'X1 THU NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , , HTLY 4 , 1JW2 , Bailey Assaults Bcvcridgc on „ Floor of Chamber. RESULT OF A HEATED TILT , { Texan Anka Indiana Senator to Re- ir'acVand Refiisal Is Met With'Phys- leal , , Attack In Which /erldflb' Neckwiar la Ripped and Torn Away. Washington , Jdly 1 , Hot words ' imds d1 between" Bailey ( Tor. ) and Boyerldgb ( Ind. ) on tho. floor * of the iab'nat'o and ; aft.dr ttio adjoiirnomont , twos''followed up with a physical aa- rkult by the Texas senator on tha feerihtb 'frohi Indiana , galley criti cised the state department for ita handling of the , case of an. American f cftlz9n , Df. .Scott , and'reflected' on , t o competency of'Judge Penfleld , BO- [ licltor of ; the department , Boyeridga cimractorlzed tfio words of 'tho , [ Toxaa senator as "an unwarranted attock " ; LiTtiis characterization Bailey regarded pa an Insult and demanded that the / 'Indiana senator withdraw his words. .B'everldgo declined to withdraw them .unless Bailey first withdrew his lan guage In respect to Solicitor Penfleld , although ho disclaimed any intention of insulting Bailey. I The trouble grew out of a resolu- tlon offered by Bailey calling for the papers in a Mexican mining case , Irl . which , ho maintained , Dr. Scott had been unfairly treated , not only by the Mexican .courts , but also by the Amcr lean ambassador , Mr. Clayton , and the officials/ of the state department. Bailey 'declared that Ambassador Clay ton was elthed incompetent or dis honest ; and his remarks led to some tart rejoinders. I After the senate had adjourned from executive session Bailey walked over to where Beverldgo was sitting 1andtold him that If he did not with draw his words ho would make him re tract. Upon his refusal to do sc Bailey threw himself upon Beverldge , , -who is a man hardly up to the average , ln physique , and seized' him by the throat with both hands. The rush was 60 sudden and fierce that the chair In e iwhlch Beveridgo was sitting was ' .pushed back against a desk and the , desk toppled over. Before the as sault could go any further senators ( who had been sitting near had moved .up 'between the desks. Hansbrough seized Bailey by one arm and Spoonei seized , the other. The Texas senatoi tds a powerful man , and it was with * great difficulty that the two senators iwero able to drag him away from Bev- Crldge , and when they succeeded a part of the Indiana senator's neckwear - ; wear was ripped and torn away , In the .Vigorous grasp of Bailey. Bacon and a. doorkeeper came quickly forward and assisted In pulling the Texas sen ator further away , Bailey meanwhile struggling to get free and lunging toward Boverldge. As , he was re moved he was heard to utter some thing that souudedjlike a threat about killing. ' _ | | HOUSE READY TO ADJOURN. 'Adopts Philippine Conference Report by a Vote of 149 to 92. v Washington , July 1. With final ad journment probable today , the house Worked under high pressure from noon yesterday until far Into the night. As a preliminary several reso lutions were adopted to grease the legislative wheels. The rule provid ing for the printing of conference re- Sports before consideration was sus pended until the end of the session and a resolution was adopted making a motion to suspend the rules in order at any time. The house then got down to business. The conference report on the Phil ippine civil governtiieni'bdl , ' wplch"ls considered the last obstacle .in the i\vay of adjournment , was.'adopted by _ a strict party vote , wl h r the single exception of McCairMass. ) , who voted [ with the Democrats ) < 'partial-report on the general deficiency' appropria tion bill was adopted and. after a pro longed fight the house , by a vote of 0.18 to 101 , adopted the" senate amend ment to appropriate $500,00p for the Buffalo exposition and sent the bill back to conference. The senate amendments to appropriate $160,000 for the Charleston exposition and $1,000,000 to pay Hawaiian fire-bu bonic plague awards were defeated , the former by a vote of 71 to 118. Subsequently , at the night session , the bouse reversed Itself and assented to the senate amendment making an ap propriation for the Charleston fair. A number of bills wore" passed * under Buspenslon of the rdles , Including the eonato bills to allot ( lands In the Cherokee - okeo nation and to provide corpora tion laws for Alaska At 'the ' overling session the Dick mllltlsf''blll -which''ls to be used aa a stopf 'p.for 'thd'ieV ' "xnalnder of the session while''tjiehbuso ! la waiting for conference reports , was 'taken up. The adioufrimeilt resold * tlon Is to be withheld-until ttie cdn forence report oa the1 Plilllpplnb bill is adopted by the senate. > , Van Sant to Be Renamed. \9 \ St. Paul , July 1. The Republican Btato convention meets today. Gov- ' < brnor Van Sant's renomlnatlon has been assured for several months , and It is considered probable that the plat form will take cognizance of his ac tion In seeking to enforce the law against railway combinations. ' ( Case of Cholera on Transport Thomas , Manila , July 1. A case of cholera lias bean discovered , on board the iJUnlted States transpo'rt Thomas , and Bho has boon detained in quarantine atvMaravolez , at the entrance to Ma 4Ulla bay. . . . . NEWS OF MISCING VESSELS. Good Prospect That the Jeanlc and Portland Will Be Saved , Port Townseml , Wash. , July I. The steamer Centennial reached port yesterday nine and a half days from Capo Nome , bringing news of the safe ty of the steamers Joanle and Port land. It also brought word that the story of the loss of the United States revenue cutter Thetis Is untrue. The steam whaler Belvldero arrived at Capo Nome on JUhe-20 add reported thnt the Jcanlo and the Portland wore- sighted la the tee. pack on Juno 17 , eighty miles north of'Capo Prince of Wales and , the Dlbmedo Idlanda. The rovonuoi cutter Thetis waa standing by the Imprisoned vessels. The Jcanie and the Portland wore not Injured by the Ice'and there were good prospefts of them getting away. yV.'dispatch recelyed at.Valdes from Kotzlha under date of Juno , 21 , says : "Mount Wrangol Is In plal'n , flight of hero and great clouds of black smoke .can bo scon rolling up from her crest. ' * ADMITS HE KILLED Otto W. Roderick of South Omaha Confesses GUllt. Council Bliiffs , July 1. Otto W. Roderick of South Omaha confessed to killing Clark Mbyer of Council Bluffs last Saturday night. Roderick was the first witness called In the In quest , and his testimony caused a sen sation. He says he-and a man named Wilson met Meyer and two compan ions on South Main street , and the latter passed some Insulting remarks. Then Roderick hit Meyer In the face and he fell down and off the sidewalk , The others ran and Roderick and Wil son went on , not thinking Meyer waa badly hurt. The police are looking for Wilson. Roderick will probably beheld held for manslaughter. HORSE THIEVES SLAY SHERIFFS , Two Officers Shot While Attempting to Arrest Band of Outlaws. Guthrle , Okla. , July 1. Sheriff A. J , Bullard and Under Sheriff Coburn of Roger Mills county , Oklahoma , were killed yesterday In a battle with horse- thieves while the ofllcers were at tempting to arrest members of the band of outlaws. The fight occurred in the northeast portibn of the county and continued for about thirty mln- I utes , the outlaws finally surrounding I thn two nfflpfira nml rlrlrlllnir tVmtn 1 with bullets. The entire band made Us escape , supposedly uninjured , al though the sheriffs put up a plucky fight. Suspicion points to the Bert Casey band. North Dakota Town Fire-Swept. Larlmore , N. D. , July 1. The bmil- ness portion of Conway , a village ol about 600 population , thirty-eight miles north of here , was completely wiped out by fire yesterday afternoon causing a loss of about $70,000. , , , The fire started in Rushiska & Vandrahck's hardware store and , spreading to the adjoining business places , destroyed three general stores , one drug store two hardware stores , one meat mar ket , two hotels , one tailor shop , one dwelling and a millinery store. The insurance is about $30,000. Sheriff Asks for Troops. Boise , Ida. , July 1. Governor Hunt yesterday received a dispatch from Sheriff Rice of Bannock county , sug gesting that In view of attacks made by roving Indians on the white men In a portion of the Fort Hall reservation the government should bejippealed tote to send the troops , to clear the red men off. Agent Caldwell yesterday wired the governor , denying that there is serious trouble. The governor has notified General Randall , commander of this department , of the complaints. Paying Teller Is Short $80,000. Salt Lake , July 1. Alexander A. Robertson , , .paying teller of the Wells- Fargo , bank and a member of the city council ; who disappeared Sunday mornlrig andv returned home yester day after abandoning his determina tion to 'cqifSiiEilt. ' ' ' suicide , Is now In charge'of .Chief''Of Police Paul , and Is kept closelyliildae'n. The bank's short age Is estimated'at ' $80,000. Wabaoh OJt of Its Banks. Lafayette ) Ind. , July 1. Heavy rains during the 'past thirty-six hours have .caused a rise of twenty feet In the Wabash river. Bottom lands are submerged from one to three feet. Wheat Is In bad' condition , and thou- Bands"o * acres of corn have been ruined "by th'S flood. TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD. Archer Wade shot and fatally wounded -James Owens Monday at Martlnsvillo , Ind. ] Eugene Howard of Cleveland Mon day , shot and instantly killed his wife Catherine , , , anfl"th'en with a razor cui his own" throat. " , lA'BUrv9ying'pa"fty went to Glenwood Bprlfs's , fetjlo. , Monday to begin the work 9 'idyin"but ' | [ the route of the Denver , No'rthweatorn and Pacific In the western range. At-Maflow , ! > - < r. , lightning struck the residence of Captain C. S. Clark killing Mrs. . Clark Instantly , stunnlnf two children , who are in a critical con dltlon , and badly stunning Captain Clark. The allotment of lands In the Scm Inolc nation has been completed by the Dawes commission and certificates will be given each Indian by Governor Brown. About 2,767 allotments were made , each with a value of $308. The Indianapolis Street Car com pany has-Increased the pay of Us mc- tormen and conductors 1 cent an hour This makes an" Increase In the pay roll of the company of $25,000 a year The Increase was unsolicited on the part of the men. King is Still Improving and Eng land Celebrates Good News. NO DAD SYMPTOMS DEVELOP Dressing of the Wound Gives Pair ) , but This , However , ! Not Regarded as Serious by'tha'Doctors Dinner to Poor of London ; London , July 1. The general foolIng - Ing of relief as a result of the fav.or- iblo reports of the , cpndltlpu of the ' ' Icing.yonte'd Itself ; laa't night by .tfto touching off of 3,690 bonfires through out the United Kingdom , which'wore originally prepared .to .colpbrato core- nation night. The signal to light the fires was glvonat five .minutes past 9 oclock. ! . A rocket waa , ; sent up from the top of the gigantic wheel In Earl's court and burst In .a cloud .of stars , 1,000 , foot overhead. la re sponse to this signal , bgnflroa rose from every otovattpn of any consequence quence from the Llzartf to the Ork neys' . The 'celebrations ' wore- unfortu nately somewhat dampened by a downfall of raid. London was not officially Illuminated. The display In this line wag confined to the theaters , the hotels and the business houses. There was quite a celebration at Sp'lthead yesterday , when the nearest approach to a re view of the great fleet there was seen In the trip of several transports loaded with volunteers and colonial troops and -a number of distinguished persons , who inspected the empire's firs't line of defense. The dressing of the wound causes some pain , but the 'doctors announce that there is no bad symptom of any kind. In view of the king's continued im provement no bulletins wore Issued last night. The arrangements for King Edward's dinner to the poor of London , to beheld held July 6 , are being rapidly com pleted. The Prince and Princess of Wales have arranged to visit a num ber of the localities where the poor are to be entertained , and If King Ed ward's condition continues to Improve , Queen Alexandras-will probably make the rounds with them. Gardner Drops Hostility Chargp , Manila , July 1. Major Cornelius Gardner , governor of the province of Tayabas , continued his testimony yes terday before the board which is In quiring Into the charges of cruelty brought by him against American offi cers and soldiers. Major Gardner has abandoned the charge that higher offi cers in the army in the Philippines were hostile to the civil government. He said this hostility existed , but that the summoning of witnesses to sub stantiate his charge might result ad versely to the interests of the govern mcnt without benefiting himself. Final Effort to Save Rice. Toronto , July 1. A last effort Is being made to save the life of Lee Rice , awaiting execution for the mur der of Constable William Boyd. One of Rico's companions was killed in the fight for liberty in which Boyd lost his life and another committed sulcldo In Jail. The Rice family llvo In Cham paign county , Illinois. F. C. Roblnette , counsel for the condemned man , has placed himself in communication with Senator Mason of Illinois and Repre sentative Cannon of Illinois. Ho hopes that they can bo induced to in terest themselves In the case. Moro Murderers Slain. Manila , July 1. Two of the Mores wh6 murdered Private Lewis have been killed while resisting arrest. Date .Adta Adma promised Colonel Frank D. Baldwin of the Twenty-sev enth Infantry , whoIs In Mindanao , that he would deliyer the murderers * pfXewls when they were captured. The mutilated bodies of the two Mores were" consequently brought Into the American camp suspended from poles. Cronje Takes Oath of Allegiance. ' Jamestown , St. Helena , July 1. General Cronje , the Boer commander who , with his army , was captured by Lord Roberts at Paardoburg , Orange Free State , In February , 1900 , has taken the oath of allegiance to King Edward. Many of the remaining pris oners are following his example. American Teachers. May Be Alive. Manila , July 1. There Is a possl bllity that the four American teach ers of Cobu , island of Cebu , who have been missing since June 10 , are alive. A native who was made prisoner by the constabulary of Cebu says the four teachers were prisoners In the mountains of 'the Island Juno 26. Crops Damaged by Floods. Bt. Louis , July. 1. A low estimate placed on the damage wrought within a radius of ' 150 miles of Alton , 111. , by the storm pfvflnd and rain IB $1,000- 000 , While the farmers are the heav iest losers the railroads also suffered severely. In the American bottom district the farmers are ruined. Fighting for Presidency. Port au Prince , Haytl , July I. The elections for deputies have been Interrupted. The various political parties In Haytl are in arms , ready for battle. There has been much fir ing hero and the situation IB critical. Earthquakes In Asia Minor. London , July 1. In a dispatch from Vienna , the correspondent there of the Dally Express Bays earthquakes have opcurred simultaneously In twen ty towns of Asia Minor and that many houses have collapsed. STEAMER DCACHCID IN HARBOR. Alaska Liner Springs Lcnk and Has Eight Feet of Water In Hold , Seattle , \Vnah. , July 1. The Btvatn * or Oregon Is ashore at Dutch Harbor with eight foot of water In Its hold. On the voyage north the Oregon began leaking badly before It had passed Vancouver ( aland , nnd it wan found necessary to keep the pumpn going constantly to keep the vessel afloat. It reached Nome , however , wltli two foot'of water In its hold and the'machinery badly > otit of repair. Aa soon us tho/pooaongorn and cargo wore landed Captain Souloy decided that ho could make St , M'lchaol , whore the vessel could b6 safely beaiihod and repaired. After1 leaving Nonib the 'rudder post gave out arid the steamer refused to answer to1 Ita holm1. Fortunately thd weather was1 good and 'Captain Sooloy WUH able to make temporary repairs. Aa the leak hail not Increased' ' and did nofcappoaf to bo dangoroila ho 'docldbd that ho could roilch Seattle In safety and so'did'not stop at St. Michael. With the pumps going constantly ho found It ( mpossl * bl to'keep'tho ' water down , and an It wa's gaining fit'a dangerous rate ha was compelled to put into Dutch Har bor , end beach tho. . vessel. The Orogbn had some southbound passengers aboard , but the number la not known. It Is boltoved the vessel can bo 'saved. YACHT FOR THE PRESIDENT. Mayflower to be the' Oceari Home of the Chief Executive. New York , July 1. Thd Mayflower , the official yacht of the United States and ocean homo of President Roosevelt velt , lies in the Brooklyn navy yard , In its now function , aft9r undergoing alterations that cost $50,000 , It is ready for sea as ono of the most lux. urloiisly appointed vessels afloat. The yacht was commissioned Saturday , but the date of sailing from the navy yard has not been settled. Of the new Mayflower all the officers at the navy yard are , proud , as they feoj It will bo a fitting residence fet tno chief executive of tlio nation when social or naval regulations call on him to fly his flag afloat. In designing such a palace for use by the president the United States departs somewhat from the old lines of Jefferson , sim plicity and takes Its place with tha other world powers In the matter ol naval luxury. Neither the Hohon- zollern nor any of the other royal yachts has state rooms and saloons more beautiful or costly than those of the president's yacht. File Motion for New Trial. Eldorado , Kan. , July 1. The attor neys for Jessie Morrison , who Satur day was found guilty of murder in the second degree for having killed Mrs. Olln Castle , yesterday filed a motion for a new trial. Ono of the principal .reasons for asking for a new trial la that a'.cha'rigo of venue had been re fused. Judge Aikman set the time for hearing the motion for next Monday , when It is believed the motion will t > a overruled and Miss Morrison formally sentenced. Under the verdict , her punishment can bo assessed at from ten years to life Imprisonment. Baseball Scores Yesterday. National League St. Louis , 4-4 ; Chicago , 8-8. New York , 0 ; Boston 8. Brooklyn , 1 ; Philadelphia , 2. American League St. Louis , 2-3 ; Cleveland , 17-3. American Association Toledo , 1 ; Minneapolis , 1. Columbus , 0 ; St Paul , 2. Louisville , 1 ; Milwaukee , 2 Western League Kansas City , 4 ; Des Molnes , 3. St. Joseph , 3 ; Oma ha , 5. Milwaukee , 4 ; Colorado Springs , 0. Charged With Killing Stepdaughter. Burlington , Kan. , July 1. Mrs. Ed ward Edwards has boon arrested , charged with the murder of Viola Gladys Edwards , her four-year-old stepdaughter. _ The coroner's Jury found , that the child came to Its death by ( being stamped and trampled on by Mrs. 'Edwards. ' Tl\e woman , wh'o Is in Jail hero , says a strange man killec the 'child. Mrs. Edwards is Edwards third , wife. The child was adopted by Edwards' second wife. Found Dead In Chair Car. Pepria , 111. , July 1. Peter Schnur of Owens county , Missouri , was founc deafl in his seat In a Chicago , Burling ton and Quincy chair car , at Gales burg yesterday morning. He was en route to this city to visit relatives and the corpse was brought to this city nnd delivered at his brother's residence. Ho- had been dead abou three hours wVen discovered by the conductor. . Burnett Granted 'SUpersedeas. Springfield , 111. , July 1. JUdge Cart wright , in the supreme court ; yester day granted a suporsedcas In'the case , of Dr. Orvllle Burnett , who was convicted victod In Chicago as accessory to the murder of Mrs. Charlotte L. Nichols and sentenced to thirteen years In the penitentiary. Burnett will bo com. polled to remalq In Jail In Chicago .until the supreme court meets In Oc tober. Hundreds Driven From Hoi. js. Laporto , Ind. , July 1. The heavy rains of the last few days have causet the Kankakco river to overflow Its banks and cover miles of contiguous territory. Hundreds of persons have been driven from their homes. The river is the highest known for years The crops In many localities will bo a total loss. ' Fatal Storm In Alabama. Gadsden , Ala. , July l. S. O. Ward end wife were severely injured and a negro laborer killed in a storm yester day at Duck Springs. Property In the vicinity , valued at $25,000 , was de stroyed. Machinists at Some Points Re fuse to Walk Out. EXPECT TROUBLE AT CHEYENNE Hallway Officials 'Say They Have Ma chinists on the 'Way and Will Boarp and Lodge Them In the Shops. Plnkertons Have Arrived. Oranlia , July i , The ntrlkp of the Union Paclflo nmchlnlstH , which wan formally declared at 10 .o'clock . Mon day morning , Is not complete , At ' Kvanflton the men refused' quit work , at Green Hlvor they voted not to go out , at Ilawllnfl four of the .thir teen original number remaned at work and at Armstrong' only half of the man have gone-out , ProflTdonl Kerihody of tfib Bollbf- t makfirB1 union nays there are tl\rao bollormaftorfl at work on the Union Paolilc ny t m , twp at Armstrong fl'ad ' ono at Council Bluffs. Ho says two nonunion men who are at work In Denver , hnvo gene out and this state ment Is corroborated by General Man ager Dickinson of the Union Pacific , Mr. Dickinson , however , nays that there are still two men loft In thu Denver shops. Cheyenne , July 1. It Is nald by the officials that the Union Pacific has ninety machinists en rottto west. Six ty of them nro oald to ho under ordore to report at Choyonno. A number ol the men engaged yesterday nro at work transferring the wheel Bhop into a boarding houno. A largo number ol * cots nro being made and bunks put In , It Is said to bo the Intention of the company to board and loilgo the om > ployes. Four Plnkortons are reported to have arrived hero and more are en routo. SEEK TO STOP INTIMIDATION. Wllke&barre Citizens' Alliance Offers Big Reward for Boycottera. Wllkcsharre , Pa. , July 1. The Cltt' zens * alliance of Wllkcsharro offers rewards aggregating ? 5,000 for the ar rest nnd conviction of all persons en gaged In boycotting , hanging elllglt'E nnd other criminal nets of Intlmlda tion. A reward of $1.000 IH offered for the arrest nnd conviction of any one who enters Into a conspiracy to boy cott any Individual , firm or corpora tlon. For hanging anybody In olllgy $500 reward will bo paid. At strike headquarters It Is claimed that the offering of such largo rewards will cause irresponsible detectives to arrest Innoqcnt people in the hope ol securing the rewards. Several small coal companies In the vicinity of Hazleton have posted notices requesting their former em ployes to apply for their old positions at once lest they should bo given to new hands. The district officers of the United Mine Workers In Hazleton say that the ranks of the strikers are as firm as ever nnd that none of the employes ol Pardue & Co. or any other coal com pany will pay any nttentlon to the no tlccs posted. Freight Handlers May Strike. Chicago , July 1. Unless the gen ernl malingers of the railroads reverse their announced decision In regard tea a new scale of wages 10,000 freight handlers will In all probability quit work today In all the railroad ware houses and freight sheds In Chicago. If the freight handlers strike It Is probable that other unions will bo drawn Into the struggle through sym pathy. Officials of all the railroads replied yesterday to the demand of the freight handlers for more wages. The answers were almost uniform , each of the companies submitting an amended scale of wages , to go Into cf feet after three months. The men refused fused to consider the concessions of the railroads and declare that- unless they are granted better terms they will quit work. . From the railroads It was learned that all have determined not to make any further concessions Strike 'on Canadian Northern. Winnipeg , Man. , July } . A big strike of employes was Inaugurated ori th6 Canadian Northern railway system , owned by Messrs. MoKenzIe and Mann , caused by the refusal o : the management to sign schedules o wages presented by the shopmen of the United Brotherhood of Railway employes. The engineers , firemen , con ductors and brakemen are \stlll \ at work , so that the system Is not ye tied up. About 2,000 men are at fected. Birmingham Miners Out. Birmingham , Ala. , July 1. Over 12t 000 mlriers struck yesterday In th < Birmingham district. ' At a recent meeting of the operators and miners the latter demanded an eight hour day , a pay day every two weeks-am 60 cents per ton as the maximum , price for mining coal , an increase of 5 c nts The operators refused to grant these concessions. HEADACHE At ttt in ? ttom. 3i DOM 35 * . This signature Is on every bos of the Laxative Bromo-Quinioe th lemtxly Uit cnv * . . C < lM la J MOTHER' ? YOU MOTHER'S FRIEND taken chiUlblrth easy by preparing the ystcm for.parturitlon . nmf thtiSHhqrteniuj ; abor. The puluftil ordunTia robbed of Hn errors , ntlii the danger lessened to Imtli nothcrnnrt chilli ; the titna of confinc'mcrit : 3 flliortciiL-d , the mother rested , and child illly dovelo | ) d , stroiig mid healthy. Morning sickness , or nrulsea arising ronl 'preKtiuucy ' , la prevented by its use. As pregnancy advances , the breastu CUT nrge , become awollen and hard. LrOiifj jctore the child is torn , they arc prepnr- titf for the secretion of milk. It in import- lit that they receive early attention. ' ilother'u Friend softens the skin anil acililate.4 the secretion of Life Fluid ; Undeveloped breasts , hard-caked shortly fter delivery , are the result of non- rcntmcnt , and likely to culminate in Innimary Abscess , from which ao many uffer cxcruclntlmj paiii and are left with licsc organs permanently impaired. KoftneM , pliability nnd expansion nrc given lo ic muiclci and t\nc\T \ * , limit liniiKlim comfort tulcnuiltiK ' " ' c'1 y IMUC of ( lie clillil. Try It. f ( IrtiKKliiU f i.m , Our liook ' 'Motherhood" free. HE DKADFIELO REGULATOR CO. , ATLANTA , GA. ' . , < iiii | | ' ' "J-lh'illll'l' ' ' l II III W1 THESM1TH WRITER REQUIRE MENt ; BlilLT RIGHT2 WORKS RIGHT. USE0BY THE LEAD ; ING MANUFACTURERS AND MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE , BECAUSE THE ; , MOSfiT ECONOMICAL CMS Corner 17th and Fiirnafci ntR , , . OMAHA , NEB. Are You , > a Fisherman If so , before making any plans for your Summer fishing trip , you should write or call on as for information per- tnluiug to the Lakes of Minnesota. There are ten thousand lakes in the State of Minnesota , which are filled with Bass , Pickerel , Grapple , Muska- louge , eto. Remarkably low round trip tickets , with long limits , will be on Bale all summer , Information regarding fishiuR resorts , hotel rates , and round trip tickers will be cheerfully furnished by W. H. BRILL , Dist. Pass. Agent , 111. Cent , R , R. No , 1403 Faruam St. Omaha.