows : Section 1. Either branch of the leg islature mny propose amendments to this Constitution , nnd if the snme be agreed to by three-fifths of the members elected to each house , such proposed amend ments shall be entered on the Journals , with the yeas nnd nays , and published at least once eaoh week in at least one newspaper in each county where a news paper is ( published , .for thirty days immediately preceding the next election of senators nnd representntives , nt which election the fume shall be submitted to the electors for npprovnl or rejec tion , nud if n majority of the electors voting nt such election on such proposed amendment , shall vote to adopt such nmendment , the same ahnll become n pntt of this Constitution. When moro thnu one nmendment is submitted ni the game election , they shall be so sub mitted ns to enable the electors to vote on each amendment separately. All ballots used nt such election on unch amendment or amendments shal have written or printed thereon the fol lowing : For proposed amendment to the Constitution relating to ( here inser the subject of the amendment ) nnd ngninEt proposed nmendment to th Constitution relating to ( here insert th subject of the amendment ) and the vet of ' each elector voting on such amend meut or amendments shall be designate by the elector by making a cross with pen or pencil in n circle or equaro to b placed nt the right of the lines th words "For or Agninst" the propose ! nmendments , ns ho shnll desire tn vet thereon , or by indicating his preference on n voting machine when suoh maohin is in nso. I , Geo. "W. Marsh , secretary of stat of tbo state of Nebraska , do herob ; certify that the foregoing propose amendment to the constitution of th State of Nebraska is a true nnd corroc A NEW HOME Will not bo a now homo unless the interior is gniced with new , up-to-date furnishings. Those who are building or beginning housekeeping are invited to call , Particular attention is paid to outfitting houses in their entirety and with harmonious . furnishings. Everything on hand kept by first-class furniture dealers. iiini HOFFMAN & SMITH. WE CLAIM NO OWNERSHIP In the Organ which we advertised to give away. It BELONGS to some one of our CUSTOMERS , and some one will surely get it. If 'the Number 1465 is not pre sented by August 4th , we will try again , and continue each week until some one gets it. INSKEEP'S . : < > niLLINERY i ! THAT HARDWOOD FLOOR 1 Will certainly require a good floor brush. Try those brushes carried by The Moore Hardware Store. Railroad and Business Directorv. IIC C so * 0)R. I V ) 0) 0)H R. R , TIME TABLE. Fremont , Elkborn & Mo. Valley BA8T. * DEPART. Omaha Passenger 6:08am : Chicago Express 12:40pm : EAST. ABB1VB. Chicago Exprees 7SOp : m Omaha Paeeenger. . . 12(0pm ; WEST. DrPABT. Black1 Hills ciprees 7:50pm : VerdJgre Passenger 120prn : Verdigre Accommodation 8:30 : am WEST. ABBIVB. Black Hills Express 12:20pm : Verdigre Passenger 6:03 : a m Verdigre Accommodation 7tlOpm The Chicago And Black Hills Express arrives and departs from Junction depot. The Omaha and Verdlgre trains arrive and depart from city depot. H. C. MATBAD , Agent , Union Pacific. Botrrn. OEFABT. Columbus Accommodation 3:00pm Omaha , Denver and Pacific Coast llcOOa in NOBTH. ABBIVB. Columbus Accommodation 11:45am : Omaha , Menver and Pacific roast -00pm Connect * at Norfolk with F. , E 4 M. V. going west and north , and with the C. St. P. M. & O. for points north and east. J. B. ELBEFFEB , Agent. Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha. EAST. DZPABT. Slonx City and Omaha Passenger . . . 6:30 : am Bloox CityPassenger lKpm : ) W 8T. Slonx City Patsenger ABBIVE 10Mam : ) Biotsx City and Omaha Passengftr 7:25 : pm Connects at Norfolk with P. , E. i M , V. going west and north , and with the U. P. for points sooth. J. B. ELSEFFEE , Agent , Daily except Sunday. copy of the original enrolled and en. grossed bill , ns passed by the Twenty- seventh session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska , as appears from said original bill on file in this oflice , and tbat suid proposed amendment is sub mitted to the qualified voters of the State of Nebraska for their ndoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday , the -1th dny of Novem ber , A. D. 1902. In testimony whereof , I hnvo here unto sot my hniid nnd nflixed the great seal of the stnte of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln this 22d dny of July , in the yenr of our Lord Ono Thousand Nine Hundred and Two , of the Inde pendence of the United States the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh , and of this state the Thirty-sixth : GEO. W. MARSH , [ Seal.l Secretary of Btate , VIISS MARY SHELLY DRESSMAKER , Orer Beam Bros. ' Store , J. B.HERMANN , : ontFQGtor and Builder 117 Fourth Street. M. E. SPAULDINd , Flour and Feed 411 Norfolk Avenne. Cheapest and Beit. > J Norfolk Avenue J.W.EDWARDS ALL WOBK GUABANTEBD. or , Draaech are and 4th St , TheHopfol k. THE } , . . aodLoan ASSOCIATION will build you n on easy payments. Qome and see us. 0. U. DTJELAND , Secretary.