The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 04, 1902, Page 11, Image 12

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    , \
THE NOltMXLK'NEWS : Fill I ) A.Y. . .JULY , LOJ2. 11
1 Every article in our stock is
thoroughly good nud relia
ble , just wbiit it pretends to
2 Our Hues nre BO comprehen
sive nnd varied as to insure
satisfactory selection.
3 Onr guarantee stands behind
every article we sell , 'nud our
reputation is well known.
4 Qmility nnd style considered ,
our prices are the lowest possi
5 We insist on pleasing you , for
vo desire to make every cus
tomer a permanent customer.
G. F. W. Mfl RQUARDT ,
v * .
Dr. Marqoardt ,
Eyes Examined.
Glasses Filled.
Correct Fit
Qimrnntccil ,
Stop your expenfe and open a Savings
Account. Save enough to make first
payment on a home , then get a loan of
the Elkhorn B. and S. AES'U.
T. E. ODIORNE , Secretary.
There are people in the
world who are afraid to
patronize a high grade
store , because they infer
that prices are higher than
in stores which are oper
ated on the hit and miss
plan sometimes satisfac
tion , more often disap
pointment. Norfolk peo- .
pie are becoming educat
ed out of this way of
thinking. Parish's policy
of gelling the highest
grade of goods is having
a good effect , and the
quality of groceries used
is steadily improving. People
ple have come to know
that it's money saving to
buy goods where an ab
solute guaranty goes with
every purchase. ,
The Ohickering pre-eminently the
best made.
"What is it that gives a man undying
fame ? What ief it that makes us revere
a fovr brilliant men of letters over the
great arniy of mediocre and even very
good authors ? It is that they stand for
excellence in' ' their various lines of work ,
that each' has reached as near the ideal
as hos'seemed under the circumstances ,
It is the same excellence , this excell
ing all others , that has given the Chick-
ering'piano its remarkable place among
pianos. The Ohickering Is not merely
one of several very good makes , but is
decidedly the very best that it is possi
ble to purchase. We handle the Chick-
ering piauo as a leader , .because , apart
from the money considerations , it
pleases us to have in our ware-rooms a
piano that is a constant sconrce of delight -
light not only to visitors but to our
selves. The more closely one T > ecomeB
associated with the exquisite Ohiqker-
ing tone the less can , ho , be patien with
the tone of any other , make'whatsoever. .
In the tone of this remarkable piano
there is a body , a volume , a singing
quality and n sweetness that can be
found in no other instrument.
We are sole' Sellers in New Jersey
Lanter Co. , Newark , N. J. Five times
larger stock of pianos' than any other
house in the state.
Mrs. A.'Bear entertained a company
of lady friends this afternoon ,
A daughter waa born yesterday to
Mr. and Mrs ; P. J , Orotty of South Nor-
The Indies of the Kaffoe Klatsch were
I guests of Mr . John U. Hays yesterday
The city has received a flue largo now
Hag which will bo swung to the breeze
for the first time tomorrow.
Miss Olara Miller who has been on
the tick llbt for a week , has rcbumod
her duties in Heeler Bros , btoro.
The barber shops will not close at 8
o'clock tonight as usual but will keep
open until 10. ' Tomorrow morning
they will close at 11 o'clock.
Advertising car No. 1 forllowo's Great
London Shows was in the city today
putting up paper announcing the ap
pearance ot that attraction hero on the
The street commissioner was out with
the grader this afternoon endeavoring
to remove some of the ruts and uneven
places from Main staeet , where the field
sportB will bo held ,
All who expect to ride bicycles in the
parade tomorrow are requested 'to meet
withjDr. Parker at his ofllcoV in the
Mast block at 7:80 : o'clock this evening ,
to make arrangements.
Grand Island Independent : Word
has "been received from Miss Florence
Muzzey , who went recently to make her
home in Norfolk , Neb. , that her health
is improving , and she is progressing
nicely with her new work.
The business honses which have been
accustomed to closing at 0 : ! iO in the
evening will remain open tonight for
the accommodation of Fourth of July
shoppers. Tomorrow night they expect
to close at the usual hour.
The concert to be given by the Nor
folk band this evening at the corner of
Norfolk avenue and Third street shonld
not be forgotten. The boya have been
practicing on new music and will give
a concert that will bo worth hearing.
No paper will be issued by THE NEWS
tomorrow and the office will remain
closed in all its departments. The job
rooms will be open tonight until mid
night io accommodate those who desire
posters , placards and other printing for
the Fourth of July.
The Omaha Original ball team , which
is to play the local team on the Fourth
will be here for '
a three-days' tourna
ment , remaining during Friday , Satur
day and Sunday and putting up three
games with the locals. Interesting con
tests are practically assured on each of
these days.
One of the hose carts of the fire de
partment will be kept in readiness with
a team attached to promptly respond to
any fire alarm tomorrow and although
there is extra danger on that day , always ,
it is to be hoped that the recent rains
will have operated to prevent the ne
cessity of a fire alarm.
W. A. Hemleben has been appointed
auditor in this territory for the Armour
Packing company with winch he has
been connected for some time as mana
ger of their local plant. The position
he has held will in the futnre be held
by his brother , H. A. Hemleben , both
thereby getting an advance.
Managers of the various events are
requested to co-operate with reporters
for THE NEWS to the end that the re
sults of the contests may bo correctly
given the public in Saturday's paper.
With so many events to be looked after
there is danger that some of them may
be omitted unless this assistance is
given by the managers.
Freeman Bros , have located their
electric show at the corner of Main and
Third streets and will be ready for busi
ness tonight. Those who have seen
this entertainment pronounce it a very
fine one and well worthy of patronage.
The committee on celebration is inter
ested in the performance to the extent
of 15 per cent of the receipts so that a
generous patronage will be of some ben
efit to celebration finances. J
The executive committee for. the
celebration has taken the. , necessary
steps toward giving the people living
along the line of the M. & O. good train
facilities for the Fourth. They guaran
tee a special train to carry the visitors
from that direction home after the cele
bration. Visitors can get here on the
morning train and be assured of a
service to carry them home after the
celebration. This is the only road but
that has good regular service in and out
of Norfolk and it is anticipated that
there will be a large number ot people
in by rail to attend the exercises.
A Washington dispatch states that
Congressman Hobinson called at the
treasury'department on'the first , relative
to the appointment of J. 0 Stttt as su
perintendent of construction for the
new public building at this place. Mr.
Robinson was informed hajf ft fa prob
able that active operations wtyl not com
mence on the b'ulldlrig for eight or ten
months to come and at that time a su
perintendent will be detailed by the se
cretary of the treasury from the present
corps of Booh officials , or a selection
will "be made from the eligible list of
clyil service commission , as the position
is in the classified service , The com
pensation attached to the position will
be 92,000 per annum. Mr. Robinson has
named his appointee as cadet to the na
val academy at Annapolis , the principal
being Milo F. Draeinol pf Fremont and
the alternates in their succession being
Emannel Lundak of Nfotyrara , Frank L.
Girton of Wayne , Roy G. Langer of
West Point and Hubert P. Suing of
Harifngton , The * appointment was
ruiulo from the report of the examining
j board , in a competitive examination re
cently held in thin city.
A Singer sowing mauhiuo for * . $ H at
W. B. Vail's , the jeweler and optician ,
FOUND Two bicycles , by Wm. Krne-
j ! ger in his corn field. Owner can have
j same by paying charges.
Fine largo U. S. bunting llagp , all
eizcR , with sowed stars. Bookstore.
Norfolk District Epwortlnnns Close
Three Days' Session ,
The loading topio of interest at the
morning mooting of the Norfolk district
Epworth Leaguers yesterday was the
paper of Mrs. Gregg of Wayne * her
subject being , "How to Strengthen the
Spokes of the Epworth League Wheel. "
Mrs. Gregg had prepared a most inter
esting paper and it was followed by a
general discussion of the subject pre
The afternoon program was opened
with devotional exercises by Rev. Win.
J. Bryant of South Sioux 'City. A de
bate on the subject , "Resolved" , that the
work of the Missionary society is ESSPQ-
tlal to the Life of the Church. " E. E.
Carter of Carroll and Newell Jones of
Madison were on the affirmative while
E. E. Hosmau of Lyons and M. 0.
* Hazen of this city toolt the unpopular
negative side. Although ho had the
worst side of the argument the paper
prepared and read by Mr. Hazen re
ceived deep attention and was very
interesting. The debate was followed
by a discussion of unusual interest on
the subject.
Mrs. S. Elizabeth Sisson of this city
conducted a school of methods that re
lated to the best means of promoting
the work of the mercy and help depart
ment. The thoughts presented were
helpful and uplifting.
Mrs. F. M. Clark of Bloomfield pre
sented a poptr of unusual merit , her
subject being , "Epworthians as Peren
nial Soul Winners. "
Last evening Rev. Frank E. Day lec
tured on "The .Evolution of a Man. "
He gave a very interesting address and
but for the fact that an approaching
storm frightened a portion of the audi
ence , causing them to leave , the even
ing portion of the program would have
been satisfactory.
This morning the election of officers
was held and Rev. F. M. Clark of
Bloomfield was chosen as president. It
was decided that the next annual meet
ing of the society be held at Carroll.
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
01 the'24 hours ending at 8 a. m. to-
lay :
Maximum temperature' SO
Minimum temperature 08
Average 77
r'reclpltation 00
Total precipitation for month 2.0 ! )
Barometer 29.04
Forecast for Nebraska : Partly
cloudy , with probably local showers
tonight and west portion Friday. Cooler
in west porttion tonight and Friday.
Dr. II. O. Munson , room 10 , over the
Fair store. Telephone loO.
Farms rented , for nonresidents. Col
lections made. Insurance written by
Gardner & Seiler.
Will be Established Regularly on
Monday Next.
While trains are making trips now
over the new line of the F. E. & MV. .
to Niobrara , no regular service has been
established and will not be before Mon
day , July 7. At present the road is
carrying the mails into Niobrara and
passengers are allowed to ride. On
Monday , however , regular freight and
passenger service to Niobrara will be
inaugurated. The passenger train will
arrive in Niobrara from Omaha at 3:40
p. m. and leaye for Omaha at 3:20 : a. m.
The re'gular" freight is scheduled to ar
rive in .Niobrara at 2:45 : p. m. and leave
there at 1:00 : p. m. This will necessi
tate having two freight f rows , one of
whom will' remain in Niobrara over
Until a depot can be erected , business
at Niobrara will be done in a box car ,
as it will be at all other new stations
along the line while depots are being
built. J. M. Archer , a short time ago
agent at Pierce , will be agent at Nio
brara. The telegraph line is now ex
tended to Niobrara and is in operation.
It is expected to resume track laying
beyond Niobrara on the 12th of the
month , by which time the bridge across
the river at that place will be finished
so that track can be laid on false work.
The permanent trusses will be put in
place later. After the Niobrara river is
crossed track laying will progress rap
idly , and it is still expected to have the
line laid into Bonesteel by September 15 ,
There will be nine stations on the
new line Niobrara , Verdel , Monowi , '
Lynch , Bristow , Spencer , Anoka , Fair
fax and Bonesteol. The new line passes
through some of the best agricultural
country in the state.
* Fen SALE on PART TRADE Thirty
head of registered shorthorns , both
sexes. All at Norfolk Good ones too.
McKinley's last speech and the ex
ecution of Czolgosz will be presented
by Freeman Bros , on Third street July
8d and 4th.
Mr , and Mrs. Joseph Wcbcr
Fined for Theft ,
Plea or Guilty Entered nnd Firm of
$10 Pnld Coffee , Syrup and Other
Goods Taken by the Wobors to
Value of SO or $7.
Another shoplifter or pair of shop
lifters was gathered in at the Fair store
yesterday afternoon , and thulr trial is
sut to take place this afternoon before
Justice of the Peace 0. F , Eluoloy.
Joseph Weber and Marguerite Weber
cauio to town yesterday to do sonic
shopping. They are man and wife.
Mrs. Weber took souio butter and
eggs Into the Fair store and' after dis
posing of her produce sot the box that
had held it down by the counter and
proceedeil to fill it. When an inventory
of the stuff was takou it was found
that the box was the receptacle for three
cans of expensive colTeo , two cans of
syrup , three boxes of toilet i-oap , two
china dishes , two gallon cans and one it-
pound'can of apples , and a granlto ware
coff'eo pot. She attempted to remove
a cheap glass from the counter but was
caught in the act by Mr. Shurt/ , who
threatened to call the officers and lnvvo
hr placed under arrest unless she paid
a quarter for the glass. She wont to
Weber and secured the money with
which to settle. Weber then endeavored
to luovo the box of goods from the store
and [ pliico them in his buggy. They
were allowed to proceed to the buggy
whou an officer placed them under ar
rest and began a boarch , finding the
goods above enumerated in the egg box.
The woman attempted to drive off while
they were investigating Ijer husband
but she was B topped. Previous to the
arrest she wad asked by Mr. Shurtif
her name was not Mrs. Webor. She
denied that she was and gave "Shorn-
melphiug" or some such name as hef's
and claimed to be a neighbor of the
Webers. She was trapped in this
story afterward when Weber was asked
if she was not his wife and acknowl
edged her as such. Weber was taken
before Justice of the Peace O. F. Eiseley
where he gave bonds for their appear
ance at 1 o'clock this afternoon.
The penalty for the crime of which
the Webers are accused is indemnity in
twice the amount of the goods stolen
and a fine of not more than $100.
An appearance , was made at the appoint
ed hour and a plea of guilty was enter
ed , the defendants pleading intoxica
tion as a cause of the larceny. They
were taxed $10 and costs and made res
titution to the owners for goods stolen.
The value of the goods taken was said
to be between § 0 and $7. The Webers
live 11 miles northwest of the city and
make frequent shopping visits to Nor
folk. The Fair store has suspected
them of being responsible for other loss
es but this is the first time it has been
possible to fasten a charge on thorn that
would hold.
Dr. H. O. Munsou , room 10 , over the
Fair stare. Telephone ICO.
Strawberries at Schorregge's.
Parties wanting sewing machines will
do well to call on W. B. Vail , the
jeweler and optician , as he is closing
out his entire line.
Kanffmau serves lady fingers free
with every 10-cent dish of ice cream.
Ohas. Mozer sold two hogs Monday
for $ CC.OO.
Ohas. Brown of Omaha is a business
visitor this week.
F. E. Martin of the Enterprise was in
Norfolk Sunday.
Henry Bahre of Elgin was visiting
here with relatives. .
Miss Mattie Halsey was visiting rela
tives at Tilden Sunday.
Wm. Hawkins of Meadow Grove was
here Saturday on business.
The German Lutheran school closed
Friday for the summer season.
Wm. Busted of near Madison called
on Battle Creek friends Saturday.
Miss Lena Olaus of Pierce was visit
ing Sunday with her parents.
E. E. Low and family of Norfolk vis
ited with Battle Cretk friends Saturday.
Mrs. Robert Cox and baby were vis
iting relatives at Meadow Grove Sun
Dr. E. Tanner , who has been in Chic
ago for about six weeks , returned home
Mr. L. Mantey went to Beemer Mou
day for a visit with her daughter , Mrs
John Erbbt.
Sam Heitzman waa transferred to
Elgin to work for the McCormick com
pany on the Scribner branch.
John Praeuner shipped two car loads
of steers to Omaha Thursday , which
brought him nearly $4,000,00.
Miss Lizzie Loesberof Norfolk arrived
here Monday for an extended visit
with her sister , Mrs , Robert Schlack.
* i
A very heavy rain was falling here
Tuesday night and most of our cellars-
were filled with water in lower purts of
Saturday Henry Miller was visiting
ilamuB Thompson in Norfolk and
Monday ho wont to Shell Hook , Iowa ,
for mi extended vlnlt with Ills parents ,
Monday 8. T. Napjior of Norfolk
Hhippml n car load of cattle from lioro
and Howard Miller ono car load of hogs ,
and imothor on Tuesday.
Euiil Morthrm quit hiH pOHltiou an
nillor in the Battle Oroik mills and in
company with his brother William IH
running the I ) . L. Bust blue front livery
Mrs , Sam Sohnoldor and children ,
Harold and MHH ( Bertha , went to Laurel
Monday for n wuok'H visit , with her
parents , Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman.
MrH. 8olmntliiu and HOII arrived hero
Tuesday from Virginia for a visit with
her daughter , MrH , Mel , Young , Mr.
Young lias boon very sick for n long
Wm. Muhor nnd family started Mon
day for Kansas City , Mo. , to visit Mm.
Mnhor'H brothers , Josnpli and Sherman ,
nnd from there they will go to Liberty ,
Mo. , to visit her purontH.
The Baptist InwnMwIal , hold at the
homo of W. .1. Stavoly Friday , WIIH u
perfect anocuHH. All kinds of refresh
ments wore Hcrve.l nud fireworks of
many ItliulH were discharged.
J. L. Okiu * , who Kold out hero InHt
winter and wont f < > Boyd county , has
sold his farm again up there and re
turned toHattloCreok.wlth the intention
to stop if ho can find a hultablo plnco.
The Lutheran mission font was a fail-
tire InHt Sunday on account of the rain.
Kov. Mr. Hullingor of St. Hornard
proarhcd to an audience of about 70 l or-
HOIIH in the morning and the afternoon
horvico was called oil ,
At our school election Monday , 0. 13.
Hanson was re-elected nnd F. H.
Palmer was chosen in A. 0. Meyers'
place ns director. The two proposition * ) ,
'For ' free attendance- , " and "Telephone
for the High Buhool , " carried. Sixty
votes were cast.
Dr. II. O. Muuson , room Id , over the
Fair store. Telephone IfiO.
Finest kind of ice cream for picnics
and parties a specialty , at Kauffmnnn'H.
Prices the lowest.
Spring chickens at Palace meat mar
Foil SALE 2 tracts of 10 acres each in
edge of town. GARDNER As SEILKR.
We have a houbo and live acrcH to
rent for $8 per mouth.
An Old Lady , Once Wealthy Dies in
Poverty by Her Own Hand.
Mrs. Anna M. Eberling of Stanton
committed suicide by taking strych
nine in her room on the afternoon of
July 1. For a number of years Mrs.
Eberling has been prominent in Stanton
county. Eighteen years ago bhe came
to the county with her two fions from
Brooklyn , N. Y. , and purchased two
sections of laud , erected extensive build
ings and engaged in the ranch bnsincHu
Her husband was formerly a wholesale
liquor dealer of Brooklyn nnd was
killed by , a dynamite explosion. Tl o
sous became disainated and Mrs. Eber-
ling removed with them hero in hopes
that a change would wean them .from
evil habits. When she came hero her
wealth is estimated to have been from
between 60,000 and § 80,000. The sons
soon exhausted her ready money and the
ranch was mortgaged and later sold to
satisfy the same. The fcons drifted
away and died. Mrs. Eberling re
mained in the county contrary to fre
qnent requests from a sister residing in
Brooklyn , who is wealthy.
Since losing her riches she has lived
partly from her own efforts and partly
upon money received from her sister.
Her actions at times have been some
what erratic. On several occasions she
had threatened to take her own life.
Yesterday she went before E. B. Baer ,
a notary public , and had a document
drawn making disposition of what prop
erty she had. At 1 o'clock she visited
the postoffice , called for her mall and
returned to her room , At 1:15 : the told
the people living in the lower story
that she was going to lie down and ask
ed them to call her at 2 o'clock. At the
appointed time , finding the door fas
tened and being unable to arouse her ,
they summoned assistance. The window
was broken in nnd the old woman was
found lying dead on her bed. She had
made all preparations for death , disrob
ing , putting on night clothes , removing
her false teeth and then , taking the
poison , lay down bn her bed to die. On
the table was a bottle of labeled strych
nine. From a rafter near her bed
rope was hanging and it is supposed she
first contemplated taking her life in
that manner. A coroner's Inquest was
held and a verdict rendered in accord
ance with the above facts. .
We have twelve lots at Junction , be
tween First and Fourth streets. Bell
at a bargain if sold at once.
Farm and city loans.
Foil SALE A large house on Third
street , also two cottages at Junction.
Strawberries at Schprreggo's.
H. A. Pasewalk exclusive seller Rex
good * .
Good Weather Now the Only
Requisite ,
Program of Rood's Fourth Rogirnont
Dnrul Program Now Complete and
Everything Ready for Rousing Cole *
bratlon ,
Norfolk in boginiiltiK to aKSiuno n gain
lay appearance , nnd nil oyoH nro now
timed anxiously toward the hcnvuiiH ,
loping the clotulH may clear nway nnd
lint this Hoctioti may bo given n picas-
ivnt day tomorrow. All h in roadlnoiw
to huvo the greatest celebration in the
ilntory of the city , providing the
woathcr IH propitlouH. The weather
ilerk said tlilo morning that thcro
would probably bo local showorH in No-
iirnskn tonight and tomorrow , but It IH
inpuil that the oloik may bo mistaken ,
There wax no rain last night , the bar
ometer hnn gene up ton points slnco
M'Htorclny and n high wind to blowing
oday , from which condition of nd'airu
It IH hoped that this heotlon of the
world may bo blessed with smiling
Itycs nnd nn ntmoHjihoro Honunvhat devoid -
void of moltture. ;
The people of the city nro getting ready
for the celebration jiiht IIH though there
WIIH an abundant iiHNiirnneo of fnir
.veathor. Even if it docs rain mostof the
foatiucH of the celebration will bo given
advertised , The ImndH will bo hero ,
the oxorolscH will bo hold attho Auditor
ium , the llroworkfi will bo displayedmid ,
in fact nil the events will bo given with
the posblblo exception of n few of the
sports , nnd they will not bo stopped un
less the managers nro unnblo to find con
testants willing to take part in the mud.
If there is no more rain the streets will
bo in fine condition , as the wind todny
is rapidly taking the moisture out of
Business nion nro beginning to deco
rate the windows and interior of their
uflOH , but the exterior decorations will
not bo put up until morning. Then au
ibuiidnuce of patriotic colors will bo
shown in artistic nud harmonious do-
Both Hides of Main street , between
Second and Fifth , are today being pro
vided with seats along the edge of the
sidewalks , from which spectators may
witness the parade and the field sports.
This section of Main street will bo cut
off after 10 o'clock and no teams allowed
to drive upon it until after the close of
the sportfl in the evening. The merry-
go-round is hero , the electrical theatre-
is hero , the refreshment stands are rap
idly assuming shape , the dancing pavil-
lion will bo ready for those who enjoy
tbo game , and the program as published
below will bo carried out.
From the program it will bo scon that
a great feast has boon provided for Nor
folk's guests tomorrow. Originally it
was intended to hnvo the parade at 10
o'clock in the morning , but owing to
the fact that n number of trains do not
get in until after that hour it was do-
oidcd to postpone this feature until 1
o'clock in the afternoon , so that all may
see it. Beginning nt 11 o'clock in the
morning there will bo a succession oC
events taking place all the timn. While
the exercises are being held in the Aud
itorium a band concert will bo given on
the streets to interest those who cannot
gain admission to the opera house.
The afternoon will be crowded with
entertainment , beginning with the pa
rade at 1 o'clock. At 2 o'clock the bat
talion drill will be held , and at the same
hour a band concert will be given , by
the Twentysecond regiment U. 8.
band. Those who are interested in
neither of these features will have an
opportunity ) to witness the field sports
which will also'be started at 2 o'clock ;
AtHKtho ! ) ball game between the
Omaha Invincibles and the Norfolk
team will be called at the base ball
park , where Reed's Fourth regiment
band will furnish the music.
In the evening baud concerts will be
held in different parts of town , by the
Twenty-second Regiment U. S. band
and Reed's Fourth Regiment band ,
both of which will render programs of
high character. The fireworks display
will be no significant feature of the
event , beginning early in the morning ;
and continuing until midnight.
Exercises In Auditorium.
The exercises in the Auditorium will
be at 11 o'clock a. m. , Hon. W. M. Rob
ertson presiding ,
Selection patriotic Orchestra.
Invocation Rev. J , F. Poucher.
Bong True Patriotism Chorus from
Second Congregational church choir.
Rev. Franklin Baker , director. ,
Declaration of Independence Hou.
J. B. Barnes.
Song of Freedom Second Congrega
tional choir.
Oration Hon. H. 0. Brome.
America Chorus and audience.
The Auditorium will hold only 1200
people , therefore a band concert will bo
given on Main street during the . exer
cises ,
The Parade.
Column will form upon Norfolk ave
nue , beginning at Tenth street. Line
of march will be east on Norfolk avenue
to First street , south on First street to
Madison avenue.and-freet on Madison