The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 11, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    NTSWfi. THMnAV. .IITT.Y 11
W , N , UOBB , PubllHUor
thtnbllilioil , INrt.
Kt r < tr < - l > t Bnnclnj , HIT carrier D r
k , 15 e n . l > r mnll par jenr , foJ.OO.
Ubllihed , 1KS1.
The Journal , eitawUliBd HOT
RoUrtd at UIB FoitoUlce at Norfolk , Neb.i ni
itoond eU i matter.
T ] phon : Hdltorlal Pfli > artmsnt , No. SS |
llniluw * OlIlcB and Job Itoomi , No , an.
For OoTBrnor-
JOHNlI. MlCKBV l' < 'lk '
For Lieutenant QoTornor
K. 0. McOu.TON
For Bocrefnry of Htnte-
0. A. MAnmi lUclmrdhon
V For Auditor
Ciuui.r.H WUBTON Bliorldao
YorSnpBrlntondentof Pnbllo Indrtictlon
\Viu.tAU K. Fowi.itn WnnlilnRton
For Attorney Oenoral
FSANK N. I'nouT , Unn °
For Land Comml iloiicr
Uaonnis 1) ) . Foi.i.m.u Nncliolla
Congressional ,
For CotiKroMmnn , Third Dlilrlct
JOHN J.MC\nriiv Dlxon
Corn i > ouo has been placed on the list
of luxuries.
The drouth of 1001 and the Hood of
.11103 nro entitled to places in the htotory
of the middle west.
If Mr. Cleveland talks during the
campaign will ho nrgo the people to re
turn to the good old domocratio times
of MW-'IW ?
Those sea shore resortB mo having no
attraction to the people of a largo portion
tion of the middle west this summer.
.They have all the sensation of having
the sea at homo.
People who can remember book to
how anxiously they vratched the olonds
last July and August should compare it
to the anxiety with which they have
boon watching the olonds this July.
Lincoln firemen were compelled to
Wade waist-deep in water to put out a
'firo the other day. The elements have
"boon furnishing BOIUO very peculiar
conditions and situations during the
Missouri democrats were forced to re
main in session all night before they
would consent fb endorse the Kansas
Oity platform. What Is to bo expected
from other states when the faithful of
Missouri show suoh hesitancy ?
"Ex-President Cleveland has consented
to deliver a half-dozou political speeches
Vlnriug the campaign in Now York this
Jail. It is probable that if Mr. Bryan
Should go there during the campaign ho
will find that it is the enemy country
. Great Britiau gives evidence that she
'is more afraid of one American J. Pier-
'pout Morgan than she was of all the
Boors. The former threatens her rule
of the seas , the latter only killed a few
thousand men and cost that country , a
,1 ' ow millions of dollars in war expenses ,
A Sioux City man wna driven insane
fand ont his throat because of the noise
.made by the explosion of fire-crackers
vbn the Fourth. He must have been of
VEnglish descent and the noise recalled
atoo vividly the feelings of thelfollowers
' 'of King George when they were on
" *
American Boili
\ * . ,
f Headers of the Wbrld-Herald
- are won-
"tiering if by "some" other unpleasant-
'ness" in the following , a democratic vio-
wtory at the polls can bo meant : " "With
corn at 90 cents , hogs at $ S and steers at
'f 7.75 , the farmer who has these things ,
can stand a little surplus of rain and
some other unpleasantness besides. "
Herman , this state , appears to bo the
especial victim of the elements. But a
few years ago the town was laid low by
a disastrous cyclone and this summer it
has been the victim of a cloud burst and
Hood , which floated several houses from
their foundations and carried one dwell-
4ng so far that rescuers were compelled
to swim to it to give relief to its occu
The prohibitionists of Lincoln should
, be gratified that an abundance of water
Las.been thrust upon that wicked and
unwilling town at last. They made an
unsuccessful fight thig spring , but
nature asserted the supremacy of water
in a manner most effective , though
scarcely argumentative. Many of the
worst sufferers from the overdose of
water will lean the more strongly to the
% vine cup.
Some of the people of Nebraska Oity ,
have been kicking because the water
company has been furnishing them
with water diluted with mud and the
company comes back with the statement
that during the month of June 200,000 )
gallons of mud , or 30 car loads , had been
washed out of the water furnished the
people of that place. The 'people ' there ,
must bo mighty particular about what
they drink. Suppose the company bed
allowed that 110 carloads of mud to
remain in the water ?
The Sixth district fnslonUts had
n Borloufl tltuo fusing , The demo
crats named and insisted upon M.
F , Harrington as the man and the pop-
wllHt as persistently maintained that ho
was not the logical candidate. The two
parties with but a single thought ( bfllco )
find it a mighty serious proposition to
have the two-hoartB-that-boat-as-ono
feeling , that IH so essential to patls-
factory fusion ,
Mr. Bryan should have an eye on
Senator Vest or the roorganhors will
get him , Ho has given it as his opinion
that a man may bo a good democrat and
yet not endorse the Kansas City plat
form that declares for free silver.
While ho is a biuiotalllst ho considers
that Mr Bryan is not justified in OB
tracking and declaring as traitors men
who fail to endorse the 10-to-l plank of
the domo'cratio coda of beliefs.
Four fatalities and eleven prostrations
wore ciinpod by i\ hot wave at Pittshurg
'Thursday. ' Hero ilgain Nebraska
olimata averts its superiority over all
others. Nebraska was delightfully cool
and pleasant yesterday while good
warm covers at night were not un
comfortable. For all around weather
Nebraska commends itself to No-
brnskaim. A little more hot would not
bo objectionable to the corn perhaps ,
but humanity has no complaints to
An Innncc of Gcmmu Military
Thrift nml Hed Tiipclnm.
An Instance of military thrift nml of
n red tnno system which Is not pedullar
to Germany comes from the Prussian
war ofllco. In 1800 Uio guards -were
breakfasting hurriedly. They * had on
the previous day fought the bnttld of
Boor and had accomplished altogether
a nlno days' march. This was not the
era of 'canned meats , and to each regi
ment bad been allotted a certain nain
bcr of cattle which bad been killed ,
efclnned and cooked , but while1 th < * men
were still eating scouts came In with
tbo news that the AuBtrlans were near
at band.
The men got Into marching'order and
In a few minutes were In rapid ad
vance toward tbo enemy. The Grcna
dler" guards , conspicuous always for
tholr dispatch , hurried to such purpose
that they failed to secure tbo skin of
a cow which had been made over to
thorn for rations.
When tbo ofllclnl who was responsi
ble ( or the value of tbo hide came to
ask for it , it bad to bo reported mlso-
ing. Inquiries wore set on foot , ovl
dcnco was collected , and a voluminous
correspondence lasting fourteen or fif
teen months failed to account for the
There had been a cow. She bad beer
made over to the guards. She had a
hide. The hldo was government prop
crty , representing a sum llxed by otll-
clal tariff. The government must bo
credited with that sum. The hide was
not forthcoming. AVho should bo re
sponslblu for Its cnsh value ?
It wns at Insf decided that the colonel
of the regiment shoukl be held account
ale ) , ni\d \ a year'ami a half after the
conclusion of the seven weeks' wnr
ho wns requested by the wnr ofllco to :
remit the sum of 3 thnlcrs , the price
of one cowskin lost by the Grenadier
guards. When' tlie sifni was pnld , the
subject was at last : ofllcially dropped.
A boat Tin Mine" ana a Lead Ulne'n
Botto'mleiB Pit.
Immense plans which seemed aboui
to bo completed , but have been brought
to disastrous failure nt the last mo
ment arc , frequent enough in the his-
"tory'of industry , 't
. Txradon 'Answers tells 'th'c story of a
Un rnlnoln England which might have
yielded a fortune but for a storm.
'WJth'tbo flndltog of a'new'veln , of ore
unnlnJjip'ut'4t9wJird ' the en a new leve
was driven out below the water ; then
It was found that the lode bent up
ward too 'near the sea. bottom for min
ing to bo eafely carried on. Undlsconr [
aged , tbo owner borrowed money , bull
a sea wall to cut off the water , erected
pumps and again went to work.
On the sixth day just as an enor
mous mass of rich ore was being tap
ped a gale came up , u ship was blown
upon tbo wall , which went to pieces a
once , and the sea drove tbo heavy
stones In upon the thin roof of the
mine. In a moment the workings wcro
hopelessly flooded , and the owner was
a ruined man.
A story equally trnglc is told of the
Speedwell lend mine in Derbyshire '
Believing that n rich vein of ore exist
cd in a nearby hill , the owner rlske <
bis entire capital to bore n tunnel 3XK (
feet long into the heart of the moun
tain. Suddenly the miners brok
through n wall of rock into a vast hid
den cavern , through which flowed n
stream of water.
They began to dump rock into th <
stream , nnd after 10,000 tons n brldg
began to rise out of the darkness , nnd
then their farther progress was stop
ped. Month after month they tolled
and at last , after -10,000 tons in nl
bad been cast into tbo cavern , thoj
gave it up.
That narrow rift is known to thl
day as the Bottomless Pit
Fortlflcntlons In the strict sense o
the word nro becoming antiquated
and their value In modern warfare Is
extremely doubtful.
Tuo ampll'ude of vibration of tl\o
diaphragm of the telephone receiver in
reproducing -pecch is about the ono-
tw nty-miUlonth of an inch. . . .
National Educational Associa :
tlon Names New Officers ,
Secretary of Atjrlculture Wlloon and
President Schurmnn of Cornell Ad-
dresi the Educators Convention Is
a Record-Breaker.
Minneapolis , July 11. But one day
remains of the National Educational
auBOclntton convention of 1902 , and In
all respects it has proved a record
bienkcr. 'Tho slzo of the crowds has
been unprecedented nnd the number
and quality of the attractions offered
has never in the history of the asso <
i elation hcen equalled. A score or
inoro of speakers have been heard at
ho general sessions and the depar'- '
mont meetings who have attained a
eputatlon which is national and in
oiuo Instances even world-wide.
Twenty thousand visitors from all
of the country have spent the
week In the city , either as delegates
o the convention or as mere visitors
availing themselves of the low rail
mul rates to see the great bread nnd
butter state. Many of these will re
main In the vicinity for some tlmo
n order to visit all the points of In
crest In the neighborhood of the
Twin Cities , and numerous small ex
curslons have been planned for their
enjoyment and education.
Eliot at Head of N. E. A.
President Charles W. Eliot of Har
vard was unanimously selected for
president of the association after an
eulogistic nominating speech by Dr.
Nicholas M. Butler of Columbia uni
vorslty. W. N. Davidson of Kansas
waa selected for treasurer and , acj
cording to custom , the outgoing prcsi
dent , W , M. Beardshcar of Iowa , was
named for flrst vice president.
Among those who addressed the as
soclntlon were Mrs. Carrlo Chapman
Catt , Hon. James E. Wilson and Presi
dent Schurman of Cornell.
Mob at Eldorado Makes Midnight At
tack , but Is Repulsed.
Carbondale , 111. , July 11. Another
midnight attack baa been made at
Eldorado , Saline county , where , sev
crol days ago , a mob broke up the
colored normal nd Industrial schoo
and drove the teachers and students
away , and caused forty of the colored
citizens to flee , fearing tholr lives in
dancer. The last attack was mode
upon the home of the Rev. Peter A
Oreen , who has been the pastor of the
African Methotliat Episcopal Churc
here for over a year and whoso ropu
tatlon In the community is gooi
Heretofore he has boon considered a
peaceful , Inoffensive citizen. The
mob consisted of over twenty white
men , and on reaching his horn ?
atoned his house. The preacher re
turned the flro , and It is believed tha
nt least one man was Injured. When
the mob saw that the colored man
would not be frightened they dis
persed , warning him of death If h
persisted In remaining in the vicinity.
It is believed troops will be sent to
the scene.
Afro-Americans , Have Stormy Session
St. Paul July 11. A storm brok
In the Afro-American council yes
tcrday as the result of the election o
officers for the coming year. For
time pandemonium reigned and quic
was only restored when the protest
against an unfair election of officer
was laid over until today by the oar
rying of a motion to adjourn. On
faction of1 the council claimed tha
the present ruling faction had electe
its own ticket by rushing it throug
before the other faction had gatbere
in the convention hall before the fore
noon adjournment. ' Thomas T. For
tune of Jersey City headed the ticke
elected yesterday. The disagreement
between the factions came when th
installation of officers came , and ad
journment carried the matter over.
'Charge of Proselyting1 Denied.
Washington' , July 11. Secretar
Hoot'has received a cablegram from
Acting Governor 'Wright , in tbo 'Phi
ipplhes , molting a" general denial o
the charge of proselyting of teacher
among Catholic students in the Pbl
ippine schools. The cablegram show
a complete investigation was mad
of the allegations.
Strong Succeeds O'Donnell.
Springfield , 111. , July 11. Governo
Yates yesterday appointed Colonel J
H. Strong of Chicago public adminls
trator of Cook county , vice Patrlc
H. O'Donnell , who resigned at the re
quest of the governor. Colonel Stron
is n member of Governor Yates' mil
tary staff and is his personal friend
Hull U Retfomlnated.
Perry , la. , July 11. The Republica
congressional convention of the Bov
onth Iowa district yesterday renom
nated John A. T. Hull for congress
He received the votes of Polk , Marlon
Madison , Warren and Dallas counties
Story county voting for S. F. Prouty
of Des Molnts.
Barry Heads Fusion Forces.
Kearney , Neb. , July 11. After con
vening In separate cosslon for over
seven hours , the fusion forces of the
Sixth congressional district harmon
ized In the nomination of General P.
H. Barry.
Bodies Partially Identified.
Joplin , Mo. , July 11. The bodies of
the four persons found murdered near
Prudence , Okla. , arc believed to bo
those of A. C. Stone , wife and two
children of Baxter Springs , Kan ,
. . . _ _ _ . . _
clfic , from Missouri Rlvor.
| 1C.00 to Denver , Colorado Springs
ml Pueblo , Colorado , July 1 to 1 ! ) , in.
luslvo , August 1 to 11 , 3D to 21 , aud 80
olil , inclusive.
$19.00 to Denver , ; Colorado Springs
ml Pueblo , Colorado , Juno 25 to . ' ! 0 , iu *
hifilvo , July 1 i to til , inclusive.
$25.00 to Salt Lake City and Ogden ,
Utah , August 1 to 14 , Inclupivo.
125.00 to Glciiwood Springs , Colorado ,
nly 1 to 18 , inclusive , August 1 to 11 ,
S to 24 and 110 to 1)1 ) inclusive.
$80.00 to Salt Lake City nnd Ogden ,
Utah , July 1 to 18 , inclusive , August.23
o 21 , and 1)0 ) to 81 , inclusive.
$31.00 toQleuwood Springs , Colorado ,
nno 25 to 80 , inclusive , July 14 to 31 ,
nolnsivo ,
82.00 to Salt Lnko City nnd Ogden ,
Utah , Jnno 25 to 80 , inclusive , July 11
o 81 , inclusive.
$ -15.00 to San Francisco , Los Angeles ,
California , August 2 to 10 , iuolupivo.
$45.00 to Portlnnd , Oregon , Tncoma
ud Seattle , Washington , July 11 to 21 ,
Ful information cheerfully furnished
n applicntion toJJ. B. Elseffer , agent.
Observation Cars
ni "Tho Overland Limited" electric
Ighted have tiled platforms , enclosed
with braes and ornamental railings ,
nrgo enough to accommodate all pas-
ougers. fLibrnries , writing desks ,
books , magazines nnd current literature
f all kinds.
Each car lias six compartments and a
drawing room containing wnehstaud ,
lot and cold water , olectrio curling iron
icators , parcel racks and all toilet con
This famous train readies Salt Lake
Oity12 | hours nnd San Francisco 10
hours ahead of all competitors.
If yon contemplate a trip to any
western point , the Union Pacific offers
you the bigbestdegree of comfort and
nxury , with no additional cost nnd n
great saving of time and expense.
Full Information cheerfully furnished
on application to J. B. Elseffer , agent.
Sherman Gravel.
Concerning which so much bos been
said , is a disintegrated mica granite. It
has been chemically prepared by the
great fires of nature in prehistoric days ,
BO as to gradually weld together with
all the { taxability of asphalt and the
durability of granite. This gravel is
quarried at Sherman , "Wyo. , on the
Union Pacific , and used on-the rend for
abllast. Travelers over the Union
Pacific therefore , escape the dust and
dirt which makes a trip over the lines
of its less fortunate rivals so annoying.
No dust , no dirt , no jarring , smooth
and easy riding.
For fnll information call on or address
J. B. Elsoffer , agent.
Of Norfolk , Nebrnskn , on the 80th day
of June , 1902.
First mortgage loans § 58,12500
Stock loans 2,11401
Kenl estate 9Ji4 ( 4C
Furniture and stationery 148 76
Cash f. 484-1
Delinquent interest , premiums
andfines 08778
Expenses nnd taxes paid 1,088 2 (
Other assets : Real estate sold
on contrnct , $7,730.00 ; pro
fit , ? 11.13 7,741 , 18
Interest on advance payments
? 22.80 ; personal accounts
$404.85 ; insurance f 197.89 ;
liens $86 GO ; suspense $4.25. 1,088 20
Total , . . . $75,639 11
Capital stock paid ap. \ $ 8,207 00
Reserve , fand f. ' . . 1,492 4S
Undivided profits : Interest
on loans $2,498.43 ; rent
$49'22 ; fines $17 2,50405
Initiation fee $24 ; bills pay
able $900 924 00
Other liabilities advance pay
ments 8,843 00
Premiums $319 00 ; serial ac
counts $58,788,97 59,10803
Total $75,039 11
JUNE 30,1902.
Balance on hand July 1 , 1901. $ 488 58
Does. . . : 10,493 00
Interest , premiums and fines. 5,127 24
Loans repaid 0,748 29
Bills receivable 6,061 82
" Bills pay able. . , 11,500 00
"Rents 81100
Personal accounts 160 0
Taxes $124 79 ; advance pay
ments $2,929 8,05879
Total $49,48427' '
Loans $11,950 OC
Expenses 002 OC
Stock redeemed 5,177 9
Cash on hand. , . , 484
Bills ' payable 11,80000
Real'estate , 4,10000
Advanced payments 8,722 OC
Matured stock $400 ; bills re
ceived $5 061.24 0,06124
Taxes $250.90 ; personal ac
counts $911.74 1,10304
Total $40,484 27
State of Nebraska , Madison county , sa
1,0. B. Durlond , secretary of the
above named association , do solemnly
swear that the foregoing statement o *
the condition of said association , is true
and correct to the best of my knowledg
and belief. 0. B. DUKLAND ,
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 30th day of June , 1002.
Approved : Notary Pnblio.
I. M. Kior ,
A. BccunoLZ ,
I * .
Railroad and Business Directory.
"her Unnm Ilros. ' Store ,
- VMM Fremont , Elkhorn & Mo. Valley.
Omalm PaMenger . 6:08 am
Chicago Expreis . 12:10pm :
_ , , , EA8T' ABBI\B.
Clilcnco EzproM . 7SOT : > m
Omnlm 1'aieecger . 14:40 : pm
Black Hill * Bpre . 7:50pm
VorUjgroPnisenBer. . . . . IZUOpm
. .
Vordlfrro Accommodation . , . . 8:30 : am J.B.HERMANN ,
WMT. ABBIVB Contractor and Builder
iy.ackUlllf.Epr < > . 12:20 : pm
o Vonll ro I'tuienger . B:03am : 117 Fourth Street.
VcrdlKro Accommodation . 7:10pm
oo The Chicago and Mack Hill" ExpreM arrives
o and departs from Junction depot. The Omaha M. E. SPAULDINd
and Verdlgre trains orrivo and depart from city ,
03 depot. U. U. MATBAU , Agent. Flour and Feed
Union Pacific. 411 Norfolk Avonne ,
I olnmbng Accommodation . 3.00p m
Omaha NORTH. , Denver ami Pecltlo Const . ABBIVB ll:00o : m Cheapest nnd Dest.
Columbtie Accommodation . . . . . ll:4 : ! > ara Norfolk Avenue
Omaha , botiver and Pacific coast . 9.00pra
Connects at Norfolk with F. , E A 11. V. going
weet and north , and with the C. St. P. M , < k O. J. W. EDWARDS
for points north and eaut.
Cor. Rraaech nve aud 4th St.
cu > Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
cuz. . & Omaha.
BAST. DipAnr.
Slonx City and Omaha Passenger. . . . 8:30 : am
Blonz ntyPassonger l:10pm :
* 31onx City Passenger 10.,0am ,
BIocx City and Omahrt Pneoongor 7.-25pm
Connects at Norfolk with F. , E. A M. V. going
west and north , and with the U. P , for points
sontb. J. B. ELSEFFEII , Agont.
* Daily except Snnday. * The Norfolk florseshoei
After Leaving ,
The Missouri River
Before You Reach * t
"The C'vi land Limited , "
Runs Every Day in the Year. ;
For full information call on or address
J. B. ELSEFFER , Agent.
ViaJUnion Pacific , Norfolk to Denver
Colorado Springs or Pueblo and return
Juno 22 to 25 inclusive and July 1 to 18
inclusive , limited to October 31.
Corresponding low rates from inter
mediate points.
Only line running three trains daily
to Denver.
Fall information cheerfully famished
on application to J. B. Elseffer , agent.
The F.i E. & M. V. R. B. will sell ex-
cnrsion tickets to Neligb on July 7 , 8 , 9 ,
10 and 11 , good to return nntil Jaly 12 ,
account northeast Nebraska G. A. R.
district reunion.
Electric Lighted Dining Cars.
The new dining cars on "the Over
land Limited'1 Imvp ten tables , with a
seating capacity forthirty people.
The tables , which are placed in froni
of broad plate glass windows , are
adorned with ferns , flowering plants , fine
linen , delicate china , exquisite cat glass ,
silverware and electric chnndelabra.
, Meals served a la carte , embracing all
the delicacies oi the season
This famous train reaches Salt Lake
City 12 hears and San Francisco 10
hours ahead of all competitors.
If you contemplate a trip to any
western point the Union Pacific offers
yon the highest degree of comfort and
anniversary promises to be a pretty
warm one as the Fourth of July usually
is , so declare year independence of mid
summer beat and wilted linen by hav
ing it Inandered at a place wbero they
will give yon high grade laandry work
with the exquisite color and artistio fin
ish that is the stamp of perfect laundry
work such as the Norfolk Steam Laun
dry always gives yon. ,
Norfolk Steam Laundry
luxury , with no additional cost and a
great saving of time and expense.
3Full information cheerfully furnished V"J
on application to
rilii ! and Loan
' will bnild you a
on easy payments. Come and.see as.
0. B. DURIAND. Secretary.
| 't
Piano Movlng > Specialty.
Phone 58. . Calls Promptly Answered.
J. p. ELDER ,
Sioux Oity Florist.
Awarded first premium on
Funeral Designs.
Handsome ftoses , Carnations , palms , Ferns n
Flowers shipped in freab condition.
CitrofflM ! Cor. 6th and