r THE NORFOLK NEWS : FJUDAY , MAY 28,1902 , The rtorf oik ft Knpthn , quantity considered , is about iv dangerous to Imvo about as volcanoes. Mont Peloois Kill threatening to do BOiuethlng , and the people remaining in I UK vicinily nhow pinna of uneasiness. When PreBident.Palmatold Mr. Bryan that ho preferred homo and a quiet life ho undoubtedly lucked n sympathetic listener. Colonel Bryan ImH at lust invaded Onlm to witness the evacuation of the .American troops and the inauguration of President I'nlmn , Some of the people who were wishing for rniu n few dayniiKO are now wishing that it might stop and give the snn a nhanco. The weather clerk no donbt oonniders them very exacting and dilll- onlt to plcasu. Colorado and Wyoming have recently xperienced a severe snow Btorm and on ider. blo loss of young Btoolc is re ported. The people there uro invited to oomo where there is trammer weather in the Mimmer time , and that place is Ne braska. It is positively disgraceful for the liouso to now undertake the task of vllllfying the army where the democratic nonators loft oil' . They t-eek impu tation to show that because one sol- illT has been guilty of cruelty that all the American soldiers and the olllcerH and ndmtfitration back of them are cruel , bloodthirsty wretches and that the dem ocrats alone are capable of huuiano in- ntiucts. Senator Olurk of Montana was fined l > y a Washington court for getting too frt o with his exhibitions of plutocratic tendencies and running his automobile at a greater speed than the law of the oapitol village emlorncH. The pinto orutio democrat would encounter less danger from the law if ho would emu late a famous predecessor in his party and descend to the custom widely known as JeiTerBouiau simplicity. Reports from Washington are that the winter wheat acreage is more than -1,0X,000 ( ) acres short of what it was last year and oven that which is planted nhows poor prospects of making a full crop. It is probable that the wheat market this coining winter will show i few stunts at price climbing that wil rival that which has been douo by cattle , hogs and corn during the reason that is passing ; then it will bo in order for n protest to bo filed against the manipulations of the "wheat trust. " The Tildeu Citizen expresses the opinion that it would boabout the proper caper for the republicans of the county to recognize Jefferson precinct this year by giving it a candidate and it suggests F. L Putney of that town as the republican candidate for repres entative. JeH'orsou is certainly one of the republican strongholds of the county ami entitled to the consideration , of that party , if therefore Mr. Putney conies before the convention with the united support of Jefferson republicans behind biin , his candidacy will undoubtedly re ceive the consideration it deserves at the hands of the convention. While it is not reported that Spain ib being disturbed by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes , a calamity almost equally dreadful is reported to bo threatening that country. The report is that Morgan , the head of the steam- fihip trust octopus , ia approaching that country with designs on one or more lines of shipping with headquarters in Spain. European countries should in vent n series of signals indicating the approach of Morgan and when these ore displayed steamship companies and other leading European enterprises BhouM at once go into retirement and lose themselves in some approved man ner. With what kind of an issue the demo crats are prepared to enter the approach ing congressional campaign is something of a question at this time. They seem to have had indifferent success at mak ing anything stick that they have at tempted. The recent attack on the eoldier boys and their oilicers hasn't proven at all popular and will hardly answer for an issue , and other efforts at making political thunder have provou as futile. It is probable that the cam paign will bo conducted on the same plan as the efforts in congress , and that it will be any old thing against the ma jority party , tending to lend to denun elation , vituperation and evil proguos tications. The more people who come to know W. M Robertson as his friends know him the more will bo ready to support his candidacy for the republican nomi uatlou for governor. He is the kind o : candidate who has hosts of friends a home and wins others wherever he goes He is not one of the kind of whom it is sometimes said "He , would have re ceived more votes if he had stayed at home. " It will be the fame way if he la nominated. Ho wiJl be the general to muster the republican forces for a winning fiirht , and if the best interests of the party are observed by the conven tion he will be named for the place. His fitrength throughout the state is con stantly increasing and when the con vention moots in n month his friends hope to BOO him take it by storm , The correspondent of the State Jour * nal who writes under the title , "Viewed From the Field , " has dUcovorcd BOHIO of the advantageH pOBSOBRod by Jndgo Robertson over others who have aspired to represent the republican party as Its candidate for governor and pityn him a neat compliment In the following language : "I fool that it is no longer a mystery why Judge Holiertson has be come HO strong a candidate- for guber natorial honors , Ho was in ColumbuH n conplo of days the past week and his affable manners quite won the cfltnom of all now acquaintances , and strength ened the good opinions of the old , Not withstanding the fact thnt ho in just getting fairly started in his pro-convon- tiug canvass , Judge Robertson stands to day nearly , or quito , for that matter , at the head of all candidates now in the field for the nomination of governor. " It is apparent that the Alaskan boundary question never troubled the English people , either when Alaska was under Russian domination or when it had been acquired by the Unl'cd States government , until gold had been discovered there and the prospects were hat the country would bo developed and loeoino a valuable possession. It would vppear that according to a recent exhibit : > y Thomas Willing Balch all that is iccessary to prove the United States' . laim in the controversy is to refer to official maps published by the British government and with its endorsement. This country naturally wants all of the : lisputed portion of Alaska that it may properly claim but will undoubtedly bo satisfied to rest its claims upon the showing made by the nnmerouH British and Russian maps extant. Thcso seem to have been acceptable to the British government until within the past few years , when It suited them to endeavor to crowd the American line down to ward the coast , thus throwing some of the uioht prolific gold claims into British territory. The destruction of the Iowa institute for the deaf at Council Bluffs by fire has awakened n discussion among the papers of that state regarding the advisability of the state carrying insurance suranco on its state building. lown.liko Nebraska , has suffered some Kovcro fire losses during' the past three or four years and the question as to whether it would pay to have the insurance com panlea boar the loss is pertinent. The Sioux City Tribune is of the opinion that the state is now ahead by carrying its own insurance. If the matter wa referred to an insurance company it would figure to make the rates high enough to bear the loss by taking as a basis the experience of loss on state property for n number of years past There is one feature that would speak in favor of insurance and that is , when there is a loss the insurance companies would furnish the funds necessary to rebuild or at least commence the work of rebuilding and whou the situation is as it was iii this state at the time the Nor folk hospital burned , it would operate very satisfactorily , and the work of re construction could be undertaken with out waiting for the action of thg legisla ture to appropriate the necessary funds. A disaster like that suffered by the island of Martinique touches the hearts and pocketbooks of mankind as noth- 'thiug else could and the promptness with which the need of relief 1ms been met is the best evidence of the teaching of civilization and Christianity. It will bo noticed that the highest countries in point of civilization lead in such work and in this particular instance the United States leads them all in prompti tude and amounts given. The opinion is sometimes forced that this charity work is occasionally overdone. In this case more than a half million dollars have already been contributed to the survivors of the disaster and the contri butions may be said to have been but fairly started. Before the disaster there were less than 200,000 inhabitants on the island and since then it is not likely that half of that number are in need of charity. With their immediate wants supplied many of them will bo able to care for themselves. The United States government has already contributed $200,000 , and the proposition to appro priate another $500,000 , by the house of representatives , of the peoples' money may be well done at leisure and after it is demonstrated that the amount already contributed and to bo contributed by the people is insufficient for the needs of survivors. If the money could be used in restoring the victims of the dis aster to life and removing the horror that is past a large sum could be well spent and would be freely contributed , but in providing food , clothing and medicine , and encouraging the sufferers to make a now start in life no great sum additional to that which has been contributed would seem to be necessary. It is better that the work should be over done than that not enough should be done , but the people should not allow their hearts to run away with their pocketbooks , even under such a terrible disaster. The worst cannot be undone with all the money in the world. The criticism of the army in the Phil ippines by the anti-imperialists has re called to on old Indian fighter the criti cism that was offered by the people of the east the " " concerning "cruelty" prao tlced by General Win S. Harney in the Btratcgy ho employed to outwit the Sioux Indians in Nebraska in the early dnjH. The Indians had persistently raided the freighters and movers , travel ing went , killed the teamsters and others connected with the caravans , drove their animals nway and robbed and burned the wagons. They were pretty shrewd in evading the fiddlers , and Harnoy undertook to teach them that the imle face might bo as wise as they in concocting strategic dohcs. Ho seized a train of ! iO wagons , unloaded the freight and loft it under guard and into the wagons ho loaded 400 American soldiers and two mountain guns. The soldiers were not permitted to stick their noses out and the savages were given no intimation as to the character of the freight those wagons contained. The train had proceeded west about 70 miles when a war party of about f > 00 Indians was seen approaching. The wagons were moved into n circle as was customary with fighters when they ex pected an attack , and an opening about 15 feet across was left into which the stock might bo driven , but it was not used for that purpose. The Indians came on raid rushed into the open ing with a whoop and all the speed their ponies could muster. Then the soldiers opened on them and the few redskins who were able , drove out of that trap considerably faster than they entered. Of course there was a slaughter and as the freighter says , "tho society for tbo protection of western savages' was driven into a particular 'reuzy" but the raids were stopped for .omo . time. The narrator of the story s of the opinion that the natives of Samar are about on on equality with the treacherous , blood-thirsty savages tint General Harney bettered. The famious Indian fighter was honored and odvauced , and that may happen in the future to to the oilicers and soldiers in the Philippines when the situation comes to be fully understood by the American people and those most severe in their condemnation now , may bo the warmest in their praise then. Su nr Trust Pays All the IlillB. It is not the intention of the sugar trust that the American people shall be permitted to know the extensive , indeed the predominant , part taken by it in the campaign for the Cuban tariff reduction and in the dowager legislation of con gress. Therefore does it arrange for the suppression of all the facts in the case which go to show the work of the sugar trust in manipulating the tariff reduction in congress , as it would manipulate ipulato the stock markets in Wall street. The fact was suppressed , for example , in the sugar trust newspapers , the Asso elated Press dispatches and its other press agencies that whou Mr. Donnor of the sugar trust was before the senate investigation which is inquiring into the trust's interests in Cuba , Senator Teller's cross-examination compelled him to confess the truth that the pam phlets and other Cuban "poverty" lit erature spread broadcast by the bogus Thurber commercial bodies , included in the resolutions of fake Cuban mass meetings and reported by subsidized "relief" leagues , were in fact prepared by Mr. Douner himself and issued from ho Wall street office of the sugar trust. When Mr. Donner swore that the ingar trust had no direct holdings in he plantations and crops of Cuba the sugar trubt newspapers reported his estimouy as proof of its having noth- ng to gain from the tariff reduction. When Mr. Donuer affirmed that the sugar trust had taken no action toward he attempted free trade legislation , his disclaimer was published everywhere in bold type and with flaming headlines. But when Mr. Donuer had to admit , or be proved by Senator Teller to be a maker of false witness , that the Cuban ariff reduction literature and arguments were put out from the Wall street office of the sugar trust , that fact was sup- pressed. It was kept from the public as tight OB sealing wax 1 Why do the American people suppose that the sugar trust conducts this Cuban tariff reduction campaign in congress and out of it ? Mr. Donner told Mr. Teller that he prepared and issued that literature "only in the interest of the truth. " He had no interest at stake. The sugar trust had none. But he de sired that the truth should be known for the good of humanity ; so the philanthropic sugar trust , although pov erty stricken , according to the testimony of Mr. Havemeyer , its president , has done and is doing the work of reducing the tariff ; and the sugar trust pays the bills. bills.Why Why do the American people suppose that when the Cuban tariff reduction legislation has advanced in congress the shares of the sugar trust have soared in the stock market ? Why , when there has been a hitch in the program , be cause protection republicans have re fused either to be intimidated or bought , have the sugar trust shares declined with' impetuous velocity ? Because up they go or down they go , as the dowagers succeed in doing or fail to do the task set before them by the sugar trust that is to benefit if the tarriff reduction measure can be forced into law ; that is the only interest that will benefit | which is the reason why the sugar trust does all the work and pays all the bills 1 New York Press. The American people would Hayti BOO Cuba fall into the habits of some of her * ister republics. The habit coal strikes have of preced ing important elections may signify nothing , but they scorn to bo remarkably inclined to bo coincidental. The drouth has been thoroughly erad icated from Nebraska and crops are very much on the optimistic order. The calamityito will be compelled to wait another opportunity to find cause for Brief. The ancient city of St. Augustine , Florida , has experienced a slight shak ing up , presumably by earthquakes. It is to be hoped that the earth forces have no designs on Uncle Sam's most promi nent peninsula. Now York coal dealers have boosted the price of authracito $1.00 o ton and the consumer is to bo given to un derstand this early in the season that he is to bo made to bear the burden of tl e mlueowuers in their present difficulty. New York coal dealers have advanced the price of hard coal to $0 per ton , owing to the strike of the miners. If the Nebraska coal consumer could got that quality of fuel at that price he would have cause for rejoicing rather than given to worry over the strike. The Washington Post thinks that if the coal consumer would now organize ho might stand some sort of a show in o three-cornered fight with the coal barons and the organization of miners. They would undoubtedly organize quick enough if they had some sort of weapon they might wield. It is now reported that the cousin of the czar of Russia is to pay a visit to the United States. America has some mighty pretty scenery but that did not attract these royal folks until they got the impression that American views were gold lined and the people living near them wore reputed to be the great est commercial hustlers on the globe. It is carrying politics a little too far for those who are opposed to the Nicaraguau route for the isthmian canal to subsidize Mont Pelee and the Sou- friere volcano into making such terrible eruptions for the mere purpose of mak ing capital against the route named , but politices is mighty rotten and politicians are capable of any outrageous proceed ing in this latter age. For proof that they will do such horrible things the average populist exchange may bo re ferred to. Some people have recently had a curi osity to know what is the real canso of earthquakes. Their desire can now bo gratified. The World-Herald has got it from someone who pretends to know that "earthquakes are the result of spasmodic acceleration of the secular folding of rocks and masses having their centrum at the mouths of large rivers , where prodigious quantities of silt are deposited. " The Omaha paper is not certain that it will be fully under stood and does not attempt to explain but th > 9 intelligence of the average reader of newspapers will not allow such simple statements to confuse them. Mount Vesuvius , the historical volcano that buried Pompeii in the year 79 A. D. , not desiring to be outdone by west ern competitors , is partaking of the general activity of volcanic formations and an eruption is reported under way there. Lava is flowing from the crater on the Pompeii side and hot cinders are being thrown up from time to time. It remains to be seen if the old mountain has the same vigor it displaped 182 ! ) years ago. The entire volcanic surface of the earth appears to be in o state of unusual activity and people living in the near vicinity of a mountain that at any time showed signs of eruption may well be apprehensive of the pos sible action of their surroundings. The king of Spain has now come into his own and is officially proclaimed the rnler of the Dons. He hasn't much o : an empire to boast of and yet it is a considerable honor for a boy of 10 to be the monach of even such a kingdom. I is significant that so shortly after hi coronation , President Palma should be inaugurated president of the Cuban re public. The Queen of the Antilles wa one of the best of the Spanish possession and its loss has been a keen disappoint ment to that kingdom. It is to be hoped that the new king will role Spain am its remaining possessions in a manne that will receive the approval of modern civilization and furnish no excuse fo the disintegration of the balance of th empire. The government officers have sue oeeded in hobbling the beef trust a Chicago , and the effect of their proceed ings is anxiously awaited. If the pric of meat to the consumer is reduced without making a lower price of animal on the hoof there will be cause for re joicing in all quarters. If , however the price paid for fat cattle suffers a re duction to meet the demands of eastern consumers there will be a considerabl protest from the west. It is one of th few trusts that may have been of benefit fit to the western farmer and utoc raiser and a shaving off of his prosper ity will have its effect on oil the Indus tries of the west. In other words the only thing to be accomplished with sat isfaction to all but the packers will be the reduction of their profits and if , as it appears , their profits have been exorb itant , a reduction will do them no harm and will bo of benefit in both directions. The little popgun fusion sheets of the country nro taking np the cue presented by their representatives In the house and senate and are finding no words too low , no insinuations too base to be applied to the soldiers of the army , the officers in command and the adminis tration behind the army , whicn is fighting its country's battles in the Philippines. In a more excitable time these slanderers and villfiers might draw a counter-fire of abuse or bo summarily punished by an outraged people to whom they have brought the blush of ehamo that such should find an abiding place in a country like the United States , whore the president , congress and the army ore the servants of the people. Something moro than wo years ago the policy of the repnb- can party in regard to the Philippines eceived an overwhelming endorsement t'the ' polls ; even Nebraska , the home ate of the candidate whose party went n for a scuttle policy , joining In the epudiatiou of the ideas advanced by iat party and its candidates. While iis verdict was in nowise intended as license for the army to go in and burn , orture and kill it did mean that the eoplo wanted to have the rebels ac uowledge the sovereignty of the United States , and after that their final isposition could bo determined. The eople had faith in its army and bo eved that it could be trusted to carry 11 a war according to'civilized methods , 'nrthermore it is believed that if the nestion is again presented to the opular will on the same issue they will gain endorse the action of their soldiers n spite of the attempt to place them on be plane of brutes and savages. They ealize that the boys in the Philippines re no worse than those at home and tiey can be depended upon to regent the mputation that one or two instances will serve to brand all the young man jood of America as worse than fiends. While it roils the blood of true American itizeus to hear of such slanders it would be a pleasure to have that and hat only the issue during a political ampaigu that they might teach the villifiers the place they occupy in opular estimation. FOUR DIE IN TRAIN WRECK. Seven Others Injured Near Ardmore May Not Recover. Ardmoro , 1. T. , May 21. A construe : ion train on the Choctaw , Oklahoma and Gulf railway plunged through a high trestle 12 miles east of Ardmoro yesterday morning. Four men were killed and 21 Injured , seven of the atter fatally. Among those believed to be fatally hurt Is A. M. Ollphant prominent attorney of Tishomingo [ . T. , who was riding home on the work train. The other dead and In jured are all members of the con Btructlon gang or train crew. All are white. The dead : Charles A. Black , Tls liomlngo ; James Dolan , Fort Smith ; J. R. Galnes , Jim Hopegood , Tlshom Ingo. Fatally hurt : A. M. Ollphant , Tishomingo ; James Wear , E. D. Clark Hope Joy , A. D. Furney , Missouri ; William Shipp , Missouri ; unknown man. man.Railroad Railroad officials are unable to as sign a reason for the wreck. The train was running at the rate of elgh miles an hour when the forward car jumped the track , followed by the res of the train , a dozen cars piling up in a heap 30 feet below. The engine remained on the track. HOUSE INSTRUCTS CONFEREES Directs Action In Senate Disputes fo Third TlmoStn a Week. Washington , May 21. Ffr a thin time within a week the bouse has in structed its conferees on matters o dispute between the senate and house Yesterday tbo Instructions were given on amendments in the army approprla tion bill before the conferees had oven considered the matters in controversy The motion to instruct was made b Chairman Cannon of the appropria tions committee. It was resisted b Chairman Hull of the committee o military affairs , and the somcwha spirited debate which followed dove oped antagonism between the comml tees. The amendment at which Can non aimed was that which Increase the appropriation for military post from $3,000,000 to $4,000,000. A resolution offered by Chalrma Hltt of the committee on foreign a fairs , felicitating Cuba on her pro gress , was adopted Immediately. A bill on the passport law passed. The remainder of the da was devoted to private claims bills. Wllpesbarre , Pa. , May 21. The Wy oming valley Is BO quiet that , excep for the Idle collelrles , a trip thxoug the region would fall to elvo the im presslon that a great struggle IB 1 progress between capital and labor President Mitchell was at the Btrlk headquarters early. Ho had no new to give out. He Bald that nothing ha turned up to In any way change th present situation. Will Fight Biscuit Trust. Chicago , May 21. The Inter-Ocea says that the Independent blscul companies throughout the country wi soon be combined In a giant rival t the National Biscuit company , prob ably under the name of the Union Die cult company. Civic Federation Believed to Have Plan Under Co or. SECOND WEEK OF THE STRIK2 No Hard Coal Mined In Any Part of the Region The Question of CallIng - Ing Out Bituminous Miners Is Still Undecided. Hazlcton , Pa. , May 19. The visit of Ralph M. Daelcy , secretary of the National Civic Federation , to strike leadqnarters and his conference with President Mitchell of the United Mine Workers , was the only Incident ot ony Importance that claimed the at tention of the labor leaders and others around the Valley hotel. As neither Mr. Easley nor Mr. MltchoU would say anything regarding their meeting there was much speculation as to the ' object of the visit of the secretary of the Civic Federation. It Is believed here that the federation Is quietly preparing to receive any proposition ' that might be 'cMered by either side. This belief IB strengthened by the fact : hat only 24 hours had elapsed from the time the conference was held at Washington between Senator Hanna , President Gompers of the American Federation of Labor , who Is also a member of the Civic Federation , and Mr. Easley and the latter's arrival here. Clergymen of nearly all denomina tions In their sermons yesterday touched moro or less on the strike. The trend of the utterances were for bearance and frugality. The great struggle was generally deplored and the hope was held out that though the strike may cause much suffering for a time , it may In the end result in great good for both capital and labor. Second Week of the Strike. The strike now enters upon Its second end week. The week just ended was the first , It Is said , in the history ol the hard coal trade that no coal was mined in any part of the region. No disturbances of any character has been reported anywhere. President Mitchell will establish headquarters at the Hotel Hart at Wllkesbarre this < evening , where he will remain until the strike Is ended. President Mitchell said that he could not yet say when the special national convention , to be called for the purpose of considering the advis ability of Involving the bituminous miners in the anthracite strike , will bo held. He has not yet received the consent of two districts to make up the five necessary under the rules to call a special convention. All the local trades unions In this region met yesterday and decided to stand by the miners In their straggle. Miners Hope to Win. Indianapolis , May 10. National Sec retary Wilson of the United Mine Workers , who returned yesterday from Hazleton , Pa. , discussed the miners' strike , saying : "The strike will bo waged with the greatest steadfastness. We are determined to win. The men were practically unanimous in voting to make the strike permanent. The whole district Is tied up and fully 147,000 men are out. Only the engi neers and men needed to run the pumps are working. We have no dis position to call them out at this time , since , If they were taken away from work , the mines would soon fill with water. We are prepared for a long , hard fight , If one becomes necessary , and have no idea of giving in. Wo hope to win without a hard battle. " SHOT DOWN BY AN ASSASSIN. Prominent Stockman Called to the Door at Night and Killed. Downs , Kan. , May 19. James Clark , a prominent stockman residing at Downs , was called to tne front door \ of bis home and assassinated last night. The murderer fired two shots , one going through the body and the other through the back of the head , coming out of the forehead. The weapon is supposed to have been a shotgun loaded heavily with buck and flue shot. Clark leaves a widow and five children by a former wife , the oldest a girl of 15 years. No cause la known for the act , as he was not ' known to have had enemies. Ho cai- ried heavy life insurance. Second Jury for Acquittal. < Clarlnda , la. . May 19. The jury In , the trial of Eugene Mason for the murder of Oscar K. Miller at Shenandoah - doah last winter returned a verdict of not guilty. Edward Dennis was pre viously found guilty of murder In the second degree In connection with the death of Miller. Wesley Irwln Is yet to be tried on the charge of murdering Miller. Dies of Overdose of Strychnine. New York , May 19. Miss Julia Williams , daughter of Mrs. Julia Will- lams of Detroit , said to be a relative of Senator Hanna , died yesterday at the Fifth Avenue hotel of an overdose of strychnine , taken in the form of pills. Sue was 22 years of age. Kills His Mother. Custcrvllle , Cal. , May 19. John Me- Carty , aged 22 years , shot and killed his mother last evening and then gave himself tnto custody. He fired four pistol balls Into her brain at close range. His etory Is that the shooting was In self defense. Life Sentence for Murder. Muscatlne , la. , May 19. After being out from 3:30 : to 7 p. m. the jury Sal- . urday night found "Kid" Noble guilty y * of the murder of Thomas Morgan. No ble was liven a life sentence.