The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 23, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE NOKFOLK NEWS : F1UDAY , MAY 23 , 1902 ,
W. N. 11TJB1C. Publisher.
Krtn d xropt HnmUy , 11 jr carrier i > er
w k , It c ut , llj mull per jonr , K.OO.
Tb Nwt , eitnblliliiiil , 1HM.
The Journal , MtftlilliliMl 1811
Xrirj Frldwi Hy rn ll per ymr , > 1M ) ,
ftaUrod M the I'oitoCtlce nt Norfolk , Neb. , ni
teoedelaii matter ,
T lophcmft ! Editorial Drnnrtmmit , No. S )
HnitnMl Onie * mil Job Rootni , No , SIX.
Republican Stnto Convention.
The republicans of tlio Plate of NohrniVn nre
liprt > lij railed to moot In ronvrntloii , at tlio
Andltorlnm , In tlin city of Lincoln , onVotl -
netdnr.Jrmali * , 1902 , nt 2 o'clock In thn after
noon. ( or IhepnrjHueof plnclnt In noinlnntlon
candidate * for tlin following olllcru , to l > o vutml
tor Hi the noituonsrnl election , toliolil In tlio
Into of Ncurnikn , November 4 , 112 , Tltt One
HOTernor , ono lieutenant KOTOinor. one iccrc-
tiiry of MM * , one auditor of pnlmc nrrnnntu ,
0110 trpniurar , ono Hi | > erlntntidnnt of pnhllo In
* i motion , on nttorney KtMinriil , one commit.
vloner of public IM di anil Imlldlngr , and for
tlin tratiinctlimof inch other bimlncM at may
rnanlarlj conio bnforfl mid convention.
The hauli of roi > r * entiitloti of tlin lovcral
rountlen In tald convention ihnll bo tlin vote
runt for lion , Hamnel II , Sodawlck for judiiti
of tlio imirnmo court , nt tlin rrt nlnr election
lioldoo Novembers , 1W1 , lvlni ? out ilulcxitto
tor each 100 tot en or major f ruction thereof 10
ran for tlin nalil Hamnol II , Hediiwlck. mid ono
rir-lpgnto at larua for ( men county , Haiti ntiiwir-
tloumnnl entltloi tlin nnornl connt'pi ' to tlin
following reiirntontntlou In ttiniald convention :
Adam . 17LJejTot on . J ]
Antelope . 1SJ bunm . IJ
llannnr . t xoarney . 11
lllainn . SKnUli. . . . . J
lloonn . U heyij riilin . *
Hex Untie . Ihlmlmll . 2
lloyd . Muiox . . . 11
JJrown . f > Uanca tor . JZ
HnlTalo IS Lincoln . IS
llnrt I.Uignn . ;
llntlor U'hnuV . i . ,3
CaiR 2IMadlt n .
Odnr . ISMol'lionon . 2
Clmin . 4Morrlck . II
t berry . 5Jlmico. . " J ,
CliojwiLB . 1 Noinnlin . } ]
Clny . IHSnokoll . IJ
Colin * . 1)1 on .
( taming . 12J'a\Mien . 15
Onutor . SOl'orklrB . 8
Dakota . * t-lieli' ' . 12
Dawei . 0 Pierce .
Dawion . 'J1',1 ' ! ' ! * " . !
Deunl . SPolk . II
Ulxon . 12 Itoillllow . 11
Docltfo . IMtlchanlfon . 2.1
Douglas . ViHoiik . 5
Dnudy . 4 Saline . 20
Fillm rn . IMiiriiy . H
Franklin . 1 lamideri. . . . . 20
Frontier . SHcott'i > H.ulT . 5
Fnniai . 1 Snwnrl
SSSherlilnn | . 0
UarOeld. . . Slier num. , . . , 6
( ton per. . . , MJonx . . . . . . . . S
Uraut J-UanUm . 1
Uronley. . . ( VThay r . 11
Hall UTliomnn . 2
Hamilton . .14 Thnri-tou
llayei 4 I WatbitiKton IS
Hitchcock i Watno . . .M
Iiol iltWotatrr 13
Hooker INVlicoler
Howard UHYork 22
Totnl. ,
It IB recommnDilnl tliut tioiiroxlo ha nllouod
In en Id convention , lint < lmt the ilolcRnttn p o
ent tlioront bn nutltt rlzi'il to cant tlio full \oto
of tlie conntv ropreiontod liy tli m.
Notice t hereby civ en tnnt cnch of tlin odd
unmbnred lonutorlal dUtrlcts In the itntu Is to
elect n member of the etnte committee to ior\u
tor the term of two joi\r ,
lly order of the itnte oomm'tteo. '
It , C LINDHAY , Chalrir.nn.
JOHN T , MAI.I.AI.IKU , Sccret ry.
Republican Congressional Conven
Tha roinibllo'iiB of the Third CouBronInnal
dlitrlet of Nobrneliv are hereby called
to meet In dolomite convention nt tlio oporn
lionno in the city of Fremont , Nobrntka , nn
Tuetday , Juue 10 , 1P02 , at 10 o'clock In the
forenoon , for tlin puriKito of placing In
nomluntlon n candidate for cniiKrcei from the
Third couKrocBlounl district , to booted for at
the Ronoral election to be held in the itato of
Nebrnikn on November 4 , 1TOJ , and for the
trautact'ou ' of tnch i thor biiBlneps on mny rcno-
Inrly come bo'orn Bald couveutlon.
Thobatlsof the rrprptentntlou of the iov <
oral counties in raid district nt in'd conven
tion ihnll bo'ho votes cnst for the lion , John
It. Hnys. candidate for cotiKrnn at tbo regular
election hold on November Mb , IPO ) , giving one
delegate for orch hnndred votpi or major frac
tion thereof to cast for the talil John It , ! ! >
sail ono delegate at largo for each cnnnty.
Paid apiwrttonrrpiit outltloi the several
countiee in the ( aid conarcttional dlttr ct to
the follow log repreientatlon In tald couven-
Boons , Uorrlck . 12
Ilnrt Ih Nance . 10
Coda ? 14 lerc . 10
Culfaz Id I'lntte . IS
CnminR IS
Dakota 7riia | ton ' .
Dizon IS Wayne 12
Bodge . . . .
Knoz ICl Tolal . 240
Dated Norfolk , Nob. , April 25. W ! .
The meat situation in New York has
got to the point where the women have
taken to mobbing the butchers and it is
necessary to protect the dealers in meat
with policemen and guards.
The democrats are fond of comparing
the condition of Cuba with the situation
in the Philippines. They must concede
that the Cuban people were patient and
waited until the Americans were ready
to concede them the right of free gov
When Mont Peleo and the Sonfriere
volcano appear to be quieting down and
peace seems to be settling over the earth
Senator Hoar bms g into a terrible erup
tion and covers the flag and patriotism
of the country with the ashes of pessi
mism and the lava of anti-ism.
Mr. Bryan returns from Cuba with
the belief that the republic will endure.
Probably he has not thought that the
chances may be good for imperialism to
get the upper hand in that island and
tbat celebrations of the 20th of May may
piss away and that important date in
the country's history he forgotten.
Secretary Hay has asked for an ex-
teutiou of time in which to close the
deal whereby this government would
come into possession of the Danish
"West Indies. In view of the volcanic
disturbances in that portion of the
earth's surface he is probably justified
in waiting to see if the islands remain
above the surface of the ocean for an
other year or so.
The democrats undoubtedly favor an
other chapter in the country's history
that will eqool that scene when Presi
dent Cleveland hauled down the Ameri
can fl tg in Hawaii. If memory serves
aright the people of the country were
not given to praising tlmt notion and
mny ncurccly bo depended npon to cheer
and throw up their hnta if n Ronttlo
policy in regard to the Philippines is at-
The minority poimtorn on the Philip
pine invcBtiKatlng committee boldly as-
ourt that their pnrpono In probing all
testimony presented to the bottom is
solely for the bouoflt of the army , and
yet they only exorcise their ability na
cross questioners in getting at the worst
possible side of the story from an army
or anmiulBtrntion point of view the
wituoHsoi nro willing to toll. In nn
ordinary court it would appear that they
nro endeavoring to make the worst onso
possible against the army ,
Printers' Ink Is an authority on all
kinds of advertising. It mnkcH that its
business and can bo ns much rolled on
to give valuable pointers on how to
roach the people an ndvortlsor may do-
Hire to reach us Dun's or Brndstroot's
rovlowH cnu bo depended upon to give
statements concerning the financial con
dition of the country or the financial
concerns of the country. It knows
what it is talking about when it snyw :
"Thoro is Homo good in all advertis
ing and all advertising does BOIUO good ,
lint the best advertising and the adver
tising that does the greatest good in
newspaper advertising. "
The Iowa state Grand Army veterans
at tlioir recent annual mooting adopted
resolutions commending the course of
the administration in tlio Philippines
and denouncing nB.uncallod for and un
just the attack being made upon the sol
diers fighting the country's battles. Tlin
people generally will give the veterans
of the civil war credit for knowing
moro about war in n mluuto than some
null critics do in n mouth , and their
resolutions will have rnoro weight than
all the efforts to blacken the good name
of the army and the attempt to make
the people believe tlmt the fing of this
great country stands for tyranny and
United States Cruiser Topeka Arrlvet
at Port au Prince , Haytl.
Port au Prince , Haytl , May 23. The
United Statca crulBor Topeka arrived
here from Port Royal , S. C. , to pro
tect American Interests. The presence
of the warship In these waters has had
an excellent effect. The situation ol
nffnlra IB Improving.
The northern army , commanded b >
General Flrinln , haa halted at Area
halo , two days' march from here
Oe no ml Flrinln is Bald to have form
ally declared that ho docs not Intend
to enter Port au I'rlnco , at the head ol
his troops.
Cumberland Presbyterians Adjourn.
Springfield. Mo. , Mny 23. At 9
o'clock last night the 72iul general
assembly of the Cumberland Presby
terian church adjourned. Flno frater
nal spirit pervaded the closing ses
sion. The assembly's last act was to
unanimously agree to self-entertain
ment heraftcr and to meet next May
In Nashville , Tenn.
h ,
Juvenile KrudKlon.
Here nre n few extracts from compo
sitions written by boys In a high school
of Vienna :
"Many n man lies down in good
health and gets up dead * "
"In Rome the bones of the martyrs
were collected and torn by wild
beasts. "
"Human beings ceased to walk on all
four and walked on the hindmost. "
"Ho sacrificed , n rich woman and oth
er priests. "
"Hannibal stood with one foot In
Spain , while with the other he beckon
ed to the troops. "
"God's punishment followed imme
diately after ten years. "
The Chimney Swift.
Occasionally a bird Is strong minded
enough to break away from old tradi
tions. Before this country was settled
the swift nested In hollow trees , but
after trees began to be cut down a'nd
chimneys arose above the roofs of
houses everywhere the birds were
quick to perceive that fires are general
ly out by the time their nesting season
arrives. Therefore why not take ad
vantage of the Innovation ? So com
pletely did they forsake their old nest
ing sites to build in chimneys that the
name chimney swift is now universally
applied to them. Ladles' Home Jour
A Troublesome Trio.
"The most troublesome member of
my fiock , " said the parson , "Is a young
woman who wants a husband. "
"My most troublesome client , " said
the lawyer "Is a mlddlo aged woman
who wants a divorce. "
"Tho most troublesome patient I
have , " said the physician , "Is n spinster
of uncertain uge who doesn't know
what she wants. " Chicago News.
The 1'nrt Ho Plnyeil.
Mr. Stalate So your sister keeps you
well supplied with pocket money , does
she ?
Tommy Yes.
Stalate I presume you have to ren
der some little equivalent ?
Tommy ( yawning ) Oh , yes ; I have
to come In and yawn when visitors arc
staying too late.
Drug Clerk We don't happen to have
the drugs named in this prescription ,
but we have others just as good.
Customer I suppose that's all right ;
but what a fool I was to pay the doc
tor 53 for that prescription ! That's
what bothers me. Boston Transcript.
Mrs. Heinle Newell wont to Omaha
12. II. Tracy went to tichnylcr this
morning on n buHinuBs trip.
L , P. Pasewnlk wont to Lincoln on
the early train this morning ,
Dr. 0. N. Dawson of Omaha is the
guest of Kev. J. F. Pouchor todny ,
Mrs , Simon Mayor of Lincoln Is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bol. O. Mayor.
Mrs. Carver and daughter of Sioax
Olty nro guests of Mrs. F. A. Booler.
George Heller wnn up from Columbus ,
whore ho is now in buNluoss , greeting
hit ) old Norfolk friends.
Miss Amanda Smith returned last
night from n visit of povornl weeks with
her son nt Woodbine , lown.
Dr. P. M Slseon went to Laurel to
day to ( It-liver the address to the gradu
ating class of the High school at that
MtH II. J Sheer of Long Pine , who
has been the guest of Mrs. Hannah
Goodrich for n few dnys , returned to
her homo last night.
Lulu and Gilbertn Durland , who have
been visiting at the home of Mr. nr.d
Mrs. A J Durland , returned to their
homo in Plninviow todny.
Mrs. George Kudor and Mrs. II. L.
Kindred of Meadow Grove and Mrs. A.
13. Scofleld of Tilden attended the meet
ing of O. E. S. hold last evening.
Mr. and Mrs S. K. Dexter left on the
noon train for their homo in Lowell ,
Mass. They have been hero for some
weeks while Mr. Dexter has been lookIng -
Ing after his cold storage interests.
Dr. II. A. MlttloBtndt , dentist , Bishop
block. Teh phone 147 A.
W. B. Fuorst drove to Norfolk Tnes
day.Wm. . Lowe had business in Norfolk
August Hnebner was over from
Hadar Saturday.
The creamery is running every day
in the week now.
0. S. Hayes was up from Norfolk on
business Saturday.
Howell Avery of Tilden visited with
his mother Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ghas. Warner shopped
in Norfolk Monday.
Owen O'Neill was n passenger for
Long Pine Monday.
Charles Fnerst of Pierce visited with
his parents Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Norfolk
visited friends hero Saturday.
A finely arranged program will bo
carried out on Decoration day.
Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Habekost visited
with friends in Norfolk Sunday.
Howard Miller and Fred Eyl shipped
n carload of hogs each , Tuesday.
A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Barnes last Thursday afternoon.
Miss Elsie Ca e of Norfolk visited
hero Tuesday and attended the graduat
ing exercises.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thomson of Tildeu
visited here Sunday with Mr. Thorn-
sen's brother.
Prof. M. G. Doering went to Omaha
Wednesday to attend the conference of
Lutheran teachers.
Charles Preanner has bought W. A.
\ronable's brick dwelling and two acres
of ground for $1SOO. ,
The Battle Creek Valley bank intends
to build a'pressed brick walk on the
west and north sides of its building.
Henry Massman is improving the
appearance of his residence by adding a
couple of neat porches and putting in a
new and higher brick foundation.
Our new town board is putting in a
number of new crossings and making
other improvements on the streets. The
saloons ore also compelled to observe
some new regulations.
0. A. Hedman has purchased the old
Catholic church building for $400 and
will move it to his lot at the comer * of
Main and Third streets and fit it up for
his hardware business.
E. | I. Niles has purchased H. J.
Shearer's UGO-acre form northwest of
Meadow Grove for $18GOO. Mr. Niles
has since been offered § 50 per acre for a
quarter section of the land.
G. W. Day of Jefferson , Iowa , visited
hero Sunday with hisson _ , Agent W. C.
Day. D He was on his way home from
Wood Lake where he had been to make
final proof on a piece of land.
The graduating exercises of the High
sciiool were held in the opera house Tues-
dry night. There were eight graduates
and a fine program was rendered before
n full house. The school will close Fri
The Lutheran orphan homo festival
will be held'at Fremont on June 22.
A special train will leave Norfolk in the
morning of that day and if a sufficient
number desire to go from here the
company will send up a coach.
The following Norfolk people visited
at Battle Creek Sunday : Miss Sue
Leedom , with her parents ; Wm. Brae ,
with his uncle ; Charles Schroeder and
family ; Miss Paulina Wienck , with her
parents ; Miss Anna Hermann , with
friends , and Charles Martin , with his
The heavy rain and thunder Btorm
that visited this section Sunday de
veloped a wind that did considerable
damage to trees , fcucoR , sheds and
garden truck south of town , A. Schott's
windmill was blown down and fell onto
the roof of the house which was badly
damaged and n portion of the barn was
wrecked , The windmill on Mrs.
O'llarn'fi place was nlno demolished and
her house wns moved off its foundation
about eight inches. A number of sheds
and small outbuildings on Conrad
Werner's place were completely blown
A Complete Statement ,
Editor THE NEWH Dear Sir : Regard
ing the suit filed by myself against the
Union Pacific Railway company and re
ferred to in last evening's NEWS , I
would like to have the matter stated
complete , which is an follows :
The suit was forced upon mo by the
arbitrary rulings of the company. Just
claims dating as far back as July , 1800 ,
for damages , breakage and shortages on
consignments delivered being as yet un
settled and payment refused.
Last week I was charged on several
shipments SO cents per hnndred moro
than the legal published rates for the
service rendered and they refused to re
fund the overcharges.
Yesterday morning on another ship
ment they refused to accept payment ac
cording to the regularly published
tariffs , refused to accept payment ac
cording to the locals such as would ac
crue if the goods had been shipped from
Philadelphia to Chicago , then rebilled to
Omaha , and thence rebilled to Norfolk ,
and oven refused to accept a tender ofa
"higher rate" than the sum of the locals ,
refused to deliver the goods unless I
paid nt the rate of ! ! 2 cents per hundred
higher than the sum of the locals , or 85
cents higher than the published tnrilV
for such service , and 115 cents per hnn
dred higher than is charged by the Elkhorn -
horn , hence I was compelled to bring
suit to recover the value of the goods
thus illegally confiscated , damaged , etc.
Under sections i ) and 10 of the Act to
Regulate Commerce a corporation or
agent guilty of such action is liable to
the party injured for damages , at
torney's fees , n fine of $5,000.00 and two
years in the pen.
Northern \Vlncoiinlti Kullwiiy Fnnu Lnmli
F r Sale.
The Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis
& Omaha railway has for sale in North
ern Wisconsin , at low prices and easy
terms of payment , about 850,000 acres
of choice farm landd.
Early buyers will secure the advantage
tago of locations on the many beautiful
streams and lakes , which abound with
fish and furnish a never ending and
most excellent water supply , both for
family use and for stock.
Land is generally well timbered , the
soil fertile and easy of cultivation and
this is rapidly developing into one of
the greatest sheep and cattle raising
regions in the northwest.
Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minn
eapolis , Duluth , Superior , Ashland and
other towns on "The Northwestern
Line" furnish good markets for stock
and farm produce.
For further particulars address :
Land Commissioner , Hudson Wis. , or
Asst. Gen'lPass. Ajz't.St. Paul. Minn.
J. D. Sturgeon , the Norfolk piano
man , has received and is unloading a
car of Fnrrnnd orgnns , which range in
style from cottage to chapel.
Low [ Round Trip Rates via Union
Pacific from Missouri River
$15.00 to Denver , Colorado Springs ,
and Pueblo , Colo. June 22 to 24 , inclu
sive. July 1 to 13 , inclusive.
$10.00 to Denver , Colorado Springs ,
and Pueblo , Colo. June 1 to 21 , inclu
sive. June 25 to 80 , inclusive.
$25.00 to Salt Lake City and Ogden ,
Utah. August 1 to 14 , inclusive.
$25.00 to Gleuwood Springs , Colo.
June 22 to 24 , inclusive. July 1 to 13 ,
$80.00 to Salt Lake City and Ogden ,
Utah. June 22 to 24 , inclusive. July 1
to 13 , inclusive.
$31.00 to Glenwood Springs , Colo.
June 1 to 21 , inclusive. June 25 to 30 ,
$32.00 to Salt Lake City nud Ogden ,
Utnh. June 1 to 21 , inclusive. June
25 to 30 , inclusive. July 14 to 81 , inclu
$45.00 to San Francisco or Los Angeles ,
Cal. May 27 to June 8 , inclusive.
August 2 to 10 , inclusive.
$45.00 to Portland , Ore. , Tacoma and
Seattle , Wash. May 27 to June 8 ,
inclusive. July 11 to 21 , inclusive.
Full information cheerfully furnished
on application ( o
Land Marks
Made famous by the early traders , ex
plorers , pioneers , Mormons , emigrants ,
pony express riders , overland stage
coaches , Indian encounters , etc. , are
seen from the car windows of the Union
Pacific trains. Be sure your ticket
reads via this route.
Life of T. Dewltt Tt linaEc , \ > j hie con , REV
editors of Christian Herald , Only book en-
dotted bj Talmace family , Enormooi profit
for ugente who act qnlckly. Outfit ten ceoti ,
Write immediately Clark & Co. , 223 8. 4U >
St. I'tilla. , I'M. Metlon tbi * piper.
The Citizens National Bank.
Capital , $50,000. Surplus , (5,000.
Dnr and mil excbaturo on thli country and alUparta of Europe , ( Farm IXM&I ,
Directors CAUL , Antics , W II , JOBKBON , CIIAB. S. UUDOB. 0 , W , BBAACB , I' , M
0. A. RICHEY ,
Dray and Transfer Line.
Household Goods MovlngTa Specialty.
Telephone 10H , Calls Promptly Aotwerod *
All Work Guaranteed.
oomB OTcr [ Durland Bitter * ' Millinery Store
Agent for Glove Fitting Dress System ,
Wntcrclopots and cengpool * cleaned. Lcavo
ordera at DraaiebV coal cilice.
Don't Get. Old
before your tifne. Proper care of your
stomach and diet will keep your health
good. In this particular Bon Ton Flour
is a known enemy of dyspepsia , ae it
makes the best of good , white , sweet ,
nutritious bread it is the housewife's
Sugar feity Cereal Iflills
"Two Dogs over One
Bone Seldom Agree. "
When two merchants are after
trade In the same community
and one advertises and the
other doesn't , the advertiser
gets the bulk of it.
This is assuming that his ads are
well written and placed in the me
dium that best covers the ground.
This paper is the medium for
this community If you have
difficulty with your ads consult
us Perhaps we can aid you.
We are willing to.
Steam and
Hot Water
First door South of News Office.
Prices Right.
Cheap and on easy terms.
Residence corner llth Street
and Koenigsteiu Avenue. New
barn. Location and condition
of property , speak for them
. . . .TRY. . . .
. P. 0. WALTERS ,
Physician and Surgeon.
Succeeds to the'practice of Dr. F. W. Klesan. .
Norfolk , - - . Nebraska
Osteopnthlc Physician.
Dteenies both ncnte nnd chronic tnrcaBtfollr
treated without nee of drags or knife.
Phone No. F 54 , Office at residence ,
109 North 10th Street ,
Norfolk . . . Nebraska
Osteopathic Physician ,
Roome ovorlllnyee'lJewelrjHonfe [ , Norfolk.
Undertakorsmnd Einbalmers ,
BopBlone nik. , Norfolk Ave.
Norfolk , Nebraska
J.J. . COLE ,
Olllco over Citizen's National Bank , Resident !
cue block north of Congregational church ,
Norfolk , ' - Nebraska
Fashionable Dressmaker.
Dp etaire In Cotton block , over Banm'i etor
Firet-claet work guaranteed ,
Norfolk , Nebraska
Dressmaking , Cutting and Fitting
Next door to Macy's photograph gallery-
August Pribbernow ,
Uraasch Avenue Noir Mill dam.
A now 4-horse power gasoline engine has just
been put in my shop and I am prepared to do
all kinds of grinding and polishing. Plow and
cultivator work a specialty ,
Piano Moving a'Specialty.
'Phone 58. Calls Promptly Answ ered
Having removed to Sonth Fourth street , oner
block from Main , I nm prepared to otter first
class accommodations to
Regular Boarders and Transient Custom
House newly furnished and rooms heated.
Phone 175.
For Plumbing , Steam Fitting , Pomps ,
Wind Mills
And all work in this line call on
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
First door West of AUman'e Bicycle Shop.
Leave orders at Telephone B 231 ,
Sioux City Florist.
'Awarded first premium on
Funeral Designs.
Handsome Roses , Carnations , Palms , Ferns *
Flowers shipped in fresh condition.
Phone 4 < S6L. City office : Cor. 6th and Pierce-
p. E. & 19. V. H. H. , is the best to and
from the
North Nebraska
Sale and.
Boarding Barn.
Horses Bought and Sold on
Bra&sch Avenue '
aad Third St. 'PHONE 44