The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 30, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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    Kansas Republicans Nominate
a State Ticlcct ,
Enthusiasm for the President Is the
Chief Fcnturo I" the Wichita Con
vention Qeoroo E. Cole Elected
( Temporary Chairman.
Wichita , Kim , Mny 29. The Koptib-
llcnn stnto convention lnnl nlitht nomi
nated the followhiK tlclcut : ( lovornor ,
cx-CongroHsnmn Wllllnm 3 , llalloy of
Unlloyvllio ; llciitonuut governor , D. J.
Ilanna of Hill City ; noerotnry of utato ,
Joseph U. Burrow of Hmllh Conlor ;
treasurer , Thomas T. Kelly of Miami ;
nttornoy Ronornl , C. 0. Ooleiniia of
Clay Contur ; imporliitonilonl of lunar-
nnco , I. T. Dnyhoff of Iltitchlnaon ;
Biiperlntondcnt of public Inntrnclton ,
Charles II. LulliiK of Wichita ;
auditor , Both 0. Wolln of IBrla ; mi-
promo JuBtlcos , six year terra , II. S ,
Mason of Oarden City , J. C. Pollock
of Wlnflold nd A. L. ( Irecno of
Newton ; four year term. A. II. Hills of
Uololt ; two year term , 10.V. . Gunning-
ham of Kmporla ; couiremmmn-at-
larfjo , C. S. Scott of lola.
The fcnturo of the convention was
the atroiiR Koosovolt Honllinent. The
friends of Mr. IJnlloy controlled tlm
vonvontlon from the wlart and begun
by electing an temporary chairman ,
Ooorso 10. Cole , who Bald , on taking
the chair : "Lot ua hury all our differences -
onces ; lot us do nil our fighting
npalimt the enemy ; lot UH ho Uopub-
llcans ; let us Indorse thoroiiRhly that
nplcndld Uopuhllcan , our proflidont.
Tlicodoro HooBovolt. "
In rospoiiBO to a gononil doniand ,
CongreBaman Long , one of the loaders
of the light In the liouao for Cuban
reciprocity , made a speech , In which
ho said : "Tho Cuban reciprocity bill
has paaaod the IIOUHO and It will paaa
the senate , or there will bo an extra
session of congress ) . If there la an
extra session , my frlcuda In the Sev
enth district must prepare to take
care of my campaign , for wo will stay
tbcro until It has passed with Presi
dent Roosevelt , our lender now and
our loader In 1904. "
Ho got no further. The conven
tion cheered and cheered again. Ixing >
stood still while the dologatOB ahouted ,
"I told President Roosevelt when 1
him all the time and I think ho will
Itnow It , aa wo do now. Roosevelt IB
right now and he la alwaya right. He
la right because Clod made him BO. "
The platform warmly endorses the
national administration , aa follows :
"Tho Republican party of Kantvasn \ -
quallflcdly endorses the administra
tion of our president , Theodore Reese
velt. It Is proud of all ho baa been
and all ho Is. A bravo soldier , neither
family , friends , the comforts of homo ,
nor of a high official position ho hold
nt Washington could keep him at
homo when ho felt that his country
noodcd htm mnd the gallant souls that
gathered around him. A sixloudld
executive when Now York called him
to the governor's chair ho demonstrat
ed In every way his ( Unoas and capac
ity to rule. Ho Is simple , direct and un-
nffcctod. Ho Is In constant quest of
the truth nlwaya striving to do the
thing that la right and beat viewed
from the highest standpoints. He Is
clear and quick In perception , prompt
nnd resolute In action , ho merits and
receives universal public confidence
nnd affection. Honest and bravo ,
thcro Is no power strong enough to
divorce from him the people of the
west. Kansas looks 'forward with joy
to the coming time but two years
distant when again her delegation ,
representing a ' united Republican
party , will inarch under banners bear
ing the Inscription , 'For president ,
Theodore Roosevelt , ' "
Ohio Senator Says "Keep on Letting
Well Enough Alone. "
Cleveland , May 29. The Republican
stnto convention , which has been a
continued ovation to Senator Ilanna ,
closed last evening with a great dem
onstration In his honor , to which he
responded In a characteristic speech.
The senator at former state conven
tions has sounded keynotes that have
been taken up by Republican glee
clubs. Ho told thorn yesterday to sing
"Keep on letting well enough nlono"
In the campaign rallies this year.
The convention was distinguished
for harmony In all that was done.
One of the
last reconciliations was
that of Senator Hanua nnd former
Governor Asa S. Bushnell of Spring-
Held. The latter had been hero all
week , but Bushnell and Ilanna never
spoke as they passed each other's
quarters. They had not spoken since
the memorable contest for the sena-
torshlp In 1897. Before going to the
convention yesterday they met In the
most cordial manner. The delegates
who "got them together"
gave glowIng -
Ing reports around the convention
hall of the way they wore calling each
other "Mark" and "Asa" again. Sen
ator Hanna and George B. Cox of Cin
cinnati also had a friendly farewell
after a contest during the day over
nominations. What were called the
Hanna men won on all ballots , but
Cox supported none of the winners.
The ticket : Secretary of state ,
Lewis C. Laylln ; Judge of supreme
court , William Crew ; food and dairy
commissioner , Horace Ankcny ; mem
ber of the board of public works , Will-
Jam Klrtley , Jr.
The platform cordially sustains
'President Roosevelt. Control of the
trusts by wise legislation Is favored
and also the Intelligent organization
of-labor. - > . ,
mprcsslve Serviced Over Remains of
Lord P.iuncefot ; at Capital.
Washington , May ? .0.Tlit remalnn
nf the late Lord Pauncofoto , Brltlnh
ambassador to Washington , were yon-
terday acrorded a national funeral In
token of thu high esteem not by the
American pooplu upon the worth of
the docoaHod nrtil UH au acknowledg
ment of the friendly fueling which U
churlnhod toward Oroat Britain.
Kvory department of the national
government was represented and the
nutnorouH diplomatic body , of which
for BO many yearn the late Lord
Pauncofoto was iloan , was proaent In
the porBonn of ambassador mlnlstcra
and charges. In addition to those
the resident Bocloty of the capital waa
. fully roproHontod , The prowonro of a
thousand men In anna was the visible
gn of military participation In the
funoral. The church of which the do-
ccancd wan a member did honor to hla
memory by bringing to Wunhlngtnn to
conduct the Borvlcwi the coadjutor
blBhop of Philadelphia , Rev. MacKay-
Smith , under whom ho had Hat.
Thu body wan dupoHltod In a vault
at Rock Crook cnmotery until It can
bo taken to Kngland by an American
Drake First In Eleven Events.
DOB Mollies , May 29. The Htato In-
tercolloglato track meet hold hero yes
terday resulted In a surprising flweop
for the representatives of Drake uni
versity , who wore flrat In 11 of the 17
oventti and tied with the State univer
sity for first place In one other event.
The State university was first In two
events and Simpson , Grlunoll and Cor
nell took one each. State records
were lowered In BOVCII events.
Death of Mrs. Clnrkson.
DOB Mollies. May I ! ' . ) . ICIIzaboth
Coloai'ott Clarkson , widow of Cokor
1 < \ Clnrkson , and mother of James S.
ClarltBon of Now York and II. P.
Clarkson , editor of the Iowa Stale
Register , died here last night after an
Illness of only two daya. She was
82 years of ago.
To Erect Monument to Morton.
Nebraska City. Nob. , May 29. The
Arbor Day Memorial association baa
been organized hero for the purpose of
erecting a monument to the memory
of J. Sterling Morton , the "Father of
Arbor day. " A number of the most
prominent men In the state are onT
corn and members.
Regents Deny Lincoln Story.
from Lincoln , Nob. , that Chancellor
Andrews luia been offered the presi
dency of tbo University ot Wisconsin
Is denied by tbo regents.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chicago , May 28.-Hears luul their turn
nt the grain markets today. ( Jenerul con
ditions were moderately bullish , but It
wan thi' corn pit that turned the tallies
nnd all the list were forced to n weakness
greater than yesterday' * was strong. The
wholu situation hinged on the liberal nc-
rcptanees of Chicago bids by country hold
ers of corn. These were so much greater
than had been anticipated tlmt prices
litokp badly In tlm corn pit nnd other
gralnn suffered sympathetically. July
wheat elosed Hi51lc lower , July corn Hi
fUe down and July oiitn Me lower. 1'ro-
visions closed unchanged to u Mwde luvvotv
Closing prices :
Wheat-May , 7.'H'tc ; July , 72K : Sopt. , 71- % .
Corn-May , U2Wc ; July. tl-'T4e ; Sept. . OOc.
Oats-May , tie ; July , : t. > c ; Sept. , 2Sic.
Pork- May , $17.00 : July , J17.07W ; Sept. ,
$ l7.17Vj.
I.urdMay , $10.1214 ; July , $10.13 ; Sept. ,
' '
u'lbs-.Muy , | 0.70j July , $9.02Vi ; Sept. ,
Chicago Cash 1'rlcos No. 2 red wheat ,
SOWUMe ! No. II red wheat , 7f ! TiMc ; No , ; j
spring , 70 < < i'781 e ; No. - hard wheat ,
7r.Vd i7lMie ( ; No , I ! hard wheat , 75 < iT7ic ! ; No.
S yellow corn , , in'/iC' ' 'le ; No. 2 cash oata ,
4ir-4iVic : : ; No. 'J while oats ) , 41Vi < ilv13c ; No.
a white oats , 41i1M4 ( > ; c.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago , May L'S.-Cattle Itecelpts , 18.-
500 , Including 1'J. > 0 Texans ; mostly lOfTirie
lower ; good to prlnm steers , $7.00Vr.70 ( ;
poor to medium , $ I.DOiU.7r > ; stockers and
feeders , JU.NXfifi. ' i ; cows , $ '
heifers , JU.SOituJ.OO ; en liners , JLOOSfJ-W ) ;
build. $ i.r SV'.W ) ; calves , $ 'J.OOdI0.23 ; Teiaa
fed steers , $3.t ; , " > i5J < l.K ! ) . Hogs llectlpts to
day. I0KH ! ) ; tomorrow , 23,000 ; left over.
4,000 ; strong to Be Iilclier ; mixed ami
butchers , $ ( J.S3ii7.13 ( ; good to cholen heavy ,
J7.10K7.iO : ; rough heavy , $ .83Ji7.03 ( ; light ,
$ (1.XS ( ( < J.1I5 ; bulk of sales , JO.CO < ( ; 7.-X )
Sheep HecelptH , 20X ( ) ; hheep nnd lambs
weak , lOc lower ; good to choice wethers
$3.40J ? < 1.1A' > ; fair to choice mixed. ? 4. 0 < i ]
5.40 ; western sheep , $3.23510.25 ; tmtlvt
lambs , $3.XViT ( J.f ; western lutubs , | 3.iiO ! < i
O.S3 ; spring , Janibs [ , $7.10.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Knnsns City , Mny 2S. Cattle Receipts
4,1100 ; beef steers 23e lower ; stockers niu
feeders strong ; n hunch of Texas cattli
sold for Jtl.SO , the highest price ever pah
for Texans on this market ; choice bee
steers , fO.tXXin.M ; fair to good , $3.00(30.83 (
stoekers and feeders. $2.7530.25 * ; western
fed steers , JI.50U .C3 ; Texas nud Indian
steers , $3.00fiVSO ; Texas cows , $3.753.00
native cows , $2.7B4t0.03 ; native heifers
$ ; i.WVJi0.tVi ; canners. $2.00.roO ; bulls , $ a.3C
JTf > .nO ; calves. $2.73410.50. Hogs-Itecelpts
10,800 ; best Oc louar , others steady ; top
$7.30 ; bulk of salci , $0.03Q7. ( JO ; heavy
$7.22Wa.U : ) ; mixed packers. $7.007.27W
Hunt , $ a.70ii7.03 ; yorkcrs. $0.03 7.03 ; plK >
$0.0030,80. * Sheep-Itecelpts , 3,000 ; stead ,
to strong ; late sales of Texans lOo lower
native lambs , $ o.4O37r)0 ; western lamb
$3.COft7.0.l : native wuthers , (
western wethers , $4.30(30.00. (
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Oumliii , & ( ay US. Cattle Receipts. !
2.COO ; steady to lower ; native steers , $3.30
Q7.DO ; cows and heifers , $3.8041:0.25 : ; west'
ern steers , $ l.7Wi ,0.23 , ; Texas steers , ' $4.50(3 (
0.73 ; cairiers , $1.73 1.23 ; stockers and
feeders , $3.000.40 ; calves. $3.00fi7.00 ;
bulls , stags , etc. , J3.OiMifi.lK ) . Hogs-Re
ceipts , 11,200 ; strong to Sc higher ; heavy ,
$7.03ft7.20 ; mixed. $ C.05 < fi7.03 ; light , $0.70
7.05 ; pigs , $5.75 < S .50 ; bulk of sales. $0.03
( CT.10. Sheep-ltecolpts , 3,000 ; steady ; foil
muttons.$3.riOrt0.20 ; westerns , $4.W > Gf..riO ;
ewes , $4.lO < ji0.20 ; common and stockers ,
$3.25 1.00 ; lambs , $5.75 < 37.15.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph , Muy 23.-Cattle-Ilecelpts ,
750 ; steady ; natives , $5. 5 7.25 ; cows and
heifers , $1.75 i0.50 ; veals , $3.75 < iItJ.50 :
stockera and feeders , $2.23 < QS.35. Hogs-
Receipts , 4,1)00 ) , . :
; steady : light nnd light
mixed , ftl.SG'UT. 12 ii medium and heavy ,
$7.03Ji7.3U ( ; pigs , $1.0020.00. 711
Expect Englneern to Strike.
Ilnzloton , I'a. , Mny 2 ! ! . hi untirlpiv
( Ion of an offortlvo Htrllto of tbo only
clnsB of men rcniulnliiK nt work tbo
coal comjmnloH In UIH | dlntrlet nrc
dnlly drilling tliolr tnmtud bdndn who
bavu buon Rulectod to tnl < o tbu iilncen
of tbo HtrlhorH. Cottfl Urn , & co. have
polled their otiKlnourH , llrumcn and
pumporn on tbu utrllco IHHUU , but with
what roHiilt cannot bti lonrned ,
Dubuque Gun Club's Shoot ,
nuhiuiuo , Mny 29. Tbo Dttbiiqua
Gun club'u minimi tournament cloned
yoBtorday. Krod Gilbert of Spirit
Lal < o made tbo high score , ,151 out of
a pOHHlblo 300. FrofcflslonalH were
barred from tbo money , connciiuuntly
J. M. HtiKboB of 1'Jilmyi'a , Win. , tool , '
first money , with a Bcoro of 31C. _ .
Deeds Home for a Hospital.
Waverly , la. , May 29. Abraham
Slimmer , a well known Hebrew plilluu-
tbroplHt , yoBtcrday deeded bin bomo
and tbo surrounding park In this city
to tbo Sisters of Mercy of Dubuque
( or tbo CBtabllBbnfent of a hospital ,
The property is valued at $30,000.
IlnlUnl by n Wiininn.
When Wlllltim E. Chandler WHH sec
retary of the nnvy , bo IHSIIUI ! nn order
that olilcerfl Hbould not penult tliolr
wIvcH to roBldo nt thu forulKii Htatlons
to which tbclr busbaudH were attached.
Tbo order WIH promptly rcHclndod
upon tbo receipt by the Hocrottiry of
the following from Commodore KyfTe ,
In command of thu Anlatlc sqiuidrou :
"It becomes my painful duty to report
that my > rlfe , I-311/.u Fyffe , bus In dls-
obedlcucL' to my orders nnd In thu fncu
of roKUlntloiiH of tbu department taken
up her ruHlileucu un the Htntlou uud pur-
Hlstcutly refuses to leave. "
Outward nnd Vlnlldo
Ambitious Young Woman Tell me
honestly , do you think I ever will make
n great nctrcssV
Kxpcrlunced Manager Not unless
you can subduo. that bright nnd cheer
ful smile. Haven't you learned by ob
serving the pictures of great actresses
that they nil wear n look of tragic nud
profound gloom ? Chicago Tribune.
Big Figures.
100.000,000 bottles of Perry Davis'
Painkiller sold in ( iO years. .Just think !
Nearly enough placed end to end to
roaoh around the world. What other
remedy cau boast snob n record of ser
vices to humanity in curing stomnoh
and bowel complaiuts and the many
other ailments ana accidents constantly
occui ring oven iu tbo most oarnf ul homes.
There is only one Painkiller , Perry
A Paris dispatch says , "M. Rosoy has
just discovered the secret of prepetual
youth. " Too late , we've had it for
vears. Madison Medicine Go's Rocky
Mouutatu Tea. A. H. Koisau.
No Loss of Time.
I uavo sold Chamberlain's Colio ,
Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy for
years , and would rnthor bo out of cott'ee
and sugar than it. I sold 11 vo bottles of
it yesterday to threshers that could gene
no further , and they are at work again
this morning. H.R. Phelps , Plymouth ,
Oklahoma. As will bo aeon by the
above the threshers were able to keen
on with their work without losing n
single day's time. You should keep a
bottle of this remedy in your hem .
For sale by Klesau Drug Co.
Traveling is Dangerous.
Constant motion jars the kidneys
which are kept in place in the body by
delicate attachments. This is the rea
son that travelers , trainmen , street car
mou , teamsters and all who drive very
much suffer from kidney disease iu some
form. Foloy's Kidney Cnro strengthens
the kidneys and euros all forms of kid
ney and bladder disease. Geo. H. Hau-
san , locomotive engineer , Lima , O. ,
writes , "Constant vibration of the en
gine caused mo a great deal of trouble
with my kidneys , and I got no relief
until I used Foley's Kidney Cure. " Sold
by A H.Kiesau.
We would like to ask , through the
columns of yonr paper , if there is any
person who has used Groon's August
Flower for the cure of indigestion , dyspepsia
pepsia , nud liver trouble's that lifts not
been cured and wo also mean their re
sults , such as sour , stomach , fermenta
tion of food habitual
, costivouess , nerv
ous dyspepsia , headaches , despondent
feelings , sleeplessness in fact , any
trouble connected with the stomach or
liver ? This medicine has been sold for
many years in all civilized countries ,
and wo wish to correspoud with yon
and send yon one of onr books free of
cost. If you never tried August Flower ,
try one bottle first. We have never
known of its failing. If so , something
more serious is the matter with you.
Ask your oldest druggist.
G. G. GUEKN , Woodbnry , N. Jk
A. H. Kiosau.
The Summer Season
is full of dangers particularly for the
children , who not knowing the resnlt
of eating nnripe fruit , indulge themselves -
solves , with the usual griping pains in
the stomach as a consequence ; mothers
should have on hand nt all times a
bottle of Painkiller ( Perry Davis ) which
will at once relieve the sufferer ; it is a
safe , simple remedy and it should be
kept in every house. Largo bottles
and 50 cents.
Saved Many a Time.
Don't neglect oonghs and colda even
if it ia spring. Such coses often reaal
seriously nt this season just becans
people are careless. A dose of On o
Minute Congh Care will remove al
danger. Absolutely safe. Acts at once
Sure cure for conghs , colda , croup , grip
troubles. "I have nsed One Minut
Congh Onre several years , " saya Post
muster 0. O. Dawson , Barr , 111. "It is
the very best cough medicine on the
market. It has saved me many a severe
voro spell of sickness nnd I warmly reo
ommend it. " The children's favorite
Kiesau Drucr Co.
Foley's Honey and Tar contains
opiates and cau safely be given to child-
ren. Sold by A. H. Kiesau.
Like a Drowning Man ,
"Five yours ago a disease the doctors
called dyspepsia took such hold of mo
that I could Boarcoly go. " Writes Goo.
S. M until , well known nttornoy of
Nocona , Tex. "I took quantities of
pepsin nnd other modioinca but nothing
holpud mo. As n drowning man grabs
nt u straw I grabbed at Kodol. I felt
an improvement nt ouco nnd after a
few bottles nm sound and well. " Kodol
is the only preparation which exactly
reproduces the natural digestive juices
and consequently is the only ono which
digesU any good food nud curon any
form of Htomiuh trouble. The Kiesau
Drug Co.
A novel feeling of leaping , bounding
impulses goes through your body. You
fool young , act young and are young
after taking Rocky Mountain Tea. 1)D )
cents , A. II. Koisau.
What is Foloy's Kidney Cure ?
Answer : It is made train a proscrip
tion of a leading Chicago physician , and
ono of the most eminent in tbo country.
The ingredients are the purest that
money can buy , and are polentiflcally
combined to got their utmost value
Sold by A. II. Kiosau.
What Thin Folks Need
Is n greater power of digesting nud
assimilating food. For them Dr. King's
Now Life pills work wonders. They
tone and regulate the digestive organs ,
gently expel all poisons from the system ,
enrich the blood , improve appotitomako
healthy flesh. Only 25o at Koisau's
drug store.
Wants to Help Others.
"I had stomach trouble nil my life , "
says Edw. Mohlor , proprietor of the
Union Hottliug Works , Erie , Pa. , "and
tried all kinds of remedies , wont to sev
eral doctors and spout considerable
money trying to got a moment's peace.
Finally I road of Kodol Dyspepsia Care
nnd have been taking it to my great
gatisfactiou. I never found its equal
for stomach trouble and gladly recom
mend it in hope that I may help other
sufferers. " Kodol
Dyspepsia Oarfl cures
all Htomuoh troubles. You don't have
to diet. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
what you oat. Kicsau Drug Co.
Don't Start Wrong.
Don't start the summer with a ling
ering cough or cold. Wo all know
what a ' 'summer cold" is. It's the
hardest kind to cnro. Often it "hangs
on" through the entire season. Take it
in hand right now. A few doses of One
Minute Cough Cure will set you right.
Sure euro for cough * , oolds , croupgrip , ,
bronchitis , all throat nud lung troubles.
Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Child
ren like it. "One Mlnuto Cough Cure
is the best cough madiolno I ever used , "
saysJ. W. Bowles , Grovoton , N. H.
"I never found anything else that acted
so safely and quickly. " The Kiesan
Drug Co.
Stands Like a Stone Wall.
Between your children nnd the tor
tures of itching and burning eczema ,
scaldhoad or other skin diseases. How ?
why , by using Buoklen's Arnica salve ,
earth's greatest healer. Quickest cure
for ulcers , fever sores , salt rheum , cuts ,
burns or bruises. Infallible for piles.
25c at Kicsau's Drug store.
A Lesson in Health.
Healthy kidneys filter the impurities
from the blood , and unless they do this
good health is impossible. Foley'a
Kidney Cure makes sound kidneys nud
will positively cure all forms of kidney
nud bladder disease. It strengthens
the whole system. Sold by A. H.
Neglect Means Danger.
Don't neglect biliousness and consti
pation. Your health will suffer per
manently if you do. DoWitt's Little
Early Risers cure such cases , M. B.
Smith , Butternut , Mich , , says "De-
Witt's Little Early Risers are the most
satisfactory pills I ever took. Never
gripe or cause nausea. " Kiesau Drug
" "
Drying1 preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh ; they dry up the secretions ,
which adhere to tbo metnbnuio nud decom
pose , causing a fur more serious trouble than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalants , fumes , smokes nud snuffs
and use that which cleanses , soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Balm is such a remedy
nnd will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will bo
mailed for 10 cents. AU druggists eoll the
COo. size. Ely Brothers , 50 Warren St. , N.Y.
The Balm cures without pain , does not
irritnto or cause snoozing. It spreads itself
over an irritated nud angry surface , reliev
ing immediately thopaiuful inflammation.
' \Vith Ely's Cream Balm you tire armed
agaiust Nasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
A Revelation.
If you will make inquiry it will bo a
revelation to you how many succumb
to kidney or bladder troubles in ono
form or another. If the patient is not
beyond medical aid , Foley's Kidney
Cure will euro. It never disappoints
Sold by A. H Kiesau.
Whooping Cough.
A woman who has had experience
with this disease , tolls how to prevent
any daugorous consequences from it.
She says : Oar three children took
whooping cough last summer , onr baby
boy being only three mouths old , and
owing to our giving them Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy , they lost none of their
plumpness and came out in much better
health than other children whoso parents
did not use this remedy. Oar oldest
little girl would call lustily for cough
syrnp between whoops. Jessie Pinkey
Hall , Sprlngvillo , Ala. This remedy is
for sale by Kieaau Drug Co.
Wants Otbers to Know.
"I have nsed DoWitt's Little Early
Risers for constipation and torpid live
and they ore all right. I am glad to in
dorse them for I think when wo find
good thing we onght to lot others know
it , " writes Alfred Holnzo , Quinoy , 111
They never gripe or distress. Sure , saf
pills. The Kiesan Drug Co.
Yon never heard of any ono using
Foley's Honey and Tar and not being
satisfied. Sold by A. H. Kiosau.
Holds Up a Congressman.
"At the end of the campaign , " writes
Champ Clark , Missouri's brilliant con
gressman , "from overwork , nervous
tension , loss of sleep and constant
speaking I had about utterly collapsed.
Ic seemed that all organs in my body
were out of order , but three bottles of
Electric Bitters made me all right. It's
the best all-around medicine over sold
ovoradruggist'scountor. " Overworked ,
I I run-down men and weak , sickly women
gain splendid health and vitality from
Electric Try them. Only COo.
Guaranteed by the Kiosan Drug Co.
Dangerous If Negloctod.
Burns , cuts and other wounds often
fail to heal properly if uegluctod , and become -
como troublesome sorea. Do Witt's Witch
IIuzol salvo provonta such consequences.
Even whore delay has aggravated the
injury DoWitt's Witch Hazel salvo
effects a cure. "I had a running aero
on my leg thirty yeara , " says II. 0.
Hartly , Yankoetown , Ind. "After
using many romodloa , I tried DoWitt's
Witch Hazel salvo. A few boxes healed
the sore. " Cures all skin dlnoases
Piles yield to it nt otyno. Bownro of
counterfeits. The Kiosau Drug Co.
The Madison Medicine Co. owns the
exclusive right to manufacture Rocky
Mountain Tea. Tea sold which is not
mode by us ia a deception. Never sold
in bulk. Always packages at ! 15 cents.
A. H. Koisau.
Won't Follow Advice After Paying
for it.
In a recent article a prominent
physician says , "It is next to impossible
for the physician to got bis patients to
carry out any prescribed course of
hygeuo of diet to the smallest extent ; ho
has bat ono resort left , namely , the
drug treatment. "
When medicines are
used for chronic constipation , the most
mild and gentle obtainable , such as
Chamberlain's Stomaoh & Liver Tablets ,
should bo employed. Their use is not
followed by constipation , as they leave
the bowels in a natural nnd healthy
condition. For sale by Kiesan Drug Co.
Caution .
This is not a gentle world but when
you think how liable you are not to pur
chase for 75o the only remedy universally
known and a remedy that has had the
largest sao of any medicine in the world
since 1808 for the cure and treatment of
consumption and throat and lung trou
bles without losing its great popularity
all these years , you will be thankful we
called your attention to Boschoe's
German Syrup. There are so many
ordinary cougli remedies made by drug
gists and others that are cheap and good
for light colds perhaps , but for severe
coughs , bronchitis , croup and espe
cially for consumption , where there is
difficult expectoration and coughing
during the nights nud mornings , there is
nothing like German Syrup Sold by
all druggists in the civilized world.
G. G. GREEN- , Woodbury , N. J.
A. H Kiesau.
Shot in His Left Leg.
For all kinds of sorea , burns , bruises ,
or other wounds DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo is n sure euro. Skin diseases
yield to it nt once. Never fails in case
of piles. Cooling and healing. None
genuine but DeWitt's. Beware of
oonuterieits. i suuered for many years
from , a sore caused by a gun shot wound
in my left leg , " says A. S. Fuller , Eng
lish , Ind. "It would not heal and gave
me much trouble. I used all kinds of
remedies to no purpose until I tried
DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. A few
boxes completely cured me. " Kiesau
Drug Co.
Will Cure Consumption.
A. A. Horren , Finch , Ark , writes ,
"Foley's Honey and Tar is the best
preparation for coughs , colds and lung
trouble. I k tow that it has cured con
sumption in the first stages. " Sold by
A , H. Kiesau.
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured After Four
teen Years of Suffering.
"I was aflltoted with sciatic rheum
atism for fourteen years. " says Josh
Edgar , of Germantown , Gal. "I was
able to be around but constantly suf
fered. I tried everything I could hoar
of and at last was told to try Chamber
lain's Pain Balm , which I did and was
immediately relieved and in a short time
cured , and I am happy to say it has not
since returned. " It ia for sale by
Kiesau Drug Co.
Reveals A Great Secret.
It is often asked how such startling
cures , that puzzle the best physicians ,
are effected by Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption. Here's the
secret. It cuts out the phlegm and
germ-infected mucus , and lots the life-
giving oxygen enrich and vitalize the
blood. It heals the inflamed , cough-
worn throat and luugs. Hard colds and
stubborn conghs soon yield to Dr. King's
New Discovery , the most infallible
remedy for all throat and lung diseases.
Guaranteed bottles COo and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at Kiesau's drug store.
Foley's Honey and Tar is peculiarly
adapted for asthma , bronchitis and
hoarseness. Sold by A. H , Kieeau ,
At til drug itort * ,
More Harmful
Than Alcohol
Overeating Worst Form
of Intemperance.
If your food Is are un
derfed , no matter how much you cat.
And the underfed man Is. to the extent
of the underfeeding , crippled for the
mttlo of life. On the other hand ,
.hero ia such a tiling as overeating.
The harm done by indigestion caused
) y overloaded stomachs exceeds that
'rom the increased heart beats caused
by the use of alcohol or whiskey.
Eab as niuch good food as you need
but don't orerload the stomach. If
jrour stomach is weak it may refuse to
digest what you cat Then you ought
to use ugooa digestantlikoKodol Dys
pepsia Cure , which digests what you
eat without the stomach's aid. This
rest and the wholesome tonics con
tained in Kodol Dyspepsia Cure soon
restore health. You don't have to diet.
Don't eat too much. That's harmful.
But cat enough and of sufficient varie
ty. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will digest
It. It quickly relieves the sensation
of fulness and bloating from which
some people suffer after meals. It
prevents belching and absolutely curea
Indigestion and other stomach troub
les. Equally good for children ,
Lcmuof James , MarysTlUo. p. , eayi ! "I rof-
forod from dyrpopila for thirty years but a
few bottles ofKodolDyipopila Cure complete
ly cared mo and I bcartlly recommend It to
all sufferers from this disease. "
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Cures all Stomach Troubles.
Prepared only by E. C. DF.WITT&OO. , Chicago.
The $1. bottle contains 3M times the 50c. size.
Dewnrs uitie EARLY RISERS
The famouslittlepllls for constipation.
It. all 1U stages there
should bo cleanliness.
Ely's Cream Balm
ceau ! ci , soothes nnd heals
tlm tl ca-eil membrane.
It cures catarrh anil drives
away a cold la the head
Crcnin Balm Is placed Into tbo nostrils , spreads
over the membrane and Is absorbed. Relief Is Im
mediate and a euro follows. It Is not drying does
not produce sneezing. Largo Size , SO cents at Drug.
flits or by mall ; Trial Size , 10 cents by mall.
ELY HKOTIIBUS. 56 Warren Street. New York.
Take the ge.tulne , original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , Madison. Wla. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Never o4 !
In bulk. Accept no 4ubstl
tute Ask your
frum Lib REVIVO
Made a
Well Man
produces the above results In 30 days. It ectt
powerfully and quickly. Cures when oil others toil
Younftmec will regain their loet manhood , and old
men Trill recover their youtlitul vigor by using
REVIVO. It quickly nnd eurely restores Nervous
ness , Lost Vitality , Impotency , Nightly Emissions.
Lost Power , Falling Memory , Wanting Diseases , and
OU effects ot eeU-obueo or excess and Indiscretion ,
vhich un&ts ono ( or study , business or marriage. It
not only curea by startles at the xeat of dlseese , but
la a great nerve tonic and blood baUder , bringIng -
Ing bad : the pink Blow to paid cheeks and ro-
etorlig the flro of youth. It wards off Insanity
and. Consumption. Insist on bavins REVIVO , no
other. It can be carried In vest pocket. BT Dill ,
81.0O per package , or elx ( or O5.OO , with pott
tlvowritten guarantee to core or recant )
the money. Hook niul nrtvlso free. Address
For sale in Norfolk. Nebraska , by
Geo. B Ohristoph. druggist.
are the most fatal of all dis
rULE.1 a Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi
nent physicians as the best for
Kidney and Bladder troubles.
PRICE 50c. and $1.00. *
by our new invention. Only those bora deaf are incurable.
Gentlemen ; Being entirely cured of deafness , thanks to your treatmenti'l wllf ? c'yott
a full history of my case , to be used at your discretion. now c
About five years ngo my right ear began to sing , and this
kept on getting
worse , I lost
tuy hearing in this ear entirely. *
I underwent a treatment for catarrh , for three months , without
ber of , any success , consulted a num
physicians others , the
among most eminent
ear specialist (
o this ,
city who told
me that
Mily an operation could help . and that
me. even only temnorarily
, that
the bead noises
cease , but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. would
meiit. then After saw I your had used advertisement It only a few accidentally days according In a New to York paper , and ordered your treat-
your directions , the noises ceased , aud
' lhailk * ou
A. WURMAN , 7308. Broadway , Baltimore , Md.
Our treatment ( Joes not interfere with your usual occupation.