The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 25, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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lAe ( alleged that the Panama lint IK
not nearly KO fatal UK the Piiinxiim fever ,
The campaign in expected noon to
opou iu n mnuuor tlmt will Inform
everyone tlmt nu election in dnb ,
If Uicvb Hoods etiutlnno itiH likely that
the boasted fast train service to the
coast will bu supcrccdcd by n
King Edward in now to bo offloinlly
crowned on Anguat Olf Mr. PorUyphlitiu
dooe not Bttp in nnd interfere with the
Soon the sports will bo regaled with
a long and detailed account of a great
i ! prir.0 fight , if the sheriff doon not stop in
and prevent the game.
When yon POO a man holding bin bond
tip as though the world IH safe to
lirwnmo that ho IB a Nebraoka fnrmi't
trith prospects in eight for the
Lxrgent crop ever harvested in the his-
4ory of the Mate.
u ; The loading fnsioulsts nro not ex
pected to endorse Mickey. Ho will bo
elected without snob endorsement and
mi endowment from them.mlght prove
a hoodoo. Ho JH the people's candidate
untl will got their votes.
Btoglo manufacturers have gouo into
n combine and those who have been
titling this form of the wood with the
idea that ( hey were not patrons of
u trust will bo compelled to either use
trust goods or swear oil.
Governor Taft believes thaf ho will bo
able to remove much of the trouble
from the Philippines by removing the
friars and ho has been assured by the
pope that he will have his assistance iu
the solution of the question ,
The drainage question appears to bo amore
moro serlouH ono this summer than that
of irrigation , The farmers may want
uorno of this surplus water in years to
come but they do not wivut it nov.
An attorney has again been chosen by
the "formers' party" to load their cam
paign this fall. The politician ! ) and at
torneys posing as loaders of the fusionists -
ists appear to bo afraid to trust the gov
ernor's oillco to a good honest farmer.
North Oarollua democrats have nomin
ated for congress a man who supported
Mr. McKiuley for president. It is pos
sible that Pitchfork Tillman of South
Carolina could detect the direction of
the breeze by this incident if ho would
keep an observing eye in his head.
A Now Jersey convict 1ms been par
iloned that ho may go to Germany and
obtain a fortune of $50,000 that is await.
ing an heir. A pardon under such con
ditions is a happy ending of a peniten
tiary beuteuco and many would be vil
iug to s rvu a term for such a re\\urd.
The Fullerton News-Jounwl of the
17th contains an excellent write-up of
the town , county , business interests
and ofllolulB , illustrated with excellent
hnlf-toue cuts of leading citizens , build
ings and publio institutions. It ia a
credit to the locality and the publishers.
The fnsiouists qnlto agree with the
ttngar trust and a number of republicans
that something should have been done
for Cuba by the last session of congress.
It is the democratic way of throwing the
markets of thn United States open to
the world , regardless of the interests of
home industries.
That romantic sensation , the French
.duel , is certainly passing. A popular
Paris lawyer was recently slapped in
the face and presented with a card by
the friend of a lady whom it is clamed
he had insulted. Instead of a duel the
attorney threatents to prosecute his
enemy for assault.
Wm. K Fowler has given" excellent
satisfaction as state superintendent of
publio Instruction and deserves a hearty
endorsement on the part of the voters
He has proven his aptability for the
position beyond question and it would
I be the part of unwisdom , that Nebraska
voters are seldom guilty of , to ignore his
claim for re-election.
The direct primary system may not
receive the approval of the party bosses
but the rank and file of all parties should
support it to a man. Its introduction
1 will mean that the voters vrill have
, more than ever to say concerning who
will bs nominated and elected to prom
inent official positions. It is a nearer
approach to a government by nnd for
the people ,
The sugar trust has been able to exist
without free raw sugar from Cuba and
probably will continue to exist whether
it secures what it desires or not. Never
theless it is making efforts iu that dir
ection that indicate there is something
in it The republican party should
hesitate a long time before it consents
to be a cats-paw for the Havonieyer
A couple of Illinois men learned , alas
'too late , that it was unsafe for them to go
homo In an Intoxicated condition
George .luubeit awl bin brother MOHOH ,
went homo while under the influence of
liquor and proceeded to batter down the
doorwhou Mm. George Joubert appeared
on the RCOIIO and shot them both dead ,
believing that the house was benolgcd
by burgiara.
Blxby ndvlHoa people to boil their
drinking water dnring the Hood Roanon.
It la n pretty eufo proposition , when the
collar In full and a bucket of water can
bu proonred from n halo in the lawn
tour inches deep , to tnko no ohauues of
encountering malaria and typhoid fovcr
gorniH. Bail , filter or distill the water
if uoconsary and" * prevent Bickuoss and
ttavu doatortt1 bills.
Mm. Mary I3uker , sister-in-law of
Mary Bukor Eddy , the noted Christian
Scientist , died in Boston Thursday of
cancer of the stomach. About a year
ago ulio submitted to Christian Science
treatment , paying largo sums of money ,
Finding it was doing her no good she ro-
ftiRud to take further treatment unless a
euro was guaranteed , in which cose she
wonld pay liberally. The Scientists re-
fuHod the guarantee and oho died ,
Gorman cavalry ofllcera ore to visit
the United StatOB to learn the secrets of
American borne breeding with tie idea
of improving mounts of the German
cavalry. They are envious of the line
animals bestrode by Americana.
European countries ore arriving at a
poiut whore they are willing to take
almost any kind of letBOUB from the
American republic. America is be
ginning to txcell in almost everything.
The children will soon begin to in-
qniro what the free and unlimited
coiuago of silver at the ratio of 10 to 1
moans. They will also wish to know
who "Coin" Harvey was. In order to
be able to inform them fathers will bo
compelled to refer to ancient history or
refresh their memory in some other
manner. It will require a study of
political history forthe youths of com
ing generations to know the meaning of
those terms.
The semi-annual statement of County
Treasurer II 0. Miles shows the county
finances to be in a very satisfactory con
dition , with generous balances iu most
of the funds. There is one small over ;
draft of $50 against the township
fund , but the credit balance formed of
the total balances from Other funds pre
sents the magnificent figure of $48,044.88 ,
so that * the small overdraft charged
against one of the funds leaves no oc
casion for worry.
A Wafihingtou correspondent suggests
that he baa at last found a real live is-
HUO for the democrats. He learns that
thick , black smoke is fatal to mosqnitos
and suggests that in the interests of
these insects the democrats might begin
n campaign against the volume of smoke
lesntug frpui prosperity factories. Cer
tainly nothing has proven more fatal to
the said smoke than a democratic administration - ,
ministration and that party might be
iuduced to wngo a battle for the insects.
It is rumored that General Wood is to
bo n member of the isthmian canal
comiuissou , possibly its chairman , The
general's administration of affairs in
Cuba certainly qualifies him for the posi
tion. To him is due a largo portion of
the credit for the condition of Havana ,
both in regard to the modern improve
ments and its healthfnluess , and it will
bo very satisfactory to those who have
admired his work in Cuba to have him
placed in control of the wqrk on the
The report leaks out that King
Edward is not enjoying the excellent
health that the press dispatches credit
him with and it is said the Edward's
desire for un.early coronation is thut in
the event of death the jointure rights of
the qnoon might not be affected. If he
should die before the coronation Queen
Alexandra's claim to jointure from the
state would be injured. If this is
what prompts the early preparation for
the coronation , conditions must bo of n
moro Borions nature than the public is
The campaign has not yet opened in
the Third district sufficiently to de er
mine just how th6 opposing forces are
lining up , but from nil appearances the
republicans are- well united under
McCarthy's leadership and ore assem
bling themselves iu a solid phalanx that
will sweep across the district in a fash
ion to carry all opposition before it to a
magnificent victory. The fusion forces
that have been dwindling through
several campaigns will dwindle some
more this fall and the district will
again bo in the republican column when
the votes are counted. ,
The talk among the railroad people of
the ease of preventing tbo cuttom ol
kissing about the trains and depots is
being given a practical test in Germany ,
where a man was arrested for kissing
his wife and given n five days' sentence.
He has appealed the case and desires to
know if there is really a law that will
prevent him from kissing his wife when
and where ho pleases. Perhaps it is a
just pauishment for a man who wonld
kiss his wife. If it had been some one
else's wife or the hired girl the author
ities might have overlooked the breach
of modern railway etiquette. And then
ho otayed with the Ititn to long that
trafllo wnH impeded and delayed ,
Eugene Austin , formerly of Tim
NKWB olllcohas leased the Pierce Leader
and beginning with next week's Issue
will bo in full control , Mr , Austin IH a
thorough , all-around printer nnd his
Norfolk friends will wish him unqual
ified Bucceta in hlo now undertaking ,
W. E. Powers , who linn so successfully
conducted the paper for the past 10 or
! b years , will engage in the real estate
business with several well known Pierce
real ( Btato men nnd it IB a foregone con
clusion that ho will moot with success ,
Some of the leading populists fear
thut it will bo impossible to get voters
of that party in line for the fusion ticket
headed by a democratic candidate for
governor. They not only fear there will
bo a slump of populists bnt they know
it. Past campaigns of a similar char
acter teach them what tb expect from
fusion this year and the majority of
them will 11 ot bo disappointed when the
returns show that Mickey has been
elected governor by a fine largo plurality.
Many of the populists have found that
they can support the republican ticket
without injury to themselves or the
state an'd they will do it this fall.
By ( ho retirement of the marquis of
Salisbury from the British premiership
America loses a warm friend from n
position in which ho' was able to do
much toward strengthening friendly re
lations wltfi this country. In spite of
all that may have been Bald against the
British , under Salisbury's administra
tion that country has contributed much
toward the development of this country.
Americans may be inclined to think
that this country can grow and prosper
"without the aid or consent of any
nation on earth" but those in a position
to know realize that England's friend
ship has counted for a great deal and nlj
should wish for its continuance.
The expected has happened. Hou
John S. Robinson of Madison has been
reuominated by the fusion conventions
and the campaign in the Third district
is now thoroughly open. Mr. Robinson
has hiany friends among nil parties of
the district and if n fufiontst is to repre
sent it they wonld prefer him above
everyone else , but his warmest admirers
cannot fail to fear that his time has"
come. They have seen the fusion ma
jority dwindling with each campaign
nud do not fail to recognize that Mr.
Robinson is leading a forlorn hope in an
effort to prevent the district from har
monizing with the administration. If
the truth were known it is probable that
the fusion candidate himself recog
nizes the situation and understands that
he cannot be re-elected. It is cause for
regret to fnsiouists that one of their best
men should be turned down bnt they
are not slow to recognize that fusionism
is on the decline and republicanism is
on the ascendency in the district.
The sugar trust is watching every
chance to make a poiut ngninst the beet
sugar interests nud those who support
the homo industry. They just now
imagine thnt the republican party "of
this state has "turned down" the Ne
braska senators and will not allow them
to appear on the stump dnring the
present campaign because of their at
titude on the Cuban reciprocity measure.
They can "see things" where there is
nothing to see. They can imagine that
there was a turning down when noth
ing of the sort was attempted. It is
possible that the party wishes this
issue kept out of the present campaign ,
in which event they are not unwise , as
its introduction under present circum
stances could not operate to settle the
matter and wonld undoubtedly do much
harm as there are numerous good re
publicans on both sides of the question.
It is probable that any pronounced ad
vocate of the sugar trust and Cuban
reciprocity wonld be just as promptly
"turned down" . The committee should
turn down the question until it is
presented right. (
The Mississippi river is raging and the
prospects are that previous flood stories
of the spring and summer will be mere
items before the father of waters has
completed its work of devastation.
Already it is reported that thousands of
acres are flooded , levees are breaking
and farmers are compelled to fly to the
high lands to save life and. stock. Most
of the damage thus for reported is on
the upper Mississippi , the floods being
iu Iowa , Illinois and Missouri. Magnif
icent crops that gave promise of record
breaking yields are being swept away ,
while railroad and other property is in
extreme peril. .The Skunk river in Iowa
has reached a record breaking poiut and
is doing great damage in that state. The
previous high records of the river were
in 1851 and in 181)3 ) , both of which have
uow been exceeded. It is already esti
mia , d that the flood damage in and
about Iowa is about | 4,000,000. The farm
ers suffering the greatest loss were losers
by the drouth last year and this year
they are almost destitute nnd many of
them are looking for work as day labor-
ers. Nebraska flood stories are mere
tales compared with the disasters that
are happening and developing along the
Mississippi valley , If the rain will just
cease for a time in Nebraska this state
will produce sufficient to care for all who
are losers by this worst phase of the
Don't kick , if it IB hot. It takes this
sort of weather to make that bumper
crop of corn that IB promised by present
conditions ,
That Joke about harvesting corn with
a step ladder will bo no joke this fall if
warm wont her will bo a feature from
now until the grain ban attained its
growth ,
If the city administration really ex *
poets to do something along street work
and drainage lines it should first BOO to
it that someone Is put in charge who
can handle men and teams to good ad
vantage and who can BOO a point or re
sult and woik to and for it. Everyone
has not this ability bnt many have audit
should bo in charge of unch an overseer.
Plattsmonth experienced one of thot e
disastrous cloudbursts and floods Thurs
day evening. Electric and gas lights
were drown and' the city was 1 f t in
total darkness while the flood raged , The
damage has not been estimated , bnt it IB
said to have been ) the most serious flood
ever known there. People living in high
auddryciticB ( { like Norfolkcan afford to
sympathise with those who make their
home in Plattemouth.
The country is so prosperous and there
are so many demands for help at good
wages that the army and navy officers
are experiencing much difficulty in
securing recruits and enlistments. The
young men who are usually fluxions for
such positions are well employed nnd
the recruiting officers find it impossible
to induce them to leave good positions
fora life on the waves or in the army
camps. A little democratic "pros
perity" might help the recruiting sta
The sentiment appears to be practically
unanimous that the city council should
do something in way of street work ,
drainage , etc. Inasmuch as leading tax
payers are represented the city adminis
tration should take the hunch and do
something. The taxpayers wonld not
be likely to k thnt the work be done if
it was an expensive luxury , bnt they
evidently consider movement along that
line an imperative necessity. As long as
the people want the work done it is xip
to the proper officials to do it.
Richmond Pierson Hobson js again in
public print , he having recently saved a
St. Louis young woman from a watery
grave at least he is given credit for
that. Some of the girl's green eyed
enemies assert , however , that she fell
into the water on purpose to be rescued
by the naval hero , and location and cir
cumstances appear to bear them out.
Anyway she was an original young
woman and chose to do something more
worthy of notice than giving Hobson
osoulatory greeting as BO many of her
sex have done.
Minister Wn Ting Fang , who has so
ably represented the Chinese govern
ment in this country , has been called
home to reform the laws of his govern
ment. "With his experience in this
county it may be expected that the new
code of laws to be adopted will be on
broad and intelligent lines that will have
great effect in bringing his country in
touch with modern civilization. It is
very probable that the- Chinese people
of the future will nud their ancient laws
as humorous as are the blue laws of
Connecticut to the Americans of today.
Some of the hide-bound partisan
papers would now dtsire that the friar
situation in the Philippines be made
into a political issue but the manndrin
which Governor Tuft has been received
by Pope Leo would indicate that there
is no basis for such a desire. The pope
recognizes that the American people
generally are as much the friends of his
church as they are of any other church
organization and expresses his kindest
regards for' the American government
and the American people , especially
commending thd * work in the Philip
Those republicans who are favoring a
policy of reciprocity injurious to the
American beet sugar industry should be
ware of the flattery accorded them by
the democrats , free traders and the
sugar trust officials. ' If they succeed in
dethroning the republican policy of pro
tection these will not be the forces that
will restore them to the heights from
which they have fallen , bnt will stamp
on their prostrate forms and howl in
great glee over their ruin. The re
publican party will not gain in the least
by discrediting the sincerity of those
"Insurgents" who chdose to stand on
that good old republican policy of pro
tection to home interests. They are
better republicans than many of their
There are people in Norfolk who differ
materially from the city administration's '
idea of economy. They imagine , for
instance , that these frog poude and
stagnant pools are a far more expensive
luxury ( ? ) than wonld bo a complete
system of drainage. As incubators of
expensive doctors' bills they should be a
distinct success. Again they notice that
the city constantly has men employed a
hauling dirt and filling in holes , and up-
preaches to crossings , each heavy rain
removing the filling and making it nec
essary to do the work over. Some of
the tax-payers believe that it would be
much more economical to provide water
ways so that the floods wonld not bo
compelled to dig n channel through the
center of the streets. - There are many
phases of the economy question , and in .
( ho opinion of n large number of cltiztiis i
the cltv administration is following one
of the least thnt of saving momy.
Sketch Plan for $100,000 Structure
Will be Prepared at Once.
Senator Millard received a letter yet-
terday from J. Knox Taylor , supervising
architect of the treasury , in reference to
the time work is to begin on the contem
plated public building nt Norfolk , for
which the Into cession of congress appro
priated 1100,000 , largely through the
efforts , of Senator Millard. the architect
advised the senator that his office would
at once make sketch plans for the ap
proval of the cabinet board , and it is
thought that the work can be'placed on
the maiket nt sncb/a time as will insure
making of contract to begin operations
as eoon as the weather will premit in
the spring of 1003.
Senator Millurd was alsb advised that
his request for a change of schedule for
Carrying the mails from Creighton to
Center , Neb. , had been granted * The
object of change was to obviate delay
caused by the carrier failing to wait for
through trains. Omaha Bee.
Few realize the excellence of the
volunteer fire departments of the state
who have not witnessed any of their
tournaments , of which the tenth annual
will be held at Grand Island Tuesday ,
Wednesday and Thursday August C , 0
and 7 , The speed events are particularly
thrilling. A fine race course has been
built especially forthu occasion. All
ra'lroads ' offer cne fare for the round trip.
The Entrancing Circus.
What a strange glamour there is about
cirors paraphernalia !
A circus wagon , a circus bond or a
circus parade possesses a charm over
young and old alike that is quite unex-
plainable. When a circus parade passes
along everybody leaves off work to view
it. A celebrated philosopher of the mod
ern school once said that he would be
afraid of the man or woman whose heart
was not stirred by a circus parade. Bnt
of all circus parades today tbat of the
Otto Floto shows is the incomparable.
Such glittering wagons and harness and
such pretty , prancing steeds were never
before put into a street pageant. These
are not the cheaply-gaudy wagons the
people are used to looking at. They are
built to last a life-time if necessary and
genuine gol'd and silver leaf instead of
bronze and silver paint has been'nsed to
decorate them. Hundreds of dollars
worth of gold and' silver adorn each
wagon , giving back the rays of the sun
increased in brilliancy a hundred fold ,
while the great baud wagon is more re
fulgent than an altar of the sun worship
ers. Tableaux , too , like scenes from
fairyland , lend an increased charm to the
parade , while the dogs and ponies are
said to be matchless the world over.
More than that , there are the wonderful
Lockhnrt baby elephants , that have made
two continents talk about , them , and no
matter where they go the children never
tire of looking t them. '
LOST. Gold watch with Hamden
movement. Had lady's gold neck chain
attached. Finder please return to L.
G. Benedict , Melvin postofflce , or leave
nt THE NEWS office and receive reward
Good Apple and Potato Crop.
G. A LovelandSection director of cli
mate and crop service of the agricultural
department , gives the following general
summary of crop conditions in Nebraska
for the week ending July 22 :
The past week , as a whole , was cool and
wet. The daily mean temperature has
averaged 8 degrees below the normal in
in eastern counties and 5 degrees below
in western.
The rain occurred principally in heavy
thunder showers Thursday night and Fri
day ; the amount exceeded 1 inch in most
of the eastern counties nnd ranged from
2 to 0 baches in a'nnmber of southeastern
The first four days of the week were
hot and dry , exceedingly favorable for
all agricultural interests. Some progress
was made in stacking and threshing
wheat ; however , little could be done in
the eastern counties the last dajspf the
wetk , because of heavy rain. The winter
wheat harvest is
about completed ; a
s nail amount of wh * at in the southeast
ern counties on low wet land has not and
probaly will not be cut. Oats have been
further injured by the showers of the
week ; the harvest of oatB is in progress
in southern counties. Corn has grown
well ; the cultivation of corn is about
finished , because corn is getting BO large
the cultivation was less than usual and
many fields are rather weedy ; however ,
corn is in a very promising condition
except in the relatively small acreage
where it has been damaged by the
heavy rains : early corn'is tasseling-and
Bilking. Potatoes are a large crop , bnt
there are some complaints of rotting.
Apples are abundant and p : online a
good crop.
Low Fare Excursions
To Hot Springs , South Dakota and the
Black Hills.via the F. E. & M. V. rail-
road. Excursion tickets will be sold
every day until September 15 , good to
return until October 31 , to Hot Springs ,
Deadwood nnd Lead , South Dakota !
Full particulars will be cheerfully
furnished as to rates , etc.
Agent. .
Excursion Stearner is Cut in.
Two by a Tug.
Bevveen Fifty and Sixty Believed to-
Be Dead Disaster Occurs While.
Crossing the Channel Near Blank-
enez Primus Sent to the Bottom. '
Hamburg , July 22. The steamship
Primus of Hamburg : , with 185 pasBen-
cere on board , was cut in two and.
unk by the tug Hansa on the river
Elbe yesterday.
Bo far as Is ascortalnable about fifty
persons were drowned. The Primus
wae an excursion steamer from Buxte-
At the time of the accident Primus ,
was crossing the river channel near
Blankcnez , from the uouthern Into tha
northern fairway.
According to witnesses aboard Han-
ea , the movement was made too pre
cipitously. Primus struck the tug's
engine room and , Hanaa endeavored to
push it ashore , but the tug grounded
and they parted. Primus then sank.
Panic on the Primus.
The terrible panic on board the ves-
eel when the tug struck her rendered
assistance almost useless. Fortunate
ly the Dolphin came up and assisted
in saving a number of persons , whllo
other boats assisted in the work ot
Some of the survivors furnish graph
ic descriptions of the awful sudden
ness of the disaster. According to th < s
Btory , the band was playing and many
couples were dancing on deck , when
the crash of the collision came like
a thunderbolt. The vessel gave a
great- list , her deck taking such n
Blope that It was Impossible for th
passengers to keep their feet. Thoss '
below scrambled up the companion
ways , but most of the persons In the
saloons were drowned. Men fought
for their own safety regardless of oth
ers. In the midst of the confusion the
boilers exploded , adding to the horrors
rors of the'scene and many persons
are said to have been Injured by flying \ J
splinters of metal.
Estimates of the dead vary from-
fifty to sixty.
Lose Their -Lives In Phenomenaf
Storm at Kleff , Russia.
Kief , Russia , July 22. Fifteen per
sons were drowned yesterday by a
sudden ln-rush of water. Into the base
ments of various houses in the lower.
portion of the town.
A torrential rain Btorm , accom
panied by volent wind and hall , broke
over Kleff during the afternoon and
turned the streets Into veritable tor
rents , flooding cellars and drowning
their occupants before they were able
to escape.
Large trees were uprooted and rail
road embankments were washed away ,
necessitating the suspension of traf
fic. The losses sustained arc henvy.
Fifty-eight Harvesters Drowned.
St. Petersburg , July 22. A ferry
boat , while crossing the river Volga
at Beresnlki , sank and fifty-eight har
vesters were drowned.
Government Fleet Sails From Pan
ama for Agua Culce.
Panama , Colombia , July 22. The
government fleet sailed with rein-
forcementB and ammunition and provisions - 1
visions for General Berti's army a : .
Agua Dulce. General Salazar , governor -
or of Panama , instructed the com
mander of the fleet , should the revolu
tionary gunboat Padilla be met , to en
gage her In a decisive battle. Salazar
believes that a. big battle is being ,
fought at Agua Dulce and if the-govH
ernment troops are victorious in the
engagement , the revolution on the
Isthmus- will be ended. .
Situation In Hayti Is Worse. 1
v Port au Prince , Hayti , July 22. The
situation in Hayti has become worse.
General Jean Jumeau , who > supports
the candidacy for the presidency of M.
Flrmln , Is on his way to the capital ,
and General Salnave with a consider * !
able force has started for Cape Hay.
tlen , 'In ' order to attack General Nerd , '
the war minister. It Is generally bo-1
Hcved that Firmin will not meet with
any serious resistance In his advance
on the capital.
Hair Falls
" I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor to
stop my hair from falling. One-
half a bottle cured me. "
J. C. Baxter , Braidwood , 111.
Ayer's Hair Vigor is
certainly the most eco
nomical preparation of its
kind on the market. . A
little of it goes a long way.
It doesn't take much of
it to stop falling of the
hair , make the hair grow ,
and restore color to gray
hair. ji.oo botu * . AII
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