The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, July 04, 1902, Page 9, Image 10

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    THE NOKFOLK NEWS : F1UDAY , , ) UFA' ! , 1002 ,
John Witzigmau of Tildeu is hero 01
a visit with friends.
Rev. J. F. Ponohor , of the Firs
Methodist Church , will preach at Mad
ison tomorrow.
Miss Clara Schram left on the nooi
train for Boone , Iowa , to attend th
wedding of a relative.
Miss Marie Bley of the Johnson Dr ;
Goods company , has returned fron
a week's vacation trip.
Mrs. Wm. Blatt , who has been ver ;
low in St. Joseph hospital at Omaha , 1
now improving and expects to bo horn
in a short time.
H. E. Hardy aud family have gen
to Lnsk , Wyoming , for a visit nt th
homo of Thomas Bell , Mr. aud Mrs
Peter Bell are guests at the same home
Misses Nellie Hyde , Pearl Dawson
Olaip IBrueggeman , Bessie McFarlaui
and Ella Bland left today for Oreigh
ton as delegates to the B. Y. P. U. con
vention to bo hold there.
The Lutherans of Stanton will hole
their anual mission feast tomorrow
The choirs of both the Norfolk churche
expect to attend and help furnish th
music and it is expected that there wil
be a large attoudanco of others froc
Norfolk and vicinity.
Frank Koehler of Sheldon , N. D.
who has been visiting at the home o
H. G. Brueggoman weut to Pilger tc
day accompanied by Mrs. Brueggeman
where they will visit her father and he
sister. Miss Melcher will go down to
morrow aud both ladies will return Mon
Providing fifty people go from Nor
folk to Columbus tomorrow to atteni
the ball game- the Union Pacifi
company has agreed to make a rate o
one fare for the round trip. All whi
will go ure therefore requested to leavi
their names at ; the store of E. B. Kauff
mtiii so that it may be known if the rat
may be t-ecured.
Mrs. O. D. Jenkins and Mrs. L. M
Beeler entertained a company of abou
eighty lady guests yesterday afternoon
The guests were received at the home o
Mrs. Jenkins and at the Beeler homi
they were served with danty refresh
ments. Music by the Norfolk orchestri
filled in the time most acceptably nn <
the afternoon was heartily enjoyed bj
the guests.
The Norfolk Auditorium season wil
open this year during August and man :
fine attractions have been dated ti
appear here during the fall and winter
Among them is Chas. B. Hanford , whi
BO pleasingly presented the "Taming o
the Shrew" last season and Carp"enter'i
"F.or Her Sake" will moke return en
gagements. "Si Slocumb" is a nev
and popular attraction that has beei
given a date , and "The Hoosier Daisy'
will return.
P. Whitney , general townsite ageni
for the F. E. & M. V , , has just returnee
from the sale of town lots at two of thi
new towns on the Verdigre exteusioi
and reports good success. At Bristov
a sale was held Thursday and lots to thi
value of $10,000 were sold. The salt
at Monowi was held yesteiday and thi
rceipts from the sale were $0,050
These towns ore in fertile portions o :
the territory entered by the extensioi
and the ready demand for lots speaki
well for the development of the nev
towns ou the extension.
'Norfolk ' not only has a continnom
performance on hand for the Fourth o :
July , but there will be almost a contin
uous performance of attractions during
the first half of the month. Following
the celebration on the Fourth , Mont
gomery Brothers' pavilion Uncle Tom'i
Cabin company will be here on lh <
seventh , showing on lots near'thi
Oreighton' depot ; then on the eight !
Gentry Brothers' famous trainee
animals shows will bo here for an after
noon amlfevening performance ; and 01
the 15th Howe's circus will be in th <
city to entertain.
Trinity Social guild will meet witl
Miss Waldron tomorrow evening at (
On account of the rain the ball team
did not go to Columbus yesterday and
there was no game.
The Norfolk band will give on open
air concert Thursday evening at the
corner of Norfolk avenue and Third
street , when they will give a program
of new selections that they have recently
received and been practicing on.
The Loyal Mystic Legion of America
will hold a special meeting tomorrow
night at their rooms in the G. ' A. R.
hall for the purpose of initiating aclass
of new applicants which has been
worked up by deputies now in the field.
Wynn M. Rainbolt arrived homo yes
terday from Cambridge , Mass. , where
he has recently graduated from Harvard
law school. His father N. A. Rainbolt ,
who went east to attend the commence
ment exercises , stopped off at Cleveland ,
Ohio , for a visit , but will return homo
Dr. Fletcher M. Whorton , pastor of
St. Paul's Methodist church at Lincoln ,
will deliver a lecture at the Methodist
chnr Ji tomorrow night. The admis
sion is free and everybody is cordially
invited to be , present. Dr. Wbarton is
a fluent pulpit orator and boo one of the
largest aud most fashionable congrega
tions in Lincoln The people of Nor
folk should not miss the opportunity o
hearing him.
Nowmnu Grove Herald : Nels Flow
who lives on the Larrv Barry farm
northwest of town , brought some hog
to town last week and disposed of then
for $ ! JUO. Ho says ho has done wol
fiiuco ho came to Nebraska. Abou
eighteen months ago ho left Mlssonr
with only a few dollars , and today In
could clean up about 1800. Dnriu )
the time he has made a good living am
paid good rout. In what other country
do yon think it possible for a farmer ti
save up at the rate of $100 a month
starting with comparatively nothing.
Prospects ore that the weather wil
clear and that it will warm up by tin
Fourth of July , in whiph event Norfoll
expects to entertain the largest crow <
of pleasure Beckers and Eight-seers eve
known in its history. The committee
have secured the attractions that tin
people delight in. The 22nd Infantry
baud of Omaha , Reed's Fourth regi
ment baud of Sioux City , the magnifi
cent street parade , the ball game between
tween Norfolk and the Omaha Origl
ualK , the rest booths , the fire works , tin
street "ports and many other feature
will be worth coming miles to see nut
Juno kept up its reputation as a we
mouth admirably to the last , , but ii
spite of the energy of the storm king i
did not quite equal the record of las
June. The rainfall of yesterday wn
1 07 inches , almost as much as on thi
14th when the gulch overflowed , i
came so steadily and covered such a louj
period of time in falling that most of tin
water was disposed of before Hooding
Although the ground appeared to havi
been thoroughly soaked before yester
day's storm , it absorbed a largo portioi
of the water that fell. It was hardlj
needed , bat will not come amiss if thi
soil will retain it for use during the drj
season that is almost certain to come dnr
ing the summer. It has made an ele <
gant quality of mud and will have thi
effect of interfering to a considerable ex
tent with the work of the farmers ane
gardeners in their fields. The rain comi
with a cold northeast wind that was no
an appreciable feature of the storm.
A fine line of fiy nets and dusters a
Nordwig's. Come aud moke a selectioi
while the stock is complete.
Wanted Cattle to Pasture.
I will take 800 cattle for the season a
$2 for steers and $2.50 for cows 1441
acres of good land on the Verdigri
creek in western Knox county ; fencei
in two pastures , with good posts am
three wires ; running water ( Verdigrii
creek and two spring creeks ) , whicl
never fail ; plenty of timber for shade
Salt furnished. Foreman on the raucl
will give attention to the cows. Wil
receive cattle at Norfolk and deliver a
Norfolk after season closes.
Buy your harness of Paul Nordwig
who sells the cheapest and best. Duf
fey's old stand.
Rex Stock Food pleases everyone.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Toke Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets ,
All druggists refund the money if il
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's re
is on each box. 25c ,
Gardner & Seiler deal in improved
and unimproved lands. Ranches an
town property for sale in Pierce , Cedar ,
Knox , Wayne and Holt counties , alsc
lands and ranches in North and Soutb
H. A. Pasewalk exclusive seller Res
Electric Lighted Trains.
The Union Pacific was the first tc
ntrodnce dining cars , vestibuled cars ,
steam heat , pintsch light , buffet smok
ing and library cars , tourist cars , ou
trans-continental trains west of the
Missouri river.
It again leads by introducing an
electric lighted train throughout , "The
Overland Limited , " with compartment
observation cars , having electric lamps ,
electric fans , electric curling iron heat
ers , telephone service , etc. ; dining room
with electric candelabra , bath rooms ,
barber shops , circulating libraries , etc.
The cars comprising this train consti
tute the highest and best developemeot
of car construction and of comfortable
and luxurious travel.
This train reaches Salt Lake City 12
bomXand San Francisco 10 hours ahead
of all competitors.
Full information cheerfully furnished
on application to J. B. ELSEFFER ,
A Good Thing.
German Syrup is the special perscrip-
tion of Dr. A. Boschee , a celebrated
3ermon physician , and is acknowledged
to be one of the most fortunate discov
eries in medicine. It quickly cures
coughs , colds and all lung troubles of
; he severest nature , removing as it does ,
she cause of the affection aud leaving
the parts in a strong and healthy con
dition. It is not an experimental mod-
cine , but has stood the test of years ,
jiving satisfaction in every case , which
ts rapidly increasing sale every season
confirms. Two million bottles sold
annually. Bosoheo's German Syrup
was introduced In the United States in
1808 , and is now sold in every town and
village in the civilized world. Three
doses will relieve any ordinary cough.
Price 76 cents. Get Green's special
almanac. Asa. K. Leonard.
The finest kind of light work to be
had in the city at Nordwig'a.
Frank 13. Scott was up from Stontoi
S. II , McDonald was down fror
Plorco today.
8. O. Campbell wixs in the olty todo :
from Madison.
Dr. J. M. O'Oonncll was a city vlslto
today from Ponca.
Mrs. A. B. Lane of Scribner Is visit
lug Norfolk friends.
J. L. Stanakor was in the city yesterday
torday from Wayne.
Dr. J. J. WllllamR of Wayne IB i
Norfolk visitor today.
Miss Emma Molcher went to Pilgo
today to visit her father.
L. M. Buchanan WttR a city vislto
yesterday from Creightou.
Miss Bessie Orowly waH a visitor li
Norfolk today from Pierce.
Warren Sisson has accepted a positloi
with the Norfolk Natioual bank.
J. D. Sturgeon goes to Neligh to-nigh
to bo absent a day or so on business.
Manager J. N. Bundick of the snga
factory , inndo a business trip to Oinahi
Mr , and Mrs. Letter Parker of Omahi
are guests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs
B. P. Pippon.
N. A. Rainbolt returned yesterda ;
from his trip to Cambridge , Mass. , am
other points east.
R. A. Stewart is hero from Omahi
meeting Norfolk friends and lookin )
after business interests.
Gene Lawrence's team of ball player
elefoated Clarence Hartford's nine yes
terday afternoon , the score being 12 t <
Miss Nottio Dortsch , stenographe ;
for Commissioner J. B. Barnes , wil
leave for Kentucky next week to spom
her vacation.
The merry-go-round has arrived or
the scene and is getting located on thi
lots at the corner of Fifth and Mali
street , formerly occupied by the Rem
Charier Biersdorf returned yesterdaj
from a month's stay at Hot Springs , 8
D. , where he went hoping to receiv <
relief from rheumatism with which hi
has been afflicted.
There promises to be some very ex
cellent Fourth of July decorations it
Norfolk byJFriday morning. Some o :
the merchants have already commenced
on their windows and are making
beautiful displays.
Thomas Sheean returned yesterday
from Ohadron , having been there t <
assist in caring 'for'.the children of hii
brother-in-law , who have been suffer
ing from , severe cases of scarlet fever
Three of the children of the family have
died within a week and a half.
Alex Bear's ball team of small boyi
showed Ed. Eskew's a merry time yes'
terday afternoon. A score of 20 to 0 ir
favor of the first named was the result ,
J. B.Barnesjr. , , was the umpire and the
boys assert that the game was full ol
features and more or less of phoneme'
mil plays.
J. D. Sturgeon has added a Norfolk
pine to his collection of plants that if
worth seeing. Although the name is
the some as thatjof this city they have
no immediate relation , the pine probably
having been named before the Sugar
City was thought of.
The weather gave promise of wann
ing up at noon , and the mud has been
drying rapidly during the day. The
sun actually shone for a few moments
and gave evidence that he could produce
very satisfactoryJFourth of July weather
ou short notice if but given a slight
The Omaha Original ball team , which
is to play the local team on the Fourth
will be here for '
a three-days' tourna
ment , remaining during Friday , Satur
day and Sunday and putting up three
games with the locals. Interesting con
tests are practically assured on each of
these days.
The plant thief who has been robbing
np-townlresidents of valuable specimens ,
is now operating in South Norfolk.
Several residents of that portion of the
city have recently been robbed of valu
able plants. One lady reports the loss
of a six-year-old oleander tree which
she had set out , the thief having used a
spade in removing it. It IB safe to as
sume that ifthe thief is detected in the
act of removing plants he , she or they
will receive merited punishment.
Battle Creek Enterprise : Battle
Dreek people will have little trouble in
Inding a suitable place to celebrate the
Fourth. Norfolk will celebrate for the
first time in six years and a hummer is
promised. The Madison fire department
will pull the tail feathers from the
American eagle in an appropriate man
ner and Tilden promises a rousing time
o all who wish to spend the day at
that place. As Battle Creek has taken
a year off , we have the privilege of payIng -
Ing our money and taking our choice.
Nordwig would like to sell you a fine
Jaggy harness at a reasonable price.
See them. _
Rex Poultry Food matures the fowl
and is an egg producer.
Likeaisles Before the Scythe.
Buby lives are destroyed in summer
> y cholera infantnm. The attack of
Iho disease la sudden , its progress is
sometimes terribly rapid. Mothers
who hnvo given their children Porrj
Davis' Painkiller can toll how thin treat
ment has checked the diarrhoea ant ;
vomiting , and put the llttlo patient out
of danger. 25 and C > 0 cts.
Summer Sessions Educational Insti
tutions ,
To bo hold at Chicago , 111 , , and St. Louis ,
In Juno the Union Piiclflo will make
the low rate of ono faro plus $2.00 for
the round trip to either point.
Tickets on Palo Juno 10 , 17,21 , , and 22.
Final return limit September 15.
Full Information cheerfully furnished
on application to
Epworthlans Begin Annual Conven
tion Amid Disagreeable Weather.
In the midst of a steady 'downpour of
ralu the Epworth Leaguers of the Nor
folk district ahsembled In annual con
vention in the M. 13. church , this city ,
last evening , with the leagues of out
side towns well represented by delegates
and olllcers.
A feature of the opening exercise's
was a solo by Miss Hil'droth Sisson ,
after which the delegates listened to an
eloquent and helpful lecture by Dr.
Whartou , pastor of St. Paul's Metho
dist church at Lincoln. This was fol
lowed by a reception to delegates and
Wednesday morning devotions wore
led by Rev. O. J. Lanson of Winner ,
and sacrament of the Lord's ' supper , ad
ministration by Rov. F. M. Sisson , D.
D , presiding elder ofitho district.
Rex Conditioner expels worniH from
all stock.
"I Never Knew Painkiller to Fall
before , what can the matter bo ? Where
is the bottle ? There , 1 thought so ; it
itfuot Perry Davis' Painkiller at all , but
something the druggist must have
made himself and I did not notice it ;
I ( have used painkiller for years for
diarrhoea , cramps and stomachaches
and it never failed. "
Northern Wliconulu Kallwny Farm Laud
F r Bale.
The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha railway hoe for sale in North
ern Wisconsin , at low prices and easy
terms of payment , about ! 350,000 acres
of choice farm lands.
Early buyers will secure the advantage
tago of locations on the many beautiful
streams and lakes , which abound with
fish and furnish a never ending and
most excellent water supply , both for
family use and for stock.
Land is generally well timbered , the
soil fertile and easy of cultivation and
this is rapidly developing into one of
the greatest sheep and cattle raising
regions In the northwest.
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis -
eapolis , Duluth , Superior , Ashland and
other towns on "The Northwestern
Line" furnish good markets for stock
and farm produce.
For further particulars address :
Land Commissioner , Hudson Wis. , or
Asst. Geu'lPass. Ag't.St. Paul , Minn.
We would like to ask , through the
columns of your paper , if there is any
persons who has used Green's August
flower for the euro of indigestion , dys
pepsia , and liver troubles that has not
aeen cured and wo also mean their
results , such as sour stomach , fermenta-
: iou of food , habitual costivencss , uerv-
ms dyspepsia , headaches , despondent
'eelings , sleeplessness in fact , any
: rouble connected with the stomach or
iver ? This medicine has been sold for
many years in all civilized countries ,
and we wish to correspond with you
and send you one of our books free of
cost. 'If yon never tried August Flower ,
: ry one bottle first. We have never
mown of its failing. If so , something
more serious is the matter with yon.
Ask your oldest druggist.
G. G. GKEEK , Woodbnry , N. J.
Asa. K , Leonard.
Good Advice.
The most miserable beings in the
world are those suffering from dyspepsia
and liver complaint. More than seventy-
Ivo per cent of the people in the United
States are afflicted with these two dis
eases and their effects : such as sour
stomach , sick headache , habitual cos-
iveness , palpitation of the heart , heart-
3nrn , water-brash , gnawing and burn-
ng pains at the pit of the stomach ,
yellow skin , coated tongue and dis
agreeable taste in the mouth , coming up
of food after eating , low spirits , etc.
Go to your druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower for 75 cents. Two
loses will rpljpve you. Try it. Get
Srepn'u special almanac. Aba. K.
l < eonnrd.
Perks Klentz
Miss Martha Klentz was married to
Mr. Harry Perks Saturday evening at 8
o'clock at the home of the bride's par
ents , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klentz , sr. ,
Rev. J. P. Mnller of Christ Lutheran
church being the officiating clergyman.
t was a pretty home wedding and was
attended by relatives of the bride and
groom and a few invited friends. Mr.
Charles was groomsman and Miss
Gretchen Klentz , sister of the bride ,
was bridesmaid.
Mr. Perks is employed by E. J ,
Schorregge as baker and is well liked by
hose who have the pleasure of his
acquaintance. Miss Klentz is a Norfolk
; irl , having been born and raised here.
She has a large circle of friends among
he young people of the city and all will
nnite in an expression of best wishes to
Jr. aud Mrs. Perks.
Rooms above the Hayes jewelry store
lave been rented , where the happy
couple will kofip house for the present.
Mrs. Win. Gerocko of Stunt on IH the
guest of Mm , A. Hear.
Miss Rosa Clark in homo from Htimrt
to spend the Fourth ,
Leal Spanlding him gone to Wnusa to
tuho a place with the bmto ball team.
Mrfl. Paul Kara and baby of Lyons
are hero to visit rolatlvon and spend the
Fourth ,
F. G. Deals returned from Boyd coun
ty , where ho Imn boon upending sovural
The celebration of the Fourth may ho
n water carnival , with u mud parade
and mud sport B OB fimturoH.
Mr. aud Mrs. F. W. Jonal of Bloom-
Hold will bo hero to upend the Fourth
and visit relatives and frlondB.
W. B. Alton and John Wllloy departed -
parted thlH noon for Niobrara , the
new terminus of the F. K. & M. V.
Mrs. S. Hook has returned to her
homo in Lynch , after a visit of two
weeks with her ulster , MrH. W. W.
Conductor and Mrs. Fox returned
yesterday from Chicago , where they
have been for two woekn , visiting with
their son , Guy.
The watonvorkH whistle continues to
sound the signal for shutting off the
water , hut the water dooH not appear to
shut off worth a cent.
John Welsh of South Norfolk departed
this noon for Omaha and from
there ho goes to Chicago , expecting to
bo obheut about two wooks.
Mr. and MrH. 0. R. Kllcr and HOII ,
Warren , are oxpcetod here from Lin
coln to visit over the Fourth with Mrs.
Kllor'sparonlH , Mr. and Mrs. II. 0.
Mud and rain have boon suohrcgular
things this spring that the people have
become hardened to conditions and maybe
bo disappointed if they cannot celebrate
in mud and wator.
Mies Mauiio Matrnu left on the noon
train for Tacoma , Wash. , where Bho
will spend the summer , visiting Mihs
Edith Ringer. She was accompanied
UB far as St. Paul by Miss Julia Staf
A. 0. McFarland of the Lynch Jour
nal , and brother of Norfolk'H city olork ,
will edit the Lynch poHtofllcn for the
coming four years. And Lynch is to
have a railroad , too , pretty , soou. Al
bert appears to bo having a fair share of
good fortune In Boyd county.
Chief of Police Kane landed three
early Fourth of July visitors behind the
bars this morning. They were hobos.
Two of them were gloriously full and
the chief required assistance in running
them in. The third was a cripple who
had begun to put up n hard luck story
aud beg on the streets.
Gardner & Seiler have sold 80 acres
of land belonging to Mrs. Mathowsou
and located northwest of the city. The
price paid was $50 per aero. They
have alee sold two lots on Ninth street ,
south of Dr. A. Bear's residence to
Fred Langenberg , who proposes to
erect thereon a house or two for rent.
Someone who watched the frog ponds
and heard the rain pour over the shingles
last night gave vent to the expression
that all needed now is a small shower to
lay the dust on the Fourth. Tlio crops
have hod plenty of water but the dust
on the Fourth may proovo oppressive
when stirred up by a big crowd of pee
Owing to the heavy rains that have
been falling continuously along the new
line of the Elkhorn , the establishment of
regular service on the Verdigre extension
to Niobrara will not take place until July
7 , though the date was originally set for
July 1. While this is true a train ser
vice has been opened to Niobrara begin
ning yesterday , when No. 5 ran as far
as the new extension is completed. The
regular service will not start , however ,
until the 7th.
Now is the time to bring in repairs to
Paul Nordwig's harness shop.
Rex Lice Killer will not associate with
Fourth of July Excursions.
To points on the Northwestern Line
within two hundred miles of Norfolk.
Tickets sold July 3 and 4 , at one and
one-third fare for the round trip good
for return on July 7 , 1902.
Has numerous natural bridges , caves
etc. , of no little interest. The Mam
moth cave of Calaveras , discovered by
miners in 1660 ; the Alabaster cave ;
the Crystal Palace cave , containing a
number of attractive subterranian apart
ments , such as the Bridal chamber , the
Crystal Palace room , and a curious
apartment called the Mnsio hall , where
the'deposits of aqueous origin not only
take the form of organ pipes , sounding
boards , etc. , but also emit when struck
musical sounds aud vibrations. Near
this cave ore two natural bridges which
the tourist can visit and return to the
railroad within half an hour.
The only natural way to reach these
scenes of interest is via "Tho Overland
Route , " comprising the Union and
Southern Pacific , now really one [ line.
The only line running through trains to
Ban FranElfico from Omaha. Throe
tralim dally , the fiint fruitw anlving 15
hours nlioiul of all uompotitorH. Full
information cheerfully furnished upon
application. J. H , KLHICITKU , .
Agont. I
Cheap Excursions via Illinois Central
The Illinois Central railroad will sol
round trip tickets , good for return null
Ootobor 1)1 ) , 1002 , from Omaha to the
following points :
TlcluitH at rates named In column (1) ( )
on Bale Juno 1 to 15 IncluHlvo ; In column
(2) ( ) Juno 10 to 110 inclusive.
(1) ( ) (2) ( )
Ht. Paul , * 11.00 ifia.OC
MlnmmpollB 0.00 ,12.05
Dulnth I.'UIO 10.05
The Sutioriorfi , . . 111.00 10.05
Anhland , Win , , . . til.00 10,05
Hay Hold , Win. , . . 111,00 10.05
MinUtum Lake , M tin. 7(10 ( 10.05
KlyBlan , Minn. , . 7.00 10.05
Fartlmnlt , Jliiuij ) 7.00 10.05
{ , Minn. ' 7.00 10.05
Itandolph.Minn. , . . 7.00 10.05
Cannon KallH.Minn. , 7.00 10.05
Hod WiiiKi Minn. , 7.00 10.05
Oa Juno 10172122 , wo will Hell
tickotH to Chicago mid return nt ruto of
$11,75 , good for return until September
15 , 1002.
In addition to the uliovo , wo will neil
round trip tlckutB during the Btuninor
HOIIHOII , to fmntorn pointH ; IIHO vin Duluth -
luth or ( Jhlriigo and Ktoamor via the
great InlcoH , Special arrangnnimitH for
semiring Htoamor acooimnodatioiiB in ad-
Write orcnllon the nndorHtgiicd for
partii'ularH. W. II. HUIM , ,
DiHt. Pawn. Agt. Ill Central 11. II.
1 102 Farnam Ht. Oninliu , Nob.
Will Cure Stomach Ache In Five
Minutes !
Thin IH juHt what painkiller will do ;
try it , Ilavo a hottlo in the IIOIIHO for
instant IIHO , I\H \ it will Have you hours of
HulToring. Watch out that the dealer
docB not neil you an imitation , riH the
great ropntntton of I'alnldllor ( Perry
DaviH1) ) , haw induced many people to try
to lualto Homothing to Hull , Haiti to bo
"juHt an good us the Kouulno. "
Electric Lighted Sleeping Cars
On "Tho Overland Limited" are 11
flection oars with drawing rooniH. In
terior flniHhod in OlrcasHlan walnut ,
English oak and Oulmn mahogany ,
with furnishings to Imrmonizo. Each
Rootioii and drawing room in provided
with two oloctrio reading lamps , and
eloctrio lights adorn the empire ceilings.
Drawing rooms with annex toilet
room , containing drcwora with every
convenience , including ladies' eloctrio
curling iron heater , oto.
TliiH famouR train roaches Salt Lake
Oity 12 hours and Ban Francisco 10
houra ahead of all competitors.
If you contemplate a trip to any
Western point the Union Pucifio offers
you the highest degree of comfort and
i turn t T sulf l vis * n/lfl ( t li t nl r\r\ni- n * t rl t
WHII uu iiiiuHinimi cunt nuu a
great paving of time and expense.
Full information cheerfully furnished
on application to
J. B. ELfiKPFKn ,
"I Stood in a Draught
witli my coat oil' and caught this
wretched cold , " Bays the HuH'erer. Ho
need not pay a heavy penalty if ho fol
low hiH act of folly with an act of wis
dom. Soak the feet in hot water with
a few tcnspoonpf nl of Perry Davis' Pain
killer in it Take a teaspoonful of
painkiller in hot Hwcrtcncd water at
bed time and bo thankful for BO himplo
and speedy a way to break up a cold.
There is but ono painkiller , Perry Davis. '
Some Reasons
Why You Should Iruifl on Having
Uneciualed by any other.
Renders lianl leather soft.
Especially prepared.
Keeps out water.
A heavy bodied oil.
An excellent preservative.
Reduces cost of your harness.
Never burns the leather ; its
Efficiency is increased.
best service.
tecures kept from breaking.
| s sold in all
Msnnftlctart < lbr
Standard Oil Company *
On November 6th , and 10th , and
December 3rd , and 17th , the Missouri
Pacific Railway will sell tickets to cer
tain points in the South , Southeast , and
Southwest , at the rate of ono faro for
; he round trip , plus $3.00. Final re-
: uru limit 21 days from date of sale.
Fast Time and Superior Through Ser
vice. Reclining Chair Gars ( seats free ) .
Pullman Buffet Sleeping Oars.
For further information or laud paui-
> hlets , address , W. 0. BARNES
T. P. A. , Omaha , Neb.
a. r. ft T. A. A. a. P. & T. A.
8t..Lonl8.Mo. Kant&a Oity , Mt.