.10 Cabinet Decides to Issue Gener al Proclamation of Pardon. WILL TAKE EFFECT ON JULY 4 A'tjulnaldo and Those Held at Guam Will Bo Given Their Liberty on ( That Date Object IB to Reatoro Peace In the Itleii * WnBl > lnKte-n Juno 28. At the mootIng - Ing of the cabinet ypatprday tlio torma | f. ' an amnesty proclamation to t o ( Filipinos , which it Is contemplated * tb &i tto on the Fourth of July , ' wore Rkrood upon and Secretary'Root , will 'cable ' It to Actlntf dovornbr Wrlfel/t / jfor. hla Inspection. If It iu6eliio \ .lat- t ra ! approval , nolh'lng will remain ihut for the proflldont > f the Philip- | Hrie civil government Ml IB ailawon that day , aa la now oxtfectod1 It > wlll .to , to isauo on Indfcpoildonoo d , y > u formal' proclamation netting forth torma of amnesty for all political of- Senders in the islands , Including IVgultmlUo find Uiooo h'old at Guam. r Th'o proclamation Is baaed upon the sonoml objects of the Philippine gov ernment bill , namely , to restore pcaco In the archipelago and auhntltuto a tlvll for a military admlnlatratlon. jThat IB now In conference 'tund the proclamation will not bo laauld until ho Philippine government moaauru baa been agreed upon by both housca nnd the proatdent hat ) afllxod hlainlR- jnaturo to it The proclamation will Mcclaro that a state of pence now ox- &ffta & In Uio PhlUppluo ialanda , navo' In | ho parta of the archipelago where Kiio Mindanao or pagan tribes are giv ing the United States a great amount bf trouble. Tlio purpoao In to demon strate that motives of humanity and generosity dictuto our couruo toward the Philippines , When the Ialanda uro turned over to the clvjl authorities they will not bo left without adequate military protection , aa no more troopa ( will bo ordered homo for the proflont , 'and ' every prcauitlon will bo taken , for the military safe-guarding of the QBlands under the now civil adminis tration. EBATE ON CUBAN RECIPROCITY { Teller Opposes Sugar Duty Cut Platt L 'Makes Reply. f Washington , Juno 28. Quito unox- jSpeotcdly a sharp debate arose In the Bonato yesterday on the question of TDuban reciprocity. Teller ( Colo. ) , at Avhoso Instance the scnato committee 'on ' Cuban relations mrulo its Investiga tion of the subject , delivered a spir ited speech In opposition to reciproc ity with Cuba. Io charged that the tontlre reciprocity propaganda had pocn backed by the American Sugar JIellnlng company and by Americana Jsvho wore Interested financially In Cu- jiban sugar plantations. The purpose , bio aald , was to strike down an Import ant agricultural Industry of this coun try. Ho was willing to join In a gen eral revision of the tariff to moot changed conditions , but unless the .duties on iron and steel and other Sroducta were reduced with these on Sugar In order that the arrangement plight bo equitable , the boot sugar growers never would consent to a re- ' eviction on their product. r < i'lntt ( Conn. ) replied to the Colorado rado senator. Ho maintained that fthoro was nothing sordid In the desire [ to promote reciprocal relations bo- Awcen the United States and Cuba , End said the making of some conces sions to Cuba was a plain duty of tills jcountry. It was a duty this govern ment owed to Itself as well as to Cuba , Because absolutely friendly relations ylth the now republic , were a nocea- 3ary means of defense to this .country inlcss the United States should annex io Island. That , ho hoped , would not Do done , as ho regarded annexation as i grave menace to our institutions. TO DECLARE'SEAT VACANT. From'Twelfth 'District.1 I Washington , Juno .28 : The- house yesterday , began consideration of. the Bpntested' election case "of Hbrton vs. Butler from the Twelfth Missouri dls- grlct In this case the majority of the committee found that the election was -.tainted with fraud as to make it Invalid 'end recommended- that the Beat bo declared vacant. The minor ity recommended that Butler , the sit- Jtlng member , had been legally elected , fend that ho retain his seat. Three fours' debate on a side wore allowed. ( The speakers were Smith ( IaO and Bartholdt ( Mo. ) In favor of the ma jority and Bowlo ( Ala. ) In favor of po minority report. The vote will bo aken today. Some odds and ends were cleared ap during the early portion of the sea- ( " Ion. Requests for unanimous consent , "or which there Is always a great do Band during the closing days of a sea Blon , were suddenly blocked by Moon Tenn. ) , who told hla friends that ho ould object to all such requests until tie was recognized to ask consldora ( lon ! of the bill to give the Indian tcr- rltory a territorial form of government. Cloudburst at Burlington. Burlington , la. , Juno 28. Rain has alien heavily since early morning , followed by a fierce electrical storm. le deluge of water nearly equaled a 'cloudburst. ' East and westbound trains have been delayed by high waters. | Two Nebraska Appointments. | Washington , Juno 28. The presl- sent the following nominations Jto the senate : Receiver of public tooneys , Frank Bacon , North Platte , Neb. ; register of. land office , George B.- French , North Platte , Neb. REV. TYLER ELECTED PRESIDENT Sunday School Convention at Denver Names Officers. Denver , Juno 28. The tenth trien nial convention of the International Sunday School association elected Rev. II. U. Tyler , pastor of the South LVoadway Chrlatlan church of Denver , president for the ensuing trlonnlum. The roporta of' the general secretary ahowcd a flourlahlnff condition , The convention Is making nn effort to In * crciiHO the contributions to 92,0,000 an nually , luid $16,000 Waa pledged yea- tohlay ; The other officers chosen w'erot ' Flrab yluo prpsldont , Ei R < Machtim , Ht , JoliMM , N. D. ; second vco | presi dent , W. A. E'mlaly , Cincinnati ; vice prosldonta-at-largo , A , B" . M'cCrlKla , Provldondo , R , I. } Rot. Wi S. Jac6ba , Nafthvlllo ; 0 , Ml Campbell , Sacra- monto. The field workers' conference-elect ed th\ > following officers : President , to ! Mqrfi5v ; tyrguBbn , Now1 JorWy1 ; vlco president for'norttioaa't,1 H ! a.1 Co'narit , Boktton ; vlco' . president .for south , Qoorgo 0. Bfiohman , Nashville ; vice provident for west , W. JO. MorrltL ; Tacoma - coma , Wash. ; vlco president for cen tral atatps , W. C , Poarao , CiVlcago ; vlco 'president ' ( Qr' Canada , A. W ; Hal- penny ; secretary ; EJ. E/Fox , Kentucky : MOB MURDERS MISSIONARY. American and British Buildings at Tien KU Chao Destroyed. Poking , Juno 28. The viceroy of the province of Szoh Chuan has noti fied the government that the American and British mission buildings at Tien Ku Chao have boon destroyed by1 a mob'and that a missionary'has boon murdered. His name and nationality wna not reported , An Imperial edict has Just been Is sued depriving the local magistrate of Tien Ku Cliao of his rank and orders the extermination of the rlbtcrs. Several of the loaders of the out break are reH > rlod lo huvu been be headed , evidently this was an antl- Indemnity rising , like those which have occurred olscwhoro In China. Republican Clubs to Meet In St. Loula. Washington , Juno ,28. A committee representing the Republican National league called on President Roosevelt yesterday. They discussed at some length the lines along which the coinIng - Ing campaign shall bo conducted , as well as the place for holding the next national convention' of the league. JllllluutjU 1 llliuuuilllltl IUUUU Ih OLI UlltS bid for the honor , It can bo stated'au thoritatively that In all probability the convention will meet In St. Louis some tlmo about Oct. 1. A feature will bo the presence of over two-thirds of the Republican governors of states , who have already signified their intention of attending. Baseball Scores Yesterday. National League Philadelphia , 7 ; Now York , 1. St. Louis. 4 ; Chicago , C. Boston , 9 ; Brooklyn. 7. American League Baltimore , 3 ; Boston , C. Washington , 2 ; Philadel phia , 4. Cleveland , 1 ; St. Louis. 2. American Association Toledo , G ; St. Paul. 0. Indianapolis , 6 ; Milwau kee , 1. Columbus , 2 ; Minneapolis , 1. Western League Dos Molncs , 3 ; Milwaukee , 3 ( thirteen Innings ) . Kan sas City , 3 ; Denver , 2. Poisoned by Hog Cholera Remedy. Ottumwa , Ias Juno 28. Hog cholera remedy , eaten by chickens which were served at a neighborhood dinner , has poisoned twenty-one persons at Wright. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swltzor and Mrs. Qunsaulls may die. Others are very ill , but may recover. The dinner was given by Mrs. W. A. Kent , Wlien the victims drank water , the poison became active. Fatally Shoots His Aunt Bedford , Ind. , Juno 28. Benjamin Pierce , aged eighteen yearai yester day shot and mortally wounded hla aunt , Mrs. Ferryman Pierce , aged HOV- cnty-fivo years , near Fayettevillo. The trouble Is said to have grown out of a refusal of Mrs. Plorce , to ad vance or give up some money which her nephew knew she had. Americana Die of Yellow Fever. Cdatzacolacos , Mex. , Juno 28. The yellow fovcr epidemic , which'has bdon raging here since- the early spring , shows no signs of abatement .Tho death rato. is not high , considering the number of cases , but some of the moat prominent Americana , Mr. and 'Mra. J. K. French , H. T. French and B. H. Brown , are among the dead. Commercial Travelers In Session , Columbus , O. , Juno 28. The fif teenth annual session of the supreme council , United Commercial Travelars , opened hero yesterday. Junior Coun selor B. F. Mallory of Chicago pre sided. Reports were submitted by the various supreme officers. TELEGRAMS TERSELY TOLD. Colonel Jamcfs1 Mitchell , editor of the Arkansas Democrat' died at Little Rock Friday./ Not tVh t'Ho Seems. Stanley , the office boy , made hid np- pcaranco In the art department yes terday -wearing a Christian Endeavor button in the lapel of his coat "I'm glad to see you have decided to lead a moral and upright llfo'la the future. " remarked the cartoonist "Awl bat 'cm out ! " replied Stanley "Dls Is collateral for a loan ; ECO" 1 1.a An' I'm up against It , at dnt I lends a feller SO cents' , nn1 I saya : 'Gimme Bomethln' fcr BOcurlty. ' Well , ho , flashes dls here pin on me , an' like an easy mark , I takes It Dere ain't no moral on' upright life about dls denL" "Well , the button -worth 80 cents , isn't It ? " asked the cartoonist "Naw , " replied Stanley , In disgust "I t'ouRht It was when I took It but I found out since youse kin buy 'em fer a quarter. " Chicago Journal. THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , JULY , 1902. King Edward is Now Practically Out of Danger. LITTLE DOUDT OF Hl9 RECOVEDY Crowd Outside Buckingham Palace Cheen at the Good Newt * Renewed Yalk of Modified FeatlvltlcsUIv - erpool la1 Illumlnatad. London , Juno 28.- "It's the besl v yet , " was the popular comment'with which the bulletin posted at Buck ingham palace at 11 o'clock last nlghl was greeted.A amnll crowd > waited before the palace until tbo bulletin waft brought out and. when-tho'good nowB'beiJAmo ' iknown thoro'woro crloi of "Hear , hoar/ ' and cheera. After learning the .contends . of' tha bulletin the crowd at the palac6'quick ly dispersed and tho' rejoicing' which was already apparent In'tn&-'croWdcd strcota Increased withtho'terms ol the latest rep6rt Tho'11 o'clock bul Ictin was : "His majwty's condition is in all reapecta aatlafactory.- The king has had a comfortable day and has made substantial Improvement. " The Prince and Princess of Walea dined nt Buckingham palace In com pany with aeveral other royal poraon- ages. All the diners returned early to their homes. t The unanimity among prominent physicians in expressing tholr opln lena aa to the case of the king , la BUCKINGHAM PALACE , quite remarkable. All the professional opinions gathered are distinctly fa vorable imd hopeful. The doctors re gard the danger of perltyphlltls as now almost past and believe his maj esty's recovery to bo entirely prob able . Liverpool was illuminated last night In recognition of the good news , King Edward's calmness , cheerfulness - ness and pluck are considered most favorable auguries for a speedy recov- cry , and the messages from Queen Alexandra and Sir Francis Knollys , IHO King s pnvaio.secroiary , in expres sions of gratitude and the expressions of persons most familiar with the. sit uation , all bear out the confident hope fulness which prevailed today. The prospect of the king's rapid rec covory has led to a revival of the projij octs for festivities. It has practically been decided that the Indian and colo- nlal troopa here shall bo reviewed next Wednesday by the Prince and Princess of Wales on the'Horse Guard parade , Queen Alexandra attending to take the salute on behalf of the king , as she did recently at Altlershot. It Is not Improbable that the abandonment - donment of the naval review , set for" June 28 , will be reconsidered In the Interest of the colonial and Indian visitors , who are greatly disappointed at missing this sight. Other enter- talnmonts for the nation's colonial and Indian guests are also being or- ranged. Thus , if there is no setback In his majesty's progress , there will bo a partial revival of the Interrupted festivities. The Times this morning says : "The king remains recumbent ; he takes with comfort the nourishment appropriate to li\a \ < condition 'and keeps bright and cheerful In spite of the Irksomeness of his enforced condi tion. Some of his medical advisers are always in attendance. There Is happily good reason for hoping that his majesty will make a complete end speedy recovery. " ' METEOR FINISHES FIRST. Emperor's Yacht Loses' Race , How ever , on Time Allowance. Kiel , June ) 28. Emperor Wllllam'a American built schooner yacht Meteor , with the emperor himself on board and steering most of the time , finished seven minutes and twenty-two seconds ends ahead of the Cicely in the large schooner race- held here yesternday In" connection with the regatta. The Cicely Is owned by Cecil Quentln- - England , and was designed by Fife. Under her time allowance , however" the Cicely claims the race by one min ute and eleven seconds. The judges have reserved their decision because of a protest by M. Gullleaumo , the owner of the Clara , which was also In the race , who avers that the rules re quired the Cicely to carry two an chors at her bows , Instead of one. The race will bo given to the Cicely unless she la ruled out. Northwestern Changes. Sioux City , June 28. The Chicago and Northwestern railway baa decided on a number of Important promotions and appointments , which will be ef fective July 1. W. D. Bock , assistant superintendent of the Iowa division , will succeed Mr. Prechln as superin tendent of the northern Iowa division. G. W. Dally , trainmaster at Clinton , will succeed Beck as superintendent of the Iowa division. Drug Store Wrecked by Dynamite , Ottumwa , la. , Juno 28 , Unknown pariona exploded a charge of dynam under the store of the Hamilton Drug company last night , blowing the front of the structure Into the street and badly damaging the Interior , Pro prietor J , H. Williams s ys the case is a mystery. , , Much Personal Property Not Assessed.I I- 1 Railroad Property Cannot be Hidden or Ovfeav ' looked Always on Assessor's Books ' at Full Valuation. * . \ COMPARE . , , THE FIGURES7 ' ' , \ ( ISSUED UNDER AUTHORITY'OF ' THE RAILROADS OF NEBRASKA ) 1 In the first artlcle'we published , vre called attention1 to the'fact that-all'railroad ' property , their earnings ; and their operations1 were-reported periodically In sticH a1 shape thatany Information regarding1 their values or operation was easily attained by an Irivestagator1 , and that this feature worked a great injustice tothem Ih matters of taxation , from the'fact 'that a prlvatc'cbrpor' atioiiror a 'person , cau'refraln ' from returning his prdper- ty f6r' ' taxes , and that under the Constitution and laws of the state of Nebraska there was no way1 oi'making him divulge. § We give below a table of some remarkable figures in regard to this feature of the question , and will con tinue to give some comparison between the amounts re turned for taxation in 1900 and the amounts returned to the cencus enumerator in the same year. In the matter of live stock , the census returns-of iwhich are at hand giving details , the following table may be interesting : RETURNS FOR NEBRASKA. Aisossora la Census Left eft 1600 1000 Aiaosament Bolls Horses. 636,993 863,939 226,944 Cattle 2,160,400 3,220,242 1,050,833 , Mules.41,930 58,994 17,034 Sheep 371,275 517,229 145,954 Hogs 1,752,163 4,221,094 2,468,9.11 When it is considered that the value of live stock for 1900 was reported at $6.79 for horses , 84.C6 for cattle , $7.41 for mules , $0.74 for sheep , and $0.99 for hogs , and then take into consideration the fact that this great num ber as showrr'aboye was omitted entirely from assess ment , it makes a startling showing. Were the animals assessed that had been omitted . from the' assessment rolls in 1900 , It would have Iricrcui * ' cd'thA'assessment ' value of live stock by $8,116 , < J01.13 , ' ' c'Vcn'wli'en extended at the remarkably low valuations ' ' ( glvccuiboVe. , . .i- . \ A&it'wis , otrer'jf.fer cent , of all the live stock values of the. State were ornitted entirely in that year , Other'interests make no better showing. The fol lowing Interests hi the state returned for taxation in I'JOO tile amounts given below. / Mgney'of bankers and brokers . _ . . . $ > 177,63 ( ) ' ; Credits of bankers and brokers 257u9a ' ' Moneys of others than brokers , etc 598,112 ! Credits other than brokers , etc . ' 537,99. ! Shares of capital stock of companies % .95,676 Manufacturers' tools , implements and machines. .258,307 It is confusing to see the amount of money , credits- stocks , bonds , etc. , returned in the Bank Register and other sources of information regarding banks and brokers and try to connect them with the amount of wealth re- 'turned ' for taxation , and when it is found that the manu facturers report $71,982,127 as being invested in their business , with $23,2d 1,553 worth of machinery , tools and > implements , it makes the sums returned for taxation look ridiculous. It Is 'evident ' that not one-third of the personel prop erty in the state is returned at all for taxation , and that fully one-quarter of the tangible visible property that asscssorS'Could ' see and estimate in their returns is omitt ed through carelessness. If all the property of the state was Included in thsir tax returns , Nebraska would show more than $161 per capita for taxation which is the lowest of any/of-the' / western or northern states. Per Cent , of Railroad Valuation to Total Valuation of Stato. In Nebraska . 15,40 per cent In Minnesota . ; . . . . 9,94 per cent. In Missouri . 7.90 per cent , In Wisconsin . . . o . 7.54 per cent. In Iowa . . . 8,42 per cent , In Illinois . 9,98 per cent DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE. Cold Weather Hinders Distribution of Midsummer Specialties. New York , Juno 28. R. O. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade says : Foreign \markets were badly disar . ranged by the sudden illness of the king and there was much liquidation prior to the closing of the exchanges from Wednesday afternoon to Monday morning. Trade Is well maintained , although low temperatures Interfered with the distribution of midsummer specialties. , Manufacturing operations have . Increased In activity , especially in , the iron and steel industry and tex tile production , while the constructive work on new buildings and bridges Is very heavy. Labor difficulties have not Improved in the coal region , but numerous , settlements have been ef fected elsewhere. Railway earnings thus far reported for Juno exhibit an Increase of 4.6 per cent over last year. Agricultural prospects are far above the average and rapid progress is made with winter wheat harvesting. Delays have been encountered from heavy rain , whllo Injury has occurred n the southwest from drought , but heso adverse Influences are less ex- enslvo than usual , Wide differences between 'cash prices and next crop op * tlons Indicate tho' views of traders' The week brought llttlo alteration id spot quotations , light supplies hold * ng all cereals fairly steady. TEXAS DROUGHT IS1 BROKEN. Heavy Ralna Fall1 in ManyParta of thenState. Dallas , Tex. , June 28. The long drought prevailing In Texas was quite generally relieved yesterday. Heavy rains are reported from Dallas , south to the gulf , and many sections 'north , east and west have /ecelved portions of' the downpour. Tho' ' corn crop Is said to be beyond redemption , but cotton will besaved. . There was con siderable alarm for the'Safety of Galveston - veston throughout the day , as a severe gale was reported raging there yester day and telegraphic communication was entirely Interrupted during' the day. It was 'lator ' learned- however , that no damage had i boon sustained and that the water was but slightly above normal. RIVER1 COMMISSION NO MORE. Army Officers Will Have Charge of Improvements on Missouri , Et. Louis , June 28. The Missouri river commission met' yesterday anc after 'winding utf its business adJourned Journod without date. This ecdB the commission after a period of activity covering nearly a score of years. In the future whatever government 1m provoments are made on the Mtssour rlvor below Sioux Falls will be done under the direction of an army officer assigned by the department at Wash Ington. Since the appointment of the commission , in 1884 , It has expcndec $7,000,000 on improvements from the mouth of the rlvor to Sioux City , . The word "mile" Is derived from the Latin "mlllo , " n thousand. A thousani paces of 'a marching soldier made the old Boman mile. . „ Employes of United States Steel Company Get an Advance. ADDS $4,000,000 TO THE PAYROLL Advance of Ten Per Cent Applies to Both Union and Nonunion Employes of Steel Corporation Seventh Week of Anthracite Miners' Strike. Plttsburg , June 28. The largest voluntary Increase ever known In the wages of 100,000 men has been de cided upon by the United States Steel corporation. They will receive an ad vance of 10 per cent , which will In crease the annual pay roll of the steel corporation by $4,000,000. The ad vance applies to union as well as non union men. Strictly speaking , the ad vance applies to nontonnage men ol every constituent company of 'the ' cor poration This decision has just been reached by the executive committee ol the United States Steel corporation after numerous conferences with the highest officials of the underlying con corns. The first men here to profit by the increase were those of the Carnegie company , who were already working' on a private scale. The next advance .will come to the em ployes of the American Steel and Wire plants. The adva'nce has' already gone into effect in the Chicago' and Jollet 111. , plants. In the Plttsburg 'district something like'30.000 men > will be'entitled to the increase. The wages of the blast furnace workers and day men of the Edgar Thompson and Homestead stee workers and all furnaces operated by the Carneglo Steel company wore ad vanced without notice. Workmen working under a private scale will be debarred from this advance , as wel as all coal miners , coke workers , rod men and tube workers. It la estimated that out of the tota number of employes of the corpora tion , one-third of them are paid on th tonnage basis. It Is expected tha the largest 'Independent stool and. iron producers of the company will gran their men a similar advance. MORE MACHINISTS LET OUT. Developments In ttie Union Paclfl Labor Situation. Omaha , June 28. One hundred am thirty-seven machlnlstf and helper wore discharged by the Union Paclfl from Its Omaha shops last evening and abbut twenty-five from the shop at Armstrong , Kan. One hour and half before these men wore Informe that they need not report for wor this morning the company reach ? amicable terms with Us car builders with whom officials have been in conference ferenco for five days. Scarcely ha the car builders committee left th private office of Superintendent Me Koan , perfectly satisfied with the ! settlement , than the committee from the machinists' union entered , was for mally recoiye n.rsentfid Jt * grlevan ces ana were told to call at the cfflce : hls morning for a conference wltS : he officials. They will strike unless the company yields. The company now seems to be'the aggressor. Within the last week It has discharged over 1,000 men from various shops on Us system and still maintains that It can continue the operation of Us shops with the mini mum force left. SEVENTH WEEK OF STRIKE. Both Sides Still Standing Firm Fully 165,000 Miners Idle. Wllkesbarre , Pa. , June 28. Today Will end the seventh week of the great anthracite coal mine workers' strike. Excepting President Mitchell's offer to arbitrate there has been no propo sition advanced by either of the parties to the controversy since the strike began and the prediction that the struggle will bo one to a finish still holds good. It is not unlikely that the report of Labor Commissioner Wright to President Roosevelt may suggest some way that may lead to a settle ment. The publication of the- report Is eagerly awaited by the strikers. Considering the great number of , men who are Idle , the strike is a remarkably ably quiet one. It Is estimated "that fully-165.000 persons are out of work In this section of the state. Philippine Conference. t Washington , June30. . The night session of the Philippine conference lasted until 1:30 this morning. It was not conclusive , an arrangement'being made to meet again 'today. , It'was stated by the conferees that 'there1 wria little doubt that an agreement'coilld be reached at the session today in time to be ' ' reported 'to 'congress dur ing the day , thus , assuring , a speedy adjournment of congress. The ques tions still at issue relate to co'lnagoj a Philippine legislature and land mat ters. It's GXJND'S the BEER , of good cheer. That's all you need to know about a beer you are aure then of its purity and all around excellence. If it's Gund'a it's good. Gund'a PEERLESS Is at beat places * AUde only by JOHN aUND BREWING COf Lo Crow * , WU. * StndlS cii. for pack tffnt Playing Caidt.