The Norfolk weekly news-journal. (Norfolk, Neb.) 1900-19??, May 23, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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Assailant of White Woman
Cremated at Lansing ; , Tex' .
Negro Is Taken From Train by a
Great Crowd of People , Chained tea
a Stake and Publicly Incinerated
Husband of Victim Applies Match
l.oiiKVlow , Tox. , May 2. ! . A nmn
limit , which hivd bum In program
Bliico lust Snlunliiyfideil yuntoriluj
In the burnliiK nt the HtaUo of Duilloj
MorKiin , colored , who iiHsanltod Mrs
McKuo , wife of u Toxua Hoctlon fore
limn , ut I.iuiBliiB , Tox. When It win
learned that the m > K" > hail boon captured
turod and wna bolnj ; taken to Limning
the oxcltomoiit know no IxiunilH
Great crowdH Riitliorod at the Laimlng
witch , and arraiiKOinontH wei'u inndc
to burn the nogro. Jiwt lioforo 11
o'clock the train bonrliiK the nrlHonui
nnil his captors arrlvod In Mnnmtil !
nnd was met by a Rront crowd of pee
jilo. Many boarded the twin furthoi
down the road and when It arrlvod at
every available plueu on It
occupied. Waiting ut hamtlng
another largo crowd from Kong
view .ami . the mil-rounding country.
The negro was not taken from tin
train on the sldo where the crowd
vac , and When the engineer started tc
pull out ttovouil Wlneliosters wore
leveled nt him and others of the train
crow. They wore told If they moved
the train an Inch they would all be
Jellied. The prisoner was Identified bj
Mrs. McKoc nnd several negroes whc
worked on the section with Morgan
Mrs. MoKoo said they had the right
man and the negro wan escorted bj
uhont 200 men , armed with Winchesters
tors , to the place of execution. AH he
was chained to the utiiko. ho made 11
{ statement , In which ho Implicated an
other negro named Knuiklln Hoard
nn.ylng Heard was to got a part ol
the money which was to bo stolon.
Morgan confessed as having com
milled the crime and was chained tc
u rail and railroad tlos were tnkou
from a lire already started to burn oul
Ills eyes. They hold redhot. burning
timbers to his neck and after burning
his clothes off , tore parts of his body
, , The negro screamed In agony , lie
; vns tortured In a slow ami paiiuui
i manner , with the crowd clamoring foi
a slow death. The negro , writhing
nnd groaning , begged plteously to be
shot. Mrs. MeKoe was brought tc
the scene In a carriage , accompanied
by four other women and an effort
was made to get the carriage close
enough for her to sec the negro. The
crowd , was so dense , however , thai
this was impossible. Persons hold
each other on their shoulders , taking
turnn about looking at the awful
sight. The negro's head flnnllj
dropped nnd the Mcs wore pllcil
around and over him. In half an
liour only the trunk of his body ro
inalncd. As soon as the heat would
lionnlt , the crowd with long sticks
iliegan a growsomo- search for relics
Parts of his skull and body were
gathered up by some and carried away
As the lire died down the crowd took
the two men who llrst caught the negro
gro and held them over their heads ,
.while they held their Winchesters in
their hands and were photographed
From the tlmo the llrst llro was ap
plied to the negro's body until the
'klylng embers alone were left , the
'crowd shouted and cheered for the
men who had raptured the negro.
Section Foreman McKee , husband ol
"the woman assaulted , applied the
match to the fagots. Many women
iwcro present from tho. surrounding
country , hut owing to the great crush
they had very little opportunity to
ece the negro until the heat forced
the crowd to widen the circle and
the flames leaped ever him.
I ' Lynching Is Averted.
I Carthage , Mo. , May 23. Will Jones ,
the Joplin negro accused of criminally
( assaulting Mrs. Parmotcr of Webb
Cit > * . was taken from the Webb City
jail yesterday afternoon by the sheriff
and a strong force of deputies to pre
vent his being lynched by a mob
gathering at the jail. He was sur
rounded by olllcors , forced through
the crowd , put In n carriage and
driven to Carthage , where ho was
safely put In the county jail. Mrs.
Tarmotor called to Identify the pris
oner. Jones was lined up with two
other colored prisoners In the corridor
and the woman failed to recognize any
one of the three as her assailant.
Later the two farmers who frightened
him away called and positively identi
fied him as the ono that ran from the
iwoman as they approached In re
sponse to her cries. All danger of
snob violence has passed.
| Steamer Burns to Water's Edge.
Now Orleans , May 23. The steamer
John K. Speed , lying at her wharf at
the foot of Lafayette street , took fire
yesterday afternoon , supposedly
from alcohol stored In the hold , nnd
quickly burned to the water's edge.
The steamer and cargo are a total
loss. A general fire alarm was turned
-.In , but not before the wharves had
, -iaken flre and a very largo section
tnirned awny. Fire engine No. 14 ,
which was backed up near the water's
edge slipped Into the rlvor. The loss ,
inojudlng the cargo and wharves , is
, ! | fully $75,000.
No Change In Miners' Strike ,
\Vllkosbarro. i . Pa. , May 23. The
> tenth day of the anthracite coal mln
> s' strike passed off very quietly , not
a single Incident developing whlcl ;
would In any way tend to change tbo
lf'-e ' ent situation.
Presbyterian General Assembly An.
proves Report of Committee ,
New York , May 211. The general as
sembly of the Presbyterian church
yesterday adopted the report of the
committee on creed revision , making
changes In the confession of faith.
This action , which was prr.ctloally
unanimous , wnit tnUou with little erne
no debate , The changes proposed
Will now KO to the various presby
teries for ratification. As was to bo
expected , the prospect of an Interest *
Ing debate on creed revision attracted
a crowd which filled tbo galleries sol
Hov. Dr. Henry Van Dyke , the mod
erator , before the hour sot for con
sideration , spoke for u moment. "I
want to plead that this discussion bo
carried on In the spirit of good fel
lowship. Have nothing either rushed
through or delayed. The matter bo-
Tore us Is u simple proposition. The
assembly of 1001 appointed a commit
tee to do n particular thing , What
you have to pass on is not whether
that certain thing should bo done ,
hut whether the committee bos done
It to your satisfaction , "
Promoters Will 'Hold a Meeting In
Dea Molnes on June 1.
Waterloo , la. , May 23. A double
track electric railway from the border
of Canada to the Gulf of Mexico will
bo a realization within the next few
years , if the plans of a syndicate of
the Mississippi valley , with Judge
John I'ortor of Kldoru , la. , nt the
head , are carried out. The railway ,
according to present plans , will start
near the Lake of the Woods nnil will
follow the Mississippi valley to the
gulf. Judge Porter was In Waterloo
yesterday to get President Carr of the
Waterloo and Cedar Falls Hlcctrlc
railway Into the deal. Ho stated that
the plans are practically assured. A
mooting of the promoters , represent
ing every ntiito between Minnesota
and the gulf , will he hold at DCS
Molnes , Juno 1 , to perfect the organi
zation. Judge Porter Is ono of the
best known promoters of electric rail
ways in Iowa and the middle west.
Former Comptroller Dawes Addresses
Dea Molnes Convention.
Dos Mollies , May 23. Charles Q.
Dawes , cx-couiptrollor of the cur
rency , yesterday addressed the State
Bankers' association on "Asset Cur
rency and Branch Currency. " Ho
took a position In opposition to both
and In answer to a question , said ho
did not think it safe to retire green
backs until something equally safe
should bo found to till the vacuum and
that he did not bollovo asset notes to
bo safo.
Homer A. Miller , cashier of the Dos
Molnes Savings bank , was elected
president of the association ; L. F.
Potter. Harlan , vice president ; J. M.
Dlnwlddte , Cedar Rapids , secretary ,
and Frank Y. Locke , Stbloy , treasurer.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
May 2 : ! . Will-lit worlu-il down to
! < > vt I today , hut tlioiv was not
activity la any of tlio nmrkrts to
liwlio tin- lower prlrcs attnictlvp , and al
though win-tit was n KiMii-rat dt > i > rusliii : In-
Unmet' , corn Mti-iidlt'il nrlivN. July wheat
closed i/ti' lowi-r , July corn ' , ( ,0 lower and
July oats KCu'-ie ' lilk'Iior. rrovhlonx cloai-il
"Vn' to lil lu-r. ClimliiK prln-s :
\Vlu-at-.May , 7fIV : July , 7USept. ; . . 7.1c.
Corn-May , ( IHii- July , ( t-'e ; Sept. , m
OatsMay.Kltyi - : July , :5Ti : 4oj Sept. , Ltl
r < irk--Miiy , $ n.l > itt ! ; July , $17.1iV6 ! ; Sept. ,
$17. ' . ' . ' . .
hard-May , $10.176 ; July , ? 10.17Mi ; Sept. ,
Kllis-May , $ a.07/j : July , $ t . .02jj Sept. ,
( 'lilcnuo CIHI | I'rlcos N'o. ! i red whont , SO
( SIS-V ; No. a red whent , "SifiSle ; No. 3
sprint ; wlient , 7ii7l1' < : No.luinl . wheat ,
TtWrtTi1 : No. . ' 1 hard wh ° at , 7 V7ilo [ ; No. ! 1
oiish corn , ( Klftti-V&u ; No. a yellow corn ,
ti.-'Mi < > 'ie ; No. U cash oats , -I'Jffi-l-Vic ; No.
1 ! white oats , U-i'ijl3Iie ; No. a white oats ,
l3U < TUIc.
Chicago Live Stock.
ClilCflK" , May L'J.-CHttk'-Uecelpls , 0,500 ,
choice Hteady to strong , others weak to
lower ; Rood to prime steers , $7.00fi7.rii : ;
poor to medium , $3.lH > Ji0.7. ( ; btoekers nnd
feeders , $ ' . ' 7rifii.VJ. i : cows , l.WXTUl.OO ; heif
ers , $ ' _ ' .7.Vn.Ti iKi ; canners. Sl.fiOft'j.riO ; bulls ,
y-.WVir.MlO ; calves , Sl'.r.OSrr.OO ; Texas fed
steers , $ T > . .V'jO.ST ) > . Hoes Receipts today.
J 1,000 ; tomorrow , .i-.UOO : left over , tl.WO ;
steady nt Wednesdays close ; mixed and
Imtchcrs , $ tUXV.i7.-76 ( : KOOI ! to choice
heavy , $7.1.Vn7.lTi ! ; rough heavy. $ C.JKi < J7-13 :
llKlit. $ ( ! .704i7.l ) ; bulk of Hales , $ U.t)57.2i | ) .
Sheep-lteeelpts , tt.OOO ; ircJi'JOe lower ;
lambs choice Mcady ; good to choice weth
ers , $ r > .7.VfjO.I. ! . " > ; fair to choice mixed , ? . * . < W
< ftf > .7o ; western sheep. n.'ngjil.l.'o ; nntlvt
lamlis , $ . " > .00ij7.00 ; western lainlia , J5.oJ (
7.00 ; western sheep , ? ri.7.Tl ( < t.l ; ru-tlve
lambs , $5.00117.00 ; Colorado lamlis , $7.23.
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kansas City. May 2i Cflttle-Tlecelpts ,
2,200 ; best beef steers 5'ulUc lilehcr ; mock
er * and feedern weaker ; choice beef steers ,
? 7.004 7.aO ; fair to tooil. $3.00 7.00 ; stock-
era nnd feetlers. S3.00S5.13 ; western f d
steers , $ < it.G5 ) ; native cows , $ 'J.'jr > iH < 1.13 ;
native heifers , $ .1.XXi ( ( I.75 ; fanners. $2004 *
2.W ; bulls , fi.23iiO.- ; ( ; calves. $3.00 jO..0. .
Hogs Receipts , O.IIOO ; wuak to 5e lower ;
top , $7.40 ; bulk of sulc * . $7.0QS7. : ; heavy ,
$7.20(117.40 ( ; mixed puckers , $7.10 > & 7,30 ;
llBht , W.WSf.lWi ; yorkers , $7.00517.12 ;
pies. $5.00110.70. SUeep-Uecclpt , 3,000 ;
6lOe lower ; native lamb * . J.V-IOW.OS ;
western lambs. $3.0037.00 ; native wethers ,
$5.30 < 3 < UO ; western wctUers , $ J.I iiO.W.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omnua , ilay 22. Cattle Itecelpta ,
1'JOO ; steady to ftrouRer ; native stuent ,
$3.W > ft7.25 ; cowu nnd heifers. $3.75 0.00 ;
western steers , $4.75fttUX ) ; Texas steers ,
$1.40ilfl.50 ; canners. $2.00 :1.25 ; stockcrs
und feeders , $ . ' . 0 0.25 ; bulls , ttnus , etc. ,
J2.7&US.75. Hojrs-llecolpts , 0,700 ; slow ,
5c lower ; heavy , $7.03 7.20 ; mixed. $0.132
7,03 ; llslit , $0.7. i7.03 ; pigs. $3.720.50 ;
bulk of sales , $ l.D3 ) < Q7.10. Hhcep-ItccelptB ,
800 ; steady ; fed muttons , $5.BO < J < a25 ; west
erns , $ l.75 i0.23 ; ewes , Jl.00 5.25 ; common
and stockers , $3.2504.73 : Inmbg , $3.50 7.00.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
St. Joseph , May 22.-JCaUle.-n > celpts.
000 ; steady : natives , $5. ; < X i7 33 : cowa nud
liolfm , ? i rjO-.iO.M , vpals1'i.7.v.j : < i.r10i stock
crs nnd fiedirs. $ : 2F i-3,3" , Hogs Re
ceipt * . 7000j nt ( idy lljflit n'i-1 'U'u ' mixed ,
$0 'ji'J ) in 'i ' ' nit I U , iUi ? " 1- "
"And now , " bo Hiiidvo will nee
what our old friend the npoHtlo Paul
IHIH to Kity , Step up here , Paul , and
give IIH your testimony. "
No , the speaker wasn't n flippant
prosecuting attorney In tbo celebrated
trial before Felix.
It was the Hov. Mr. Seventhly , the
popiilnr pastor of the Illank Avenue
church , who was preaching n doctrinal
sermon. Chicago Tribune.
Tlie HIiix-U Too HOVITC.
"Did the coroner's Jury ascertain what
caused Howerso.x'n sudden death ? "
"YeM. It appears that ho received n
plumber's bill In ills morning's mall. "
"Hut surely that did not kill him ? "
"That wasn't It , but about noon the
plumber himself called and said there
was nn overcharge In the hill that he
wished to correct. " Detroit Free Press.
Mrs. Hunt I suppose Jane Porter Is
the moHt truthful person In town.
Why , I verily believe she would tell
the truth oven about her ap < \
Mrs. Plko That wouldn't be truthful
ness ; It would Hlmply be eccentricity.
Doston Transcript.
lie Wnn Wnrnpil.
Miss Palisade I was very much surprised -
prised , Mr. Cleverton , that you were
nqt at church this morning to hear me
sing the solo. Didn't your friend Dash-
nway tell you about It beforehand ?
Cleverton Yes ; ho was good enough
to. Harlem Life.
Will Cure Consumption.
A. A. Horrou , Finch , Ark. , writes ,
"Foloy's Honey and Tar is the best
preparation for coughs , colds ; and lung
trouble. I k low that it has cured con
sumption in the first stages. " Sold by
A. II. Iviosau.
Dangerous If Neglected.
Burns , outs and other wounds often
fail to heal properly if neglected , and be
come troublesome sorea. Do Witt's Witch
Ila/.ol salvo prevents such consequences.
Even where delay has aggravated the
Injury DoWitt's Witch Hazel salvo
effects a cmo. "I had n lutmitif , ' sere
on my leg thirty years , " says II. 0
Hartly , Yankeetowu , Intl.After
uplug many remedies , I tried DoWitt's
Witoh Hazel salvo. A few boxes healed
the soro. " Cures all fiklu diseases.
Piles yield to it at onco. Beware of
counterfeits. The Kieaan Drag Co.
Don't Start Wrong.
Don't start the summer with a ling
ering cough or cold. Wo all know
what n "summer cold" ia. It's the
hardest kind to onro. Often it "hangs
on" through the entire season. Take it
in hand right now. A frw doses of One
Miuuto Cough Cure will sot yon right.
Sure euro for cougha , colds , oroup.grip ,
bronchitis , all throat nud lung troubles.
Absolutely safo. Acts at onco. Child
ren like It. "One Minute Cough Cure
is the best cough madioino I ever used , "
saysJ. W. Bowlea , Grovoton , N. II.
I never found anything elsa that acted
so safely nnd quiekly. " The Kiesau
Drug Co.
Shot in His LeftlLeg.
For all kinds of sores , burns , bruises ,
or other wounds DoWitt's Witch Hazel
Salvo is a sure euro. Skin disease *
yield to it at onco. Never fails in oa-f-
of piles. Cooling and healing. None
geuuiuo but DeWitt's. Beware of
counterfeits. I suffered for many yoaio
from a sere caused by a gun shot wound
in my loft leg , " says A. S. Fuller , Eng
lish , Ind. "It would not heal and gave
me much trouble. I used all kinds of
remedies to no purpose until I tried
DoWitt'S Witoh Hazel Salve. A. few
boxes completely cured me. " Kiesau
Drug Co.
Traveling is Dangerous.
Constant motion jars the kidneys
which are kept in place in the body by
delicate attachments. This is the rea
son that travelers , trainmen , street car
men , teamsters nud all who drive very
much suffer from kidney disease in some
form. Foley's-Kiduoy Cure strengthens
the kidneys and cures all forms of kid
ney and bladder disease. Geo. H. Hau-
san , locomotive engineer , Lima , O. ,
writes , "Constant vibration of the en
gine caiuod mo a great deal ot trouble
with my kidneys , nud I got no relief
until I used Foley's Kidney Cure. " Sold
by A. H.Kiesau.
Makes people prick up their ears ,
makes people strenuous , puts ono on
tiptoe of expectation. That's what
Kocky Kountniu Tea will do. 85 cents.
A. II. Koisau.
We would like to ask , through the
columns of your paper , if there is any
porsou who has used Green's August
Flower for the cure of indigestion , dys
pepsia , and liver troubles that has not
been cured and wo also mean their re
sults , such as sour stomach , fermenta
tion of food , habitual costiveness , nerv
ous dyspepsia , headaches , despondent
feelings , sleeplessness in fact , any
trouble connected with the stomach or
liver ? This medicine has been sold for
ninny years in nil civilized countries ,
nnd wo wish to correspond witu yon
nud send you one of our books free ol
cost. If you never tried August Flower
try one bottle first. We have never
known of its failing. If so , aomethiug
more serious is the matter with you
Ask your oldest druggist.
G. G. GHEES , Woodbnry , N. J.
A. H. Kiesau.
Saved Many a Time.
Don't neglect coughs and colds even
if it is spring. Such cases often rosul
seriously nt this season just becnus
people nre careless. A dose of One
Minute Cough Cure will remove nl
danger. Absolutely safe. Acts nt once
Sure cure for coughs , colds , croup , grip
bronchitis , and other throat and lung
troubles. "I have used One Minut
Cough Cure several years , " says Post
master 0. O. Diuvsou , Barr , 111. "It i
the very best cough medicine on the
market. It has saved mo many n se
vere spell of sickness nnd I warmly rec
ommend it. " The children's favorite.
Kiesnu Drug Co.
Foley's Honey nnd Tnr contains no
opiates and can safely be given to child-
iron. Sold by A H Kirsnu
Like a Drowning Man.
"Five years ago n disease the dootois
called dy popsla took nuoh hold of me
that I could scarcely go. " Writes Goo.
3. Maroh , well known attorney of
Nocona , Tex. "I took quantities of
pepsin nnd other medicine * but nothing
iiolped mo. Ann drowning man grabs
nt ti straw I grubbed nt Kodol. I felt
an improvement nt once nud nftor a
tew bottles am Hound and well. " Kodol
Is the only piopnration which exactly
reproduces the natural digestive juices
nnd consequently is the only one which
digests nuy good food and oures any
form of fitomah trouble. The Kiosiui
Drug Co.
It Is snld that n bride has ninny friends
but in n few years , they dwindle down
to one. That's Iloclcy Mountain Ton.
llnkcH and keeps her well. ! )5 ) coats.
A. H. Kolflttu.
What is Foloy's Kidney Cure ?
Answer : It is made from n proscrip
tion of n lending Chicago physician , nnd
ono of the most eminent in the country.
The ingredients nro the purest that
money can buy , nud nro scientifically
combined to got their utmost value.
Sold by A. II. Kiosnu.
What Thin Folks Need
Is n greater power of digesting nnd
nsslmilntiug food. For them Dr. King's
Now fjifo pills work wonders. They
tone nnd regulate the digestive organs ,
gently expel nil paisous from the system ,
auriofi the blood , improve appetitenrnko
honlthy llesh. Only S5o nt Koisau's
drug store.
Wants to Help Others.
"I had stomnoli trouble nil my life , "
says Edw. Molilor , proprietor of the
Union Bottling Works , Erie , 1'n. , "nud
tried nil kinds of remedies , went to sev
eral doctors and spout considerable
money trying to got n moment's pence.
Finally 1 road of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
nnd hnvo been taking it to my great
satisfaction. I never fouud its equal
for stomach trouble and gladly recom
mend it in hope that I may help other
sufferers. " Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures
nil stomach troubles. You dou't hnve
to diet. Kodol Dyspepsin Cure digests
what you oat. Kiesau Drug Co.
No Loss of Time.
I nave sold Glmmberlntu's Colio ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
years , nud would rather be out of coffee
and sugar thnu it. I sold five bottles of
it yesterday to threshers that could gene
no further , nud they nre nt work again
this morning. H.U. Phelps , Plymouth ,
Oklahoma. As will be seen by the
above the threshers , were able to keep
ou with their work without losing n
single dny's time. You should keep n
bottle of thia remedy in your home.
For sale by Kiesau Drug Co.
Stands Like a Stone Wall.
Between your children nnd the tor
tures ot itoning nud burning eczema ,
soaldhend or other skin diseases. How ?
why , by using Buokleu's Arnica salvo ,
earth's greatest healer. Quickest cure
for ulcers , fever sores , salt rheum , cuts ,
burns or bruises. Infallible for piles.
23o at Kiosau's Drug store ,
A Lesson' in Health.
Healthy kidneys filter the impurities
from the blood , aud uuless they do this
Rood health is impossible. Foleyja
Kidney Onro makes sound kidneys nud
will positively cure all forms of kidney
aud bladder disease. It strengthens
the whole system. Sold by A. H.
Neglect Means Danger.
Don't neglect biliousness and cousti-
pa ion. Your health will suffer per-
latioutly if you do. DeWitt's Little
Sarly Risers cure such cases , M. B.
inith , Butternut , Mich. , says "De-
Vitt's Little Early Risers nre the most
atisfactory pills I over took. Never
ripe or cause nausea. " Kiesau Drug
Experience Convinces.
Prove its vnlue by investing 10 cents In
rial BZO ! of Ely's Cream 15nlm. Druggists
upply it mid wo mail it. Full size 50 cents.
ELY BUGS. , 5J ( Wnrrcn St. , Now York.
Clifton , Arizona , Jan. 20,1899.
Messrs. ELY Unos. : Plcnso send mo nCO
cent bottle of Crenin Balm. I find your
remedy the quickest nnd most permanent
euro for cntnrrh nnd cold iu ths head.
DEI.I.M. PoTTcn , Gou.Mgr.Ariz.GoldM.Co.
Messrs. ELY Br.os.t I hnvo beeuafllieted
with catarrh for twenty yenrs. It nmilo mo
so weak I thought I had consumption. I
; ot ono bottle of Ely's Crenm Balm nnd in
hreo days the discharge stopped. It is the
jest medicine I have used for catarrh.
Probcrtn , Cal. FIUSK E. KINDLESMKE.
A Revelation.
If you will make inquiry it will be n
revelation to you how many succumb
o kidney or bladder troubles in one
orm or another. If the pntieut is not
jeyoud medical aid , Foley's Kidney
Jure will oure. It never disappoints
Sold by A. H. Kiesau.
Whooping Cough.
A woman who has had experience
with this disease , tolls how to prevent
any dangerous consequences from it.
She' says : Our three children took
whooping cough last summer , our baby
boy being only three mouths old , nnd
owiug to our giving them. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy , they lost none of their
plumpness aud came out in much better
Health than other children whose parents
dirt lint usfl this romortv. Onr nlrlnst-
little girl would call lustily for cough
syrup between whoops. Jessie Pinkey
Hall , SpriUKville , Ala. This remedy is
for sale by Kiesan Drug Co.
Wants Others to Know.
"I have used DeWitt's Little Early
Risers for constipation and torpid liver
nnd they are all right. I nm glad to in
dorse them for I think when we find a
good thing we ought to let others know
it , " writes Alfred Heinze , Quinoy , 111.
They never gripe or distress. Sure , safe
pills. The Ktesan Drug Co.
You never heard of any one using
Foloy's Honey and Tar and not being
satisfied. Sold by A. II. Kiesan.
Holds Up a Congressman.
"At the end of the campaign , " writes
Champ Clark , Missouri's brilliant con
gressman , "from overwork , nervous
tension , loss of sleep nnd constant
speaking I had nbont utterly collapsed.
It seemed that all organs in my. body
were out of order , but three bottles of
Electric Bitters made me nil right. It'
the best all-around medicine ever sold
oveifrdruggjst'scounter , " Overworked ,
run-down men and weak , sickly women
The liniment bottle nnd flannel strip nre
familiar objects in nearly every household.
They nre the weapons that have been used for
generations to fight old Rheumatism , and are
about as effective in the battle with this giant
disease as the blunderbuss of our forefather ! )
would be in modern warfare.
Rheumatism is caused by an ncid , sotir
condition of the blood. It is filled with acrid , irritating matter that settles
in the joints , muscles and nerves , and liniments and oils nor nothing
else applied externally can dislodge these gritty , corroding particles. They
were deposited there by the blood and can be reached only through the blood.
Rubbing with liniments Sometimes relieve temporarily the aches and
pains , but these are only symptoms which are liable to return with every
change of the weather ; the real disease lies deeper , the blood nnd system
are infected. Rheumatism cannot be radically and permanently cured
until the blood has been purified , and no remedy does this so thoroughly
and promptly as S. S. S. It neutralizes the acids and sends a stream
of rich , strong blood to the affected parts , which
dissolves and washes out all foreign materials , and the
sufferer obtains happy relief from the torturing pains.
S. S. S. contains no potash or other mineral , but
is a perfect vegetable blood purifier and most
exhilarating tonic. Our physicians will advise , withqut charge , all who
write about their case , and we will send free our special book on Rheumatism
and its treatment. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Atlanta , Ga.
gain splendid health nnd vitality from
Electric Bitters. Try them. Only OOo.
Gnnrnnteed by the Kiesan Drag Co.
A big haul of highwaymen , substi
tutes nud others who steal the good
name aud fame of Rocky Mountain Tea
made fnmlous by Madison Mediciuo Co.
85 cents. A. H. Keisau.
Foley's Honey nud Tnr is peculiarly
adapted for asthma , brouchitta and
hoarseness. Sold by A. H. Kienu.
Won't Follow Advice After Paying
for it.
In n recent nrtiolo a prominent
phyaiclnu says , "It is next to impossible
for the physician to get his patients to
carry out nny prescribed course of
hygeno of diet to the smallest extent ; he
has but one resort left , namely , the
drug treatment. " When medicines aroused
used for chronic constipation , the most
mild nud geutle obtainable , such ns
Chnuiberlalu's Stomnoh & Liver Tablets ,
should bo employed. Their use is not
followed by constipation , ns they leave
the bowels in a natural nud healthy
condition. For sale by Kiosau Drug Co.
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured After Four
teen Years of Suffering.
"I was afilioted with sciatic rh um-
ntisui for fourteen years , " says Josh
Edgar , of Gennnntowii , Cnl. "I was
able to bo around but constantly suf
fered. I tried everything I could hear
of nud nt lost was told to try Chamber
lain's Pain Balm , which I did and was
immediately relieved nnd in a short time
cured , nud I am happy to say it has not
since returned , " It is for sale by
Kiesau Drug Co.
Reveals A Great Secret.
It is often nsked how such startliug
cures , that puzzle the best physiciaus ,
are effected by Dr. Kiug's NHW Discov
ery for Consumption. Hero's the
secret. It cuts out the phlegm nud
jerm-iufected mucus , nnd lets the life-
giving oxygen enrich and vitnlize the
blood. It heals the inflamed , cough-
worn throat aud lungs. Hard colds nnd
stubborn coughs soon yield to Dr. King's
Now Discovery , the most infallible
remedy for nil throat nud lung disenses.
Guorauteed bottles oOc nud $1.00. Trial
bottles free at Kiesau's drug store.
Tins is not n gentle world but when
you think how liable you are not to pur-
ohnse for 75o the ouly remedy universally
known aud n remedy that has had the
largest sao of any medicine iu the world
since 1808 for the oure aud treatment of
ousnmplion and throat nnd lung trou
bles without losing its great popularity
all these years , you will be thankful we
called your attention to Bosohee's
German Syrup. There nro so ninny
ordinary cough remedies made by drug
gists nud others thnt nre chcnp nud good
for light colds perhaps , but for severe
coughs , bronchitis , croup and espe
cially for consumption , where there is
difficult expectoration aud coughing
duriug the nights audmorniugs , there is
nothing like German Syrup. Sold by
all drugRists in the civilized world.
G. G. GREEK , Woodbury , N. J.
A. H. Kiesau.
are Nature's warning notes of
approaching danger from a dis
eased heart. If you would
avoid debilitating diseases , or
even sudden death from this
hidden trouble pay heed to the
early warnings. Strengthen the
heart's muscles , quiet its nerv
ous irritation and regulate its
adlion with that greatest of all
heart remedies , Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure.
"Darting pains through my
heart , left side and arm would
bo followed by smothering , heart
spasms and fainting. Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure has entirely relieved
me of those troubles. "
356 Kewaunee St. , Milwaukee , Wls.
Dr. Miles'
Hcatt C * e
controls the heart action , accel
crates the circulation and build
up the entire system. Sold by
druggists on a guarantee.
Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elkhart , Ind
Ely's ' Cream Balm
Gives Rcllcl at once.
It clean'es , enothc * nnil
licnla thedleon.-i'il mem
brane. It ctiri-g Catarrh
and drives nwny n Cold
luthollendqulcklr. It
U nlHorlxnl. Urals and Protects the Membrane.
Kestort'B the Scii L H of Tn te nnd Smell. Full ulzo
50c. : Trial Size li'c. ' ; nt DniKSi ts or by mall.
liLY UltOTHEUS. 60 Warren Street , New York.
Take the gc.iulnc , original
Mndc only by Madison Medi
cine Co. , Madison. Wl5. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price , 35 cents. Nevsr sold
_ In bulk. Accept no substi-
. . tute Ask your
< .O OI < * TIOI.
Made a
Well Man
> v of Me.
irodnces tbo above results In 30 days. It icU
lowerf ally and quickly. Cures when all others f lt
'OUUR men will regain their lost manhood , and old
ncn trill recover their youthful vicar by using
IIEV1VO. It quickly nnd surely restores Nervou * .
ICES , Lost Vitality , Impotency , Nightly Emissions.
, OEt Tower , Falling Memory , Wauling Diseases , and
11 effects ol solf-abUBO or cxccEsand indiscretion ,
Which unQta ono for study , business or marriage. It
lot only cures by starting nt the seat ol disease , but
s acreat nerve tonic nnd blood builder , trim-
us back tbo pink glow to paid checks and ro-
toring the nro of yonth. It wards off Insanity
nd Consumption. Insist on having
other. It can bo carried in vest pocket. By mall ,
51.0O per pact ace or Bix tor S5.OO , vrlth poll-
Ivo written ( rnnrnntoe to core or reload
ho money. Book nntl nrtvKo free. Address
jnvu niPniriNi ? fft . i6- " ° Plymouth PI. ,
For sale iu Norfolk. Nebraska , by
Gao. B. Obrtsroph. druggist.
are the most fatal of all dis
eases.'O ' KIDNEY CURE Is I
o Guaranteed Remedy
or money refunded. Contains
remedies recognized by emi-
lent physicians as the best for
Sidney and Bladder troubles. .
PRICE 50c. and $1.00.
, .
Palu Fills ,
At all drug ttorcs. 25 DOK * 25e.
To advertise successfully may
not be easy but It Is not half so
difficult as the taming of a fly.
So far as this community Is
concerned the advertising prob
lem Is simple. Here Is the
plan :
Secure space in thesa col
umns.Write \
Write ads that are plain
and straightforward. vl
Change them often.
Keep at it persistently.