The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 27, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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In n. eatl fled ono. That IB
wlmt wo want yon to bo. Wo
niin to nmko every sale nrtvor-
tiso us , nml give tlio best
goods for the least money.
We Strive to
Please the Public ,
nnd whether a largo sale or
eimply n small repair job.eaoh
rt-ctfives oar beet effort. All
work loft for repairs promptly
and carefully attended to.
G. F. W. MftRQUflRDT ,
Dr. Marquardt ,
Eyes Exiraincd.
Glasses Filled ,
Correct Fit
Sco tlio oldest inlmbititit. Ho linn nhvnyu
paid K ut , nn.i nuw bus no Homo. He io couu *
soling his i > nu to tuko IIIB S tviugB and make a
11 ret payment on a home , nnd tiny the balance
by making a Joan from the Elkhoru liullrting
and Savings ABB iclation. Their plan IB easily
/ T. E. ODIORNE , Secretary.
There are people in the
world who ore afraid to
patronize a high grade
store , because they infer
that prices are higher than
in stores which are oper
ated on the hit and miss
plan sometimes satisfac
tion , more often disap
pointment. Norfolk people
ple are becoming educat
ed out of this way of
thinking. Parish's policy
of selling the highest
grarie of goods is having
a good effect , aud the
quality of groceries used
is steadily improving People
ple have come to know
that it's money saving to
buy goods where an ab
solute guaranty goes with
every purchase.
THE SELECTION of a piano is a
very important transaction. It is the
selection of a home companion for life.
If it is good and responsive it means
harmony and happiness. If poor it
means constant discord.
AS IN LIFE , there are affinities ,
some people attracting while others re
pel , EO with pianos. In certain pianos
there is a sympathetic toneaction qual
ity that is charming. Yon are aware of
the fascination every time the keys are
pressed. Yon may not be able to ex
plain it , but yon know it.
Ohickering piano. Everybody does.
They possess a power , richness and del
icacy of tone and action that is simply
"WE LIKE TO SELL these pianos be
cause we can honestly recommend them
to our best friends , not only believing ,
but because we know there is nothing
better made , they always give entire
satisfaction , we have been selling them
for 10 years aud the first one sold is as
good today as the day we delivered it.
"WE WANT YOU to become ac
quainted with these beautiful instru
ments. It is like meeting good people.
It makes yon better , exalts your ideals
of life and its possibilities. Should yon
become the owner of one , yon will enjoy
it and some day tliank us that we led
yon to it. Many customers about to buy
cheap grade pianos from competitors at
fictitious prices have saved from $100 to
| 250 consulting with us , why not yon ?
A party of young folks from South
Norfolk thoroughly enjoyed a picnic at
Taft's grove yesterday afternoon.
A jolly crowd of friends assisted Dr.
and Mm. Wm. Kiesau . .observe their
first or cotton wedding anniversary
' last evening at their homo on South
Eighth street. The evening was passed
j most on joy ably , with delightful mnslo
ns ono of the pleasures. A piano solo
by little lluobou , son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. II. KloBiiu , was especially enjoyed.
A week from today is the Fourth of
July and arrangements for Norfolk's '
monster celebration are going steadily
forward with the indication that such
celebration will bo far beyond anything
heretofore attempted in this part of the
state. Those who have not yet decided
to come to Norfolk should not delay in
making arrangements to spend the day
in this city.
Judge F. D. Foles of Ponca , who has
been appointed by Hon. J. J. McCarthy
as chairman of the congressional central
committee , is in the city and will make
Norfolk hia headquarters during the
campaign. W. W. Cooper has been ap
pointed deputy county Judge of Dixou
county aud will look after the business
of that otlico while Judge Fales is at
tending to the business of the campaign.
Another of those showers , this time
of 10-100 of an inch , fell this morning ,
with promise of more before another
24 hours. The o showers are quite the
regular thing and are not unwdcomo
to most people. They interfere
somewhat with the cultivation of crops ,
ball games and picnics , but these things
will bo given a chance when the showers
cease , as they are almost certain to do
in Nebraska during the coming two
Chief of Police Martin Kauo wa3 in
Stauton yesterday attending the pre
liminary hearing of the Carson gang ,
charged with having burglarized the
htoro of the Scott Mercantile company
at that place something more- than a
week ago. The prisoners have secured
p services of W. W. Young in their
defense and are making n hard fight.
They were about half through with the
preliminary hearing when Mr. Kane
left and he is of the opinion that at least
two of the prisoners will bo bound over
to district court for trial.
Two young Oakdalo boys wrote an
unsigned letter to 0 H. Torpin of the
Torpin Grain company , demanding
that he bury a $50 roll in a designated
place and threatening , on his failure to
comply with the demand , to kidnap his
child and "end your life with a bullet. "
A dummy package was placed as di
rected and a watch set , with the re
sult that the two boyn , one aged 17 and
the other 14 , were caught and are now
under arrest with the probability that
they will be sent to the reform school.
Both are sons of respectable parents
but have long been beyond parental
The citv improvement committee ,
having in charge the awarding of prizes
for fine lawns , flower and vegetable
gardens have not yet been able to make
their first examination of premises on
accountof the weather and other causes
that have interfered with their making
a tour of the city. They fjfad that thay
will have a considerable task on hand
to .make the necessary visitation and
have decided to request the property
owners to assist them. They will ac
cordingly leave at this oflice a book in
which will be registered the names of
those desiring to compete for any of the
prizes. Names should be brought or
sent in before the Fourth of July , after
which the committee will visit the prop
erty of those who have registered their
names. Anyone having a lawn , flower
or vegetable garden deserving a prize
should therefore see to it that their
names are registered at this office be
fore next Friday. The committee has
arranged for a display of the prizes in
the windows of the various merchants
making the contributions.
HAY FOB SALE 15 tons timothy and
clover , nicely cured. Market price.
Dr. Mackay.
Dr. H. O. Mnnson , room 10 , over the
Fair store. Telephone 160.
Strawberries at Schorregge's.
Back to the woods with other goods.
Drink Plantation. Tne Fair store.
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
01 the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. to-
lay :
Maximum t emperat ure . 70
Minimum temperature . 54
Average . 62
ereoipitation . 18
Total precipitation for month . 5 42
Barometer . 29.CG
Forecast for Nebraska : Showers
and possibly thunder storms tonight
and Saturday.
have a bouse and five acres to
rent for | 8 per month.
Dr. H. O. Mnnson , room 16 , over the
Fair store. Telephone 150.
Kauffmau serves lady fingers free
with every 10-cent dish of ice cream.
Spring chickens at Palace meat mar
FOR SALE 2 tracts of 16 acres each in
edge of town. GARDNER & SEILER.
FOR SALE My farm on North Thir
teenth street. For particulars inquire
at residence. ' J. W. KIDDEU ,
North Thirteenth street.
head of registered shorthorns , both
sexes. All at Norfolk Good ones too.
Forger Winn Induced Compan
ions to Sign Warrants.
President Bucholz Unsuccessful In
Locating Alleged Confederate nt
Omaha , Prisoner Making the Beater
or it Behind the Bars.
The preliminary hearing of Whin , the
forger whoso bogus school warrants
were so deceptive hud who was arrested
yesterday , will bo held tomorrow morn
ing before Judge Hayes. Meanwhile
the prisoner reads the papers , remains
silent and"'oats heartily in his cell at
the city jail.
President Uuchola returned at noon
today from Omaha , whore ho wont to
investigate the alleged Sawyer , to whom ,
the swindler claimed , the money had
boon eoiit. No Sawyer was found to
exist at the address given , however , and
the play was undoubtedly nmtlo by the
imposter with the hope thnt ho would
bo takuu to Omaha and thus have an op
portunity for escape.
A now point developed in the chain
of evidence this morning which will
probably bo useful. The place hus been
found whore the forging was done aud
three women , who were present nt the
time , have explained ho thuy , by ono
way and another , were induced to aid
the crook in his fraudulent work , not
knowing or realizing what they did.
Winn , it scorns has been in aud about
Norfolk for some weeks , and has not
boon an infrequent visitor at this resort.
A. rather handsome fellow to look upon ,
well droshod aud willing to spend what
money ho had , it was little trouble for
the crafty grafter to persuade the
jnerry dames to help him out. By
putting up a hard 'con' of having lost
valuable papers and with ruin staring
him in the face unless they could bo re
placed , the sympathetic feelings of fem
ininity were touched and the women ,
after a few hours of practice , were
ready to put any old name to the war
rants which the skilful expert filled
out before them. As they exe
cuted his orders , the follow stood
over with instructions to'Write
heavy" and to "cut out those fine lines , "
and thus the characteristics which must ,
to a greater or less extent , creep into one
individual's every letter , were elimi
nated by bringing into service three-
different hands. Even a handwriting
expert would have been up against
a proposition to give testimony in that
Last night the prisoner was searched ,
for some trace of the missing money.
Every seam was carefully overhauled
and not a copper was found until the
little watch pocket in his trousers was
reached. There , nestling close under
the folds of the cloth were $15 00 in
bills , but that was all. As to the rest ,
not a word could be gotten from him.
When confronted with the Omaha fake ,
he closed up like a clam.
Wiun has every mark of fine breeding.
His clothing is of the best and neatly
brushed , His teeth are clean and
nicely kept , his face smooth shaven and
his hair closely cropped. His langnrge ,
when ho does talk , is is of the choicest
variety and his every word is weighed
with the care of a scholar. Physically ,
ho is as fine a speciman of manhood as
ono would wish to see. He looks like a
a college athelete , with a well proportioned
tioned body , a broad chest and muscles
of steel.
100 Brood Mares Wanted.
We want to bny 100 brood mares in
ages from 3 to 8 , In weight from 1200 to
1600 pounds. Bring in your mares or
come and see ns. G. R. Seller.
FOR SALE A large house on Third
street , also two cottages at Junction.
Gentry Bros. Famous Shows United.
For almost two score years Gentry
Bros. ' famous shows have been the lead
ing trained animal exhibition of the
country , and this year finds the show
twice its former size. A double herd
of performing animals is carried , to say
nothing of a half dozen or more novel
acts which are entirely new in shows of
this character. Gentry Bros. ' exhibition
has long been patronized and endorsed
by the elite of the land and after many
engagements in this city their visit
should bo a grand success , as all former
ones have been. The date of exhibition
is announced for Tuesday , July 8 , after ,
noon and night.
Farm and city joans.
Strawberries at Schorregge's.
Death of A. J. Weber.
A. J. Weber , ono of Fullerton's boat
known citizens , died at his home ono
mile south of town Friday , June 13.
Hejwas a leading contractor and builder
injthis end of the county he was in
dustrious , honest and reliable. He has
been a sufferer many months with lym
phatic leukaemia , which It is believed
was brought on by overwork , and death
has been expected for some weeks. Mr.
Weber moved here several years ago
and has done much to build up the
town. He leaves a widow , and two
daughters , Mrs. H. McDermont and
Mrs. Wm. Dixon , to mourn the IOEB.
Ho wan 58 yearn of ngo and n prominent
j member of thd MnthodlRt church ,
I The funeral of A J. Woborwas hold
Sunday 1) ) p. m , at the Mutliodlot church ,
I being conducted by the pastor , Hov. ,1 ,
G. Gowun , The church Borvloo was
[ largely attended , after which nearly
I forty buggies and carriages , bearing
friends of the faintly , followed the
I body to Anaheim cemetery. Kullorton
I ( Oal. ) Tribune.
The host is oheauoHt. Use Plantation
coffoo. 'J'ho FatifTitoro.
Farms routed for nonresidents. Col
lections mndo. Insurance written by
Gardner & Seilnr.
In a Pretty Contest Yesterday Wnusa
Was Defeated by n Score of 2 to I.
The looalH captured the first game
from the Hctls of Wanna yesterday
afternoon in as pretty a contest OH has
boon seen hero tills season , by a nooro of
2 to 1. The day was a trifle cool , thu
crowd fnrly largo and the play es
pecially fast.
The first man up for the homo olub
made n score. It was Woods. lie drew
four balls and walked. A passed ball
moved him to second , a sacrifice by
Johnson put htm up another notch nud
a safe hit by Davy completed the run.
In the w.\t WilkniH got around and
finished the scoring. The first two
men at bat How out. Then Joe nindo
first on an error , took second on another
was pushed to third by four ballH and
crossed the rubber just before the third
man struck out.
The visitors mndo their only tally In
the second when Stevens wontfono sack
on Agan't ) error , drew another on
Hauler's hit and wont homo on the
strength of Roger's liner.
Rogers did good woik in the box for
the visitors , striking out nine men , and
Holding them down to four hits. Ho
allowed three men to walk , however.
Galaska throw a very much improved
Jail and pitched an admirably steady
game all through. Ho struck out four
men , was found safely but five times and
gave not a single base on balls. Galaska
is the man who stays up for thirteen
inning games aud ho can always bo de
pended upon to keep in good form and
bo do his best all the while.
The game occupied just an hour and
twenty-three minutes , there were but
nine hits throughout and an not earned
run by either side. Two errors are
chalked up against the Wilkins' family
and five for the men in crimson.
In the sixth inning O'Brian had his
fingers badly split and was relieved by
Spanlding. In the eighth Wilklus re
ceived an ugly cut in the head from a
foul tip on the mask. *
Johnson was back at his old position
on third and made a great tear with the
fansWilkius is catching in form
again and Davy is hitting the ball.
Fred Spaulding umpired the game.
Another game is on this afternoon.
The home team will go to Columbus for
Saturday and Sunday.
A clean pot , pure cream , and Planta
tion coffee. That's the stuff. The Fair
This is the height of the season for
laces. Wo are showing all the late
styles , colors cream , ecru , linen , white ,
and black. Makes Egyptian , Arabian ,
Irish crochet , Venetian , flemish , otamine
and others. In the light weights vals ,
mechlin , thread , etc. A largo line of
lace and etamine collars. Wo carry a
full line of dress trimmings , appliques
in black , white and pastel shades. A
large line of fancy guimpes and braids
just in , all sizes in pearl buttons , from
the smallest size trimming button up tea
a half dollar with shanks and rever
sible backs for waist sets.
South Sixteenth street ,
Omaha , Neb.
Sturgeon is the mono man.
We have twelve lots at Junction , be
tween First and Fourth streets. Sell
at a bargain if sold at once.
Dr. H. 0. Mnnson , room 10 , over the
Fair store. Telephone 150.
Finest kind of ice cream for picnics
and parties a specialty , at Kauffmann's.
Prices the lowest.
A Alessenger of Peace
and comfort during the summer months
is the New Oxford Ties that we will
send homo to you. No tortured fee ;
when they are encased in these cool am
1 easy walking shoos or Oxfords. Wo are
1 showing a superb stock of ladies' , chil
dren's and men's summer shoes at mod
erato prices.
The Palace Shoe Store
Tents , Awnings ,
Lawn and
Porch Chairs.
We still sell Herrick Refrigerators.
While you have a Complete Stock
to select from ?
Now IH your ohiiuro to get wlmt WILL 1'LKASK YOU ut n
UUKAT REDUCTION , as wo will plaro on mill ) our ontirn
stock ut oiio-lialf the regular Hulling prlco , commencing
nnd continued the nntlro wuelc. Coino early , tlmt you limy
have fh-Ht choice of the lot.
North Sldn Mnln St. lot.MISS
Opposite Old Stand \ MISS E. J. BENDER
Wo will furnish the bean pots if you will do the
'rest. Wo also have the covered earthen kettles for
baked moat , scalloped potatoes , etc.
< 5 > < 5 > < $ $ $ > 3 S > < Sxi > ' < 4S > 'i > <
Late buyers will find at our
store as many styles in as great
variety of trimmings as were
shown earlier in the season.
Mate , Loans
FOR BENT Five-room houeo In good order
with ( mall barn.
FOB BALE Two story and wing 7-room
LOOM , lot 60 by 176 feet , largo barn , good well ,
IOC-barrel cistern , ben bouse , good cellar. In
one of the beet blocks in tbe city. $700.00.
FOR SALE Fine corner lot on Norfolk ave
nue , M by 17i feet.
Come and see me. Let us talk , I haTO two
good inimance companies , Palatine of London
and American Central of Bt. Louie , and will bo
glad to insnreyou from fire or tornado.
J. E. BIUP80N ,
OHlce at Hardy' * Coal Office.
. . .THIS. . .
iinf ; iinl Loan
will build you a
on easy payments. Come and see us.
C. B. DURLAND , Secretary ,
The Flour of the Family.
For all-around family use it has no
equal. The Bon Ton and Sunshiea
brands are the highest standard of ex
cellence. Most economical on the mar
ket and of .uniform quality , they have
secured a hold on popular favor accord
ed to none other. Our Hour is the best
by every test. Makes bread that is at
once wholesome , toothsome and deli
Sugar GityGePealflills. "
Piano Movlngfa Specialty.
Phone 68. OallsJPromptly ] Answered.