The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 20, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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American trade with Huwnll IMN in-
'creased ' from i 00K)0 , ( ) in 187-1 toll ,0)0 ) , .
000 In 1W)1 ) f-howlngHomoihltiKqf which
American devel6pmont in cnpublo ,
, A WnsliiiiRtoit correspondent thinks
that , "llnvluK been twice bofeiitcd for
president , it would bo n decided coino
down for Mr Hryan to bo simply de
feated forKovi-rnor. "
Mr. Hryan i.n y an well prepare n loo-
turt ) to bo delivered to the. democrats
of Illlnol * for iKiioriiiK tbo vltnl prinol-
plon of hitter dny democracy. It loolcn
very much as though the enemies'
couutry is onlnrKlnR.
Tbo irrigation bill just punned makes
ffi.OQO.OOO available for tbo first steps
toward the reolaumtlon of tbo nrid
west. Tbo appropriation should bo
nmdo to menu more for tbo develop
ment nnd bt'iioflt of tbocommoncountry
tlmn nny nppropriiition over mudo by
All thu rupubllctin ooiiKronsional con-
-volitions nro having thnt dead-lock
feature , A ropubllcnn nomination for
congroBB this year nuiHt bo something
worth striving for. It is confidently
expected in some quartern tliut tbo
lU'lon nomination will not develop tbo
symptom ; ) of ix fight for a prl/.o.
The contest by tbo republican ! ) assem
bled in coiigrcRNional convention It thin
district \VIIH not n ohoumstanco to the
ono pulled < IVln the big Sixth wboro tboy
took 177 ballots before reaching n result ,
when M. P. Kinkaul of O'Noill , who
almost uncccodcd in doing np tbo fusion
machine two years ngo , was nominated
\ The prospects thus far this Reason nro
for n bnmpor orop of corn , Tbo cereal
ia further advanced than nt tbo same
tituo last year and has an abnndnuco of
moisture to ndvauco it still further.
With plenty of corn the farmers will bo
ia a position to make a lot of money
ngalu thH year oven though the price
per bushel is not so high.
A Chicago man ban contracted ery
sipelas from handling money , which
should ho tin argument , ( but money ie >
dnngeious and that the peoplu should
leave it nlouo If you duclttu to follow
tbiH arMeo you iuiht | : c'0iit < ifii your
money to tbo iliiiincinl department of
thin olllee aud it will bo dinjiiwcd of.
Do not kt sit a to. lol ) t > uio dnngorous
Tho" May MJurefl , according fo Brad
strait wor the Binnlleflt of i uy month
during thu year and miinllnr thaji those
of n ytmr ngo when pwpeiiiy .was nip
posed to bq at its heat , mid htill there
are a number of people , tspeolnlly on
tint dumuonitio side of tbo fence who
can DUO no Improvement through their
calamity" goggles and aio bowling fern
n return to the food old panicky time ? .
If Cuba must have noipiocity it is
probable that it will be given in snob n
way that thu trust will not protlt , by
opening the door , * jiut as widotoroflnod
sugar as to the "raw artiolo. It would
not look ri ht for congress to favor the
Oub.tno with an opportuuity for higbo.
pricts and the people of this countn
vwith a aiiuihar opportunity for cheapo
sugar without including rtliuod sugar
in tbo bill. The sugar trust uord not
imagine that it can attack its growing
rival , tbo American sugar indnstiy ,
without getting a jab or two itself.
1 Mr. Bryan's review of tbo democratic
situation in Indiana indicates that he
very much fears that tbo big and popular
cud of the party hns sun fluttered to a mi
nority of reorganizes who are intent on
disrupting tbo party. Ho sees the same
sights in bis own party that bo has
always beheld in th election icturns :
tlmt a minority of scaUwaga have
succodod in overriding the will of tbo
great common paoplo and overthrowing
the right. Ho has a serious time of it
in subordinating these people in his
own party as well as those of tbo re
publican and all other parties.
Now that the house of representatives
ban decided that tbo govoinment should
do nmothinn toward tbo reclamation of
' tbo arid hti ds of tbo wet , it is expected
that a lurgo portion of the United
. SttiU-tf \ \ ill show a development that the
Qatly * cottier * had never hoped to sou
realized. The ou'iuil tie person hor-os
to have a land of unproductive plains
tinned into a ronutry of lakes aud
, streams tlm ill distribute tlv it waters
/whore they on b n&ud for growing
crops rtnd ujuturo. It it a flue dream
'and ' Mjieutifla investigation promises
tbat it is uo imposfcible of lenliKution.
The Bee hit's it tlmt Robert J. Olnncoy ,
Governor Savage's private secretary ,
o.vmo to bis home in Omaha from
Lincoln and finding that the republicans
of tbo metropolis did not want him ou
tbo dulr pntiiiii fnmi tlmt , city decided to
uiaktt up a ticket of bis own and pn sent
it to the voters at the primaries. It re-
oelvwl a little more 'than half the uum-
i r of votes cast for tbo regular ticket ,
Ir is rrobable that if the private secre
tary was endpavoriiig to assertaiu the
seufineut in favor of bis chief ho is nc
longer in doubt , as f ar aa the republicans
.of the metropolis ore concerned , aud that
Is the Roiitlmont of all the rest of tbo
Rtato ,
Senator Allen Is persistent in bis do-
nmmh tbat Air. Bryan become the
fuHion candidate for governor of No
branka and be may succeed in convinc
ing n majority of tbo delegates that
such n nomination would ba the only
thing to do , He emphasizes tbo deeper-
ate situation. Ho IB convinced that
there is only ono thing for the fuHion
conventions to do in view of the fact
that there are many democrats do *
( ermliiod that a man of that political
faith shall bo nominated and , strange
rts it may appear , the dlspatahes tolling
what the Mall editor believes nro given
to tbo press under n Lincoln date line ,
indicating tbat there ia some ouo at the
capital city who has almost exactly the
Kahio view of the nmttnr an Senator
Allen. Ho will undoubtedly bo nomi
Brother Qoldlo of the Wayne Demo
crat , who loses no opportunity to at
tempt a elani nt Norfolk , has discovered
a good ono. Ho finds tbat because the
principal of the Norfolk high school
was advanced to the anporintendonny
of the Tfluuimh schools at a substantial
increase of salary it is cause for discredit
to tble city. Ho has probably failed to
note tlmt the advance was from princi
pal to Miporlntondont , or from a minor
position to tbo head of n school , and if K >
will look Into the matter bo will learn
that it is quite the unusual thing to pny a
superintendent a larger salary thun
that paid to a tpacbnr or principal.
Norfolk is sorr to lese Mr. Barnes but
it has a very good suprlntondent who
has been hired for three years aud there
was no opportunity to give Mr. Barnes
the position that ho will come into nt
Tbo Battle Greek Enterprise recklessly
bumps into facts when it says that the
wages of toilers have not been increased
siuco tbo panicky times of the Cleveland
administration aud that they are forced
by tbo trusts to pay two prices for the
uocQSsarloa of lifo. If tbat were true
the undertakers would bo worked to
shadows in planting the bodies ofpeople
who had starved to death. . If the ed
itor of the Enterprise will put ou his
thinking cap be will remember tbat
during tbo panio bo monitions there
'wuro ' a whole lit of idle people in Battb
Orubk and other towns \\lio would have
been pleased to earn a dollar a day but
who are now earning twice tl at mini
Ho will n member tbat the furmors ,
prospering now , qould hnwHy Hud a
market for tbqir oorn , at to cents
bushel and maiiy of tliim burned it iu >
being cheaper tlvhu Von ! * Ho will re-
iiioiHiW tint ofittft aurt hops \Veio al
most given away. And he will bo nblo
tp llguio , if ho baa 'a pnd and pencil
Imuily , that the faimOiB , his very Biib
scribwrs , are tbo lurgo'eud of lho"tmst"
that is exacting two or tbrflo prices for
the IH cpssitios of hfo. Many of the
toilers of thuso days have siuco built
iln mselwH bomos and otlmrs have ad
vanced from tiijlera into business 01
portions with lucra'lvo ' silnrms. The
Euterprise may IUWP a desire to preseu ;
arguments fuvcrablo to domooiucy at
times bnt s'lould bo oxtiemwly wary of
statemints or flgur sen ing to provi
th vt th ro is no pr s r ty or ho may to-
coivo a peromtory eallliig to o der ly
somoof'bis casb-payii > democratic
firmer subscribers. Those of pro-
nouucod democratic beliefs of long
stand ug will lady u nult toN ix stat -
incut tending to show that they are on
'ho verger of pauperism.
Tlio Usefulness of
Connecticut farmor.s discovered some
time ago that birds were their friends ,
aud secured tbo pixsspgo of laws to prot
vent their wanton destruction. Fur
thermore , they saw thnt the la vs wen
ouforced. Some of the farmers even
sot out cherry aud mulberry tree" , ex
pecting that the fruit would attract to
their fluids birds , which would out the
bugs aud worms tbat itjtired their
This spring tbo results of the past few
years care were apparent , and flicks of
a hundred robins were not uncommon.
As the season advanced other birds ap
peared iu largo numbers and were wel
comed , i
It ia an old error to suppose that bird *
are the funnel's1 euQuiioa , No doubt
sometimes they ii.jure the crop * ; bur
usually tboy attack' the iusnot p'-stK ' ,
Thirty robins will keep five nons of
potatoes frco from bugs. The meadow-
.lark , instead of humiug a ojovar fit Id.
onts garsehoppers in clovur timo. The
blue bird , phoebe , bron thrasher , king
bird , houao-wrou and tut bird are in
s ct eaters , ud by their service in the
fleld'iuore than pny for the small amount
of fruit they tnko to vary thulr diot.
The Connecticut experience has du
plicated in other states. The birds
wore first foolishly driven away ; theu
the crops sufl'ureii , aud laws had to bo
passed forbidding the killing of buds
The Audubou societies have done much
to eulargo popular knowledge , aud now
it is common to FCC- people feeding
birds in order to invlto them. A few
crumbs thrown out of the house every
day will soon attract them , aud .no
town resident with a small garden
would find any other hospitality-BO
profitable as that which ho might be
stow on a family of robins or blue birds.
Youths Companion.
Jllrt Inlay of "Old Glory. "
Ono hundred and twonty-flvo years'
ago Saturday congre "Resolved , That
the flag of the thirteen United States bo
thirteen fltnpCH , altfnmto rid and white ;
and th it thu union bo thirteen stars ,
White in a blue fluid , r presenting a now
constellation , " and this was the birth of
"Old Glory" M it is known and loved
today by eighty millions of people ,
with the exception that many now stars
have been added to the coiiRtollatiooi
Tbo committee that decided on the
form of flag was composed of George
.Washington , Robert Morris and Colonel
HO H. Mrs. lies * , it la said , was the per
son to make the first American flag and
to her the credit belongs for making a
five pointed star , the comihittoo having
decided that the stars should have six
points. Legend gives the credit for
raising the first American flag to John
i Paul Joiios , who was appointed to com
maud the continental ship Hunger , and
that ship was the flrMj of a numerous
aud progressive family to carry the em-
bloui. When thn docign was first
adopted it was thu intention of adding anew
now stripe aud a now star for every
Btuto admitted , but thisproved very in
convenient as far as the stripes wore
concerned. In the war of 1712 when
Vermont and Kentucky wore admitted
to iho , union there were 1C stripes and
Ifi stars , but by act of congress in 1818
the 1J1 origiual stripes were restored ,
the increase of states being indioattd by
the addition of Btais. First the stars
were put in u circle , typical of perpet
uity , thtn they took other forms , some
times talcing that of the letters U. S.
It was finally decided that they should
appear in rtguhir rows as at present
The thirteou original states were re
sponsible fur the creation of numerous
designs for flags before tbo ouo now in
use was finally adopted , but they passed
with the adoption of the stars and
stripes. The r. d cross of St George ap
peared iu New England as early as 177fi
and this was followed by the pine tree
which was quite generally adopted , the
Puritans looking with disfavor on the
cross. Tbo mottoes , "Liberty tree" and
"An Appeal toGod" appeared in con
nection with the pine tree and the navy
flag bore the pine tree emblem for some
lime. At Lexington there was no
American flag but at Bunker Hill there
were several. Ono was red and bpru the
' 'Come if You . "
challenge , dare. An
other was blue ivithu v\hi'o canto quar
tered by a red St. George cross and a
pine tree in ouo corner A rattle snake
with ibe warning "Don't Tread on mo"
was popular at cilu time aud this was
afterward combined with the pine
tjesigr , tbo combluHiion forming Paul
Jonefi' flrht ilng. "Lib rtyor pO th"
* n unothur Ml ig motto of imifih fitvor.
riui thirten red and white stripes finally
ai/ulo / tbelr iippuurai qe | , with vari
ous dtii-iigns in the coiner. They grew
r.ipidly in favor with the colonies and
their by congress met with
general approval. Commodore Hopkins
How the stupes with a rattle suhkn
acrofs in 1770 and the Royal Savage the
same year flaw a fl ig wUh the thirteen
stripes aud the cross of St. George iu thf
corner. The n came tbo stars in differ
ent designs , thus s-bowing that whiln
the il.ig was adopted'by congress it was
the popular mind that originated uuil
idoptcd tho'detign ' and congress estab
lisLod it In the 12o years of tbo his
tory of the couutry the biantilul em
blem has coi.stantly grown in popular
ity until it is almost woisbiped by the
loyal people who hare growu in num
bers and iufluouco constantly , and the
dig now reprefouts ono of Mho most
powerful , most civilized inost progns-
t-ivo nations hi tbo world.
I'rotcut thu
In tbo vicinity of Gr.iud Iiland large
numbers of elm trees have been stripped
if their 'foliago by canker worms aud ,
especially in the timber along the
.streams , the trees are as bare of foliage
as iu midwinter Haviugi rid the tluis
of tbo foliage the worms are now attack
ing t' o leaver on the willows and in some
Instances tbo orchards are uiado to snf
for. Prof. Bruner was appealed to for
a remedy and bo favora tbo protectiou
and encouniging of uativa birds as the
most effective way to rid tbo country of
the pest , also explaining thut th ) worm
has insect enemies to 'aid the birds iu
the work. Iu bis reply to the inquiry
Prof. Brnuer , among other things , IH
quoted as follows :
"Tho little chickadee
or blink-rapped
titmouse spends a great , part of its time
during the winter months nn < J early
spiing in searching the hurl : on Uuir.- ,
andjbrhiiolieB of trees for epgv of various
kiudj and for any such inmgt la < v.i HN
might bo'liibntnatiiig within tin orov
io * > s. Later on the vurions sp ojprt.of
warblers and vireos join in * ltb llit
ohiokadpos iu smirching nud feuding on
tbo dirTirout caterpillars found on tiacs
Even tbu orioles are known to ixeot-d- -
ingly active in this kind/of woik. I
would , therefore , suggest tbat you do
all you can towards securing a bettor
soutimont in favor of bird protection
hero iu Nebraska. "
"The Nebraska Ondthologiats' Uuion ,
an organization formed for the purpose
of Ktallying our Nebraska birds , is con
sidering the advisability of adding a
special section devoted to the matter of
bird protection and to bo composed of
school teachers , and school ohildreu
from ten years old upward. What do
you think of the idea ? "
Professor Lawrence iBruuer of the
state experiment station at Lincoln ,
never mlsNos an opportunity to pay a
good word for the birds when any iusoot
post 1 up for consideration. Careful
investigation has levealed tlmt blub * are
the greatest friends the farmer and
gardintr bus nud they should bo rig
orously protected. Tbo most pro
nounced enemy of the birds appears to
bo the boy with a gnu or a sling-shot ,
who takes particular delight in killing
or wounding the useful little songsters.
At ono tiino the farmers thought it
necessary to get rid of birds which
occasionally took a little fruit or grain
for a Change of diet , but this sentiment
has deen overcome iu many places and
the birds are welcome to whatever they
dtfiiro , knowing that their menu will
consist largely of the bugs and worms
that are the real enemies of the agri
culturalist. In this connection it might
also bo stated that there are insect
friends of the farmer that should bo
given encouragement. Some of thdso
live on the eggs and larva of the insects
that am pests and it would seem that
a study of these beneficial birds aud
insects would bo most profitable ,
not only in the schools but iu the homes
of all the pooplo. The pests are incroa--
ing iu numbers aud their enemies should
be encouraged to thrive and increase.
W. M. Robertson , Madison county's
candidate for governor , while he failed
to capture tbo nomination , did uot
oomo out of the convention without
honor. Ho made a worthy showing of
strength , swinging into the lead on the
first ballot aud maintaining bis position
through * several votes , increasing in
strength uutil it was found that bo
could not bo nominated aud then swing
ing into line for the successful candidate
until it resulted ia his nomination. Mr.
RobertBOU entered the race with 252
votes ou the first ballot nud his strength
increased up to the sixth ballot , when
Ho received 883 votes , being tbe
highest received aud placing him
within 100 votes of the nomination.
It was seen that his strength was
at the highest and that tbo nomination
could not bo landed. Then the Robert-
sou forces fell iu line for Mickey , and ho
was nominated on the thirteenth ballot ,
when Douglas couuty followed the Rob
ertson forces iuto the Mickey camp , aud
ho was afterward declared the uomiuoo
by acclamation. The convention real-
id that Robertson , and north Nebraska
behind him , was a factor that deserved
consideration mid the honor of Imming
the candidate was couceded to tbo
RoVrtson forces by tbo shrewd rjoli-
tic.ans of tbe convention.
Tha platform , comroittre ' of 'tbo
Illirois democrats succeeded in nnch-
Ingian ai-grnemeut attar the convention
had concluded its other business , and
made a rnport before all the delegates
had loft tbo ball. Objection wns made
to ( veil uu intimation tbat the Kansas
City platform was endorsed and the
argument that mot with fiivor was an
enilorsmont of all domoaratio principles
that any uatiomil convention bad over
endorsed or reaffirmed. It is a broad
and uninteresting statement and docs
not mean much. It bus the appearance
of dodging tbo issue as to whether tbe
ouventiou wns democratic or not. Mr
Bryan's name was not mentioned and
he will uow pi obably devote some of
tbo O 'mmoner's space to reading them
a lecture.
The withdrawal ol Treahuicr S enfer
from tbo race bt-foro the convention
was undoubtedly the pait of wisdom
While ho hud materially strengthened
himself by complying with dertain de
mands i hat had been made on him as
the guardian of tbo public funds and
\vhile his conduct of the ofllco during
the p.itt year has botn uniformly satis-
facto-y , still an opposition to bis
candidacy had developed which. , if it
had not pr < vented his nomination ,
would uu doubtedly Jiavo worked
to tbp injurv of bis campaign for re-
ttloetiou. His standing as a candidate
who has donlined a nomiuation will bo
much better than that of a candidate
who went in to securw it , regardless nnd
if Ruccohsf ul must have weakened tbo
Sioux City is congratulating itself
over tbo fact that it has becomot the
head of a new dioceso' the O.xMiolio
church , Right Revecaud Philip J Gari-
\inn \ having been installed as bishop of
| the nt'vvsico amid imposing coienlonlo-i
yiistoiday. Tbo unw bishop's inri -
' , diotiari * .will cover 21 counties in
uorthwiMt'Tii Iowa , containing an esti-
. mtil Catholic population of 85,000 ,
wttU 9R prieito , 77 eburches. with resi
dent urwsip , 18 missonp , s-1 ftatioup , 3 ( !
nebools , 115 teaching nnd pupils esti
' '
Tbo free silver issue , paramount hi
18UO , bfoms to Imve lieen completely
lost iu tbo hbuflltj and those who snj- :
ported and beli ved iu it will have some
difilculty in digging it out when thu
time comes that it may bo of uso.
Norfolk will celwbrato anyway nud
will make the eoglo scream in a manner -
nor that will lead visitors to believe that
it is the homo of a do/on candidates for
The South Platte republicans will un
doubtedly bo willing to concede that
there are a few of us living north of that
stream , at any rate.
Cut Five Colored Families
Remain in Eldorado , 111.
Whites. Determined That' All Must
Leave Mob Stoneo Colored Preach
er's HoUse Governor Vatco Ap
pealed to for Protection.
Carbondale , 111. , Juno 17. The race
war , which has been In progress at
Eldorado , 111. , since May 29 , when a
mob attacked the colored normal and
industrial school , a school modeled
after the celebrated Tuskcgco school ,
still continues. The homes of colored
citizens have been stoned ; warnings
Bent thd occupants to leave the vicin
ity and shots fired Into their homes
late at night. Many , through fear ,
have left , sacrificing their hones and
in some instances their crops. There
remain only five families , and two ot
them will leave at onco. Last night
a mob visited Rev. Peter Q'reen , pas
tor of the African Methodist church ,
and stoned his house. Some of the
white residents profess to fear that
colored labor will bo used In the
mines opened In that vlclulty. Joffur-
eon D. Alstono , president of tbo nor
mal school , has been chosen bead of
the school for life , according to tbe
incorporation papers on file at Spring
field , and against him an Intense feel *
Ing exists. The board of trustees , o
whom Dr. Mitchell , a white physician
of _ HarrIsburg Is president , will con
sider both the removal of tbo school
nnd the choosing of a new president
at the coming meeting Juno 27. Gov
ernor Yates has been appealed to foi
protection. N .
Horrible Evidences of Barbarity on
Part of Filipino Ladrones.
Manila , June 17. The bodies of the
sergeant , two corporals and four pri
vates of the Fifth cavalry who were
captured May 30 by ladrones at Blnan
gonan , Rizal province , this island ,
have been recovered. Most of the
bodies bad been hewn limb from limb ,
and it was found impossible to recog
nize four of the dead men. ,
A number of arrests In the matter
have been made and nine men have
been absolutely identified as belong
ing to the band of ladrones vvhich
capturefl the Americans. The identi
fied men Included two members of the
police force ot Teresa , Moroug prov
The American solilier i were 1 > ure | < 1
today together , as It was ; impossible
to make separate
While Not Fully Recovfcrc'd Ho is Said
to Be Much Better.
I.ondou , June 17. King ; Edward
bule 'yestcrdaj -journey to , Windsor
well , but It has been decided that ho
will not go to Ascot , today. Queen
Alexandra , however , accompanied by
the Pnnco and Princess of Wales
and other raoai'ers of the roynl fam
ily , will attend the races In state.
Tbe Prince of Wales , conversing
with the mayor of Windsor upon hla
arrival there last evening , said :
"King Edward caught a chill In the
stomach , be fa much better , however.
He will have to be careful. His maj
esty Is still troubled with slight pain. "
At Lloyds' there was a big rise In
thp premiums on the king's life and
on the chances ot his being crowned
June 20.
Shooting of Church Member Creates
Excitement In Kentucky.
Paducah. Ky. , June 17. The people
of the Davles cjiapel section of Mar
shal county , Kentucky , are greatly ex
cited over the firing of a fusillade o
bullcto into a. Mormon church by oppo
nents of the proselytes. Harry Lamb
was shot in ihe leg. The Mormons ,
fifteen or sixteen , returned the fire ,
and bloodshed is feared-xLess than a
year ago the Mormon church there
was burned and two elders driven
away. The Mormons have taken the
matter to the g"ranJ jury.
, . _ _ - * *
r T-
Double Tragedy at Columbus Barracks
Columbus , 0. , June 17. Hairy W.
Bragg , a private In company f , Twen
tieth Infantry , last night ohot "and
killed Mrs. Lizzie TIbblts and then
shot and killed himself. The tragedy
was enacted on the grounds at\ \ the
Columbus barracks and jealousy was
tbe motive. Bragg , whose homeIs in
Pelican , Wls. , , served in the Philip
pines in the Thirty-fourth volunteer * .
Mrs. TIbblts came nero trom Ch'.raso '
as cook for Major Augur of the Twen
tleth regiment.
Mistaken for Convict and Shot.
Portland , OrQ. , June 17. William
Morris , va member of the clttEcns'
POSED from hero , was brought to the
hospital with hie thigh shatleiod by a
rifle ball , fired by a member of the
party from Portland. Morris , with a
companion , was watching a bridge
when they were mistaken for the con
victs by another party. Two shots
wore fired , with the result tbat Mor
ris fell wounded. It la thought that
hla leg will have to be amputated.
Mabel Hanna Is Married.
i Cleveland , Juno 17. The marriage
of Miss Mabel Ilanna , oldest daughter
of Senator and Mrs. M. A. Ilanna. to
Mr. Harry Parsons of this city tooK
place yesterday at tbo Hanna resl-
dence on Lake avenue. Bishop Leon
ard of the Kplscopal church performed
tbo ceremony. Only the closest friends
of the Hanna and Parsons families
were present.
Will' Connect Oklahoma and Texas
Dranchco of the System.
Guthrle , Okla. , June 1C. The Rock
Island has 'secured irom the govern
ment , the right to construct a line west
from Enid , Okla. , through the military
reservation of Fort Supply in western
Oklahoma , This extension * ' 11 con
nect In Beaver county , 200 ni'les dls
tant , with the Liberal line of the Rock
Island to El Paso , Tex.
One hundred men began yesterday
laying steel on the Rock Island exten
sion southwest from Lawton into Tex
as through the great Indian pasture
Because the lessees of Indian lands
In the Creek nation have demanded
pay for their growing * crops on the
lands condemned for the Missouri ,
Kansas and Texas extension to Wy-
bark , I. T. , the contractors have been ,
forced to abandon their work until a
settlement Is made by the farmers and
the railroad company. The govern
ment granted the right of way , but
the farmers assert a prior right , aa
their leases are approved by the In-
tcrior department.
President of Cuba Declares Gomez
Wao Not Bought Off by Bribe.
Havana , Juno 1C. President Palma
and General Gomez wore questioned
with regard to the story published In
the United States that General Gomez
had received $25,000 from the admin
istration of the United States to with
draw from the presidential campaign
in Cuba and to permit the election of
Senor Palma , President Palma Indig
nantly denied that he had been partj
to any scheme to have General Gomez
withdraw from tbe campaign In his
favor. He also spoke for General 'Go
mez , who was present when Senor
Palma was aucstloned on this matter.
The president of Cuba said to insin
uate Senor Gomez had been bought oft
by a bribe of $25,000 was to question
the honesty and Integrity of Gomez
and himself and tbat such attacks
would pass unanswered.
Fraud Charged In Mine Deal.
Cripple Creek , June 16. Charges of
fraud are made by Joseph K. Eichern
in a suit filed against Nelson B. Will
iams , George B. Kllbourne and others
in control of the Empire State Mining
company on Bull Hill and the court
has decided to appoint a receiver foi
the Empire State and the Orphan
Belle company , to restrain shipments
from the Empire , to cancel the deeu
wherein the Orphn property Is trans
ferred to the Empire State and to pre
vent prospective consolidation of the
Empire and Isabella company. The
suit grows out of the sate of the Or
phan group to the Empire State com
pany , when the stockholders of the
Orn-hap company V/ore forced to ac
cept abpujt eight cents p'er share on '
their holdings.
Kansas Crops In Good Order.
Topeka , Knn. , Juno 1C. Reports re
ceived here from fltty or more coun
ties In Kansas sa'y that , all the crops
for this year are In the best of condi
tion. Wheat has surprised all by the
growth it has made. The late heavy
rains helped wheat to head out well /
and , while It Is rather thin , the prod
uct Is of a good quality and will make
an average yield of twenty bushels to
the acre. Corn , oats and alfaffa all
will make phenomenal yields. Corn
on the lowland districts covered by
the floods will make more than that
on the uphnds. TlTe wheat harvest Is
in progress.
Baseball Scores Yesterday.
American League Detiolt , 11 ;
Washington , 2St. . Louis , 9 ; Balti
more , 4. Cleveland , 2 ; Boston. B.
American Association Milwaukee
5-2 ; Minneapolis , 0-0. St. Paul. 5 ;
Kansas City , G. Toledo , 2-G ; Indianap
olis , 8-2.
Western League Denver , 7 ; Oma
ha , 4. Colorado Springs , 5 ; Dos Molnes ,
1. Milwaukee , 2-G ; Kansas City , 0-2.
Peoria , 0 ; St. Joseph , 1.
Tornado In Iowa. "
Sioux City , June 1C. A tornado
near Bleneoe.Ia. , Saturday night lifted
several freight cars from 'n North
western sidetrack , demollshnd them
aud stopped traffic for several hours.
The body of Patrick Brennan nf Chicago
cage was found burled In the dobrls.
The iilorm did damage at other near
by places , unroofing outhouses und
felling crops.
Tlio new dally fast train service
between New York'and Chicago was
inaugurated Sunday.
Gold Heels won the Suburban hand
icap at Sheepsboart Bay , beating Pen
tecost , tbe western colt , a length. '
The British government offers to
make a reciprocity treaty with Cuba ,
and the new republic may accept , lf
tbo United States does not act soon.
"Eddie" CJuortn , George Miller and
"Chicago May1,1 Churchill , Chicago
crooks , were sentenced in Paris fop
robbery , the men be'ng sent up for
Negroes have been driven out of
Saline county , Illinois , by a series of
outrages porpetiatod at night. Ono
hundred negroes were warned to Icaro
A yoi'ng m3n who was a passenger
on a Brooklyn bridge car Sunday sud
denly loft his seat and sprang over
the bridge rail Into the river below.
The body has not been recovered.
As the result of a complete boycott
Inaugurated against the Citizens'
Tradtlon company by the central labor
council of Oil City , Pa. , the company
has bepn compelled to place Its cars in
the barns and has Issued a notice to
the public that it has abandoned the
schedule until ' there is a change la
sentiment ,