The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 20, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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TIIH isrnmmi.K NRWRimin.vv. . .IHTNII ? ; > n
Meeting of Democrats 'la '
Held In New York.
s1 '
Ex-Prcsldcnt Announces Hla Absolute
j Retirement From Politics Drynn
( 'invited , but Did Not Reply Demo-
i cratlc Unity the Keynote ,
'is ' / . i
' Now Yorlt , Juno 20. Democratic
tinlly was the keynote luiit nlKht of aj
great Blithering of roproHontatlvo
Domocrnts who hnd como to attend
tliu opening of the ImndHomu now
quarters of the Tlldon club. Addrofwos
were made by prominent Democrats
And afterward , u collation wiin Horvotl
In the banquet hall to the dlatla *
Kiilnhod KUt'sta of the ovonliiK anil a
buffet cupper wha sarvud la the buso *
incnt for the rank and fllo.
To the Democrats the ovt > nt waa
ono of the most inomoroblo for many a
, I day. Orovor Clovolnnd and D.ivld D.
Illll met lu harmony , Booking to draw
the factions of tliolr party together.
It WIIH the Ural pnhllc political appear *
unco of the ox-prosldont In flvo years.
JIc apoko ilrat , ox-SoniUor Hilt apoko
nftor him and then Governor Montague
taguo of Virginia and Colonel W , A.
Gnston of Huston delivered addresses.
.William J. IJryan had boon Invited to
Attend , but not to speak , but uo reply
jwna received from him.
Mr. Hill and Mr. Cleveland mot la
/Iho foyer and a moment later they
Were cordially shaking each othora
Imnd , Loud and prolonged applause
creeled the two men as they enteied
snemloiiB applause as Mr. Cleveland
ascended the platform. This npplanso
Wound up with three cheers and a
"tiger. " When quiet was restored the
former president began speaking. lie
said In part :
"My days of political activity nro
past , and I shall not hereafter assiunu
to participate. In party councils. I am
absolutely content with retirement ,
lint I still have ono burning , anxious
political aspiration. I waul to BOO be-
foio I die tho" r6storatI6n to perfect
liaalth and supremacy ot that Domoo
iftcy whoso mlBfilou It Is to bless the
people , a democracy true to Itself , im-
tempted by clamor , unmoved by the
fitistH oC popular passion and ijiicor-
rtiptcd by offers of strange alliance.
"Perhaps there are these who could
'dcllnc my position as one of banish *
liiont Instead of retirement. Against
this 1 Hhull not outer u protest. It
IB Biifllclcnt lor mo In cither case , that
I have followed In matters of differ
ence within our party , the teachings
and counsel of the great Democrat lu
iwhosa name party peace and harmony
nrc tonight Invoked. No confession of
party sin should therefore ho oxpoct-
d of me. I have none to make ; nor
do I crave political absolution. "
At the point In hla speech whore
Mr. Cleveland announced his absolute
retirement from politics the crqwd
yelled , "No. no. " '
Mr. Hill In his address arraigned
tlio Republican administration and
practically outlined a platform for the
DCJ.L campaign.
Bought by Director of the Mint Rob
erts for $125,000.
DCS Molnes. Juno 20. The Iowa
Btato Register of this city yesterday
announced the sale of the property to
George D. Roberts , United States di
rector of the mint. For thirty-two
years It has been owned by the Clark-
eon brothers and the announcement
contains the information that the sale
was made on account of 111 health of
Jl. P. Clarkson. Mr , Roberts' homo Is
at Fort Dodge. The price paid for the
property Is reported to bo $125,000.
r Washington , Juno 20. "It Is likely
that I will go to Des Molnos and as
urne charge of the Register before
yory long , " Mr. Roberta said today.
"I shall not give up my office here
until the end of the present fiscal
year , however. The paper cornea.Into
our hands Juno 30. . I expect to go to
Iowa next week , and will remain In
Dee Moinea for a short tlirio. "
, - Vermont Republicans Split.
1 ) Montpeller , Vt , Juno 20. Amidst
Bcenes of marked disorder and turbu
lence the Republican state convention
yesterday nominated Judge J. Q. Me-
Cullogh of Bennlngton for governor
on the third ballot. The delegates
; who had supported P , W. Clement of
Rutland , the high license candidate ,
marched out of the hall as a protest
against the action of the majority.
( The bolting delegates afterwards nouv
Inatcd Mr. Clement for governor ou >
an Independent ticket. - * -f
J Missouri Prohibitionists Meet. ,
.Clinton , Mo , , June 20. At the Pro-
fclbitlon convention yesterday . the
committees reported and several ad
dresses were delivered. W. S. Crouch
was made permanent chairman. Hon ,
JVolney B. Gushing of Danger , Mo. ,
and others addressed" the delegates at
the evening session. The ticket will
t > o selected today.
\t \ ; ColemarJ Pleads Not Guilty. '
Brooklngs , S. D. , Juno 20. At hole
opening of the trial of Joseph P. Coleman -
man , charged with the murder of his
brother Edward , to secure $10,000 life
Insurance , the accused entered a , pica
of not guilty. The trlai Is attracting
much interest.
Missing Men Are Found. '
Creede , Cole , , Juno ,20. The injured
in yesterday's fire are recovering.
iWIHIain Stewart and Fritz Zlnt , who
were reported missing , have been
found. , „ _ _
Secretary Root Submits Statement of
Money Expended In Contest.
, WnHhliiRtoii , Juno 20. Secretary
IJoot yonlorday made answer to the
Roniilo resolution of April 17 , calling
for Information nil to the cost of the
war Ui the Philippines. Tho.otal ex
pended IB shown to bo | lGDo53D10 ;
liabilities , 147.1,072.
Secretary Hoot concludes with the
following explanation : "Attention Is
Invited to the fact that largo quanti
ties of valuable property , the cost of
which Is Included In the foregoing
statement qt/11 / remains on hand la
tiio Philippine * Islands for-iiflo. - Parts
of thcso supplied are already botng
j appropriated to this country , It
should also ho observed that a largo
part of the oxponno during the past
year should not jproperly bo ( roatoj
as occasioned by military operations
In the Philippines , for the reason that
It cotiHlfltH of pay and maintenance of
troopa whom wo would have had to
pay and maintain , whether they wore
In the Philippines or not. "
Henry Rechtln Owns to Mloapproprl *
atlnn $7,600 of Funds.
\Vashlngton , Juno 20. Henry
Rechtln , disbursing officer of the de
partment of justice , yesterday was ar
rested on the charge of misappropri
ating $7,000 of government funds. Ha
Is from Cincinnati.
Information received by Attorney
General Knox some time ago led to a
suspicion that something was wrong
with Rochtln's books and the arrest
followed an examination of the hooks
under the direction of Comptroller of
the Curronoy Tracawoll.
Rochtln attributes his troubles to
lilirli llvlni * nnil nnnnnlnHnn. Tlift
shortage Is fully covered by his baud
of J30.000. Two exports from the
comptroller's office wore going over
his hooks yesterday morning when ho
arrrlvcd at the office. When ho saw
them at work ho turned pale and then
went tolo attorney general , to whom
ho made a full confession. This re
vealed that the shortage had existed
for six years.
> < Burlington Gets It.
Hurllngton ( la. , Juno 20 , At the an
nual meeting ot the Durllngton and
Noitlnvcstcrn Railroad company tno
stockholders have uniuilmouuly voted
In favor of a resolution to soil the
piopurty to the Durllngton and North-
wostt'in company. The property thua
virtually passes into the hands of the
Chicago , Durllngton and Qulncy.
Toasts Pope and President.
Rome , Juno 20. Judge Taft , civil
governor of the Philippines , and the
Americans who are with him , lunched
at the Ameilcan college yesterday.
The judge toasted the pope and Prosl
dent Roosevelt. The rector , Rev. Dr.
Thomas F. Kennedy and the students
responded with hearty cheers.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
, .liuio ID. Coin , nUlinugU
nrtlu' fur im nnllimry tiny , duipiu'd bad.
Into Ht'coml plaru today mid imppi'd , wtitlu
ulicut mmli ! 11 c i > d iminliie. 1'or some
rcnxoii , nut entlicly clcnr , 1'raiife
AiiU'rlrim whout. l'liU"iRo sold dhoct tu
I'm IK Mini on tills lulliieni'e , lu connection
with tlio wet wentho'r iTainnRc talk , July
rtheiit iiiiuto a net gain of % ? Mc. July
coin closed Vie dawn nnil July oats Wi'/ic
up. I'roUsloim were Independently strung
nnil dosed l"c lilKlirr. Closing ptlces :
Wheat-July. 7a % ; Sept. , 72H , ; Dec. . 72T& .
Coin-July. ( IT.VJc ; Kept. . r.SU : Doe. , 44Vj.
Oals-July , aaVio ; Sopt. , Sic ; Ioo. , 30 } ; .
l' ikJuly , if 17.73 ; Sept. , $17.113 ; Oct. .
l.iml-July , $10.33 ; Sopt. , ? 10.i7j : ; Oct. ,
lllhs-Jnly. $ l0.02i/j ; Sept. . $10.W > .
Clili'ngo CiiBh Prices-No. 1 ! red wbcnt.
80c ; No. 3 retl wliout. 775i70c : No. 3 npiliiR
wheat , ! > 17ic : ; No. 2 hiinl wlieiit , 750u ;
No. 3 linrd wlient , 73@73c ; No. 2 cnsti corn ,
03VSCS No. 3 cHsli corn , OKgtllHc ; No. "I yet
low corn , C5i4c ; No. 3 yellow corn , G3c-
No. 'J eiiHli outs , -1'JWc ; No. 2 white oats ,
No. 3 white onta , 47 < S47Vic.
Chicago Live Stock.
Clilcneo , June 10.Ciittlltecelpts , T.500 ,
InclndliiB 800 Tennis ; choice strong , others
stonily ; B < " > J to prime steers , $7.50 < itSX ) :
poor to m'edliim. $4.75CC7'10 ; stDCkers and
fcedem. ; 'J.WXtr . 25 ; cow * , J 1.40 10.75 ; lielf-
era , | 2.nO ( < ia .l3 ; tauncrs. $1.40 .40 ; bulls ,
calves , $ -.f > < > Ji.tlOO ; Teia feO
Bteern. $4.00 0.00. llbRS-Kecelptii today ,
' . ' 4,000 : tomorrqw , 22,000 ; left oyer , 0.000 ;
551100 * tilgbcr ; ' mixed and butcher * , $7.10ia
7.50 ; good to choice heavy , $7.45 ( 7.03 ;
rough Ueary , $7.10Jf7.33 ; lluUt. tOO.V37.23 ;
liulk of sales , $7.15 7.40. ShiH-p-lleeclpts ,
10.000 ; aheop und lnmt > * steady ; good to
Choice wetherit. $ t.OO H.7S ; fair to choice
mixed , $3.7. > 5t4.riO ; western sheep , grnssers ,
$ ' . ' .W < J(4.7rr native lambs , clipped , nud west
ern lambs. JOOWiT.OO ; uprltitf lamba , $7.25.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Knnnas City , June 10. Cattle llecelpts ,
3.400 ; iietlvc , Htrudy to strong ; highest
prleen ( or n your ; choice beef sjecrs , $7,30
tf7.70 : fnlr to good , ? 4lit7.23 ! ( ; stockers
nnd fi-eders. $ .l.OU'iff.OO ; western fed stoem ,
(1100 7.23 ; Tunis nnd Indlnu steers , f-&O
303 ; Texas cows. V.MOfl4.riQ ; native
rows. tl,03&n.3r > ; native lielfcrx , $3.00 < r (
0.03 ; canncrs. * 1.70 < S30g ; bulls. ? 2.7BS4.80 ;
calvoil. $ J.50n.l5f ! HoKH-ltccelpts , 4.700 ,
CSlSc higher top. $7.03 | bulk of sales , $7.23
{ 17.53 ; heavy , $7.30117.155 : mixed packers ,
$7. : 3 ! < J7.02V4 ; light. $7.0tVR7.40 ; yorker * .
$7.23 < a7.40 ; pigs , $0.45 7,00. Sheep-no-
telpttf , 2,000 ; stundy to weak ; nntl\e lambs.
M.SOQ700 ; weatern Inmbs i , $5.00510.30 ; n -
tire whether * , $4.tXXT > .2o ; weatern wetberu ,
South Omaha Live Stock.
Soutb Oiuubui June 19. Cnttle Kecelpt * ,
2,300 ; active , strong : native steers , $300
{ { 7.00 ; COWB mid heifers , $3.70ftti.SO ; west
ern steers. $4.5025.70 ; Texas steers , $1.40
( ( ftS.40 ; cauuers. $1.5033.23 * : vtockers and
feeder * , $2.7MSO.OO ; calves. $300JjOOCj :
bulls , stflBS. etc. , $ i2I < 85.73. HosUe
celpts , 0.000 ; 5o higher ; heavy. $7.10(07.53 ( ;
mixed. $7.2Mr7.35 : light$7.00fi7 ( 33 ; pigs ,
$ r,0oa700 ; bulk of sales , $7.201i7.4X
Sheep-Itecclpts. 1.800 ; slow , n taker ; fed
muttons , $4. Ki6.25 ; westerns , $3.7&y5 40 ;
ewrs. ? : i.COi [ 1 73 ; common und stackers ' ,
$3,002 J.40 ; lamb , $5.0037.00.
8t. Joseph Live Stock ,
Bt. Joseph , June 10. Cattle llecelpts ,
000 ; ne.idy ( to lOo lllgliOr ; nathcs , $4. 3fl
7.8. . : cows and heifers. $ l.Wfl < JOO ; veals ,
J3."XQOX ) ; Htockors nnd feeders , $2.23
5.00. Hoja-Itecelpts ; , 8.500 ; steady ; Ilcut
aud ll Ut mixed. $7.20 ( 7.40 : medium and
licav/ , $ r.33a7.70 ; plgn. $1.00 0.50.
Doy Held for Rancom ,
nrlghnm , Utah. Juno 19. Nol An-
dot son , Jr. , Hcvcnteen years of ago ,
POM of a prominent merchant , has
dlHtippoarod and his fit raw hat 1ms
boon found with the following nota
pinned to It : "Your son Is Itldnapod
ami wo demand $5,000 for his release ,
to ho paid by the waterfall east of
Urlgham , or liltfOcKB nnd arms will
bo cut off nnd ho will bo killed. "
More Trouble In Pawtucket.
Pawtuclcot , R. I. , Jjmo 20. Dls-
turhancos In the street car strike wora
resumed hero yesterday , after two
days of quiet. The first earn on the
\Voodon and P/ospcct street lines
were attacked with atones. Two em
ployes were hurt by. being struck with
missiles. The arrival of a detachment
of Infantry quickly put an end to the
4 , ,
i i i
Explosion KIIJs Four.
Johnstown , Pa. , Juno go. The coinIng -
Ing mill of the Cambria powder mills'
plant , at Seward , fifteen miles from
hero , blow up yesterday afternoon ,
killing throe men nnd Injuring five
others , ono of who has since died.
Two others are fatally hurt. Thq
'Head : J. D. Smith , Oharlcs Drover ,
John Rhodes and W. F. Bracken.
N vr I1I1U for Old One * .
Not every 0110 IB aware of Just what
the United States aiibtrensury will defer
for u person with soiled currency. If
any one hau Hiioli blllH , In no matter
how Htmill quantity , nnd wishes to get
brand new blllH , nil lie has to do IH to
go down to the BubtraiBiiry and hand
the old currency over the counter. The
government will hand him in rctuin
new bills of tiny desired denomination.
Perhaps under n strict Interpretation
of the Inw the government clerk might
refuse certain bills on the pica that
they M'orc Htlll lit for circulation , but
In prnctjcc the government IB Inclined
to be very obliging , andrunlcss the Hup-
ply of clean money on baud should
happen to be temporarily short , the
clerk will without hesitation hand over
perfectly new nnd unfolded bills In re
turn for money which lmn been folded
possibly only a very few times.
Aa n matter of fact n vast amount
of money IB turned hi Which could not
have circulated among more than half
a dozen hands , lint it In all redeemed
nnd the new currency Issued In ex
change. The siibtrensury supplies tilt ?
new cfiKh , too , without any expense ,
no matter If millions arc to be ex
changed. New York Times.
IVnr Hid Denil PnUcnt * .
There Is a doctor of , the old school in
ono of the New England villages near
Randolph , Mass. , whose hotibo Is sur-
roumled by a cemetery. The cemetery
Is behind the house nnd comes up ( lush
wilh the rend on cither Hide , running
olT to ennt and west for an eighth of a
mile. Some people might 11 nil such a
house ) lot doleful , and surely the neigh
bors are not lively. But that thought
uuvcr troubled the villagers so much as
the prc pect of going lioino nt night.
In ] the country towns of Now England
the graveyard nt night Is still a thing
of teiror , nn Inherited terror. There
nro ! still towns where nil the graves are
dug on a line running due east ami
west , with the footstoucs toward the
cast so that the dead may rise face to
face with the Judge on the last day So
the doctor Is often nskcd the question ,
"Arc JOH not afraid to go home some
times nt night ? "
And his answer Is always the same :
"No. My neighbors will never trouble
mo. They/all owe me money. " New
York Tribune. '
One Way to Cut limn * .
To cut sheqt brass chemically the fol
lowing method meets with great suc
cess : Make a stroig ) solution of bichlo
ride of mercury In alcohol. With a
quill pen draw a line across the brass
where It Is to be cut. Let It dry ou , and
with the HUIHO pen draw over this line
with nitric acid. The brass may then
be l broken across like glass cut with a
Gold Pen * .
The first gold pens made in this coun
try were all manufactured by hand ,
the gold being cut from strips of , the
metal by scissors and every subsequent
operation being performed by hand.
These handmade gold pens cost from
? 5 to $ 20 and were fur Inferior to the
machine made article of tbe present
Of what does a bad taste in your
month remind you ? It indicates that
your stomach is in bad condition nnd
will remind you that there is nothing so
good I for such fi disorder , as Chamber
lain's Stomach nnd Liver Tablsjts after
having once used them. They cleanse
and invigorate the stomach anil regu
late the bowels. Per sale a6 25 cents
per box by Kiesau Drug Co. . - >
Mow to Avoid Trouble. I
Npw Is the time to provide yourself
nnd family with a bottle of. Chamber-
Iain's ' Cello , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy It is almost certain to be
needed before the summer is over ) and
if procured now may save yon a trip'ito
town in the nightor in your busiest
season. It la everywhere admitted to
bo the most successful medicine -in * use
for bowel complaints , both for children
and adults. No family can afford to be
without it For sale by Kiesau Drug >
'Good Advice.
The most miserable beings in the
world are those suffering from dyspepsia
and liver complaint. More than seventy-
five per cent'of the people in the United
States are ofllioted with these two dis-
eases and their effects : such ns sour
stomach , sick headache , habitual cos -
tlvonesa , palpitation of the heart , heart
burn , water-brash , gnawing and burn
ing pains at the pit of { he atoinaoh ,
yellow skin , coated tongue nnddi&ngre0-
able taste in the mouth , coming up 10Of
food after eating , iQW'BptritHA t Go
to your druggist and get a bottle of
August Flower for 75 cents. Two
doses will relieve you. Try it. Get !
Green's special almauao. A. H. Kiesau.
Whooping Cough.
My little son hud an nttuuk of whoop *
Ing cough and was threatened with
pneumonia ; but for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy wo would have haa a
dcrious time ot It. It also saved him
from several severe attacks of
II J Strickfadou , editor World-Herald ,
Fair IInvou , Waxh , 1'or fuio by Kiosau
Drug Co.
Spring Fever.
Spring fever id a mthor tmnio for bil
iousness , it la more serious than most
people think. A torpid liver and in-
native bowulB moan A poisoned system.
If neglected , sorioaa illness may follow
such symptoms. DeWitt's Little Early
Risers remove all danger by stimulat
ing the liver , opening the bowels hud
cleansing the system of impurities.
Safe pills .Never gripo. "I have taken
De Wat's Little Early Risers for toroid
liver every spring foryears , " writes R.
M. Evorly , Moundsville , W. Va.
"They do me more good than anything
I have over tried. " The Kiosau Drug
Co. , . . . '
On the drat indication of kidney
trouble , atop it by taking Foloy's Kid
ney Onre. A. H. Kiesan.
Read it in His Newspaper.
George Sohuub , a well KUOWU Gor
man citizen of New Lebanon , Ohio , ia a
constant reader of the Dayton Volkhzoit-
nng. Ho knows that this paper aims to
advertise only the best in its oolnnms.
when he saw Ohntubarlaiu's Pain
Balm . advertised therein for lame back ,
ho did not hesitate in baying a bottle of
it for his wife , who for eight weeks had
suffered with the most terrible pains in
her buck aud could get no relief. He
says : "After using the Pain Balm for a
few days my wife said to mo , 'I feel as
though born anew , ' and before using the
entire contents of the bottle the unbear
able pains had entirely vanished and she
could again take up her household
duties. " Ho is very thaukfnl and hopes
that all suffering likewise will hear of
her wonder ! ul recovery. This valuable
liniment is for sale by Kiesan Drug
Interesting to Asthma Sufferers.
Daniel Baute of Ottorvillo , Iowa ,
writes , "I have had asthma for three
or four years and have tried about all
'ho cough aud asthma euros in the
rnaikut and have received treatment
from physicians in Now York aud other
cities , but got very little benefit until I
tried Folov's Honey and Tar which gave
meimmediate , relief aud I will never bo
without it in my house. I sincerely
recommend it to all , A. H. Kiesan.
For biliousness use Chamberlain's
Stomach nud Liver Tablet * . They
clennsH the Htom.ioh and regulate the
liver nud bowels , effecting a quick and
permanent euro. For sale by Ktesau
Drug Co.
Olironio brououial troubles and sum
mer coughs can bo quickly relieved aud
cured by Foley's Houoy aud Tar. A. H
Virulent Cancer Cured.
Startling proof of a wonderful ad-
vauco in medicine ia given by Drnggfs't
GW Roberts of Elizubeth , W. Va. An
old uiau there had long suffered with
what good doctors pronounced incurable
oaucer. They believed his case hopeless
till ho used ElOotrio Bitters and applied
Buckleu's Arnica Salve , which treat
ment completely cured him. When
Electric Bitters are used toexpal bilious ,
kidney and microbe poisons at the same
rime this salvo exerts its matchless heal-
UK power , blood disease9 , skin eruptions ,
i CMS nud sores vauish. Bitters 50 routs ,
ulve i'5 cents at the Kiesau Drug Co.
Leads Them All.
"One minute Cough Cure boats nil
other medicines I ever tried for coughs ,
colds , croup aud throat and lung
troubles , " says D. Scott Ourrin of
Logantou , Pa. One minute Cough Cure
is the ouly ab'olutoly safe cough remedy
which acts immediately. Mothers every
J where ] testify to the good it has done
choir little ones. Croup is so sudden in
its attacks that the doctor often arrives ,
too late. It yields at once to One Min
ute Cough Cure. Plea ant to take ,
Children like it. Sure cure for * srripj
bronchitis , coughs. The Kiesau Drug
A Good Thing.
German Syrup is the special 'prescript
rion of Dr. A Bosohee , a celebrated
G. rrnan physician , and is acknowledged
to be one of the most fortunate discov
eries in medicine. It quickly cures
coughs/ colds and all lung troubles of
the severest nature , removing ; as it does ;
the cause of the effeotion and leaving
the parts in a strong and healthy con
dition. It is not an experimental medi
cine , bnt has stood the test for yearsf
giving satisfaction in every case , which
its rapidly increasing sale every season
confirms. Two million bottles sold an
nually. Bosohee'a German Syrup waa
introduced in the United States in 18G8j
and is now sold in every town and vil
lage in the civilized world. Three doses
will relieve any ordinary cough. Price
75 cents. Gi t Green's special almnnao ,
A. H. Kiesan. /
Filthy Temples in India. '
Sacred cowa often defile Indian tem
ples , bnt worse yet is a body that's pol
luted by constipation. Don't permit it.
Cleanse your system with Dr. King's
Newlilfe Pills and avoid untold , miaoryi
They , give lively livqrs , active bowels ,
good digestion , fine appetite. Only 20
cents at the Kiesan Drug ftn .
If you have kidney or bladder trouble
nnd do not use Foley's Kidney Oaro'
yon will have only yourself to blnme
for results , as. it positively cures alj ,
forms of kidney aud bladder diseases , ,
A. H. Kiesau ' '
riap'py Tme { in Old Town. , „
"Wo felt very hopny , " writes R. * Nj
Bovill , Old Town , Va. , 4'when' ' Buoki
Ion's A'rnioa Salve wholly cured oar
daughter of a bad case of scald head. .It
delights all who use it for outs , corns ;
burns , bruises-boils , ulcers , eruptions.
Infallible for piles. Only 25 cents ,
tbo Kiesan Drug Oo. . >
Was Wasting Away.
The following letter from Robert R.
Watts , of Salem , Mo. , IB instructive.
"I bave boon troubled with
kidney dis
ease for the last five years I lost flesh
and never felt Well and doctored with
leading physicians and tried all romof
dips pudKfistod without relief. Finally.
I tried Foley's Kidney Oftro and less '
than two bottles complete ! ? cured me
and I am now sound nud well. " A. II.
It is the right of every cl ilcl
to be well born , and to the
parents it must look for
health nnd
Responsibility How incon
ceivably great
is the parents'
responsibility , and how important that
no taint of disease is left in the blood
to ke transmitted to the helpless child , entailing the most
pitiable suffering , and. marking its little body with offen
sive sores ami eruptions , catarrh of the nose and throat , weak eyes , glandular
awelHngs brittle bones , white swelling and deformity.
How can parents look upon such little sufferers and not reproach
themselves for bringing so much , misery into the world ? If you have
any disease lurking in your system , how can you expect well developed ,
healthy children ? Cleanse your own blood and build up your health , and
you have not only enlarged your capacity for the enjoyment of the pleasures
of life , but have discharged a duty all parents owe to posterity , and made
mankind healthier
and happier.
( There remedy that so surely reaches deep-seated , stubborn bloocT
{ roubles as S. > . S. It searches out even hereditary
poisons ' , and removes every taint from the blood ,
and 'builds up the general "health. If weaklings
fare growing up around you , right the wrong by
putting them on a course of S. S. S. at once. It is
a purely vegetable medicine , harmless in its effects , and can be taken ?
by both old and young without fear of any bad results.
_ Write us about your case , and let our physicians advise and help you.
This will cost ygu nothing , and we. will also send our book on blood and
Skin diseases. MH * THR SWIFT .SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Ga.
Ten Years in Bed.
R. A. Gray , J. P , Oakville , Ind. ,
writes , "For ten years I was coi flupd
to my bed with disease of my kidneys.
It was so severe that I could not move
part of the time. ' I consulted the very
best medical skill available , but could
get no relief until Foloy's Kidney Cure
was recommended to mo. It has been
a Godsend to me. " A. H. Kiesau.
One mav dwell beneath poverty's
lowly roof , or live in mansions of brick.
They'll flud a frie id in Rocky Moun
tain Tea. It rids life of its burdens.
A. H. Kiesau.
Ready to Yield.
"I used DeWitt's Witoh Hazel Salve
for piles and found it a certain cure , "
says S. R. Meredith , Willow Grove , Del.
Operations nnuec > ssary to cure piles.
Thev always yield to DeWitt's Witoh
Huzel Salve. Cures skin diseases , all
kinds of wounds. Accept no counter
feits. The Kiesau Drug Co.
Nq good health nuless the kidneys
are sound. Fo ey's Kidnov Cure niukes
the kidneys right. A. H. Kiesau.
Saved From an Awful Fate.
"Everybody said I had consumption , "
writes Mrs A M. Shields , of Chambers-
burg , Pa , , "I was 8,0 low after six
months of severe sickness , caused by hay
fever aud asthma , that few thought I
could get well , bnt I learned of the mar
velous merit of Dr. King's Now Dis
covery for consumption , used it uiul was
completely cured. " For desperate
throat and lung diseases it is the safest
cure in the world , and is infallible for
coughs , colds aud bronchial affections
Guaranteed bottles 50 cents and 1.00.
Trial bpttles free at the Kiesan , Drug
Don't be persuaded into taking some
thing said to be ' 'just as good" as Mud-
ison Medicine Go's. Rocky Mountain
Tea. There is nothing like it. 35 cents ,
noiuiore no less. A. H. Kiesau.
A Real Friend.
"I suffered from dyspepsia and indi
gestion for fifteen years , " says W T.
Sturdevnnt of Merry Oaks , N.C "After
I had tried many doctors and medicines
to uo avail ono of my friends persuaded
me to try Kodol. It gave immediate re
lief. I can eat almost ; anything I want
now and my digestion is good. I cheer
fully recommend Kodol. " Don't try to
fie stomach trouble by dieting. That
ouly further weakens the system. You
need wholesome , strengthening food.
Kodol enables yon to assimilate what
you eat by digesting it without the
stomach's aid. The Kiesau Drug Co ,
, , During the summer kidney irregular
ities are often cansed by excessive
drinking or being overheated. Attend
to the kidneys at once by using Foley's
Kidney Cure. A. H. 'Kiesau.
There is a pretty girl In the" alpine
A sweeter girl in a sailor brim ,
fiat the handsomest girl you'll ever
see. i >
* f Is the sensible girl-who uses Rooky
Mountain Tea. A. PI. Kieaau.
n r > ' ' < '
tation ,
fluttering' ' 'or - irregular pulsa
tions are an indication of weak-
nes's of , the nerves or muscles
of the'heart. A weakness long
continued produces deformity
and organic disease. If your
lieart action is weak , make it
strong. Build up the muscles
. and strengthen the , nerves , with
the greatest of all heart reme
dies , Dr. Miles' Heart Cure.
"Tho least exertion or excite
ment caused my heart to throb
and pound and I had smothering
spells , pain and palpitation.
Three bottles of Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure overcame all tjie e disturb
ances and made me well.1' '
Mus. J. A. GOUTS ,
Upper Sandusky , Ohio
. Miles'
Heat Cute
quiets the nervous heart , regu
lates its pulsations and builds
up its strength ejsc
can. Sold by druggists on a
Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind
* . -
lu all Us stages there / nrL0'jK '
should bo cleanliness. % ? ' tltft ) / \jK \ §
Ely's Cream Balm J , Q/j
deani-eg , soothes and heals "
tiio dijca ed' ' membrane.
11 ciirea catarrh and drives
( may n cold In the head
Crciun Balm Is placed Into the nostrils , spreads
over the membrane and Is absorbed. Ite'.lof Is Im
mediate and a euro follows. It Is not drying does
not produce sneezing. Large Size , 60 cents"at Drug-
glitt or by mall ; Trial Size , 10 cents by mall.
ELY BUOTIIEUS. BO Warren Street , New York.
6-DO LED !
Take the gc.iulne , origins !
Made only by .Madison Medl *
cine Co. ( Madison , WIs. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on etich package.
Price , .15 cents. Nov-r nl4
in bulk. Accent no substi
tute Ask > out-
are the most fatal of all dis
eases. *
rULCI 0 Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies 'recognized by etni-
lent physicians as the best for
Sidney and Bladder troubles *
PRICE 50c. and $ ( .00.
Made a
Well Man
'v ' of Me.
produces the above results lo 30 days. It act !
powerfully and aulclily. Cures wtion all others tall
VouDRmnuwlllrcgatn their lost manhood , ttd old
men will recover tbelr youthful vigor by using
BEVIVO. It quickl ? and eurcly restores Nervoutv
BOSS. Lost Vitality , Impotcncy. Nightly Emission * .
liost Tower. Falling Memory. Waiting Dleeueg.and
II effects ot self-abuso orezccraand Indiscretion , ' .
Which unfits one for study , business or marrltao. II
not only cures by starting at tbe seat ot dlsetza , bul
Is a great nerro tonic and blood builder , bring-
lug back tbe pink glow to palo cheeks and rs- 1
storing the flro of youth. U wards off Jnaanltj
and Consumption. Inaltt on baring KEV3TVO , oa
other. It can be carried In rest pocket. By mall
B1MO p r package or six for S5.00 , with port-
tlvwritten guarantee to care or renmtr
the money. Rook and ndrlte free. Address '
For sale in Norfolk , Nebraska , Jby
Geo. R
Drying preparations -simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions ,
which adhere to the membrane and decom
pose , cruising n far moro serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh1. Avoid all dry
ing1 inhalants , ' fumes , ainokes and snuffa
and use tlmt which cleanses , soothes' and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in the bead
easily andpleasantly. A trial eizo vrill bo
mailed for'lO cents. All druggists Bell the
COc. size. Ely Brothers , CG Warren St. , N..Y.
Tlio Balm cures vilhont pain , does not
Jrritato or causeeuocziug. . It spreads itself
over nn irritated nhd nngry surface , rdliov-
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Lly's Cream Balm you nro armed
QRaiust Nasal Catarrh nud Hay Fever.
At all drug ttort * . 25 DIMM 2Sc.
TRy. . . ; '
§ i
I rt a
' . " , > inr. < *