THE NORFOLK wEEELT NORFOLK , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY , JUiNti 27. 1902. -ojiiation Wcclc Royal Patient is Able to Smoke and Takes Food. DOCTORS NOW MORE HOPEFUL .Condition of King Is Declared Even More Satisfactory Than the Bul letins Indicate Services of Inter- I , cession Held In All Churches. .London , Juno 27. Those around ( King Edward continue to bo aston - Ishcd at his rapid recovery. The slightly annoying symptoms men tioned In the bulletin Issued at 11 o'clock last night are quite Inconsequential quential compared to the fact , which the Associated Press has learned , that his majesty again took food last night and was afterwards allowed to smoke a cigar. Queen Alexandra sat with her husband all the evening and only left him after ho had fallen Into peace ful sleep. The following bulletin was posted at Buckingham palace at 11 o'clock last night : "Tho king has passed a fairly com fortable day and has maintained his strength. Ther.0 is a returning de sire for food , which has been very carefully given. There has been some return of pain in the wound. " Mention by the king's doctors of the care with which food Is admin istered to the royal patient and of the return of pain in the wound can safely bo taken as an earnest of their con scientious intention to make public the slightest adverse symptoms , how ever unimportant. The king's courage and good tem per are remarkable and yesterday ho personally wrote several telegrams and one or two notes. Looks After State Affairs. As evidence of the ; king's persistent refusal to efface himself from his con nection with state affairs , and in corroboration - roboration of the statement that the physicians are satisfied with their patient's condition , the Associated Press loams that besides personally opening telegrams Wednesday evenIng - Ing , King Edward then insisted upon a full inspection of the honor list. There was one appointment of considerable importance which had not boon defi nitely decided at that tirade. The king approved this nomination and gave the final order to the department In terested , thus saving one of the recip ients of honors from severe disap pointment. King Edward is better In every way I' ' than ho was yesterday. The return of pain in his wound Is not accompanied by any appreciable increase of tem perature. In fact , King Edward's doctors are Inclined to regard the pa- tlont's pain and his appetite as healthy symptoms , although with the reserve they have maintained throughout they refrain from commenting thereon. Following the expressed desire of the Prince of Wales , the arrangements for illuminating the city , which in volved the costly erection of set pieces for electric and gas lights , will he allowed to remain and will be util ized "immediately , it is authoritatively announced , the king is out of danger. " By the king's personal desire the royal pardons of offenders In the army will go into effect Just as If the coronation nation had occurred. The last intima tion suitably brought to a close the day which was to have been notable In English history and which , from the view point of the public , has passed In that mediocrity which la attached to all things that are neither .wholly good nor wholly bad. The most striking feature of coronation nation day , as It is still called , was the universal substitution of services of intercession for those of rejoicing. .These . services occurred throughout the country and on board the great fleet that lies unrevlewed in Ports mouth harbor. Yet even these lacked patheUte and dramatic element. In the face of the favorable bulletins , tears and litanies are obviously out of place. Coronation May Be Quiet. With the favorable progress of the king there is mucji discussion as to how the coronation will be effected. While nothing has In any way been definitely settled , It appears that King Edward Is likely to celebrate this event very quietly and with merely the ceremony that attends the opening of parliament. This consists of a drlvo direct to Westminster abbey , ac companied by a small consort , and a speedy return to Buckingham palace , and it is rumored that no foreign princes or envoys will be specially In- ylted for the occasion. Providing King Edward malntans his present rate of Improvement , London - don will soon bo emptied of Us holiday crowd and 'tho proposed coronation .will be looked forward to as an occa sion for sedate thanksgiving , bereft of pageantry. CASTRO'S FORCES MEET DEFEAT. .Venezuelan Revolutionists Are Again Victorious. Port of Spain , June 27. The Vene zuelan government forces have been defeated again near Urlca , In the state of Cumanla , by the rear guard of Gen eral Mates * revolutionary army. Dosortora and fugitives are entering Cumanla and Barcelona by the hun dreds. Among them is Oarldo , son of the war wlnlater. . The new dleaator complicates General Castro's position In Barcelona , the headquarters of ProBltlCastro's largest army. Clem- oral I. , . ' nhlof commander. rrAt'l / 4 tft , , - Castro. who Is a biov's' ' ° r/cn/ so , ' ° ho will abandon the uu.- . / . The situation Is moro than critical. VOTE AGAINST GENERAL STRIKE. 811k Workers at Paterson Decide to Remain at Work. Patoraon , N. J. , Juno 27. At a moot ing last night , In which were delegates from all brunches of the silk Industry here , it was voted not to order a gen eral strike In sympathy with that pt the dyijra * helpers , A full considera tion whs glvon the matter and tUo vote stood : /gainst a strike , 12 ; in favor of a ptr ko , 8. The Socialist Trade and Labor alliance withdrew and did not voto. It was generally argued that thou sands out of work at this time would do no good and would not hasten the qnd of the dyers' helpers' strike. It was contended that It would be bettor for tliOko who could work to do so and contribute toward the financial sup port of those now out. It Is expected that many weavers and others that have not worked since o week ago will now return to the looms , the step having the approval of the trades unions. At a meeting earlier In the day , Strike Chairman McGrath made n bitter - tor speech against the presence In the city of the militia. Ho claimed the local police were RUfllclent to preserve order. He demanded that the soldiers bo sent home , and went so far as to attack their habits. The speech at tracted the moro attention because heretofore McGrath has been very mild In his utterances and counseled against any violence. DEMAND OF THE MACHINISTS. Includes the Discharge of Every Non union Machinist and Helper. Omaha , June 27. When the execu tive committee of the Machinists' union meets the officials of the Union Pacific Railroad company It will make the sweeping demand that cvery nonunion machinist and helper in the company's employ bo discharged and his place filled by a member of the union. The committee , which consists ol three Omaha men and seven from other towns , expects to confer with the officials tomorrow. The committee gives out the state ment that it will not modify Its orig inal demands and has no further preparation to make before confront ing the officials. It Is not probable that 'tho company will accede to the demand of the ma- chlnlsts that all nonunion employes bo discharged. It takes the position that the union shall not dictate terms to It , nor will It dictate terms to the union. Its' ' officials maintain that tha Lnion Pacific has not and is not now fighting unions. It employs union and nonunion men , but a majority ol the former , and has always boon known as a union road. Miners Applying for Work. Wllkesbarre , Pa. , June 27. The offi cials of several mine companies In this region are authority for tha statement that the men are applying to them dally for employment of any kind. Among the applicants are near ly every class of workers , including miners , and it is said that nearly all the companies have more men to draw on than they can possibly need dur ing the progress of the strike. The majority of the companies that are compelled to pump water from their mines are working their engines and machinery full handed , but some of the'men are not as capable as thosa on strike. Miners Enjoined From Meeting. Charleston , W. Va. , June 27. An In junction was Issued out of the federal court hero yesterday , on the order of Judge" B/F. Keller , on the petition of Kastner , Curran & Bullitt of Philadel phia , the selling agents of the com panies operating on the Plat Top coal field , against the minors , alleging that the coal companies are unable to fill contracts because of the Interforenca of the strikers. A motion to make tha injunction permanent was set down for hearing July 14 at Bluofiold. All the persons named and associates n'ra restrained from holding meetings , either public or private. Baseball Scores Yesterday. National League Plttaburg , 8 ; Chi cago. 1. Now York , 1 ; Philadelphia , 4. Boston , 3 ; Brooklyn , 7. American League Chicago , 2 ; Do- trlot , 3. Cleveland , 2 ; St. Louis , 5. Baltimore , 7 ; Philadelphia" 3. American Association Indianapo lis , 7-9 ; St. Paul , 6-4. Toledo , 2-10 ; Milwaukee , 4-3. Columbus , 1 ; Kansas City , 0. Louisville , 6 ; Minneapolis , 5. Western League Kansas City , 4 ; Denver , 3. St. Joseph , 0 ; Colorado Springs , 1. Peopta , 2 ; Omaha , 7. Mil- vraukee , 4-2 ; DCS Molnos , 3-G. Steel Litigation Begins. Trenton , N. J. , Juno 27. Argument In the suit of Mrs. Miriam Berger against the United States Steel cor poration to restrain the conversion of 1200,000,000 worth of preferred stock into a like amount of bonds was re sumed in the court of errors yester day. Counsel for Mrs. Bcrgor made an exhaustive argument. The British I" " . . # > llvoro- planued by f * v laln , Is : _ > ! > . , .en" ly door'vo ' tall. Harvard Crew is Beaten by Four Lengths. LATTER TAKE FOUR-OARED RACE Freshmen's Contest Proves a Dead Heat by Crew of Harvard Making a Magnificent Spurt Near End of the Course President a Spectator. Now London , Juno 27. Rowing within ten soconua of record tlrno , the Yale 'varsity crow yesterday after noon lowered the colors of the fastest eight that Harvard has yet produced. Yale won by four bout lengths. Yalo'a thn.0 was 20:20 : , Harvard's 20:33 : , In the four-oared race , the colors of Harvard were homo to the fioi.t. The Cambridge four won by two and ouo-lmlf lengths. In the froHhmcn race , Yale's crow led ovur the last mile until within a few fcot of the finish , where the Har vard ciew , by a magnificent spurt , jumped their shell up oven with the bluo. The Judges wore compelled to decide that the race wasa druw. Twcnty-flvo thousand people saw the Ell's low to victory In the big 'varsity raco. But while the crowd was great , it was the presence of President Roosevelt which made the crowd unique In the history of Yale and Harvard races. The president saw the finish of all three races from aboard the Dolphin , which was an chored Just above the finish lino. Ho declined the invitation of the regatta committee to go aboard Cornelius Vandorbllt's launch , the Mirage , pre ferring , ho said , to remain aboard the Dolphin , where he could bo with his family. The eyes of 25,000 people m.ean\vhlo ! searched yacht after yacht In the hope of a gllmpso of the presi dent. FIVE KILLED IN MINE ACCIDENT. Four Meet Death While Trying to Recover Body of Miner. Dover , N. J. , Juno 27. Five men were killed and several fatally In jured in the Richard mine , about five miles north of Dover , yesterday after noon. Four of the men killed were going with others to recover the body of a miner who lost his life in the mine on Tuesday. The first of the ac cidents occurred when John Morlch , Albert Davis and two other miners wore loading cara In a level 770 feet tilow ground. A heavy blast had been set off about two hours before , and the men had been warned not to go near the piano until the earth had a chance to settle. The warning was not heeded. A slab from a sloping pillar fell on two of the men. One was rescued badly injured. The other man was forgotten at first. Then another rescue party wont into the shaft. A few minutes later one of them , badly bruised and cut , reached the mouth of the mine. While they were trying to roach the body of the first victim of the first ac cident another body of ore had fallen from the same pillar , burying four of the men. PASS DEFICIENCY BILL. Last of Big Supply Measures Acted Upon by Senate. Washington. Juno 27. During the comparatively .brief time the senate was in session yesterday the confer ence report''on the isthmian canal bill was agreed' to and the general de ficiency bill , the last of the big supply measures , was passed. A alight pro test was made against the appropria tion of J500.000 for the Buffalo expo sition and | 160,000 for the Charleston exposition , but finally they were In cluded In the bill. The measure also carries | 45,000 for the payment of the expenses of the last Illness and death of President McKlpley , that amount Including the pay of the physicians. Hold Two Conventions. Little Rock , Ark. , June 27. Two separate Republican state conventions wore held here yesterday as the re sult of factional difficulties. One con vention nominated Charles D. Greaves of Hot Springs for governor and pro tested against "boss rule , otherwise known as Claytoniam. " The other convention , called the regular assem blage , met and nominated H. H. Myors. It received a telegram of cordial greet ing from General Powell Clayton , am- bassado'r to Mexico. Clayton's name was cheered by the regulaTs and he waB re-elected a member-at-large of the state committee. UnlrerMtr of Athena. The University of Athens Is very old. It is conducted on the German plan. Most of the professors arc graduates of German universities , and the German language IB" heard about the building more frequently than any other except Greek. The Institution 1ms n largo amount of property , and several of the chairs have been handsomely endowed by private Individuals. J The PnlnonoiiM Poppy. In Turkey if u niiin falls n- ' , > in 'ie neighborhood of n \ , add nntl , 10 wind blows from uio field toward hi u. ho l > pp"i , fn uuiTOtlj'.c'd . . . . nild dlo ' . .o coin try people. uu < . \voll IK qunln' I with the clrcun-'Mitrs , did ' . ' > : ! ( , ' him to u well oi Htriwin and ii ) > pitcher after pitcher of water on bis face and body. how much time would bo roqulrod to Bocuro a conftirunco nKfoomunt of the Philippine- civil Rovqrnnioiit bill , The agrooinunt on the canal hill und , the satisfactory Hiatus of appropriation bills IMYOS the Phlllppmo moanuro na practically the only factor lu the way of adjournment. ROAD RAILS TO BE 8PRGAD , Burlington Branch to Oakaloosa Will Be Made Brond Gauge * Burlington , la. , Juno 27. The Bur llngton and Northwentorn railway , , n narrow gnuKO line 105 inlloa . ning from Burlington to Onkaloofla , will bo changed to a standard uaugc road within ton hours. A' narrow gtnigo train will loav Burlington about 4 o'clock Sunday tnprnlug and nnqthor will at the natno lime leavp Onkaloosa. Thoao two trains will ho tljo last narrow gauge trains to run ever thp road. Each train will carry a ganj ol trackmen and laborore , who will bo dropped along the ontlro road , each gang of sixteen men being asulRiicd to four mllpa of traqk. ' Those gangs will botjlt ) shifting ono rail as noon us the narrow gauge train has passed along toward Woolson the mooting point , whore the narrow gaiiRO cars and engines will bo side tracked. loiter Sunday morning two standard gauge trains will bo utarted ever the name route taken by the narrow gauge trains. ThoBo will test the widened tracks as fast as they pick up tha working ganga as fast as they complete ploto their four mlle sections. Manager Low expects to have the gauge of the whole road chnngod by noon at the latest , and by Monday morning to open the road for traffic to the regular standard gauge engines and cars. The road to bo transformed la a branch of the Burlington system , HAHN TO BE TAKEN BACK. Prominent Ohio Politician Under In dlctmcnt In New York. Now York , June 27. The district at' tornoy of this county received a tolc gram froin Columbus , O. , Baying that Governor Nasli had signed extradition papers at the request of Governor Odell for the apprehension of William H. Hahn , former vice president of the Insolvent Manhattan Flro Insurance company , who has been indicted here for giand larceny. Hahn was foi many years a prominent figure in Ohio state politics. Ho was Republican commlttcemnn from 1892 to 189C when ho was succeeded by Senator Hanna. Ho was for a long time state Insurance commissioner of Ohio and w,3s chairman of the Republican com mlttec at the time Mr. McKliiley wai elected governor. Ho was also prosl dent of the Mansfield National bank for many years. Assistant State Sec retary Garvnn said yesterday that Hahn was vice president of the Man hattan Flro Insurance company , which went Into the hands of a receiver on May 7 , 1901. The company failed with liabilities of ever $600,000 and assets of ? 200. Just before the company failed a statement was filed with the Insurance commissioner showing the unimpaired capital stock to be $500- 000 and a surplus of liabilities over assets of $10,000. Ilahn was jointly Indicted with Dan lei C. Myers , former president of the company. Halm Is under arrest at Mansfield , 0. NORBECK MAKES CONFESSION. Detective Tells All He Knows About Police Corruption in Minneapolis. Minneapolis , June 27. Christopher C. Norbeck , whose flight in the midst of his trial for bribery and whoso re capture are matters of recent history , went before the grand Jury yesterday and made a clean breast of all he know about police corruption in this city. The most pregnant admission he made was that Mayor Ames had told him that ho was to take orders from Special Officer Irwin Gardner , now under sentence of six years in the penitentiary for bribery. Gardner , according to the evidence of "Billy" Edwards , claimed to bo authorized to handle protection money from the criminal classes. POWDER MAGAZINE EXPLODES. Located Flve Miles From Madrid , but Force Throws Open Palace Doors. Madrid , Juno 27. A gunpowder magazine at the encampment of Cara- banchel , five miles from hero , ex ploded yesterday morning. Two men weio killed and fourteen Injured. The shock was felt for miles. Scores of houses were damaged , the doors of the royal palace were thrown open by the force of the explosion and many windows were smashed. , The king , accompanied by members of hla household , Jolnod the crowd which hurried to the scene in order to ascertain the extent of the damage. Mercur Begins Rebuilding. Mercur , Utah , Juno 27. The work of rebuilding the section of the town destroyed by Wednesday's fire was begun - gun today. None of the mining property - erty was damaged. A careful esti mate places the total loss at $300,000 , with Insurance of $85,000. Fifty business houses and 120 dwellings were destroyed. Lightning Kills Two. Pierre , S. D. . June 27. The remains of Bert Walker were brought in from Grandstono , ninety rntlos out , whore he and his horse were killed by light- nlug while night hording. A son of A. Oldstrand of Sully county , near Blunt , was also killed by Hghtnluj the samo. night , . . unsmnc. L I1UOHOIPresl.lent. . I Norfolk AUCXtyNDKIt IlKAIt Vice I'nildtnt 1C , W.mJTZ , Cushlor. National Bank. OLDEST ESTABLISHED DAHKIH9 BUSINESS IH NORTHEAST NEBRASKA Capital , $ iootooo.oo Surplus , $20,000.00 - j , Does a General Banking Business. Buys and Solla Exolmnno. Interest Paid on Time Poposlta. Drafts and Mpnoy Ordora Sold on any Point In ICuropa A General Stonmahlp and ForolKti PaHnitKO Uualncim Transacted. i.lBAII ! , JT. P. IIANLON , V , J. IIALK , W. 11. HUOllOkZ , WM. ZUU H.A. UAINtlOI/r 8. H. COTTON. C. W. BRAA8QH , DUALUR IN IDC \ Ezolnslvo agent lor the dole-United Swcctwntor Rock Spring Coal the bout In the markot. Scranton Hard Uoal in all nlzca. TELEPHONE Ol. -11 IM Get What You Ask for at 0 UHLE'S GROCERY. ALL 0111)WHS are filled promptly and with care. Our goods arc FIRST-CLASS in every particular. Wo know precisely what is wanted by our custom ers. We aim to Give you the Best Value for Your Money. Sonth side Main St. , between 3d and Dd. Telephone 41. 0. A. LOIKART , PnuiniCNT. W. H. JOHNSON , UA CHA8. B. BUIDOli , VIOK I'UIHIDENT. LEO I'ABKWALK , ABB'T OABHI The Citizens National Bank. Capital , $50,000. Surplus , 85,000. Bay And soil exchange on this conntry nod nll.'pnrts of Enropn , ( Farm Loans. Director ! . OAEL ARMOR , W II. JOIINHON , CIIAH. S. Unman. 0 , W. DUAABCH , O , U , G. A LUIKAIIT , T , F liliMMINflKH. L , BUSBIONH , P. G. WALTERS JR. . . , Physician and Surgeon. Succeeds to tlio practice of Dr , F.V. . Kiotmn. Norfolk , Nebraska JR. N. J. HOAGLAND , Ostcopathic Physician. onBea both ncnto nnd chronic enrcosetallj troaloil without use of drnge or luilfo. No. F SI. Olllco nt roslclonco , 100 North 10th Street , Norfolk Nebraska g ; < j. COLE , DENTIST. Ofllco over Cltlznu's National Rank , Roaldanci one block north of Congregational church , Norfolk , Nebraska JyfJISS MARY SHELLEY Fashionable Dressmaker. Op etalrs In Cotton block , over Hanra's iton Flrit-clasi work guaranteed. Norfolk , - Nebraska J.R. ELDER , Sioux City Florist. Awarded first premium on Funeral Designs. Handsome Roses , Carnations , Palms , Ferns Flowers shipped in fresh condition. Phone466L. CUroftca : Cor. 6th and Plarco G.R.SEILER . . , Sale and Boarding Barn. Horses Bought and Sold on Commission , Braajch Avenue 'DUnMC ' and Third St. . "HUNt AGENTS WANTED. Gall at Singer Sowing Machine office. Commission or salary paid to the right man. W. II. WHITE , Mnuapor , Norfolk , Nobr. T. WILLE , CITY SCAVENGER , Wiitor clnsots nnd cesspools cloanod. Leave orderu nt llranscli'H coal olllco. TELEPHONE LOI. For Planling , Steam Fitting , Pomps , Tuh And all work In this Una call on STITT & WHITE. Bbtlifactlon Guaranteed. First door Wont of Ahlman'a Bicycle Shop. Leave ordars at Telephone B131. gESSIONS & BELL , Undertakorsmnd Embalmers , Sessions Blk. , Norfolk Ave. Norfolk , - - . Nebraska Wide Awake. . . B , BUBHJiOLX X CO , All Kinds of Gents' Furnishings = = - . . . .Strictly Up-to-Date. PRICES RIGHT. GIVE US A CALL THE NORTH-WESTERN LINE p. B. & Ifl. V. H. 3. . is the best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIELDS ofNorth North Nebraska