The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 20, 1902, Image 2

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    ft , 'S
W. N , UOB1C , PubllnUor.
ri. mi ,
t > or
rtV,7i esuts , lly mall per i'ei\r , tf.DO.
Tb. New , , " '
'j | . , , MUMhe ,
Kvsry 1
JtaUr * ! at tha I'oitoillc * at Notfolki Neb. , at
te oed elan matter ,
ilsphon l Kdltorlnl Doparlment , No. H |
HwlnsM Olllc * and Job ftiwmi. No. "
For Ooiernor
For Lieutenant ( Unornor
K. H. AlrOii.TON 4 .Douglnt
rjsritn M I TIWHON . . .Vnlley
TorfocretnryofHtato- - "
U. A. MMIHII " KlclmnUon
For Aodltor
For8\iporliitomlmitof \ I'nlilln Itilrucllon
\Vii.UAMK. FOWI.KB \Vii lilti ton
For Attorney do ornl-
For Land CotnniUtloLor-
OKOIUIK 1) . Fou.tucn Nnclmlln
For ConKtoMmaii , Third plttrlct-
JOIIN J. MiCAimiv .Dliou
The Wuyno Herald says that a very
fine rain fell there Saturday. It was ft
decidedly coarse rain hero , the drops
bolng nbout IXH big in a bucket.
There is always Boino humorous cuss
in a Bta o convention. One of these had
his vote counted for B.xrtloy Wodnnsday ,
while two othortf registered their's for
his savior , Gov rnor
Governor Snritgo'a ndminlHtratlon
wns coinpllmuntod with two votes tit the
republican state convnntlou Wednesday.
Jf ho Imd ont out tlmt Dnrtloy pardon
nnd the Norfolk hospital deal it wight
Lave bueu different.
The poor folks who could not burn
hard coal anyway at the prevailing
prices , wore not greatly Interested in
the nuthi licit Botrlko but If it comes to
the pass that soft coal IB forced up in
price it will bo felt by the common
people In more ways than 0110.
Joint II. Mickey.
John H. Mlckpy , who heads the re
publican state ticket as candidate for
governor , is a man slightly below ino
dimu height , of rugged build and kindly
expression. Ho is tin lownu by birth
and 57 years of ago. Asked to tell some
thing nbout himself ho modestly replied
in response to pertinent questions :
" 'I was born In 1810 , near Burlington ,
la. My father was a farmer and I was
raised on a farm. My education was ob
tallied in the common schools of the
place , but was finished oft after I returned
turned from the war by two years' at
tendance at Wosleyau college nt Mount
Pleasant. Although not yet of ago I had
enlisted in August , 18IUS , in company
J ) of the Eighth Iowa cavalry , in which
I served until mustered out under n
general order in August , 1805. My oa-
rour in the army was fairly active. Our
first assignuieutwas for scouting in ecu-
trnl Tennessee. In the spring of 16(11 (
wo went through with the Sherumn
campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta ,
laying the foundations for Sherman's
famous march to the sea. In the fall of
that yearwo were with Thomas in op
posing Hood's expedition to Nashville ,
engaging the enemy at Fraukvlllo and
at Nashville.
" 'After the war I went back to Iowa ,
and then in 1868 came to Nebraska , tak
ing a homestead in Folk county. Before
leaving low a I had married in Septem
ber of IbCT. My wife was Miss Morlnda
llcCrny of Des Moiues county , Iowa.
Of my domestic life all I u ed to say is
that I have nine children , five boys and
four girls , all alive , three of them
married. I lived on my Polk county
homestead'until 1872 , when I moved my
residence to Osceola , having been chosen
county treasurer. They kept mo in the
office of county treasurer for ten years ,
from 1870 to 1890 , and I served in the
legislature of 1881. Butt have never
occupied any other public positions. I [
am now president of the Osceola bank.
" 'I am forming n tract of 240 acres
and am engaged in stock raising , mak
ing a specialty of fine shorthorn breeds.
I was born and raised a Methodist and 1
have been constantly identified with
that church , active more especially in
promoting its educational work. I am
president of the board of trnsUes of
the Wesleyan university nt University
Place. I believe in broad and liberal
education for all the people. I would
have no sectarianism in any public in-
etitotion , although I believe tbat there
is work for the sectarian colleges ont
f side of and in addition to that of the
etate university.
" 'In politics I have always been a re-
publican. In my speech before the con
vention I recalled voting for Abraham
Xincoln when I was only 19 years of age.
I ought to have explained that this woa
tinder a special act of thq legislature of
Iowa providing that all soldiers in the
field should be allowed to vote without
regard to age and their ballots sent
home. As I have * aid , I hope to make
an ao'ive campaign and enlist the co-op-
erajion of every republican in Ne
fcraska. ' " Omaha Be .
Honr Poor Farm Report nnd Allow
Numerous Dills ,
Mmllflon , Nobr , , Juno 10 , 1002.
At 1 o'clock board of county com-
mlHslouorri of Madison county mot in
regular session , all members present.
Miiiutos of meeting of April an , 1002
were road , OommlHBionor Flnuegan
objected to tbo clause relating to road
work in Warnorvlllo precinct , nnd
moved tbat pamo bo stricken from tbo
rocordfl. A motion was made by
OommlBfiionor Winter to ammoud
OonimlBHlonur FlnuoKan'H motion
by striking from tbo records nil
proceedings relating to rend grading.
Mlmitos.woro approved as amended , S.
, T , Finncgan voting in ( bo negative.
The road petition signed by Burr Taf t
nnd thirty-four othorH , nslclng tlmt n
public road bo located nnd opened , com >
inonting at tbo eastern end of tbo pub-
llo road now tmvolud nnd laid out about
twenty rodn oust of the center of section
five ( f > ) In township twenty-three (2J ( ! )
nuigu oiiu (1) ( ) wont of tbo 0 P. M. in
Madison county , Nebraska ; nnd run-
> lng tluuicu duo ouHt on said half section
line , nnd terminating at tbo publto rend
laid out nnd running north nnd south
between seotjon tbreo ( ! ) ) nnd four ( J )
In Biiid towiiHliip , in Madison county ,
Nobr. , and to vaoato tbo rend now laid
out aeroHB tbo north bitlf of tbo south
wont ( lunrter of section flvo (5) ( ) In Bald
township as shown by tbo reconlw in
tbo ollloo of tbo county clerk of Mild
county , wan tnkon up.
It wan moved and Rocondod tbat tbo
petition of 13urr Tiift ot nl bo granted
and tbo road opened as reported by com
missioner appointed to view tbo Hauiu.
Tbo motion prevailed and tbo rend
was doolnred opouml.
On motion tbo following bills were
allowed :
B. B. Heed , olniiti of $ ! ! 00 , for ! 1 acres
of Inud was nllowod at $ (10.00. (
Philip Scbmer , claim of $200 for1
acres of laud wns allowed at $80 00.
William Armstrong 3 acres of laud
Joseph Boulsh , 1 aero of land $20 00.
Ira G. Wostervelt appraising land
and mlloogo $2.50.
O. 8. Bvnus appraising land and
mllongo $2.50.
L. M. Guylord appraising land and
mileage $2 50.
L. M. Gavlord.loam $3 00.
John L. Rynearsou , assei-Bor Madison
precinct $288.00. *
0. L. Low , assessor Valley precinct
L. M. J. Vnago , assessor
precinct $125.00. '
0. T. Richardson assessor Highland
precinct $108.00.
Dan Mahoney , assessor Fntrview pro
duct $110.00 less tax $0.00 , $103.70.
F. Z. McGinuls , assessor Warnervillo
precinct $103.10.
George Connolly , assessor Bnttlo
Greek precinct , § 152.00.
H. G. Brnggornau , assessor Norfolk
proolnct $072.80.
F. E. Dover , assessor Union precluct
Theo. Beltz , nssetsor Kuliiinazoo pro
olnct ! ? l 18 00.
0. T. Muflloy , assessor Grove product
W. G. Andrews , assessor Burnett
precinct less tax $11 10 , $152 1)0. )
John Crook , assessor Doer Greek pro
oiuot $73.00.
S. H. Grant , assessor Emerick precinct
Wenzel Koryta , assessor Schoolcraft
precinct 1180.80.
Frank Wblto , assessor Green Garden
preolnct.leBS tax $15.80 , $80 40.
Thomas Ostergard , lumber $148 45.
Edward & Bradford Lumber Co.
lumber , Tilden $3 45.
Win. Parkinson , metcrlnl for repair
ing court house and jail $44.30.
L. W. Lyou , grading $474.50.
J. E. Cobboy , annotated code for
county judge $0.00.
Fred MoBride , repairing typewriter
Dr. F. A. Long , commissioner insanity
in Jobn Jones case $8.00.
J. E. Cobboy , annotated code for clerk
district court $0.00.
Hume-Robertson-Wycoff Co. , lumber
F. A. Long , commissioner insanity
case of D. D. Sullivan $8.00.
M. B. Foster , commissioner insanity
case of D. D. Sullivan $3 00 ;
Madison County Agricultural Society
to aid county agricultural society
as provided for in section 12 chap. 2
complied statutes of Nebraska $540 00.
Stanton County , Nebraska , one hal
expense in building bridge on county
line 103.00.
L. R. Prloh&rd , merchandise fo :
paupers $14.25.
Horst Bros , meterial for court house
$35 80.
On motion' board adjourned to
o'clock p. m. Board met pursuant to
On motion bills of Hall & Meincke
for $7.05 , L. B. Baker $29.19 , John
Rogers $1.55 of Battle" Creek , worn
rejected for the reason that they wer
not proper charges against the county ,
On motion the following bills were
allowed :
GUB Kanl , salary as janitor 2 month
ISO 00.
J. J. Clements , jailors' fees and com
mltting Sullvan and Jones to insan
Aeylnm $285.25.
J. J. GIcmcntH , 5 gallons extermin
ator and sprayer f 1 B M.
MiullHon oity , olootrio ll ht for court
IIOIIHO $5 00.
J H. Donovan , printing $17.00 ,
Purkms Bros , bo ks and stationery for
county ollceH$21 ) 40.
F. E Martin , printing $24.00.
A L. Stuart , printing $10 50.
Hammond Bros.&Stophons , bookn and
stationery , filO 25.
Fremont Tribune , redemption cer
tificate , $8 00.
Perkins Bros , rev. doo. $0.50
F. D. Wright , printing , $28 75.
Norfolk Printing Co. printing , f 0 50.
A. Fiihbaok , 0 wolf scalps , $12.00.
J. B. Fiohttr , 1 wolf scalp , $2.00.
Mat Classen jr. 8 wolf scalps , $10 00.
0. T. Richardson , 10 wolf scalps ,
Marian A. D.ivis , 8 wolf scalps , $10.00.
Frank Herein , 7 wolf scalps , $14.00.
Glms. Feling , 1 wolf scalp , $2.00.
Fred Kvl , 0 wolf scalps , $18.00.
, T. M. Muohmuller , 10 wolf scalps ,
11. S. Bonl , 0 wolf scalps , $12.00.
O. II. Gilllspio , 4 wolf scalps , $8.00.
0. N. Marsh , 7 wolf scalps , $14 00
pplii-d on personal tax.
Mike Richardson , 29 wolf pcalps ,
58.00 less tax 80 cents , balance , $67.20
ChriH Bcliuvliuul , making judgement
ocket , fOoH in insanity qusus of D , D
ullivan , John Jones and Lydin E. C.
laoluol , $100 85.
Chris Solmvluud , witness fees in In
anity casiM of Sulllvnn , Jones and
Inultznl , $20 40.
0. W. Braasch. coal for paupers ( from
luy 15 11)01 ) to May J ) , 1S)0 ) , , ) § 101 10.
Wt'htoin Wheel Sorapor Co. , repairs
or hcrapor , sli | 00.
Fumiout honpital , raring for Mrs.
truegcr during illness , $51.85.
dear Uhlo , merchandise for paupers ,
14 70.
L. 0. Mittdstadt , lumber , $117.10.
Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.
iludison , coal for paupers , $ i.SO. )
Joseph Kilpatriclc , laud for road$011)5 )
Martin Kane , fees in state case , $8 40.
Martin Kniio. state vs. Ho well , $18.45.
Dr. F. A. Long , commissioner on
xmrd insanity in Haeltzol cane , $8.00.
Martin Kane , fees in state case , $0.95.
On motion board adjourned to 8
o'clock n , m. , Juno 17,1902.
Board inpt pursuant to adjournment.
On' motion the following bills were
allowed :
Chrig Schmitt , commisbioner's salary
and mileage $07.45.
H. W. Winter , commissioner's salary ,
mileage and cash advanced for paupers
8. J. Fiunegnn , salary as commis
sioner , $00.80 , $0.50 mileage and per
diem as quarantine officer , $5.00 cash
paid for livery , total , $110.80.
H. H. Holyileld , attending George
[ 'homns ' during illness at $2.00 per day ,
0. W. Crum , superintendent , salary
$100 00.
Mnry D. Barrett , boarding George
Thomas nud John Muuneham , $02.00.
A. Bucholz , merchandise for paupers ,
W II. Lowe , surveying and viewing
rend , $7 50.
A. F.lRoeves , road woik , § 10.10. ap
plied on personal tax.
Paul Reuner , grading on county
bridge , $9.00.
J. H. Mac hay , attending small-pox
patients , and John Mouogham during
illness , $85.00.
W. H. Lowe , surveying $13.00.
Dr. A. Bear , attending George
Thomas , John Jones and Gallagher and
quarantining small-pox cases outside
city limits from January 1 1902 , to
date , $00 00.
George B. Christoph , medicine for
George Thomae$13 80.
A. W. Herrick , merchandise for Mrs.
Carey , pauper , $24 21.
O'Shea & McBride , lumber , $18,10.
O'Shen & McBride , coal , $198.15.
O. II. Gillisple , merchandise for
Emma Gambill , during Illness , $20.02.
Wm , Bates , Co. judge , stamps , drayage -
age , recording official bonds from December
comber 10 , 1901 , to date , $31.45.
Fremont hospital , coffin and burin
expenses for Mrs Erneger , $27.10.
Howard Miller Lumber Co. , lumber
$177 82.
On motion report of Thomas J
Taylor was approved , same being as
follows :
Battle Creek , Neb. , June 7 , 1902 , to
the Hon. Board of County Commis
sloners Gentlemen : Enclosed you
will find the following bills which have
been incurred since March 1,1003.
Frank Rusick $ .75
Hall&Meincke 4
Howard Miller Lumber Co 6 80
J.R.Martin 2.10
L. E. Merz 2.5
Maas & Hainan. . . , . , . . 48
Hanson & Ren vis 2.00
W J , Stavely 4.0
Boyer&Osborn 5.9
L. B. Baker 21.5
M. L. Tompson 1
Herman Hogrefo 1.7
Sure Hatch & Incubator Co 2500 >
F.J.Hole 100
Creed Phipps . - . , . 800
1. J. Daniel 2.7
Chos. Brown ,138 , 00
John Brozek , 25 00
Morris& Co 3.0
T. J. Taylor 124.2
Total $887.8
During the quarter 84 hogs have b en
sold for which wan received $582 IB
wbloh amount was deposited in bnnks.
$1H ! ) , $25 , $10l ! , paid out leaving n
balance in bank of ( 'kill. 12. $ . ' 10.81
worth of butter and e gs huvu been tx-
hanged for produce.
Tlutro are now on the farm the fol-
owing persons : Co'la , Bosoman , Tyrol
nil Thomas. John Jones was admitted
lay 10 , and diechargcd May .19.
Respectfully submitted ,
On motion the following bills were
llowed :
Mans & Hitman , drugs , $ -1 85.
J. R Martin , merchandise , $3.10 , np-
lied on tax ,
Hall & Moinckemrcbandise,41 cents.
Howard Mllltr Lumber Co. lumber ,
L. F , Morz , merchandise , $2,50.
L. B. Baker , coal , $21 50.
Bi > yer & Osboru , merchandise , $9.40.
'W. J. Stavoly , merchandise , $4 00.
pplied on tax. >
Frank Rnsick , meat , 75 cents.
Creed Phipps , hauling old bridge
uiubor , $8 00.
I. J. Daniel , medical service , $2 70.
Morris Co. , seeds and drugs(15 ! ! (
Bob Osboru , dehorning cattle , $8 40
M. L Touipsou , morcbundibo , balance
9 cents.
Haiifcen & Heavip , blacltsmithiug ,
Herman Hngrefe , weighing corn$1.70.
Sure Hatch Incubator Co. , $25.00.
F. J. Halo , calf medicine , $1.00.
T. J Taylor , salary , $ 24.25.
John Bro/.ok , oats , $25 00
Charley Brown , hay , $138.00
The following school lands were
rroneoDHly assessed and sold and
rdered redeemed by the board :
The iici.C and se 4 of sw 1-21 1 ,
11 80.
The HW 1-24-1 $11 00.
Lots 1 and 2B0 Queen City place
laving been assessed as being inside and
ntsido the city limits wns corrected by
rdor of board.
On motion of board the 1900 and 1901
axes on lot 8 block 10 W. T. L Co.'s
dd to Norfolk were reduced to § 15 00
he same having been assessed as im-
roved whereas it is unimproved.
The 1000 tax of the s44 feet and the
of the e % of lot 1 block 2 of Pose-
walk's first add. was on motion reduced
o $50.00 the same being an unimproved
ot. On motion board adjourned to
uly 8,1902 , at 1 o'clock p. m.
County Clerk.
Low Fare Excursions
To Hot Springs , South Dakota and the
Black Hills.via the F. E. & M. V. rail-
oad. Excursion tickets will be sold
ivery day until September 15 , good to
return until October 81 , to Hot Spring ? .
Deadwood and Lead , South Dakota
Full particulars will be cheerfully
urnishcd as to rates , eto.
Application for Liquor License.
In the matter of application of Sam
Schneider for liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that Sam
Schneider did , on the 20th day of June ,
1902 , file his application with the clerk
of the board of trustees of Meadow
Grove.Nebraska , for license to sell malt ,
spirituous and vinous liquors on a piece
of land in block 4 , Meadow Grove , Ne
braska , described as follows : Beginning
at n point one hundred nnd ninety-eight
[ 198) ) feet due west of the extreme south
east corner of snid block fcur (4) ( ) run
ning thence north one hundred and
twenty-four (124) ( ) feot.thence east thlrty-
thr p f < et to place of beginning , from
the 20th dny of June , 1902 , to the 80th
day ot Apiil , 1908 , inclusive.
If there be no objection , remonstrance
or protest filed within tM o weeks from
the 20th Any of June , 1002 , said license
will be granted. I. G. ALYEA ,
Village Clerk.
Wide Awake
All Kinds of Gents'
= = r
Strictly Up-to-Date
Steam and
Hot Water
First door South of News Office.
Prices Right.
( J
will be spent entertaining the people. Mo pains
will be spared in making this the most attractive ,
enjoyable , pleasant and entertaining celebration
ever known in North Nebraska.
Railroad and Business Directory ,
Fremont , Elkhorn & Mo. Valley.
Omaha Passenger 8:03am :
Chicago Express 12:10p m
Chicago Express. . . . 7:30 : D m
Omaha Passenger U:40 : pm
BHck Hills rviprofe 7:50pm :
Voniigre i'ansniiger 12:40p m
Verdlgre Accommodation 8.30am
Black Hills Expres 12:20p m
Vordigre Passenger 0Hnm :
* Vertligro Accommodation 7:10 : pin
The Chicago and Black Hills Express arrives
and departs from Junction depot. The Omaha
and Verdigre trains arrive and depart from city
depot. H. U. MATBAC , Agent ,
Union Pacific.
Columbus Accommodation 3:00 p m
Omaha , Denver and Pacific Coast 1100 a m
ColnmbuB Accommodation 11:45 : a m
Omaha , Weaver and Pacific coast 9KXpm
Connect * at Norfolk with F. , E A M. V. going
west and north , and with the C. Bt. F. M. A O.
for points north and ait.
J. B. FLSEFFKB , Agent.
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha.
Slonx City and Omaha Paesenger. . . . 9:90 am.
Slonx i ityPaasenger l:10pm
Sioux City Pa senner 10 0am
Biocx City and Omaha Passenger 7:23 : p m
Onnnocts at Norfolk with F. . E. & M. V. going
west and north , and with the U. P. for points
south. J. B. ELSEFFEU. Agent.
Dally except Sunday.
" ) ? or Banm Bros. ' Store ,
Contractor and Builder
117 Fourth Street.
Flour and Feed
411 Norfolk Avenue.
Cheapett and Best.
Norfolk Avenue
Cor , BraaBch ave and 1th St.
The Norfolk Horseshoe ?
After Leaving
The Missouri River
Before You Reach
"The Ovp. land Limited , "
Runs Every Day in the Year.
For full information call on or ac'dress
J. B. ELSEFFER , Agent.