THE NORFOLK WEEKLY NEWS-JOURNAL Jt NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , J ULY 25. 1902 , * > , panhandle Limited Crashes In- y VICTIM8BURN. TO DEATH " * J > ssengcr Stand by and .Watch 'AtforvyioflJylnEf rfep. and \Vomen , * Unabfe" to * feavfi " on' Account of T Fierceness of Flames. { * Dayton. 6 ? , July 25' Engineer < 31ark ofjXqnlajunder „ his , onglno , bjirneq tq crisp ; hjsj flrem'ani pf Cin cinnati , n'amo Unknown , hea'd , crushed , .light . arm broken and both logs cut off ; three passengers , two women and ! f man , burned to death In a Pullman deeper , and a number of other pas ifpngers Injured , Is thc stor Crocking f the PanhanHlo irom St. Louis ' castbqhnd to New York last night at'Treb'ln's station , a shprt > distance , jrom.xXenta.v jA wrecKing - , ing train was , hurrlcfl out from Xenia ! and-anotiier.Iromtbla.clty.wlth all tbd ( doctors tha could be secured. ' " . Train 'No 2 warriyifig' ' eastward' { limited speed , when the engine-struck a loaded coal car which , In the dark ness , had escaped from the 'siding in iXenla and had run' dp.wrf grado' to the danger point. tThe engine struck It , going at full speed and was turned over , with Engineer Clark underneath. The postal car , combination car , day coach- Impelled by the heavy sleepers behind , piled over the engine. Two Pullmans followed and were laid across the track at right angles , i"f i A gas tank under one * bt the cars exploded , setting flre to 'the wreck , land the postal car , the coaches and two sleepers were destroyed. Cries f6r help could be heard coming from one of the Pullmans and the helpless onlookers were compelled to see two women and , one , man burned to death before thefr eyes , unable : to 'lend any aid on account of the , fierceness of the flames. At that point the Cincinnati , Hamilton and Dayton and the Pan handle roads are parallel and both were torn , up for a distance of litty 'yards ' , blocking'traffic. , ' COACH FALLS FORTY FEET. [ Car on-.Ohjo and-Little Kanawha Rail ' way Goes Off Trestle. McConnellsvllle' , O. , July 25. Tha f worst wreck In the history of tno \ - . Musklngum valley occurred yesterday # ' at the Douda trestle , at mile south of this city. The northbound passenger train on the Ohio and Little Kanawha railway was passing over the trestle ' when the rear coach turned over Jtwlce In Its descent and fell forty feet lit Is stated that the trestle had been ' weakened by the recent flood. The 'train ' was going at the ordinary speed "over " the trestle when the rear coact jfell and there was no damage to any part of the train except to the coach which fell , and It was smashed into splinters. There were thirty passen sera In the coach , nearly all of them from local points along the Muskln Cum valley , as the train was bound from Marietta , to Zanesvllle. Rellel ' was promptly sent rom this city and 'from ' Malta , which is on the opposite ( Bide of the Milsklngum river from iMcConnellsvllle. j A summary of theucasualtles shows twfo killed , three1 fatally ; eighteen serl oiiisly and six slightly Injured. The H only one in thetcpachfthat entirely 'es ' caped injury was a little son of Mrs Martha Brown. None of the trail crew were on the coach that fell.'They Joined the passengers in the other coaches in saying that the sight was tnore horr.lfy ngi fthani 'canBo de BcrlbedC."vtoeOnoUraltr..was < stopped other end of the trestle , al nuked to ; thg .rwuo , the , train men l idlngthe .wgy/doyrnjtho cliff. , There [ ' ttfey 6okeld"an agonizing heap 01 'ficjeamlng mortals. Eleven of the paBaeag rsin'ttie wrecked cb'ach Were . / the others had to be loosened front AMifiiS t n erQ ly ono taken out o tnSj wreckage 'dead' was Miss Gertrude iBhgrwood. A. J. Rathbun was dying wtiren rescued from the ruins and livet ( ' 'only a few minutes. Private resi 'donpes ' , . .tho hotels "wpro 'thrown ' open for temporary hospitals 'Eight ' doctors accompanied the wreck jtrain from Zanesyille and' assisted , Jha local physicians in caring for the In i Edward Smith of Malta , , p. , was xJarigeroflsTyj liijufled lntprtall ) # Coun jty jJConi&Issibhey W ; F. iSlglAheiaer of ' Morgan county nd Rpbert-Jamos * * fe ported by physicians as unable to sur | Among others t who pro pro- nouiwed ' . - ' - - ' " > 'inldapgeroul---- Bailey- ) ' , 'commercto traveler of Marietta , and Mrs. H. H 'Postal of Columbus. TJo Concerted Move Against Mender Slpur City , July 25. "Thero is na concerted action oh the part of the National Millers' Federation to de leat Speaker D. B. Henderson in 'his ' race for re-olectlon to congress , " was the positive- statement made by H. 8 Kennedy , secretary of > > the Natlona Millers' Federation yesterday. "What ever the millers feel Individually about thov matter , there is no con certed movement on the part of the national federation to get the speak er'a scalp. ' * l Wanton Destruction of Herua . . Wy oming' by Lawless Cattlemen. Lander , Wyo. , JulyTlG.jHfol iephnii that In addltion4t6 Mlliing awoxlGBn sheep herder named Sam Qalaxcs and Blaughtoring.BovoruUthousand sheep red"masked < m has sur , .11 ' the sheep" camps aha forced the shoopmen to abandon their 'flocks ? t v > 4 > . < ii- : Sff JAttoV killing * on ' herd ot 2,000 i ehcop twenty-live other herds amount- 'ing to about.GS.OOO.sheop.w/jro driven Into the : moUntalns and left td shift for themselves. The sheepman , have .been threatened , \\ii\\ \ Instant death if they goWtor their flocks. , . . The shoe ! ) are now the prey of wild animals anfl the , lo83 > will up ; very hoivyi "The scene ob Iho lawlessness is 115 miles west of Lander , In Fro.- raont county.Thp'j , rollltla , , may Uo called out'ito' ' proto'ct the sheepmen. MURDERER ADMITS QUILT. , Man vyho- . Killed His Wife and-Her Mother Qlves .Himself Up. Atoka , * ' ! ? T. , V/uly / 25. rfames Reeves lasjBurrendoredi to the pollcoihere- * plaining that It was ho who killed his wlfe-'hore-several days'agoalso'hex1 , : mother , Mrs. Grant , , and-John.sKnualv les. Reeves said that , with his wife , tie had lived a happy life until the appearance pearanco of Knuckles on the scene a couple of months ago. Since that tinje'hls ( wife had treated him with in difference , which maddened him , es- > peclally since her parents encouraged tier attentions to Knuckles. : ( CAPTAIN STRONG IN ENGLAND. * - _ Says He Did Not Pawn May Yohe's Jewels , as She Charges. . , Now "York , July. 25. rA special dls patch from London to an afternoon paper says that Putnam Bradlco Strong arrived at Southampton yen terday on the St. Paul , sailing under an assumed name. In an Interview he acknowledged his Identity and denied positively , the charge that he pawned Yohe's' Jewels May Yoho , who was formerly the wife of Lord Francis Hope , sailed for Eu rope yesterday on. the Fuerst Bis marck. 1 .Flood Rauage In Texas. Big -Springs , Tex. , ' July 25. Ten inches of rain has fallen In this vlcln Ity within the past few days. The streets of Blg Springs haVe been 'In ' undated "and train service on the Tex as and Pacific has been suspended No Jives have been lost , but many narrow escapes are reported. At pres ent It Is Impossible to estimate th damage , but It will be. enormous with the railroads thq heaviest losers. . Th track for several miles was washed away and it probably will be ten day before the company will got a train through from the west. The wate bound passengers are being taken care of by the company. The Irrl gated farms 'below this place hav been ruined. < Bank Robber Confesses. Greenfield , Indi , July 25. Lying o. a cot In his cell in jail at this city an suffering from gunshot wounds , inflict ed by his captors , the lone robbe who attempted to hold up the Fort vlllo bank during the noon hour yes terday confessed to a fellow prlsone thiit he > was a plumber named C. A Kali and that his home is at Marlon p. Hall ,1s suffering from a score o ' shot wounds-the' mos't serious o which is over his right eye. HI breast and legs were jalso pepperec with shot. None of the wounds wll prove fatal. * . * , ' TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD. Luther C. Hess has been appointed assistant attorney for Alaska. The following postofflces will hair free delivery services beginning Sept 1 : Bismarck , N. D. , and Leads , S. D The naval battle near Panama be tween government ships and rebels 1 ropqrted. to , have been. won , by thi former. Juage" Tllomas P. Hawley "Eas an nounced hte jjandldacy for JJnltqd , ceed Senator Jones. . . . . , JDedlcatlon ; of th .St. Louis Worifd' fa'ir wiiltake place'in thdPalace o Liberal Arts April 30 , 1903 , wittf pageantry and oratory. 1B.-1 S. ' McQuIre ; assistant Unite States attorney .for Oklahoma , has ra signed to enter tha race . > f or delegat las 'congress , f roan that territory. The session of the United States League of Local Building and Loai asspolStibns ended J kt Put-in-Baj Thursday ; Boston waslsblected as th next place of m ' : to send ' parties of Bojjrs tqjjan.adj and' Australia to study" acrtcultura methods there f application in Im proving their own 'codditlbns. At a medting of ttib Mt < 8sachusett Repiibllcan jisate ) < nirKl'i JomEittee : | J6hn D. Long , foriner secretary o the navy- was ejected to preside "ove the state oonVenflon , which it wa voted to hold on Oct 13/ Contractors on the Fort Sml h and Western railroad were notlfled of th death in Ishpemlng , Mich. , of Gebrg E. Hayden , president of the road , now nearly completed between Fort' Smith Ark. , and Guthrle ; I. : T , Jefferson W , 'Blgeley , recently pun Usher of the Caldwetl ( O , ) Press anc a prominent politician , is missing. There Is much excitement over th discovery of 'fdrgod notes signed wltn tap/names * of l/ia-faiUof tan dthcre. V. it > ' jj , . . . Talks at Banquet of New Eng- * landDdm'D < SratTc L , t fju ? i/TP. > WOULD , HAVE NO-9OMPnOMI8E. , . . .1 w r"i ' Says Democrata Must. Not Mates Peace With .tho Enarqy.-f-SJen tar , Oormack and OthersflAlso. 'Address ' * Great Gathering , at Nantasket. .Bpaton , .July 25. * No'ariy. four thou sand Democrats gathered at Nanta.i-f cot , yesterday .nudj.particljjutud.ln . tlio , , 'harmony" niWtlng * arranged - i > y < tlio Now England Doim ratlc Jougue , tlio now political orgautzaton. Wjhlch 13 ex pected" td dbVefop'Ha strength'In ' * th& 'all campaign. Mayor P. A. Collins ot as "moderator1 ! as ho expressed } It , and presented , l i order Edwar < T M. Shepard of Now. York , Senator . .Edward . .Gaiuiack-of .Ton' nessoo aud W. J. Bryan of Nebraska , whd oxhouhded' drid' 'dfscussod the la- sues of thls ca mpajgu.tft tho. marked , " " satisfaction" of the audience. Shortly after noon 300 members ot the league sat down to a banquet in the great dining room of the Rockland hotel. Among these at the dinner was Miss Ruth Bryan , who Is accom panying her father on this trip. At the conclusion of the dinner the crowd repaired to the mammoth tent on the lawn In-front of the Hotel. In a , fe\v minutes every seat was taken and the canvas , at the aides was re moved In order that hundreds who were unable to get In might BOO and hear. / ; ' The speakers' appearance upon the stand was the signal for loud and con tinued applause. M'ayor Collln3 promptly Introduced Edward Ml Shcpard of New York , Senator Cai- mack followed and for nearly an hour aud a half held the attention of his hearers. His discussion of the trust Issue brought forth applause , which was repeated frequently during hla argument on the Philippine question. Bryan's Address. The presentation of Mr. Bryan de veloped great enthusiasm. Cheers greeted him as he stepped to the front of the platform and ho was several times Interrupted by demonstratlons ( of approyal. He said In part : ' "In view of the numerous harmony dinners , aud the discord they have created , it may not be out of place to consider the basis of harmony. Har- , mony-Is-but a synonym for order , and la nof the result of chance , but the product of an inexorable law. It Is impossible to secure harmony between the people of opposite sympathies , and It Is a difficult thing to change a man's sympathies ; It requires a pollt- ilcal regeneration to make a Democrat out of an aristocrat. The Republican party of today is aristocratic In its policies and tendencies , for It Is con trolled by a few .in the Interest of a few. As there are many In the Re publican party who have adhered to the party notwithstanding the change that organization has undergone , so there are some who call themselves Democrats who have themselves un dergone a change which .has . alienated them from the Democratic party , or from any party worthy of the name. To attempt to patch up an apparent harmony between these who are not in sympathy with Democratic purpos es , Is not only a waste of time but would prcjve disastrous. ' 'Trusts Grow and Flourish. VSlnco the election of 1900 , Imperial lam'is.more . openly avowod.jand 1m perialisticmethods more bdldly eft tered upon , because the admlntstrtv tioh can- point to that election as .an apparent indorsement , although the party "leaders att , at' time. vohprnenM ? " denied.any"Imperialistic Intent. Snco | the eiedtloi qfjJ90JQi trusts , have grown and nourished under Una" 'Republican t administration , as might have been Oxpectedi .1 Almost two years have . slflco ; th"d last .elapsed _ lastpresidential election ' and no lejgisja'tlyo attempt has been made to interfere7 with them. Sln.ce the electlon/th'o financiers are ; seeking to cdrry' th"elr advantage , a llttlo farther and .are ( planning an as set currency , a system of branch banks and the redemption of the silver verdollar. . "And all the while , an exorbitant tariff is working injustice to consum ers , The opponents of aristocracy and plutocracy cannot be united for a successful attack upon entrenched i .privilege by making peace with the ; e emy ! bu by , an honest straightfor ward , appeal .to the American people. ' Mr ; Bryan left-for Maine , accompa nied by Senator Carmack and Senator . Charles.S. . . HrfmHH : Tonight Ihey will "appear at Rocklarid. . Early In thq afternoon addresses made at Augusta and in thd ahornootv they jwlll attend a > meeting , la Bangor. ' " i-- Ttjo. Argentine ( Kan. ) smelter , which Is said to have been at ono tlmt the largest In the world , is being dl * mantled. ' - > Rtph English labor unions are ex- poaod to idarnage suits'by employers through a recent decision. A suit against the Miners' Federation Is pending because a four days' colliery strike was ordered. Carleton F. Hedge , the Assumption , III. , editor who announced he will print the bible as a serial In his week ly , declared persons who own but nev er read the bible will dp so , pn ppolag It In. a. worldly newspaper , , JUST BEFORE F3TIC | OATTLE. fotli ) Flghters ln Prime Cqndltott'nnd ! 4 Eq ally/Conffderjt. \w "t Sttn li anb8coJJUly | 25.-j.Tho eye of. tlio .heavyweight championship fight * flnda both , of the opiwnontH aatorlln ) [ ? th M , they varp In. .iprlnu , i condition. ' M' TVlv if \ , \ ' ' rf.1 / * - Haon ono la- also equally jpiirtdent of gotilqg the decision. Nulthor sees can I M . , oponi the day quietly , cutting out all , wprL ! * .I I VJorfflofl'sajd : . "My tralnln K Is 0701 and I am glad of 1C. I never felt bet tor In my lll'o nnd I don't BOO how I oqn'ld o. -I .nni pleiiHcd ' ,10. hoftr that FitzsinunohH Is In iooil ; condition , and I hope to proyo to the world ' 'that the dope qt ryMie sprung the lan time was without f oundutlon. 1 have not boon1 ablq , tp lot , mysp out In ray ' tral'ufiiK and I" Joolj jTorwnnl wlitt pleasure for the chance to cut loose for keeps , If 1 win I IntomMp keep o i flghUhg na long in Uupro "fa"any opo t6 nglit. ' Ijauivalao Ratlsflcd with thin r foroo. Tonight will soj tfo every. 'thing , "rind may the b'bst man win. " * FJUsInxmonsf-sald : "I BOO , by , the morning papers that Delaney sayn thatall , I want to-tho BhorCend. It has always boon the niort ) end that I have had before the contest , but they Jiayo always turned out. to , bo very Jong enda.whon the fights.hav a bepn finished , \Yhat I want and what I am going to got Is the champion ship. That is everything to mo. " Thp pdda lu the betting remain at 10 to 4 _ OMAHA MAKES GREATEST GAIN : Shows Largest Increase In Member ship of Young People's Union. TncotU3i Wash. , July 25. The day In the convention of the Young Pee > pie's Christian union -was largely de voted to the Junior society. The sea retary's report was followed by n Junior conference , led by Miss Lillian Robertson of Spokane. The report of the Junior secretary , J. A. Cosby , says that the west comes to the front wltll the presbytery having the greatest gain. Omaha galns348 _ per cent. Sidney noy comes next with 230 per cent * Of the 432 societies reporting to the Junior secretary , 219 are Christian union , C5 Christian Endeavor and l Junior missionary. FATAL FIRE AT ALBANY. Million Dolbii. " Worth of Property Destroyed and Two Firemen Killed , Albany , N. Y. , July 25. Firemen Shelley and Bishop were killed early this morning in a fire which destroyed the Columbia hotel and about a doaan different manufacturing buildings ou Beaver street. The loss is estimated at $1,000,000. Riiese Named for Congress. Oskaloosa , la. , July 25. John P. fieese of Albla , Monroe county , was nominated In this city yesterday aft ernoon by the Democrats of the Sixth congressional district In opposition to John F. Lacpy for congress. The nominee Is president of the Iowa mine workers. FIREMAN CRUSHED TO DEATH. Wreck on the Rock Island Near South Omaha. Omaha , July 25. The westbounl Colorado express on the Chicago , Rock Island and Pacific was wrecked three miles below South Omaha yes terday afternoon. Fireman C. E. For ter , was killed. The engine Jumped the track1 and turned over in the ditch. Two baggage cars followed hnd wer.e adly , splintered. , Thet rest of the" hea y" train4remained' on the track. Porter's home is In Falrbury Neb. According to the passengers , the shock was not severe. The , train came to a.'sudden standstill , and some passengers 'wfcrb roughlyrjolted. ( Then the cry of flro/Was raised and In a moment the 'entire ; train was , emptied Experimental Mine Explodes , , Versailles , Francer July 25. . y h a detachment of sappers was ] plant ing'experimental ' mines at , the Bator' ; camp yesterday morning a mine ' W'CL prematurely exploded ; killing a lieu tenant and three' noncommissioned p'f flcdr's and. seriously woundng six oth ers.The mines' are Intended as ; a demonstration for the benefit of the cadet corps. ' SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. A. Frank JJurgln , aged twenty-Urn years , was killed near Prescott , Ariz Thursday by falling down the ahaf of the Cash mine. , . George Wyndbam , Ini the British commons debateon the Irish quos tlon , said Irish Industry cannot revive vivo until social proscription ends. President Mitchell'6f ' the Unitec Mine Workers , in a'Chicago'intervlew ' 'said the anthracite minors will con tlnuo their-strike'and will coon appea to the public. The adjutant general's statistic show 2,661 engagements fought' Iri til Philippines ; 69 'officers and 936 mci died of .wounds ; ' 47 officers and 2,5 1 men of disease. The deportation of Chinese smug gled Into the United States began o Monday. Thirty-one were sent bac and nearly 300 more arp in Jal | alon the Canadian border. The German court'chamberlain , Polo , advised Emperor William not t visit PPSOU during the army maneuvers vors for fear a Polish fanatic ma harm hj.ra. The ' warning is likely t > u * ,1,1111. , . , T- ( W. H. IIUailOLZ , PrmMiml. UUtXANDlCIl 1IIIJAU Vlon ( K , W. Htm , Ca.lilor. atiQtial oloy/hrTABD / E08A Capital , $160,000.00 , Surplus , $30,000.00 Ooes a Genera ! Bankine Business ; > Uy's and Solla IntbrcHt Paid on TlniP Dopoalta. ' ' ' ' t , DrftftHund Money Orders 3qld oninny Polnt lntBarop > V A Genera ) atoamaulp and Foreign PiiMgagb jlualncsa Tranaaotpd. : ' < f .HK\U , K. P. HANLON , P. J. 1ULK , W. II. HUOHOLZ , WM. ZOTJ , / H.A. UAINHOLT 8.H.OOTTON , ' C. W. BRAASQH , IN I CO < ATTST Kxolnslvp agonk lor the Celebrated Swcotw&tor Bock , Spring Goal the best In the market. Scranton Hard Goal In all alzoa. TELEPHONE Ol. > HH"I I H I l H H H-HTH rH l 'l' l l . 1111 Get What You Ask for at 0 UHLE'S GROCERY. ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and , with care. Our goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular. We know precisely .what is waqted by our nustouii- ers. - | We aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money. j South Ride Main St. , botwoou Srt and 8d. Telephone : 41. ( } . A. LOIKAIiT , PBESIDENT. W. H , JOHNBOK , UABDIBB , > CHAH.8 , niUDGIJ , VICE PBISIDUNT , LEO I'ASKWALU , Asq'T OABQI * The Citizens National Bank. ' Capital , $50,000. Surplus , t5 > ooo. Bay and sail exchange on tlila conntry add allJparU of Karopo. ( Farm Loana. Olrectori. ( JiBL ABUDS , W II , JOUNBON , CnAS. S , OH/DOB. 0 , W. UnAASon , 0. It , . . . . . , HWANE G. A. LciKArtT. T. F MEUMIKOEB. L BESSIONH. . G. WALTERS , Physician and Surgeon. Succeeds to the practice of .Dr. V , W. Klesan. Norfolk , - - - Nebraska JR. N. J. HOAGLAND , Ostcopathlc Physician. DlsonseU both'acate nnd chronic 8nrc ifnllj treatoiLwItlauut nsa ot .druirs or kulfo. flioue No. , F 51 , ' Ofileo at reilcleuca , 109 North 10th Sttoet , Norfolk. . i - Nebraska JJ..J. COLE , < v DENTIST. ' ' Office ov r Cltltsn'a National i Bank , R6 i ldane ons block north of Congrogatlonalchareh. Norfolk , ' ' - . Nobraflko SESSIONS St BELL , . ' Undertakersiand Enibaliners , j i , * Satitpni Dlk. , Norfolk Ara , . ' Norfolk , jyjps's' M'A Y SHELLEY I fashionable Drpsspnaker , . , italrt In Cotton block'orar'Binm' Up , * itor * . , Fint-olai * wqrk guaranteed. t t Norfolk ; - ' Nobraaka M. E. 8PAULDINC , DEALEK EN FLOUR , FEED , TELEPHONE : : NO. 3b J.R. ELDER , Sioux City Florist : Awarded first premium on Funeral Designs. Handsome Roses , Carnations , Palms , Ferns Flowers shipped lu froab condition , I i 4 > vitro ttcoj Cor. 6th ail C.R.SEILER , Livery Sale Stable Bnuuch Avenue ' ' and Third St. 'PHONE 44 ; . ' L. L. REMBE , ' PLUMBER. Steam and HoJ tyater Heating/ v * , „ First door South of News Office ! . ' Prices .Right AGENTS WANTED. Call at Singer Sewing Machine offloa. Commission or salary paid'io the righi' man. W. H. WHITE ; JTanager , Norfolk. Nebr. „ The.Otto Ftloto - / fiip W < l Two Honrs Rattlirig * . _ _ Elophanta , Horaaa , Ponies , . Dogsi' ' Mon keys , Clowns , Bopklng. Borrcw , eto < . DON'T MIS3. THE FREE STREET ' PARADE. , performances dally , rain shmo. Ono day ouly , . , . . * JULY 26. MILLARD GREEN , , DRRY and TRHNSFER LINE . . ' t Platio Moviola Specialty. ' Phond 58. OilH Prooiptly Answ ere