The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, June 06, 1902, Page 11, Image 11

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    > JR THE NORFOLK NEWS : V1UDAY , JUNK fi , 1002. 11
Does Your Watch
Keep Time ?
< If not , we'll ' cure it , nud when wo
4get through with it you'll wonder
* wby yon didn't think of ns long
AH Our Work Guaranteed
No hasty , Blirshod job
leaves onr shop. ,
Our Prices -Reasonable
for Skilled Workmanship ) '
Dr. i
Kjes Examined.
Glasses Filled.
Coreel ,
-reel FjtJ a j
( hmriiulceit.
This conplo nre dead tired of looking for n
lioutc to reut that will eutt thorn If they arc
wine , they will bay a property t ro'.tlio Kikliorn
Building and SUVIIIRS Association ou li n ; time
and email pajmentB.
T. E. ODIORNE , Secretary.
"I qnlte realize that the tone of the
Ghickering piano is finer and more
beautiful than can be found in the
pianos of any other maker , bnt I cannot
Bee why this should be ; I cannot under
stand why the Chiokering should be
alone in this delightful quality , " said a
recent purchaser.
U msciously this Indy repeated the
old , Btion of the whole piano industry ,
for ery manufacturer in America for
ma y decades past has been trying to
discover the secret of the wonderfu1
Ohickering tone. Small fortunes have
been expended on experiments with thi
idea of "equalling the Ohickering , " bn
no manufacturer has been successful in
the attempt. It has now come to be al
most a recognized conclusion by thought
fnl piano men that it is a hopeless tabk
They cost a little more money than
other makes yet are so popular that tin
great factories m Boston are unable ti
supply the demand , having on thei
books orders tor over 1,000 of their new
style A and others which they will not
be able to ship before next December ,
yet the purchasers are willing to wai'
for them.
We sell them direct from the factory
nt prices you cannot obtain elsewhere
The residence of A. J. Borland in Th
Heights is being improved with a fres !
coat of paint.
The stone walk in front of the Schelly
block has been leveled up and otherwise - ,
wise improved.
The Norfolk -High School orchestra
will meet Saturday night as usual. A
good attendance is desired.
A neat ofllco is being arranged At the
electric light station , whore someone
will bo found from early morning until
JOB. Fox , in the employ of II. 0. Sat *
tier , is moving into the Bishop cottage
on North Eleventh street , recently va
cated by the family of llov. L. W , Scud-
Henry Schmode , at one ttmo chief en
gineer of the Norfolk sugar factory , has
boon promoted to the position of super *
intondeut of the sugar factory at Amos ,
this state.
Rev. H. J. Duuton of Tekamah is a
candidate for the Baptist pulpit hero ,
made vacant by the resignation of Kev.
II. E. Ryder , and will preach and sing
hero Sunday , tn6rning and evening.
The Ed. Marplo house , formerly lo
cated in Hlllsido Terrace , is on wheels
and journeying towards its new location
on South Fifth street. The building
was purchased by S. K. Rowe and will
be fitted up * by him for a residence.
' '
Two''transformors on the electric light
line were burned out at the Junction
night before last , but the trouble was
not discovered until it was attempted to
s'tart the lights last evening. As a con
sequence a portion of that section was
without lights last night.
Mrs G. B. Salter of North Tenth
street entertained a company of sixty
lady friends living on the north side of
Norfolk avenue yesterday afternoon.
Tablps were laid in tents that had been
placed on.tho lawn whore the guebts
wore served with a dainty supper , delic
ious strawberries from the garden of the
hostess being an appreciable part of the
in no. This afternoon Mrs. Salter en
tertains a company of ladies from HoutliP
of Norfolk avenue.
Sheridan county has an honest horse
thief , if there can be such an anomaly.
He , with another horse thief and a man
who had stolen a watering tank , were
confined in the county jail. While
court was in session below , the water
tank man who had been sentenced to
five years in the pen , made his escape
by breaking the bteel bars. One of the
horse thieves followed him , not to make
his escape , however , but to inform the
court what had happened. The other
horse thief remained inside. The young
men held for horse stealing were given
a light sentence , being sent to the pen
for two yean. Another strange thing
or perhaps not so strange connected
with the case is that one of the young
horse thieves is the son of a Methodist
Other peoples' baking always tastes
better. Secure one of those cakes at
the cake sale Saturday.
WANTED An apprentice girl at Hitch
cock & Carbery's dressmaking shop.
Choice veal at KOTO'S.
Dr. Barnes the optician , eye specialist ,
assisted by Dr. Magarrele of Chicago ,
will be at the Pacific hotel.Friday . , June
Free Homes In Gregory County , S. D.
I will be in Norfolk on Saturday ,
June 7 , 1902 , and can tell yon about
these lands. Call on me at the Norfolk
Shoe Co.'s store.
D. W. FOHBES , Mgr. ,
Forbes Locating Agency ,
Bonesteel , S. D.
The cheapest place in town is the Bee
Spring lamb at Earo's.
AH kinds , of cake except devils' food
at the Christian Endeavor cake sale
Saturday afternoon.
The Weather.
Conditions of the weather as recorded
foi the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. to-
lay :
Maximum temperature 60
Minimum temperature 60
Average 70
ereoipitation 00
Total . . . precipitation . for month 1.58 *
Barometer. * . ' . . . . .29.76
.Forecast for Nebraska : Unsettled ,
with showers tonight-and probably
sonth portion Saturday. Cooler tonight.
Notice to Taxpayers.
The board of county commissioners
of Madison county will meet as a board
of equalization on the 10th day of June ,
1002 , at 1 o'clock p. m. , and be in session
for at least three consecutive days , for
the purpose of equalizing and adjusting
assessments. This being the only time
in which changes in assessments can bo
legally made , all persons having
grievances or complaints to present are
respectfully invited to appear during
said session.
By order of the board of county com
missioners. EMIL WISTEU ,
County Clerk.
Farm and city loans.
Anyone having claims or unsettled
accounts against the late Fred 'Drum-
mnnd are requested to present them tome
mo at once for settlement. Also those
owing the deceased are requested to
Spring chickens at Palace meat mar
rFOR SALE A large house on Third
street , alto two cottages at Junction.
President Roosevelt Signs
Norfolk Bill.
The Omnibus Bill , Appropriating
One Hundred Thousand Dollars for
a Federal Building , Receives Of
ficial Sanction of the President.
Washington , Juno 0 , U.C3 p. m
Spochal to the DAILY NBWH : President
Roosevelt this afternoon signed the bill
which provides for an appropriation of
one hundred thousand dollars for u pub
lic building at Norfolk. The measure
has now become a law and the Norfolk
building is assured.
The proceeds of the caKe halo to beheld
held nnder the auspices of the Y. P. S.
0. E. tomorrow will bo used to put
water on the church lawn , n purpose
that should insure a good patronage for
the enterprise.
Spring chickens at Knro'u.
WANTKU A few moro boarders by
Mrs. L. P. Halo , corner of Philip avouuo
and Third street.
Foil REST After Juno 10 , the store
room occupied by E. N.Tail as a candy
kitchen. Apply to D. Rees.
Go to Kaufl'maun for ice cream bricks
put up in neat packages , three flavors or
plain , -10 cents a quart. Bricks may bo
kept for two hours after leaving the
store. The best and purest quality of
materials used in these creams.
Fraternal Memorial.
Sunday is memorial day for a num
ber of the fraternal orders represented
in the city , Borne of which will have
special services befitting the occasion.
Morning lodge , No. 20 , K. P. , is to at
tend Memorial services at the First Con
gregational church in the evening.
The members will meet in Castle hall
at 7 o'clock and proceed to the church
in a body.
The A. O. U. W. and Tribe of Ben
Hur will combine in observing the day.
The members of both orders will meet
at Odd Fellows hall at 10 o'clock in the
morning and inaioh to the M. E. church
where the service will bo conducted by
Rev. J. F. Poucher. Members of the
two orders will again meet at the hall
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and go to
the cemetery , where the graves of de
ceased brothers and sisters will bo deco
rated with flowers. The committee for
the Workmen is composed of S. R.
McFarlaud , John Quick and F. W.
Koerber. The committee for the Tribe
of Ben Hnr is Mrs. M. P. Suiter , Mrs.
John Quick and Mrs. 0. F. W. Mar-
Forms rented for nonresidents. Col
lections made. Insurance written by
Gardner ' & Seller.
For rent or sale the Brome property
on Thirteenth street. MAPES & HAZEN.
The Bee Hive is getting in new sum
mer goods every day.
Spring lamb at Earo's.
Please the entire family. Bny one of
those sweet , homemade cakes at the
sale Saturday in Moore's hardware
Sold Three Cecilians in a Day.
J. D. Sturgeon returned over the
Union Pacific last night from Newman
Grove , where , he went in response to a
letter Irom O. . A. Randall , president ol
the First National bank of-Newman
Grove , who wished to have him bring
his Cecilian .self-playing piano attach
ment , BB he wished to learn something
of its merita. Mr. Randall informec
Mr. Stnrgeon that he had been in Sioux
City"and Omaha , apd had investigated
the different self-players , including the
Simplex , Apollo , Angelna and Pianolo
thoroughly. He had spent considerabl
time in making his investigation and
after thoroughly trying the Cecilian decided
cided to bny of Mr. Stnrgeon. He alsc
bad a number of his friends examim
and hear the Cecilian and while then
Mr. Sturgeon succeeded in selling Mr
Randall , Mrs. Ostergard nnt1 the Ode
Fellows lodge nil of Newman Grove
This work was all accomplished in one
day , and speaks very highly of the1
merits of the Ceciliau over all other
Mr. Stnrgeon left over the M. & O.
today for Wausa , whore he sold a fine
Behr Bros , piano in compotitiou with
several other makes.
Mr. Sturgeon has succeeded in work
ing up a fine trade iu musical instru
ments and his energy , combined with
the excellence of the makes-he - represents
are winning him success in about what *
ever he undertakes in his line. Those
coming in competition with him and
his instruments recognize that he is an
important factor in the music business
in this portion of Nebraska.
Foil SALE The Crnui property at
northeast corner of Koonigstein avenue
and Tenth street. Four lots , J22 by 188 ,
house vacant and in good order.
Kitchen , bed room , closets , cistern and
'pump , cess pool , oonuMiti-d collar , IIOUHO
piped for city water , Imth room , wntur
don't and lavatory Flno dining room ,
I two largo bed rooms , two smiill onta.
| llamlpomo parlor , bay window , nonth ,
Hindu , sorootiH , Rtoriu windowH. A
omplnto homo for ale cheap The
Host desirable location in the city.
Coys at my homo. Cull and examine
his property. Change of riwlduut'o
atiEo of nelling. J K SIMI-SON.
J 0. Moroy was a city visitor today
rom Pierce.
J S. Shnrtx returned yesterday from
> is visit to Glonolder , Kaunas.
Miss Hartley will go to Madison to-
torrow to assist County Superintendent
3rum with the county uxaminatioiiH.
Theodore F. Morrow of Audobon ,
own , la hero negotiating for the sale of
big ranch in Pierce county to A , J
) urland.
Miss Ethel Hartley loaves tomorrow
or St. Lenin where oho will upend the
uninier with hrr brother. Bho will
isit at Chattanooga , Tonn , before ro-
Mr. and Mrs. F. E Hardy loft yebtcr-
ay over the Union Pacific for Corning ,
California , where they expect to nmlto
heir homo in fnturo. J. S. Mi-Clary
I'companied thorn as far IIH ColumlniH.
Ir and Mrs. Hardy have lived hero
luce they wore married , Homo'-JO years
go , while Mr. Hardy has been n rent-
ent of this city about HI years. They
ave alwayH been identified with the
est people of the city and have been
romiuont in church and hocioty. A
est of friondH both in town and in the
ountry surrounding regret that they
uvo decided to lea\o , but will wish
lem health , happiness and prosperity
i their new homo.
Dr. R. A. Mittlefitadt , dentist , Bishop
lock. ToUphouo 117 A.
Foil SALE 2 tracts of 10 acres each in
dge of town. GAHD.VCU & SEILUH.
Sturgeon is tbo piano man.
We have a house and five acren to
ent for $8 per month.
Ice cream delivered to all parts of the
ity ; fine rream for parties a specialty.
Try onr confectionery , staple groceries
ml canned goods. We make a specialty
f cheese and Milwaukee sausages.
Finest kind of ice cream for picnics
.ml parties a specialty , at Knuflmanu's.
'rices the lowest.
Choice veal at Karo'n.
Strawberries at Schorreggo's.
Follow the crowd to the Bee Hive.
Children don't let mother forget the
ako sale tomorrow at 2 o'clock.
D. W. Forbes of Bouesteel , S. D. ,
fill be at the Norfolk Shoo Company's
tore next Saturday to talk with Nor
folk people regarding free homes in
Gregory county , that state. All inter
ested are invited to call and see him.
Dressing Sacques and Kimonas.
We carry the largest and prettiest
ine of these goods in Omaha.
All white , with lace embroidery or
White with colored trimmings.
Beautiful fancy lawn , Swisses , silk
mulls , Japanese hilk sacques. Prices ,
85 cents , $1 00 , $1.25 , $1.50 , f 2.00 , up to
We are selling Jackson's summer net
corset waist , for ( i ! ) cents , regular price ,
Onr all silk satin pros grain ribbon ,
width 1J4 to 8-inch , for five cents a
yard. MRS. J. BKNPON.
Sonth Sixteenth street.
Omaha , Neb.
its job department
up-to-date with the latest faces of type
and does its -work in approved style.
I Spring chickens at Karo's.
head of registered shorthorns , both
sexes. All at Norfolk Good ones too.
Strawberries at Schorregge'e.
Summer Oxfords
in most exclusive styles , giving that
touch of elegance to the foot found only
in the very finest footwear. Ladies who
require n shapely shoe , as well as one
| giving a great degree of comfort , will
( be entirely pleased and satisfied with
this line.
The Palaee Shoe Store
OMAHA , June 2 , 1902.
men : While we arc ( jlad you have sold out
completely on Hcrrick Refrigerators , we re
gret that we will be unable to fill your [ Nor
folk order for eleven boxes before June 15 ,
but will ship the ones ordered for Tilclen and
Ewing today. Hoping the delay will not lose
you any business , we remain
Yours ,
Waterloo , Iowa.
While you have a Complete Stock
to select from ?
Now IN your clwnro to get what WHjL 1'LKASH YOU at u
( WHA1 IllSDlKTION , IIH wo will pliu-o on Halo our entire
stock at ono-liiiir the K'Kiiliir milling price , commencing
and rontinuod the ontiio week Como early , that you may
ha\l > fltht fllOiCO Of lilt ) lot.
North Sldo .Main St /
Opposite Old Stand \ EVIISS E. J. BENDER
I Shut Out the Flies !
Screen in Unit , porch ! Jiuy now wire for thai
leaky screen door ! ( iefc the patent adjustable frame
and make your own screens for the windows ! We
have braces to straighten a sagging door a holder
thai will make a warped door stay shut and springs
that \\ill close them tight and sure.
< * >
Late buyers will find at our
store as many styles in as great
variety of trimmings as were
shown earlier in the season.
, LoanUnsiirance
FOR REST Five-room homo ID good order
with email burn.
FOR BALE Two story and wing 7-room
lioa-c , lot BO by 176 feet , largo barn , good well ,
100-barrul cistern , lien houna , good cellar. In
one of the best blocks lu the city. $700 00.
FOR SALE Fine corner lot on Norfolk ao-
nne , M by 176 feet.
Come and BCD me. Let ut talk. I hare two
Rood Insurance companies Palatine of London
and American Central of 8t. Lonle , and will bo
glad to luenro you from lire or tornado.
Ollice at Hardy' * Coal Olllce.
.THE. . .
ling and 'Loao
will build you u
on easy payments. Coma and see ne.
C , U. DUBXAND , Secretary ,
Healthful Food Makes Healthful Pee
The Sup.xr City Cereal Mills flour
makes the best bread and adds a great
element of nutrition into any article of
food made from it. Use tins flour in
your family , give your children plain
food and plenty of it , and you will build
a lasting foundation for their future
health and happiness.
Sugar GityCereal fllills
vLjjMovtag > Specialty.
' oneW. , Qalls Promptly'AnBwered ,