The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 27, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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    THE NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , JUNJ3 27 , U)02. )
'asses Substitute for Senate
Philippine Bill ,
Measure Provides for Civil 8clf-0ov-
ornment When Peace It Established.
House Votes for Panama Canal Dill
and It Now Goes to President.
Washington , Juno 27. At 8 o'clock
Innt night , nt the end of a nlno hours'
niton and of a dobuto luatlntf night
nnd day for a week , the liouao panned
.the Philippine civil ffovornftiont hill
practically as It tiimo frdth the com *
tnlttco. It was a party vote 141 to 97
with the bxcopUon of McCull , who
Toted with the Democrats. The mi
nority nuhnUtuto , for the oatubllnh-
inont of a temporary government In
the iHlundn and tholr pormunont Indo-
pomlenco an noon tvn a stable govern-
rurnt could bo ostabllHUod , was do *
fcntecl by 1)5 ) to ICO. The dobnto dur-
Ins the day was at times of a lively
cuurnrtur. The Democrats offered a
imilUtmlo of nmonriinonta , but nil wcro
voted down , Including ono ottered by
I'attorHon ( Tonn. ) , to prohibit slavery
or Involuntary servitude In the Isl
ands. The greatest Interest attached
to an amendment offered by McCull
[ ( Hep. , Mass. ) , to the end that the bill
dceluro the policy of the United
States he to develop the capacity of
, the Filipinos for self ( 'ovorniiicnt and
jtledRlng the faith of the United
States to Riant them self government.
Ho supported the amendment In an
eloquent speech and the Domocrnts
challenged their political adversaries
to declare tholr future policy. Grosvo-
nor ( O. ) and Cooper ( WIs. ) suld It
would bo unwlnu to mortgage the tut-
Airo by making such a declaration now
cxnd the latter quoted Governor Tuft U
ns saying that such a promise now
jiwould tend to prevent the pacification
of the Islands. The amendment , was
[ lost 89 to 128. It was a strict party
( vote , except for McCall and LltUelleltl ,
{ who voted with the Democrats for the
Rule to Follow Pence.
The substitute for the noimto Phil-
ilpplno civil government bill differs
from the bill as It passed the senate
in muny minor particulars , but nrln-
clpnlly In the following :
} The house substitute provides for a
complete system of civil government ,
( with a Icglnlaturu to consist of two
JIOUBOK , ono of which shall be a popu
lar assembly elected by the Filipino
! j > ooplt\ The leglBlaturo Is to bo
chosen after the "existing Insurrection
, in the Philippines shall have ceased
nnd complete peace shall bavo boon
established tin-vein And the fact certt-
Hod to the president by the Philippine
commission. "
I The house measure also defines
rtvlth greater detail than the senate
the rights of citizenship of those re-
elding In the Islands , and provides
that' ' all residents shall receive the .
sumo protection fiom the United
States In respect to their relation
pith foreign governments as Is no
( Coidod to citizens of the United
tates. One of the most Important
differences between the house and
iVirUc bills Is that relating to coinage.
Th senate provided a silver standard
somewhat in extension and peifectlon
lof that now In oxlstonce. The house
Censure provides a gold standard
system , with the gold dollar of the
( United States ns the standard unit of
( value for the Islands. The main coin'
la to bo the pose , made In silver , but
of a gold value , and this Is to bo di
vided Into subsidiary pieces of money
lioarlng devices emblematic of Amor-
Jean sovereignty. Provision Is also
nindo for a system of paper currency
and for a complete financial system.
I. Iu dealing with the grant or fran-
chlacs , the house bill places many
more restrictions on such grants than
ttio senate bill. In this respect the
restrictions provided by the house fol
low the lines of those provided for
Porto Rico. Both bills provide for ac
quiring the friar lands and for the
Issue of bonds sufficient to pay for
tlio lands , the senate provision making
tbo interest rate Wi per cent and the
liouse 6 per cent. Both measures con
tain extended provisions relatlvo to
the timber lands , harbor and Internal
improvements , and for two delegate
commissioners chosen by the Filipino
poaplo to represent them in Washing
ton and have the privilege of the floor
pf tha houso.
I ; House Votes for Panama Route.
f Before the consideration of the
Philippine bill was resumed , the house
l > y a vote of 252 to 3 adopted the con
ference report on the Isthmian canal
1 , thus accepting In tote the scnato
The bill now goes to the presi
f Hopburn moved the adoption of the
conference report. Ho reiterated his
Btatement that ho had not changed his
opinion that the house measure was
wiser than the senate bill. He also
favored the Nicaragua route , but do-
Bplte all defects the house conferees
; were convinced that It was better to
Bo something than have no legislation
at all. The following votes were cast
In the negative : Ball ( Tex. ) , Bell
KColo. ) , Hay ( Va. ) , Jones ( Va. ) ,
Claude Kltchln ( N. C. ) , Loud ( Cal. ) ,
Neville , ( Neb. ) and Woods ( Cal. ) .
| The general committee of the differ
ent branches of the sIlU industry at
Paterson declared against u general
strike ,
Three Children Struck by Train.
Cedar Rapids , la. , June 27.lonzi
JVVells , Rosa Golgor nnd Lena G * ! fe >
children , wore struck by : i ' : : u n
Fairfax. Rosa Gclgor and Aluiu
Shells were fatally injured.
Tenth International Convention Opens
Auspiciously at Denver.
Denver Juno 27. The tenth International -
national Sunday Hchool convention
opened Its IIrat BOSDHOII nt Trinity M ,
1C. church last tlitfit. The auditorium
was decorated with American and
Drltlah Hags. The greater part of the
tlmo was deVoted to welcoming
npoechcB nnd rotipntisca , A. B. Me *
Crlllls of Providence provided In place
of President Hello Smith of Atlanta ,
who was detained nt homo by IlluonB.
S. II. Atwatnr , president of the Colorado
rado State Sunday School tonsocla-
tlou ; ox-Mayor Henry V. Johnson ,
chairman of the local committee , and
Hov. B. B. Tyler , president of the Min
isterial alliance of Denver , welcomed
the dologatus. The response was
made by Vlco President McCrlllls.
After the announcumont of the nom
inating commltto * , F. F. Bolnoy , chair
man of the Sunday School union of
London , wan Introduced. As ho stood
upon the platform the audience roao
nnd sang "Gotl Save the King , " fol
lowing It with "America. . " The com
pliment was acknowledged by Mr. Bel-
soy , who extended the greeting of his
countrymen to the convention.
Number of Deportations la Greatly
Now York , Juno 27. There has
been an increase In the number of tin
desirable emigrants coming to this
country within the last two months.
In consequence the niimbor of de
portations by the bureau of Immigra
tion nt this port has greatly Increased ,
Last year 1,101 wore deported In May
and Juno. Slnco May 1 , this year ,
the number of deportations has been
The Immigration olllclnls also have
observed that there are moro aged
persons among the Immigrants than
formerly. More than half of thosa
who arc coming hero are unable to
road nnd write.
Four Fatalities Reported as Result o
South Dakota. Storm.
YauUton , S. D. , Juno 27. Wlros arc
Btlll down In all dlroctlona , which pre
vents much authentic news regarding
the storm. The following persons arc
known to bo dead : Mrs. Frank John
son , Hudson ; Dr. Curtis , Beroaford ;
Mrs. Blurco , Volln ; Knud Rye , Irene.
The loan of property , usldo from
crops , will exceed $1,000,000.
Professor Latta Elected President.
Washington , Juno 27. The Ameri
can Association of Farmers' Institute
Workers yesterday adjourned to meet
in Toronto , Canada , In the summer of
1003. Professor W. C. Latta of Lafayette -
fayetto , Ind. , was elected president
Resolutions wore adopted endorsing
the St. Louis exposition plan for dom
onstratlon of agricultural Implements
In operation.
Features of the Day's Trading and |
Closing Quotations.
Chicago , Jiiiul0. ! . Onilii HppiMitatlon cx - <
porlcm-cd ximit'thliiK of n mivi'M * twist from
the lionr to the bull tittle todny. All mnr-
ketN stiu ted nut wen I. mill won.1 dcpiovxt-d
Into a position \\httru thy could be raided
i-iislly. The rnld cnniu uiulur the illicctlmi
of llnlite com ImlN nnd piIcestwitched /
uliout vloluntly. The tone bpeiune much
nilxpil , iilthopili the bull * wi-u > hi the um
jorlty. At tlio clone July whunt was % <
lower , September \\hcat 'JiliVie ' higher , July
corn Vic up , Soptmnlier corn Tdc higher and
July o tn lMu ! lituHcr. I'rovlnlnns closed >
unt-hiiiiKi-d , to 7V4c hlKhor. Cloning prlcei
Whciit-July. 7I
Corn-July , ( IS'Sic ; Sep't. , OOUc ; Drc.i
Gain-July. : > jc : Sopt. , ) vc : PPC. ,
Tork-July , $18.iO ; : 8opt.v * 18.M.
I.nril-Julv , $ U.n7H : Sept. , flO.GO.
llllis-July. 110.75 : Sept. , $10,110.
ClilciiKO Cash Prlco * No. 2 rtsl whftat
7l i4ir80o ( : No. 3 rod whmt. 77VjH 711c ; No
3 uprliiK whrRt , 74VMf70V4c ; NoT U hari
whpnt. 74H4l7rt % ; No , 3 hard wheat. 74i (
70o : No. 'J catih corn , Q7tttt8lici No.
yellow corn , 07 ® l8',4c : No. 3 yellow corn ,
l\lf Mr. J cumli nnln MrNn 1 urhlt * ts.
52c ; No. 3 white outs , 82 >
Chicago Live Stock.
Chlcngo , June 'JO. CnUla-Kecelpts , 0,500 ,
Inchulliij l.'W ) Toiuuij prlmv bocvec
steady , all other * lowar ; good to prime
stem , (7.00 8.40 ; poor to muJlum , Ji-Tr > a
7.BO ; atockurn and ffsdcrs , $ j WVgn.M ;
cows , Jl.-KXiTO.OO ; belters. J2.MJH3.50 : lo -
ners , $ t.40 2.80 ; bulls. | 2.25-,73 ; ts ,
$2.tXXao.0 ; Texoa fed stuors , J4.OOilT.00.
noRs Itccelpts today , 33,000 ; tomorrow ,
25,0Xj ) left over , 7,000 ; alow , 10515c low
er than early Wndncnduy ; mli d and
hatchcfK. $7.237.70 ; good to chalco heavy ,
$7.70-27.83 ; roiiRU heavy , $7.307.CO ; light ,
$7.23jJ7.4R ( ; bulk of tales , 17.35187.70 *
Slicpp-llerelptu ; 12,000 ; atfady ; Umbs
cholc * tt aily ; rood to choice wctheri , $3.73
$4.23 ; fair to choice mixed , $3.5024.00 ;
wettern ( iheep , fJ.75a-l.00 ; native lambs \ ,
$4.00 < 3t.50. )
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kansas City , June 20. Cattle Receipt * ,
0,000 ; uatlvo steers Blow , steady to lOc
lower , other cattle shade hltfher ; choice
beef steam. $7.35dtS.23 ; fair to Rood , $3.00
( 7.30 ; stackers and feeders , $2.70 3.60 ;
western fed steera. $ S.OO14.30 ; .Texas and
Indluu strer , $2.MXOO.OO ; Texas cows , $2.23
(33.00 ( ; native cows , $2.00QU3 ; native heif
ers , $3.0033.73 ; caunem. $ l.fSO3.00 ; bulU ,
$2.003 .73 ; calves , $3.23 < it8,23. Hoe -Re-
celptt. 7,480 ; 5c lower ; pigs 310c lower ;
top , $7.BA ; bulk of sales , $7.00 7.731 heavy ,
$7.65417.83 : mixed packers , $7.X > C7.G3 ;
light , $7.23(37.07 ( % ; pigs. JO.T.VaT.U.I. Shorp
lUctlpts. 4,450 ; ISffiiJOa lower ; lambs 23
33c lower ! unttv * lambs , $4.WX2030 ; vr 8t
eru lambs , $4.5O D.70 ; natlva wtbers , $4.73
Q4.00 , wcstarn wethers$3.00 4.70. "
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha , June 2fl. Cattle Receipts ,
2.000 ; active , strong ; native steers" $5.00(8' (
8.00 ; cows nud holers , $ ,1.0OC&.90ieitpru
steer * , $4.r > 0 < C > .SO ; Texan steers , ? 4.4OJi
0.40 ; cauners , $1.50 2.75 ; stackers and
feeders , $3.6Xg4.75 : calvus , $3.00(00.00 ( ,
bulls , stars , etc. , $2.5020.25. Hogs-lie
celpts. 10.100 : 6c lower ; hsavy , $7.BO7.05 ;
mlxfd. $7.43 7.CO ; light , 7.8X37.30 ( ; plei ,
$0.00 7.23 ; bulk of sales , $7.4&3T.GO ,
Hhuep-ltecelptfi , 3,000 ; I&fll5c loner ; fed
muttons , 3.0O713W ; westerns , $2.7C@3.23
ewfs , $2.30Q3.X ( ; ) ; common and stackers
$2.COQ3.50 ; lambs , $4.60/flO.Ki.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph , June 20.-Cattle-R c lpts , 1 ,
100 ; steady ; nutlres , J4.SMiS.00 ; co\\ * and
b lcr * , $1.7& < a .CO ; veaU , $3.U > Ud.OO ; stock-
rx and feeders , $2.0 < V Hogs-It-
eilpts , 0,000 ; light and light tnlxsd , { 7.43'il
7.00 ; medium and U avy , J7.5Q7.SO ; pigs ,
An t ncriMi iinl ICInif of
Writing of I'rlnco Albert In nn urtlolo
In the Century on "Tho Royal Family
of I-'iiKliuid , " Professor Oscnr Hrowiv
Ing HiiyH !
From the first the prlnco Identified
liliiiKclf with the queen In all bur la-
born , They had ono mind nnd one
Boiil. Rlolng every niornlng With the
dawn , tlio prlnco wont Into hli work
room , whore tholr two tubleu Htood
Bldo by Hide , nnd rwul nil tholr corre-
epondcneo , arranging overytlilng for
tlio qucon'B coiivcnlcncc when she
NhoutU nrrlvo. ' ! ! know nil her
thoughtH and nsRlHtctl nil her notions ,
yet so adroit and self HiicrKlclng wna
i conduct that all the merit and pop
ularity came to her. The people had
no Idea that he Interfered with public
affairs , yet hull they rellcutcd they
must have known that It WUH Inovlta-
bio. Once 'during the Crimean war ,
wlicn the notion got abroad that the
prince had Intervened , there were tales
of treason and of Homllng lilui to the
tower. I'et on tlio day of the prince's
death , on that cold , Icebound Saturday ,
Charles Ktngsley saltl to the present
writer , "Ho 'was Ulnjj ot England f6r
twenty years , and lib ono knevr. It. "
UrnRRlnU' Coiorad Dottlca.
Those huge glass bulbs of red and
yellow nnd blue water which are called
ehow bottles nro gradually ceasing to
be a feature- the decoration of drug
gists' windows. In the past they were
ak necessary to every drugstore us a
rod and white pole U to n barber shop ,
but they hnvo not , as the pole has , a
well defined history. All that druggists
know of them Is that they have been
always used ns window ornaments.
The brilliant liquids that they contain
arc made cheaply anil plainly of chem
icals nud water. Thus a Bolutlon of
copper and ammonia makes blue. Bi
chromate ( if potash makes orange. Ani
line dyes have of Into been used In the
chemicals' place , but the liquids fade
In a strong sunlight and have frequent
ly to be renewed. The liquids colored
chemically , on the other hand , lust well
nigh forever. Philadelphia Record.
lie Ilnn.
Sol Smith RiiHsell had three young
nieces living In the west , of whom ho
was very fond. On one occasion , so
the story goes , ho took the youngest of
them for a walk and bought her some
candy on the agreement that It was
not to be eaten until they reached her
home. They started , but before they
had gene far the little girl proposed ,
"Let's wunl" Her uncle declined , nnd
there was long pleading , all to no pur
pose. Finally the little girl stopped ,
knelt down on the pavement and of
fered up the petition , "Dod , please
make Uncle Sol wun. "
"It was simply n question of my los
ing my dignity or her losing her faith
In God , " nald Mr. Russell In .relating
the incident , "so we ran as fast as we
could for home. "
A Narrow
"BIngle tells me that ho bad two
horses killed under him In one of the
battles of the last war. "
"That's right. A railway car ho was
riding In backed Into them. " Cleve
land Plain Dealer.
Ilulort Conrtconn.
"Hair's getting a bit gray , sir , " re
marked the barber as the next victim
settled back In the chair.
"No wonder , " rejoined the N. V.
"Just think how long I have been wait-
> K. "
Ten Years in Bed.
R. A. Gray , J. P. , Oakvillo , Ind ,
writes , "For ton years I was conliued
to my bed with disease of my kidneys.
It was so severe that I could not move
part of the time. I consulted the very
best rnodical skill available , but could
got no relief until Foloy's Kidney Care
was recommended to mo. It has boon )
a Godsend to me. " A. II. Kiesan.
Rounds oat the hollow places ;
smooths out lines that oroop about one's
face ; woos roses back to faded checks.
That's what llocky Mountain Tea does.
A. H. Kiesavi.
During the summer kidney irregular
ities are often caused by excesSive
drinking or being overheated. Attend
to the kidneys at once by using Foloy's
Kidney Ouro. A. H. Kiosau.
Ready to Yield.
"I used DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo
for piles and found it a certain euro > , ! '
says S. B. Meredith , Willow Grove , Del.
Operations unnecessary to cure piles.
They always yield to DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Cures skin diseases , all
kinds of wounds. Accept no counter <
foils. The Kiesau Drug Go.
Saved From an Awful Fate.
" ' I had "
"Everybody'said consumption ,
writes Mrs. A. M. Shields , of Chambers-
burg , Pa. , "I was so low after six
mouths of severe sickness , caused by hay
fever and asthma , that few thought I
could get well , but I learned of tile marvelous -
velous merit of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for consumption , used it and , was
completely cured. " For desperate
throat and lung diseases it is the safest
euro in the world , and is infallible for
coughs , colds aud bronchial affections.
Guaranteed bottles 50" cents aud $1.00.
Trial bottles free at the Kiesau Drug
No good health unless the kidneys
are sound. Foloy's Kidney Ouro makes
.the kidneys right. A. II. Kiesan.
Drying preparations simply devel
op dry cntarrh ; they dry up the secretions ,
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose , causing n far moro Bcrious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry *
lug inhalants , fumes , ainokos and euuffa
and use that which cleanses , soothes aud
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in the head
ennily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo
mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell tha
60o. BZO. ! Ely Brothers , 50 Warren St. , N.Y ,
The Balm cures without pain , does no
irritate or causa sneezing. It spreads itsel
over an irritated nnd ntigry eurface , roller
ing immediately the painful Inflammation
With Ely's ( jroam Balm you nro annod
against Nasal Catarib. aud nay Fercr.
I Whooping Cough.
little son had uu attack of whoop
ing cough and wan threatened with
pneumonia ; but for Olmuiborlntii's
Cough Uuuiody wo would hayo hua n
serious time of it. It also saved him
from Bovoral severe attacks of croup.
H. .T Striokfiulou , editor Wofld-llornld ,
Fair llnvoa , Wash , For saio by Kiosau
Drug Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Spring Fevor.
Spring fever Is another name for bll-
It is moro Korloas than most
people think. A torpid liver and hi *
native bowels uieau a poisoned system.
If neglected , serious Illness may 'follow
Ruoh aymnfoius. Do Witt's Little Early
Rlsora remove all danger by stimulat
ing the liver , opening tha bowels aud
oloaiiBiug 'tho system of impurities.
Safe pills. Never gripo.II ( hayo taken
DoWltt'u Little Early Riaors for torpid
liver every spring for years , " writes R.
M. Evorly , MoutidBvillo , W. Vo.
"Thoy do mo moro good than anything
I have ever tried. " The Kiosau Drug
On the first indication of kidney
trouble , atop it by taking Foloy'a Kid-
lioyOuro. A. II. Kiesau.
Read It in His 'Newspaper.
George Holmuli , a well known Ger
man citizen of Now Lebanon , Ohio , is a
constant reader of the Dayton Volkszoit-
uug. He knows that this paper aims to
advertise only the host in its columns ,
and when he saw Chamberlain's Pain
Balm advertised therein for lame back ,
ho did not hesitate in buying a bottle of
it for his wife , who for eight weeks had
suffered with the most terrible pains in
her baak aud could got no relief. Ho
says : "After using the Pain Balm for a
few days my wtto said to mo , 'I feel ns
though born auow , ' nud before using the
entire contents of the bottle the unbear
able pains had entirely vanished and she
could again take up her household
duties. " Ho is very thankful nud hopes
that all suil'oriug li Ice wise will hoar of
her wonder Jul recovery. This valuable
liniment is for sale by Kiesau Drug
Go. . . . . . . . i . . .I .
Interesting to Asthma Sufferers.
Daniel Baute of Ottorvillo , Iowa ,
writes , "I have had asthma for three
or four years nud have tried about all
the cough and asthma euros in the
market and have rccolvod treatment
from physicians in Now York and other
cities , but got very little benefit until I
tried Foloy's Houoy aud Tar which gave
mo immediate relief nnd I will never be
without it in my house , I sincerely
recommend it to all. A. H. Kiosau.
For biliousness use Ohamborlaiu's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. They
cleanse the stomach and regulate the
liver and bowels , effecting a quick aud
permanent euro. For sale by Kiesan
Drug Go. ,
Ohrouio bronchial troubles and sum
mer coughs cau be quickly relieved nud
cured by Foloy's Honey nud Tar. A. H.
Virulent Cancer Cured.
Startling proof of a wonderful ad
vance in medicine is given by Druggist
G. W. Roberts of Elizabeth , W. Va. An
old mnu there had long suffered with
what good doctors pronounced incurable
oaucor. They believed his case hopeless
till ho used Electric Bitters aud applied
Bucklou's Arnica Salve , which treat
ment completely cured him. When
Electric Bitters are used to expel bilious ,
kidney aud microbe poisons at the same
time this salve exerts its matchless heal
ing power , blood diseases , skin eruptions ,
uioois nnd sores vanish. Bitters 50 cents ,
nl > o 25 cents ut the Kiesau Drug Go.
Leads Them All.
"One minute Cough Cure boats all
other medicines I ever tried for coughs ,
colds , croup and throat and lung
troubles , " says D. Scott Ourriu of
Logantou , Pa. One minute Cough Ouro
is the only absolutely safe cough remedy
which acts immediately. Mothers every
where testify to the good it has douo
their little oues. Group is so sudden in
its attacks that the doctor often arrives
too lato. It yields at once to Ono Miu-
n8 _ POUB.Cure. ' . _ Pleasant to take ,
Children "like it. Sure euro for grip ,
bronchitis , coughs. The Kiosau Drug
A Good Thing.
German Syrup is the special prescrip
tion of Dr. A. Boschoe , a celebrated
Gormou physician , aud is acknowledged
to bo one of the most fortunate discov
eries hi-medicine. It quickly euros
coughs , colds aud all lung troubles of
the severest nature , removing , as it does ,
the cause of the offection and leaving
the parts in a strong and healthy con
dition. It is uot nn experimental medi
cine , but has stood the test for years ,
giving satisfaction in every case , which
its rapidly increasing sale every season
confirms. Two million bottles sold an
nually. Bosoheo's German Syrup was
introduced in the United States in 1868 ,
aud is now sold in every town and vil
lage in thooivilizod world. Three doses
will relieve any ordinary oongh. Price
175 cents. Got Green's special almanao.
| A. H. Kiesan.
Filthy Temples In India.
Sacred cows often dofllo Indian tem
ples , but worse yet is a body that's pol i-
luted by constipation , Don't ' permit it.
Oleanso your system with Dr. King's
New Llfo Pills and avoid untold misery.
They give lively livers , active bowels ,
good digestion , fine appetite. Only 25
cents at the Kiesau Drug Go.
If you have kidney or bladder tronblo
and do not use Foley's Kidney Cure ,
you will have only yourself to blame
for results , as it positively cures all
forms of kidney and bladder diseases.
A. H. Kiesau.
Happy Time In Old Town.
"We felt ' very happy , " writes R. N.
Bovill , Old'Town , Va. , "when Buok-
leu's Arnica Salve wholly cured our
daughter of a bad case of scald head. It
delights all who nso it for outs , corns ,
burns , bruises , boils , ulcers , eruptions.
Infallible for piles. Only 25 cents
the Kicsau Drug Go.
Was Wasting Away.
The following letter from Robert R.
Watts , of Salem , Mo. , is instructive .
"I have been troubled with kidney issh
case for the last five years , I lost flesh
nud never felt well and doctored with
leading physicians and tried all ne
dies suggested without relief , lly
I tried Foley's Kidney Garo nud less
than two bottles completely cured me
and I am now sound and well. " A. H.
The treatment of Catarrh with antiseptic and
astringent washes , lotions , salves , medicated tobacco
nnd cigarettes or any external or local application , is
just as senseless as would be kindling a lire on top of
the pot to make it boil. True , these give temporary
relief , but the cavities and passages of the head and the
bronchial tubes soon fill up again with mucus.
Taking cold is the first step towards Catarrh , for It
checks perspiration , and the poisonous acids and
vapors which should pass off through the skin , are
thrown back upon the. mucous membrane or inner skin ,
producing- inflammation and excessive flow of mucus ,
much of which is absorbed into the blood , and through the circulation
reaches every part of the system , involving the Stomach , Kidneys and other
parts of the body. the disease assumes the dry form , the breath
becomes exceedingly folil , blinding headaches arc frequent , the eyes red ,
hearingaflec'tcd and a constant ringing in the ears. No remedy that doca
not reach the polluted blood can cure Catarrh. S. S. S. expels from the
circulation all offensive matter , and when rich , pure
blood is again coursing through the body the
mucous membranes become healthy add the skin
active , all the disagreeable , painful symptoms disap
pear , and a permanent , thorough cure iseffected. .
S. S. S. being- strictly vegetable blood purifier does not derange the
Stomach and digestion , but the appetite and general health rapidly improve
under its tonic effects. Write us about your case and get the best medical
advice free. Book on blood and skin diseases sent on application. J
Of wnat does a bad taste in your
mouth remind you ? It indicates that
your stomach is in bud condition and
will remind you that there is nothing , so
good for such a disorder as Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets alter
having once used them. They cloauso
and invigorate the stomach and regu
late the bowels. For sale at 23 cents
per box by Kiesau Drug Co.
A Real Friend.
"I suffered from dyspepsia aud indi
gestion for flfteon years , " says W. T.
Stnrdevaut of Morrv Oaks , N.O. "After
I had tried many doctors and medicines
to no avail ouo of my friends persuaded
ni'o to try Kodol. It gave immediate re
lief. I cau oat almost anything I want
now and my digestion is good. I cheer
fully recommend Kodol. " Don't try to
cure stomach trouble by dieting. That
only further weakens the system. You
need wholesome , strengthening food.
Kodol enables you to assimilate what
you eat by digesting it without the
stomach's aid. The Kiesau Drug Co.
Whence comes this mighty , far reach
ing power that enables Rocky Mountain
Tea to make such wonderful cures ?
Try it and see. A. H. Kiesau.
- tt
Good Advice.
The most miserable beings in the
world are those suffering from dyspepsia
and liver complaint. More than seventy-
five per cent of the people in the United
States are nfilictod with these two dis
eases and their effects : such as sour
stomach , sick headache , habitual costiveness -
tiveness , palpitation of the heart , heart
burn , water-brash , gnawing and burn
ing pains at the pit of the stomach ,
yellow skin , coated tongue and disagree
able taste in the mouth , coming up of
food after eating , low spirits , etc. Go
to your druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower for 75 cents. Two
doses will relieve yon. " Try it. Get
Greou's special almanao. A. H. Kiesau.
It's the well spring of Joy. The cen
ter around which happy home life cen
ters. Rocky Mountain Tea. That
great family remedy that makes home
happy. A. H. Kiesau.
How to Avoid Trouble ,
Now is the time to provide yourself
and family with a bottle of Chamber
lain's Oolio , Cholera aud Diarrhoea
Remedy. It is almost certain to bo
needed before the summer is over , aud
if procured now may save you a trip to
town in the night or iu your busiest
season. It is everywhere admitted to
be the most successful medicine iu use
for bowel complaints , both for children
nud adults. No family cau afford to be
without it. For sale by Kiesau Drug
Go. _
starting in the feet or ankles
comes from a weak or diseased
heart a heart that cannot keep
up the circulation. The blood
then settles in the lower limbs
where the watery portions ooze
out into surrounding tissues
causing bloat and swelling.
The heart must be strengthened
and built up before the dropsy
can be cured to stay ; and the
best of all heart medicines is
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
"I had palpitation , shortness
of breath , pain in heart , swelling
of feet aim ankles , hungry spells
and was contlncd to my bed and
easy chair. A few bottles of Dr.
Miles' Heart Cure made mo well , "
Mns. C. OsBOiwii , Clyde , O.
D * . Mlei'
gives new strength to the heart ,
regulates the circulation , stimulates
lates the digestion and restores
health. Sold by druggists 29m
a guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. . Elkhart , Ind.
Al 1I drug stort * . 35 Don * 3Sc.
It. nil ha etages there
should be cleanliness.
Ely's Cream Balm
cloin-cs , tootbea and heals
iho dcecased mcmbrnho.
It ciin 9 cntarih and drives
auy a coM la tbe bead
Crcnra Balm la placed Into the nostrils , Bpre&dt
over the membrane and Is absorbed. Itcllof I * Im
mediate and a euro follows. It IB not drying does
not produce sneezing. Largo Size , SO cents at Drug-
Ijlets or by mall ; Trial Size , 10 cents by mall.
ELY BKOTUEU3.00 Warren Street , New Y rk.
Take the genuine , original
Mndc only by Alndlson Medi
cine Co. , Mailuon , WIs. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on cnch package.
Price , 35 cents. Nevrr * oW
In bulk. Accept no jubstl *
tute Ask \our druggist.
produces the above results In 30 days. It act * .
powerfully and quickly. Curca when all others fill.
VounRtnenlllregaln tbcir lost manhood , and old
men 'nlll recover tbclr youthful vigor by using
IlEVIVO. It quickly andBuroly restores Nerron *
ness , Lost Vitality , Impotoncy. Nightly Emissions.
test Power , Falling Memory , Wftotlne Dlscasoa.and
all effects ol sclf-abuBO or cxceEsand indiscretion ,
which unfits ono for study , business or marriage. II
not only cures by Btirting at the peat of disease , but
la a Brest norvc tonic and blood builder , bring *
Ing back the plnlr. glow to pale checks and re
storing the flro of youth. It wards off Ineanltj
ftnd Consumption. Insist on hiving KEVIVO , na
other. It can bo curried la vest pocket. By malt
81.00 per package or six for 96.00 , with * pott
tlvo Tv-rUton pnarantao to cure or refund
the monev. BOOK nuct advlso free. Address
For sale in Norfolk , Nebraska , by
Goo. B. Obristoph , druggist.
are the most fatal of all dis
iULCI o 6uaranteid Rinedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles *
PRICE SOc. and $1.00.
" You I
Cannot I
a Man |
Upa i :
Tree. " : :
| \ You cannot drive purchasers ; ; '
; \ to any particular store. You ; ;
; can win them by convincing ; j
' '
; ; arguments. >
i A convincing argument attractively - ' , !
' '
. tractively displayed in the ad1 1 \
; : vertising columns of this paper *
; ; will reach the eyes of hundreds
; of buyers in this community.