V ) THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , JULY 25 , 1902. Now Jersey Gives Warm Wel come to Roosevelt. PAY3 TRIBUTE TO GUARDSMEN , yisltB National Guard Encampment at 8ca Girt and Reviews Troops Ciller I' ' i Executive Given Enthusiastic GreetIng - * | Ing All Alone the Route. ' ' } i Sea Girt , N. J. , July 25. o proal- i ' dcmt over rocolvod a mdro ftlrtCflrVJ , nrid patriotic wulcomo thin that filven Proaldent llooiovclt yoBtor- < n.y . by the people of Now Jornuy , 1-Yom Uio tlmo ho landed on Now Jor- V > y boil At 1:35 : In the hftornooii until ho loft In his launch for hla yacht , Maytlowor , anchored aovoral mlloa off the iilur , ho was the roclplont of a continuous ovation. The president , on Invitation of Governor Kranklln Murphy , vlflltod the encampment of the Second Now Jersey National Chard at Sea Qltt. At 1:35 : the president and hla party landed at the plor from the Mayflow er's oloctrlc launch , while the harbor , resounded with the din of steam whis tles nnd cheers of the people. As the party Htoppod upon the plor they Were greeted by Governor Murphy , Sonatoro tfoKn and Dryden and the govornor'n staff In gorgeous uniforms. The party was conducted tb a ape dal train of Pullman'cars In waiting nnd started Immediately for Sea Qlrt. At every town along the route clabor- nto preparations had boon made for thoJrocopUon5r th'O tmSIlorttf ! Too railway stations all si-ions - the line were , thronged Pwlth 'pepplft,4 Vlio chcbrcd and wav < x , , . . , p. . . enthUBlaBtla- _ . . . „ the train pnj&ed , All of tlio stations and many 'Yosldonc'oB ' were dodbrjiTed 'handsomely Ton thoiisaill people greeted the party at Sea Ql'rt station , f resident Roosevelt ; and the other" guests 'wow ( Srie&rtod Mn Car riages'to'tho governor's' ' dotthfco , all- Jolrflnfc the mlltary encampment. As ho arrived at the cottage H jprdstdonta Bahilo of twenty-one guns wds flrejl. After a brief rest and An. ' Infohnal rp- coptlo'n , , at the cotfa o , 'President ' Roosevelt1 'arid Qoyornor Miirnhy ftijd staff reviewed thojjjj'roops in 'oacfnp , the prbaldont being Amounted > on A magnificent PhoBtmit * lin.y , wjitch lie pat perfectly , The president com- pllmonted the guardsmen upon tholr soldierly boarlng and proficiency anl told them that the safety of the nation dopejuls largely on the citizen Boldlors. At 3 o'clock the presi dential party returned to Atlantic Highlands nnd loft for the Mayflower in a steam launch. SENTENCED FOR CONTEMPT. Mother Jones and Other Defendants Declared Guilty by Judge Jacksop. Parkersburg , W. ' Va. , July 25. Judge Jackson , In the United States dlsti ictft court , yesterday held "Moth- ' or" Jones and seven ether organizers of the United Mlno Workers and a number of Hungarian minors guilty of contempt , In violating his Injunction order of Juno 19. Ho sentenced them , with the exception of "Mother' Jones and the Hungarians , to from sixty to ninety days In jail. The de fendants were BUI prised with both the tleclbion and the sentences , and ex pressed themselves bitterly. Counsel for the Imprisoned miners nro preparing for habeas corpus pro ceeding , alleging Judge Jackson lia J no jurisdiction In tha cases. While the sentences are considered Bovoru , 'It is anticipated that Judgu Jackson will deal firmlywith' \ VI } . Wilson , ; secretary of the United t'Mlno Workers , ' who has also been lieid lu contempt , but who lo at'his hcatlquar- tor/in Indianapolis. District Xttirnoy ---iw- - - ' ' u- an 'a'giJdivit - tary"'Wilson viojated tho' foatfalnirig order of Juno 19.\by' ' i aklriif ( a in- flarami\tbry spee6h at ClB Bur ' July 7 and another at Falrmdnwuly < 8 , ' and ' asked the 'court for hid arrVat. 'Jiidgo Jackson tm de the or3er tljat llson fliQ arrested "and" Brough'r'within the Jurisdiction p'f his court. ' \ t Thomas Haggerty , who waa glvon ninety days , was a prominent organ izer. Ho lives at Roynoldsvllle. Fa. Rice and Morgan are also organizers and members of the board of United Mine Workers. Rice lives In Dubols , Pa. , and Morgan in Massllloh , O. frhoso organizers and others were forking with the miners of West Vir ginia when Judge Jncks6n issued hla order. The , prisoners have been dls- trlbbtcd among the jails of a half dozen or more counties. ( Beverldge' to Invade Texas. Houston , Tax. , July 25. A special from Seguln , Tex. , says that.Senator BoYorldgo of Indiana has' expressed his willingness to make at least four speech'es in the Fifteenth district , In ' . which 'Senator Bailey1'of Texas will make a campaign in behalf of John H. Carney , the Democratic nominee for congress. : Cloudburst In Pennsylvania. Irwln , Pa , , July 25. ftwln' wa the center of a cloudburst , hailstorm and iWlhastorra last rifeht , which extended over an area of less than two miles , but the damage wroutht In less than &n hour Is estimated at 1200,000. ' ' Milwaukee Road Reported Sold. . .Chicago , July 26. The Chicago , Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad , it la positively stated , has been purchased b/ the Union Pacific interests. Death of Marshal Crum , Oswego , Kan. , July 25 , L. S. Orum , ' " "United States marshal for Kansas aad a noted politician , died at' in this city last DUCKED PILIPINC3 IN * POND , Chnrao Upon Which Lieutenant Hlclt- man ! Tried by Couit-Martlal , Mnnlln , July 2C. The cuurl-iuartlnl of Lloiitennnt A , Illcknmn of the First cavalry , on the charges of having ducked In a pond two natives of Tay- abus because they rcfusud to guldo him to the stronghold of ( ho tusur- cent leader Cdlmlloti , and with haVln diickcil a third native who died from the maltreatment , has boon cohcludcd after tWd brlof Utln8 ( , 'and LlouWn * but Hlcknlun Is bollbvod to have buon acuulttod. The dofqnso admitted all of the , ln the first , charge , talc oxcpptlons onjir to the wprd "un- ul ' ahti ploBueil justification uu- Her gonorai order lUO atid the conui- lldnti' provalllnlt'ln' Tayabas provlhce. The defense also 'produced a tola- Brnphlo brdor from Gonorai Chaffoo urging the location of Caballcs , regardless - gardloss of the mcnuures nocosuary 10 do so , MORGAN A QUEST OP HONOR. Remarkable Dinner , Given In * the House of Commons. London , July 5. J. Plcrpont Mor- Bail wnri the guest of honor at a ro * nmrkablo dinner given In the house of " cdmirions * by Archibald White Me- Conochlo , member for the east divi sion of Abordconshlro. On one side of the host sat Mr. Morgan nnd on the other Premier Daffoitr , One of , those present Bald : "It way one of the most romarcablo | gatherings In which f over took part , Practically a quorum of the cabinet talked bvcr in the simplest , most open way , lend ing subjects , which now vitally concern - corn both countries. To see Mr. M6r- gan and Mr. Bnlfour together ' one could scarcely believe the former had been regarded ns a bogle who threat * encd England's commercial existence. If some things which passed around ( hat table could bo repeated , It would bo an eye oiionor to those who nro fomenting commercial rivalries ho twoon England and America. " A Church In Wale * . Wroxhani parish church Is known an ono of the BQVon wonders of Wales. It dntOH us u Htructure from the fifteenth ctMitury ' nnd In diUhedrnl-llko In Its pro portions. I > < A "chained" Bible , now kept , under lock nnd key , Is among the curi ous relics , and beside It Is a handsomely ljfit bound ' 'visitors' book , " sent by the students of Ynlo university , United Stutes , for the use of Yule ( students vis- itlmr the church. In the churchyard Is the tombstone of El hu Ynle , witn us tlq quaint t'pltaph. The soldiers' chapel , which Is entered tlnough an cxqulslto arcli , has a beautiful memorial win dow to the Welsh fnslleers who have (1fi fallen In battle . CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Clilcngo , July 24. There were fancy prices agiiln lu July out * mill July com to toilet o the' monotony uf a. grulu session othurwUo dull. TUu foimur jumped 3 CL'ntd to u new record prlci ? 70c. The lat ter MO 111 ut TOc , but did not hold Its strength. The situation In grnlnu was very ummtlMfactory to thn trndu ut large , owing to ttu > couKt'Htlon la all July options , riuctuatlonti were narrow In deferred tut- urvs utul aside from thu fair weather , the bearish Influence that predominated was that of " " "uustraddllujj" Scptoinbcr-Ueccm- lier wheat spicnds. September , whu-it closed Virae down , September corn lower nnd September oats l&e lower. July outH Rallied ; ic. Provisions closed 20 22l c. higher. Closing prlees : Wluwt Julyf 7Gi. Sept. , 72& . Rec. , 71 % . Corn July , 07c ; Sept. , UU&c ; Dec. , 40&c. Oats July , Blc ; Sept. , 30Jic ; Dec. , 32ic. 1'ork-July , $17.40 ; . Sept. , $17.53 ; Oct. , Lard-July. $10.03 ; Sept. , $10.80 ; Oct. , $10.43. Ribs-July , $10.50 ; Sept. , $10.55 ; Oct. , 10.2.1. Chicago Cash Trices JNo. 2 red wheat , 7So ; No. 3 red wheat , 7274c ; No. 3 spring wheat , 70@73e ; No. 2 hard wheat , 74c ; No. 3 hatd wheat , 7273c ; No , 2 en ah corn , GGlic ; No. 3 casli corn , 0305V6c ; No. 2 yellow corn , COVj(5 < ! 7c ; No. 3 yellow corn , G3yj < y < > 0c : No. 2 cush oats , 01 : No. 2vhlto C8&70 ; No. 3 white oata. B5@COc. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago , July 24.-Cattlc-HecelptB , T.tXX ) , Including 2,000 Texans nnd 400 westerns ; slow , steady ; good to prime steers , $7.853 (8.70 ( ; poor to medium- $ { .50@7,75 ; stock era ( and feeders , $ : XBOSS.2a | cows , $1.CO30 ; htlrerti , $2.23gC.COi ( canners , * I.602.BO ; blillu , $3.25410. 51 Cftlvcr , $215030.60 ; Texas fed gUera. J4.00O5.73 ; western itecra. $5.00 30.50. HoBii-ltccelpts , today , 12,000 ; to- morroWj lO.OOOj IcIt'orcV. 8,000 ; steady to lOc , hlgticr. closed slow ; mixed and butcher * . $7.15 7.00 ; coed to choice heavy , $7.05t 7.00 ; rough ueaw $7.207.80 ( 'light. $0.75 07.00 ; bulk , of , ! . $7.40@7.85 , Sheep Hcctlptn. 15,000 ; shf ep ' ; ready r Umbs Steady to Idwcr ; good to choice' ' wethers , $4. 0.00) ) fair to choice'mixed. $2.753 4.25 ; western sheep , $2.50 4.75 ; natlra lambs ; $8.0XXBT.OO. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas 'City , Joly 24. Cattle Receipts , 8,500 ; steady to lOc lower ; choice beef steers , $7C5 < 38.25 ; fair to good. $4.75 < Q7.GO ; stockers and feeders , $2 0 < B0.33 ; western fed steers , ? 3.403.35 ; Texas and Indian steers , $2.85 4.40 ; T s cows , $2.00(33.00 ( ; native cows , J1.&CX30.00 : natlre belftra , $2.00(34.85 ( ; canners , $1.252.0 ; kails , $3. < XXU3.33 : calTes , 2.BOfi3.00. Hogs-Re- colpts. 2,533 ; steady to Oc higher ; top , $7.00 ; bulk of sales , $7.30 7,55 ; heary. $7.55 7.00 : mixed park rs , > $ T.30iQT.43i light. $7.00 7.42 % ; yorkars , $7.80 < 37.4IVi ; plgn , $6.50 < [ { C.1W ! 8ho p-R e lpts. 8,000 ; flrui ; Umbs 10 < $23a lowtr ; natlri lambs , $4.45(34X30 ( ; westtrn lambs. J3.20as.00 I- ; native wethers , f4.3&g&16 | western weth- er , $3.33@4.7p. Omaha Llvo Stock , South Omaha , July 24. Cattle Receipts , l.&OO. ateady to tr ngir ; nativeJ stters , $4j70g ( .CG > cow * add 4 h lf rs ! $9.00 8.00 ; western atesrs , ? 4.754iaOO ; Texas , st ers , $4.25 < J(5.40 ( : canners , $1.75(32.73 ( : 'stocktrs and fcvders , $2.75(85.00 ( calves , J2.MXSC.OO ; bulls. Btae * . etc. , 2.23(20.25. ( Hoia-Ru- celpta , (200 ; stroij tb Cc higher heavy , $7.407.60i mixed , $7.3OST.-iO ; light , $7.10 [ i7MO ; pigs , $0.0037.00 ; bulk of sates , $7.3087.43. Sheep Receipts , 600 ; steady ; rearllnifs , $3.754X4.25 ; wether * , * 3.1B < g4.W ; t\\tm. $2.23(34,10 ( ; common and atockers , $1.75S3.W ( ! lamba , $3.50qu.25. Ot Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph , July 24-Cattle Receipts , V D02 ; opened steady , closed lO lSc low ts natives , $4.353 .23 ; cows and heifers , $1.M dfl.23 ; veals , $2.r > ( \q6.00 ; ; bulls and stags , $2.50 0.25 ; atockersand feeders. $2.093 0.23. Uogs Receipts. .4.000 ; i sttndy , .to ' ' ; I strong ; 'light and light 'mixed , $ r.l&OT.M' Expulsion of Nuns Ordered. Paris , July 1G ! 0nly four iltiauthotv Izod schools now remain lu Paris , The fllfltora In charge 6 ? thcso have on * couraKOil ilomonBtratlons In their fa vor and are determined to remain un til they are forcibly oxpolled. Aa the limit of delay accorded by Premier Combos' circular expired yesterday , 1C is likely that decrees ordering the expulsion of the Bisters will bo placed Ih the hands of the police today and that the execution of thoa6 docrccn will lie accompanied by scents of vie lence. Clericals are busy throughout Paris trying to arouoo tholr support * ors and Inducethorn , to take part In a popular niov6meiu la faVor of the congrtigatlohs. Lutheran Aid Society Elects. DubUtflrtj ; July JtfJ.-iTlio ; triennial convention of the Mutual Aid Society of tho' ' Iowa Lutheran synofl closed yoatorday. Dologatca wore present from Illlnolfl , Indiana , Missouri , Wis consin , Nebraska , Ohio , the Dakotas , Mlnrieaola and IDWJIC OfFlcera' were o6cted ! as follpwa : President , Rev. O. II , Kranshaar , Clinton ; vlco presi dent , John Sohl , Diibuquo ; secretary , 0 , Grossman , Wayorly ; treasurer ; A. Hommcr , Iowa City. The ncxt , moot ing will bo hold at Oahkosh , Wls. A necondiiry Coimlderntlon. "Silo's alus | so 'frald of somebody Bwlpin' dut dog. " "Am It wuff nnyt'lng ? " "Walil , In dls byiili neighborhood a t'ing ( loan' have to bo wuff uufflu to git swiped. " Puck. Sound kidneys are safeguards of life. Make the kidneys healthy with Folcy'a Kidney Ouro. A , II. Kiosan. I'll bravo the storms of Ohlllkoot Pt\sn , I'll cross the plains of frozen glass. I'll leave iny wife and cross the sea , Rather than bo without Rooky Mountain Tea. A. H. Klesan. Out this ont.aud take it to Kiosau's drag store aud , got a box of' Ohambei Iain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets , The best physio. They also correct disorders of th& stomach. Price 25 cents. Reader You will coufer a lasting favor aud receive a reward , if yon will report the name of dealers trying to sell you a substltuto for the Madison Modi- otuo Co.'s Rocky Mountain Tqa. A. H. Kiesau. What you doin * neighbor ? Helping Bill. What's Bill doin1 ? Helping Maudy ? What's Mandy doin' ? Help ing mother. What's mother doiu' ? Taking Rocky Mountain1 Tea. Sensible family. A. H. Kiesau. No False Cjaims. The proprietors of Foley's Honey aud Tar do not advertise this as a "sure cure for consumption. " They do not claim itVI will cure this dread cotnplaliit in ad vance cases , bnt do positively assort that it will cure in the earlier stages aud uever fails to give comfort and relief in the worst oases. Foley's Honey aud Tar is without doubt the greatest throat and lung remedy. Refuse substitutes. A. H. Kiesau. Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order of sale issued aud directed to mo by the clerk * of the district court of Madison county , Ne braska , upou a decree of foreclosure rendered by the district court of Madi son county , Nebraska , on the 31st day of March , 1903 , in favor of Peter Hopley for the sum of $1053.60 with interest thereon from March 81 , 1903 , at 8 per cent per annum , together with $15.08 , costs of suit , and accruing costs , in an action , wherein Peter Hopley is plaintiff , aud M. R. Morris , S. R. Roszell , Mrs. S. R. Roszell , Emiretta Yonst and William Youst are defendants , I will offer the premises described in said do or o and taken as the property of said defeudauts , to-wit : The north-east quarter ( uo } ) of sec tion nineteen (19) ( ) in township twenty- three (23) ( ) north of range one (1) ( ) , west of the 6th p. m. , in Madisou county , Nebraska , for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand on the 2Sth day of July , 1903 , at the hour of one o'clock p. m. , at the east front door of the court house 'at ' Madison in said county and state , that being the building wherein the last term of said court was held , when and where due attendance 'will be given by the under signed. Dated this 25th day of June , 1903. J. J. CLEMENTS. Sheriff of said county. Road Notice. To all Whom it , May Concern : .The commissioners appointed to flew find locate 'A ' roadj1 commencing at the'south west corner of section thirty-three-(33) ( ) township twenty-one (21) ( ) range two (2) ( ) west of the Otli P. M. , and , running thence east one mile and terminating at tHe -southeast 'corner of enld1 sectldn thirtr-threo (83) ( ) township twenty-one ' (31) ( ) tango two (3) ( ) west Oth P , Mi * has 'reported in favor of the establishment thereof and all objections thereto , or claims for damages , mast be filed in the county clerk's ofllco on or be fore * uoon of the 20th day of September A. D , 1003 , or such road will be established without reference thereto. Dated at MadisonNebraska , this 18th day Of July , 1903. EJUL WINTEB , County Clerk. Mother Always Keeps It Handy. "My mother suffered a long tlmo from distressing pains and < general ill , health Idue primarily to indigestion1 says L. W. Spalding. Verona , Mo. "Two years ago I got her to try Kodol. She grew 'better at once and uow , at the age of | seventy-six , eats anything she wants , remarking that she fears no bad effects : as she. has her bottle of. Eodol handy. ii Don't waste time doctoring symptoms. Go after the cause , If your stomach is sound your health wil ] be good. Kodol rests the stomach flnd strengthens the bodybydigestinpr food. It's your nat t- ures own tonio. The Kiesau-Drug Oo. Men Will bo Boys. In the excitement of lively exerolso like boat-racing or ball-playing , they strain their muscles and go home limp ing and sore. Then they are glad they have Perry Davis' Painkiller on hand to sooth the quivering nerves ; to pene trate the muscles with warmth and healing power. It has relieved the pain in two generations , of Americans. Large' bottles 23 and 60 cents.- ' ' " ' ' A .Good Thing. Gorman S/rup lit the special -proscrip tion of Dr. A. Bosollee , a celebrated German phyrtlciau , and is acknowledged to bo one of the most fortunate discov eries iu medicine , It quickly cures coughs , coldd iludall lung troubles of the severest nature , removing , as it does , the cause of the oireotloti and leaving the parts iu a strong and healthy , con dition , It is iiot au experimental medi cine , but has Htood the test for years , giving satisfaction iu every case , which .its . rapidly iubroasltig sale every stJasoil confirms. Two niUlloif bottles sold an nually. Bosphoo'fl German Syrup was introduced lu the United States in 1808 , aud is now" sold iu over/ town atid Til lage in the civilized , world. Three doses will roltovo auy Ordinary cough. Price 75cduts : Gdb Groan's special almahao. At H. Kiosau. i Happy Tlrno in Old Town. "Wo felt very happy , " writes B , i N. Bovill , 01U Town , Va. , "when Buck- Ion's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head. It delights all who use it for outs , corns , burns , bruises , boils , nloors , eruptions. Infallible for piles. Only 85 cents at the Klosatl Drug Co. Treat your1 Kidneys for Rheumatism. When you'hre suffering from rhon- matlanitho kidueys must bo attended teat at ouce so that they will eliminate the uric aold from the blood. Foley's Kid ney Cure id the most effective remedy for this purpose. B. T. Hopkins ; o' Polar , Wis. , says , "After snccoistully doctoring three years for rheumatism with the best doctors , I tried Foley's Kidney Cure mid it ourod me. I cannot speak too highly of this great medicine. A. H. Kiesau. Filthy Temples in India ; Sacred cows often defile Indian tem ples , but worse yet is a body that's pol luted by couitipatiou. Dou't permit it. Cleanse your system with Dr. King's New Life Pills and avoid untold misery. They give lively' livers , active bbwels , good digestion , fine appetite. Duly 23 cents at the Kiesau Drug Oo. The Finest Fabric. , mado-by human skill is coarse compared with the lining of the bowels. Whrfn this tender membrane is irritated wo have griping pains , diarrhoea and cholera morbns. Whatever be the cause of tiie trouble , take Perry Davis Painkiller according to the directions with each bottle. Travelers ill 'all ' cli mates carry Painkiller in their grip sacks. Large bottles 25 and 50 cents. The Best Liniment for Sprains. Mr. F. A. Wells , the merchant at Deer Park , Long Island , N. Y , says : "I always recommended Chamberlain's ' Pain Balm as the best liniment for strains. I used it last winter for a severe vero lameness in the side , resulting from a strain , and was greatly pleased with the quick relief and cure it ef fected. " For sale by Ktesau Co. Nedd More Help. Often the over-taxed organs of diges tion cry out for help , by dyspepsia's pains , nausea , dizziness , headaches , liver complaints , bowel disorders. Such troubles call for prompt use of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They are gentle , thorough aud guaranteed to cure , 25o at Kiesauta drug store. Vacation Days. Vacation time is here and the child ren are fairly living out of doors. There could ba no healthier place for them. You need only to guard against the ac cidents incidental to most open air sports. No remedy equals DeWitt's Witch Huzel Salve for quickly stopping pain or removing danger of serious con sequences. For cuts , scalds and wonnds. "I used DeWitt's Witch Havel Salvo for sores , outs aud bruises , " says L.'Bf Johnson , Swift Tex. "It ig the best remedy on the market. " Sure cure for piles aud. skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. The Kiesau Drug Co. _ - - * f Don't Fail to Try'This. Whenever an honest trial is given to Electric Bitters for any trouble it is recommended for a permanent cnre'will surely be effected. * It never fails to tone the stomach , regulate tha kidneys ) and , bowels , stimulate the liver , invigorates the nerves and purify the blood. It's a wonderfnl tonio for run-down systems. Electric ' Bitters "positively cures kidney and' liver troubles , stomach disorders , nervousness , sleeplessness/rhenmatlsm , neuralgia , aud expels malaria. . Satis faction guaranteed by The Kiesau Drug Co. Only 50 cents. Two bottles Cured Him. fl was troubled with kidney com. plaint for about two years , " writes. A. , H. Davis , of Mt. Sterling , Iowa , "but two bottles of Foley's Kidner Cure ef fected a permanent core. 'A. H. Kieaau ! The Same Old Story. J. A. Kelley relates an experience slmlllar to that which has. happened in States and has been told and retold by thousands of ' others. He says : "Last summer I h'ad an attack -of dysentery and purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Oolio , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy , which I used according to directions and with entirely , satisfactory results. The trouble was controlled much quicker than 'former attacks when1 1 used other remedies. ? ' Mr. Kelley is a well known citizen of Henderson , N. O. For solo by Kiesau Drug Co. A Cure for Summer Complaint. Summer complaint ; is unusually prev alent among children this season. 'A w611 developed case In the writer's fam ily was cured last week by thoitimely nse of Chamberlain's Colio , Oholeraiand Diarrhoea Remedy one of 'the best patent medicines manufactured and which Is always kept on hand at the homeof ye scribe. This is not intended as a free puff for the company , who di not advertise with us , but to benef little sufferers who may not bo within easy access of a physician. No familj should be without n bottle of this medicine cine in the house , especially in snmme : time. Lansing , Iowa , Journal. Fo sale by Kiesan Drag Oo. A. R. Boss , of Morgantown , Ind. , ha < to get up ton or twelve times in th. . njght , and had severe /backache am 'pains ih the kidneys. Was cared b Fbley'6 'Kidney Cure. A. iH. Klosan' ' ' OLD PEOPLE Do not always receive the sympathy nnd attention which' they deserve. Their ailments are regarded as purely imaginary , or natural and unavoidable at their time of life. Disease and infirmity should not always be nssoci- atcd with old age. The.eye of , the gray haired grandsire may be as bright and the , complexion as fair as any of . his younger and more vigorous companions , Good JKfeorf/a. the megpfit of healthy o/rfags , for it regulates and controls ' every part of the body , strengthens , thc nerves , makes the muscles'claJjltd ' &Ad siipple , the bohes strong and the flesh firm ; but when this life fluid'Js'pollutcd'or poisoned and loses ite nutritive , health sustain ing elements , thcnthdrc ifr'sn rapid 'decline of the Vital powers' ) resulting5 Inr premature old age'and disease * Any ] derangement 'of the blood qu'iekly shows ? itself in an ulcer , sore , wnrt , ituni r br some' other troublesome crrowth uoon thehodv. and rheumatic , and nmirnltfie naln.q become alnlbst consiani , accompantca , wuu poor aigesnon ana com exirenuucs. , X ° - s X" " * * x" " * . § $ ® - being purely vegetable , is the safest and fO * tO3 iCN best blood purifier for old people. It does not shocker or hurt thd system like the strong mineral remedies , but gently and thoroughly cleanses the blood and stimulates the debilitated organs , when all bodily ailments disappear. S. S. S. is just such a tonic as old people need' ' to improve a weak , digestion and , tone up tlie Stomach. If there is any heredi tary taint , or the remains of some disease contracted" in eafly life , S. S. S. will search It out and remove every vestige of it from the system. Write tls fully about your case and et our physicians advise and help you. This will cost you nothing , and we will mail free our book on blood and skin diseases , , THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY , Atlanta' , Ga. ' 4H' Broncrutls'for Twenty Years. Mrs. Minerva Smith , of Danville , 111. , writes : "I had bronchitis for twenty years and never got relief until I nsed Foley's Honey and Tar which Is a sure core. " A. H. Kiesau. Good Advice. The niCHt miserable being * in the world are those suffering from , dyspepsia and jliver complaint. More than seventy- five per cent of the people in the United States are afllioted with these two dis eases aud their effects : such as soar stomach , nick headache , habitual cos- tiveuoss , palpitation of the heart , heart- barn , water-brash , gnawing and barn- luff pains at the pit of the stomach , yellow skin , coated tongae and disagree able taste in the mouth , coming np of food after eating , low spirits , etc. Go to your druggist aud got a bottle of August Flower for 75 cents. Two doses will relieve yoa. Try it. Get Green's special almanac. A. H. Kiosau. When other Medicines have Failed. Take Foley's Kidney cure. It has cured when everything else has disap pointed. A H. Ktesau. - Saves a Woman's Life. To have Rivon up would have meant death for Mrs. Lois Oragg , of Dorches ter , Mass. For years she had endured untold misery from a 'severe lung trouble aud obstinate cough. "Often ? " she writes , "I could scarcely breathe aud sometimes conld not speak. All doctors aud remedies failed till I used Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption and was completely cured. " Sufferers from coughs , colds , throat and lung trouble need this grand remedy , for it never disappoints. Oare is guaranteed by The Kiesau Drug Co. Price COo and $1.00. Trial bottle free. If a Man Lie to You , And say some other salve , ointment , lotion , oil or alleged healer is as good as Baoklen's Arnica Salve , tell him thirty years of marvelous cures of Riles , burns , boils , corns , felons , ulcers , cuts , scalds , braises and skin eruptions prove it's the best and cheapest. 25o at The Kiesau Drug Oo. Poisoning The System. It is through the bowels that that the body is cleansed of impurities. Con stipation keeps those poisons in the sys tem , causing headache , dullness and melancholia at first then unsightly erup tions and finally serious illness unless a remedy isapplied. | Dewitt'sLittlo Early Risers prevent this trouble by stimulating the'liver aud promote easy , healthy action of the bowels. These little pills do not act violently but by strengthen ing the bowels enable them to perform their own work. Never gripe or distress. The Kiesau Drug Co. Was Wasting Away. The following letter from Robert R , Watts , of Salem Mo. , is instructive. 'I have been troubled with kidney dis- lose for the last five years. lUost flesh and.neyer felt well and doctored with "eading physicians and tried iall reme- "lea suggested without relief. * Finally tried Foley's -Kidney Cure and less ihan twobottles ! completely cured me andd am now sound and well. " A. H , Kiesau. Drying preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; tbeyi drymp tha aearetioas , which , 6 < lhero , to the mpmbrano.aad decom- x > se , causing a far more serious trouble than ho ordinary form of datarrli. Avoid all'dry. ' ng 'inhalantajifumes 'imokeai andiamuTa ind use that vrhiqh cleanses , soothes and icals. . Ely's Cream J3alm is such , a remedy and will'euro catarrh br cold in tha Wad easily- -pldaaantly. . A * trial silwwill'bo nailed forlOicenti ; All druggiaU soil tha COo. sizo.Ely Brothers , CG.AVaxren St. , NY. The Balm cures without pain , does not rritatdorcansd'sileezlng. It spreads { ( self over' ' nu itrltated and angry surfaoa roliov- npf immediately tbo painful inflammation. With Ely's , Cream Balm. you. are armed igainst Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever. Foley's Kidney Cure purifies the ilood by straining out impurities and ; ones up the ' whole system , Cure's kidney and bladder troubles.A. . H. Kio sau. Warning. If you have kidney or bladder trouble and do not use Foley'a Kidney Onrej you will have < only yourself to blame forresults- , .it , positively cures all forma of kidney aud bladder diseases A. H.'Klewu. B * * M V MI-MWaB MM "Lam using a box of Chamberlain1 ! Stomach and Liver Tablets , and find them the best thing for my qtomoon I ever used,7' eaya T. W. R6binson , justice of the peace , Loomis , Mich. Those tablets not only correct disorders of the stomach but regulate the Ifver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant effect Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Kiesau Drug Co/ ' Acts Immediately , Colds are sometimes more trouble eome in summer than in winter , It's HO hard to keep'from ' adding to them while cooling off after exercise , One Mltiuto Cough Cure euros at once. Absolutely safe. Act * immediately , Sure /cure fo" coughs , coldsj toronp , j throat j and iluuj troubles. The Kieaau Drug Oo , Nasal CATARRH It. all Its stages tliero should bo cleanliness. Ely's Crcn'm Balm cleanses , too tbo and heals Itio diseased mornbraneV It cures catarrh and drives auay a cold'ln thatbcair iMsMgHBBBs B qulcklyi , l _ -.jff" . Crcutu Balm Is placed Into the'nwrlls , spreads orer the membrane ttfld'la kbeorbed ? Helltf Is Im mediate and a cure follows. It Is not drying docs not produce sneezing. Large Size , BO cents at Drug gist ! or by mall ; Trial 8lze10 cents by mall. ELY' ' BUOTUEUS , BO Warren Street , New Y lc. OONLT POOLED ! ) -Takc the je.iulne , original ; MOUNTAIN TEA .onty liy Madison Mt'dl- clnd Co. , AJadlson. WU. It k4ep you'WllOur trod * rrinrlTcilt'-orr each package. Price , 35 cent5. Never aold In bulk. Accept no jubU tute Ask .vour druggist. HEADACHE At all lnig store * . 35 DOM * 35c. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Well Man 0. of Me. * i VVB iFt PUfTT produces the above results In 30 day * . It act * powerfully and quickly. Cares when all others tall. Young men will regain their lost manhood < tad old men v.ill recover tholr youtblul vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and Burols * rentores Nerrou * ness. Lost Vitality. Irapotency. Nightly. Emissions , Lost Power , Falling Memory. W&ntina Diseases , and all effects ot self-abase or excess arid Indiscretion , Which unfits one ( or af udy. business or marriage. II not only cures by starting at the seat of disease , bnl is a great nerve tonio end blood ballder , taring * Ing back tbo pink glow to palo cheeks ah < lro- ttorlig tbo flro of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption , Inaist on having REVIVO.na other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mall , 81.00 per package , or elx ( or 65.00 , with poi > tlvonritten truarantee to core or reload the money. Book and advise free. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO | , , 63 for-sale in Norfolk , - Nebraskaby Qeo.'B. Ohrisroph.'druKfdst. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases * Fhl C V'O pEY CURE Is I ruLCI 0 Buirutiid Ruilj money refunded * . Contain ! emedles recognized by emi * lent physicians as the best log Udney and Bladder trouj cf. ISOLD. Y 'A'.f'H..KIESAU THE p. fi. A fl. V. tt. Q , , is the best to end ' . . f ' .4 ti from thex SUGAR BEET FIELDS bf Nebraska . . . .TRY. . . . , v THE . ron i 'UP-TO-DATE ' PRINTING.