The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 25, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Good Time Is Promised for
September ,
if .
Racing Moot With a Good Field of
'Horses ' \ bo n Feature Madison
< 3oiin y Woodman to' Roll L6&S In
Norfolk ,
Prospects are tUttortug tlint Norfolk
will have three rousing dnyn In Hop-
toniborof rip-roaring hilarity , oontln *
tml colubrntlou nnd jolly good f"u-
The plan nt present Is to hold n mnm-
moth Woodiunn plonlo nud the blggent
rnco nicot tlmt bus Imppouod In north
NobmcKn for ninny n ycnr , The ( Into Is
not nbsolutely not , but In nil probability
the affair will couio off about September
K , 11 and 10.
M. M. Stammrd , who bus bciui faith
fully working up the event , now fools
practically positive that the fair will bo
n go nnd bus but n few details yut to
nrrntigo. Ho says It will bring the
largest 6rowd to Norfolk the city hns
over soon , nnd the readiness with which
boBlnoss mon nro ouoournglug the plan ,
nsmires n complete success.
'Othor lodges will probably bo naked to
join thb tuovomont and lend iho'lr oo-
oporntidn in order tlmt visitors limy bo
right royally ontortaliipd Whllo they are
hero. The Woodtnoti plonlq is1 n "county
affntr nnd bus nlrcndy boon nssurod
honrty support by Madlsou.Battlo Orook
and other aurroundlng towns. When
ledge men got together , therd la always
( something doing and this will bo umdo
the ptoulo of their HVps.
Thoraoo moot will boa star font mo
and will bo arranged so that tie ether
moots nro conflicted with nnd the best
horso'blood in the state , dlroot from the
circuit , will bo hero to stop ,
This is ft good opportunity for Nor
folk and the city should do herself proud.
Norfolk Man Writes n Book
A Norfolk man has written n book.
Dr. F. A. Brynut has for several years
been working on n novel entitled "A
Romance of Two Lives" nud has just
had the production accepted by the
Scroll publishing house nt Chicago.
The work will consist of 00 or 100
pages , will bo well bouud in cloth , nud
fioll for $1.60.
"A Romance of Two Lives" Isn story
clnstorod nbout the early Aztoo civil
ization in old Mexico , dealiug with tholr
methods nud modoa of living nud the
general atmosphere of tholr environ
ment , The here nud heroluo nro to n
certain extent ttikou from lifo , n little
love runs through the pages nud nil , nt
last , cuds happily.
Dr. Brynnt , the nnthor , has boon n
chnrnctor in Norfolk for many years.
116 owns n small drn { ? store on East
Main street , where , nt odd times nnd
during his leisure hours nt home , ho
hns been gradually evolving this histori
cal romnuco which hns now gene to the
printers for publication.
Of the merit of his story , Dr. Bryant
is modest in his claims. He realises that
what may outortain ouo mind will bo
Inughlug stock to another and that the
popular reception of a book ia uovor n
foregone conclusion. Even two critics
to whom the mnuscript was submitted
ior review , differ materially in their
judgment. One says : "Tho versos
through the work nro its best feature
and are almost excellent. " The other
observes that 'the versos through the
work ore a blemish upon it nud should
toe eliminated or revised. ' Both agreed ,
however , that their attention was held
from beginning to end.
1 This ia the first effort of tbo kind ever
produced in Norfolk and Its success
\vill be followed with interest. It
will probably bo several mouths before
the novel is ready for the publio.
One on Dave.
The following story is told by the
Washington Post : Representative
Meroor , of Nebraska , whou mak
ing the rounds of the depart *
meat the other day , chatted with a
subordinate who has recently ex-
perl'jnosd a change of official superiors.
"How vlo you like your new chief ? "
asked Mr. Mower.
"He's nil right , " was the reply. "Ho
docs not give us the least bit of trouble.
He signs everything we send him. "
"Oh , no , " said Mercer. "That can't
bo. Yon couldn't impose upon him.
He's too shrewd. "
"Well , " replied the subordinate . "I'll
bet yon n box of cigars that ho will sign
hU 05VU resignation. "
"I'll bet youBald Mercer.
On the official's desk was a pile of
letters ready to bo signed. Another
letter was written , purporting to be
resignation to take effect immediately ,
and it was slipped into the mass of cor
respondence. A messenger carried all
the letters down to the chief , and Mr.
Mercer and the subordinate waited. In
twenty minutes the correspondence was
brought back by the messenger.
Mr. Mercer lost the box of cigars.
The chief had signed his own resig
' Norfolk Campers Enjoy Outing.
Long Pine , Nebr. , July 18 , special to
THE NEWS : The 25 members of the
Second Congregational chtarch who left ,
! with tholr pastor , Hov. Franltlln Baker ,
on the Tth for n throe ueckx' outing ivt
Long Pine , nro enjoying camp Hfo
thoroughly for thin month. They deepen
on HprlngluAH bodit , cat heartily , wndo in
the clear waters of the mountain otrcam
nnd Hit around a rousing camp lire every
uvofilng , until for into the night. The
largo tabloininvariably filled nt muni
tluio nnd overflow meetings nro not
govern ! Norfolk vlsltora liavo called
during the put few daya. The party
fouls gratofnl td tho'umnagoinont of the
Vl 15. ifc M. V , road for tliolr conrteoui
tfontiuouC tfrb spoclai cars bolug espe
cially Appreciated ,
"SpookV < in this vicinity have been
dtsnollod , nnd visits to the 'hauutnd
mill * nnd oven the cemetery nt the
witching hour of night , are now quite
The campers will return homo next
County Commissioners.
Madison , July 17. At 1 p. in , the
liourcl of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment , all members pres
Minutes of last mooting wore road and
on inotlon approved.
On motion the sheriff was instructed
to offer a reward of' 1200.00 for
the apprehension Of Wllllnnf J Alexan
der , who murdered Oliaa. A , Hall' at
Mndlsbn , N61) . , July 4 , 1002.
Otl motion the following bills were al
lowed S * i
Canton Bridge company , building
bridges , 13,00 .811.
0/W. Crum , salary for two months ,
0 , W. Ornm , balance dne him on In
stitute fund , | 25t)6. ) 4
R. 0. Miles , court orders , $37.10.
R , 0. Miles , poatagooxprosBexohaugo ; ,
bto. , $1)0.53. )
Madison Mall , printing , 910.75.
Ohr , Schavlaud , witness fees insanity
case of Nellie Peterson , 18,00.
Ohr , Schavlnud , foes insanity case of
Nellie Potersou , $ l.75. )
Ohr , Schavland , fees insanity ease of
Phllomouo Workmoister , f 5,50.
Ohr. Sohavlaudfeos refunded for mon
ey advanced for olllco help , $4I > I 00.
A. L. Grnvos , road work , $4 50.
F. A. Long , fees insanity cases of
Werkuieistor nud Peterson , $10 00.
Dr. I. J. Daniel , medical services
small pox patients , $17.00.
City ofMadlsonmotor , nnd wlrei3.CO. :
J. J. Clements , sheriff , taking Mrs.
Workmoister and Miss Hooltzel to in
sane niylum , rttirl j lilt.r's fees , $180 J > 5.
O'Shen & MuBride , lumber , $ U.4S ! ) ) .
O'Shen & MoBridu , coal for county
jail , $0 75.
S. J. Fiuuegnn , salary nud mileage ,
Autolopo county , one-half expense for
bridge on county line , $4 ! ) 1)0. )
Ooorgo Miles , work in treasurer's of
fice , $50.00.
Board adjourned to 7 p. in.
Board met pursuant to adjournment
and resumed chocking treasurer's no-
Board adjourned to 8 a.m. , July 18 ,
Board met pursuant to adjourrueut.
On motion n petition from Ernest F.
Hans and 13 others asking board to pro
vide some way to drain the road run
ning east and west between the south
west quarter of section 80 , township 34 ,
range 3 , and northwest quarter section 1 ,
township 33 , range 3 , Madison county ,
Nebraska , was referred to Commlslouor
Finnegan. ' *
Board resumed checking treasurer's
books and finished same at 10 o'clock A ,
On motion board adjourned to August
13,1903-at 1 o'clock p. m. '
Counly Clerk.
Off the Bat.
Prom Saturday's D lly :
In order to maintain good base ball ,
Norfolk must send better crowds to tlie
bleachers. ' f
The Fogloy team has beat everything
around Sioux City'and a good game ia
assured tomorrow.
Deadwood wonts Galaska. His trans *
portation ia here , but he boa not 'decided
whether howill go or not.
Walton , the umpire , ' has not yet re
ceived transportation and there is a
chance of his being here tomorrow.
The Wilkins crowd came in this morn
ing over the M. & O , and nre resting up
for tomorrow's game with the Fagley
team of Sioux City.
In that Thursday's game at Randolph
the umpire called time on account of a
mere sprinkle which didn't even wet
the ground. Of course it was a beat ,
but no ouo will ever know what might
hayo happened in those lost three in-
Randolph Laid In the Dust.
Randolph , Neb. , July 10. Special to
TUB NEWS : Wilkins nnd his team
yesterday laid the local club in the dnst
by a score of 0-3. B. Buckllu throw to
Agan and struck out eight men , allow
ing but three hits. But for errors it
would have been a shut-out gome. The
visitors lauded on Elnsel for seven safe
ones. Oueatwood umpired.
Stops the CoJgh and Works off the
Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets cure
a cold in ono day. No cure , no pay.
Price 35 cents.
Rex Stock Food pleases everyone.
Likely to be a Feature of the
Summer Season ,
Other Lodges to bo Asked to Partici
pate Throe-Day's1 ' Race Moot with
Good ' Purses Contemplated The
Locals Defeat 'Sioux City.
From Monday' * Dnllvt
Everything poems to indicate that the
ledge plonlo And three days' race moot
plaiUiod for Norfolk' ' in September will
bd it go. .
At n meeting of n few business men
hold this morning in Dr. Mackay'a
olllco , plans were dlhcussed nud work
outlined in n general way for making
the nffnlr a success , It was decided to
call n meeting of business men nt the
city" hall for next Friday night nt which
moro complete arrangements will'bo
A committee was appointed to extend
Invitations to the Modoru Woodmen
nud A. 0. U. W , lodges to hold district
picnics here at that time. It was also
determined to raise funds from thb
business mou with which to entertain
the city's guests.
Suggestions were made as follows :
To have a three day rnoo meet , wltli
prizes for different events something
like this : Free for all $200.00 ; 3:40 class ,
9100.00 ; 8:00 : ( $100.00 ; base ball tourna
ment ; $150.00 prizes for bands ; bicycle
races ; reduced railroad rates , etc.
It is estimated that this event will
bring to the city no loss than 10,000
people and every business man shoujd
nttoud the mooting Fridny night at 8
o'clock , when more definite plans will
be made , reports hoard nnd data deter
mined. >
Take First from Sioux City.
Doing nicely , thnnks.
Thnt ia , did the Fagloy tenm of Sionx
City nicely yesterday in 77 minutes of
play with a score of 3 to 1. Ouo enrnod
run for the locals and not any for the
lowaus shows the superior article put up
> y the Wilkins bunch , and adds ouo
more shut-out gnmo to Galnska's string.
The only earned run in the game wn *
made by Kennedy on clever base ruu-
ling in the second , He hit safely ,
stole second , stole third and scored on
Davey's single. The visitors tied things
n the sixth when Kosuk hit , stole
second nud came home on a wild throw.
In the silly seventh thti visitors went
wrong nud on two errors , n wild pitch
and a hit , allowed Byers and Graves
to cross the rubber and win the game.
Battery honors were about even.
Galaska was hit six times , struck out
six and allowed one to walk. Metz was
found for five hits , struck out five and
passed two. Each team had seven die
on bases , each stole four bases , nnd
each made four errors.
The diamond was in wretched condi
tion from the rains. Bnehuer umpired
and was a little off on balls nnd strikes' .
Wood's brilliant fielding was a feature.
Kouney did good stick work and got the
glad hand. Agan did the back stop
stunt in good style nnd shoots sharply to
second. Davey made three pretty as
slsts and two put onts. Wilkius WAS a
veritable trap at first and Johnson ,
Byers and Graves are all showing np in
old time form.
The Fagloys play good ball all the
while and are here for another , game to
day. Buckllu is throwing for the locals.
By innings :
Win at Warnervllle.
The King of the Diamond team ,
under the captaincy of 'Butch' Mar-
qnardt , laid low a picked nine from
Battle Creek and Warnervllle at
iWarnerville , yesterday , by a score of 3
to 1. Al Madsen and Marquardt did
the twirling stunt for the Norfolk
bunch , and'pitched a shut oat game.
t J---J-J , J J- I I - T---U- . - - JT A
Grain Dealers Meet.
From Tue day' Dalljr.
A meeting of grain dealera was held
at the Oxnard hotel parlord yesterday
afternoon. About a tiozen men worb"ber'o
from the surradndlng " towns. The
meeting wasliold behind closed doors
and nothing of what was done is made
Some of these present were : Emll
Schiller of Verdigre , A. H. Becoslln of
Omaha , S. J. Brown of Omaha , Wm.
Krotter of Stuart , J. R. Morris of. Fre
mont , 0. 0. Crowell of Blair , 0. S.
Ohlnstook of West Point , D. Upton of
Pierce , Henry Torpln of Oakdale and
Geo. Krumm of Tildon.
This association meets every three
months in thla city.
A fine line of fly nets and dusters at
'Nordwig'a. ' Come and make a selection
while the stock is complete.
Now ia the time to bring in repairs to
Paul Nordwig's harness shop.
Tenth Tournament.
Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen's
association , Grand Island , Nebraska ,
August 5) ) 0 and It For this occasion
the Union Pacific will soil tickets from
all points in Nebraska for one fare for
the ronnd trip. Tickets on sale August
4 to 7 inclusive.
Full information cheerfully furnished
on application to
i' Agent.
Republicans Will Meet In Norfolk on
September 2 to Select a Candidate.
F om Wedn dn 'i Dal jr.
The republican central committee of
the Eleventh senatorial district held a
mooting in Norfolk yesterday , with
comuilttoomoii from the several coun
ties composing the district in attendance.
It VIM dooidod to call the convention
to meet in Norfolk nt 1 o'oloo k ia the
afternoon of September 3 , and a cnll
will soon bo issued conforming 19 that
decision. The .counties composing thb
district are : Stanton , Wayne , Pierce ,
and Madlaou ,
Some talk regarding possible candi
dates was indulged in , bat the campaign
is not far enough advanced to furnish nuy
very dofluinto opinions as to whW such
candidate will bo. It is conceded to bo
Plorco county's torn to7furulsh the
candidate and Dr. J. M , Aldeu nud H.
S. Beck were favorably mentioned for
the nomination.
Off the Bat.
Glen Wilkius may roturu.
Galaska will slay. Wo couldn't spare
'Gravoy * does some phenomenal field-
ding at times. Not a bad sticker , either.
That man Kennedy isn't so bad. He
is from See City bat1 plays good ball in
spite of it.
WilkluB is still nursing a bad thumb.
He throws without its nid and catches
just as if he didn't need a thumb.
A trip is being planned for the west
toward Cheyenne. It would be a mush
bettor ad. for Norfolk if the team could
have new uniforms.
Crolghton and Randolph are playing
a great game today. Large sums of
money are np and Oreightou hasa Min
neapolis tossor.
When a fly goes into the center gar
den the grand stand begins to pat a
cipher on the card and says "in a well. "
Woodle never Was known1 to miss.
Buckliu is pitching again. In Mon-
days's game he dropped 10 strike onts.
He has an up-shoot that they can't reach
with n telegraph pole. They couldn't
reach it with a telegram.
Coleridge , who conies for Saturday nnd
Sunday , have five of Norfolk's former
heroes. The Morrisons , Eddie Wood ,
Gene Noyes and Patridgo all made good
here in "J7.
Over nt Randolph the other day the
local management stayed with Davey ,
Johnson , Kennedy and Wood until 3
o'clock in the morning trying to hire
them nway from Wilkins. But the boys
liked Joe too well.
Springfield will be hero for next Mon
day and Tuesday. This is one of the
strongest teams in Southeast Nebraska
and star exhibitions are promised. The
dates come n trifle close to the Saturday
and Sunday games , but it was then or
never , nnd the superior nrtiolo was con
sidered enough to take them.
Agan and Byers each did a clever trick
in the last game with Sioux City. The
third basemen worked nearly to the
plate on left handed batters in order to
be able to field quickly , but these two
hlttem were np to the occasion and lifted
the sphere just over the foxy baseman's
head. After that he stayed back.
The White Monkey.
"Peeja , " the human monkey , snow
white and pink as beautiful and grace
ful and delicate as a French doll is with
the Floto shows. She is the rarest and
most extraordinary animal in the known
world to day. Naturalists are absolutely
unable to nlace this most wonderful
creature. Nothing like "Peeja" has'ovor
been" seen before. She is , as affectionate
and toying and gentle as a little child and
as big a flirt as French 'coquette. Ifane
can't flirt with' & man 6"r boy she will flirt
with a woman or girl. "Peeja" must
have something or somebody to love and
caresa. She wants you to- come out and
play with her. ' * '
"Peeju'1 was the mountains
of ] eq uatorial Afrlda by Captain Yon
Bulow , the celebrated German explorer.
She was thowhito'queenof an unknown
tribe of black or brown'monkeys , and
was captured after many dangers and
hardships and after [ following the baud
for days and nights. She was sent to the
United States where she was purohasdd
by Otto Floto shows at a higher price
than was ever before paid for a monkey.
She cost $3,000 , and is the only knoWn
white monkey in the world.
Lockhart's elephants , the most marvel
ous troupe of performing beasts the
world has ever known , and UnolO Da'u
Castello's troupe of 100 horses and ponies ,
educated to do everything but talkla part
of the greatest circus organization eidbe
the time of Barnnm.
Special Excursions East.
During June , July , August and Sep
tember the Union Pacific will sell
tickets from Oozad , Nebraska , Peuokio
and Wakeonoy , Kansas , and points east
thereof tonll , points in Iowa , Minnesota
and Wisconsin at greatly reduced rates.
Information regarding rates and dates
of sale will be oheerfnly furnished on
application to J. B. Elaeffer , agent.
Land Marks
Made famous by the early traders , ex
plorers , pioneers , Mormons , emigrants ,
pony express riders , overland stage
coaches , Indian encounters , etc. , are
asen from the car windows of the Union
Pacific trains. Be sure your ticket
reads via this route.
Wilkins Family Had Nothing to
Give-Sioux City.
Qamo Was Not in Doubt for a Mo
ment. Locals Took Flvo the First
Time to Bat and Followed Thorn
With Others to the End.
From Tuasdoy's Daily ;
Ton strike outs for Bucklln , against
ono by Oraudorf , 17 safe hits by the
locals against 0 bythe * visitors , 7 stolen
bases by the homo club compared with
ouo by the men from Iowa and 12 big ,
square scores fOr the Wllklus' bauch to
0 by the Fagley team , tolls the story of
Norfolk's onsy wnlk-awny from Sioux
City yesterday nftoruoou , in the final
The visitors were out of their class
completely nnd at no time was the
result at nil doubtful. Every man on
ho Sugar City side of the play , hit the
jail for at least one safe .one and John
son , out of five times np , landed for
hre singles and a double. Buoklin
dropped strike outs quite at will and
; he tenm gave good support.
Earned runs stood 6 and 2 but errors
did the rest. F. Spauldlngjumpired.
By innings :
Norfolk C011 1220 * 12
Fagley 00182000 0 0
The line up :
Fagley. Norfolk.
Brown 8 b , ' .Johnson
Willing , .r. f Graves
Drandorf p Backlin
E. Olson 1 b Wilkins
Trainer c , . . .Agan
Metz ! . . .s. s Davoy
ECosak 2 b. . . . , Kennedy
Reece 1. f Byers
A1. Olson o.f Wood
Coleridge will be here for Saturday
and Sunday. Five of Norfolk's ' 07
team are with the visitors. They nre :
Morrison brothers , Gene Noyes , Par
tridge and Eddlo Woods.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
at the postofflce July S3 1902.
Miss Edith Allen , Mr. A. L. Burdoine ,
Miss Emma Orubr , Mr. P. 0. D-wis ,
Mr. S. T. Folsou , Miss Ague's Joyce ,
Mrs. H. S. McAllister , Mrs.'H. G.
Norris , S. I. Paradice.Mrs. Elize Scott ,
Mrs. Mattle Williams , Miaa Laura
Wilhelmy , Miss Mary Warker. ' ,
If not called for in 1C days will be
sent to the dead letter office. ' ' * YJ
Parties calling for any of the aooye
please say advertised. * & & ' '
Low Round Trip Rates via Unio
cific , from Missouri Rivor.
$15.00 to Denver , Colorado Springs
and Pueblo , Colorado , July 1 to 13 , in
clusive , August 1 to 14 , 33 to 34 , and 30
to 31 , inclusive.
$19.00 to Denver , " Colorado Springs
and Pueblo , Colorado , Jane 35 to 00 , in
clusive , July 14 to 31 , inclasive.
$25.00 to Snlt Lake City nnd Ogden ,
Utah , August 1 to 14 , inclusive.
$35.00 0 Gleuwood Springs , Colorado ,
July 1 to 13 , inclusive , August 1 to 14 ,
33 to 24 nnd 30 to 31 inclusive.
$30.00 to Salt Lake City nnd Ogdeu ,
Utah , July 1 to 13 , inclusive , August 23
to 34 , and 30 to 31 , inclusive.
$31.00 toGlenwood Springs , Colorado ,
June 25 to 30 , inclusive , July 14 to 31 ,
$33.00 to Salt Lake City and Ogden ,
Utah , June 25 to 30 , inclusive , July 14
to 31 , inclusive.
$45.00 td San Francisco , Los Angeles ,
California , August 3 to 10 , inclusive' .
$45.00 td Portland , Oregon , Tacdma
and Seattle , Washington , "July 11 to 21 ,
' ' v
Full information cheerfully furnished
on application to J. B. Elaeffer , 'agent :
Superb Climate.
In Colorado olj the conditions o
health are mob. There /ia / a'sriitfqient
altitude to cause lung and chest de
velopment ; there ia the dry , oxhilarat-
ang mountain air , with an almost ab-
feblute absence of malaria ; there is the
tbnlo 'effect of a bracing climate , with
out its rigors' ; an atmosphere" filled with
oz'one' ; cool nights in Brimmer , a bright ,
sunny aky almost every day"in the year ,
conductive of cheerfulness and bringing
a new pleasure every morning , con
stantly stimulating both mind and body.
To enable persona to reach those
favored localities 'without unnecessary
expenditure of time or money , the
Union Pacific has put in effect very low
rates and splendid train service , three
trains leaving Missouri river dally for
Denver , one of which ia "The Colorado
Special , " the finest and fastest train in
the west. Accommodations are pro
Tided for all classes of passengers on
these trains , the equipment including
free reclining chair can , dining cars
buffet , smoking cars , drawing room
sleepers and day coaches , etc.
Full' information cheerfully furnished
on application to
Real Estate Agents A Word to Yon.
Do you want to know where the next
great land boom will be , and where yon
can ffiako plenty of money ? If so ,
write the undersigned for a circular
telling "All about it. " J. F. Merry
assistant general passenger agent 111
inois Central railroad , Dubuvno , la.
Sfte Has Cured Thousand V
Given up to Din ,
Practicing Aleopufchy ,
opathy , Electu'ic iind Gen
eral Modi inc.
Will , by reiiuatt , visit prof * lonnlly
rolnrulng erery foofr woeVt. Consult h r whtlo
ttio opportunity ( at linnil.
DR. CAt > D\VE' ' L 1 mi to liar pf-ct c to the
pooinl troiitmout of din aies of tba eye , ear ,
noia , throat , lutun , famalo di.o-uos. < lla as < n of
children and all chronic. noivou * aad aandcal
dlsaatoaof a curaolo nuturo Early cousnmn-
tlunAbroQchUli , broinhlal catarrh , cbrnnio
catarrh , headaitie , centtlpntlo , , aiomacli nnd
bowel troublns. rhmimatUm uonraluln , acl-
a'lca , Hrlaht'e dlseiiso , kidney dlaoaBosdloaaoa
of the liver nnd bl'ddar , dizziness , Det'ousness ,
indlRo-tl n , oboilty interrupted i ntrltlon ,
slow growth In cblluro- . and all wasting dla-
oaio in adults , dnfo mitlo > clnb-fflot cnrva-
tnro of tlia plno , dlteasoa of the bruin , paraly-
els , heart dlaaato , dropajr , swelllni o' thn Hmbn ,
stricture , npan sorea , pain ID the bonea. grann-
lar enlargements and nil long-standing dls-
eaeea proparly treato I.
Blood HUd Skin
Pimples , blotohos , eruptions , liver spots , fall-
tig of the hair , bad complexion , ecznma , throat
ulcers. ho .a pains , bladder tumbles , weak
back , burning urine pa sing nrlna too often.
The etlects of couitltntlunul atckneta or the
taking of too much injurious modlclne receives
searching treatment , prompt relief and a care
for life. /
Dlseaeos of woman , Irregular menstruation ,
falling of the omb , bearing down pains ,
foino " { 'placements , lack of aezaal tone.
I.eno irrhea. starillt * or barrenness , cnnanlt
Dr Caldwell ani she will show them the cause
of their trouble and the way to become cared ,
Concern , Goiter , Flntulu , llle
ani onlarK8ffK | anda treated with the subcn-
tnneoua Inject on methol. absolutely without
pain and wtt'inut the lima 'f a drop of blood ,
Is one of lior own discoveries and In really the
moat scientific method of tills advanced agn.
Dr , Caldwell ha practiced her profession ii
some of the lariat hospi als throughout the
country. She imi no superior it. the treating
nnd diagnosing ( H'paees de'onnltlea , o'c. She
has lately opened an olllco in Omaha. Nebraska ,
uliero she will fpeiut a portion of each week
treatl-g her many patients. Nn incorablo
cases accepted for treatment Consultation ,
ozamlnntion and advice oiia dollar t > thoae in
terested , I > E. OKA UAI.DUBL.L& Co.
Omaha , Neb. Chicago , 111.
If so , before making any plans for
your Summer fishing trip , you should
write or call onns for information per
taining to the Lakes of Minnesota.
There are ten thousand lakes in the
State of Minnesota , which are filled
with Bass , Pickerel , Orappie , Muska-
longe , etc. * ' ' ' " '
Remarkably low round trip tickets
with long limits , will be on sale U
Information regarding fishing resorts ,
hotel rates , and ronnd trip tickers will
be cheerfully furnished by
Dist. Pass. Agent , 111. Cent. R. R. M
No. 1403 Farnam St. Omaha.
To Chicago , Milwaukee , Racine ,
Rookford , Lacrosse , Dnbnque , Elgin ,
Freeport , Madison , Janesville
and other important points East , North
east and Southeast , via *
Electric light in Every Berth.
The Milwaukee is the only Eleotrio
Lighted Train that runs in and out of
Omaha. All cars are supplied with'in
candescent lights.
Palace Sleepers and , the finest Dining
Oars in the world are run on the 0. M.
& St. P. Ry. Write nnd get -full in-
F. A. NASH ,
General Western Agent ,
H. W. HOWBLL , i604Farnam St. ,
Truv , Frt. & PUBS. Agt. Omaha.