T 1L THE NORFOLK NRW8 : FRIDAY , JUNE 13 , 11)02 ) , 11 IF YOU WANT Watches iu gold , gold filled , silver niul silveroid , with Elgin , Wulth. am and other movements. Jewelry of every description nt low prices. Olminp , chnrms , rings , pins , collar and cuff buttons , etc. Clocks from a email nit kel to n fancy pnrlor clock , of the best makes and guaranteed good time keepers. A Special , reduced price of 10 % on sil verware this month , go to G. F. W. MARQUARDT , JEWELER , NORFOLK - NEBRASKA. Eyes Examine ! Glasses Filled. Correct Fit Qunrnntcctl. NORFOLK , NEBIUSKA tcrYRKNT By saving a nickel daily , &he will have enough at the age of twenty to buy a good lot. She can then borrow of the Elkhorn Building and Savings As sociation enough to build a house and let the rent pay the loan. T. E. ODIOENE , Secretary. PARISH FINE GROCERIES. PARISH PIANOS. THE OHIOKERINQ. "I quite realize that the tone of the Ohickering piano is finer and more beautiful than can be found in the pianos of nny other maker , but I canno see why this should be ; I cannot under stand why the Obickeiing should be alone in this delightful quality , " said a recent purchaser. Unconsciously this lady repeated thi old question of the whole piano industry for every manufacturer in America for many decades past has been trying to discover the secret of the wouderfn Ohickering tone. Small fortunes have been expended on experiments with the Idea of "equalling the Ohickering , " bu no manufacturer jias been successful in the attempt. It has now come to bo nl most a recognized conclusion by thought fnl piano men thnt it is a hopeless tnsk They cost a little moro money than other makes yet are so popular that the great factories in Boston are unable to supply the demand , having on thei books orders for over 1,000 of their new style A and others which they will no be able to ship before next December yet the purchasers are willing to wai for them. We sell them direct from the factory at prices yon cannot obtain elsewhere. . JOHNSON'S FURNITURE STOIIE. FRIDAY FACTS. O. E , Doughty nnd E. A. Amerin are the latest to add cement walks to th improvements f their residence prop erty. II. L. Bnydor received a message thi morning informing him of the death o Mrs. Bnyder'B mother at Piqua , Ohio which occurred yesterday. Mrs. Suydor was at her old homo , having been sum- inoued by a mesflngo announcing the serious illness of her mother. The parochial school of Christ Lu- : ieran church loft this morning for an H'day plcnto at Hille'e grove , a inllo orth of the city. Mr and Mrs. Robert Utter moved esterday into one of the handsome now ottages just completed by Col. S. S. Cotton on Koenigstein avenue. Tracy & Darlaud negotiated the Bale f 720 acres of Pierce connty land , com- > riBing two improved farms. The con- { deration was $22,200 and purchasers were prominent German farmers of 'ohrjson connty. They will take pos- osBion of their newly acquired property he first of next March and it is probable hat they will be followed to this sect Ion f the state by several more of their neighbors. Many small boys have formed the habit of throwing clods at people as hey pass , and so frequently is this done hat it is becoming a good deal of a nuisance. AH an instance of what might come of this practice , Millie Bridge was walking down Fourth treet this morning , and when near the Baptist church a band of urchins commenced mencod throwing clods at her , one of them striking her in the chest. The blow hurt her quite bndly , although it was not at all serious. Children should > e taught better manners. The Petersons finally succeeded in se curing a good attendance to their vaud eville entertainment at the Auditorium nit night and filled the house by re ducing the admission fee to a flat rate of ten cents to all to any part of the lonse. They presented a very credit able entertainment and it is probable that a largo number of them will attend the performance tonight at an admis sion of 20 and 10 cents. The serpentine aance witn coioreu ngnc , cnecc uy tne female impersonator last evening was one of the meritorious features. Dr. F. M. Sisson returned lost evening from Lincoln , where , as a trustee , he attended the commencement exercises of Wesleyau university. He reports this , one of the youngest Methodist in stitutions of the west , in a very pros perous condition. Dr. Sisson remained over a day in Lincoln to be present at the commencement of the state univer sity. He states that there were , from the several departments , 208 graduated. Norfolk has its share , not only in num bers , but in distinguished positions of honor as well. Among these was the commission , at the hands of the gover nor , of captaincy in the state militia organization upon A. Kimball Barnes. The Lincoln auditorium was crowded to its full on commencement day to listen to Booker T. Washington , L. L. D. , deliver the oration , the subject be ing , "The Race Problem. " None were disappointed but all' were inspired to higher ideals of intellectuality , morality and patriotism. One of the most sub limely pathetic scenes was the closing act. Ex Governor Thayer was pre sented to the chancellor who , in the name of the university , conferred on him as a scholar , soldier , statesman and patriot , the degree of doctor of laws. This was greeted with a round of ap plause as the old veteran sank into his chair , and will be commended by every Nebraskan. House .for rent. Inquire of 0. S Bridge. Mrs. Robert Utter , who is considered an excellent judge of quality and tone in a musical instrument , today pur chased from J. D. Sturgeon a fine Behr Bros. ' piano , that will go toward beau tifying her new home in the cottage just completed by Col. Cotton. A Tornado in Norfolk would cause everybody to take out in surance at once. "Why wait until we have one. No time to lock the stable after the horse is stolen. We have four good insurance companies. W. J. Gow & Bno. D. W. Forbes , manager of the Forbes Locating agency , Bonesteel , So. Dakota was in the city last Saturday and lef Sunday for Iowa. He will return to Norfolk and can be found at the Nor folk Shoe Co. store next Saturday Those wishing information in regard to free homes will do well to call and see Mr. Forbes who will be pleased to give yon information in regard to lands on the Rosebud reservation. The Weather. Forecast for Nebraska : Partly cloudy tonight and Saturday , with probably local showers and thunder storms. Warmer tonight. Dr. H. O. Mnnson , room 10 , Bisho block. Telephone ICO. Ice cream delivered to all parts of th city ; fine ordain for parties a specialty Try our confectionery , staple grocerie and canned goods. We make a specialty of cheese and Milwaukee sausages. JOHN FnEYTHALEU , Go to Kanffmann for ice cream brick put up in neat package * , three flavors o plaid , 40 cents a quart. Bricks may bo kept for two hours after leaving tb store. The best and purest quality o : materials need in these creams. Fen SALE 2 tracts of 10 acres each in edge of .town. GARDNER & SBILEK. Strawberries at Schorregge's. OMAHA WILL CALL ON NORFOLK , Commercial Club and Band Will bo In this City on Friday Evening. According to a letter received by 0. P. Parish Norfolk people are to enjoy the Icasuro of hearing the Twenty-Second ufantry U. S. band before the Fourth f Jnly , as it is to accompany the Ouiaha Commercial club on n visit to his city on Friday , Juno 20. On that rip Bandmaster Rolohardt will bo no- ompanlcd by 20 men , whereas ho will mvo 25 men with him hero on the fourth. The Commercial club ban planned an tinerary thnt will take them through bo towns along the Elkhoru and Omaha oads in northeast Nebraska during the Nth and 20th of this month. They vill leave Omaha over the M. & O. Thursday morning , going north through Hair to Emerson , east to Jackson , up ho branch to Hartiugton , where they will spend the night , and on Friday will come back through Laurel and Wakefleldto Wavne , through Randolph , up the Bloomfield branch and back hrongh Wayne to Norfolk. Hero they will stop for supper , remaining In the ity an hour and a half , from 5 o'clock oC0. : ! ! From here they will go east o Fremont and then back to their homes n Omaha. The committee iu charge of arrangements , Charles T. Konntz , W. M. Burgess , T. O. Byrne , Euclid Marin - in , George M. Ribbell , and E. E. Bruce , hreaten thnt if this is not the biggest UCCOBB in the way of trade excursions ver attempted they will go on the war path. The Norfolk Commercial club will no doubt undertake the task of properly eceiving and entertaining the Commer cial club of the state's metropolis on the occasion of their visit to this city. The visitors should carry away the inipres- ion that Norfolk is one of the most widewake , progressive , energetic , cor dial cities in the state ana tney Have md afwide experience tha't will qualify them to be critical judges of such char acteristics. For that hour and a half the city can afford to suspend business and meet with the business representa tives of Omaha and show them that the learts of Norfolk people are active and ocated in the right place. They will sincerely appreciate an evidence of neighborly , if not brotherly , feeling on the part of the people of this city. Farm and city loans. THE DOBLASD THCBT Co. Foil SALE A large house on Third street , also two cottagesat * ! Junction. GARDNER & SEILER. Finest kind of ice cream for picnics and parties a specialty , at Kauffmnnn's. Prices the lowest. We have a house ana nve acres to rent for $8 per month. GARDNER & SEILER. ORATOR OF THE DAY. H. C. Brome of Omaha Has Consented to Speak in Norfolk on the Fourth. The committee on speaker for the Norfolk Fourth of Jnly celebration , of which John R. Hays is chairman , has extended an invitation to Hon. H. 0. Brome of Omaha to speak on that day and he has accepted. Mr. Brome is one of the foremost platform speakers in the state and those who admire a fine address will assuredly hear one on the Fourth if they will listen to Mr. Brome. His forensic ability is well known to the people of Norfolk and surrounding country and there will be many who will come to hear him who would not be attracted by the other events of the day. It is assured that the speaking will be on the high plane of the other features of the day and enough pleasure and entertainment is now in sight to Insure those who become the guests of Norfolk one of the most enjoyable occa sions in the history of the state. Mr. Brome was formerly a resident of Nor folk where he started in n successful career as an attorney. He removed to Omaha with a view to enlarging his sphere and has attained a reputation as an attorney and an orator that is state wide. Those who enjoy an enthusiast ically patriotic Fourth of July address will not miss it by coming to Norfolk and hearing Mr. Brome. Spring chickens at Palace meat mar ket. ket.Dr. Dr. H. O. Munson , room 1C , Bishop block. Telephone ICO. Farms rented for nonresidents. Col lections made. Insurance written by Gardner & Seiler. We have twelve lots at Junction , be tween First and Fourth streets. Sel at a bargain if sold at once. GARDNER & SEILER. Cost of Lighting. A good many people who contemplate using electric lights for their residence have wished to know what it was ] cost ing other people on the meter basis for that purpose. , To answer this inquiry we have tab ulated our charges for this olass of service for the last four months , viz : February , March , April and May These four months have the average amount of darkness occurring during the year and therefore their average shows average for the whole year. We had for those four months 10 residences using light , each having an average of 21,4 IG-candle power lamp. Most of these consnmero own their own mute niul are pnylng 10 contrt per thonnnml wattR , HO the tabulation IH Hindu on ! hlnhi\RiK : Month of February , uvorago hill $ < M < > , or lljfj oentH per light. Mouth of Mnroh , uvorngo bill ( f'J.lO , or 0 contH per light. Mouth of April , average bill $1.70) ) or 16 ooutu per light. Mouth of Mi\y , average bill $1.1)0 ) , or 1 cents per light. Total fear nioiitlm per coimumor , 7. 5 , or $1.00 per month , ft HUlo IOBH hnu U coutH per lamp. An attempt IH bolng nnulu to Boonro uongh additional uusinoNH to justify an nll-night norrico by November 1 , icxt. If you would lllco an estimate ou ho cost of wiring , which wo nro doing nt absolute cost , drot ) us n card or call at our olllco nt the plant , 'We will have about July 1 a line of ample flxturon at our ollloo which will > o sold as low as possible. Yours very truly , ? ORROLK ELEUTIUO LIGHT AND POWKH Co. FOR SALE OR PART head of registered shorthorns , both exes. All at Norfolk Good OIIPH too. A. J. DURLAND. CUT-WORM MOTHS Prof. Bruncr of the Nebraska Uni versity Writes of the Insects. A. J. Dnrlnud rocoutly wrote to jawroiico Brnner , professor of ento mology at the experiment station , state luiverplty , Lincoln , regarding the moth hat has been so common iu Norfolk nud vicinity this tprlng. Replying to iis inquiries the profensor writes : "Tho insect which yon mention is n peoles of cut-worm moth , probably the amo as that which wns so plentiful evernl weeks ngo iu portions of ceutrnl Nebraska in alfalfa , wheat and other fields. There seems to bo no special method by which these moths cau bo destroyed other than to depend upon birds and other naturnl enemies. The probability is thnt they will deposit eggh within the next week or ton days and then die. Whether or not the eggs will produce extensive broods of cut worms remains to be seen , though it is not necessary that such should be the case since quite frequently those insects appear in largo numbers and for some reason or other even the next generation .8 binaller thau ordinarily. The natural enemies of cut-worms aud their relatives nro different kinds of flesh flies , Ichneumon flies , predacious beetles , frogs , lizards , mice , shrews , and other small mnmmals. Disease bomotinieH breaks out among them and takes off largo numbers. Unfavorable climatic conditions form a prominent factor in regulating the numbers of these insects. They do not seem to hnvo any particular food plant which they prefer to others to such an extent as to make it necessary to cease growing such plants. " Excursion tickets will be sold over the F. E. & M. V. on June 17 and 18 to Lincoln and return at ono fare for the round trip , good to return until June 21 , account of the republican state conven tion. Fourth of July Excursion. Tickets will be sold on the F. E. & M. V. raiload ( the Northwestern line ) to points on this line within a distance of 200 miles at one and one-third fare for the rounrijtrip , on Jnly 8 nnd 4 , good returning until Jnly 7. 7.H. H. 0. MATRAU , Agent. Low Fare Excursions To Hot Springs , South Dakota and the Black Hills.vin the F. E. & M. V. rail road. Excursion tickets will be sold every day until September 16 , good to return until October 31 , to Hot Springe , Deadwood and Lead , South Dakota. Full particulars will be cheerfully furnished as to rates , eto. H. 0. MATRAU , Agent. Dr. H. O. Munson , room 10 , Bishop block. Telephone 150. Strawberries at Schorregge's. Sturgeon is the piano man. THE NEWS keeps its job department up-to-date with the latest faces of type and does its work in approved style. A Sample of Dainty Footwear such as wo are now showing in our 'now stock of Summer Shoes. We have them in all sizes , shapes and styles. On .lines of Oxford ties and 1 , 2 , i ) nnd 4 strap slippers are latest novelties of th 'season. Th'ey're very stylish , exceed ingly neat , perfect fitting , comfortable durable. Prices attractive , also. Bes shoo values ever offered in Norfolk. t The Palaee Shoe Store STAPENHORST&CO. OMAHA , June 2 , 1902. MESSRS. HOFFMAN & SMITH Gcntlc- mcn : While we arc glad you have sold out completely on Hcrrick Refrigerators , we regret - grot that we will be unable to fill your Nor folk order for eleven boxes before June 15 , but will ship the ones ordered for Tildcn and Ewing today. Hoping the delay will not lose you any business , we remain ' Yours , HERRIGK REFRIGERATOR & GOLD STORAGE GO. Waterloo , Iowa. WHY NOT BUY A STREET HAT While you have a Complete Stock to select from ? Now in your I'linm-o to get wlmt WILL I'LKASE YOU nt n UHKAT INDUCTION , IIH wo will pliu-o on Halo our entire Block ut onehalt' the icgular Holling priro , commencing TUESDAY , JUNE 3 , nnd continued the mi tire wcolc. Conic onily , thnt you may have first choieo of the lot. North Side Main St. ) IVIICC OppOHito Old Stand \ III I O O Shut Out the Flies ! Screen in that porch ! Buy new wire for that leaky screen dooi ! ( lot the patent adjustable frame and maUo your own screens for the windows ! We have braces to straighten a sagging door a holder that will make a warped door stay shut and springs that will close them tight and sure. G. E. MOORE. \ Q & & & & & & & $ & Late buyers will find at our store as many styles in as great variety of trimmings as were shown earlier in the season. INSKEEP'S MILLINERY. , istate , Loans SIMPSON'S CORNER. FOR BUNT Five-room bonto la good order with email barn. FOH BALE Two etory and wing 7-room onef , lot 60 by 176 feet , largo barn , good well , 100-barrol cistern , lion bouse , good cellar. In one of tbe best blocks In the city. $700 CO. FOH SALE Fine correr lot on Norfolk nvo- nne , 58 by 176 feet. Come and BOO me. Let UB talk. I bare tao good Insurance companies , Palatine of London and American Central of St. Lenis , and will bo glad to Insnro jou from fire or tornado. J. E. SIMPSON , " Ofllce at Ilardy'p Coal Ofllco. it and Loan ASSOCIATION will build you a on easy payments. Come and see us. C. B. DUBLAND , Secretary. HALF A BAG of our high grade Hour is equal in re mits to a full Rack of other brnuds.u-'TiB ' the best on the market for the money. Uniform in quality'and purity. The highest development of the miller's art. Our popular Bon Ton Brand is the na plus ultra of family ( lour. Cheup , too $1,05 per eaek. Sunshine , 95o per sack. Sugar GityGereaUffills. MILLARDiCREENl DRRY and TRBNSFERiMNE Piano MovlBgJa Specialty. 'Phone,58. Oills Promptly Answered J - If