' lr TIIK NORFOLK NEWS : FRIDAY , MAY 23 , 1902. How Civic Committee Will Dis tribute Rewards. CONTRIBUTED BY MERCHANTS. "keepers orFIno Lawns , Flower and Vegetable Gardens "nil Nont Alloys nntl Bnck Yards to bo Encouraged Prizes Worth Having. The committee on olvla bonuty ban nrrangod niul classified tlio prizoa tlmt linvu boon contributed by tlio businessmen mon of the city and hut nnnounood thnt oxaminntioiiH of prumlnoH will bo nmdo on Juno DO and August 20 nnd the prlzoa will bo awarded on Soptomlwr 1 , A boantiful lawn , llowor garden or well planned vegetable garden are worth trying for in thomsolvoH and tliOHO who receive tliOHO prl/.oa will have additional rot urns for tholr otVorta that should In spire all to an nn.'iHual olTort toward im proved residence property. Most of tlio prizes olforod nro worth oonflidorablo work and it should bo the endeavor of all roBidonta of the city to make HO many flno lawns and llowor gardens that the comniittoo would experience HOIIIO dillloulty in making Holoollons. The object of the conunlttoo in undoubtedly to oroato a friendly competition among residents und if tlioy Huccood and the yardH of Norfolk are mndo moro boautlful thin year than ever before the work of the committee will not have boon in vain. The following IH the arrangement [ of prizes an made by the committee : , For best kept lawn : Fir t prize licm'nmn ifc Smith's furn iture Htoro , Vornin Martin table , $8.50. Second pii/.o O. 13. Moore , hardware , lawn mower , $3 75. Third pri/o Norfolk Tailoring Co , Bwoator , $2.00. For the host vegetable garden : First prl/.o Klomm Drug Co. , bottle of perfume , $5.00. Second prize Dtirland Sisters , mil linery , chihl's luvt , $3.00. Third prize John Friday's hardware , pookct knife , $1.50. , For best llowor garden : First prize Johnson's.furniture store , lamp , $5.00. Second prize 0. 3. Hayofl , jeweler , Jiorry spoon. For best block of lawnw and parks : First prize Sugar City Cereal Mills , one cuso of whoiitling , $4.00. Second prize Bcolor Him , Daylight store , statuary , $11.50. For host kept alloy in n.blook : First prize I. M. Mnoy , photographer , 0110 dozen photos , $1.25. Second prize Dnvoiiport kUros. , pair boy's shoes , $3.50. For best kept * place worth not moro than $1,000 , : First prize Johnson Dry Goods Co. , French Welton rug , ! ii ( by 7 ; . ' , $5.00. Second prize Geo. B. Christoph , druggist , hammock , $3.00. For neatest bai'k yard : First prize Bnniii Bros. , boy's suit of clothes , $5.00. Second prize Star Clothing Co. , .Manhattan Panama hnt , $ ! ) .00. For best flower bed : First prize Robt. Utter , picture , $5.00. Second prize W. B. Vail , jeweler , fern disband pot , Lookwoodware , $2.00. Third prize Leonard's drug store , brush nnd comb , $1.50. For general neatness : First prize Fair Store , gun metal watch , $ -1.50. C Second prize Inskoop's Millinery , child's hat , $3.00. Third prize Albert Dognor , hard ware , pair uicklo plated skates , $1.50. Examinations made Juno 20 , and August 20. Prize nwnrded September 1,1903. WEDNESDAY WRINKLES. 11. B. Crowe of Albion was n visitor in Norfolk yesterday. O. A. Blakely was n passenger for Omaha this morning. James Nichols of Madison transacted business in Norfolk today. Sheriff J. J. Clements is transacting business in the city today. Mr. Erie Wells of Emoriok was in the city yesterday ou business. Mr. nud Mrs. W. 0. Eddy have taken rooms with Mrs. Carl Rudnt. Mrs. F. W. Junemau is in the city from Madison for n few days' visit with friends. Mrs. J. S. Morrow wont to Omaha yesterday to attend the state mooting of the Woman's Relief Corps. Mrs.l.W. . . W. Roberts returned this \ morning from Lynch where she had been tc attend the funeral of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Sol G. Mayer welcomed n daughter to their homo nt the corner of Tenth street and Madison avenue last evening. Mr. nud Mrs. 0. W. Henderson of Sioux City nre guests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Hoffman.Mr. . Henderson is connected with the postal service nt Sioux City. The High School orchestra will hold n special meeting tonight and all members are urged to be present ns there is business of importance to bo discussed. The yellow roses nre in bloom nnd ox- haling their nwoot perfume , which might lie tnkon for another Mgn of Mprlng by those who nro still looking for nigim. Tlioro will bo n IniHlnoflH mooting of the Christian Endeavor HOoloty hold at the Congregational church thin evening. There is Important business to be trans acted. M. B , Blngor and A. Stollln , toaohora in the parochial school of Christ Lu theran ohurch , will go to Omaha to morrow morning to attend n conference of teachers. MrH , John Quick loft this morning for Onmhn whore nhe goon at * the delegate of the Norfolk Woman's Relief Corps to the Htnto mooting of that organization which ia to bo hold in tlio metropolis this week , The haccnlnuroato normou to the High school graduating class will bo proaohod by llov. J. W. Ponohor nt the M. E. church Sunday evening. The oloflH extends n general invitation to all to attend this service with thorn. Mr. nud Mm. O. A. Alexander re turned nt noon yontordny from Omaha where Mr. Alexander had gene to moot hlH wlfo who won on her way homo from the east , she having boon culled to attend n slater who was seriously sick , Mrrt. P. II. Snltor wont to Omnha this morning to moot Mrs. Mnxwoll of Columbus , Win. ; MrH. Frank Aroiul nnd two children of Norfiold , Mass , and Mrs. Sadie Marling of Madison , Win The throe Indies nro cousins of Mrs. Salter nnd nro coming to spend several weeks with her and as guests nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Buttorflold. U. M. Fraser , who formerly hold n position with the F. 13. fe M. V. lindor Agent It. 0. Mntrau , but more recently hiiH boon chief clerk in the commercial agent's olllco of the Illinois Central at Council BlnffH , is in the city visiting bin paroutH , Mr. and Mrs , R. M. Fraser nt the corner of Ainmson avenue and Tiitru Htroot. Ho has Intoly been promoted to n position at Salt Lake City in the horvtco of the Illinois Central and will lonvo for Utah tomorrow morning. The teachers in the Lincoln building gave n mippor yesterday to Miss Lucy Williams nud presented her with a dozen sherbet cups. This ia Miss V VilliauiH' last year in the schools bore ud her co-workers took this moans of ' lowing their npprocintlon of her ompnulonship during the years thnt t liey hnvo tnught together. The Htntomont thnt the trustees of St. mil Lutheran ohurch had purchased > io old building in the roar of the tnrqunrdt block nud would use it in mproving the church property north f town wns orrouious. It wns bought y Fordiunnd Schulnud the nvailable unbor It contains will bo used in the onstruotiou of n residence for his son Vugust , on the seven acres of laud they iavo recently purchased near the old Vashburn homo in Edgownter Park ddition. The omnibus public building bill msaod by the house was reported to the onnto nt Wnshingtou yesterday. There a no other change from the house uensuro than the adding of an appro irintiou of $15,000 to bo used in com- iletiug the post olllco building in Omaha This is the measure thnt cnrries vith it nu appropriation of $100,000 for ho orootion of a federal building in this ity. It is considered that the bill will ccoivo the early aud favorable consider \tiou of the upper body. An orniloss woudor wixs in town esterday , aud last evening gave an xhibltlou of what ho wns nblo to ccomplish by having his toes trained to nko the place bf the flugors of which 10 had been deprived. A free sample of what ho could do elicited the iutorost of ho crowd. Among the fonts ho accomplished wns to thread a noodle shave himself , open a penknife , write xud draw pictures , feed himself , per form card tricks aud do other things that might prove difficult to persons javing the use of two hands. An old settler who has just made trip over a considerable area of country surrounding Norfolk says that ho never saw the small grain look any aud considers that the prospect bumper crop is excellent. In ttflW o the fact that the outlook n week Qr tw ngo wns discouraging this tornec ! will furnish an indication of tfr < J remark able growiug weather this country ha been recently favored with. Some o the corn is up nud looking fine nnd farmers have commenced cultivntlug while others have not yet finlshe plnutiug. Reports from Pieico nro thnt n smn' cyclone formed near there ns n result o the storm Sunday afternoon. The win stnrted in its serpentine whirling form south of the city nud unroofed the cattle sheds of J. M. Drebert nnd W. W. Riloy. It swept ncross Willow creek , taking up a column of wntor na it went. Passing through Mallory's brick ynrd , it struck the business portion of town and blew down some nwniugs. It nlso unroofed the cnttle sheds of thoElkhoru Valley Stock farm , belonging to L. Mason. A number of farmers report the breaking of trees aud the destruction of ( Windmills. It has been six years siuce the Fourth of July hns been publicly eel ebrated iu Norfolk nnd by some of the citizens it is thought that the city should undertake o provide n diy of pUnsaM for the | | people of the oity , the country nnd surrounding - rounding towim. Year after year Nor folk has given way to her neighbors nud helped to swell the crowds attending their celebrations , and it would undoubt edly bo fair that nil should unite iti n monster celebration hero this year. The iroposltlou of holding such a colobrn- ion should bo considered nt once. Tany of the neighboring towns would iirobably join In celebrating the nation's birthday hero If they were enrly in- 'ormod that such was Norfolk's Intou- Ion and , if it was decided that thin oity would not celebrate , the other towns oould then go ahead nud prepare n cole uration without the possibility that Nor- ( pile might outer Into competition with thorn for the attendance nt such celebra tions. It in recommended that the Com mercial club hold n mooting nt the ear liest practicable date aud take steps to ascertain the doalro of the bunlnosa men regarding a celebration. WARNERVILLE. Wm. Brown and family will start for Oklahoma the last of the week in quest of a homestead. Moses Mlhilla , who moved to Ohio a couple years ngo , was renewing no qunlntnncoH with his old neighbors Woduosdny. Conrad Wheeler returned from Plntta- mouth Tuesday , aud Wednesday started for Dillon , Col. , where ho expects to spend the summer with his daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Terry entertained a largo party of friends Wodnosdny evening of last wook. Dancing nud re freshments helped to mnko n plensaut evening for those present. Owosso , Michigan. At 5 o'clock last evening ever 1,000 people crowded into the Congregational ohurch to hoar Sullivan's oratorio , "Tho Prodigal Son , " by Mr. II. Augustine Smith. It is the general verdict of those who hoard him yesterday that ho hns one of the finest tenor voices ever heard in this city. Ho delighted ill. The Daily American. California Hns numerous natural bridges , cnves etc. , of no little interest. The Mam- noth cave of Calaveras , discovered by n-iuerfl In 1850 ; the Alabaster cnve ; , ho Crystnl Pnlnco cnvo , coutniuiug n number of attractive snbtorrauinn apart- nouts , such ns the Bridal chamber , the rystnl Palace room , aud n curious npnrtment cnlled the Music hall , where iho deposits of aqueous origin not only ako the form of organ pipes , sounding boards , etc. , but also omit when struck musical sounds and vibrations. Near his cnvo are two uaturnl bridges which ho tourist cnu visit nnd return to the railroad within half an hour. The only natural way to reach these scones of interest is via "The Overlnud louto , " comprising the Union nud Southern Paoiiio , now really one .line. The only line running through trains to San Frau lhco from Omaha. Tluci trains daily , the fast trains nrrivinir 15 hours nhead of all competitors. Full iiiformntion cheerfully furnished upon implication. J. B. ELSEFFER , Agent. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Brome Quinine Tablets cure ncold in one day. No cure , no pay. Price 25 cents. California. Southern California its lovely sen- side resorts , orange groves , beautiful gardens and quaint old mission towns are visited every year by thousands of tourists who travel over the Union Pa cific because it is the best nud quickest route nud the only line running through trnius to [ Onliforuin from Omnha. In addition to the Pullman Palnce Sleepers the Union Pacific runs Pullman ordi nary sleepers every dny , lenving Ohicngo at 11:30 : p. m. nnd Ouinhnnt4:25 : p. m. These ordmnry cnrs nro personally con ducted every Tuesday nud Thursday from Chicago and every Wednesday and Friday from Onmhn. A Pullmnu ordi- nnry sleeper also leaves Omaha every Tuesday at 11:30 : p. IB. for Los Angeles. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application.J. . J. B. ELSEFFER , agent. Dynamo Cars On "Tho Overland Limited" cnrry ex port electriclnns , whoso special duty is to supervise and see that the electrio lighting arrangements nro entirely snt- isfnctory. Each sleeper has 70 electric lights , dining car 70 , buffet smoklug aud library car 40. Observation cars , dining "cars , buffet smoking nnd library cars are equipped with twelve-inch electrio fans. Elec tric rending Inmps In every berth. Elec tric curling irons In all ladies' toilet rooms. This famous train reaches Salt Lake Oity 12 hours nnd Son Francisco Ifi hours abend of nil competitors. Ifjyou contemplate a trip to nny west- ore point the Union Pacific offers you the highest degree of comfort nud luxury - ury , with no nddltlonnl cost nud a grent saving of time aud expense. Full iufornintiou cheerfully furnished ou application to J. B. ELSEFFEU , Agent. The famous "Awakening of the Lions' by do Houtskl played by eight young ladles arranged for four plnuos , will bo OHO of the features of the commence ment recital. This nlono is worth the price of ndiuissiou nud hns never been presented in Norfolk before tills evening. THURSDAY TIDINGS. W. D. Mason was iu the city yester day from Pierce. Norfolk people hope that the dust will not blow again , bofnro tomorrow Anyway. A. J. Dunlovy of Tlldon greeted Nor- 'oik ' friends yesterday nud attended to business , Mrn , E. A. Bullock entertained the adlos of the Kaffeo Klntsoh yesterday ftornoon. Dr. Clark of Omahn is visiting nt the iiouio of Mr. aud Mrs. E. E. Adams fern n few days. The 'telephone linemen are now en gaged in stretching the now . 'cable west from Fifth street. The Ladies society of the Congre gational ohurch will moot in the ohurch parlors tomorrow afternoon at 3:30. : Mrs. Joseph Allbory loft on the Union Paoifio this morning for n throe-weeks' visit with her daughter nt Ohoyeuuo , Wyoming. Boulah chapter No. 10 , Order Eastern Star , will moot in regular session this evening. A large attendance of mom hers is desired. A herd of cattle belonging to O. S. Christian , northeast of Madison , is af fected with the blackleg nud n number of the nuiiiinls have died. The oity has received some stone for crossings nud some now crosswalks wil bo laid as soon as the mud dries suf ficioutly to admit of the work being done. A number of the members of the F E. & M. V. steel gang were in the city this morning nud it is said that thoj were on tholr way to Vordigre to com men co laying rails on the now extension Principal J. B. Barnes of the IHgl : school entertained the Senior class n dinner last evening nt his homo in Hill side Terrace. The evening following the dinner wns eujoynbly spout by those attending. Gordon Journal : An old fashioned woman on the train from Omaha the other night had four kids with hor. She licked the quartette three times around coining from Fremont to Nor folk nud there she chnuged cnrs nud we lost sight of her. She belonged to the old school thnt believed iu utiliz ing the rod. John Jones , the man who was picked up ou the streets by the officers about n week ngo , and who , while not appar ently delirious , seemed to have such n lapse of memory that ho was unable to give any account of himself and could not answer the most simple questions , was brought before the board of insan ity nt Madison Moudny. He formerly worked iu the rnilrond ynrds nt the Junction , but since he quit there uoth- iug is known of him. He cannot tell his name or nge , due , the doctors believe liovo , to brain pressure. A rainstorm came up from the southwest yesterday afternoon that developed some fury for the few minutes it lasted. The rain came down in torrents and the wind that nc- compauied it drove it through west windows that were not unusually tight. The government measurement showed that .02 of nu inch hnd fallen , making the total precipitation for the mouth almost three inches and there yet re mains ten days of the month to be heard from. Some hail fell with the storm but not enough to do any damage. Ohas. IL Johnson commenced suit in Justice Eiseloy's court this morning against the Union Pacific , for damages iu making nu overcharge in freight rates on n roll of carpet shipped from Philadelphia. The weight of the roll is 150 pounds , nud the freight charge on the shipment is $3.27. Mr. Johnson stntes thnt this is nu overcharge on the published tnriff rate which he says is $1,83 per hundred and the overcharge therefore amounts to about 30 cents a hundred. Mr. Johnson says that he tendered payment in three amounts , none ot which were nccepted nnd the goods were not turned over. Ho nlso snys thnt the chnrgo is more thnn the F. E. & M. V. ohnrges for the same class of goods from the same place. Greoloy Leader-Independent : A fnrinor living not fnr from town brought in some butter Inst weeknnd nfter trying every store iu town , wns compelled to tnke his butter homo unsold. It seems this fnrnier sends to Montgomery Wnrd for everything he buys , nud our grocers have decided to let him sell Montgomery Ward his butter. And thnt reminds ns that when the Baptist ladles held their bazaar last week they wrote to Mont gomery & Co. for n contribution. Their first letter remained unanswered , but n second ellotod n reply from Montgomery Wnrd & Co. who snld that they gave away n great deal to chnrity , but con fined their giving to their home town. "Why not allow them to mnke their money off their own town ? " suggests nn exchange. The moral is : "Patron ize local merchants and dealers nnd keep your money nt homo. " Report from the east nre to the effect thnt considernblo excitement hns been occasioned there by reports that the Nebraska "volcano , " Mt. lonn , is tbrentoulug great devastation aud des truction. A Washington correspondent states that temporary residents in that city fron\ Nebraska ore plied with questions regarding the dire possibilities should the mountain break loose nud ; pour Invn nnd nshos ever the surround ing country , nud Indications nro thnt onstorn people would contribute llbornlly to protect the nearby residents from threatened dlstruction. This "volcano" Is located In the northern part of Dlxon county near the town of Nowcnstlo among the bluffa of the Missouri river. It la reported to be unuaunlly active sluco the destruction of St. Pierre by the eruption of Mt. Poloo and according to the truthful reporters it has been spit ting smoke aud ashes for some time. It was demonstrated years ago by scien tists that the steam that Issued from the crater" nnd the heat of the earth In Its vicinity Is caused by water seeping through a limestone formation. Over twenty years ago some Dakota farmers thought that they could flud coal by digging into this volcano and by so doing they not only located the source of the boat but destroyed It for n time. The big flood of 1881 again chilled the ardor of the "volcano" nnd it did not resume business until about a year ago. Electric Lighted Trains. The Union Pacific wns the first to ntroduce dining cars , vestibulcd cars Htonui heat , piutsoh light , buffet smok ing and library cars , tourist cars , on trans-continental trains west of the Missouri river. It ngnln lends by introducing nu electric lighted train throughout , "The Overlnnd Limited , " with compartment observation cnrs , hnviug electrio lamps , electrio fans , electric curling iron heat ers , telephone service , etc. ; dining room with electric cnudelnbrn , bnth rooms , barber shops , circulating libraries , etc. The cars comprising this train consti tute the highest and best devolopemeut of car construction and of comfortable and luxurious travel. This train renohes Snlt Lake City 12 hours and San Francisco 10 hours abend of nil competitors/ Full inforrnntiou cheerfully furnished on npplicntion to J. B. ELSEFFEU , Agent. Northern Wisconsin Kallwuy Farm Lands For Sale. The Ohicngo , St. Pnul , Mlnnenpolis & Omaha railway has for sale in North ern Wisconsin , at low prices and ensy terms of payment , nbont 350,000 acres of choice farm lands. Early buyers will secure the advantage tago of locations on the many beautiful streams and lakes , which abound with fish and furnish a never ending and most excellent water supply , both for family use and for stock. Laud is generally well timbered , the soil fertile nud easy of cultivation aud this is rapidly developing into one of the greatest sheep and cattle raising regions in the northwest. Chicago , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minn eapolis , Duluth , Superior , Ashland nnd other towns on "The Northwestern Line" furnish good markets for stock nud fnrm produce. For further pnrticulars address : GEO. W. BELL , Laud Commissioner , Hudson Wis. , or G. H. MACRAE , Asst. Geu'lPass.Ag't.St. Paul , Minn. Does it Pay to Buy Cheap ? A cheap remedy for coughs nnd colds is nil right.but you want something that will relieve aud cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat nnd lung troubles. Whnt shall you dp ? Go to a wnrmer nnd more regular climnte ? Yes if possible ; if not possible for you. then in either case take the only remedy that hns been introduced in nil civilized countries with success in severe throat nnd troubles "Boscheo's lung , Germnn Syrup. " It not only henls nnd stimn- Intes the tissues to destroy the germ dis ease , but allays inflammation , causes easy expectoration , gives n good night's rest , nnd cures the patient. Try one bottle. Recommended many years by all druggists in the world. Get Green's Prize almnnnc. Asa K. Leounrd. Wo nre showing nil the new nnd late styles injparnsols and sun umbrellas. Very.handsome nil blnck nnd black and white parasols , $1.00 up to $0.50. Handsome Parisian , corded , hem stitched and lace effects , prices $1.25 up to $10.00. Misses' nud children's parasols , 25 cents to $3.00. Colored silk sun umbrellas , with fir , boxwood nnd other natural wood and [ fancy handles. Prices $1.50 , $2.00 , $2.60 , $3.00 , $3.50 , $4.00 , $4.50 nud $5.00. Black silk sun umbrellas with natural 1 wood and fancy handles. Prices 08 i cents to $7.50. See the splendid values we are Kivintr nt $2.50 nnd $3.00. Mns. J. BENSON . South Sixteenth street , Omaha , Nob. Cautionl This is not n gentle word but when you think how liable you nre not to pur chase for 75o the only remedy universally known nud n remedy that has had the largest snle of nny medicine in the world since 1868 for the cure nnd treatment of consumption and throat nnd lung trouble without losing its great pop ularity all these years , yon will be thank ful wo called your attention to Bosoheo's German Syrup. There are so many ordinnry cough remedies mnde by drug gists nnd others that are cheap and good for light colds perhaps , but for severe coughs , bronchitis , croup aud es pecially for consumption , where there ia difficult expectoration and coughing during the nights nud mornings , there is nothing like German Syrup. Sold by nil druggists in the civilized world. G. G. GREEK , Woodbnry , N.J. Asa. K. Leonard. School commencement programs nnd invitations , the finest line ever brought ( to the city , at THE NKWS [ office. Two | weeks nre required to fill orders. Electric Lighted Sleeping Cars On "Tho Overland Limited" nro 1-f section cnrs with drawing voon.s. In terior finished in Circassian walnut , English oak aud Cuban mahogany , with furnishings to harmonize. Each section aud drawing room ia provided with two electric reading lamps , nud electric lights ndoru the empire ceilings. Drawing rooms with nuuex toilet room , containing dressers with every convenience , including ladies' electric curling iron heater , etc. This famous train reaches Salt Lake City 12 hours and San Francisco 10 hours ahead of nil competitors. If you contemplate n trip to nny Western point the Union Pacific offers you the highest degree of comfort nnd luxury , with no ndditiunnl cost and a great saving of time nnd expense. Full information cheerfully furnished on application to J. B. ELSEFFER , Agent. J. D. Sturgeon , the Norfolk piano man , has received nnd ia unloading a car of Fnrrand orgnns , which range ia style from cottage to chapel. Electric Lighted Dining Cars. The new dining cars on "the Over- laud Limited" have ten tables , with a seating capacity for thirty people. The tables , which are placed m front of broad plate glass windows , are adorned with ferns , flowering plants , fine linen , delicate china , exquisite cut glass , silverware and electric chaudelabra. Meals served a la carte , embracing all the delicacies of the season. This famous train roaches Salt Lake City 12 hours and San Francisco 10 hours ahead of all competitors. If you contemplate a trip to any western point the Union Pacific offers you the highest degree of comfort and luxury , with uo additional cost nnd n great saving of time and expense. Fall information cheerfully furnished on application to J. B. ELSEFFER , At ; nut. Sherman Gravel. Concerning which so much has been said , is n disintegrated mica granite. It hns been chemically prepared by the great fires of nature in prehistoric days , so as to gradually weld together with all the fiexnbility of asphalt and the durability of granite. This gravel ia quarried at Sherman , Wyo. , on the Union Pacific , and used on the road for nbllnst. Travelers over the Union Pacific therefore , escape the dust and dirt which makes n trip over the lines of its IPSS fortunate rivnls so nnnoying. No dust , no dirt , no jarring , smooth and easy riding. For full informntiou cnll on or nddress J. B. Elsoffer , agent. Yellowstone National Park * One of the most delightful spots on the Auioricnu continent , and more easily reached vin'jUuion Pacific than via any other line , is the .Yellowstone Nntionnl park. The stage ride from Mouida by the palatial Concord coaches of the Mouida & 'Yollowstone Stage company is through scenery hnrdly inferior to the park itself. Side trip from Ogden , Utnh , or Poca tello , Idaho , via Mouida nud Monida & Yellowstone Stage Co. , in both direc tions , will bo furnished holders of all tickets ( one wny first nud second class , regulnr tourist or special round-trip excursion tickets ) , sold nt Denver , Chey enne and points enst , pnssing through Ogden or Pocntello to points in the states of California , Nevada , Oregon , Washington and that part of British Columbia lying north of the state of Washington , upon npplicntiou to 0. S. L , ngeiits nt either Ogdeu or Pocntello , at the very low rate of $10.50. This rate will include rail nnd stage fare covering seven nnd one-half days' trip , including 'nil meals aud lodging beyond Mouida. Full information cheerfully furnished upon application. J. B. ELSEFFEU , Agent. Observation Cars ou "Tho Overland Limited" electric lighted have tiled platforms , enclosed with brass nnd ornnmental railings , largo enough to nccommodnto nil pas- seugers. iLibrnries , writing desks , books , magnziues nud current literature of nil kinds. Each car has six compartments nud n drawing room containing washstaud , hot and cold water , electrio curling iron heaters , parcel racks nud nil toilet con veniences. This fauious'train reaches Salt Lake Oity | 12 hours and San Francisco 10 hours nhend of nil competitors. If you contemplate a trip to any western point , the Union Pacific offers you the highest degree of comfort and luxury , with no ndditiounl cost nnd n great snvlug of time nnd expense. Full Information cheerfully furnished on application to J. B. Elseffer , agent. Take A Bellows when yon get home with that bulk coffee and blow the dir and flies and foreign substances out of it. Then open a package of Lion Coffee V see how clean and fresh it looks and note its rich aroma. Tb te&led packiga Iniuret uniform qa&lltr.