The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 27, 1902, Image 2

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    THE NOKFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , JUNE 27 , 1902 ,
\V. N. HO BID. I'ublleber ,
. i
Kviry day etropt Hnmlny , By earrlHuier
vi k , It , cents , B ; mall | > er year , < ,
WKICKI/V NICW8 . > I < / < TnNAI < ,
Tb N wi , eitahllVlietl , 1&W"
TheJpvinHil.eitabllrtieil 1817
KWT Prldnyl Hj m ll per jenri $1.60 ,
KoUred * Vlha Poitofllce nt Norfolk , ' Nab. , ni
eonil olafci mntter ,
TUnhonitfi Ktlllorlnl I ) < mf rtment , No. Z2 |
lladneii OIllc * nuil Job Roomi , No. 522.
For Governor
For Lieutenant Governor
K , (1 , McOn.TON
rjrntlt MOIITKNKOM Vllllty
For Bocretnry Of State
Q. A. MAIIHII y. . . HlclinriUon
For Auditor .
CiiAni.EH WF.HTON Bliorldan
For Huporlntumlent of Public lontrnctlon
For Attorney Oonornl
For Lund Commlttloncr
( lEonoii 1) ) , FOI.UIKU NncliolU
For CoiiKrofuninn , Third District
it will horonftor bo fashion-
nblo to Imvo porityphlitls iimtcnd of ap
\Vhou tlio votcn nrocounted next Nov
ember Mr. Thompson will find tlmt ,
llko his Btnturo , hiu nro short.
CoiiRrobS evidently docH.not desire to
ndd n few more Btnrs to the constollu-
iion on tlio untlonnl Imnnor BO close be
fore the Fourth of July.
In spite of the fnct tlmt the state cam-
pnign is wide open Norfolk will cole-
brute the Fourth of July mid give the
people who nttond n royal good tlmo.
Ex-Governor Poyntor made n strong
epocoh before the populist convention ,
declaring tlmt pnrty integrity demanded
the nomination of a populist for gov
ernor , yet the convention endorsed a
democrat. There nro strange doings
where two parties and "harmony" got
tangled up.
The populists and democrats Imvo
fused on a ticket but it is questionable
If they will bo able to fuse the necessary
votes. Not all who have done so in
yearn that are past will follow the load
of the state conventions. A largo nnm-
berlmvo b ou voting the republican
ticket and nro perfectly satisfied with
the results.
The wonderful growth being made by
potatooshns effectually shattered prices
for that necessity , and boiled , fried ,
baked or stowed , they will from this
tiuio on lese that silver taste that has
distinguished them for about n year.
They will not bo in the list of delicacies
this fall and winter , not in this section
at least. Nothing less than a oyclono
or earthquake can do the crop up now.
All the populist delegates will now re
turn to their homes and tell the faithful
that it is all right that while the dem
ocrats have named the governor and
otherwise exercised the large shnro of
influence nt the fusion convention and
dictated to what was once the big end
of the fusion combine it'is their duty to
pull off their coats and hurrah for the
nominee of the convention and they
will submissively follow.
The loss of life by the South Dakota-
Iowa storm of Tuesday night was much
exaggerated by first reports , but the loss
of property and crops is immense. The
property loss is now said to be fully a
million dollars. Country property suf
fered more than that of towns and
cities. The sufferers do not need to
worry over their unfortunate condition ,
however. Unless something disastrous
happens in this state , Nebraska will
have an abundance of produce to supply
several states.
Prospects for the passing'of the inter-
oceanic canal bill are more favorable
than they have been at any other time
during the session of congress. The
house conferees have decided to accept
the senate bill in favor of the Panamtt
route , and it is likely that the measure
will be passed , thus taking a long step
in support of America's commercial
supremacy , which has been developing
BO rapidly during tne past few years.
"With the completion of this canal
America will bo in position to enter the
contest for the trade of the Orient in
earnest and water communication be
tween the two coasts of the country will
be materially shortened with the result
that relations between coast points will
be closer and firmer.
"What's this ! The State Journal has
it that W. H. Thompson confided to a
Lincoln friend that if ho became the
fusion nominee for governor he would
put f5,000 into the campaign and give
the republicans a merry chase. Surely
someone must be mistaken ; In the
lirst place , one of the great common
people has certainly not accumulated
$5,000 that he can afford to blow in ,
during these days of republican misrule
And official incompetency ; in the next
i the
a corruption
urohoso the will of
union fuRionlfltn | have
for n IDng time now fought nil forma of
wealth and would hardly bo guilty of
nominating n man with f J > ,000 to spend
on an election , The Journal'a state
ment must bo a pipe dream , and all good
f unionists will at once proceed to brand
it us Bucli.
Their Bodies Found on Newly Opened
Indian Reservation.
Wood Ulvor , Nob. , Juno 27. John
DonaltlKon , living two nillcR east of
this city , but who linn boon In Idaho
the liiHt two months looking aftoi
BOIIIO tuning IntoroutR , wan found mur
dered on the nowly-oponed reservation
near Fort Hall , Idaho. Charles Frit *
of Pocntollo was found with him , he
also having mot death by the nssas-
Bin's bullet. Mr , Donaldson had boon
shot twice. No motive IH known for
the commission of the crime , but It Is
mippoRed ItvriH other for robbery 01
In a dispute over a mining claim.
American Yacht Wins.
Kiel , Juno 27. The Amorlrnn yacht
Uncle Sam , owned by FrnnrlB R.
Illggs of Now York , won the first of
the International special races hero
ycsturday , the Stars and Stripes croon
Ing the line eight minutes ahead of nil
other lliuB.
Holds Killing Justifiable.
Seward , Nob. , Juno 27. The core
ner's jury rendered a verdict to the
effect tlmt John Hand came to his
death by n shot llrod by Alex Lnngo
and that the net was Justifiable. Lange
Hod yesterday afternoon.
The Yciir INtfl.
The yonr 1881 was n chronological
oddity of the oddest kind , besides being
n mathematical curiosity seldom equal
ed. From right to loft and left to right
It rends the HUIUC. Eighteen divided
by 2 gives 0 ns a quotient ; 81 divided
by 0 gives 0 ; If divided by 0 , the quo
tlent contains n 0 ; If multiplied by n
the product contains two Os ; 1 and 8
arc 0 ; 8 and 1 nro I ) . If the 18 he placed
under the 81 mid lidded , the sum Is 00.
If the figures be ntlded thus 1 , 8 , 8 , I
it will give 18 as the result. Heading
to the middle from right to left or
from left to right It is 18 , and IS Is
two-ninths of 81. By adding , dividing
and multiplying ten Os are produced ,
being one 0 for each year to the begin
nlng of the lust decade of the nine
teenth century.
No wonder the fortune tellers , the ns
trologurs and the mathematicians ,
weave so many strange fancies around
tlmt curious combination of figures. It
mny Imvo been what Induced Mother
Shlpton to end her prophetic Jingle
with , "And nt last the world to nn end
shall come in eighteen hundred and
eighty-one. ' '
A Wonder In I'cnmnitnhlp.
Among the curiosities preserved by
the Minnesota Historical society Is n
lithographed copy of nn engrossment
of the cmiuiclpntlon proclamation. The
engrosser , ono W. II. Pratt of Daven
port , In. , was so very skillful In his
manipulations of the pen tlmt he sue
ceeded , by cnreful and exact Blinding
of the letters , In producing n very ex
celleiit portrait of Abraham Lincoln
the author of the famous document , In
the center of the copy. In other words ,
the lettering Itself Is mudc to form a
portrait of Mr. Lincoln. There were
probably n large number of them or
innlly struck off , but copies of It nro
now very rnre. As n specimen of pen
work it Is certainly very unique.
Wood In Kto'Ptlim StonrvrorU.
Probably the oldest .timber In the
world which has been subjected to the
nso of mnii In tlmt found In the nnclent
temples of Egypt In connection with
the stonework , which Is known to be
at leant 4,000 years old. This , the only
wood used In the construction of the
temples , is In the form of tics holding
the end of one stone to another. When
two blocks were laid In place , an cx-
cavntlon about nn inch deep was made
In each block , in which a tie shaped
like nn hourglass Is driven. It is there
fore very difficult to force any stone
from its position.
A prince received from the house
steward his monthly statement of ac
counts , In which occurred the item of
1.50 lire for the keep of n cat in the
palace. The prince immediately wrote
in tbo margin , "If there arc no rats in
the bouse , it Is no good keeping a cat ;
if there arc any rats , the charge for
the keep of the cut is superfluous. "
And ho struck out the Item.
A Snoce .
"Mrs. Dllkins learned to play poker
so she could keep her husband in at
night. "
"And does be stay in now ? "
"I should say so. She wins so much
of his spending allowance that ho
hasn't the price of a drink. " Philadel
phia Record.
Prlma Facie Evidence.
The late Lord Morris on ona occasion
gave a characteristic illustration of the
meaning of "prlmn facie evidence. "
"If , " ho said to the Jury , "you saw
a man coming out of a public house
wiping his mouth , that would bo prlmn
facie evidence that ho hnd been having
a drink. "
Out maneuvered.
The Lady Did any one call while I
was out ?
The Maid No , ma'am.
The Lady That's very strange. 1
wonder what people think I have n
day "nt homo" for anyway. Indian-
npolla News.
Soil Jay of Dakota City was visiting
in Norfolk today.
OlmrU'H Stephens was up from Stanton -
ton yuftturdny on biuiticfcH.
0. W. Hamilton wan down from
Oruighton today on business.
D. N. Shnltz and A Shnltz of Osmond
were Norfolk vlnltors yesterday ,
Jan. G. Weber of Oreighton was n
business visitor in Norfolk yesterday.
Miss Alton of South Norfolk has gone
to Scranton , Iowa , for a visit with rela
tives and friends ,
llov. 3. F. Shnrpless leaves tonight
for Dureoy and will alao take a trip into
Boyd county. Ho expects to bo absent
about a week.
W. G. B.ikor has returned from an
extended visit with his parents in Penn
sylvania. Airs. Baker will remain dur
ing the balance of the summor.
Mrs. Wm. Brietiuger and son of West
Point , who have boon visiting at the
homes of Mrs. Urietlngor's slaters , Mrs ,
Uudnt and Mrs. Annum , Imvo returned
to West Point ,
G. E. Moore and family loft for Beat
rice today to attend the ohautnuqua in
KObblon there tor a week. They will re
turn in time to participate in Norfolk's
Fourth of July celebration. & , \ . .
, p.MrB. L. Hirbchy , who 1ms boon visit-
nig at the homes of her daughters , Mos-
( tames Jnmut ) and John Gildoa , returned
toher homo in Pipeutono , Minn. , Mrs.
John Gihluii and children accompany
ing her.
MIBS Grace Campbell , n Norfolk young
ludy , who bus been teaching at Stnutou
the puat tvu > years , will leave tomorrow
noon lor her new homo at Sodalia , Mo.
She 1ms been visiting her sister , Mrs.
Bohauuou , nt Elgin , but returned this
week to attend the McOoruack-Bridgo
Dr. R. A. Mittlostadt , dentist , Bishop
block. Toll phone 147 A.
E,0. A. Hedmnu's now hardware store
is uoaring completion.
JJMiss Blanch Slratt of Atkinson is
visiting Miss Idcllo Taylor.
James McAlister of Norfolk transacted -
acted business here.Tnesday.
AboBt200 _ pepplejvent from'hereto
FFemout on the excursion Sunday.J J ,
ELBattlo OreoFwill furnisfniig"orowd
for Norfolk's Fourth of "July'celebration.
Wm. Seiffert of Norfolk has taken a
position in Jos. Dittrik's blacksmith
g August Schinkns has retired from
farming , and moved into h'is house on
depot street Monday.
0. 0. Allbory has sold his property in
Highland Park to John Mngner and in
tends to go to California.
| Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hall of Leigh re
turned homo Monday , after a week's
visit with their son , John.
Alexander Reeves left Tuesday for
North Carolina , where his wife is
visiting and IB seriously ill.
' Mrs. A. M. Lovelace wont to Epiphany ,
S. D. , Tnosdny to tnko medical treat
ment from Father Kroeger.
During the storm from the northwest
Tuesday night Zimmerman's ice house ,
north of town , was almost demolished.
The school election will bo held Mon
day. The terms of A. G. Moyers and
0. E Hausen as directors , expire this
Mrs. M. Eudrcs and little daughter of
Norfolk visited with her parents , Mr.
and Mrs. Georco Pratt. Monday and
Ralph and Fred Simmons have re
turned from their trip to Boyd and
other western counties. They brought
a lot of horses with them.
Geo. Miller and Mrs. Eoenig , who
came here last week to attend the
funeral of their siBtor.lMrs' Spichor , re
turned to their homes in Boscobel , Wis. ,
The Lutherans will hold their annual
mission feast Sunday in their church.
Rovs. Bnllinger of St. Bernard and
Hof man of this place will bo the speak
ers. Rev. Mr. Dennlnger was invited
but can not come on account of sick
ness in his family.
Henry Miller , who has been in active
service in the Philippines with the 22nd
regiment U. S. infantry for three years
and two months , arrived home from
Son Francisco Tuesday night and was
given a grand reception by the people
of the town and the cornet band. Be
fore enlisting Mr. Miller was assistant
station agent hero. Siuco returning
from the Philippines ho has served
with the CGth artillery.
Southern California its lovely sea
side resorts , orange groves , beautiful
gardens and quaint old mission towns
are visited every year by thousands of
tourists who travel over the Union Pa-
oifio because it is the best and quickest
route and the only line running through
trains to California from Omaha. In
addition to the Pullman Palace Sleepers
the Union Pacific runs Pullman ordi
nary sleepers every day , leaving Chicago
at 11:30 : p. m. and Omaha nt 4:25 : p. m.
These ordinary cars are personally con
ducted every Tuesday and Thursday
from Chicago and every Wednesday and
Friday from Omaha. A Pullman ordi
nary Hlcopcr nlso loaves Onmhn every
Tuesday at 11 : i(0 ( p. rr. for Los Angeles.
Full information cheerfully furnished
upon application.T. .
, T. B. ELSEKKKH , ngent.
Low Fnro Excursions
To Hot Springs , South Dakota and the
Black HIllH.via . the F.v E. & M. V. rail
road. Excursion tickets will bo Fold
every day until September 1C , good to
return until October ! ! 1 , to Hot Spring ; ,
Dcadwood and Lead , South Dakota
Full particulars will bo cheerfully
fnrninhcd as to rates , etc.
Low Round Trip Rates via Union Pa
cific , from Missouri River.
| 1C.00 to Denver , Colorado Springs
and Pueblo , Colorado , July 1 to ID , in
clusive , August 1 to 14 , 2 ! ) to 21 , and UO
to 81 , inclusive ,
$10.00 to Denver , * Colorado Springs
and Pnoblo , Colorado , Juno 25 to ! ! 0 , in
clusive , July M to HI , inclusive.
$25.00 to Salt Lake City and Ogden ,
Utah , August 1 to M , inolueivo.
$25.00 to Glouwood Spring ? , Colorado ,
July 1 to 18 , inclusive , August 1 to 14 ,
28 to 24 and 80 to 81 inclusive.
$80.00 to Salt Lake City and Ogdou ,
Utah , July 1 to 18 , inclusive , August 28
to 24 , and 110 to 81 , inclusive.
$31.00 toGleuwood Springs , Colorado ,
Juno 25 to 80 , inclusive , July 14 to 81 ,
inclusive. >
$83.00 to Salt Lake City and Ogdeu ,
Utah , June 25 to 80 , inclusive , July 14
to 81 , inclusive.
$ -15.00 to San Francisco , Los Angeles ,
California , August 2 to 10 , Inclusive.
$45.00 to Portland , Oregon , Tncomn
and Seattle , Washington , July 11 to 21 ,
Full information cheerfully furnished
on application toJ.T. B. Elseffor , ngent.
Sheriff's Sale.
By Virtue of an order of sale issued
and directed to mo by the clerk of the
district court of Madison county , Ne
braska , upon a decree of foreclosure
rendered by the district court of Madi
son county , Nebraska , on the 81so day
of March , 1002 , in favor of Peter Hopley
for the sum of $1052.50 with interest
thereon from March 81 , 1002 , at 8 per
cent per annum , together with $15 08 ,
costs of suit , and accruing costs , in nn
action , wherein Peter Hopley is plaintiff ,
and M. R. Morris , S. R. Roszell , Mrs.
S. R. Roszell , Emiretta Yowst and
William Yowst are defendants , I will
offer the premises described in said do-
oree and taken as the property of said
defendants , to-wit :
The north-east quarter ( nej ) of sec
tion nineteen (19) ( ) in township twenty-
three (23) ( ) north of range one (1) ( ) , west
of the Gth p. m. , in Madison county ,
Nebraska , for sale at pnblio auction to
the highest bidder for cash in hand on
the 28th day of July , 1002 , nt the hour
of one o'clock p. m. , nt the east front
door of the court house at Madison in
said county and state , that being the
building wherein the last term of said
court was held , when and where due
attendance will bo given by the under
Dated this 25th day of June , 1002.
Sheriff of said county.
anniversary promises to be a pretty
warm one as the Fourth of July usually
is , BO declare yonr independence of mid
summer heat and wilted linen by hav
ing it laundered at a place where they
will give yon high grade laundry work
with the exquisite color and artistic fin
ish that is the stamp of perfect laundry
work such as the Norfolk Steam Laun
dry always gives yon.
'Phone ' 83 Norfolk Steam Laundry
Having reraovod to South Fourth street , one
block from Main , I am prapared to offer first
claBB accommodation ! to
Regular Boardjrs and Transient Guston
Home newly furnished and rooms heated.
Steam and
Hot Water
First door South of News Office.
Prices Rififht.
$ I,5OO.OO
will be spent entertaining the people. No pains
will be spared in making this the most attractive , ,
enjoyable , pleasant and entertaining celebration ,
ever known in North Nebraska.
After Leaving
The Missouri River
Before You Reach
"The OP. land Limited , "
Runs Every Day in the Year.
For full information call on or address
J. B. ELSEFPER , Agent.
Railroad and Business Directory.
4- <
V )
a >
Fremont , Elkhorn & Mo. Valley.
Omnha Passenger 63am
Chicago Express 12:10pm :
Chicago Express 7:30p : m
Omaha Passenger 12:40 : p m
Black liills express. 7:50pm :
Vordigro Passenger 12:40 : p m
Yerdlgre Accommodation 8:30am :
Black Hills Express 12:20pm
Vordigro Passenger 63 a m
Verdigro Accommodation 7:10pm
The Chicago and Black Hills Express arrives
and departs from Junction depot. The Omaha
and Verdigre trains arrive and depart from city
depot. U.'C. ' MATBAU , Agent.
Union Pacific.
Colnrabns Accommodation 30 p m
Omaha , Denver and Pacific Coast 110 a m
Columbus Accommodation. . . . 11:45 : a m
Omaha , Menverand Pacificcoust 90 pm
Connect * at Norfolk with F. , E & M. V. going
west and north , and with the 0. Bt. P. U. & O.
for points north and eait.
J. B. BLSEFFEE , Agent.
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha.
Slonr City and Omaha Paiienger , . . . 6:30 : am
Slonx OltyPassenger l:10pm :
Slonx City Passenger 10:60am
Blocx City and Omaha Passenger 7:2Spm
Connects at Norfolk with K. , E. & M. V. going
west and north , and with the D. P. for points
sonth. J. B. KLSEFFEB , Agent.
Dally except Bandar.
Over Banm Bros. ' Store.
Sontraotop and Builder
117 Fourjh Street.
Flour and Peed
411 Norfolk Avenne.
Cheapest and Best.
Norfolk Avenue
Cor , Braasch ave and 4th St.
The rtovfolk Hofseshoet
Pa :
. .1
* (
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