THE NORFOLK LT JOURNAL. NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , JMJDAY , JULY-I. 1002 , One Person Killed and Several I Injured Near Racine. HOUSES AND BARtyS WRECKED Farm Property Valued at Many Thou- 1 canda of Dollars Destroyed , Stock Killed and Growing Crops Ruined. Havoc In Storm's Path. y- Racine , Wla. , July 3. A stretch of country half a mile wide , from the town of Raymond east to Huspcr , in the township of Caledonia ; this coun ty , a distance of ten miles , waa swept by a tornado late yesterday after noon. Ono man was killed , several persons were Injured , forty houses and barns were wrecked , thirty or forty head of stock were killed , hundreds of trees were blown down , hundreds of acres of grata ruined and other damage - ago done , the property loss amount ing to many thousands of dollars. The storm first struck the house of [ William Cook , Just west ot Raymond , and blew it to pieces. J. J. Lalng's house was then wrecked and Mr. { Lalng was badly hurt , but his family escaped. His barns were also ( wrecked. The roof and one wing of George West's house , nearby , were blown away. The house and all of the barns and other buildings of Ell- Bha Lower were demolished and three persona were Injured In the wreck. /The / barns of Frank Eastman at Kll- bourne are all gone. At Caledonia , the. barns and home of Albert Herr- man were carried away , William Hess ' lost his barn's and had two horses killed and Christian Erb's barns were demolished. The only fatality reported Is at the home of O. Thysen of Caledonia. His house was completely wiped away and also the barns , and Thysen was Wiled. The other members of the family escaped serious injury.- , Reports from the' district state that many other barns and houses . were blown , away and that It Is hard to estimate the exact number. A son of Ellsha Lower was driving a horse attached to a wagon loaded with farm implements. The storm caught and carried him and the wagon Into a field 100 yards away. The horse was killed and the young man Injured. * II Fatal Storm In Michigan' * - . TOetrolt , 'July8A -terrlfltfw-Btorm swept through the southwestern part of Michigan -yesterdayuafternoon. . Near North Adams , the residence of Mrs. Van Patten was demolished , the barn of M. W. Rood was blown from its foundation and another house was unroofed. Mrs. Van Patten and Mr. and Mrs. Gamble , her son-in-law and daughter , had taken refuge In the cellar and were severely Injured , Mrs. [ Van Patten probably seriously. At Leonlda , a farmer living near there iWas crushed to death against a tele graph pole. Near Dendon , John Bow man , an aged man , was severely in- 'Jured by falling rafters In the col lapsing home of Henry Powers. . Three Killed by a Tornado. ' Terre Haute , July 3. A terrific windstorm passed over Momence , 111. , last night. Meager particulars are re ceived over a railroad wire this , morning and report three men killed. ( CAUGHT ON HIGH TRESTLE. frs Lie Down on Edge , ( it fail to Escape Car. fpwn , o. , July 3. Three brothers , Mike , Simon and Luke Sha- igkvle , wore caught on the trestle of the Mahpijlng Valley Electric line near Struthers , four miles east of here , last eight and In an endeavor to escape Injury lay down on the edge of the rails. Luke was struck by the car and 'died 'from a fractured skull. Mike had his left arm torn off , leg fractured and nose broken and is In a critical condition. Simon was knocked off into a gulloy thirty" feet below , but escaped with slight Injuries. Nemaha Valley Flooded. Auburn , Nebv July 3. The Nemaha rlvep Is the highest for nine teen years and Is still rising. The Whole Nemaha valley is flooded and 'Auburn Is cut off from the east and north. Crops on the bottom lands nro ruined. At Elmwood , north of here , seven Inches of rail fell Tuesday night , flooding the town and washing the Missouri Pacific tracks badly. Tunnel Caves In. . Minerva , O. , July 3. With a rum bling and grinding that could bo heard for miles , the tunnel on the ILake Erie , Alliance and Wheeling railroad , near , here , caved In its entire - tire length yesterday. There was but one life lost. The victim was Joseph Biggins. The other workmen escaped by running when the first fall oc curred. Celery Growers Hard Hit. Kalamazoo , Mich. , July 3. This vl- tlnlty was visited last night by the heaviest rainfall of the season. It Is estimated that two inches of rain fell firlthln an hour. Many of the celery fields wore submerged , and In some In- etances crops -wore washed away : The Joss to the celery growers alone , will ie thousands of dollars. j Oklahoma Town Badly Scorched. I Quthrle , Okla. , July 3. Watonga , * he county seat of Dlalno county , waa ajfllte4 bjr a 4ejtryctlvo flro early yes terday , the loss exceeding $50.000. The heaviest losers wore the Kosh Hardware company , $15,000. and the Tyler & Oronkhit department stores , $25,000. The buildings burned formed the , "finclpal portion of Main street Story That Newa Hca Been received of Missing Steamera Dqrjled. Ban Francisco , July 3. The Alaska Commercial company's stqamqr St. Paul arrived yesterday frpm Capo Nome , with news of the steamers Portland and Jaonlo that tooa not agree with the report , which reached hero through the steamer Centennial at Port Townsend two day $ ago. The word . that the jrevijniifl cutter Thetis waa > spoken In Boring straiten on Juno 18 ; that she had then been out ten days and had gen nothing of the ice-Imprisoned yesae ) ! . Everything - thing that the St. Paul 'tojls of the ships is at variance with the Centen nial advices. The fact that the former left Nome on June 22 , two days after the Centennial loft , , would make her report seem more reliable and , be sides , she belongs to the same people who own the Portland. The whaling bark yijllatn P. Bay- Us , Captain Cottle , arrived at Nome on June 20 and reports that natives of Diomedcs island told him that the whaling bark Delvldere , the steamer Jaenle and a passenger steamer , sup posed to bo the Portland , drifted through the straits between Juno I and 8 , the whaler passing on the 1st , the Portland on the 5th and the Jaenlo on the 8thj _ DEADLY BATTLE WITH BURGLAR. Wealthy New York Man Fatally Shot In Encounter With Robber. New York , July 3. Albert C. Lull- mer , a wealthy stationer of this city , who * lives In Brooklyn , was fatally shot a hls ome in a struggle with a burglar. The burglar escaped , leav UBS Jli& . shogsuana , cap b.ehlnjl , Having been awakened by his wife , who heard a voice , Mr. Latlmet started to make af search. As he opened-'a closet door the burglar' , maSked , " dashed out and' Mr. Latlmei grappled 'With him. fri'the struggle tlfe robber flred , two shots and aftoi thV.second .Mr. Latlmej fell. His. as. . sallant then leaped over him and'fled through a kitchen window , where he had entered the house. A'policema'n a b'lock away heard the shots and the screams of Mrs. L U mer arid ran to the house. thorougl search was.made of the neighborhood but no trace of the burglar-was found Mr Xatlmer was taken tea hospital where the doctors after an examlna tion said he could not live. TARRED AND FEATHERED. Funeral Party Drives Husband and Sister of Dead Woman Out of Town. Sterling , III. , July 3. The funeral of Mrs. John Selbert of Mount Morris , near hero , was delayed - un til the mourners could adjourn to c corn field and administer ai coat of tai rand feathers to the husband and slstei of the dead woman. Then the funeral proceeded , but the two who were to have been chief mourners were absent The house was filled with sorrowing neighbors when some of them dlscov' ered Selbert'In ' another room , hugging and kissing Mrs. Theodore Wolfe. The crowd quickly dragged the couple to the corn field. A plentiful supply of tar was poured over the vie tims and the feathers from a pillow were added. Then the two were driven from the village and ordered never to return. Mrs. Selbert died ol consumption and during the two yeare of her sickness It is alleged that he'i husband was continually making love to his wife's sister. TRIED TO SWALLOW FIRE. Chicago Youth Pours Burning Gaso line Over Himself and Others. Chicago , July 3. In trying to 1ml tate an Egyptian fire swallower , Harrj Loughren , twelve years old , poured burning gasoline' ' over hlmself and sli other-ctiildren last night , and asji re suit theNbpy and one other chlldyjirob ably will' die. Of the others , one onlj escaped'"injury , a girl who dropped without being hurt * from the -porch thirty , fee/from the'ground , after tear ing off her a'k'lrt , frantic to ovoid an other child who was running toward her with clothing ablaze , The boy'i mother was burned so brfdly in strip ping the burning clothing from bin that she also may dio. Killed by Unknown Assailant Kansas City , July 3. Pearl Sauls man of Lees Summit , Mo. , wai knocked down and killed , and M. J McQlynn , his employer , was struct twice and seriously hurt , at Eight eenth and Xlrand streets , in this Itj last night DT an unknown man , who at tacked them without apparent provo cation. Qaulaman was a farm hand aged twenty-five years. Ho received a single blow in the face , which brok < his neck and killed him almost in stantly. His assailant * escaped and the police have .only a meager do Bcrlptlon of him. Miller Escapes Prosecution. Chicago , July 3. President Orlaudc Mitterrand Secretary H. C. Davis ol the St. ' Luke's sanitarium , who wcr held responsible by the coroner's Jurj for the loss of life In the fire that do strbycd ( he unnltarjum , wll | escape criminal prosecution. The grand JMT investigated the charges of nun slaughter against the two olHcli. yesterday and riiurn.'d no bills. Leaders Declare War on WT&- chinery in Czar's Name. TROOPS KILL AND WOUND MANY Leaders Are Apparently 8 rand6r and Proclaim Thomeolyoi AgqntJ < jf Czar Outbreak 8ornowhat bles Peasant Rlota qf Bary | 9pri(1j' ( ( St. Petersburg , July ? , Thorp havJ been labor riots for tnO pas't faw days at Rostov-on-Don , in southern lUjaqln. Tliero Imvo been numqr6ua collisions between the troops and ( thq rfotbra' , The troopi Hrod and many of the riot ers were killed or wooded. The outbreak rogqmt > | p ยง , the poaa' ant riots in the oarjy spring. The leaders of the last riots were strang ers In the district. They were dressed In fantastic uniforms and adorned with decorations. They proclaimed themselves agents of the czar and preached the destruction of all ma chinery which reduced the number of laborers and brought the masses io starvation. A fanatical mob , inllamcd with this idea , declared' war on the factories in the name of the czar and had already wrecked many manufac turing establishments by the tlmo the troops were called out. KING STEADILY IMPROVES. Queen Alexandra Reviews the East Indian Troops. London , July 3. King Edward has passed another good day. The quiet' and routine of the sick room was va ried by the excitement of listening to the music and cheers of the Indian troops as they marches ! past the palace - ace and greeted Queen Alexandra on the balcony. King Edward demanded a full account of the review and the formal report made by the Prince of Wales was supplemented by the per sonal narrative of , the queen. His majesty dictated a letter to the Duke of Connaught , commanding him to compliment the colonial troops upon their excellent appearance and to thank them for their expressions of loyalty and sympathy , which ho had .heard with pleasure In his sick room. King Edward was somewhat disap pointed that he was not able to see the march past of the troops. He had hoped tlifl this jvould be1 possible from an invalid couch in a window of the palace , but the doctors were im ? willing that he should rlsk-thls. . expo sure and excitement and his majesty had to content himself with hearing the troops without 'seeing them. Fire Injured in Wreck. Springfield , 111. , July 3. Five per sons were Injured and others had nar row escapes yesterday when a south bound Illinois Central passenger train ran into an open switch at Madison and collided with a freight train ot the Chicago , Peorla and St. Louis rail road. The passenger engine and sev eral freight cars were demolished. The Injured : Conductor Lewis Car penter , , two ribs broken , badly bruised ; Charles V. Monroe , brakeman - man , face cut and Internally Injured ; Frank Albers , fireman , jumped , Internally - . nally Injured ; Miss Llllle Gohricks , East St. Louis , cut about face and hands ; Harvey Green , engineer of of passenger , jumped , slightly hurt. Debate on Irish Land Question. London , July 3. A long and heated debate on the Irish land question waa precipitate in the house of commons last night. Thomas , , W : Russell , lib eral , moved the adjournment of the house to discuss the pending evictions from the estate of Lord de Froyno , In Roscommon county. Mr. Russell de clared that unless the government In tervened to prevent these evictions an era of turmoil would be inaugurated in the west of Irelan'd , where there was trouble enough already. Mr. Wyndham replied with some asperity that he was surprised to find Mr , Rus sell siding against law and order. Editor Cady Fined for Contempt. Eldorado , Kan. , July 3. N. R. Cady , editor of the Augusta Journal , was yesterday fined $10 and costs for con tempt of court for having criticised Judge Alkman for not granting a change of venue for Jessie Morrison at her recent trial for the murder of Mrs. Castle. Judge Alkman assesead a light fine upon the editor's promise to publish an apology. Coniu ) Dickey Reinstated. Washington , July 3. United 'States Consul William B , Dickey has been completely vindicated of the charges brought against him by Richard R. Nelll , secretary of legation at Lima , and as a result of which he wae re moved from his post at Callao. Ho is to be reinstated. Boxer Uprlelng Suppressed. London , July 3 , A dlspatph to the Dally Mall from Shanghai says that Viceroy Shun reports officially that the Boxer rising In Sze Chuen prov ince has been suppressed and that the leaders of the movement havt been captured and Collision at Sea. Victoria , B. 0. , July 3. AdvlcPB from the Orient , received hero yester day , state that the steamers Kumogwa anJ K'lsogawa of the OaaUo Supahcm Kalaha were In collision off the coast of Korea on the night of Juno 11 and the former sank , carrying down novon * teen of the crow , Bovontcun European passengers , three Japanese passengers and fifteen Koreans. Nlnotocn pas- eengors and the balance of the crow' fyore saved by the Klaogiuya and tnitoii to Chemulpo. EXPLODES TOO LATE. ' 'Human ' Bomb" la Dashed to Earth ' , . and His Back Broken. iLojilsvillo , July 3. In the ureaenco 2f:5,9bO : spectators , witnessing an open Ir pbrfDnnanco of the "Last Dagra at fioiripoli , " ou the common opposite hiirdhlll Downs , James Dull , known " .tfho Human Bomb , " received In- leti which will probably result In U dtfath. It Is Dull's part ot the pop fornjauca to bo hurled high la the air by a bomb which explodes , reloading o parachute , by which the porforiuor fottlrhs to earth. . , , Laat * night the bomb was shot 'into the .alr rw usual , but when it reached its greatest height it failed to explode - plodo and started to the earth with the victim unable to roloaeo himself. As the missile was within 100 foot of the ground It suddenly exploded and , to the horror of the spectators , Dul | was dashed to the earth and the porfdrrnanco brought to a close. When the victim was picked up It was found thai his back was broken , Ho wna taken to the city hospital. PRINCC IS IN POLICE COURT. Member t f Austro-Hungarlan Corona tion Mission Placed Under Arrest. London , , i ' . Prince Francla Jo seph'of Bra i , n lieutenant In the Soy'onth A < , ' Hussars , a scion of a formot 3 house of Portugal and member of the a Austro-IIunga- rlan mission to the coronation , ap peared In the Southwark police court yesterday with other men , charged With n criminal offense. Strict secrecy was observed by the court officials regarding the nature ol the charges. Formal evidence was given that certain Information In the possession of the magistrate was true , and the prisoners were remanded. Prince Francis wan allowed to fur nish ball for his appearance. Hit companions were retained in custody , The body of August Uttwlllor , whc shot and killed his 'roonv'inate ' , James Collins , and then escaped , wds found iii the Ohio river at Cincinnati. He had shot himself before throwing him self Into the river. 'Arrested for Jewelry Robbery. Philadelphia , July1' 3. Mrsf Allen * O'Malltiy , aged twenty-four ! wife of Austin O'Malley , professor ot English literature at Notre Dame university , South Bend , Inch , and William Hcarln of New York , aged twenty , were ar rested here yesterday on the charge of stealing jewelry valued at about $300 , preferred by Mrs. O'Malley'a brother-in-law , Dr. Joseph O'Malley of this city. Both Mrs. O'Malloy and Tlearln are said to come of prominent New York families. Convict Seeks Release. Topeka , Kan. , July 3. Ira N. TCP rill , a convicted murderer from Okla homa , serving a sentence In the Kan sas penitentiary , appeared In the su preme court yesterday to argue In his own behalf that Kansas has no juris diction over him and that he Is wrong fully Imprisoned. He was in charge of Warden Jewett. Should the supreme premo court decide In his favor 300 other convicts would be liberated. Minnesota Populists Name Ticket Minneapolis , July 3. One of th Democratic nominees , Spurgeon Odoll candidate for secretary of state , Is In eluded In the ticket nominated las ) night by the state Populist convention. The Populist ticket follows : Govern or , Thomas J. Meighen ; lleutenanl governor , John B. Hemps ; auditor , O , S. Relshus ; treasurer , B. W. Knat- void ; attorney general J. F. Steldl ; secretary of state , Spurge9n OdelL Mysterious Woman Insane. El Paso' , Tex. , July 3. County Judge Harper has ordered the sheriff to con vey Miss Ada Barker to the state in sane asylum at Terrell , where she will be confined. Several wccUs ago Misc Barker was found wandering In the streets in a demented condition and it is thought she arrived here on a westboijnd Southern Pacific train Whore she came from or where she was going Is a mystery. Death of Major Gushing. New York , July 3. Major Harry Cooke Gushing died of heart disease yesterday at his residence in New Rochellc. Ho had been 111 ten days During the war ho served in more than a score of battles , beginning al the first Bull RuVi and ending at the Wilderness. He also served In varl ous Indian campaigns. The body IB to be taken to Washington and In tcrred at Arlington. TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD. Photo-engravers have been excluded from membership in the American Federation of Labor. Snow fell in the Couer d * Alone re glen Wednesday. Burke and Mullan report two Inches on the ground , A train on the East Indian rail road , near Rampurh , was blown down an embankment by a cyclone. Thir teen persons were killed and fifteen we're Injured. A. B. Duach shot and killed Will Woods near Metropolis , III. , during a quarrel. Woods accused Dusch of having insulted his sweetheart. Both belong to prominent families of county. W. n , I100HOLZ. I' . . Norfolk AUCXANDKIt mail Vloa I'reildint K. W , Ztm , Cnililor. National Bank. OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING BUSINESS IK NORTHEAST NEIRASKA 'l ' : V , Capital , $100,000.00 Surplus , $30,000.00 Does a Genera ! Banking Business. Buyn and Soils Biolmngo. Intoroat Paid on Tlmo Doponlta. Drafta and Money Ordora Sold on any Point In Buront A General Steamship and Foreign PimaatfO Uualncaa Tranaaotod. A. liRAU. F. P. 1UNLON , F. J. 1IAL1C , W. II . HUOUQLZ , WM. ZUT * ' N.A. HAINHOLT 8. H. COTTON. C. W. BRAASGH , DEALER IN Exoloalvo agent lor the Celebrated Swcotwator Bock Spring Goal the best In the market. Scranton Hard Goal In all sizes. TELEPHONE Gl. SEE OUR DISPLAY Of Nickel Plated Copperware Serving Trays , Sowing Dishes , Tea and ColTeo Pots , Tea Kettles , Sugar Bowls , and Cream Pitchers. Pretty Patterns. New Styles. I 1 I'M'-KB ' ' Get What You Ask for at UHLE'S ' GROCERY , ALL ORDERS are filled promptly and with care. Our goods are FIRST-CLASS in every particular. _ We know precisely what is wanted by our customj : j ers. We aim to Give you the Best Value ' . for Your Money. South side Main St. , between 3d and 3d. Telephone 41. G , A. LUIKABT , PBISIDBNT. Y. II. JOIINBON , CADIIIEB. OHA8. B. BUIDQB , VICE PBKSIDENT , LEO I'ABEWALK , ASS'T CABUI , The Citizens National Bank. Capital , $50,000. Surplus , (5,000. Bay and toll exchange on this country and alllparta of Europe. ( Farm Loans , Directors. OABL ASMCB , W H. JOHNBOS , Cms. S. BBIDOB. 0 , W , BBIASOB , 0 , H BTTAMK , U. A. LDIKABT. T. F MEHMINOH. L. SESSIONS , F. G. WALTERS , JR. . . Physician and Surgeon. Succeed * to the 'practlcelof Dr. F. W. Klesan. Norfolk , Nebraska jR. N. J. HOAQLAND , , Osteopathlc Physician. DUeaies both acnta and chronic inccostfallj treated without nao of draga or kulfo , Phone No. F Si. Offles at reildance , 109 North 10th Street , Norfolk Nebraska [ . J. COLE , DENTIST. Offlca over Cttlten'a National Bank. R Idano one block north ot Congregational church. Norfolk , Nebraska gESSIONS & BELL , Und&rtakersijind E nib aimers , Sasaloni Dlk. , Norfolk ATU. Norfolk , Nebraska JyflSS MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker. Op itatrt In Cotton block , over Daam'i * tor Flrt-cla worjc guaranteed. Norfolk , Nebraska J.R. ELDER , Sioux City Florist. Awarded first premium on Funeral Designs. Handsome Roses , Carnations , Palms , Ferns Flowers shipped iu fresh oonditiou. Phcm 466L , . CltroSea : Cor. 6th and Fierce M. E. SPAUUDING , DEALER IN * I ' * FLOUR , . FEED , TELEPHONE NO. L. L. REMBE , PLUMBER. Steam and Hot Water Heating. First door South of News Office. Prices Right. C.R.SEILER , Sale Boarding Barn. Horses Bought and Sold on Commission. Braasch Avenue ' 'PHONE 44 aad Third St.