The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 20, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE NOKFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , JUNE 20 , 1902 ,
Jewelry Do ! air ness
The jewelry store that has
two pricedwould take an un
fair price from all if it could/
aud makes sure of getting an
unfair price from bomo.
We HaiiR lilt floe Piice
plain figure , which cannot be
deviated Iroin. Wo think wo
pell good "Watches , Olockp ,
Jewelry nnd Silverware , just
as low an it can bu bold and be
gooi. We think we I ave a
nire stock to select from.
Come in and pee. . Fine Wtitch
nnd Jewelry Repairing n Spec
G. F. W. MftRQUftRDT ,
Dr. Marqiiatdt ,
Eyes Exiraincil.
Glasses Filled.
Correct Fit
/ : - -
See lie cldc't irhibitrit. Ho IIBB
pnlil II nt , I < D i in w IIIIB no Homo * Ho in coun-
noting liiefou tu tuko hie S viuKdamJ mnke a
tiret pnjment ( in H hump , uuf t Hy IIP bniaxco
by Di'kiaic aoin Irorn ti.o . E.kliorn Hnil MDR
and Snvincs ACB ciation. Tim.r plan IB o.eily
T. E. ODIORNE , Secretary.
We have just se
cured a Big Snap
in Tumblers. They
are a good service
able gas finished
glass and would be
cheap at 50c. We
are going to sell
them at 35cuper
dozen. They are
cheaper at that
price than jelly
glasses and much
nicer. See them
in our window.
THE SELECTIpN of a piano is a
very important transaction. It is the
selection of a home companion for life.
If it is good and responsive it means
harmony and happiness. If poor it
means constant discord.
AS IN LIFE , there are affinities
oome people attracting while ethers re
pel , so with pianos. lu certain pianos
there is a sympathetic toneaction qual
ity that is charming. You are aware o :
1. the fascination every time the keys are
\ pressed. Yon may not be able to ex
plain it , but you know it.
Chlckering piano. Everybody does
They possess a power , richness and del
icacy of tone and action that is simply
WE LIKE TO SELL these pianos be
cause we can honestly recommend them
to our best friends , not only believing
but because we know there is nothing
better made , they always give entire
satisfaction , we have bon selling them
for 10 years and the first one sold is as
good today as the day we delivered it.
WE WANT YOU to become ac
qualnted with thfse beautiful instru
ments. It is like meeting good people
It makes you better , exalts your ideals
of life and its possibilities. Should you
become the owner of one , yon will enjoy
it and some day thank us that we lee
yon to it. Many customers about to buy
cheap grade pianos from competitors a
fictitious prices have saved from $100 to
( f 250 consulting with us , why not yon
If this thing continues , fur overcoats
will be more popular on the Fourth than
red lemonade.
0. P. W. Marquardt has improved his
place of business by having a pennanen
cement walk laid in front.
M M. Btannard baa started his son in
a frnlt and confectionary bnMnom in
the building east of Marquardt's jew
elry store.
Rev. S , F. SlmrploB of this city has
accepted the invitation to deliver the
oration at the Fourth of July celebration
to be held at Scottvlllo , this state.
A force of men commenced this noon
at the w ork of tearing up the old plank
walk in front of the Ilalnbolt nnd Bear
mlidlngs at the corner of Fourth street
nnd Norfolk avenue , and to put in the
filling lu roulluoss for the vitrified brick
walk that is to bo laid. The buildings
mve been raised to grade and a brick
onndatiou laid under the fronts as n
josis for the niw walk.
The gaino of base ball scheduled for
he homo grounds tomorrow between
landolph nnd the local club , promises
o bo fast nnd close. The homo tuaui
ms been materially strengthened this
veek and is putting up much bettor ball.
Johnson will be in the game tomorrow
nnd Wllklus is negotiating for n couple
of fast men from Iowa. One is a star
wirier and the other a speedy firt > t-
A. , T. Weber , news of whoso sickness
was reported here by Mr. Priohurd , and
who for many years made Norfolk his
home , died nt Fullerton , California , on
Friday , Juno 18. Ho hud been confined
to his bed for the past two months , suf-
eriug from lymphatinouin. His end
ciirne p ncefully and ho was conscious
o the la t. Norfolk contains many
friends ot Mr. nnd Mrs. Weber who
will be exceedingly sorry to learn of the
atul termination of his illness.
The members of the Knights Templar
were entertained by the Eastern Stars
ac Must hull last evening. A protrim
if music v , as a pleasant feature of the
ttveuiug and delicious refreshments were
icrved. The star effect was used in the
nrraugement8t > the chairs being placed
n the shape of n huge , five pointed
star. As a sovenir of the occasion , a
nininture picture of Colonel S. W.
Hayes , standing beside a Knight Temp
lar banner , was presented to each guest.
Mr. Hayes is the oldest Mason in the
s'ate nnd a past grand master. A year
ago the Knights were the hosts and
their guests returned the compliment
last evening.
Practically all of Norfolk expects to
turn out nt 5 o'clock and welcome the
Omaha trade excursion and the Twenty-
Second Regiment baud. This band
served in the Philinpines , going across
at the same time that the Madison com
pany under the command of Captain
Jens made the trip , and they will fur
nish the music for Norfolk's Fourth ot
July celebration , all of which is suffi
cient reason to draw out the crowd.
The excursion will come in over the M.
& O. end it is likely that their long stop
in the city will be nt the union depot.
The commercial men will take supper
in Norfolk and will leave for the east
over the F. E. & M. V. at 7 : JJO. On re
quest of Prusident Luikart of the Norfolk -
folk club the business men of Norfolk
will meet the Omaha visitors and enjoy
an exchange of fellowship.
Great interest is being developed in
Norfolk's Fourth of July celebration
and the outlook is for an exceedingly
clever time to all who will participate
Colonel E. H Tracy has been chosen by
the executive committee as marshal ol
the day and he has had the experience
in directing parades and marches that
fully qualifii s him for the duty. Indi
cations are that almost every business
house in the city will be represented by
a float in the trade display section and
the parade "committee desires that none
of them should be left out of this feature
Those who expect to be represented in
this section and have not yet notified
the committee of snch intention should
do so at as early a date as possible that
they may make arrangements accord
ingly. Details of the program are be
ing arranged nnd this promises a day of
thorough enjoyment to all.
The rain that .fell yesterday and last
night amounted to little more than a
half inch. The ground had been so
thoroughly soaked by preceding showers
that it had the appearance of being
much more , and much of the water
that fell is still on the surface. No
doubt as to the potato crpp remains
There will be potatoes to feed millions
in this vicinity. Almost , every one
p'anted potatoes owing to the failure of
that crop last season , nnd already the
ground in the patches IB cracking open
by the force of the magnificent tuber
that are developing. New potntoe
as largo a a couple of fists are not un
common and the growers ore given to
speculation as to what the harvest wil
really be by the time the season for new
potatoes ordinarily arrives. Indication
are that additional storing facilities fo
the crop will be In demand. Other
crops , unless it be small grain EO fa
advanced that it is lodging , are pnttini
forth a magnificent growth because o
the abundant moisture.
Lake Superior white fish , lake trout
cat fish and wall eyed pike at Giles
Choice veal , spring chicken and
spring lamb at KOTO'S.
All kinds of fresh fish at Euro's.
Just received large line of beautifn
pictures Bookstore.
Just received from Havlnnd & Co.
lovely pieces of china Bookstore ,
1 Fine dill pickles at KOTO'S.
Candidates for Annapolis Ap
pointment Here.
Congressman Robinson IB Repre
sented by Fred H. Davis of Madison.
Six Young Men Dcsins to Try for
the Honor.
At 2 o'clock this afternoon a Httlo
group of men stood on the south stops of
ho Hiqh school building , snuggling up
lose to the bricks to keep out of the
old , raw wind and incidentally wait-
ng for someone with n key to come
along nud , open the door.
Six of them were young men who
mvo como to Norfolk to take the com
petitive examination for admission to
ho U. S. Naval academy at Annapolis.
Three of the others were members of
he examining board , while the fourth
was Fred II Davis of Madison , who Is
Congressman Robinson's representative
and IB on the ground for the solo pur
pose of seeing that the affair Is con-
lucted on the square.
The examination is to tnko plaeo an
outlined in the pamphlet issued by Mr.
Robinson nud gives any yt.ung man in
ho ThiidcongrcHsionnl district , between
he ages of 15 and 20 years , nu oppor-
unity to try for the appointment.
The candidates ate : Milo Drncmol of
Fremont ; Ray Lunger of West Point ;
L. B , Curtis of Genoa , Frank Girtou of
Wayne , Hubert Suing of Hartlngtoii
and E Liudak of Niobrarn.
The examining board consists of : 0.
W. ( Crutn of Madison , J. M. Pile of
Wayne , R. H. Graham , D O. O'Connor
and Dr J. H Mackay. Mr. O'Connor
s out of the city but will bo homo In
ho morning.
The mental examinations began this
afternoon nnd will probably take up the
greater portion of tomorrow. Physical
examinations will be given afterward.
Owing to the fact that no one seemed
to know anything about arrangements
lor the use of the school building , Mr.
O'Connor and the janitor being out of the
city , some other place had to bo found
and the city hall was finally secured for
the work. "If I ever have anything to
dojwith another examination , " said Mr.
Davis , who was quite provoked by the
situation , "it won't be in Norfolk. "
Of the candidates for the appoint
ment , Milo Drnemel of Fremont Is the
only one who was here to take the last
examination in this line. He passed
well , but lacked in weight.
Ray Langer , whoso brother won first
place in the West Point mental examin
ation hero several years ago , has only
recently returned from a two years'
cruise around the globe , on a govern
ment boat.
Strawberries at Schorreggo's.
Just received immense invoice of
finest cut glass Bookstore.
Omar Shaefftr of Chicago is visiting
John Welsh at the Junction.
-.irs. E. Winter and children of Mad
ison are visiting with Mrs. Pilger.
Geo. H Bishop of New Haven , Conn. ,
is here looking after business iut * rests.
F. II. Culver of Lincoln , a former
resident of this city , is here for a few
Mrs. Frank Scott and mother of Stanton -
ton drove to Norfolk yesterday and are
guests of Mrs. O. E. Green.
Miss Jessie McCornick of Traer , Iowa ,
arrived last evening and is a guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bridge.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Eddy left yester
day for Grand Island where Mr. Eddy
goes to take the superiutendency of the
sugar factory.
Henry Hollyfield went north on the
Creighton branch this morning to post
bills advertising Norfolk's Fourth of
July celebration.
Rev. and Mrs. G. F. Nickerbocker of
this city are in attendance nt the meet
ing of the state Sabbath school conven
tion at Central City thW week.
Mrs. A. B. Noble , whose husband is
professo of language at the Iowa agri
cultural college , arrived last night to
visit her sister , Mrs. R. H. Reynolds.
Jacob Joskalek of South Omohn ,
grand master Workman of the Ne
braska A. O. U. W. , was in the city
over night enronte to Humphrey. He
visited the office of the official organ
this morning.
Mr. and Mrs. F L. Hamilton left this
noon for Creighton where they will
visit with Mr. Hamilton's parents for a
time , after which Mr. Hamilton will go
into tbo new country -in South Dakota
to look up a location.
Mlsa Idollo Taylor , Miss Knesel nnd
Mrs. Mai tin of Battle Creek and Miss
Blanche Schultz of Atkinson were
guests of Mrs. Gardner and attended
the Eastern Star and Knights Templar
banquet nt Mosonlo hall lost night.
Dr. R. A. Mittleatadt , dentist , Bishop
block. Telephone 147 A.
FOR SALE A large house on Third
street , also two cottages at Junction.
Go to Kanffmaun for ice cream bricks
put up in neat packages , three flavors or
plain , 40 cents a quart. Bricks may be
koptfortwo hour * uftor leaving the
store. The best and purest quality of
materials mod In theno creams
Luke Superior whllo M-h , litko trout ,
oat ili < h and wall eyed pike at Glins-
Finest kind of ice crtam for pinnies
and parties n specialty , nt Kauffinnnn'H ,
I'rlcfB the lowest.
Spring chlekeus nt Palace meat mar
Foil BALK on PAKT TRADE Thirty
tiead of registered shorthornn , both
sexes. All at Norfolk Good on H too.
Farm and city loans.
Strawberries at Schorreggo'B.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Decker Saturday.
Edward Woisko rods to Norfolk on
tils wheel Monday.
Mies Llz/.io Mt-ls r of Omaha , IH vis
iting with her parents.
Mrs. Henry Stellln , who has boonlor-
louely ill , is Improving.
Ghas. Rico of Norfolk was here on Ills
regular buninesH trip Monday.
E. II. Luiknrt went to David City on
business Friday , returning Sunday.
Bul/.er and Conrad Werner returned
Saturday from a trip to the Pacific
D. L. Best IIHR sold hiH livery business
to Einil and Win. Mem , who took pos
session Monday.
Mrs. Fred Thioinkoand two daughters
of West Point visited here this wouk
with her siHtur , Mrs. F. Hull/man ami
The little six-weoks-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Eden died Sunday noon
aud the funeral was hold Tuesday after
noon from the Lutheran church.
Henry Stoltenberg of Petersburg
bought of K. T. NileH , Thursday , ! WO
acres of laud , the consideration being
$9,000. Judge Nowerk was the agent
who engineered the deal.
Mrs. Cyrus Splcher , who has boon
sick with dropsy , died Tuesday night
and was buried Thursday afternoon
from the Lutheran church , Rtv. J. Hof
man officiating. The deceased was 40
years of age and leaves a husband and
six children and many other r > 1 t vos
here and in Wisconsin.
Choice veal , spring chicken and
spring lamb at Karo's.
All kinds of fresh fish at Karo's.
Fine dill pickles at Karo's.
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
(01 the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. to-
ay :
Maximum temperature G5
Min uium temperature 51
Average 58
reoipltation 55
Petal precipitation for month 5 00
Barometer 20.5)0 )
Forecast for JNebraska : Fair and
slightly cooler tonight. Saturday partly
cloudy and warmer , with possibly
showers in west portion.
We have a house end five acres to
rent for $8 per month.
Farms rented for nonresidents. Col
lections mnde. Insurance written by
Gardner & Seller.
Sturgeon is the mane man.
FOR SALE E. A. Crum is here in
Norfolk and wants to sell his property
at northeast corner of Koenigsteln ave
nue and Tenth street. Four lots , 122 by
188 , house vacant and in good order.
Kitcken , bed room , closets , cistern and
pump , cess pool , cemented cellar , honse
piped for city water , bath room , water
closet and lavatory. Fine dining room ,
two barge bed rooms , two small ones.
Handsome parlor , bay window , south.
Blinds , screens , storm windows. A
complete home for sale cheap. The
most desirable location in the city.
Keys at my home. Call and examine
this property. Change of residence
cause of selling. J E SIMPSON.
FOR SALE Mv farm on North Thir
teenth street. For particulars inquire
nt residence. J. W. KIDDER ,
North Thirteenth street.
A Pretty Foot
however shapely can easily be tnrnec
into n deformity by ill-fitting shees
Therefore don't risk yonr comfort am
I ease but bny shoes that are worthy o
I the name. Yon will find them in grea
variety at the Palnce Shoe Store. Shoo
that are built by skill and brains , com
bining beauty of form , beauty of style
perfect durability and perfect comfort
The Palace Shoe Store
Tents , Awnings ,
Lawn and
Porch Chairs.
We still sell Herrick Refrigerators.
While you have a Complete Stock
to select from ?
Now IH your cliimre to get what WILL. . PLKARK YOU at a
GREAT REDUCTION , HH wo will plitro on twin our entire
Htot'k ut omi-lmlf the regular Nulling price , commencing
and continued the ontiio week Come early , that you may
have first choice of ( lie lot.
North Side Main St. ( MIQCC I D C RJ Ffc 1C B ?
if 11 . J . ti fi O
OppOHite Old Stand ( O C C C l\
I - - ZZ"N. For the Accommodation of Our
Tnulo we haudlo a line of. . .
i > $ > & $ > < & &S > < S > < S > S > < S > & &
Late buyers will find at our
store as many styles in as great
variety of trimmings as were
shown earlier in the season.
Real Mate , LORDS , losiirance
FOR RENT Five-room honao in good order
with ( mail barn
FOB SALE Two utory and wing 7-room
lionw , lot 60 by 176 feet , largo barn , good well ,
100-barrel cittern , lien bouse , rood cellar. In
one of the beet blocks In UIB city. $100.00.
BALE Fine corcer lot on Norfolk are-
nns , 58 by 176 feet.
Come and BOO me. Let nt talk , I bare two
good in nranc companies , Palatine of London
and American Central of Bt. Lonli , and will be
clad to Icenreyon from fire or tornado
Office at Hardy' * Coal Office.
will build you a
on easy payments. Come and see us.
C. B. DTJBLAHD , Secretary ,
to the nation should be the flour ground
from his best wheat , such as is ground
at the Sugar City Cereal Mills. In it he
gives life , health and strength , backbone
and sinews to his sous and daughters , as
there is 110 bread so healthful and nntri-
tlous oa that made from Bon Ton and
Sunshine flours. Be patriotic aud do
your Fourth of July baking from the
best flour in the country , made at the
Sugar GityCereal plls.
Piano Movlng > Specialty.
'Phono 58. Cells ProaxptlyJAisworad