Uff- \ TITRNOKFOUCNKWS : FRIDAY , JUNE 20 , 1002 , Fourth Iowa Regiment Band Engaged , ORGANIZATION OF 20 PIECES. Will bo Here From Slouy Clty'tp De light Lovers of Music Two of the Best Bands of the West Will Piny In tNorfolk Other Attractions. , The hustlers for the Norfolk Fourth of July celebration have added now honors to themselves nnd another .splen- , did feature to the program for the day. The new feature is in mmic and is n farther guarantee that the quality day will bo of the best afforded in the west and n continuous concert of hlfjh grade band music during the day , The latest acquisition is Reed's Pomtli Iowa Regiment Military baud of Sioux City. This band is composed of twenty pieces and every man is a thorough mns.cian. It has a deserving fame in Sioux City and throughout Iowa for the quality of inusio furnished With this baud and the Twenty-second infantry bund of twenty live pieo.R Norfolk is in ape po ition to promise th > ise who will ba her guists on the nation's hirthriny the finest , to bu lnul in the mut-io linn and lots of it. Many who come heio will undoubtedly conMd Jim band f a urs alone worth romii g 'or ' , but thfto will be a good m-w-uiu of enjouueur in nil lim s iiud those who do not emp for band music will Imvo plei.ty of other attrnctinus to claim thiir att ution. , The field of sports will bo broad and complete and the spetiking and sinking will be of u high order while the parade , the battalion drill nnrt other features promise to bu of an order that will gratify thos * who want to see sights. Norfolk li'is entered into the t-p.rit of the occasion with aal thatv promites a day of thorough ei j'i\ni"iit to those who will be here and it i considered that there will be no ra > in for dis appointment. Ae illustrating the spirit that prevails here the committees find ing that they could use more funds to advantage went among the businet-s men and citizens Friday and Saturday and eucceded in getting contributions amounting to a couple of hundred dollars. The fund provided is now probably the largest ever raised in north Nebraska for a similar purpose aud is a guaranty not only that the committees will be able to do business on practically a cash basis , but that the features will be on the order of excellence that a large fund will allow. [ Sidewalks on the Fourth. To the Public : Numerous inquiries having been made regarding the use of sidewalks and streets on the Fourth of July , will say that there is no law which .permits the use of the sidewalks by any one. Allowing business men to use a portion of the sidewalks for display pur poses is merely a matter of courtesy and no great objection is raided to such use during ordinary times. On the Fourth of July however , we will insist that the sidewalks be k * pt free from everything , as it will be necessary to use ull sidewalk space for the accommodation of the public. The right to the use of the street has been granted to the Fourth of July Concession committee so that they can raise some little money to help to de fray the Fourth of July expenses. Anybody wishing to have a stand in the street will have to consult the Con cession committee. DANIEL J. KOENJGSTEIN , Mayor. SATURDAY SIFTINGS. E. P. Weatherby was a passenger for Omaha this morning. Miss Beata Huebuer of Hot Springs , South Dakota , visited with Norfolk friends yesterday. Miss Lisle Wilkinson went to Schuy- ler today to attend the wedding of a young lady friend. Mr. and'Mra. W. H. Blakeman enter tained a company of friends at C o'clock dinner last evening. Miss Lisle Wilkinson entertained a company of friends last evening com plimentary to Miss Jessie Bridge. Asa K. Leonard returned today from Waterloo , Iowa , where he had been to attend the funeral of his brother. E. 0. Howe of.Denver , general mana ger of the American Beet Sugar com pany , arrived in the city at noon to look over the Norfolk plant. L. Sessions returned lust evening from Omaha /where he attended the annual . state convention and summer school of the funeral directors association. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hull , P. W. Hull and Miss Nellie Dortsoh went to Omaha this morning for the purpose of con sulting with physicians there regarding the case of Mrs. Hull , whoso health continues to be very poorly. t W. H. Buoholz , as executor , Judge J , B , Barnes and J. C , Stitt as witnesses and M. 0. Huzoii as attorney , drove to Madison yesterday to attend county court for the purpose of proving up the will of the Into J. J. Goodrich. A box of the largest Nebraska grown strawberries the writer has ever seen was brought to this office this morning br A. N. McGinnis.who livesin ; "Warner , ville precinct. One of the berries measured VB Inches in circumference , and many of the others are nearly ns largo. The berries brought to town by Mr. McGiunla wuro ongerly takuu by dealers Mrs. II 13. Owen entertained n largo company of lady friends last evening at n lawn party 'at her homo on North Twelfth street. . Ling tables wore spread on the lawn at which the Iadi6s worn seated and served with n dainty supper. W , H. Hoffman , who has undertaken to get up a Inys' biigado' ' to take part In the celebration hero on tho' ' Fourth desires all boys between the ngts.of 19 aud 1C yearn who will take part in .tho parade , with and without ponies , to. juoot with him at the fitoro of Hoffman & Smith Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock shnrp , to organize aud arrange the de tails of the boys ' section. E J. Schoreggo , , Frank Davenport , W. H. Johnson and Etuil Moeltcr have been appointed an auditing committee to audit the receipts and expofidi- atnres of the Fourth of July committee. After the celebration a statement will tie published showing the receipts and expenditures in detail , aud it Will bo the duty of the auditing committee to examine nnd verify that report , and if found corn ct to approve it. In this way till contributors will bo informed of the disposition of funds entrusted to the executive committee of the Com mercial club. The Oreightou base ball enthusiasts have provided for an excursion to bring them to Nur'olk tomorrow to witness the garni ; of b.tll between the team of that city and the Norfolk team. It is expeu ed that besides the Creighton fans there will be a largo number from towns between here and there who will take advantage of the excursion to come down and MO the game , which promises to be highly iutcrt sting. The Creighton team arrived in the city tod..y and this afternoon the first game of the series is on with a large number of interested spi ctators in attendance. On call of President W. L Kern the Norfolk fire department met last even ing to consider' the invitation of the executive committee , having in charge the Fourth of July celebration , to par ticipate in the observance of the day. A communication from the Madison fire department was read asking the Norfolk deprtment to participate in the celebration there. The compliment WOR acknowledged and the secretary was instructed to reply , requesting the Madison department to take part with the Norfolk department in the celebra tion in this city. A motion to prepare a float for the parade did not meet with laver and it was decided that the fire men should appear in uniform with the hook and ladder truck and a couple of the hose carts , suitably decorated , to participate in the parade. Chief Hart ford desired that the secretaries of the different companies should urge the members to take part in the parade and it was decided that all active memberti be requested to take part or furnish a substitute. In case of failure to do either on the part of the members a fiho of $1.00 will be imposed. It was decided to appoint an executive commit tee of three members from each company to have in chnrg the arrangements for the duy. The following were appointed on such committee : L'ermau , Powell and Bothke of the Queen City company ; MoFarland , Kern , Sandford of the Mast company , and Smith , Ahlman aud Vail of the Pioneer hook and ladder com"- pany. The bill of L. Buckendorf for flowers used to decorate the graves of deceased firemen was allowed. Miss Irma G. Allen , general worker for the.Nebraska Children's Home soci ety yesterday afternoon took to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wifkin a boy 13 years of ago who had been given in charge of the society. Miss Allen is well pleased with the results of her ef forts in this case , believing that the boy has secured a nice home aud that Mr. aud Mrs. Wilkin will have a boy of whom they can be proud and who will bo a great help to them. Mr. and Mrs. Wilken are to be commended for open ing their homo to this boy , who they are donb'less removing from a life that would lead to pauperism or crime. Statistics are that it costs an average of $2,000 for sending a man to the peniten tiary. Miss Allen's society aims to save the state much of tucli expense by tak ing children from homes that tend to instruct for the penitentiary and placing them where they will develop into men and women 6f credit to the state and society. Children cared for by the society - ciety have developed into creditable young men and women , while brothers and sisters whom they could not get have become paupers or criminals. Many a child has been kept from the reform school by Miss Allen's society. She is endeavoring to secure the child ren of a Norfolk family who are being reared in filth and poverty. When her attention was called to the fam ily it was found that the children were suffering for food , having had nothing but a loaf of bread to eat from one evening until up into the next day. The neighbors fed them and their con dition was foundto be deplorable They will certainly be benefited by be ing placed with the Children's Home society. A fine line of fly nets and dusters at Nordwig's. Come and make a selection while the stock is complete. MONDAY MENTION , Miss Kmmti Mueller went to Omaha this nuiinitig to visit for a week. Charles Dudley hi\s recently ntlded an expensive an 1 handsome now hack to his hack lino. Herbert S. Daniel secretary of the Omaha Copper Mining company , id ia Iho city for n few days. Prof. W. J. Dean , formerly superin tendent of tlip ohy .schools , of. Norfolk , is visiting with friends hero. ' S. H. Laico.'tlifcpiano tuner , will leave in a short time for n two-month's visit at his homo , in-Port Hawaii , Ontario. E. H. Tracy has purchased the Wal lorstedt cottage .on , South Tputh street aud will soon occupy it with his family , , Adolph Altsohuler , yvhoso head quarters are at S Joe , Mo. , spent Sunday - day with Norfolk relatives and friondst E , H , Luikart was down from Battlu Creek to spend Sunday at the homo of his parents , Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lui kart. Martin Ilnasoh , who has boon attend ing collage at Wutortown , Wis. , re turned last night to spend his vacation at home. Boululi chapter No.10 , 0. E. S. , la prepaiing to entertain the Knights Templar and their families next Thurs day evening. J. II. Hulff has purchased and his family ia now occupying the Holler cottage across the street from the Grant school building. A largo number of people wcro trad ing in Norfolk Saturday , the strcetH be ing crowded with teams aud the bide- walks with people. Ruth , Carrie and Mack Harding are expected fiom Omaha today to B , end their vacation with their grandmother , Mrs. M. A. McMillan. Miss Nellie Morrow , who ia in Fre mont taking a regular course in the summer normal school , is also spec ializing in voice culture. Ruth , Carl and Katharine Jens ac companied their aunt , Mrs. Frank Schrami to Columbus yesterday aud will spend their vacation thero. Mrs. F. Crane who has been the guest of Mrs. O.wen , left at noon for Chicago , called by a message announcing the serious illness of her little grand daughter. E. A. Crnm , formerly of this city hut later of Creighton , is here from his present home in Whatcom , Washington , visiting friends and looking after busi ness interests. He expresses himself as much pleased with his new home , and can talk Washington with any of them. The employes of the F. E. & M. V. who make Norfolk their home are feel ing good over their share of the volun tary raise in wages made to the employes of the entire Northwestern system. One of those benefited says tint the raise amounts to 10 cents a day to all alike. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Moffat , Miss Margaret Moffat and Miss Nettie Dur- laud of Wnshingtouvllle , N. Y. , are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J Darland In The Heights. A boatiug party up the Northfork will be given for Miss Moffat and Miss Durlaud this evening. Battle Creek Republican : Last Fri day President Roosevelt signed the bill carrying an appropriation of $100,000 for a public building at Norfolk. The people of that city are jubilant and will make this au excuse for making the eagle scream a little louder on the Fourth. The Peterson vaudeville company completed its engagement in this city with a performance in the Auditorium last evening before the largest audience they had entertained during their stay. The voting contest for the diamond ring was decided , the ring going to Mis * Maud Clark , who received , 2,080 votes. Mrs. Burnett received 2,500 votes aud Miss Nettle Allbery 1,930. Winslde Tribune : Three weeks from tomorrow is the Fourth. It would have been a great year for "Winsido to celebrate , but as it will not , it is in order for our peoplq to figure out where they will spend the day. Norfolk will have a big time , but unless excursion trains are run no one can go from here in that direction. The trains run all right for the east but not the other way. The Illustrated Bee of yesterday devoted considerable space to explain ing what the Nebraska Federation of Woman's clubs are doing toward solv ing the race problem in the south. They are raising a fund for the purpose of educating Miss Anna R. Vanderzee , in kindergarden work and she promises to speed three years or more in the south at the work. Miss Vanderzee is a graduate of the Lincoln high school nnd formerly lived in Norfolk , her father , who is blind , having been pastor of the colored mission here. The girl's piotnro was also published. 0. A. Blakely left yesterday for Omaha1 to enter upon his duties as traveling salesman for the grocery firm of Paxton & Gallagher. His territory will bo west over the Union Pacific , and his family will continue to rnako Norfolk their home. Mr. Blakoly has made Norfolk his homo for many years and has a host of friends in this city who will unite In wishing him unqnallified success in his now field of work. For a number of yearn Mr HlaUcly Imi biHin ohlof clerk In the grocery department of the Fair store and through htn uni form courtesy and able efforts added much to the popularity of that houfo and it is safe to say that ho will bo very much missed by Memo , ShurU and Jen kins. ( Charles II. Johnson ha * received further particulars regarding the do- cltion of the inter state commerce com- mlsMion In the CMRO brought by him again the C. St. P. M 0. fordlscrlmi. nattiig against Norfolk in freight rates. The decision is practically an glVon in the dispatches. There was n dissenting opinion by Commissioner Prouty , not , however , in favor of the railroad , The following was his reason for dissenting ; "WJillb 1 concur in the order that the defendant couso and desist from charg ing the present rates to Norfolk I donot concur in the recommendation stating what those rates should bo , for the rea son that , in my opinion , if the tariff recommended by the commission were put in effect such rates would still bo unjust , unreasonableiirnldiscriminating as to Norfolk. " Hon. W. M. RjbertHon loft today for Lincoln to open headquarters and got ready to interest the delegates to the republican state convention in his can didacy for governor. It is generally considered that ho is a leading candi date for the nomination and hh filends boliuvo that if tin delegates form hit * acquaintance there IH no question as to the outcome. Others who wont to the capital city today were : John R. Hays , W IT. Buohol/ . N. Bnndlok and W. N. Huso , M ire Norfolk people ; will go down tomorrow to BOO to it. that their candidate is treated with consideration and it is probable that the Norfolk headquarters will bo among the liveliest in the city. Mr. Robertson will uo pleased to Imvo as many of his neigh bors aud friends as possible attend the convention and tnko au intercut in the efforts that" are being uiado to Imvo Norfolk furnish the candidate for gov ernor. Many of the towns tributary to Nor folk are acting neighborly in regard to Norfolk's celebration of the Fourth. Realizing that this city has not attempted to celebrate for the past six years while others have been observing the natal day and receiving additions to their crowds from Norfolk and vicinity , they give evidence that they feel in a reciprocal mood and will give up cele- brating.this year and permit their people to come here. Newman Grove , Win- side , Stanton and Battle Creek are among the towns that have signified an intention of celebrating in Norfolk and Norfolk hopes to entertain in a manner that will leave them no cause for regret at the course they have taken. The last week's issue of the Tilden Citizen indicates that the people of that place will likewise spend the day hero. It says : "The outlook for a Fourth of July celebration at Tilden is not very favorable as wo go to press. Although upwards of ยง 200 was subscribed , there seems to be a disposition to forego any demonstration at homo in deference to Norfolk people who appear to bo mak ing arrangements to celebrate on a grand scale. Nothing definite has yet beeu decided on , but in view of the expressed opinion heard on all sides The Citizen is justified in stating that a Tilden cele bration this year is a very doubtful pos- 'slbility. ' " A Good Thing. German Syrup is the special perscrip- tioa of Dr. A. Boschte , a celebrated German physician , and is acknowledged to be one ot the most fortunate discov eries in medicine. It quickly cures coughs , colds and all lung troubles of the severest nature , removing as it does , the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy con dition. It is not an experimental med icine , but has stood the test of years , giving satisfaction in every caco , which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottkn sold annually. Boscheo's German Syrup was introduced in the United States in 18G8 , and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world. Three doses will relieve any'oidiuary cough Price 75 cents. Get Greeu's special almanac. Asa , K Leonard. Lee's Lice and Mite Killer is a liquid coal tar product , heavily charged with gases which kill insects without having to tonfh them. It is used by sprinkling on roosts for poultry , on bedding for hogs. It is vastly superior to the wenk , inert , diluted imitations often offered as a substitute at n few coi'ts les in price. It in endorser ! by till experienced poultry and hog rats-is. The genuine is sold by all druggists. Electric Lighted Trains. The Union Pacific was the first to ntroduce djuing cars , vestlbnlei cars , steam heat , piutsch light , buffet smok ing and library cars , tourist cars , on trans-continental trains west of the Missouri river. It afcain leads by introducing an electric lighted train throughout , ' "Tho Ov. rland Llmitid , " with compartment observation cars , having electric lamps , electric fans , electric cnrling iron heat ers , telephone service , etc. ; dining room with electric candelabra , bath rooms , barber shops , circulating libraries , oto. The cars comprising this train consti tute the highest and best dovelopomout of car construction and of comfortable and luxurious travel. This train reaches Salt Lake City 12 hours and San Francisco 10 hours ahead of all competitors. Full information cheerfully furnished on application to J. B. ELSEFFEH , * Agent. TUESDAY TOPICS , rleko of Madison IN the guest ( if Irene Doxtor. Mr. and Mrs. A , P. Pllgor of Madison are the proud parents of a little daugh ter. Ut , Rev. Arthur L. Wtlllnnm of Oninha IR a guest at the homo of Ruv , J. 0 'S. Wollls. M. D. Tyler linn returned from MR old homo in Indiana , where ho was called by the death of IIH ! mother. Superintendent 0. II Reynolds of the Norfolk division F. E , & M. V. went to Omaha today on a business trip , Prof. J. Ak Hornberger , formerly su perintendent , of the Norfolk KohoolK , was In the city yesterday on busincKH and greeting friends. Postmaster A. T. Rowe of Oakdalo , accompanied by his brldo , spout a few hours with hln son , Howard A. Rowe , while on his way homo. Mrs. .T.S. Carter of DOH MoincH , Iowar armedin , the city today to visit her ulster , Mrs.II. . 15 Warrlok , and her noico , Mr . E. P. Weathrrby. John Weills and Gene Huso left thin morning on a rldo IUTOSH the country to Creiuhton where they will ho the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gee 13 Buttorfield. Mr SoiineiiKcheln of Htiuiton who IIIIH been hero preparing to move MH family to Norfolk , wan summoned to Stanton today by a menage announcing the death of his baby. Ofioofthe seriouH damaged by the storm of Saturday WIIH the lodging of considerable grain , but it IH hoped that much of it. . will bo in condition to har vest by the time it in ripe Mrs. II. II. Hull submitted to an oper ation in St. Joseph's hospital at Omalm yesterday morning that ia said to have beeu Huccossful and promises to effect a cure from the troubles that who had been suffering from for Homo timo. Mr. and Mrs. Win. II. Bridge Imvo issued invitations to the marrlago of their daughter , Mary Justine , to Peter Daniel McOornaok , M. D. , which will take place at their homo in Norfolk Juno 25 , at 10 o'clock The brldo and groom will be at homo in Spokane , Washington , after August 1. The boating party planned for Minn Moffat aud Miss .Dtirlaud of Washing- tonville , N Y. , last evening , was given up on account of the inclement weather , and the yonng folks entertained at th home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J Dnrland in The Heights. Music and dancing nddi d to the pleasure of the evening and dainty refreshments were served in the parlors. With the two best military bands that can be furnished by the cities tribu tary to north Nebraska to furnish the music for Norfolk's Fourth of July celebration the music features of the day promise to bo of a high order of perfection and anyone liking excellent baud music should need no further in ducement to spend the day hero. They will be worth coming miles to hoar. S , W. Brlsbois , advnnr-e agent for Gentry Bros. ' famous trained animal bhow , was in the city today and made a date for tliM re-appoar.inco of that | oopn- lar attraction In Norfolk. They will'bo hero on Tuesday , July 8 , for an afternoon * noon and evening performance. The same show was hero two years ago and gave good satisfaction to these who at tended. Their program is of particular delight to the chiluron who will bo pleased to learn that they are to revisit this city. The annual Orphans' Homo picnic will be held next Sunday at Fremont. An excursion train will leave the Creighton depot at 0 : DO a. m , and the Junction station at 7 , arriving at Fre mont at 10 a. m. The picnic grounds are within a half a block of the Fremont stopping poiut. Returning , the train will leave Fremont at ( i:50 : and arrive at Norfolk shortly before 9 o'clock. Round trip tickets can be secured from Rev. J. P. Mueller until Friday evening at $2. After that the faro will bo | 4 Norfolk ppoplo anticipate with con siderable pleasure the visit of the Omaha Commercial club representatives to this city Friday afternoon. They will ar rive in the city over the M. & O. in their special train at G o'clock in the afternoon and will be here for sapper , leaving at 6:30 : for the east. They will be accompanied by twenty pieces of the Twenty-Second regiment band which will be here on the Fourth and Norfolk people will be glad to sample the music they furnish. Norfolk people will un doubtedly be at the depot in force to greet the train. J. M. Ginitie , postmaster > at Lynch and A. O. MoFarland , editor of Journal at that place , came down from Verd'gro ' tnis morning and were in the city a few hours enrouto to Lincoln , where they will attend the republican state conven tion. They report that tracklayiug on the Verdigro extension is nuder wnyaud that several miles of the steel ribbons that will unite Lynch with the rest of the world have beeu laid. It is expected that there will bo some delay in crossing the river at Niobrarabnt they expect to hoar the whistle of the locomotive in Lynch by the first of September. They go to Lincoln with determination of helping the candidacy of lion. W. M. Robertson for governor. Drovers Journal-Stockman , South Omaha , June Oth : L. 8. ' Needham , one 4 . of Ni'hraHkn'n ' prominent fecdn , wttH on the miukcl tndiiy wl'h six InudH of well tutted beef oattlu Hint netted him ever $111,000. To ay that Mr. Noi-dlmm WIIH well ploiiHod is not nec ( smiry an ho linn found that bo ( M imiko Just an iniioh money at homo HH lie can at Chin 1 cngo market , where ho him been Hlilp- * ing for the lant six voarri , thin bring the first consignment ho him HOnt to South Omaha in that length of timo. The cattle were all foil in thu food Ibtn near Whin do , which Mr. Noedham ownn , sin-lied corn and alfalfa hay being used to prepare them for market. Among the cattle tmippod were 107 Htoors and stagH , uvoraging'll)5 ' , ) ! ) pounds. The national convention of childron'H homo HoclotlfiH will bo held at Sioux FullH , South Dakota , on Wednesday iui1Thursday. . Minn 0. Lou JIUICH of Omaha , Mls.s Lorona Hathaway of Grand Island and Rov. Mr. Shawky of Fremont , all working for the Nebraska society , Joined MHH ! Allen here last _ , ' night and loft on the 0:1)0 : ) train thin , morning to attend the convention UB i ' delegates from the Nebraska society. Before leaving Miss Allen expressed f her appreciation of the interoHt taken in j the work of the society by the people of Norfolk , both financially and otherwise. She Hta'od that nho had boon in towiiH whore the people evidenced great Interest , in and sympathy with thn work of caring for homoleHH oliildren , hut not , all of them had given the HulHantiul evidence of Iholr IntiucHt. and Hympiithy ' that the people of Norfolk gave. She almi Hinted that nho had just icceived word from lumdqtinrtorn at Omaha stating that they had ro oived flvo boy babieM who wro in ncml of homoH. Has Met With Great Favor. The John Ound Blowing company , of Ln GronHO , WiB. , IH becoming widely known throughout the country on no- count ot thosuporior article of boor man ufactured la the gateway city. The Guild plant is a model one in ovcry ro- npeot aud the enviable reputation that its product has received is a deserving ono. The Gund "Peerless" bottle'd beer , which carried off a modal at the PariH oxpoHition , IH mooting with great favor in thin city , HH it 1ms in other oitioH whe.ro it IIBH boon placed for dis tribution. There are some Simple. Remedies indispensable in any family. Among these , the experience of yearHinsures us , , should be recorded painkiller For both internal and external uppliuatioiiH wo bnvo found it of great value ; especially can wo n commend it for coldn , rlinina- Hum , or fretm wounds and bruises Christian Era. Avoid substituted , there ifl but oijo painkiller , Perry Davis. ' Price 2fi centH and CO cents. Wanted Cattle to Pasture. I will take ! ! 00 cattle for the season at $2 for HteerH and $2.0 / for cows 1410 acres of good land on the Verdigris creek in western Knox county ; fenced in two pastures , with good posts and three wires ; running water ( Verdigris creek and two spring creeks ) , which never fail ; plenty of timber for shade. Salt furnished. Foreman on the ranch will give attention to the cows. Will receive rattle at Norfolk and deliver at Norfolk after seabon closeH. A. J. DUllLANI ) . To Cure a Cold in One Day Toke Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money " if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's re is on each box.fiu. . Gardner & Sailor deal in improved aud unimproved liudi. Ranches an town property for sale in Pierce , Cedar , Knox , Wayne and Holt counties , also lands aud ranches in North and South Dakota. * We Are All Familiar with the deep bourse bark , grimly calle'd "a grave-yard cough. " It is the cry of the tortured lungs for mercy. Give them mercy in the form of Allen's Lung Balsam , a remedy for pulmonary trouble , ro highly esteemed that it is recommended even in the earlier stages consumption. In thp later stages moral tkill i unavailing. Nobody can afford to neglect a cold. Summer Sessions Educational Insti tutions , - To bo In Id n' Clnc'ngo , 111. , an St. Liuis , Mo. Mo.In In .Tun tin Union Paitfic will make the low rate of one fare plus $2 00 for the ronijd trip to either poiut. Tickets on sale Juno IK , 17,21 , aud 22. Final return limit Sepicmlxr 15. Full inforuiatiou cheerfully furnished o i application to i iJ. J. B. ELSKFTEK , Agent. In every town and village may be had the Mica Axle' ' Grease that makes your horses glad.